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Parts of the Desktop Computer: 

Monitor; Keyboard; Mouse; Central Processing Unit; Disk Drive; Speakers

Basic Hardware and Software


The physical components that make up the computer and other devices connected to the computer.This includes monitor, disk drives, cables, printers, keyboards, etc.

Application Software

Computer programs designed to perform specific tasks. Word processing software, database software,

spreadsheet software, and speech recognition software are examples of application software.

System Software

Computer programs designed to manage basic operations such as starting and shutting down thecomputer and saving and printing files. System software is divided into operating software, utility

 programs and language translators. Examples of system software are: MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System), WIN 3.1, WIN95, WIN98, or Windows XP systems software. Macintosh

computers use System 6, System 7 System 8, or Rhapsody software.

Application Software

The following is a list of the most commonly used types of application software which are alsoreferred to as productivity software.

Category Software Example Common Uses

Word processing Microsoft Word, Corel;


Write and format memos,

letters, and tables

Spreadsheet Microsoft Excel, Lotus; Corel

Quattro Pro

Prepare financial statements,

and other accounting functions

Database management Microsoft Access; Corel Paradox Organize, manage, sort, search

and store data.Presentation Microsoft PowerPoint Create slideshows for 

speeches and other  presentations

Graphics PageMaker Produce drawings

Communications Eudora; Microsoft Outlook Send e-mail over the Internet

Speech Recognition Dragon Naturally Speaking

IBM Via VoiceMS Office

Speech RecognitionVoice Express

Voice input to create letters,

memos, tables, etc.

Hardware Vocabulary

The four main types of hardware are:

Input Device ²used to enter information into the computer. Examples are keyboard, joystick,

modem, mouse, scanner, voice recognition, touch screen, microphone, light pen, and stylus.

Output Device ²displays or prints information produced by a computer. Printers and monitors are

examples of output devices. A printer produces a hard copy output while a monitor producesa soft copy output.

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Processor ²the device that processes data into information.

Storage ²the device that saves data so it can be used again. Disk drives are used to store data on


Computer and Diskette Care Tips

Computer Care² Keep food and drinks away from the computer and keyboard; Avoid dustylocations; Avoid bright sunny locations; Do not move the computer while it is in use;

Always exit programs per user manual instruction.

Diskette Care² Avoid contact with magnets and electromagnetic fields; Keep disks stored in a clean,

cool and dry place with a protective cover; Keep protective metal slider in place; Use a viruscheck program on a regular basis; Avoid heat and sunny locations; Make a back-up copy of 

your programs and work.

Comparing the Sizes of Computers

Tower    Desktop Laptop 

Input Devices

Keyboard Mouse Flatbed scanner Hand scanner 

Output Devices

CRT Monitor LCD Flat Monitor Speakers

Inkjet Printer Laser Printer Dot Matrix Printer 

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Computer Storage

3.5³Disk (Magnetic) USB Flash Memory Compact Disc (Optical) or DVD

Zip Drive Hard Drive (Magnetic)

(The following ³miniature´ media have capacities up to 1 gb or greater)

Smart Media xDPicture Card SD (Secure Digital)Media

Flash Memory Memory Stick 

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Computer Vocabulary

CPU (Central Processing Unit) ² the ³Brains´ of the computer where the work is done.

Command-line Interface ² type of user interface in which the user types commands or press specialkeys on the keyboard to enter data and instructions.

Graphical User Interface ²a menu based interface known as icons (pictures that appear on thedesktop environment).

Hard Copy ² a printed page of text or graphics.Hardware ² the physical equipment of a computer system that you can touch.

Impact Printers ² a printer that strikes the paper in order to form images. Example: Dot MatrixPrinter 

Keyboard ² an input device that enters data with letters, numbers, symbols, and special functionkeys.

Modem ² computer hardware that allows information to be passed through the telephone lines.

Monitor ² the video screen of the computer.

Mouse ² a pointing device used primarily with graphical interfaces.

Non-impact Printer ²a printer that forms images without striking the paper. Example: Laser or 

Inkjet Printers. (Laser printers are considered to be the Cadillac of all printers)

Output ² the information that leaves the computer.

Random Access Memory (RAM) ² a type of memory that can be read from and written to by the processor and other devices. Ram memory is volatile.

Read Only Memory (ROM) ² a type of memory that is used to store permanent data andinstructions because it is nonvolatile.

Scanner ² used like a copy machine to allow information to be input into the computer.

Softcopy ² output viewed on the monitor.

Operating system functions.

Operating System Functions: Manages main memory, or RAM; Configures and controls peripheraldevices; Manages essential files operations, including formatting disks and copying, renaming

and deleting files; Monitors system performance; Provides a user interface; Multitaskingcapability

The System Software: Controls the operation of a computer; is the BOSS of the computer system. 

System Software Tasks: Booting the computer; Formatting disks; Creating folders or directories;Saving and retrieving files; Moving and copying files 

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Specific Types of System Software: There are many different types of system software designed for certain types of computers.

1.03²Discuss security, confidentiality, and ethical issues related to data, hardware, and


Classifying SoftwareCommercial Software: Considered to be proprietary software; Copyrighted by an individual or 

 business; Permission needed in order to copy; Software is usually disabled after a specifiednumber of uses if not registered

Shareware: Copyright protected; Distributed free on a trial basis; Payment by the honor system for satisfied users; Owner retains the copyright

Freeware: Given away free of charge; Owner retains the copyright; Program cannot be sold or altered without permission; Not necessarily free to copy and distribute

Public Domain Software: Not copyrighted; Donated for public use; Free to copy and distribute

Types of Viruses

Bomb² Destructive computer code or virus designed to activate at a specific time.

Hoax ²A program intended to scare users into thinking they have a virus.

Trojan Horse ²A virus designed as a useful piece of software.

Virus ²A computer program designed to cause damage to computer files.

Worm ²Destructive computer program that bores its way through a computer network.

Safe Computing Tips: Make back-up copies of all files on a regular basis; don¶t share disks from

other computers. This will increase the chance of catching a virus; don¶t boot from a floppydisk;Write-protect your disks; Use an anti-virus program to scan your files on a regular basis;

Use caution when downloading files from the Internet ² many are virus infected; Never open an e-mail attachment unless you are expecting it and it is from a trusted source; Use an

anti-virus program that will automatically detect viruses downloaded from the Internet; Filesharing on a local area network (LAN) may also expose your files to a virus; Change

 passwords frequently; Do not use common names; instead use a combination of text,numbers, and symbols for passwords.

Business Computer Technology Ethicsand Security Vocabulary

Antivirus Program ²A computer program that detects viruses and repairs files.

Bomb ²A destructive computer code or virus designed to activate at a specific time.

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Commercial Software² Software whose copyright is owned by the author/software publisher.

Copyright ²Protection giving the owner the exclusive right to reproduce or distribute copies of his or 

her own work.

Encryption ²Process of converting readable data into unreadable characters to prevent unauthorized


Ethics² The moral guidelines that govern the use of computers and information systems.

Freeware² Software that is given away free of charge, but whose author still retains all rights.Hacker ²A person who secretly gains access to computers and files without permission.

Hoax ²A program intended to scare users into thinking they have a virus.

Password ²A safeguard for access to a computer or computer program.

Phage ²A program that modifies other programs, operating systems, and databases.

Piracy ²The illegal copying and distribution of software.

Public Domain Software ²Software that is not copyrighted and is free to copy and distribute.

Shareware ²Copyrighted software distributed free of charge on a trial basis with payment by the

honor system.Trojan Horse² A virus that is disguised as a useful piece of software.

Virus ²A computer program designed to cause damage to computer files.

Worm ²A destructive computer program that bores its way through a computer¶s files or through a

computer¶s network.