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Page 1: Partners in Giving Spring 2013

Development Office of the Salesian Sisters, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians •

Partners in GivinGPartners in GivinG



(AP Photo)

Page 2: Partners in Giving Spring 2013

2 • Partners in Giving • Volume XXIII • Issue 2 Please call us toll-free: 877-OUR-NUNS

Sr. Mary Rinaldi’s Letter

Dear Friends:

The long period of fasting and Lenten preparation has led to Easter bells and Alleluia’s from every corner of the earth. Alleluia! for our Risen Jesus, and Alleluia! for our new Holy Father, Pope Francis! Let the bells ring and let our hearts and minds be moved by his real love for the poor. We have a Good Shepherd – and one who attended a Salesian school as a child! Amen.

Some news to report:

• In early January we learned that the Haitian Government had listed food and nutrition as #5 on its list of priorities. Our appeal to you, good Partners, gave us a total of more than $60,000 which we brought to our Salesian Sisters and the many children in their care. I was privileged to visit Haiti last month for the dedication of new schools and an orphanage. See pages 4-5.

• Moving throughout our Province since January is Sr. Kathleen Taylor, a visiting Superior from our General Council in Rome. We welcome her and look forward to the General Assembly for our Salesian Sisters in May. See page 6.

• Soon our National Board of Trustees of the Partners Circle will gather in North Haledon, NJ, for their Annual Meeting. These knowledgeable lay men and women will review our audited financials, hear the needs of the Province, and finally, allocate unrestricted funds to areas most in need. We Sisters could not fulfill our mission without their expertise!

• There have been 17 new persons who have made a generous gift to the Partners Circle this year. I invite you to join the membership to keep our foundation strong. See pages 9-11.

In the light and reality of so much loving support and generosity from you, our Partners, I give you deepest thanks, which is best expressed in our daily prayer.


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Guest Speaker:Caroljean Willie, S.C., Ph.D.

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for the Sisters of Charity Federation.

Call for more information and tickets: 973-904-0102

“The barque of Peter has a new Helmsman who has taken on the spiritual legacy of Benedict XVI, and will guide the Church in our time,

full of challenges but also full of opportunities and signs of hope. We wish to express our fidelity to the Pope through a more authentic religious life, a life loyal to the Gospel and the Salesian charism: these are sources that enliven it and give it vocational fruitfulness. Along with the entire Church, we express our commitment to the New Evangelization through the education of the youthful generations by explicitly proclaiming Jesus. We are convinced that only if we are His passionate disciples can we be missionaries of His love, knowing how to pass on, through our lives, the fascination of His Presence that fills human existence with meaning, joy, and peace.

We join you, Your Holiness, in greeting the Virgin with whom you intend to begin your Pontificate. May Mary Help of Christians continue to bless your life and make your new mission fruitful. We offer our prayer that in this Year of Faith your enlightened guidance may lead humanity to encounter Jesus.

– Mother Yvonne Reungoat, FMAMother General of the Worldwide Order of Salesian Sisters

Our Mother General Greets the Pope!

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Making Headlines Around the Province

Welcome Pope Francis, Salesian Student!

There is a collection of stories about St. Francis of Assisi

that are called the Fioretti or “Little Flowers of St. Francis.” These legends tell of different events of St. Francis’ life, compiled and passed down through the centuries to teach, to edify, and to inspire.

Today we are in the process of gathering the Fioretti of Pope Francis, a new gift of the Spirit to the Church, a man whose seeming sense of bewilderment on the balcony of St. Peter’s was outmatched by the enthusiastic reception of the enormous crowd which faced him. We would like to share a few of them with you. No legends – these are actually true!

I was in Tampa, FL making a visit to Villa Madonna School and our Community when Pope Francis was elected. The following morning, one of the Jesuits from the nearby high school, who very graciously comes to say daily Mass for the Community, approached the altar as usual. His first words: “I am only in my forties, and yet I have been to the Holy Land, I have seen snow in New Orleans, and, wonder of wonders, I have seen a Jesuit Pope!”

The Salesian family has our very own connections to the new Pope: he went to a Salesian School in Buenos Aires; he loves Mary Help of Christians and the underdog soccer team founded by

a Salesian that had its roots in an Oratory team; and, wonder of

wonders, he has a cousin who is a Salesian Sister, Sr. Anna Rosa Sivori, FMA, a missionary in Thailand! She was present at his inauguration as Pope and gave an insider interview detailing facts about her famous relative to Zenit, the online bulletin that reports on events in the Church.

As time goes on, we will discover more about him and fioretti will be shared about this new Francis of our time. Meanwhile, we know that he “walks the talk”! All we have to do is listen to his words and watch his actions. He’s a man of God who loves to be with the people, who took public transportation to work each day, and lived in a small apartment where he cooked his own meals even as Bishop

In 1949, Jorge Mario Bergolio – the future Pope Francis – attended Wilfrid Baron Salesian School in Ramos Mejia, Argentina, along with his brother. Jorge was

in class 6B (above). From the list of prize-winners that year, he received first prize for conduct and for religion and the Gospel.

and Cardinal. He reached out to the poor and those in need and continues to do so in so many ways. He defends the truth and is faithful to Christ. His humility is outstanding.

In the face of so many difficulties in the recent year, it seems that God has gifted His Church with a shepherd with the heart of His Son, with vision, caring, and concern for all His children and for Creation at the service of all men and women. While we feel ourselves lifted and we thank God for all the good shepherds He has placed in our lives, we look forward to the future with hope in our hearts and pray for our Holy Father, Francis.

Evviva il Papa! Long live the Pope!

– Sr. Karen Dunn, FMA, Provincial

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4 • Partners in Giving • Volume XXIII • Issue 2 Please call us toll-free: 877-OUR-NUNS

The School YOU Built Opens in Haiti!

On March 21, Sr. Suzanne Dauwalter and I boarded our flight to Port-au-Prince,

Haiti. Little did we realize that on this First Day of Spring we would be transported into a veritable springtime for our Salesian Sisters and the children in their care in Haiti!

Three years and three months after the devastating earthquake, they were having a ribbon cutting and celebration in three large new schools in Pétion-Ville, replacing those that had been destroyed. The finale was the opening of a “Dream Town,” a magnificent new orphanage in Croix-des-Bouquets under the protection of Jesus the Good Shepherd, for 150 little orphaned girls ages 4-7.

Invited to the celebration were representatives from Italy, Poland, Germany, Austria, Brussels, the United States, and the Dominican Republic. And, to everyone’s great joy, our Mother General, Sr. Yvonne Reungoat, and our Order’s General Treasurer, Sr. Vilma Tallone, arrived from Rome to join the festivities.

Mother had many words of gratitude to the Sisters as well to the benefactors from overseas: “Your faith and your generosity produced this miracle before our eyes.”

I truly felt honored to represent all of you, our Partners in Giving, who helped to do our part in the rebuilding. Truly it was springtime in Haiti, and the most beautiful flowers were the 2,000 happy children. Please know that their gratitude for your generosity and prayers is real, sincere, and never-ending.

– Sr. Mary Rinaldi, FMA

Some of the little girls, dressed in their finest, showed us their new bedroom in the Croix-des-Bouquets orphanage, four bright clean pink beds to each dormitory.

It’s time for school in Pétion-Ville, and students can’t wait to enter their new facility!

The Salesian Sisters in Haiti

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No more schools in UNICEF tents!

Two-thousand boys and girls have

brand new schools in Pétion-Ville,

Port-au-Prince, Haiti.The new complex,

blessed and dedicated, was built with funds

from YOU, our Partners!

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6 • Partners in Giving • Volume XXIII • Issue 2 Please call us toll-free: 877-OUR-NUNS

Making Headlines Around the Province

Sr. Kathleen Taylor, a member of the Salesian Sisters’ General Council from Rome, has been visiting the United States these past weeks. Her

latest stop was Marrero, LA, to see the Academy of Our Lady and Immaculate Conception Elementary School. She received the warmest of Louisiana welcomes! At Immaculate Conception, Sr. Kathleen gave the “Good Morning” to the primary and middle school children, visited with students, and met with the administrative team. At AOL, she gathered with student leaders and staff to know the school better.

At the conclusion of Sr. Kathleen’s visit, both schools gathered under clear skies for a proper New Orleans send off. The crowd of over 1,000 Salesians, from the infants in the nursery to high school seniors, enjoyed performances by the Immaculate Conception school choir and drum ensemble and cheerleaders. AOL musical theater students performed an act from the school’s upcoming production, as well as a typically New Orleans dance routine. Sr. Kathleen told the large gathering how proud St. John Bosco and Mother Mary Mazzarello would be of our community of schools. The program ended with Sr. Kathleen leading students in a second-line parade!

Advanced Food student, Raven Jacques, serves Sr. Kathleen Taylor, General Councilor of the Salesian Sisters, and Sr. Michelle Geiger,

President/Principal of the Academy of Our Lady, a lunch of delicious Louisiana cuisine!

From Rome to Louisiana, a Warm Welcome!

“The Bible” Miniseries is a HUGE Hit!

Congratulations to Roma Downey and her husband, Mark Burnett, on the incredible success of their

beautiful History Channel miniseries, “The Bible,” starring Diogo Morgado as Jesus (left), now available on DVD. Roma has been a loyal member of the Salesian Sisters’ Adopt-a-Sister Program (at right) for many years. Thank you, Roma and Mark, for bringing the Word of God to the world!

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Yes! I Would Like to Adopt A Salesian Sister!

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Address: ____________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ______________________

Phone: ___________________ Email: ___________________ Birthdate (mm/dd/yy): _____/_____/_____

This adoption is a gift. (Please write the recipients information below)

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Enclosed is my yearly gift of:

$ 260.00 $ 160.00 $ 500.00 Other $______

Enclosed is my quarterly gift of:

$ 65.00 $ 40.00 $ 125.00 Other $______

Donation by:Check (Make check payable to Salesian Sisters.)

Mastercard Discover VISA American Express

Won’t you, too, consider Adopting a Sister? Join our friends of all faiths who

have experienced the transforming power of prayer and loving friendship with a Salesian Sister every day of the year. Whether the Adopted Sister is for yourself, a family member, or a friend in need of spiritual strength, you will find comfort knowing that your intentions will be remembered each day by your spiritual prayer partner.

Please complete the form below or, to learn more, visit us online at or call us toll-free: (877) OUR-NUNS. Thank you and God bless you!

News from Adopters Like You!

The beautiful Polo Lounge at the Beverly Hills

Hotel was the setting for a luncheon treat for Sr. Mary Rinaldi by Irena Medavoy (right), a devoted member of the Adopt a Sister Program. Sr. Mary visited Los Angeles to check in with several Adopters and friends, including Christina and Tim Noonan. After the harsh winter out East, the warm and sunny California climate was wonderful!

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8 • Partners in Giving • Volume XXIII • Issue 2 Please call us toll-free: 877-OUR-NUNS

My Vocation Journey

I closed the door on religious life when I was a senior in high school. That is, I thought I closed

the door – little did I know that I was attempting to close a revolving door! For most high school seniors, the debate of post-graduation activity is between one college and another. For me, it was one college or one convent (the Salesian Sisters, of course!). Prayer led me to choose Franciscan University of Steubenville and, suddenly, religious life was the last thing on my mind.

Following the trend of most Theology/Catechetics major students, I got on a plane to Austria to begin my second semester of sophomore year. My university has a campus in a small, remote town. Amidst the breath-taking mountains of the Alps, the Lord provided many opportunities to “dive deeper” into prayer – into His mystery, into His greatness, into Himself. Before I knew it, I heard Him gently roaring something I was not expecting: “You know that I am calling you to religious life, and I am not telling you this now so that you will keep Me waiting.” After my initial drama and hysterics, I knew this had to be taken seriously. After all, this was not the first time I heard the call to religious life! And, if it was His Will, I wanted to give my “yes” no matter how painful it was going to be.

So I sought spiritual direction, spent more time in prayer, and asked Jesus to increase this desire in my heart if it was His will. Sure enough, He answered my prayers, and the desire only increased. However, I was still very torn. I knew what God was asking of me, but I was not ready to leave everything behind. Why couldn’t I enjoy two more years of college? I loved my school, I loved

“Don Bosco Probably Felt Like I Do Now”

studying theology, and I loved my life.Because I was in Europe, I took every chance I had to travel to many cities and countries.

While I was struggling to make a decision about my vocation, an

opportunity arose to go to Turin for a weekend, the city where St. John Bosco started it all. On a beautiful Saturday morning (the 24th of the month – Our Lady was truly guiding me!), I approached the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians in Valdocco for the first time. There is one word to describe my first encounter: home.

Still, God had more in store for me. My friends and I attended Mass and

took the next few hours to pray and explore. Everywhere I walked, Don Bosco’s spirit was alive. It was a spirit I knew I wanted to be a part of. More and more throughout the day, I slowly felt God’s peace overcome me.

Finally, I went to pray in the Adoration Chapel. As I was sitting before the Blessed Sacrament, I could hear the sound of children playing outside. Usually, outside noise is nothing but a distraction; however, their sounds were far from a distraction! Their shouts and laughter brought a peace and joy to me that I had never experienced before. I thought, “Don Bosco definitely heard these same sounds as he prayed here, and he probably felt the same way I do now!” As I sat in the chapel hearing the voices of the youth and seeing Christ present in the Eucharist, there was no question: my God was asking me to be His spouse and spend my life serving His children.

At that moment, I made the decision to follow in the footsteps of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello. All the “stuff” I didn’t want to give up no longer held me back; how could I NOT say yes to something that made me so joyful and peaceful?! It was not easy, but Christ was my strength every step of the way, reminding me that He is what satisfies. Within the past year, I have been deeply convinced of this: God gives far more than what He asks.

– Kristen Gawlik

To learn more about vocations and becoming a Salesian Sister,

please e-mail the Vocations Director, Sr. Colleen Clair: [email protected], or visit or

A trip to Turin convinced Salesian Aspirant Kristen Gawlik to follow God’s call.

“How could I NOT say yes to something

that made me so joyful and peaceful?!”

Page 9: Partners in Giving Spring 2013

The Partners Circle was founded in 1991 to provide unrestricted funds for urgent needs of the Salesian Sisters and their mission. These include support for capital needs,

scholarship assistance, technology upgrades, and funds for those unforeseen situations that require immediate attention.

Your annual contribution to this fund empowers the Sisters to continue their mission: To Provide Financial Assistance and Volunteer Services to the Salesian Sisters and to the Young People in their Care for the Advancement of Education, Vocations, and Community Life.

There are nine levels of membership, starting at $500, and are listed on these three pages.

Won’t you consider joining this dynamic group in 2013, our 22nd year?

Please call us today: (877) OUR-NUNS. Thank you!













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Partners Circle “Stewards” Annual gift of $10,000

texaSMrs. Betty Turner

FloridaMr. & Mrs. Anthony Ekonomou



Partners CircleMembers

so far in


Shown in RED

Angel Oliva FamilyThe Dorothy Thomas Foundation

indiana Mrs. Beatrice Lightfoot

new JerSey Tony Amato Family The Carini Family

Joseph J. McAleer, Sr., Heritage Society Major Bequests

CaliFornia Richard Meissner,

Meissner Manufacturing

FloridaDr. & Mrs. Vincent BagliMr. & Mrs. Ray Campo

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph GarciaMrs. Ann Lowry Murphey

Mr. Anthony PetrocelliMs. Roberta Ruocco

Ms. Celeste TripiMr. Vincent Waraske

new yorkMrs. Pearl Kalikow

Partners Circle “Visionaries” Annual gift of $25,000

FloridaIn memory of Henrietta Veronica

Schmoll Rauenhorst

new JerSeyIn memory of Mr. & Mrs. C.H. Church, Jr.

Page 10: Partners in Giving Spring 2013

CaliForniaMrs. Maryann Roman

ConneCtiCutMr. Michael Guarnieri

Mr. & Mrs. David McAleerDr. Joseph McAleer

FloridaMrs. Janis Boyd

The Joseph J. Hermann & Rose A. Hermann

Charitable FoundationDr. Idalia Lastra

Mr. Fredy Padovan

new JerSeyMr. & Mrs. John Connors

Mr. Anthony GulinoMs. Ida Gulino

Ms. Nancy GulinoMr. & Mrs. Donald HoffmanMr. & Mrs. Joseph LaudoneMr. & Mrs. Joseph Massood

Mr. & Mrs. Michael MassoodKathleen & Vic MedoreMs. Antonia P. Meola

Mrs. Moira McBride MurphyMr. Stephen Papetti

Ms. Rose Perone

new yorkMs. Jordon Carroll

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Scala, Jr.

PennSylvaniaIn Loving Memory

of Sr. Adeline Salvetti, FMA

South CarolinaMr. & Mrs. Tom Aldinger

new JerSeyMrs. Rosemarie D’Alessandro

Ms. Debi F. DebiakMr. & Mrs. Joseph Granatell Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Laino

Mr. & Mrs. Dale LiviMr. & Mrs. Brian McAuley Mr. & Mrs. Mario Monaco

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Massood

new yorkMs. Lea Battiato

Mr. & Mrs. James Dell’OrtoMr. & Mrs. John W. Lombardi

Msgr. William T. RodgersThe Sabatine Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Silveri

PennSylvaniaAllyson & Kevin Hardy

CaliForniaMr. & Mrs. Robert


ConneCtiCutMr. & Mrs. Peter Christiansen

A Friend

FloridaMr. & Mrs. John Anello

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Clark Dr. & Mrs. Rod Jurado

Mr. & Mrs. H. Tyson Lykes, IIMr. & Mrs. Jim Major

Frank & Pat MiddendorfJohn & Lydia Oliva

Mr. & Mrs. Gene Perez

GeorGiaMr. Robert Reiter

MaSSaChuSettSMr. & Mrs. Dennis Clair

MiSSouriMs. Marianne O’Doherty

Partners Circle “Benefactors” Annual gift of $1,000

Partners Circle

“Founders”Annual gift of $2,000

Partners Circle “Partners”Annual gift of $5,000

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Weiner

new yorkMr. Anthony J. Carroll

Mr. John Cassara

PennSylvaniaMr. & Mrs. Vincent DeBow

FloridaMr. & Mrs. James Millar

new JerSeyMr. & Mrs. Tony Chernalis Mr. & Mrs. Robert HarkinsMr. & Mrs. Bill McLaughlinMr. & Mrs. Joseph PfeiferMr. & Mrs. Rodger Rohde

FloridaMr. & Mrs. Javier Baldor

Partners Circle “Friends”Annual gift of $3,000













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Page 11: Partners in Giving Spring 2013

arizonaA Friend

CaliForniaMr. Ian H. Graham

Geraldine & Joanne Rizzuto

ConneCtiCutMr. & Mrs. Edward Goin

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Mosey

FloridaMr. & Mrs. Mark Anderson

Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Baldor, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Baldor, Sr.

Mr. James J. BurrowesMrs. Yoli Buss

Dr. & Mrs. Robert CanoMr. & Mrs. Joseph Capitano

Mrs. Trudy CareyDr. & Mrs. Antonio CastroMr. & Mrs. J.C. De Lotto

Dr. & Mrs. Emilio EchevarriaDrs. Andrea & Sean Farrier

Mr. & Mrs. Luis GarciaMrs. Rose Graziano

Mrs. Elsa Gutierrez-Janulionis Mr. & Mrs. James W. Lee

Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. ReynoldsMr. & Mrs. Rene Rodriguez

Hon. Judge & Mrs. E.J. SalcinesMr. Charles B. SchmalzMrs. Peggy Jones Theis

Mr. Joseph TomainoMr. & Mrs. Ron Yates

GeorGiaMr. & Mrs. Charles Fantauzza

illinoiSJoseph & Adelaide Olivieri

MaSSaChuSettSMs. Patti Gauthier

Ms. Josephine PetrilloMr. & Mrs. Theodore Reading

new JerSeyTiziana Anello, M.D.Ms. Bernice Bednarz

Larry & Mary Anne ConditDr. & Mrs. Louis A. Gambetta

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Giamonco Mrs. Stephanie Goldberg

Mrs. Teresa GuttoMichael & Mary Losurdo

Ms. Laura MannarinoMrs. Diva Muller

Mr. & Mrs. Bob O’HalloranMrs. Christine Peragallo

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph PiotrowskiMr. & Mrs. Cameron ReidMr. & Mrs. John SoldoveriMr. & Mrs. William Stuart

new yorkMichael & Jeanette Altamura

Mr. & Mrs. Jack BetwardaMr. Charles Brown

Kevin & Kathy ClairMrs. Rose Mary Clair

Terence & Patricia ClairMr. & Mrs. Charles Curcio

Ms. Claire DellMr. Joseph Hill

Mr. Walter LazarcheckMs. Elizabeth Nardone

Mrs. Joan Oliver

north CarolinaMr. & Mrs. Paul Liotard

Mr. Chester F. Michewicz, Jr.

ohioMr. & Mrs. Dan Clair

PennSylvaniaMr. & Mrs. Jack Hedgecock

South CarolinaAnonymous

texaSMr. & Mrs. Bill Locklier

virGiniaMrs. Dominique FaustMr. Michael Maurer

Partners Circle “Members”Annual gift of $500

Partners Circle

“Associates” Annual gift of $750

FloridaMr. Declan MansfieldFred & Anne Michaels

louiSianaMr. John Keller

new JerSeyMr. Anthony B. Della CerraMr. & Mrs. Dominic Stimola

new yorkMrs. Helen Leahy


The Salesian Sisters’ Partners Circle

provides Financial Assistance

and Volunteer Services

to the Salesian Sisters

and the Young People in their Care

for the Advancement of Education,

Vocations, and

Community Life.













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12 • Partners in Giving • Volume XXIII • Issue 2 Please call us toll-free: 877-OUR-NUNS



Please reserve this day/these days in 2013in honor of my special intention to support the Endowment for the St. Joseph Provincial Center for our Retired Sisters:

Day 1 (Month, day): Significance:

Day 2 (Month, day): Significance:

Day 3 (Month, day): Significance:

Total enclosed@ $100 per day: $ ____________

Please make yourcheck payable to:Salesian Sisters




Please Help Our Retired Sisters In Need!

Please detach and mail in the enclosed envelope. Thank you!

It’s Spring! Please Give Us This Day!

During the next eight months, is there some date that is special to you? Will you share it with the

Salesian Sisters? It may be a day of joy, a day of a sad event, a day of recognition, a day of any significant meaning in your life or the life of one of your loved ones.

We invite you to share this day with the Sisters. It will be given prominence on the day on the bulletin board of the chapel in the St. Joseph Provincial Center. The Sisters will remember you, your family, and the person(s) you wish to honor in their prayers and sacrifices throughout the day.

Let us know by returning the form below, and then count on us for a special day just for YOU.

We Sisters feel honored to be asked. You and your loved ones will benefit. God bless you!

Playing a duet on their harmonicas are Sr. Antonia Cvetko (left), who turns 100 years young on April 20, and Sr. Mildred Zanetti, who is 93.

Page 13: Partners in Giving Spring 2013

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The Joy of Teaching in a Salesian School

“Sister you are on our team.” Another boy from the same team shouted, “ I

hope Sister doesn’t play like a girl!” What could I say? I just laughed and joined their team.

Camp Auxilium in Newton, NJ, is one of our Salesian “Children’s Kingdoms,” a place where kids feel comfortable being themselves whether it’s the boys’ group, the girls’, or the Learning Center. In the summer of 2012, I was given a choice to work with the boys or girls. Since I had more experience working with girls, my first thought was, “Please give me the girls.” After a profound morning reflection, I realized that I needed to step out of my comfort zone and try the boys’ camp. Indeed I did. It was truly a memorable experience.

What made it unforgettable? Every second of the day was precious. The joy they gave me, and the joy I gave them, was so real. Along with other staff members and with the zealous participation of each individual child, we created a fun atmosphere and a family environment.

One of our favorite moments was the talent show. About a week before the show, I asked Coach Josh, the boys’ camp coordinator, “When are we going to start practicing?” Smiling, he replied, “Welcome to the boys’ camp, Sister! They don’t need to practice for the talent show. They just need to show their talents on the day of. Watch and see.” He was right. It was hilarious! Who made the sound of an elephant, who imitated an angry Grandpa in a backyard . . . and the craziness went on. It showed me the

simplicity of these kids. They use the talents God gave them in a very comical way.

After summer camp, I was assigned to Camp Auxilium for the school year. What a great joy to be back to the Children’s Kingdom after an incredible camp experience! The key joy of this place is that “All are welcome” (infants, toddlers, and

preschoolers) to be part of this lovely family. As I get up each morning thinking of how I will see the face of each child and say “Good morning!” when they enter the door, I see the love of Christ shine in them! I hear the voice of Christ saying, “Let the little children come to Me.”

The reason that Camp Auxilium is a Children’s Kingdom is simple. Children have the freedom to be children. They love it so much they don’t want to go home in the afternoon. Many, before they leave, hug you until Mom or Dad says, “Enough now.”

During religion time, in the week of St John Bosco’s feast day, I prepared little games to play with my four- year-old children. A cute little girl spontaneously cried out, “Oh, I wish we could have a pajama party with the Sisters tonight so that we could have more time to play!” My heart leaped with so much joy to hear a child willing to be with us. I thought to myself, “Oh Lord, that little one might be a Sister when she grows up.”

At night when I reflect back on my day, I thank God for the children and their families we serve in the mission. They are a blessing to us, even when they ask the same question a million times a day; even when they raise their hand to tell a long story instead of a short answer; or even when they hope that Sisters don’t play like girls.

In them, I encounter Christ face to face! I experience His love in the innocent faces of the children who make Camp Auxilium a true Children’s Kingdom.

– Sr. Josiane Phanord, FMA

Meeting Christ in the Children’s Kingdom

“A cute little girl spontaneously cried out,

‘Oh, I wish we could have a pajama party with the Sisters tonight so that we could have

more time to play!’”

Sr. Josiane with one of the youngestmembers of Camp Auxilium.

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14 • Partners in Giving • Volume XXIII • Issue 2 Please call us toll-free: 877-OUR-NUNS

You can honor a cherished relative or friend with an everlasting gift of love – a memorial.

Our Partners in Giving Memorials & Tributes give you the opportunity to comfort those who have lost a loved one or to commemorate a special occasion.

This gift lives forever. It joins your loved ones to the prayers of the Salesian Sisters and supports their good works.

The name of your loved one will appear in our Partners in Giving magazine – a priceless gift to those you love.

Give the gift that lasts forever.

Enclosed is my Memorial/Tribute Gift of:

____ $25 ____ $20 ____$15 $

Memorial for

Tribute for


Please send an acknowledgement to:



My Name


Detach & mail to: Sr. Mary Rinaldi

659 Belmont Avenue, North Haledon, NJ 07508-2397

Please make checks payable to SALESIAN SISTERS



A LoveThat Lasts

Forever Nicholas GangiMr. William Edward Senn

The Joseph Zangara FamilyMr. & Mrs. Peter LibrizziThe Louis Bader Family

Ms. Mary BaioThe Bizub Family

Ms. Katherine FarrobaMr. & Mrs. Edward Gangi

Ms. Teresa C. IntelisanoMr. & Mrs. Thomas LaGreca

Lt. Col. & Mrs. Matt MorabitoRosalie, Grace & Mary Polizzi Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shelepak

Mr. & Mrs. Jim ZangaraMrs. Laura Kemme

Passaic Memorial Post #200The Gangi and Thompson

FamiliesThe McCullough Family

Smugglers Notch Homeowners’ AssociationMr. & Mrs. John Reenstra

Marguerite KleinMr. Joseph Klein

Maria Scarfalotto D’AngeloDonatelli & Donatelli, LLP

Mr. Paul E. BreunichMr. Robert CanigliaMrs. Fiona Dogan

Ms. Judith E. MacMillanDr. Maria V. DeVita

& Mr. Keith P. MeyersMr. & Mrs. Ralph RessaMr. & Mrs. Joe Samberg

Ms. Maria SantalesaMr. & Mrs. George S.W. Pratt

The Staff at Fuse Television Studios

Ms. Margaret DeVitaMr. & Mrs. John DeVita

Mr. & Mrs. John D’Angelo

Concetta “Tina” SarantisMs. Stefani Shelton & Mr. Frank HeroldThe Kuren Family

Mrs. Marija Zorjan-MadisonMs. Mary Lillo

Mrs. Jean ThelosenMs. Brenda E. Madison

Mr. & Mrs. James CasaleQuality Auto Mall

Sr. Mary Baroni, FMAMrs. Roseann Spallino-Ortis

Carolyn & Frank PepeMargaret & Billy Steele

Sr. Lucy Balistrieri, FMAMr. & Mrs. Frank PepeMs. Rosemary Maxwell

Sam & Pat Miles

Blessed Sr. Maria Troncatti, FMA

Mrs. Marie Bivona

Casmere StelmackMrs. Penny Roberts

Janet R. Allen CooperMr. Leamond A. Allen

Sally and Fred CarliniMr. & Mrs. Joseph Zangara, Jr.

Isabel SwensonMs. Anna Lisa Lombardi

Mario MonacoMr. & Mrs. Egon Berg

Margaret ZurekMr. Bob Zurek

Mrs. Wanda Anna RoyMr. & Mrs. John Reenstra

Ms. Lillian BrunettiMr. & Mrs. William Barkin

Kathy DurigAAA Miami Valley

Stockholders and Staff at Tow Times Magazine

Wrecker One, Inc.Mrs. Courtney Santorella

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel KrauseMr. & Mrs. Ralph JohnsonMr. & Mrs. Merrill Durig

Ms. Sue BoggsMr. Lee Snyder

Mr. Scott McDonaldMr. & Mrs. William

ArmbrusterWaterbury Woods

Homeowners AssociationMr. & Mrs. James Begley

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Brewer

MemorialsReceived between February 1 and April 5, 2013

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Sr. Lucy Balistrieri, FMA

Sr. Lucy Balistrieri, FMA, passed away on March 16, 2013, two weeks after her 83rd birthday. She would have marked 60 years of profession as a Salesian

Sister this coming August.

Sr. Lucy was the second youngest child in a family of 11 who had emigrated from Sicily in 1914. Though poor, the family was united and loving.

Early on, Lucy met the Salesian Sisters at St.

Anthony in Beech Street and went to help them whenever she could. This involved cleaning anywhere and everywhere. Lucy just loved to be with the Sisters, and finally entered to join them in the 1950s.

After her religious profession, Sr. Lucy

was an educator in the elementary grades of our

Salesian schools in the North, South, East, and West, when we were still only one Province in the United States. She was an educator in the style of St. John Bosco, combining understanding and firmness, always ready to help and encourage her students, who loved her in return.

In community, Sr. Lucy loved to apply her creative talent in preparing surprises for the Sisters, especially for the holidays. Adept at using whatever materials were handy, she really produced beauty from bits and pieces, adding festivity to the celebrations.

When sent to the St. Joseph Provincial House, Sr. Lucy often drove the Sisters to their doctor’s appointments and did it with great willingness and kindness until she became too ill to continue.

Sr. Lucy is dearly missed, but we know that she is with the Lord she served so well all her life.

– Both tributes written by Sr. Mary Terzo, FMA

Rest in Peace, Two of Our Dearest Sisters

Sr. Mary Baroni, FMA

Sr. Mary Barone, FMA, passed away on March 24, 2013, three weeks after her 83rd birthday. She would have marked 58 years of profession as a

Salesian Sister this coming August.

Sr. Mary’s life was full of things she did for her family and for her religious family. She worked on the farm and then in a factory to help support her family, she the eldest of eight children, though only 12 years old at the time. She lived at a hostel run by the Salesian Sisters and, in that safe and sound environment, her spiritual life matured and she learned skills that would serve her well in her future vocation.

From early in her life, Mary knew deprivation due to the poverty of her family and then the extreme sufferings caused by World War II. Through it all, Mary kept her faith and her generosity intact and was ready to respond “Yes” to God’s call, not only to be a Daughter of Mary Help of Christians, but to be a missionary as well.

Our Province was gifted with her presence as Sr. Mary fulfilled various roles in various parts of the country. All she did was done with the same intense dedication, attention to detail, and exquisiteness.

Outstanding in her was the ability to bring beauty to all she did, from the preparation of meals and preparing surprises for the Sisters, to attending to the simplest household tasks. Sr. Mary often said in preparing meals, ‘The presentation is as important as the food.” This extended to every area which soon bore her mark of distinction in the nuances of beauty she brought.

We can say so much more about Sr. Mary’s life and how she lived it. Suffice it to say she lived her “yes” to God faithfully and generously. We are grateful that God gave her to us for a while!

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Salesian Youth Report

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” – John 14:27

The memory of Sr. Michele Corrado, FMA, who died 16 years ago this month, lives on. Her sister, Maria Corrado of Paterson, NJ, and

her family continue a scholarship in her name at Mary Help of Christians Academy. Maria says, “The years have passed so quickly, yet the bright rainbow of her life never fades.”

Sr. Michele was the sixth of ten children. At 14, she joined her family in their immigration from Italy to the United States. She made her first vows on August 6, 1966. Her life became a hymn of thanks to God and dedication to people, especially the young persons whom she cherished and loved. Her presence in the mission of the Salesian Sisters in New Jersey, California, and Pennsylvania left an indelible mark on many persons with whom she

Fredy Padovan, Executive Director of Development and Technology at Immaculata-La Salle High School in Miami, FL, has been named an Apple

Distinguished Educator, Class of 2013. Fredy has been selected as one of just two ADE’s in the state of Florida this year, and one of just 60 in the U.S.

Fredy is a tech-savvy educator with a passion for his craft. He joined ILS in 2006 and has worn many hats – teacher, moderator, and musical director, to name a few. He has most recently worked on a 1:1 iPad program, iLearn@ILS, which was recognized as an Apple Distinguished Program.

Fredy graduated from La Salle in 2003 and holds a B.S. in Business Administration/Management, a graduate certificate in Educational Technology, and a Master’s in Education. Fredy’s advanced understanding of technology, combined with his experience as an educator, allows him to implement practical e-solutions for a student, teacher or institution. Follow him on Twitter (@edjuvinator), and watch the video he submitted in the

application process:

Congratulations, Fredy! We’re all very proud of you!

shared the educational ministry, especially in religious education and youth work.

A dedicated and hard worker all her life, Sr. Michele was diagnosed with cancer in 1991 at the age of 47. The shock and the dismay can easily be imagined.

However, she had faith that God would heal her and she had an unconquerable will to battle the

cancer. Numerous surgeries and continuous chemotherapy treatments expressed her commitment to living, as she continued her life and service and never said “enough” to whatever was asked of her.

Early on the morning of April 29, 1997, Sr. Michele left us for a better life in Heaven. The smiling Sister, always ready to help adults and children alike,

had completed her 30 years of service to youth as a Salesian Sisters.

Yes, we miss Sr. Michele. At age 53, she felt that she had much left to give. We know that she

has and will do much from Heaven for each one of us.

Remembering the “Smiling Sister”

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Salesian Youth Report

ACADEMY OF OUR LADY, MARRERO, LA – Congratulations to the Student Council which raised $1,323 for the Louisiana Student Council State Charity, the Ronald McDonald House. The New Orleans Ronald McDonald House serves children and their families from 63 out of 64 parishes in Louisiana, many states across the U.S., and worldwide. “We feel blessed to be able to give back to the community in a fun way,” explains senior Kaitlin Kaufmann. The Student Council organized a “Penny War” during Homecoming Week for this event. “The last day of Penny Wars was my favorite,” explains Ashley Hebert, a senior. “You could see the classes working together for a common cause.” Pictured with their award are Taylor Parria, Montana Hana, Alison McCarthy, Allison DiMaggio, Marley Schaefer, Connor Riggs, and Ashley Hebert.

Tony Melendez may have been born without arms, but that didn’t stop him from dancing, dating, playing the guitar, and enjoying life to the fullest.

Tony was born without arms in 1962 as a result of his mother taking the prescription drug, Thalidomide. Today, Tony is known around the world for playing the guitar with his feet. In 1985, Tony began playing and singing in the Los Angeles area. Just two years later, his life was changed forever when he performed for the Pope before a live audience of 6,000 people and a TV audience of millions. Tony was instantly thrown into the limelight! Students at Mary Help of Christians of Academy in North Haledon, NJ and St. Theresa School in Kenilworth, NJ were given an opportunity to see Tony in action – and will never forget him!

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Salesian Youth Report

IMMACULATE CONCEPTION SCHOOL, MARRERO, LA – Twenty-five orators from Immaculate Conception School participated in the De La Salle Elementary Speech Tournament. As a team, the Chargers earned second place among the schools participating. Seven students received individual awards. In poetry reading, Elizabeth Babcock earned second place. In prose reading, Emily Mailhos earned third place, and Emerald Newsham earned second place. In dramatic/humorous interpretation, Mary Collins earned sixth place, Lauren Baldassaro earned fifth place, Eliana Casas earned third place and Madison Bourge earned second place. Principal Sr. Hélène Godin joined the winners for a group photo. Congratulations!

ACADEMY OF OUR LADY, MARRERO, LA – Don Levet of the Soldiers’ Angels organization presents a certificate of thanks to Shireon Gray, Academy of Our Lady Key Club president, for her club’s help in writing Christmas cards to U.S. military personnel stationed overseas. The Soldiers’ Angels program began in 2003 when the parent of a soldier stationed in Iraq became concerned that military personnel were not receiving mail or other support from residents back in the United States. With the aid of AOL’S Key Club and other schools in the area, Levet said his local Soldiers’ Angels group mailed more than 12,000 Christmas cards during the past holiday season. Well done, students!

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Salesian Youth Report

Jillian Gorman, one of 59 graduates of the Class of 2012 of Mary Help of Christians Academy in North Haledon, NJ, lost her valiant battle with AML

Leukemia on March 3. She was just 20 years old.

The following words, by a fellow student at Mary Help, express the sentiments of many other students as well:

“Jill, you are an inspiration for the amount of lives you’ve touched. You were truly Jesus’ hands on Earth. You showed us how to live faithfully and appreciate life. You showed us courage and strength and willpower, but most of all you showed us faith; faith to keep going when it got tough; faith to pray for miracles and graces; faith to trust in the Lord’s plan. Because of you so many people have faith. You’ve taught us so much and you are continuing to touch hearts. You did everything God asked of you and you did it with a smile! We will live for you and keep your spirit alive. This is not goodbye, only a ‘See you soon.’ I know one day we will meet again, but until then, watch over me, Jill.”

Jillian didn’t let leukemia hold her back from anything. During her time at Mary Help, she went on Gospel Roads (a Catholic youth retreat), visited Italy, and took part in the October Leadership Retreat. All the things the doctors told her she wouldn’t be able to do, she did. Yes, there were times when she was upset with God, but she saw that He had a plan for her. If she had never become ill, she perhaps would have never grown so close to God. Jillian said, “I am fortunate enough that the Lord has given me each day. I don’t live by weeks or months; I live it second by second. And I live it for God. He saved me through my illness, and I am so grateful that He did.” And live she did, until the very last second.

May you rest in peace Jillian, and thank you for the life you shared with us!

In Jillian’s memory, the Jillian Gorman Scholarship Fund has been created. Please consider donating to the scholarship fund and help another student receive

an education she deserves. Make your gift payable to “MHCA Scholarship Fund” and in the memo line please reference “Jillian Gorman Scholarship Foundation.” Please use the return envelope enclosed in this magazine. Thank you for your generosity.

We Will Dearly Miss Jillian Gorman

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20 • Partners in Giving • Volume XXIII • Issue 2 Please call us toll-free: 877-OUR-NUNS

Salesian Youth Report

ACADEMY OF OUR LADY, MARRERO, LA – Academy of Our Lady joined high schools in the Archdiocese of New Orleans for the Young Women’s Unity Fest held at Xavier Preparatory High School. “There is a lot of rivalry, prejudice, and stereotypes, but when we come together, we are able to move past all of that,” comments AOL student Antoinette Berger (who signs the Unity Fest banner, at right). “We come to realize that we are all God’s children and that we are beautifully crafted, with different stories and different life experiences.”

ST. THERESA SCHOOL, KENILWORTH, NJ – St. Theresa’s was one of five schools, a total of 29 students, who attended the Union County Catholic League of Forensic “Declamation” Competition held at St. John the Apostle School in Clark, NJ. St. Theresa’s team, under the direction of Mrs. Gorombey and Mrs. McCarthy, took home four awards: Carly Pompei, Emma Munoz, and Caroline Tramontana were awarded Honorable Mention ribbons, and Alexa Karp was awarded a third-place ribbon. Congratulations!

MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS ACADEMY, NORTH HALEDON, NJ – Ladies, take a bow! The annual Talent Show was a fabulous display of creativity! Seventh-grader Julia Dumeng took home first prize with her rendition of “I Dreamed a Dream” from the musical Les Miserables.

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ST. ANTHONY SCHOOL, HAWTHORNE, NJ – At St. Anthony School, the season of Lent was focused on the theme of Community. It began with a birthday party on the 100th day of the 100th year of the school. All students joined together in prayer and celebration to mark the anniversary. The cooperative spirit continued as the school launched a book drive for the Salvation Army Mission Literacy Program. More than 5,000 books were collected and distributed throughout New Jersey, including communities affected by Hurricane Sandy. Students also participated in a “Penny Wars” competition to benefit the Dunlow School Library Project in rural Appalachia. Well done, everyone!

ST. THERESA SCHOOL, KENILWORTH, NJ – Grandparents enjoyed spending time with their grandchildren at St. Theresa School on the annual “Grandparents Day” during Catholic Schools Week. Students proudly gave their grandparents a tour of the school and showed off the projects they made for the school’s Learning Fair. Then cookies and juice was enjoyed by all in the school cafeteria. At right, Rachel and Caroline Tramontana give their “PopPop” Balchunas a tour.

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Salesian Youth Report

MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS ACADEMY, NORTH HALEDON, NJ – The Mary Help Cheerleaders hosted their second annual cheerleading competition, welcoming 20 teams from New Jersey and New York, ranging from pre-school all the way up through 12th grade Varsity. The Mary Help Middle School and Varsity squads were exhibition teams that day to show off their talent and pride in their school! They have all come such a long way and they are doing routines this year that really show their skills and love for cheer!

Overall the day was a great success and everyone had a great time. We pride ourselves at Mary Help in making everyone feel welcome, and all of the feedback was nothing but positive! It was an amazing experience for everyone involved, and we will be hosting more competitions in the future. – M. Moat

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PARTNERS IN GIVING is a bimonthly magazine published by the

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Editorial BoardDr. Joseph McAleer, Editor

Sr. Mary Rinaldi, FMA, Director of DevelopmentMelissa Esposito, Production Manager

Sr. Mary Terzo, FMA, Editorial Assistant

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The Royals Debate Team of Immaculata-La Salle High School traveled from Miami, FL to Cambridge, MA,

for the annual Harvard University Invitational Debate Tournament. There they competed in Lincoln-Douglas, Public Forum, Extemporaneous, and Congressional Debates. Each debate centered around topics which, at their core, were ethical in nature, and students were able to successfully augment their debate experience with a stronger appreciation for how their faith can help them form policy ideas and philosophies, which can help them change the world for the better in the future. Well done, team!
