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    Other Resources


    Te Birth of Pakistan (1990)

    On Augus 15, 1947, Pakisan was born. As he ormer Indian provinces debaed wheher o bepar o India or Pakisan, religious diferences ared ino ull-scaled rioing, which led o large-scale migraion; millions moved rom India o Pakisan, and vice versa. Tis program documenshe birh o he new counry; he deah o Mohammed Ali Jinnah, leader o he Moslem League;he economics and poliical problems o he new counry; he Indus Waer reay; he war inKashmir; he independence o Bangladesh and he resuling war wih India; he rise and all oZulkar Ali Bhuto; Zias assumpion o power and adopion o sric Islamic rule; he impaco he war in Aghanisan he deah o Zia and he elecion o Zulkar Ali Bhutos daugher,Benazir. (20 minues)

    Division of Hearts (1987)

    Te 1947 Briish subdivision o colonial India ino Pakisan and he independen Indiannaion caused he loss o 500,000 lives and he relocaion o millions-one o he mos exensivemovemen o peoples ever. Aer cenuries o coexisence, Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslims became

    vicims o muual suspicion as violence swep hrough he counryside. Te resuling massrelocaions o hese groups ransormed village populaions overnigh. In Division o Hearsordinary people rom Pakisan, India, and Bangladesh car drivers, laborers, rades people,armers ell his hisory and recoun heir own umuluous experiences. Teir memories,combined wih archival news lm, bear winess o he raumaic birh o wo independennaions. (57 minues)

    Te Dynasty: Te Nehru - Gandhi Story (1997)A 2-par PBS program. Unravel he ies o blood, power, and sacrice ha susained spiriual andpoliical independence in pos-imperial India. Alhough hey orged he desiny o heir naion,he Nehru amily paid a errible price: pariion, civil srie and assassinaion. Winess he ironyand agony o a amily ha liberaed a naion bu could no unie i. (3 hours)

    Earth (1998)Direced by Deepa Meha, Earh, an India/Canada co-producion, is a houghul examinaiono a circle o riends and acquainances afeced by he Pariion. A scoundrel uses communal

    violence as an excuse or realiaion agains a romanic rival. Te lm is based on Bapsi Sidhwasnovel Cracking India; Sidhwa co-wroe he screenplay wih Meha. Conains brual scenes ocommunal carnage. (110 minues)

    For a Place Under the Heavens (2003)Acclaimed direcor Sabiha Sumar, recen winner o he Golden Leopard a he LocarnoInernaional Film Fesival or her eaure Khamosh Pani (Te Silen Waers), ofers an insighulperspecive on Pakisan in his nely craed personal lm. Beginning wih he creaion oPakisan in 1947, Sumar races he relaionship o Islam o he sae in an efor o undersandhow women are coping wih and surviving he increasing religiosiy o civil and poliical lie inher counry. Raised in a more secular ime, she sruggles o comprehend how religious schools

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    have expanded a once unhinkable raes and presens chilling ooage o a moher encouragingher oddler o be a maryr when he grows up. Mixing poliical analysis wih inerviews wihacivis colleagues, noed Islamic scholars and Pakisani women who have chosen o embraceundamenalism, Sumars provocaive quesions dramaically capure he ension beween liberal

    and undamenalis orces ha are shaping lie in conemporary Pakisan. (53 mins.)

    Gandhi (1982)Sir Richard Atenboroughs muliple-Oscar winner (including Bes Picure, Bes Direcor, andBes Acor or Ben Kingsley) is an engrossing, reverenial look a he lie o Mohandas K. Gandhi,

    who inroduced he docrine o nonviolen resisance o he colonized people o India and whoulimaely gained he naion is independence. Kingsley is magnicen as Gandhi as he changesover he course o he hree-hour lm rom an insignican lawyer o an inernaional leader andsymbol. Srong on hisory (he hisoric division beween India and Pakisan, sill a huge problemoday, can be seen in is ormaive sages here) as well as characer and ideas, his is a ne lm. (3hours)

    Garam Hawa (1973)Te sory o 1947, Indias Independence. I is a sory o how amilies on boh sides o he

    border sufered emoionally, and how heir dreams and values were shatered o pieces aer hepariion. English Subiles. (150 mins)

    Khamosh Paani: Te Silent Waters (2003)Ayesha is a seemingly well-adjused middle-aged woman whose lie ceners around her sonSaleem - a genle, dreamy 18 year old, in love wih Zubeida. Tey live in he village o Charkhi,in Pakisani Punjab. Ayeshas husband is dead and she manages a living rom his pension and

    by giving Quran lessons o young girls. Te sory begins in 1979, in a Pakisan under PresidenGeneral Zia-ul-Haqs marial law. In a ew monhs he counry will become a sae ruled by

    Islamic law. Saleem becomes inensely involved wih a group o Islamic undamenaliss andleaves Zubeida. Ayesha is saddened o see her son change radically. Evens escalae when Sikhpilgrims rom India pour ino he village. Laer, a pilgrim looks or his siser Veero who wasabduced in 1947. Tis awakens hear-rending memories. (105 minues)

    Lagaan (2002)Queen Vicorias India. Te Year is 1893. Champanera village in Cenral India. On heouskirs o he village sands a Briish canonmen, commanded by Capain Russell- an arrogancapricious man who wields he power o lie and deah over he villages under his jurisdicion.LAGAAN a sory o batle wihou bloodshed. Fough by a group o unlikely heroes led byBhuvan and energeic armer wih courage born o convicion- and a dream in his hear. Helped

    by Elizabeh, an English rose who came o India and los her hear, and Bhuvans pillar osrengh, Gauri, he young and perky village girl who dreams o a home wih he man she loves.(225 mins.)

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    Web Sites

    Pariion o India. S, Keen. Emory Universiy. 1998.htp:// brie inroducion, maps, imeline, beore/during/afer aricle, links o more ino.)

    Conic beween India, Pakisan runs deep. Auhor No Given. CNN Ineracive. 1997.htp:// shor aricle ha oulines he main poins o his conic.)

    Te Pariion o India. V. ,Lal. Manas. 2002.htp:// poin-o-view aricle ha discusses narraive hisory o pariion. )

    Pakisan owards Pariion. P. Cousoukis. 2002.htp:// o Congress Counry Sudy. No claims are made regarding he accuracy o Pakisan oward

    Pariion inormaion.)

    India-Pakisan Dispue. Auhor No Given. Online NewsHour. 2004.htp:// inroducion o he hisory underpinnings o he pariion.)

    Pariion memories. BBC News. 2007.htp:// share memories o pariion o mark he 60h anniversary o he pariion o India in 1947 andhe birh o Pakisan. Links a righ o page also includes audio and video ooage o English languagespeeches by Mounbaten, Nehru and Jinnah.)

    Pariion o 1947 - India - Pakisan: Some scatered resources. Harsh Kapoor or he Souh Asia CiizensWeb. 2007.htp:// collecion o online aricles and oher resources.)

    Afer pariion: India, Pakisan, Bangladesh BBC News. 2007.htp:// ou more abou how India, Pakisan and, since 1971 Bangladesh, have developed since pariion.)

    Fiction and Literary Studies

    Bhalla, Alok. Stories about the Partition of India. 3 vols. New Delhi: HarperCollins, 1994.

    Bhalla, Alok. Te Life and Works of Saadat Hasan Manto. Simla: Indian Insiue oAdvanced Sudy, 1997.

    Cowasjee, S. and Duggal, K. S., eds. Orphans of the Storm: Stories on the Partition of India. NewDelhi: UBS Publishers, 1995.

    Collins, Larry and Dominique Lapierre. Freedom at Midnight. London: HarperCollins,

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    Hasan, Murhirul, ed.India Pariioned: Te Oher Face of Freedom. 2 vols. New Delhi: Roli Books,1995.

    Husain, Inizar.Basi. rans. Francis Prichet. New Delhi: INDUS/an imprin o HarperCollinsPublishersIndia, 1995.

    Mano, Saada Hasan.Kingdoms End and Oher Sories. rans. Khalid Hasan. Delhi: Penguin,1987.

    Te majoriy o sories by his Urdu wrier rom Punjab revolve around he end o he Raj,

    Pariion and communalism. His sories include Tanda Gosh, Khol Do, oba ek Singh,

    Iss Manjdhar Mein, Mozalle, Babu Gopi Nah ec. Some o his characers became legendary.

    Mano, Saada Hasan.Pariion Skeches and Sories . New Delhi: Viking, 1991.

    Mano, Saada Hasan.Black Milk: A Collecion of Shor Sories. rans. Hamid Jalal. Lahore: Sang-e-Meel Publicaions, 1997.

    Memon, M. U.An Epic Unwriten: Te Penguin Book of Pariion Sories. New Delhi: Penguin,1998.

    Rushdie, Salman.Midnighs Children. New York: Knop, 1981.Salman Rushdie wroe his amous surrealisic fcion ull o sairical reerences o he even

    o pariion and independence. Te midnigh alluded o in he ile is he momen a which

    pariion and independence became o cial.

    Singh, Khushwan. rain o Pakisan. New Delhi: Roli Books, 2006.Tis saga by Khushwan Singh was frs published in 1956. Singhs version o he Pariion is asocial one, providing human accouns in a diverse, deailed characer base where each person

    has unique poins o view, poining ou ha everyone is equally a aul and ha placing blame

    was irrelevan. Inerwoven wih his poin are he suble quesions o moraliy ha Singh asks

    hrough his characers, such as wheher or no he bad needs o be recognized o promoe he

    good, and wha consiues a good deed. Tis ediion conains addiion phoos by Margare

    Bourke-Whie, some o which are exremely graphic.

    Lahiri, Jhumpa.Inerpreer of Maladies. Mariner Books/Houghon Mi in, 1999.Jhumpa Lahiri was awarded he 2000 Pulizer Prize or Ficion or Inerpreer o Maladies, a

    collecion o shor sories some o which involved he aermah o he pariion.

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    Ahmad, Jamiluddin ed. Jinnah: Speeches and Wriings Vol. II. Lahore: Sh. Muhammad Ashra,1947.

    Anand, Som.Lahore: Porrai o a Los Ciy. Lahore: Vanguard Books Pv. Ld., 1998.

    Ansari, Nasim. Choosing o Say: Memoirs o and Indian Muslim, rans. Ralph Russell. New Delhi:Ciy Press, 1999.

    Bualia, Urvashi. Te Oher Side o Silence: Voices fom he Pariion o India. Durham: DukeUniversiy Press, 2000.

    Bualia, Urvashi. An Archive wih a Diference: Pariion Leters. In Te Pariions o Memory: TeAerlie o he Division o India, ed. Suvir Kaul. Delhi: Permanen Black, 2001.

    Anand, Som.Lahore: Porrai o a Los Ciy. Lahore: Vanguard Books Pv. Ld., 1998.

    Campbell-Johnson, Alan.Mission wih Mounbaten. New York: E.P. Duton, 1953.

    Chandar, Krishan. Amrisar: Azadi se Pahle. In Fasada ke Asane, ed. Hasan Abbas Raza, 13-18.Islamabad: Dos Publicaions, 1999.

    ______. Amrisar: Azadi ke Bad. In Fasada ke Asane, ed. Hasan Abbas Raza, 19-31. Islamabad:Dos Publicaions, 1999.

    Chowdhry, B.A. Wha We Los o ase Freedom. In Lahore: 1947 , ed. Ahmad Salim, 63-71.Lahore: Sang-e-Meel Publicaions, 2003.

    Chughai, Isma. Jaren. In Fasada ke Asane , ed. Hasan Abbas Raza, 63-72. Islamabad: DosPublicaions, 1999.

    Collins, Larry and Dominique Lapierre. Freedom a Midnigh. London: HarperCollins, 1997.

    Das, Veena. Speciciies: Oral Narraives, Rumour, and he Social Producion o Hae. SocialIdeniies Vol. 4, Issue 1 (Feb. 1998): 109-130.

    Faiz, Ahmad Faiz. Freedoms Dawn. InNuskh ha-e-Vaa. Lahaur: Makabah-yi Karvan, 1984.

    Gandhi, Mohandas K. Te Colleced Works o Mahama Gandhi LXXXIX: Augus 1, 1947-

    November 10, 1947. New Delhi: Te Publicaions Div. Governmen o India, 1983.Gilmarin, David. Pariion, Pakisan, and Souh Asian Hisory: In Search o a Narraive. Te

    Journal o Asian Sudies Vol. 57, No. 4 (Nov., 1998): 1068-1095.

    Gopal, S., and Uma Iyengar. Te Essenial Wriings o Jawaharlal Nehru Vol. I. Oxord: OxordUniversiy Press, 2003.

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    Hasan, Mushirul, ed.India Partitioned. Vol. 2. New Delhi: Lous Collecion, 1995.

    Hasan, Mushirul..Legacy o a Divided Nation: Indias Muslims Since Independence. Boulder: WesviewPress, 1997.

    Husain, Inizar.Basti. ranslaed by Frances W. Prichet. New Delhi: Indus, 1995.

    Jari, Ali Sardar.My Journey: Selected Poems o Ali Sardar Jafi, Urdu Poems with English ranslation .New Delhi: Serling Publishers, 1999.

    Jalal, Ayesha. Te Sole Spokesman: Jinnah, the Muslim League and the Demand or Pakistan.Cambridge: Cambridge Universiy Press, 1985.

    ______. Conjuring Pakisan: Hisory as Of cial Imagining.International Journal o Middle EastStudiesVol. 27, No. 1 (Feb. 1995): 73-89.

    ______.Democracy and Authoritarianism in South Asia: A Comparative and Historical Perspective.Cambridge: Cambridge Universiy Press, 1995.

    ______. Sel and Sovereignty: Individual and Community in South Asian Islam Since 1850. London:Rouledge, 2000.

    Jalal, Ayesha, and Sugaa Bose. Modern South Asia: History, Culture, Political Economy. London:Rouledge, 1997.

    Kamra, Sukeshi. Bearing Witness: Partition, Independence, End o the Raj. Calgary: Universiy oCalgary Press, 2002.

    Kashmiri, S. Humiliaed and Harassed Tey Le. InIndia Partitioned, ed. Mushirul Hasan, 2:154-166. New Delhi: Lous Collecion, 1995.

    Khan, Yasmin. Te Great Partition: Te Making o India and Pakistan . New Haven: Yale UniversiyPress, 2007.

    Kumar, Krishna.Prejudice and Pride: School Histories o the Freedom Struggle in India and Pakistan.New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2002.

    Mano, Saada Hasan. Khol Do. In Fasadat ke Asane, ed. Hasan Abbas Raza, 9-12. Islamabad:Dos Publicaions, 1999.

    Mano, Saada Hasan. A Wet Aernoon: Stories, Sketches, Reminiscences. rans. Khalid Hasan.

    Islamabad: Alhamra Publishing, 2001.

    Menon, Riu and Kamla Bhasin.Borders and Boundaries: Women in Indias Partition. New Brunswick,New Jersey: Rugers Universiy Press, 1998.

    Neal, Arhur G. Naional rauma and Collective Memory: Major Events in the American Century.Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1998.

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    Pandey, Gyanendra. Remembering Partition: Violence, Nationalism and History in India . Cambridge:Cambridge Universiy Press, 2001.

    Phillips, C.H., H.L. Singh and B.N. Pandey. Te Evolution o India and Pakistan 1858-1947: SelectDocuments. London: Oxford Universiy Press, 1962.

    Porelli, Alessandro. he Death o Luigi rastulli and Other Stories: Form and Meaning in OralHistory. Albany: Sae Universiy of New York Press, 1991.

    Rizvi, Hasa-Askari.Military, State and Society in Pakistan. Lahore: Sang-e-Meel, 2003.

    Robinson, Francis. Separatism Among Indian Muslims: Te Politics o the United Provinces Muslims,1860-1923. Cambridge: Cambridge Universiy Press, 1974.

    Seal, Anil. Te Emergence o Indian Nationalism: Competition and Collaboration in the Later NineteenthCentury. London: Cambridge Universiy Press, 1968.

    Singh, Khushwan. rain to Pakistan with Photographs by Margaret Bourke-White . New Delhi: RoliBooks Pv. Ld., 2006.

    an, ai Yong and Gyanesh Kudaisya. Te Afermath o Partition in South Asia. London: Rouledge,2000.

    Tompson, Paul. Te Voice o the Past: Oral History. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford Universiy Press,2000.

    rouillo, Michel-Rolph. Silencing the Past: Power and the Production o History . Boson: BeaconPress, 1995.

    Von unzelmann, Alex. Indian Summer: Te Secret History o the End o an Empire. New York:

    Henry Hol and Company, LLC., 2007.

    Zamindar, Wazira Fazila-Yacoobali. Te Long Pariion and he Making of Modern Souh Asia:

    Refugees, Boundaries, Hisories. New York: Columbia Universiy Press, 2007.

    Historic Newspapers

    Te Dawn, New Delhi, India.

    Te Dawn, Karachi, Pakisan.

    Te Pioneer, Lucknow, India.

    Civil and Miliary Gazete, Lahore, Pakisan.

    Websites Consulted 2007

    Briish Broadcasing Corporaion


    Governmen of India, Minisry of Saisics and Programme Implemenaion

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    Governmen of Pakisan, Saisics Division


    Te World Bank: India


    Te World Bank: Pakisan




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    Partition and War

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    Mohandas K. Gandhi

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    Jawaharlal Nehru

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    MohammadAli Jinnah

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    Golden Temple of the Sikhs

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    Viceroy Mountbatten

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    Cyril Radcliffe

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    The Badshahand Old City

    The Lahore Museum

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    Map of Amritsar

    Sikh Man

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    New Delhi, India

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    Lahore to Amritsar is 28 miles

    Lahore to New Delhi is 265 m

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    Austin to

    San Marcos

    is 30 miles

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    Approximately 15 mill ion people migrated during the Partition of Ind7.2 m ill ion people in each direction.

    That is the equivalent to a total migration that is double the combined Houston and Austin.

    In the first two weeks after Hurricane Katrina in 2005, 375,000 people m

    This was the largest migration in America in the last 150 years.

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    Partition in the Classroom:

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    Partition in the Classroom:

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    Partition in the Classroom:

    Introduction to Oral History

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    Oral History tells us less about events thaabout their meaning.

    Alessandro Portelli, Te Death of Luigi rastulli and Other Stories: Form

    Meaning in Oral History, 50.

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    What are we looking or?


    What might we fnd?




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    What we feel when our lives are turned up


    Can come from war, rape, assault Can come from humiliation, loss, rejectio

    Shock to the system - soul damage

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    Does the narrator make assumptions based on


    Afer so many years, the stories even becomestereotypes -- is this a real memory or stock stor

    In some o the stories you will read, the current

    tensions between India and Pakistan mean that

    have stereotypes o the other. How might that athe story they tell?

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    People and groups have histories

    What can a group / individual history tell us about the

    narrators experience?

    In these histories, some people dig deep to prove that th

    Hindu-Muslim tension was always there. Others look to

    events. Still others might say that Hindus and Muslims a

    eternal brothers. How does their history afect their stor

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    Are Oral Histories Reliable?

    If people are talking about themselves, and theyall this trauma, stereotypes and history, can we


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    wo Histories in One

    AA: Why was Pakistan


    GW: Te founder of the

    nation wanted to createa progressive,

    democratic, secular

    state in which the

    Muslim culturalcommunity would have

    the opportunity for


    AA: Why was Paki


    AS: Te founder w

    Muslims to be ablepeace, to live accor

    tenets of Islam wit

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    Tink about this question as you read your narrativ

    Was the Partition of the Indian Subcontinent a g

    idea or a bad idea?

    What does your narrator think? What do you think?

    Identify three reasons why you came your decision

    three pieces of evidence from your narrative to seach reason.

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