Download - Part 2 - Lessons from the Ugly Duckling on problem solving for the Home Based Business Owner

Page 1: Part 2 - Lessons from the Ugly Duckling on problem solving for the Home Based Business Owner

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Page 2: Part 2 - Lessons from the Ugly Duckling on problem solving for the Home Based Business Owner

The ugly duckling was faced with a problem that

seemed insoluble. Many of the problems that you

face as a Home Based Business owner also seem

insoluble to you. The duckling gave us guidance on

how to approach such problems and the benefits of

solving it, irrespective of the effort needed. Learn

more from him to achieve your dreams with your

Home Based Business.

The fairy tale of the ugly duckling is about a duckling that was born and looked completely different from his

brothers and sisters born from the same hatch. Because he was so different, he was too ugly to the other ducks,

his habits were completely different, and they did not want to be associated with him. He was never accepted

by his duck family or the other ducks in the pond. He was unhappy, weeping, lonely and rejected. He had

many other emotional problems due to the fact that he was different and not accepted by his fellow ducks.

Page 3: Part 2 - Lessons from the Ugly Duckling on problem solving for the Home Based Business Owner

He started asking questions to the other ducks to find out why he was different. He was visiting

other ponds to find ducks with which he could associate. Needless to say, it was in vain.

He actually persisted, not giving up. When he could not find an answer to his situation, he

travelled further. He realised that his future, his happiness and his fulfilment depends on him

finding a solution to his problem. He wanted to be part of a group that accepts him. He wanted to

find out why he was so different. He wanted to find a pond of ducklings that looked like him and

with which he could associate.

On this journey to find answers and realise his dream, many things happened to him. This journey

took him through deep valleys with life threatening situations. There were times when he enjoyed

life, had enough to eat and was cared for. Nevertheless, he continued looking for answers. He

wanted to find an answer, find ducks that looked like him, ducks that he could associate with, and

find happiness. He was searching for meaning in his life.

Page 4: Part 2 - Lessons from the Ugly Duckling on problem solving for the Home Based Business Owner

He grew up. Becoming a big “duck”,

the colours of his feathers changed;

his total appearance changed.

After a long and gruelling journey,

he found “ducks” looking like him. It

turned out that he was actually a

swan. He was part of the most

beautiful bird family.

When he was with the ducks, he was considered as being ugly because he was different. He did not

look like them. He did not fit in with them. However, when he found the swans they accepted him.

He could associate with them. He found meaning and happiness in his life.

Many investigations have actually shown that more than 90% plus of Home Based Business owners

are not happy or satisfied with their Home Based Businesses. They are not reaching the goals that

they have set for themselves. They are not making the money that they expected to make, or they are

not living their passion, or there are other reasons for their dissatisfaction.

Page 5: Part 2 - Lessons from the Ugly Duckling on problem solving for the Home Based Business Owner

One of the lessons from this ugly duckling story that I believe we can learn is that

there are answers. There are solutions to your problems that cause unhappiness,

whatever the reason for it might be.

The most import lessons from the ugly duckling

story are:

• He realised that he had a problem.

• He made a decision to solve the problem.

• He took action by looking for solutions.

• He was looking for a solution, irrespective of

what had to be done.

• He was confident that there was a solution.

The ugly duckling did the following:

• He asked questions to the other ducks in his

surrounding area.

• When he did not find an answer, he tried

new sources to find solutions.

• He had many obstacles to overcome on his

journey to find solutions.

• He never gave up; he persisted.

• He was very innovative in where and how he

tried to find solutions.

Page 6: Part 2 - Lessons from the Ugly Duckling on problem solving for the Home Based Business Owner

The Ugly Duckling Found What He Was Looking For

There are some Home Based Business owners, although a small percentage, that have and have

found the answers to their problems. If you are one of them, good luck.

If you have not found answers to your basic Home Based Business problems, do not feel alone.

Your biggest problem(s) can be solved. Other people have solved theirs. Your actual problem

might be to make a decision that you do want to solve the problem you are facing, irrespective of

the effort involved in solving it. You must realise that the solution to your problem will determine

the future of your business and your own personal wellbeing as part of the business. The joy and

benefit in finding a solution is much bigger than the effort involved in the journey to find the


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I Want To Give You The Assurance That There Is A Solution You must find it. Others have done it and so can you. Believe in yourself. Take action. The ugly

duckling has done just that. Join our Home Based Business group and learn more about decision

making in your business.



The Story by Hans Anderson:

Disney Video clip:

The Film:

More information:

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