Download - Parkinson presentation



jay parkinson + md + mph

2 weeks 24 hours

1 visit my site

see my google calendar2

3 choose a time. tell me your symptoms

4 iPhone would alert me

5 house call

6 paypal

7 million hits in the first month



smoking cessation specialist


nurse practitioner



anxiety specialist


office visits, email, IM, text, video, social networking payment via credit/debit

Hello Health for professionals

Join up

Easy and convenient, just like iTunes®. Sign up. Make an appointment online. See your doctor today or tomorrow. All better. OMG! I heart my doctor!?! Text, IM, and email us. Talking with us is as simple as talking with your friends. :) Doc-in-a-box? No way. We’re real, quality doctors who spend real, quality time with you. That’s because we’re real people who like real relationships.For real. Spend less money at the doctor and more doing fun stuff.We only charge 35 bucks a month for membership, and the most a visit will ever cost is 200 bucks. Oh, and if you need a prescription, we’ve got 200 free meds right in our office. Mi neighbor-hood es su neighborhood.We’re just around the corner at 105 Berry St. Brooklyn. 11211.




total spend so far: $21 million

40 employees35 developers

$220,000 spent on the office$100,000 advertising



61%word of mouth

walking by

print ads



The first 1000 visits:✦ 990 office visits✦ 8 IM visits✦ 2 video visits✦ 3 hours a day spent emailing

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Stats✦ Median Age: 37✦ Youngest: 4 months✦ Oldest: 92✦ 56% female✦ 86% from the local neighborhood in Brooklyn

lessons learned

savvy people are ready and willing to:✦ create online profiles✦ use their credit card to purchase services✦ message within applications✦ make online appointments

early adopter doctors:✦ want applications that mimic their favorite apps (Facebook, etc.)✦ have difficulty jumping in to an entirely new process✦ need a ton of support from a company that has little experience ✦ need two week iteration cycles (their practice is on the line)

a tech solution to a political problem will fail 99% of the time

we have fancy new technology stuck in an antiquated system

what to do?

who’s teaching medical students about innovation and creativity?

✦ Rigid✦ Hierarchical✦ Militaristic✦ Egotistic✦ Conservative✦ Narcissistic✦ Stressful✦ Increasingly complex

✦ Flexible✦ Innovative✦ Creative✦ Cutting edge✦ Online✦ Elegantly Efficient✦ Communicative✦ Team based✦ Designed✦ Beautiful✦ Simple

who’s fostering innovative practices?

who’s going to save us?

remember, they were born in 1990

can we even be saved?






2000 2008 2016






since 2010, when the pre-existing condition clause went into effect, 18,313 people out of 4 million have purchased health insurance


things have just become so complex

As societies solve problems - food production, security, public works - they became increasingly complex. Complexity however carries with it overhead costs, e.g. administration, maintaining an army, tax collection, infrastructure maintenance, etc.. As society confronts new problems, additional complexity is required to solve them. Eventually a point is reached where the overhead costs that are generated result in diminishing returns in terms of effectiveness. The society wastefully expends its resources trying to maintain its bloated condition until it finally collapses into smaller, simpler, more efficient units.

Joseph Tainter, The Collapse of Complex Societies

i think we have to start anew and ask a fundamental question...

what is health?

how we spend our time.

✦ Body✦ Mind✦ Relationships✦ Money✦ Work✦ Neighborhood✦ Curiosity

this is health. this is everyday.

most of our days are average.

we do the same things...over and over and over.

1 hour per year with your doc.8,764 without.

health happens in those 8,764

health = medical

won’t modern medicine save us?

the death rate for people over age 60 years:

1953: 9.5 per 10002010: 7.8 per 1000

a 65 year old today can expect to live 6 years longer than a 65 year old living in 1910.

if doctors want to be as relevant to the 21st century as we were to the 20th century...

it’s no longer quantity, it’s quality.

+31 years

1880 to 1960

•penicillin (1928)

•smallpox (1915)•measles (1963)

•polio (1962)

•cholera/water (1855)

+7 years

1960 to 2010

•penicillin (1928)

•smallpox (1915)•measles (1963)

•polio (1962)

•cholera/water (1855)

we’ve saved the kids with clean water, vaccines, and antibiotics.

2020: half of us will have diabetes or pre-diabetes

how we spend our time

how much time do we spend being active?

400,000 BC to 1950: active manual labor

we’re now sitters, thinkers, and consumers.

in the past 50 years, our exercise has moved from our arms and legs to our fingers.

time is enlightenment





1964: 50% of adults smoked2010: 12% of new yorkers smoke

we’re just now starting the conversation.

“nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”

how can we inspire health?

make the good life cool.

this is inspiring.this is health.

it’s not about “you’re doing life wrong,” it’s about providing a vision of what you want to be with really fun tools to get you there.

your everyday health is almost 100% dependent on your relationship with your neighborhood, your home, and the people around you.

everything in your environment is set up for the way you were before

If you are a pre-diabetic:✦ your kitchen is stocked with food that someone who is

pre-diabetic eats✦ your friends talk about food the way that someone who is

pre-diabetic talks about food✦ you drink the amount of alcohol that someone who is pre-

diabetic drinks✦ your exercise the amount of exercise a pre-diabetic gets

and 10% of a population’s health is due to medical care

if these are true, then as health professionals we should put all of our resources into redesigning environments to optimize health

this is not going to happen in a will happen in the home and neighborhood.

this is not going to happen will happen as a social circle.

it’s not going to come from the medical world

we need a new profession

everyday designers:✦ sociologist✦ anthropologist✦ urban design✦ workplace design✦ health✦ medical

They analyze your:✦ home✦ neighborhood✦ social relationships✦ finances✦ exercise✦ work habits

they help you design your life to optimize health

they inspire you.and they arm you with tools.

most health solutions aren’t medical, they’re social