Download - Parent Bulletin - King's Lynn · Parent Bulletin Friday, 28th June 2019. Dates for your Diary: Tuesday 2nd July – UEA

Page 1: Parent Bulletin - King's Lynn · Parent Bulletin Friday, 28th June 2019. Dates for your Diary: Tuesday 2nd July – UEA

Parent Bulletin Friday, 28th June 2019

Dates for your Diary: Tuesday 2nd July – UEA Science trip Tuesday 2nd July – AQA Unlocking Potential award ceremony Friday 5th July – Prom Tuesday 9th July – EMAT awards Monday 15th July – Year 10 visit Copy’s Farm, Wells-next-the-sea Thursday 18th July - Years 7- 10 exams finish Thursday 18th July – Forward Step reward trip Thursday 18th and Friday 19th July – Harry Potter trip Wednesday 24th July – Last day of the academic year Attendance: Whole school attendance since September is 94%

Year 7 95% Year 8 95% Year 9 93% Year 10 94%

Please remember term time holidays are not permitted. You may receive a fixed penalty notice if you take your child out of school.

I am in the process of meeting with families whose child/children's attendance is below 90% with lots of scattered odd days off across the terms. This is to ensure your child is supported at school, if there is a medical problem and also to make parents aware of their child's low attendance. Medical absences can only be authorised if this is verified with the appointment letter or card.

If you receive a text to say you child has not registered at school please text back. Do not ring the number as the number does not take calls. Alternatively you can ring reception or the normal absence line.

Please continue to call the absence line on 01553 779635 or email me [email protected]

Thank you again for your support.

Page 2: Parent Bulletin - King's Lynn · Parent Bulletin Friday, 28th June 2019. Dates for your Diary: Tuesday 2nd July – UEA

Prom – Friday 5th July 2019: Arrival from 6pm, dinner served at 7pm.

Cars should arrive at the academy from 6pm and enter via the FIRST set of gates (usually the exit gates). Students can alight their vehicles in the bus drop off area and there will be staff to greet them and marshal traffic. Prom cars should exit the car park via the SECOND set of gates (usually the entrance gates). Please let your chauffeurs know.

Well-wishers are more than welcome and there should be sufficient parking within the car park to accommodate. We would ask well-wishers to remain behind the barriers so we can ensure the safe movement of traffic around the drop off area.

Students should make their way up to the main academy building for a welcome drink in plenty of time for a prompt 7pm sit down for dinner.

Uniform Shop: North Lynn Methodist Church, are going to do a 'uniform swap' again this summer. Last year, they helped a number of families with different parts of their uniform, which otherwise would have cost a lot.

This will be held on Monday 29th July, collect some free bits of uniform, before doing your summer shop from North Lynn Methodist Church, Losinga Road, 10am-1pm.

Parentview: We would like to advise you that you are able to give your views on the Academy to Ofsted via their parentview questionnaire, at any time – not just during inspections. We value your opinion and would encourage you to do this at:

Page 3: Parent Bulletin - King's Lynn · Parent Bulletin Friday, 28th June 2019. Dates for your Diary: Tuesday 2nd July – UEA

Library: The ‘Genre of the Fortnight’ continues to be ‘horror’. This display will cover many different types of horror, from the scary, classic gothic horror to the fantasy, amusing horror of the ‘Goosebumps’ series.

Books on display will include:

Legend of the Lost Legend by R.L. Stine, Book level 3.1

A Night in Terror Tower by R.L. Stine, Book level 3.5

Why I'm Afraid of Bees by R.L. Stine, Book level 3.5

Monster Blood by R.L. Stine, Book level 4.1

The Nest by Kenneth Oppel, Book Level 4.3

Room 13 by Robert Swindells, Book Level 4.3

Pagans by Susan Gates, Book Level 4.6

The Ghost Prison by Joseph Delaney Book Level 5.1

The Woman in Black by Susan Hill Book Level 7.2

Pax written by Sara Pennypacker

In my opinion Pax was an interesting book. It shows the relationship between a boy and a fox. And the challenges they both went through without each other. It shows that a bond so strong can never be broken, not even if you are thousands of miles apart. This book taught me that true friends are inseparable even if not together.

This review by Faith Brown Yr7.

KESA Sixth Form Taster Day:

Page 4: Parent Bulletin - King's Lynn · Parent Bulletin Friday, 28th June 2019. Dates for your Diary: Tuesday 2nd July – UEA

Year 7 Round Up – Compiled by Mrs Doughty: The Year 7’s have had their first taste of exams this week. They have all coped extremely well and I was very proud of them. It is never easy learning all the exam conditions, but by the time they’re sitting their GCSE’s it will have become second nature and they will have far more confidence.

Like Mrs Germaney before me, I welcome any emails from parents about student activities outside of school. This week I received a lovely email about Rhiannon Walkley from 7BGR to say that Rhiannon participated in her second wrestling match last weekend. Although she was eventually beaten by her mentor she did extremely well and her parents were very proud of her.

I wanted to give a shout out to the Year 7 Student Commissioners. They have been doing a great job helping Mrs Germaney with the Year 6 transition. It really does show how far they have come this year and the confidence they have gained.

Our Students of the Week are:

7 NJA Szymon Karpowicz For the most positives in my form this week, including a praise postcard in Science.

7 BRH Layla Ridley She works hard and gets on with what needs to be done. She is a charming and polite young lady. I have had nothing but praise about her from students and staff, keep up the fantastic work Layla.

7 MST Sophie Sieley For always being so helpful during form time.

7 BGR Dylan Chalke & They recently took part in the Bubble Rush at The Walks and raised Callie-May Edwards-Ballantyne lots of money for EACH. Well done.

7 CBA Curtis Switek He is always smiling and cheerful. He is a kind member of our form and will always help out when needed.

7 AWA TJ Shackcloth TJ has made massive improvements in his behaviour and in doing so has gained lots of achievement points. Good work TJ.

Well done to all who were nominated, our students of the week are Dylan and Callie-May for raising money for East Anglian Children’s Hospice, a very worthy cause and I know they would’ve been very messy!

Page 5: Parent Bulletin - King's Lynn · Parent Bulletin Friday, 28th June 2019. Dates for your Diary: Tuesday 2nd July – UEA

Year 8 Round Up – Compiled by Miss Crowe: Exams have begun for Year 8 this week! I have been with the Year 8’s as they have started each exam and their behaviour has been fantastic! In particular on Thursday’s Maths exams the students were exemplary. I am very impressed with the maturity and conduct shown from these students at the start of each exam, well done. Just a reminder that the Year 8’s have their non-calculator Maths paper on Monday, at 11.05 am. This exam will last for an hour and a half.

There have been many Year 6’s who have joined us this week to participate in their KLA transition days. I would just like to say a special thanks to our Student Commissioners. They have, yet again, supported KLA and have gone above and beyond to help. Thank you to the following Student Commissioners: Evie Mason, Meida Grigalaityte, Eve McDowell, Fern Barnett, Jacob Edgley, Mantas Kundinovic, Tamzin Toromba, Courtney Russell, Saffron Krill, Finley Grief, James Keal, Jed King, Macy Harvey, Milana Zaboraite, Theo Hancock, Corey Cawston, Charlie Mitchell, Charlie Schrooder, Lily Chilvers, Lilly Kershaw, Emma Beech, Georgia Stone and Karolina Kordovic.

Just another quick note regarding attendance. Please can you ensure that you inform the school for the reason behind any absence taken. You can either phone Mrs Roberts on 01553 779635, or email her at [email protected]

Year 8 Student of the Week Nominations

The following students received Student of the Week nominations from their form tutors:

8LBE Dylan Bentley For having 100% attendance and being prepared to learn every day this year. A lovely young man that is a pleasure to have in the form.

8RES Aukse Juodinyte Aukse achieved 15 achievement points last week (the highest in the form), and 0 achievement points. Aukse is always positive, respectful and a good role model to students in Year 8.

8CBR Jacob Edgley For his brilliant help with the Year 6 transition activities.

8JMA Leon Allen For being polite and helpful in form.

8EBL Lilly Kershaw Lilly is always ahead of the game and contributes to the smooth running of form. With an excellent achievement record and brilliant attendance, Lilly is a great example to the class.

8HLO Tyler Mills For coming out of his comfort zone and working through a new scheme of work with me. Well done Tyler!

8THO Lewis Goldsmith For stepping in to help with form assembly without complaint. Lewis was eager to help.

Well done to all of the students who have been nominated for Student of the Week. Congratulations Aukse! You are our Student of the Week!

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend!

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Year 9 Round Up – Compiled by Mrs Mann: A busy week here for our Year 9’s.

We have the last few exams to go now and they have all done so well. It’s great to hear from all the invigilators at how much better they are at settling down to start the exams. Well done!

Mr Frammingham led our assembly this week and it was all about ‘Words’. The power of words and how we use them. Many different words have many different meanings.

Well done to all students for another fab week, this week’s nominations are –

9CKW Catherine Castro For showing a massive improvement to her attitude to learning.

9HDR Jessica Peel For trying hard to improve her behaviour and having a positive approach to all lessons.

9EWB Tye O'Neill For beautiful and imaginative writing.

9CMC Connor West For maintaining self-control when under pressure.

9TWR Renat Chodos For consistently displaying outstanding focus and behaviour in form time.

9SHA Harry Goodbourn Has over 500 achievement points, he does exactly what we ask him to. A really lovely student to teach, he is always smiling.

9ABL Sophie Mallett For showing real concern and a caring attitude towards another student.

Congratulations to Harry Goodbourn, over 500 points! Fantastic!

Page 7: Parent Bulletin - King's Lynn · Parent Bulletin Friday, 28th June 2019. Dates for your Diary: Tuesday 2nd July – UEA

Year 10 Round Up – Compiled by Miss McGivern: Our whole school theme this week is Finding my Place.

This week’s assembly was about the power of words, and our amazing ability to communicate. There were some very interesting facts about how many words we know at different stages of our lives, and how words have the incredible power to motivate. Thank you for compiling this assembly Mr Frammingham.

Top achievement points this week goes to Hermione Scandrett 10SBW 771 points.

Year 10 Student of the Week nominations – from form tutors are:

10LAM Sophie Brown She always tries her best in everything that she does. A very helpful member of the form.

10 ATA Alfie Homer For always trying his best.

10 CFY Chloe Winters Chloe has been really focussed on exam revision, I have been so pleased with her. Also her attendance is over 98% and she is a delight to have in form. Well done Chloe.

10KPO Kristiana Zibala For consistently modelling a superb attitude. This is reflected in the high number of achievement points she has earned over the course of the year. Last week alone she achieved 22 points. Furthermore, Kristiana is a very polite young lady who tries incredibly hard each and every day.

10NBO Alisha Macey Usually the first to arrive promptly to form and follows form routines. She does put forward an opinion for any questions asked and includes new pupils.

10SBW Hermione Scandrett She has the highest number of points weekly, and total achievement points in my form and never gives me any bother in tutor time.

Well done to all students that were nominated and congratulations to Kristiana Zibala, you are our Year 10 student of the week! Well done!

I had the pleasure of attending COWA taster day this week with the Year 10’s. They were a great representation of KLA, and made me very proud. I have attached some photos of our day.

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Year 10 Round Up – Continued….