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Paragraph Development

On a separated piece of paper, write a paragraph describing one or your most important

accomplishments. Use at least four of the following words in your paragraph.

hooked on intense obsession escape benefit accomplish

On the past years I participated continuously in a rock music band. Crisol “KrisoL”was the name

of the band. I participated in this band for about 6 years. My husband wasthesinger and I was one of the

band choruses. The practice was intense; we practiced day by day to improve the voices and to improve

the music, so thatpubliccould enjoythebest show. Sometimes I use the music, to escape and conserve

my mental calm.Music is not an obsession, the music are one of the most important thing of life. In my

life I sense an intense necessity to publish a book of poem or to write a song.

Krisol has a great meaning in our lives; the crucible is an instrument that is used to process gold

and to purify it. Any member of the band was not professional musician but we liked music and we had

some knowledge of this. This way, we decided to join them and to process this knowledge and to be

able to purify them and to put them in practice. Of this form a musical group gets to represent the town

of Jayuya in several presentations including the Television. In my personal perspective, I use this

experience to grow, to develop my musical and vocal talents and to obtain additional benefits.