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Ph: 09555108888,09555208888 12007, OUTRAM LINES, 1ST FLOOR, OPPOSITE MUKHERJEE NAGAR POLICE STATION, DELHI-110009 +rrn - I ( =rn r- f q n a r ) f rr (1-13) :f r f f = ra - r r f q f q n q f r rn == f a = + rt .rr .== r.= r f a r f q1. KML : NRS : : CED : ?(A) FKL (B) FHI(C) FGH (D) FJK2. 463 : 207 : : ? : 109(A) 463 (B) 237(C) 299 (D) 2733. r = r f a r .?: : : : s-rt = r f a r .(A) (B) (C) (D)4. r = r f a r .: : : :? s-rt = r f a r .(A) (B) (C) (D)5.l- -- ln l |- ~ -| =|n |- - |l+ = == l- t `C, R, D, U, M(A) (B) -(C) |n |n | (D)+ |: - t i6. = :=+: : n |i : ?(A)+z |- (B) i(C) i (D):-7.< | | :l= |t i : :v |- |: ?(A)lz |-|+ (B)l ||i(C)n |l- (D)v |- | 8. TIPSY : PYIST : : GODUS : ?(A) DSHOU (B) DSOUG(C) DGSOU (D) DSUOG9. GFED : TSRQ : : KJIH : ?(A) YXWV (B) WVUT(C) XWVU (D) ZYXW10. 09 : 62 : : 81 : ?(A) 90 (B) 99(C) 242 (D) 72911. 3 : 26 : : ? : 124(A) 15 (B) 63(C) 36 (D) 512. 4 : 27 : : 9 : ?(A) 216 (B) 572(C) 737 (D) 72913. (A) 319 (B) 377(C) 493 (D) 391 f rr (14-19) :f r f f = ra - r r f q f q n q f r rn =f +rvrr .= + rt .== rn .= r f a r f q14. (A)+ a| -n n | n (B)- -n |n | + | | + |` zy zxy yxzx zyx xy(A) yxzyz (B) zxyzy(C) yzxyx (D) xyzzyPh: 09555108888,09555208888 22007, OUTRAM LINES, 1ST FLOOR, OPPOSITE MUKHERJEE NAGAR POLICE STATION, DELHI-110009Part - I (General Intelligence)Directions(1-12):Ineachofthefollowingquestions,selecttherelatedletters/word/number/figure from the given alternatives.1. KML : NRS : : CED : ?(A) FKL (B) FHI(C) FGH (D) FJK2. 463 : 207 : : ? : 109(A) 463 (B) 237(C) 299 (D) 2733. Question Figures :?: : : :Answer Figures :(A) (B) (C) (D)4. Question Figures :: : : :?Answer Figures :(A) (B) (C) (D)5. Towhichgeneralclassdothefollowinglettersbelong?C, R, D, U, M(A) Vowel (B) Consonant(C) Alphabet (D) None6. Bus : Road : : Train : ?(A) Junction (B) Track(C) Trail (D) Engine7. Inspector : Constable : : Principal : ?(A) Teacher (B) Student(C) Monitor (D) College8. TIPSY : PYIST : : GODUS : ?(A) DSHOU (B) DSOUG(C) DGSOU (D) DSUOG9. GFED : TSRQ : : KJIH : ?(A) YXWV (B) WVUT(C) XWVU (D) ZYXW10. 09 : 62 : : 81 : ?(A) 90 (B) 99(C) 242 (D) 72911. 3 : 26 : : ? : 124(A) 15 (B) 63(C) 36 (D) 512. 4 : 27 : : 9 : ?(A) 216 (B) 572(C) 737 (D) 72913. (A) 319 (B) 377(C) 493 (D) 391Directions(14-19):Ineachofthefollowingquestionsfindtheoddword/letters/numberpair from the given responses.14. (A) Hard - Soft (B) Sharp - Blunt(C) Sweet - Sour (D) Long - High15. (A) G (B) V(C) Q (D) M16. (A) ACEG (B) BDFH(C) CEGI (D) DEFI17. (A) Allahabad (B) Kanpur(C) Lucknow (D) Jhansi18. (A) 2 (B) 4(C) 16 (D) 819.(A) (B) (C) (D)20. The sequence of the figure has given belowthat can be classified in group. Choose thatoption which can be grouped.(1) (2) (3) (4)(5) (6) (7) (8) (9)(A) 139, 267, 458 (B) 139, 278, 456(C) 139, 457, 268 (D) 135, 249, 67821. Which one of the given responses would beameaningfulascendingorderofthefollowing ?1. Collector 2. Governor3. ChiefSecretary 4. President5. Clerk(A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (B) 5, 1, 3, 2, 4(C) 5, 1, 3, 4, 2 (D) 5, 1, 4, 3, 222. Which one of the following words will appearfourth in the English dictionary?(A) Encradle (B) Encourage(C) Encroach (D) Encounter23. Which one set of letters when sequentiallyplaced at the gaps in the given letter seriesshall complete it? zy zxy yxzx zyx xy(A) yxzyz (B) zxyzy(C) yzxyx (D) xyzzyPh: 09555108888,09555208888 32007, OUTRAM LINES, 1ST FLOOR, OPPOSITE MUKHERJEE NAGAR POLICE STATION, DELHI-110009 f rr (24-25) :f r f f = ra r rn , f qn qf rrn = q =r t f r r f q f == v= r r t t r rn t24. MES, LDR, KCQ,?, IAO(A) KCO (B) KBP(C) JCQ (D) JBP25. 2 3, 3 5, 5 7, ____, 11 13(A) 9 11 (B) 7 11(C) 5 9 (D) 7 926.< i : > |n |~ | n n - = | + | a|- + il( 10, 80, 72, 46, 521, 621, 343(A) 46 (B) 521(C) 621 (D) 34327. 6341, 5432, _____, 3614(A) 4253 (B) 4614(C) 4532 (D) 452328. A, B~ | C+ |l - |tB, A+ | |tn l+ - C, A+ | |- t i tCl+ =v + | A== l- t `(A)|- ii (B)==(C) |i (D) |- |29.l< l + - |n =+ n ( + l + - + |- l- (| l< z|< |n v +- ~ - | |+ v | = - t i - |||=+ - |t STCTRUIONMISCON(A) STRICT (B) CONSTRUCTION(C) STATION (D) MOTION30.l+ =i=|+ l- + ||||n l< ||-| |+ |l- lz - - - i+ =+ l- l+ | |t A C D E G H K L M N O S @ # $ % ^ & l- -- + | = + |- =| z |< - | | | =+ - | t `^% $(A) HONEST (B) HOMAGE(C) HOMELY (D) HOSTEL31.+ =n i+ |l+ =il z ||v ||n i+ ~ || t n l+ ( ( t :=i~ || l< ( ( - | l + - |n ==t i--| + |- - + il( a = 14(240)15 b = 16(306)17c = 18(?)19(A) 380 (B) 270(C) 170 (D) 37032.l< l + - |n =n -- = |a|- + il( 8 9 104 4 332 ? 2912 25 14(A) 18 (B) 14(C) 16 (D) 2433.n in |( + l -< =- n - |v | |+ - it t 1l+ n i l< z || n - n - i t ~ | l |( n |- i t ~ | 2l+ n i - n - it ~ | l < |( n + . l+ n i- n - it t - < |( n + 6l+ n i - n - i t t ~ - v | l|+ l -< = l+ - - i< t `(A) 3l+ n i (B) 4l+ n i(C) 5l+ n i (D) 2l+ n i34.+ |< l-| |+ i~ | |+ + =i 2l+ n i+ i< i- + - | t ~ | t | t ~ - < |lt - ~ | 90 n + 2 l+ n i+ i< i- + - |t l t ~ - |(45 n + 1l+ n i < i - + - | t ~ t ~ - ~ | l|+ l -< =l+ =l< z ||n t `(A)< l-| |l< z ||n (B)< l-| | l< z ||n (C)--| lz - n l< z || n (D)< l-| | lz - n l< z || n 35.< i :- | --| ~ || l- |n =-=~ || l- + |- l- ( | v z- ~ || l- + | n |+ l+ =i |+= n |n - - | r = r f a . s-rt = r f a r .(A) (B) (C) (D)36.l< l+ =i+ |||n DAUGHTER + | TERUDAGH ln || |- | t - | -=i + |||| n APTITUDEln || |( | (A) UDEAPTIT (B) UDEIAPTT(C) UDETAPIT (D) UDEIATPT37.l+ =i+ ||||n l< GERMANY+ | 7, 5, 18, 13, 1,14, 25+ n ln |||- |t - |-=i+ ||||n + |= l+ = - t ln || | =+ - | t `(A) 6, 18, 1, 14, 3, 5(B) 6, 3, 18, 14, 1, 5(C) 8, 2, 14, 5, 13, 6(D) 8, 16, 14, 3, 1, 538.< i :=n i+ |+ |=- ln - + - - || * l- r|+ |v l- ||l - + - + ln ( l |- i l- r| + | =t i + n =n t - l- ( 15 * 5 * 3 * 25(A) = (B) =(C) = (D) B~ | C< |- |Ph: 09555108888,09555208888 42007, OUTRAM LINES, 1ST FLOOR, OPPOSITE MUKHERJEE NAGAR POLICE STATION, DELHI-110009Directions (24-25) : In the following questions,choose the correct option which complete theseries.24. MES, LDR, KCQ,?, IAO(A) KCO (B) KBP(C) JCQ (D) JBP25. 2 3, 3 5, 5 7, ____, 11 13(A) 9 11 (B) 7 11(C) 5 9 (D) 7 926. Find the wrong number in the given series.10, 80, 72, 46, 521, 621, 343(A) 46 (B) 521(C) 621 (D) 34327. 6341, 5432, _____, 3614(A) 4253 (B) 4614(C) 4532 (D) 452328. A is the father of B and C. B is the son of A,but C is not the son of A. How is C related toA?(A) Niece (B) Father-in-law(C) Daughter (D) Grandson29. From the given alternatives, select the onlyword which cannot be formed by using theletters of the given word.STCTRUIONMISCON(A) STRICT (B) CONSTRUCTION(C) STATION (D) MOTION30. In a code language, the following alphabetsare coded in a particular way :A C D E G H K Y M N O S @ # $ % ^ & Whichwordcanbedecodedfromthefollowing codes ?^% $(A) HONEST (B) HOMAGE(C) HOMELY (D) HOSTEL31. Some questions are solved on the basis ofacertainsystem.Indentifythatoperationandfindoutthecorrectanswerfromthefour responses given.a = 14(240)15 b = 16(306)17c = 18(?)19(A) 380 (B) 270(C) 170 (D) 37032. Findthemissingnumberfromthegivenresponses.8 9 104 4 332 ? 2912 25 14(A) 18 (B) 14(C) 16 (D) 2433. Leelastartsfromapointandwalks1kmeast andthenturns leftandwalks 2 kmsand then turns right and walks 2 kms. Sheagain turns right and walks 6 kms. How faris she from the starting point?(A) 3 kms (B) 4 kms(C) 5 kms (D) 2 kms34. Karan facing towards south moves straight2 kms and from there turned to his right at90andtravelled2kms.Thenhetooka45turntohisleftandtravelled1km.Where would he be now with respect to thestarting point?(A) Southregion(B) South-eastregion(C) North-westregion(D) South-westregion35. Choosefromthefouranswerfiguresthefigure that will be formed when the questionfigure is folded into a box.Question FigureAnswer Figures :(A) (B) (C) (D)36. If in a certain code, DAUGHTER is writtenasTERUDAGH,howwillAPTITUDEbewritten in that code?(A) UDEAPTIT (B) UDEIAPTT(C) UDETAPIT (D) UDEIATPT37. In a code language if GERMANY is writtenas 7, 5, 18, 13, 1, 14, 25, how can FRANCEbe written in that code?(A) 6, 18, 1, 14, 3, 5(B) 6, 3, 18, 14, 1, 5(C) 8, 2, 14, 5, 13, 6(D) 8, 16, 14, 3, 1, 538. Selectthecorrectcombinationofmathematical signs toreplace * signs andto balance the given equation.15 * 5 * 3 * 25(A) = (B) =(C) = (D) Both B and CPh: 09555108888,09555208888 52007, OUTRAM LINES, 1ST FLOOR, OPPOSITE MUKHERJEE NAGAR POLICE STATION, DELHI-11000939. l< A'+ '+ ln (M + ln ( D + ln ( G > + ln ( ~ | L CD (B) BD > AD < CD(C) AD > CD > BD (D) Noneofthese63.( + i-||n70%l ||i~ in - || 80% l |- n --|i | t (10%l ||i < |- | n ~ - -|i | t ( l< + n160l ||i~ - -|i |t (- |+ n l |l||+ i= | - |((A) 425 (B) 400(C) 240 (D) 32064.3.76 1.4567 | t (A)2.3100191(B)2.3101091(C)2.31110091(D):- n = + |: - t i65.n + | |n + ~ |- |+ | z |+ |-|| n 56n i2t l< =|i|:n |+ | t |- |~ | z+ -- - n |:n |+ i= | a|- + (A) 15 (B) 9(C) 14 (D)- - t i l+ | | =+ - |66. 1324 6857 + 2413 5768 + 1234 + 5678n :+ |: + | ~ + a|- + (A) 4 (B) 6(C) 8 (D):- n = + |: - t iPh: 09555108888,09555208888 92007, OUTRAM LINES, 1ST FLOOR, OPPOSITE MUKHERJEE NAGAR POLICE STATION, DELHI-110009Part - II (Quantitative Aptitude)51. The value of 1 14 27 41 13 12 7+ 12112155++ is (A)913(B)729(C) 1 (D)5652. Thetrafficlightsatthreedifferentroadcrossings change after every 48 sec, 72 secand 108 sec. respectively. If they all changesimultaneouslyat8:20hours,thenatwhattimewilltheyagainchangesimultaneously?(A) 8 : 27 : 12 hrs (B) 8 : 29 : 12 hrs(C) 8 : 25 : 14 hrs (D) 8 : 24 : 12 hrs53. Evaluate 303 + 203 503.(A) 90,000 (B) 90,000(C) 25,000 (D) Noneofthese54. If x = 12 3 + and y = 12 3 , then the valueof 1 11 1 x y| |+ |+ +\ . is (A) 1 (B) 2(C)3(D)1355. tan2u.tan4u=1,thenthevalueoftan3uis (A)13(B)3(C) 0 (D) 156. Iftheaverageofxand 1xbe1,thenthevalue of 8x10 + 54x will be (A) 12 (B) 12(C) 0 (D) 157. InatriangleABC,BDandCEareperpendiculars on AC and AB respectively.If BD = CE then AABC is a (A) Rightangle (B) Equilateral(C) Isosceles (D) Scalene58. Ahollowcylindermadeofwoodhasthickness1cmwhileitsexternalradiusis3cm.Iftheheightofthecylinderis8cm, find the volume.(A)7607 cm3(B)8807 cm3(C)8707 cm3(D)8857 cm359. Twocirclestouchinternally.Thesumoftheirareasis116tcm2anddistancebetween their centre is 6 cm. Then the radiiof the circles are (A) 4 cm and 10 cm(B) 5 cm and 11 cm(C) 4.5 cm and 6.5 cm(D) 5.5 cm and 10.5 cm60. Given that 10% of As income = 15% of Bsincome = 20% of Cs income. If sum of theirincome is ` 7800, then Bs income is (A) ` 3600 (B) ` 2600(C) ` 2400 (D) ` 180061. InthegivenfigureAB||CDandZBAE=130, ZECD = 110 and ZAEC = x, then thevalue of x is AECDB110130x(A) 130 (B) 120(C) 105 (D) 6062. In AABC, ZB = 35, ZC = 65 and the bisectorAD of ZBAC meets BC at D. Then which ofthe following is true?(A) AD > BD > CD (B) BD > AD < CD(C) AD > CD > BD (D) Noneofthese63. Inanexamination70%ofthecandidatespassedinEnglish,80%passedinmathematics,10%failedinboth.If160candidatesfailed,thetotalnumbersofstudent was (A) 425 (B) 400(C) 240 (D) 32064. What is 3.76 1.4567 equal to (A)2.3100191(B)2.3101091(C)2.31110091(D) Noneofthese65. Therectangularfloorofmyofficehasitsarea equal to 56 m2. The minumum numberof tiles required, if all the tiles are in squareshape is (A) 15 (B) 9(C) 14 (D) cant be determined66. Findtheunitdigitof13246857+24135768 + 1234 + 5678.(A) 4 (B) 6(C) 8 (D) NoneofthesePh: 09555108888,09555208888 102007, OUTRAM LINES, 1ST FLOOR, OPPOSITE MUKHERJEE NAGAR POLICE STATION, DELHI-11000967.= n + | |35214124256 ( ( ( ( ( ( (A)15162(B)1542(C)1582(D)158268. l< X~ | Y+ n z|( + ( =~ | - + -|| n l + || + | t l=+ in - |: 1:+ |:~ | - ||:12:+ |:t - | l- -- n = + |- =| =t i t `(A) X~ | Y< |- | l n = |t (B) X l n ~ | Y~ l n t (C) X~ l n ~ | Y l n t (D) X~ | Y< |- | ~ l n t 69.(+ n + i+ | < |+=l=+ il n |( 80=n i 60=n i 40=n it2=n in |in + i= - |t l< ( + =n i n + i+ | - 10 |n t |- | ||n i +=+ | - a|- + (A) 385.84l+ | (B) 388.64l+ |(C) 386.48l+ | (D) 387.84l+ |70.- i- < i :~ || l- ny, o, $- || (t |)+ |l< || | | t l- -- n = + |- =| =t i t | |`A B CDEy$ot | (A) y = o + $ | (B) y = | o $(C) y = o + | + $ (D) y = o | + $71.( + v + | + | - |` 192/ l+ | < = + | + i - |` 150/ l+ |t < |- |+ |l+ =~ - |- n ln n | ||( l+ - |` 194.40/l+ |+ || = - - 20% + |n ||t |`(A) 3 : 5 (B) 2 : 5(C) 5 : 3 (D) 5 : 272.< i :~ || l- nAB || CDtZABC = 65, ZCDE= 15- || AB = AEt - | ZAEFa|- + A FC BDE(A) 30 (B) 35(C) 40 (D) 4573.( + |n n50 =` 1 ` 2+ l=++ 2 : 3 : 4+ ~ - |- n t l< + n + n ` 240t |- |l=++ |+ i+ n = | - |( (A) 90 (B) 150(C) 200 (D) 18074.< |- nT1- || T2+ il|- |+ |~ - |- 2 : 1t (+ =n |- l- =-- n n + | |t t |- |t l< < |n T1- || T2 - n = | |( - | =n + | ~ - |- - |( (A) 2 : 1 (B) 1 : 2(C) 4 : 1 (D) 1 : 475.( + l+- ~ - < |- | ||, | |=||l+ |- |n + |+ | + | + =+ - | t l< l+ =i + | + | < |- | | ~ n ~ n + n z| 6~ | 12l< - | n + =+ - t - | l - | l+ - - l< - | n + | =n |-- + (A) 9l< - (B) 3l< -(C) 6l< - (D) 4l< -76.( + =n + | | l|| + | + | - || ~ z l n | + n z| 20 =n i ~ | 24=n i t l|| + i~ - < | ||( a|- + (A) 16=n i12=n i (B) 12=n i18=n i(C) 20=n i16=n i (D):- n = + |: - t i77. l< ` 85+ i- |lz | 3 ||n ` 95t ||- |t - |=n |- < =` 102+ i- |lz | 5 ||n l+ - - it ||( i`(A) ` 120 (B) ` 131(C) ` 122 (D) ` 10078. r l< ( + |- l + = |t | 0- t it ~ | :=v + | t l+ r75 > r90 t + n - |i=| t (A) 1 < r < 0 (B) 0 < r < 1(C) 1 < r (D) 1 < r < 179. l< =n i+ |Kx y = 2- || 6x 2y = 3+ |( + n || t n t | - | K+ | n |- t | | (A) K = 3 (B) K = 3(C) K = 0 (D) K = 080. 4l+ - | 3 l=n + i+ in - 8l+ - | ( + l=n + | t t n | - l- -- n =l+ =( + + | t | |`(A) 2l+ - | - || 6 l=n(B) 5l+ - | - || 5 l=n(C) 6l+ - | - || 2 l=n(D) 12l+ - | - || 4 l=n81.( + - |lz |- + lz |+ i< 6 ||n < | - it | |- it |+ =n |- < =l+ - - =n n t + i8 - it ||( i`(A) 15 ||n(B) 10 ||n (C) 18 ||n(D) 12 ||n 82.( + - + |~ l+ - n - ` 100t ( + in 3 - ~ | + |l- lz - - < - + |< ` 274.50n - |v l- z|- a|- + (A) 8% (B) 8.5%(C) 7% (D) 7.5%83. ` 8000 5%+ i< =3 |+ ln ( =|| | | - + lz | n ~ - t(A) ` 51 (B) ` 55(C) ` 61 (D) ` 65Ph: 09555108888,09555208888 112007, OUTRAM LINES, 1ST FLOOR, OPPOSITE MUKHERJEE NAGAR POLICE STATION, DELHI-11000967. Simplify | |35214124256 ( ( ( ( ( ( (A)15162(B)1542(C)1582(D)158268. If X and Y denote respectively, the area andthesumofthelengthofdiagonalsofarectanglewithlength1unitandbreadth12 unit, then which one of the following iscorrect ?(A) X and Y are rationals(B) X is rational and Y is irrationals(C) X is irrational and Y is rational(D) X and Y both are irrationals69. Acl osedwoodenboxwithexternaldimension 80 cm 60 cm 40 cm is madeof a 2 cm thick wood. If 1 cm3 of wood weight10 g, find the weight of empty box.(A) 385.84 kg (B) 388.64 kg(C) 386.48 kg (D) 387.84 kg70. The angle y, o, $ and (t-|) are indicated inthefiguregivenbelow.Whichoneofthefollowing is correct?A B CDEy$ot | (A) y = o + $ | (B) y = | o $(C) y = o + | + $ (D) y = o | + $71. The ratio, in which tea costing ` 192/kg istobemixedwithteacosting`150/kgsothatthemixedtea,whensoldfor` 194.40 per kg, gives a profit of 20% is (A) 3 : 5 (B) 2 : 5(C) 5 : 3 (D) 5 : 272. In the figure given below AB || CD. ZABC =65, ZCDE = 15 and AB = AE. Find ZAEF.A FC BDE(A) 30 (B) 35(C) 40 (D) 4573. A bag contains 50 paise,` 1 and ` 2 coinsin the ratio 2 : 3 : 4. If the total amount is` 240, what is the total number of coins?(A) 90 (B) 150(C) 200 (D) 18074. The ratio of the radii of the taps T1, and T2is 2 : 1. Water is flowing through them withthesamespeed.Whatisratioofthetimerequiredtocompletelyfilltwoidenticaldrums kept under T1 and T2.(A) 2 : 1 (B) 1 : 2(C) 4 : 1 (D) 1 : 475. A person can do a work as fast as his twosons working together. If one son does thejob in 6 days and the other in 12 days. howmany days does the father takes to do thework?(A) 9 days (B) 3 days(C) 6 days (D) 4 days76. The hypotenuse and the semi-perimeter ofrighttri angleare20cmand24cmrespectively.Theothertwosidesofthetriangleare(A) 16 cm, 12 cm (B) 12 cm, 18 cm(C) 20 cm, 16 cm (D) Noneofthese77. If`85amountsto`95in3years,what` 102 will amount to in 5 years at the sameratepercent?(A) ` 120 (B) ` 131(C) ` 122 (D) ` 10078. risanon-zerorealnumbersuchthatr75 > r90. This is possible only when (A) 1 < r < 0 (B) 0 < r < 1(C) 1 < r (D) 1 < r < 179. UnderwhatconditiondotheequationsKx y = 2 and 6x 2y = 3 have a uniquesolution?(A) K = 3 (B) K = 3(C) K = 0 (D) K = 080. The cost of 4 books and 3 pencils is sameas that of 8 books and one pencil. This costwillbesametothatofwhichoneofthefollowing :(A) 2 books and 6 pencils(B) 5 books and 5 pencils(C) 6 books and 2 pencils(D) 12 books and 4 pencils81. Asumofmoneyinvestedatcompoundinterestdoublesitselfin6years.Inhowmany years it will amount to eight times ofitself at the samerate ofinterest?(A) 15 years (B) 10 years(C) 18 years (D) 12 years82. List price of a article is ` 100. A dealer sells3articlesfor`274.50afterallowingacertaindiscount.Fi ndthediscountpercent.(A) 8% (B) 8.5%(C) 7% (D) 7.5%83. The difference between simple interest andcompound interest on ` 8000 for 3 years at5% is (A) ` 51 (B) ` 55(C) ` 61 (D) ` 65Ph: 09555108888,09555208888 122007, OUTRAM LINES, 1ST FLOOR, OPPOSITE MUKHERJEE NAGAR POLICE STATION, DELHI-11000984.+ + 15%+ n || ` 7,130n - ||- |t l< -= ` 5,890n - ||- |- |n |||t |l- v l- z|- a|- + (A) 5%t |l- (B) 5%n ||(C) 7%t |l- (D) 7%n ||85. O, APQR+ |~ - + -< t - || ZP = 60 t - | ZQOR + | n |- t(A) 90 (B) 120(C) 105 (D) 10086. l< x = ( )132 1+ t - |331xx| | |\ .+ | n |- t(A) 0 (B) 2(C) 2 (D)3 287.=n |t l||+ iv + || 8=n it :=+ ~ - -|+ i l|- |a|- + (A)4 3=n i (B)433=n i(C)435=n i (D)1235=n i88. l< a + 1b = b + 1c = c + 1a (a = b = c)t |- | abc + | n |- t(A) 2 (B) 0(C) 12(D) 189.< i i l- -- ~ || l- n o+ | n |- + | t `ABDC$|o(A) | $ (B) | $ + (C) | + $ (D) t ($ + | + )90.( + -n | ~ - ai | i n80 - - |- | t l== -=+ |~ |=- 5 |- |t ai | i+ |< -=+ |~ |=- a|- + (A) 65 (B) 60(C) 50 (D) 5591. 7 l+- ( + + | + | 12l< - |n + - t < | - + | + |8l< - n =n |-- + - + ln ( l+ - - ~ l- l +- l+- |+ i ~ | z + - |t | i`(A) 28 (B) 7(C) 21 (D) 1492.( + 6.3=n i l|- | + |n + | n |+ ( + 25.2=n i - - |:+ |z |+ - | | |z |+ + ~ || + il|-| - |( (A) 6.3=n i (B) 2.1=n i(C) 2=n i (D) 3=n i93.=n i+ |sinx.cosx = 2+ |t (A)( + t n (B)< |t n(C)~ - - t n (D)+ |: t n - t i94. 48+ | l - n < n (A)415 t l - (B)418 t l -(C)625t l - (D):- n = + |: - t i95.=n < - ||= 150n i - - - |i=t |+ |~ - n - + | | 30t -|+ + ai+ - i- =n < - l|- l -< = t | + i < i a|- + (A)1503(B) 1503(C) 150 (D) 15023 f rr (96-100) :f n = rt = r r=r r t = t f r f f = ra r r r s-rt n |= z|i13 t | n |- ( | : n ~ - v | i - - |110 t i16 n70% v |i- 16% ~ - = | - 96.n |- z| i + |l+ - - |v l- z|- || - - | - |- t i~ | - t i n |= z |i = - | t `(A) 40% (B) 60%(C) 2.5% (D) 3.75%97.n |= lz | |n t - - |n v |i- + |t l|n t - - |n v |i- = ~ - |- - |( (A) 1 : 18 (B) 18 : 1(C) 2 : 1 (D) 1 : 298. l< l+ =i l+- + | - 50l+ |.t - |-=+ z | i n |- i l+ - - l+ | t | |`(A) 20l+ | (B) 35l+ |(C) 40l+ | (D) 50l+ |99.n |- z | i + + n - + |l+ - - |v l- z|- || - |t `(A) .016% (B) 10.0%(C) 0.16% (D)~ |+ ~ |-- t 100.v |i- ~ -= |- - |+ | n |- z| i + =| -|+ | |i n |- + | t | |(A) 54 (B) 126(C) 108 (D) 252Ph: 09555108888,09555208888 132007, OUTRAM LINES, 1ST FLOOR, OPPOSITE MUKHERJEE NAGAR POLICE STATION, DELHI-11000984. A set of clothes is sold for ` 7,130 at a gainof 15%. What would have been the gain orloss percent if it had been sold for ` 5,890?(A) 5% loss (B) 5% gain(C) 7% loss (D) 7% gain85. O is the incentre of APQR and ZP = 60, thevalue of ZQOR is (A) 90 (B) 120(C) 105 (D) 10086. If x = ( )132 1+, then the value of 331xx| | |\ .is (A) 0 (B) 2(C) 2 (D)3 287. The radius of the incircle of the equilateraltriangle having each side 8 cm is (A)4 3 cm (B)433 cm(C)435 cm (D)1235 cm88. If a + 1b = b + 1c = c + 1a (a = b = c), then thevalue of abc is (A) 2 (B) 0(C) 12(D) 189. Whatisthevalueofointhefiguregivenbelow :ABDC$|o(A) | $ (B) | $ + (C) | + $ (D) t ($ + | + )90. Abatsmanscores80runsinhissixthinningandthusincreaseshisaverageby5. What is his average after sixth inning?(A) 65 (B) 60(C) 50 (D) 5591. 7mencancompleteapieceofworkin12 days. How many additional men will berequiredtocompletedoubletheworkin8 days ?(A) 28 (B) 7(C) 21 (D) 1492. A sphere of radius 6.3 cm is melted and castinto a right circular cone of height 25.2 cm.The radius of the base of the cone is (A) 6.3 cm (B) 2.1 cm(C) 2 cm (D) 3 cm93. The equation sinx.cosx = 2 has (A) Onesolution (B) Two solution(C) Infinitesolution(D) No solution94. Convert 48 to radians.(A)415 t rad (B)418 trad(C)625trad (D) Noneofthese95. Fromacliff150maboveshorelinetheangleofdepressionofashipis30.Findthe distance from the ship to a point on theshore directly below the observer.(A)1503(B) 1503(C) 150 (D) 15023Directions (96-100) : Study the following graphscarefully and answer the questions that follow:Muscles13Harmonesensymes &other proteinsSkin110Bones16Water 70%Protein 16%Other dryelements96. In the human body, what percent of body ismadeofneitherbonesnorskinnormuscles?(A) 40% (B) 60%(C) 2.5% (D) 3.75%97. Whatistheratioofthedistributionofproteinsinthemusclestothatofthedistribution of proteins in the bones ?(A) 1 : 18 (B) 18 : 1(C) 2 : 1 (D) 1 : 298. Whatwillbethequantityofwaterinthebody of person weighing 50 kg?(A) 20 kg (B) 35 kg(C) 40 kg (D) 50 kg99. What percent of the total weight of humanbody is equivalent of the weight of the skinin human body?(A) .016% (B) 10.0%(C) 0.16% (D) Datainadequate100. Toshowthedistributionofproteinsandother dry elements in the human body, thearcofcircleshouldsubtendatthecentrean angle of (A) 54 (B) 126(C) 108 (D) 252Ph: 09555108888,09555208888 142007, OUTRAM LINES, 1ST FLOOR, OPPOSITE MUKHERJEE NAGAR POLICE STATION, DELHI-110009 +rrn - III ( =rn r- r rt t )101.l- -- ln l |- n =+ |- =|| - + t n < | |- |l- n n - | - i |+ i || - |t : |i`(A) |||- ~ | n t | |(B) |||- ~ | ~ | < z |(C) |||- ~ | -i=| (D) |||- ~ | |102.|| - i + n |+ | - + - < =- i l- + | t |n t i n l- - t ~ |||l- --|ln l |- n =l+ =+ l- n | |+ ln ( l=z |`(A) |+ |- - i (B)n l- - i |+ t < | |