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There is no better way to start off Winter Quarter, for the Beta Upsilon chapter of Tri Delta than participating in Winter Recruit-

ment! Recruitment kicked off during the second week of the quarter, starting with setting up a infor-mation booth on Ring Road. Tri Delta sisters took turns at the booth throughout the week, encourag-ing passers-by to take a look at all that Tri Delta has to offer. By stopping by the booth and through general word-of-mouth, many girls took an inter-est in Tri Delta and learned about the recruitment events taking place that week at the Tri Delta house.

The Tri Delta house was opened and wel-comed to many girls during these events, where UC Irvine sisters got the opportu-

nity to learn more about them and share the values of Tri Delta sisterhood. So many great girls came out to these events, and at the end of the week the

chapter accepted a grand total of nine girls to be-come a part of their organization. That Friday af-ternoon of week two, the chapter celebrated their new pledge class, Beta Omega, with a “Friends” themed bid day. With the theme song playing in the background (“I’ll be there for youuuu…”), the new members were made to feel right at home—there really couldn’t have been a more suited theme for this celebration. All the events lead-ing up to the chapter gaining a pledge class full of amazing women couldn’t have been possible without the leadership of the chapter’s Recruit-ment Chair, Chloe Saalsa.

Throughout the quarter, the UC Irvine Tri Delta chapter has had amazing op-portunities to get to know the Beta

Omega members. Each member possesses the same common values of a Tri Delta woman,


Pansy PressUC Irvine Delta Delta Delta

Winter Issue 2016 Editor Jessie Taylor

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There is a good chance that there has never been a volleyball game more intense than the championship game between Tri Delta

and Alpha Phi. The game took place on February 23rd at 9:00pm at the Anteater Recreation Cen-ter. The support for both teams was unreal—the bleachers were full with friends and fellow Greek-life students. The game was structured to which-ever team won two out of three games, took home the championship title. The first game was an in-tense battle between the two teams, and Alpha Phi won by a close call. However, that didn’t discour-age the Tri Delta team—and they recovered very quickly, winning the second game. The final third game was a game of only fifteen points—and who-ever scored fifteen first won the entire champion-ship. It was an insanely close game—I can’t even say the audience was on the edge of their seat be-

cause EVERYONE was standing, cheering on their favorite team, and waving encouraging signs. The game went by in the blink of an eye, and the final score ended up being 15-8, Tri Delta winning the championship!

This game was a great way to bring different fraternities and sororities together—and Tri Delta would like to extend a huge thank you

to all of its supporters, especially their Sister So-rority for the quarter, Delta Gamma, who helped cheer on the Tri Delta team.

B u m p , S e t , S p i k e !

W E A R Ebut all have diverse interests, majors, and come from various parts of the United States. A few of the Beta Omega members took the oppor-tunity to share a little bit about themselves. • Jenna Loventhal: “I’m a first year Civil Engi-neering and Dance double major from Mililani, Ha-waii. I like to go to the beach with my dogs or go to Dis-neyland in my free time.”• Jessica Leyva: “I’m a first year, Dance and Jour-nalism major from Santa Ynez, California. During my free time, I am most likely in a dance studio or at the gym. I also really love hiking in the mountain ranges around my home!” • Najla Shilleh: “I’m a first year Biol-ogy major from Chino Hills, California. In my free time, I mostly like to eat and sleep (lol), but I also like going to concerts and raves!” • Melissa Licari: “I’m a third year Math major from Orange, Califor-nia, and I like to draw in my free time.” • Juliana Maylahn: “I’m a first year, un-decided/undeclared major from Saratoga Springs, New York. What I like to do for fun

is figure-skate, Netflix, socialize and explore.” • Natalie Gomez: “I’m a first year, Psychology major from South Gate, California. In my free time I like binge watching Netflix, visiting new cafes (or

the same old cafes I love), brows-ing through blogs, reading arti-cles on the LA/NY Times, going to the beach, hiking, surfing, and driving around aimlessly while blasting music with a friend.”

New Member Educa-tor, Jessika Guer-rero has had plenty

of time getting to know these women as her role inform-ing Beta Omega of the values and standards of the Tri Delta

organization. She writes about her role interact-ing with this class, “I’m so excited to be teaching our beautiful Beta Omega class what it means to be a Tri Delta woman. Each of them embody our purpose in one way or another, and I am so ex-cited to see how they will grow into this chapter!”

Beta Omega, UC Irvine Tri Delta is so thrilled to get to know you more through-out the years and is excited to see how you

will thrive on campus and as Tri Delta women!

“I’ll be there for you(Like I’ve been there before)

I’ll be there for you(‘Cause you’re there for me

too) ...”

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Sincerely Yourss

For a few hours this past February, UC Irvine Tri Delta sisters gladly abandoned their reg-ular Saturday activities to help raise money

for their favorite philan-thropy, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. This or-ganization is very close to the hearts of Tri Delta wom-en, and has been officially partnered with Tri Delta nationwide since the year of 1999. A few years ago, in July 2014, the Tri Delta or-ganization announced their goal to raise a grand total of $60 million in just ten years. Every quarter, the UC Irvine chapter orga-nizes an event to help reach this hefty goal. This

past winter quarter, the fundraising event was a letter writing campaign called “Sincerely Yours.”

Chapter members met at the Tri Delta house bright and early Sat-

urday morning to participate in this letter writing cam-paign. From 11 am to 3 pm, sisters gathered around ta-bles stacked with envelopes, stationary, stamps, and got busy writing. Each sister contributed at least thirty-five letters, where they kind-ly asked their closest friends,

family, professors, and neighbors to donate on be-half of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. In the

A Letter Writing Campaign Benefitting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

past, this fundraiser has brought in the most dona-tions out of the other events throughout the year—and this year they are hoping to raise over $10,000.

While writing letters, chapter members not only had the opportunity to laugh and bond with their sisters—but also got

the chance to hear their Philanthropy Chair, Katie Van Wonterghem speak about her recent trip to the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital facility in Memphis, Tennessee. Wonterghem spent her visit attending panels, meetings, workshops, and tour-ing the hospital and the short term housing facility, Tri Delta Place—which is entirely funded by the Tri Delta organization. Wonterghem admitted she was so touched by the trip, she probably cried twenty-three times. She recalls a moment she spent in the hospital where she was snapchatting a picture of the “Sincerely Yours Wall” when she turned around and saw a young girl in a hospital gown smiling and snapchatting a picture of her. Wonterghem shares how at that moment, she saw herself in the young girl, and right then it became real to her that this sickness can happen to anyone. The young girl then began playing Katy Perry’s “ROAR” song on speak-er phone, and Wonterghem couldn’t help but think “Man, I hope I do hear you roar, I hope you beat

this, and I hope I can help St. Jude help you do it.”

In July 2014, the Tri Delta organization announced their

goal to raise a total of $60 million in 10 years

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Spreading Panhellenic Love

This quarter to encourage a little bit of Panhel-lenic Love and new friendships, the sororities involved in UC Irvine Greek life were assigned

“sister sororities”. This was a great way for members of other chapters to meet one another and to meet girls outside of their own chapters. This Winter Quarter, Tri Delta and Delta Gamma were paired together! Tri Delta Panhellenic Delegate, Grace Leekley, organized the event bringing Tri Delta and Delta Gamma sisters together. The event took place at the Tri Delta House on February 9th and consisted of bonding with Delta Gamma through a cookie decorating contest and mov-ie-watching. For the cookie decorating contest, a Tri Delta sister and Delta Gamma sister were paired to-gether with Kimberly Hedges (from DG) and Chelsea Smith winning the competition. Leekley writes, “We also put on ‘13 Going on 30’ and snacked on popcorn and basically just hung out.” The event last two hours with a great turn out of about 60 girls.

Delta Gamma also showed their support at the Tri Delta volleyball champion-ship and cheered on the Tri Delta team

with signs saying “ΔΓ Y’s ΔΔΔ”. Tri Delta recipro-cated the support the following week at the Delta Gamma soccer game. All in all, it was a great quar-ter spreading Panhellenic Love with Delta Gamma!

Δ Δ Δ & Δ Γ