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  • 8/8/2019 Pansy Press 2.2


    A Warm Welcome to Tr i De l t a sN e w e s t P l e d g e C l a s s B e t a M u

    Interesting Facts:

    A Russian man who wore a beardduring the time of Peter theGreat had to pay a special tax.

    In Albania, nodding your headmeans 'no' and shaking your head means 'yes'.

    It is estimated that at any onetime, 0.7% of the world's popula-tion are drunk.

    Baskin Robbins once madeketchup ice cream.

    University of California, Irvine Delta Delta Delta Beta Upsilon

    Inside this issue:

    Songfest 3

    Fat Talk Free Week 4-5

    Miss Minerva & Flag Football 6

    The Greek Stereotype 7

    Slater Ball & the Breast Can-cer Walk


    Calendar 10

    New Member HalloweenMixer & Tennis


    The Pansy Press

    In a way, everything comes down to recruit-ment. Sororities compete with one another tofind the best group of girls who will be able tocarry on their legacy. By the looks of TriDeltas newest pledge class ,Beta Mu, BetaUpsilon has a great future ahead of it.

    These girls are already proving themselves tobe valuable members by attending communityphilanthropic events, such as Making StridesAgainst Breast Cancer, competing on chapter teams for flag football and tennis, and aboveall they are bringing a new and needed energyto UC Irvine Tri Delta.

    Being a new member, youre suddenly throwninto a world where photos are constantly be-ing taken, you need to learn thehistory of your chapter and foun-ders, dozens if not hundreds ofsisters are requesting you to befriends on Facebook, and it is her-esy to makea delta hand

    signal incorrectly, resulting in a, well, if youdont know, keep it that way. All in all, newmembers have a lot to adjust to. Including anintroduction to a new family member withinweeks of joining; a big sis.

    The date for big sis revelations is set for a Fri-day, but that doesnt limit the fun to only one

    ( 2)

  • 8/8/2019 Pansy Press 2.2


    I like how many new peopleIve met just within the first

    couple weeks. Im so glad Idecided to go Greek. Its one ofthe best decisions Ivemade!

    Amanda Lauffer

    The Pansy PressPage 2

    (Continued from page 1)

    day. Big sisses leave their littles pre-sents Monday through Thursday alongwith clues that may either hint at whothey are, or deceive them completely.

    Friday is of course the big day though,the girls walk in the house to receive aclue. From that point of they are off,running up and down the stairs, tofronts and backs of suites, on a scaven-ger hunt that leads them to presents,and ultimately, their big sis.

    The year has only begun, but the chap-ter is headed in a great direction. Withthirty five amazing new members, a

    new chapter advisor, and officersready and willing to make a change for the better, Tri Delta has no where togo but up.

    Without further ado, Tri Delta BetaUpsilons newest members:

    Marissa Alonso

    Becky Beeman

    Chelsea Biklen

    Nicole Buck

    Nora Byczkowski

    Christina Carnevale

    Vivi Castro

    Alex Chindris

    Aly Cipriano

    Mary Eldridge

    Jen Halim

    Elizabeth Hanson

    Domini Helgren Akemi Inouye

    Megan Kearney

    Emi Kibuishi

    Laura Lapham

    Amanda Lauffer

    Young In Lee

    Alina Malakian

    Mikaela Manion

    Leslie Martinez

    Bana Massoumi

    Morgan Mooney

    Kaylie Murakami

    Thu Nguyen

    Karishma Patel

    Vanessa Pouladian

    Kasey Reinitz

    Sami Sanchez Anna Slykhous

    Michelle Teets

    Andie Tempelis

    Jayne Weisenstein

    Chelsea Wolff

    I like meeting everyone andbonding with my pledge class

    and the actives its great! Ivenever had a sister before soits a different experience.

    -Thu Nguyen

  • 8/8/2019 Pansy Press 2.2


    Fall 2010, Issue 2 Page 3

    Songfe s t : And So I t Beg ins . . .

    Songfest is upon us once again. Itseems like only yesterday everyonewas standing in the stands of the Brenauditorium screaming A Wop Bam

    Bo along with cast in the final number of last years performance of Grease.

    The new year brings new ad-ventures though, and there is alwayssure to be plenty. As any member ofcast past will tell you; its amazing.Songfest is the biggest UC Irvine Greekphilanthropy and it always has amazingresults.

    Even if you cant sing or dance, there are plenty of ways to getinvolved; costumes, sets, and morethan anything participation in all thesongfest events. For those of you who

    are planning on auditioning, be pre-pared to learn a dance and show offyour moves as well as sing a thirty sec-ond clip of your favorite Broadway

    show tune. And if you are panickingbecause you dont know any showtunes, no worries, most Disney movieshave been turned into musicals by now.

    So heres the basic timeline: Week 6 Nov. 3rd from 7-9pm @ thePhoenix Grill: Pairing are revealed.Week 7- Cast AuditionsWeek 8 Nov. 17th: We pick our show

    And now a message from one of our directors:Songfest is already right around the

    corner. In only a week we find out our pairing. I can't wait to get started work-ing with everyone and putting together a fabulous show! Last year I had the

    time of my life on cast and this year I amthrilled to be the choreographer. I amlooking forward to all those crazy latenight rehearsals in the TriDelt house!We have a really fun and exciting year ahead of us and I've never been moreexcited! I hope everyone finds a way toget involved because it will be great!!See all you talented singers, actors, anddancers at the audition!

    Delta Love, Rhiannon

    See everyone at auditions!

  • 8/8/2019 Pansy Press 2.2


    The Pansy PressPage 4

    By Christine Gow

    As women, phrases such as Ineed to drop a few pounds or my ass

    looks huge in these shorts are so com-monplace that they hardly even regis-ter as what they are: fat talk. Fat talkis, simply put, any negative expressionof body image toward oneself or an-other person. It offends, hurts, anddegrades women everywhere. Andthats where Tri Delta comes in.

    Fat Talk Free Week was

    launched by Tri Delta in 2008 as a wayto gain publicity for the ReflectionsBody Image program, the purpose ofwhich is to help sorority sisters estab-lish and maintain a positive body im-age, according to the programs offi-cial website

  • 8/8/2019 Pansy Press 2.2


    Fall 2010, Issue 2 Page 5

    ( Fat Talk Free slogan isfriends dont let friends fattalk, and that is precisely thementality Tri Delta is aiming tospread to women everywhere.

    Here in our very ownchapter we are doing our part.Cameryn Kaylor and Sandra Chuhave thrown their hearts into thecause, covering the living roomof the Tri Delta house with moti-

    vational words, organizing a yoganight, and of course running thebooth on Ring Road. The boothwas decorated with constructionpaper signs sporting words fromUC Irvine students encouragingpositive body image. Passersbyon Ring Road were drawn by our sisters to sign our poster andagree to spend the week avoid-ing fat talk, but hopefully thatone week will make a lasting im-pression.

    Sandra sends the follow-ing message to her sisters:

    Congratulations to us all on asuccessful Fat Talk Free Week!Despite the rain and some minor

    mishaps, we pulled through and Ibelieve that we have truly madeFTFW's stamp on the UC Irvinecampus. Even though the weekhas come to an end, lets all try tokeep that pledge we made to beFat Talk Free. And I couldntpossibly put it any better myself.

    Fat Talk Free continued...

    Fat Talk Free Week was acomplete success! Thank you to everyone who participatedand stayed Fat Talk Free. I

    am proud to be a Tri Delta andI am proud to be Fat Talk Free.

    -Cameryn Kaylor

  • 8/8/2019 Pansy Press 2.2


    Fall 2010, Issue 2 Page 6

    The Info & Mythology SAEs Miss Minerva is well knownamong the Greek system, but whoexactly is the real Miss Minerva?

    Minerva is the Roman name for

    the Greek goddess Athena, god-dess of wisdom. The majority ofpeople know who Zeus is, be itfrom Disneys Hercules or the ran-dom myth read in a high schoolclass, but to set Athena into thescheme of the Greek family tree.Athena was one of Zeus manychildren. Her birth, however, wasatypical from the normal routethat babies take.

    Zeus had a fear that his childwould eventually take over andsteal his power, this being what

    Zeus did to his Dad, so when Zeusfirst wife came to him saying thatshe was pregnant, Zeus came upwith the obvious solution he ate

    her. Now dont think anythinggruesome, Zeus managed the or-deal in one big swallow. Zeusthought he had solved all his prob-lems, but he soon came to haveterrible headaches. It came to apoint where the pain was so un-bearable that Zeus ordered hishead broken apart. So it was done,and from Zeus head, fully cloakedin armor, came Athena. Not your

    typical fairytale, but an interestingback story to an otherwise vaguelynamed philanthropy.

    Make sure to sign in at the booth!

    T r i D e l t a F o o t b a l l

    S t a t i s t i c s :

    W i n : 1 L o s e : 0 T i e : 0

  • 8/8/2019 Pansy Press 2.2


    Fall 2010, Issue 2 Page 7

    T h e G r e e k S t e r e o t y p e : G D I .

    By Carla Herreria

    Most of us have heard that term

    before. Some people in the Greekcommunity call them God -Damned-Independents. Who they really are,are people who choose not to beaffiliated because they dont likewhat they see. This is the other sideof the Greek spectrum. The sidewhere the spectators stand by andwatch everything we do. These arethe people who watch our stereo-types. Youll never know how it is

    to be Greek unless you go Greek, if we keep making the same mistakes,they will keep up with their stereo-typed beliefs of our Greek system.This weekend I spoke with a groupof students who chose not to be af-filiated. We agreed to have the peo-ple I interviewed to stay anonymousin order to keep this truthful and sowe can learn from each other.

    What comes to your mind whenyou think about the Greek systemon your campus?Tom*: With sororities, I usually thinkskinny girls. A lot of make up. Girlswho really care about their looks,really superficial. But I also see themas really involved. I really want tosay organized friendship, like theyhold meetings and are involved, andobviously do a lot, but they make itseem elitest.

    Carol*: Yeah, but with fraternitiesits a lot different. I think of parties.Belligerence. Getting hazed. And Ithink over all, when I think of Greek,I think of buying your friends. Like,they throw a lot of parties and yeah,theyre a lot of fun. But is that all itsabout?Tom*: Yeah, I mean Im all aboutpartying too, but the other organiza-

    tions on campus are proud of whatthey do. Like, the Tennis club is proudabout tennis. The Business Associa-tion is all about professionalism. Andwhat about the Greeks? They weartheir letters and are proud, but aboutwhat? It seems just like looks andparties.

    I can say personally, from my experi-ence in my sorority, my life has beenchallenged to be more involved withschool, leadership, raising awarenessabout our philanthropy, and

    womens body image awareness. And I know weve all done a part tospread these positive messages. What do you think is the reason youall dont seem to notice the goodthat the Greeks do?Tom*: Honestly, I dont see it on cam-pus. I guess I see sometimes sorori-ties raising money on campus. But forthe most part, from how I see things,I dont see the Greek community ac-

    tually giving back to our campus.Carol*: Maybe if they made more of an effort to make the whole campusa part of their activities and events,we would all see the impact thattheyre making on campus. Instead of

    just including the Greek communityin what theyre doing, it would benice if they reached out to just regu-lar students.

    Do you have any last things youwant to say about the Greek Com-munity?Carol*: I mean, we all have friends ina sorority or fraternity, and obviouslywe know that they are doing a lot tobe involved and give back to theirphilanthropies, but the way that eve-ryone else sees it is just like elitistsand that theyre so much cooler than

    everyone.Tom*: I just want to see them actu-ally doing more rather than justboothing on campus. So we can seethem giving back to the school. Theywould probably have a better imageif we saw them benefitting us ratherthan just throwing parties.


    As you can see, these non-affiliatedstudents had a lot to say about theGreek system. As much as I tried to

    show them what kind of good theGreek community does overall, theyseemed to be outshined by the par-ties and exclusiveness.Its up to all of us to reach out to ourfriends and even people we dontknow, and show them that we de-serve to be on campus by giving backto our school. We need to integrateour ideas and positive actions intoour schools community to let them

    know we are a part of our UCI com-munity, and not an isolated self -centered group. Going Greek has made a positive in-fluence in our lives, and its time forus to be recognized for all the goodwe do. And that begins by initiatingpositive action and showing that wecare about our schools community!

  • 8/8/2019 Pansy Press 2.2


    More Than a Mascot, Getting to Know Poseidon

    The Pansy PressPage 8

    Poseidon is Tri Deltas chosen Greek deity,

    but how exactly does a chapter go about

    choosing someone to represent them?

    The greater question being, why did we

    choose Poseidon?

    Common knowledge tends to describe

    Poseidon as god of the Sea (correct), likes

    to hold a trident (correct), and wasnt that

    who Ariels Dad, King Trident, repre-sented? Not true, King Trident is based

    more off of one of Poseidons sons, Triton,

    who was half man half fish. Poseidon had

    legs like the average mortal, but if he did

    decide to go half or full animal anything, it

    was usually a horse. Greek gods could

    change their form to fit the situation. A

    trick often used to woo the ladies. Yes, re-

    read that sentence. It was typical for

    Greek gods to change into animal forms

    and seduce women. A lot of times this ishow you get creatures like centaurs (half

    human, half horse), the Minotaur (half

    human, half bull), and Pegasus (winged

    horse). Pegasus was actually one of Posei-

    dons kids from when he hooked up with

    Medusa in horse form. Medusa of course

    was that crazy snake haired lady who if

    you looked at her directly, would turn you

    to stone. At this point in time everyone

    is probably thinking, gosh Poseidon,

    where are your Standards? Sadly, as you

    may already know, Medusa was be-

    headed by one of the many heroes of

    the age, and since she was pregnant at

    the time with dear Pegasus, he used his

    Moms chopped off head as his method

    of exit.

    But of course, we come back to our

    original question, why Poseidon? Its not

    that Poseidon was a bad god, its just

    that there arent that many wow, what

    a guy stories about him. He was the

    ruler of the sea and all other bodies of

    water, but he tended to have a bit of a


    Take the Odyssey for example. Odys-

    seus, the hero of the story, was a stand

    up guy sailing his way home from the

    Trojan War. He and his buddies decided

    to stop on an island for a break and hap-

    pened to run into a Cyclopes (one eyed

    creature). In an attempt to save his

    friends from the beast, Odysseus

    blinded the Cyclopes. Turns out this

    particular Cyclopes, his name was Poly-

    phemus, was one of Poseidons kids. No

    parent likes harm to come to their chil-

    dren, so Poseidon did quite the number

    on Odysseus. First, he stirs up such a

    storm that it destroys Odysseus's ship

    then when a passing boat tries to help

    him out, Poseidon turns that ship into

    stone. The torture continued until Odys-

    seus rightly apologized to Poseidon

    about the whole ordeal.

    On the other hand, when Poseidon was

    happy he produced islands and the sea

    was calm and beautiful.

    But hold up, we never solved why Tri

    Delta picked Poseidon. Maybe it was

    because they wanted to stick with the

    ocean motif. Maybe they already

    wanted the trident, so the figured it just

    made sense. If we could go back in time

    and ask Sarah Ida Shaw, we would, but

    until that happens I guess its good to

    have a Greek god who will have our

    backs if anyone ever does us wrong.

  • 8/8/2019 Pansy Press 2.2


    Fall 2010, Issue 2 Page 9

    Making Strides Ag ainst Breast Cancer

    By Stephanie Wong

    October. What comes to mind? Thefall season and the anticipation of Hal-

    loween stick out of course, but more im-portantly, its National Breast CancerAwareness Month. From big sis revela-tions to Fat Talk Free Week to late night

    study sessions for midterms, our chapter has had a lot going onlately. Thats why it especially warms my heart that we wereable to take some time out of our busy schedules this month toshow our support for the fight against breast cancer.

    On October 10 th , more than 20 of us forced ourselves out of bed early that Sunday morning so we could make it over to theMaking Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk in Costa Mesa by8 am. (This was quite an accomplishment for me, being that Imnot exactly a morning person.) The entire UCI Greek commu-nity participated in this walk, but I must say that Tri Delta surerolled deep, with new members and all! Sporting all of our pinkdelta gear, we walked over three miles, which equaled to a 5kcourse. Throughout the walk, Alexis was there with the UCI

    Dance Team to cheer us on, and we even met some of our fel-low Tri Delta sisters from Chapman University, who were volun-teering at the event. As we reached the end, it definitely feltlike a huge accomplishment to make those last few steps across

    the finish line, knowing we were supporting a great cause. Inaddition, we surpassed our Tri Delta team goal for donations byraising a total of $130! Go Tri Delta!

    According to the American Cancer Society, more is investedin breast cancer research to better understand, prevent, andcure the disease than in any other solid tumor site. This factreally tells us how important it is to stay a part of the fight, so just remember to keep this in mind even after Breast CancerAware-nessMonthcomesto anend.

    S i g m a N u s S l a t e r B a l l

    Slater Ball is Sigma Nus an-nual philanthropy wherecompeting sororities battle itout against one another in ado-or-die volleyball tourna-ment benefiting the Ameri-can Cancer Society.

    Die might be the option ex-emplified by Tri Deltas spir-ited team that Saturdaymorning. Not overlookingthe fact that the girls didamazing, placing a solid sec-ond in the competition, butinjury was all too commonfor our valiant players. Therewere collisions betweenplayers, pulled groins,strained necks, coaches be-ing spiked in the head and ofcourse the typical falls that

    no one really understandshow it happened, but theyare hilarious all the same(only considering that every-one is ok, of course).

    Even if gold wasnt achieved,it was evident to everyoneon the field that TriDelta knows how tomake the best of asituation, and havefun doing it. Whilethe team originallystarted playing asindividuals, theyquickly merged into asingle force. Playingoff one anothersstrengths, and know-ing how to help whenit came to others


    Special thanks go out to Tri

    Deltas amazing coachesSimon Pun, Kyle Lambky andMichael Razzano.

    Delta Tri Til I Die!

  • 8/8/2019 Pansy Press 2.2


    The Pansy PressPage 10

    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

    1 FormalMeeting 6pm

    2 PanhellenicRisk Event:The J Spot 7pm

    3 SongfestKick-Off 7-9pm

    Football v. Al-pha Phi 8pm

    4 Sigma Pi Ex-change

    5 Ms. Minerva6:30-8:30pm

    Football v. DG9pm

    6 DGs An-chor Splash

    Sigma ChisHousewarming

    7 New Mem- ber Presents4pm

    8 BusinessMeeting 6pm

    9 Tri Delta/Theta/DGCampus Wide

    Vagina Mono-logues Audi-tions

    10 Football v.KKG 8pm

    Phi Psis Com-edy for Cancer 8pm

    11 12 Cocktail 13

    14 FoundersDay 6:30pm

    15 Beginningof Delta Week

    All Greek Con-

    ference 6pm

    16 Beta Zetaevent with BetaMu

    17 BetaTheta/IotaEvent with BetaMu

    18 BetaKappa/LambdaEvent with BetaMu

    19 Fireside6pm

    20 Initiation10am

    21 22 BusinessMeeting 6pm

    23 24 25 26 27

    28 29 BusinessMeeting 6pm

    30 1 2 3 4

    5 6 7 8 9 10

    November 2010

  • 8/8/2019 Pansy Press 2.2


    Lily, Nora, Danielle and Kate fought anepic battle out on the tennis courts for thechampionship game against Gamma PhiBeta.

    Attired with matching team headbands,the girls rallied like their lives dependedon it. Nora pulled out some especiallygreat stunts, one in which she managed tohit the ball onto the tip of the net, result-ing in it falling onto her foes side of the

    court in an impossible re-turn. Lily, while playing herown match was never slowto cheer on her teammateson nearby courts. Danielleproved to be a jock of allsports, and Kate was freshfrom the hospital, need wesay more about dedica-tion?

    Tennis Championships: Tri Delta Comes in a Close Second

    Fall 2010, Issue 2 Page 11

    New Member Panhel lenic Halloween Mixer

    For the first time in Beta Upsilon Tri Delta his-tory, a group of new members has self suffi-ciently put on a panhellenic mixer (a mini cam-

    pus wide if you will).The girls were given the task to plan the event.Everything from decorations to food prepara-tion. Over night, the Tri Delta house living roomwas Halloween-ified with pumpkins sportingother sororities letters and adorable (they mayhave lacked the spooky effect) little ghostshanging inside the house and out.

    The food was made to fit the theme as well.Nutter-butters were turned into ghosts. Cup-cakes sporting an arrangement of Halloweenrings. A dirt appearing dish with a gummyworm to top off the dish. And to complete theassortment was the obvious Halloween goodie;

    candy corn.

    The girls did an amazing job. Morethan anything, it was an opportunityfor them to do something. Theytook the reins and produced awe-some results.

  • 8/8/2019 Pansy Press 2.2


    THE PURPOSE OF DELTA DELTA DELTA shall be to establish a perpetual bondof friendship among its members, to develop a stronger and more womanlycharacter, to broaden the moral and intellectual life, and to assist its mem-bers in every possible way.

    IT SHALL ALSO BE THE PURPOSE OF DELTA DELTA DELTA to promote andevelop mutually beneficial relationships between the Fraternity and the col-

    leges and universities where the Fraternity has established chapters, to de-velop qualities of unselfish leadership among its members, and to encouragethem to assume, with integrity and devotion to moral and democratic princi-ples, the highest responsibilities of college women.