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SMART Automation Austria 2014

07.05.2014: Panel Discussion

Page 2: Panel Discussion @SMART 2014: Industry 4.0

Panel discussion at SMART Automation Austria

Industry 4.0 Chances, Potentials, Roadmap

Page 3: Panel Discussion @SMART 2014: Industry 4.0


Moderation: Mag. Monica Rintersbacher (Director LBA Leitgetriebe GmbH)

• Ing. Marcus Schellerer, Director Rittal GmbH

• Ing. Mag. Thomas Lutzky MBA, Director Phoenix Contact GmbH

• Mr. Hermann Obermair, Manager - Sales, B&R

• Ing. Walter Eichner MBA, Pilz GmbH

Mag. Monica Rintersbacher (LBA Leitgetriebe GmbH); Hermann Obermair (B&R)

Page 4: Panel Discussion @SMART 2014: Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 has been on the agenda of SMART Automation in Austria. The concept defines the fourth industrial revolution of a new level of organization and control covering the entire value chain of the life-cycle of products. The trend in the automation industry is increaslingly being shaped by the individualization of customer requirements – from the initial idea to development and design as well as manufacturing and the delivering and use of the product right up to recycling.

The consideration is based on constant availability of relevant information in real time through networking and coordination of all the entities involved in the value chain and the ability of the data to derive the optimal flow value at each point of time.

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Statement B&R

According to the Industry 4.0 working group, Smart Factories and the Internet of Things will be reality by 2025. B&R customers will not have to wait nearly that long, however. The innovative specialist in the field of automation offers technologies and solutions that make it possible to implement tomorrow's machines and systems today.

The concepts of the future will thrive on the use of open technologies. This requirement is already being met by B&R's Automation Studio software and the open-source POWERLINK and openSAFETY standards. The APROL process control system allows machinery to be quickly and safely interconnected in order to optimize maintenance intervals, overall energy efficiency and the load on individual machines. This is Industry 4.0 – up close and personal.

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An important step into the future for B&R is the Scalability+ concept, advanced technology that maximizes the overall modularity and flexibility of machines and systems and allows machine manufacturers to select a hardware and software solution that best fits their automation needs – all without having to enter into any kind of commitment. If the development process determines that components or solutions need to be upgraded or scaled down, this can be done at any time. Development work that has already been completed is completely retained.

B&Rs modular Panel PC platform is an important component of Scalability+. The newest system in this platform, the Panel PC 2100, was presented to the public for the first time at the Hannover Messe 2014. All 2ndgeneration Automation Panels can be upgraded to a powerful Panel PC system simply by installing the PC module. Taking advantage of innovative Bay Trail architecture from Intel, the PC module is as compact as a DVI/SDL receiver.

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