Download - Panaji, 1st September, 1983 (Bhadra 10, 1905J No. ~OF.F · 3-5-83 8-9-83 Menezes Air Travel, Rua de Ourem, Panaji--Goa..

Page 1: Panaji, 1st September, 1983 (Bhadra 10, 1905J No. ~OF.F · 3-5-83 8-9-83 Menezes Air Travel, Rua de Ourem, Panaji--Goa..

~ ..


., BEGD. GOA - 6

Panaji, 1st September, 1983 (Bhadra 10, 1905J . SERIES III No. 22



Home Department lGeneralJ Dir~ctorateof Transport

Pubric Notice

. Applic~tions._ h~ve been received for. grant of contract. :carriage .. permitS 'to o~rate 4 -ToUrist" TaXis thrbughout India:' excel*: Assa~ in ~esponse to the public notice pf thts ?~fice PUQ1ish~ )Jl;)QCa1 newspapers.



• 4_


6 ..





12_ 13.




1.7 ..




Date of " rece~pt




4-~-sS .





11-7,83 11-7-83.



Name 'and address of' the 'apPlicani .

, Sht:LAshok Datta Nagvekar, H. No. E 69,- Khobrawado, Calangute; Bardez~Goa. . .~. .

Shri: Floriano C. V. D'Silva,. H.- No.,' 30; :Pru;sagem, -.A.ssolna; Salcefe-Goa.

S~ri Ramchandra A~ KubaJ, 'H:- NQ. _ 235,. <Moira;· Raint.· Barde'z-Goa:

-$hii Dattaram 's~iv~ '-H~r~~lk&'- 'E¥322, -Bardez-Goa.

Saha,Char,an Wada, Duler, Miipusa-

,silri Sur~dra Utkm' Dessai, Margao Lotliker Colony, Room N9. 3, Power . House Zhor Aqueqt, l\J.argao, ·SaJcete. Gqa.,

Sbrl IDhas Uttam i3haidkar,'··Ma.i~d~~DeU~, 'Sangolda, Ba~~-Goa~ .'.

Shri : Shaikh' Abdul Khadar, .H!}'~:? )1,8,. ,,~ost, .~a1eigao" .I~I~a.s7G:oa .. ,~e?-r, Old, .,l. Go~antak, panaji~Goa.:'

. Shn Nanu Esvonta Falari, Khal~p .. J;3uilc;iing, .. N~ar> .c,~~·, ~ank; .. 14apus~, . <;00-403507· .

Shri Pratap P. Sose, House No. 357. Kank.a, Khalap-wada, Bardez-Goa. " "

Shri ;V~hwanath Sitarron' Govekar, 'Shirvodem; Nt\~e]iin, 'B/NG. '257; Ma~'gao-1 Goa. . .

S,hri Dayanand Govek~.r, Chapo:ra, Bardez:"Goa~ Shri. Damodar Babul Lotlicar, Rua .A.b.ade Faria1 ;, Near -'Dam,b~ar " T¢:tnpie, ;

, MID-gao, Salcete...Qoa. &bp, ,Shrikant R. Naik, Roo' 'Abade Faria, Damodar' Temple, Ma:~'-, . gaO, Goa;

S~ri Ka.shinath J. ~hirodkar. A~~" ,~, 9. Porvorhn~ocorro.: .'Ba~dez-Goa.

16:-7-83~', }=>'Hrf Voicunta Sinai Borod, H. No. '188, Borda, Mar~Goa.




.~~ging Director, Goa, ,& Piu,' T\lutism( beve1o.pmerlt. COt1{0ration; . ',TOurist -Hostel; Panaji. ~ging Director, Goa, Daman,.~. :Ohhr~O;qr~~,<D~velopment· corporati~m,

~ourist Hostel, Panaji. Sh'ri ,Naresh Tandel, H. No. 8/211, Parkota Sheri, Nani Daman, Daman.

, " ,

'M~ V. 'No.


New PremIer" Padmini' Fiat of 1983 model.

New Ainbassador/New Premier of 1983 model.

New vehi~le'-.:.. Fiat' Ca'r . New'. .'~" :, (,

-New vehicle - Hindus­tan -, Ambassador/ /Diesel:

New vehicle Amhassa­'dor -of il983"model. '\'

Brand New Motor Ve-. 'hicle. ,-.c>

New ,vehi:cle~

New: vehicle· Ambassa.:-': dor Mark IV.

Fiat, New Premier Pad­. mini Car of 1983 mode!.

New vehicle" Prenuer Padmini Deluxe BE-1983 ~odel.

New vehicle - Fiat 01 ~~83 model.

~iat Gar ~ N eV( vehic::~~~ New vehiCle':""" Fiat, Car. ,


New'- vehicle ~ Fiat Ca'r.

'New', vehiCle 'Premiet' Padmini.

Premier ;Pa4mini Car­-New

New vehicle Premier ,Padmini .Deluxe Car 01' . 'Diesel Ambassador.

"GDE 2270:.:c Aic Am­bassadol'.

GDE 2271-A/C Am' bassadol'.

New vehicle Ambass.a~ dor - Diesel.

. .

Page 2: Panaji, 1st September, 1983 (Bhadra 10, 1905J No. ~OF.F · 3-5-83 8-9-83 Menezes Air Travel, Rua de Ourem, Panaji--Goa..


Sr. No.

21. .






• 27.



























Date ot receipt

Name and address of the applicant

16-7-83 Shri Narstbhai. Tandel, Holi Falla., Daman.

16-7-83' Rava4tath Agencies, Shop No; 1, Below Samrat Hote~. Panaji.

19-7~83 Shri Fr8J1cis Cruz Alfonso, Panarim. Aldona, Bardez-Goa.. (Entertainment fees not paid).

19-7-83 Shri VASudev N. Suvarnkal" H. No. H43i1), Near Marshil Chapel, V8.dem, Vasco da Gama-Goa.

20-7-83 Shri Purushottam R. Sinkre, Curtorim, Salcete-Goa.

. 20-7-83" Shri Ne.zario Sebastian Pinto, Pinto Gents Boutique, Mabai Building.

20-7 .... 83 Shri Sadashiv .p~ Temkar,' Post .~rpora. H. No: 568, Tambulki Vaddo, Bardez..Goa.

20-7-83 Shri Sebastiao Mariano Dias, Orda, Candolim, -St. Seba.stiao Vado. Bardez-Goa. , , 20-7-83 'Shri Premanath V. Mandrekar, H. No. ,19, Ward No. V, Near Raj Mahal, .

. Fontainhas, Panaji-Goa~

























Shri Anand K. Govenkar, B,atim, Goa-VelhawTiswadiwGoa.

Shri Suresh Ramdas'Mardolkar. H. No. 253, Mardol, 'Ponda~Goa.

Shri Thomas A. Pires, C/o Royal Beach Hotel, Miramar-Goa.

Shri B. Vishwanath Kini, Kamat GU6s;t HouSe, pajifond, Marg:ao..-Goa.

Shri Gan~h Govenkar, MUt"Gtl, Candol1rn, BardezwGoa.

. Shri Na~ndra Naik, H. No. 153. Post M:a.rcela, Bhandanvada, Amana. Goa.

- , ,. (

Shri Dayanand M. Te!i, Porbavado. ~gute, BardezwGoa.

Shri M:a.dhav Kanu Naik. C/o Vithal, Yeshwant Naik, 'Dongrim, Dhaktelu, Batt, N{mra~Goa.

Slni Pndolik Eknath Phadte, Poonam Appartmen~., Kaziwada, Ponda-Goa:

ShIi J.a,yanath D. Dhulapker, Near Cine Prashant, Sanvordem, CUrchorem-Goa.

Shri Mahadeo D. Naik, Durb\t"t, H/No. 534, Ponda-doa.

'Shri Sadanand G. I(anekar, Noo.r. Hanuman Temple, Valpoi, Satari, Goa.. , .

Shri Suresh J. Kavlekar, C/Q. J. K. Kavlekar. P~aji-Go.a.


Shri Chandrakant A. Desai, Almeida Building, .Beh!nd Milltary Hospital, St. Inez, -Panaji~Go:a.

Shri Ramdas P. Shirodkar, P. O. Arpora,l' Sankwadi, Bard~wGoa.

Shri Kisho:re Talani, .A/12, Kossambi Bldgs~ Vasco cia Gama-40:~892.

M/s. Goa Tours, B/2 Mayfair ~a Vaidya ~oad, ,Panaji~GQa..

Managing -Director, Goa, Daman and Diu, Tourism _ Development Corporation, Tourist Hostel, Parn:iji.

1 " __ Managing pirector, Goa, Daman and Diu, Tourism ,Development Corporation,

Touris~ Hostel, Pan,aji.

Shri Ragunath Rajaram Desai, Fazenda Building, Mapusa., Bardez-G-oa.

$hri Francisco X. Fernandes, Vodlem Bhatt, House' No. 409, Taleigao~Goa.

Shri Jose Vasco Ferrao, Deuaua, Chinchi.nim, SalceteMQ.oa..

Sh:i Asnodker Devidas,B., H.-No. 129.(631), Porvorim, Bardez-Goa.

Shri Hassan -Abdulla, Juni Vania Sheri, Ghog~ -Diu.


M. V. No.

New vehicle Ambassa­, dor - Diesel of .1983


Amba.<lsador Mark IV of 1983 'l'Qdel.

New Vehicle Ambassa.­dor.

GOO 520 _New vehicle of 1978 model.

GDF 706 of 1982 mQdel.

New vehicle Fiat or A.m­bMsador of 1983 mo-­deL

New Premier Fiat car of 1983 model.

GDE 2309 of 1983 mQdeI.

New vehicle Premier Padmini of 1983 mo" del.

New Fiat vehicle of 1983 mQdeL

New vehicle.

New vehicle of 1983 mo-' del. '

New vehicle Fiat/Am·· bassador of 1983 mo­del.

New, vehicle Arnba.sSa·­dor of 1983 model.

New Ambassado{' Of' 1983 mQdeL

New vehicle.

New. vehicle ~ Pr'erOier Padmini-Fiat of 1983. model.

New vehicle - Ambas-. sador of 1983 model.

New vehicle - Ambas·· sador of 1983 model.

New vehicle -- Fiat.

H. Ambassador of 1982 mQdel- GDE 2225.

New vehicle Premier Padmini of 1983 ino", del. .

Ambassador Deluxe of 1983 model-GDE 2001.

New vehicle Am~sa-. dor.

New vehicle -_Amba..<h sador of 1983 model.

New ,vehicle.

GDE 2274 - A/C Am-. bassado:r.

GDE 2272 - A/C Am, bassador.

Ambassador or Fiat New.

New vehicle Premier Padmlni- Fiat 1983 model:

New Fiat VehiCle.

1983 model New Pre· ruier -Padmini.

New vehicle· Ambassa· dOr" (Diesel) : 1983 mo" del.


Page 3: Panaji, 1st September, 1983 (Bhadra 10, 1905J No. ~OF.F · 3-5-83 8-9-83 Menezes Air Travel, Rua de Ourem, Panaji--Goa..

1ST SEPTEMBER, 1983 (BHADRA 10, 1905) 247

Sr. No. Date ot expiry

54. 23-7,83

55. 23-7-83

56. 23.-7-83

57. 21>-7-83

58. 27-7-83

Name and address of the applicant

Shri Bijiabhai GOvanbhai Tan9-el, Kathlria, Nani Daman-396210 ..

Shri Prabhubhai Lallubhai Tandel, Andhia Sheri, Kathiria, Daman.

S.hri Dhirajlal Hiralal,Rana, KriSIm.a Kunj, Nani Dalnan-39621Q.

New vehicle Ambassa­dor (Die<!el) Car. New vehicle Ambas­sador - 1983 model.

New vehicle.

Shri Pandu~g Dattu Patil, 11, Rosh.a.n ManzU, Main Road, _Nani-Danian,. New vehicle· Premier Daman-3~6210. ,(L~te application). ' ' PadmtUl 'Deluxe 'BE',

Shri Siva Rama Krishna Chltturt, -7"Bhul,abai Bldg .•. B.atli ~ Nani DamaI;l. N:ew vehicle .. (Late application) ..

The above applications will be coDsidered by 1he State Transport -Authority. Jit its meeting to, be held in Jh~ Office -of the Director of ~ansport, Panaji, -Goa, together with .any representations _ for or against or Qbjections that - may be

submitted, so as to reach the undersigned within thirty' days from the date of' publication of notification in the' Official Gazette. Copies of -the rep~fmta.ti.9ns ~ess" sent .1,:0 - the a.pplicant"-w,ill not be considered.

Applications" of the applicants will -be aVailable for inSpec­tion to any person or" auth6rity" specified in Section 47 of

"the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939_ -at, _the Office of the under­signed on rec~ipt of a written request from such persons. The date, time and place for considering the applications by the· state Transport Authority, Panaji, Goa will be notified.

PanaJi, 19th~ A)!gllSt, 11)83. - TIle Director of Transport, A. Venkataratnam.

The folloWing applications are received for r.enewal of contract carriage permits and for grant of new contract car­. tiage permita to operate tourist taxis throughout In\lia; under Section 63(,i) of M .. Y. Act, 1939.











Sr. No.








8 ..

Date of receipt

. Date ot expiry

Name and address of. the applicant

TO'Uri8/ tao>is to~ly thTO'Ughout lndw. Renewal appUcati0n8

Registration mark of vehicle

2-5-83 lo,s-83 Shri M:adhu A. Simepuruskar, Khobrawado, Galangute, Bardez~Goa, (Re~ newal ofGDD/95/77 Co. Pl.

GDS 359

3-5-83 1-9-83 Shri Sebastiao George Franco, H/No. E, 3/2, Velotirn, Pomburpa, Bardez­-Goa. (Renewal of GDD/92/77 Co. Pl.

GDS 345

3-5-83 8-9-83 Menezes Air Travel, Rua de Ourem, Panaji--Goa.. (Renewal of GDD/26/71 GIlT 1462 Co. pl. .

7-5-83 4-9-83. Shri Gopal Damodar B. _Caculo, Naicawado, Calangute, Bardez-Goa. (Re­. newal of GDD/93/77 Co. ~P).

GDS 363

~ - ",

9-1>-83 . 15-8-83 Shri Digambar S. Halarnekar, H. NO'~ 64/6~ Colvale, Bardez-Goa. (Renewal GDS 352 of GDD/85/77Co. P).· ,

11-5-83 8-8-83 Shri Purus.hottam Rayu Diukar,K.hobrawado, Caiangute, Bardez, Goa. (Re­n~wal of GDD/78/77 eo: P).

GDS 751

13-5-83 9-8-83 . HO'tel Mandovi Totu'S (Tours Division) Mis Mandovi Hotels Pvt: Ltd., Panaji­-Goa, (Renewal of GDD/80/77 Co, Pl.

GDS 723

16-5-83 17-8:83 Shri Chandrakant .A. Desai, Almeida Building, Near Military Hospital, St. Inez, Panaji"Goa, (Renewal of GDD/86/77 Co. Pl.

GDS 716



Date ot receipt









18-8-83 Shri Mchanlal B. HaJa:rnker~ P. O. Betim, Salem, Salvador do Mundo. (Re-newal· of GDD/87/77 Co. Pl.

GDS 361

4-11-83 " S.hri Ramnath K. Naik, Siolin>, Gudem, Bardez-Goa. (Renewal of GDD/19/ GDS 429. /70 Co. Pl.

'" Appl"!cations 1m' new permits received. in re~e to publio notice.

N~e and address of the applicant

Shl'i Prakash D. Komarpanth, House NO'. 666, Village' Panchayat Nagar­cem., Palole, Colambo, "Canacona~Goa,

Shri :Mhalu Dattaram M9rajkar, -Parra, "ATa:di, M.a~Ba.rdez-Goa.

Shri Manohar R. Naik, Near Chqwgule College," H/No. 614, ~ Vijaya Niwas, Margao-Goa, .

Shri" James Albuquerque, Anjuna, Vagator" Bardez-Goa.

Shri Surendra U. P. Dessai~ Mapusa~Goa.

Shri Sayed Shakur, Ward NO.6, H/No. 21, BatUlem, Panaji-Goa. .

Shri Pralhad Savalverekar, Odlem BIl!tt, H. No. 548, Talelgao-~~Goo.

Shri Vivian Pereira, Poonam Apartments, Shop No. 3~ Angod, MaPusa-Goa.

Registration mark of vehicle.

Hindustan Diesel - 1983"" New vehicle.

Ambassador - Diesel -1983 New vehicle.

New vehicle Premier Padmini - Deluxe -'BE-


Ambassador 1983 New vehicl~.

Amba.ssador -1983 New, "vehicle.

New vehicle Fiat -1983 inodel.

New Fiat-1983 model.

• Ne-w:_ vehicle Datsun (NI­SSANr,

Page 4: Panaji, 1st September, 1983 (Bhadra 10, 1905J No. ~OF.F · 3-5-83 8-9-83 Menezes Air Travel, Rua de Ourem, Panaji--Goa..


Sr. Date of No. receipt

,,9., 14-6-83

,0. 14-6-s:}

11. 14-6-63

ill. 15-6-63

13. 16-6-63'

14. 16-6-63

'15; '16-6-63

16. 16-6-63

17. ' 17-6-63

18. 17-6-63

19. 17-6-83

20. 17-6-63

21. 17-6-63

22. 17-6-63

23. 17-6-63

24. 17-6-63

25. 1S-6-63

26. lJt6-63

27. 1s-6-63

28. 1s-6-63

29. 1s-6-83

30. lS-S-63

31.' 18-6-iJ:}

32. 1S-6-63

33. 18-6-83

34. 1S-S-83

35. 1s-6-63

?6. 1S-S-63

37. 1s-6-83


Name' and address of the applicant Registration mark of vehicle. .

----~= S,hri Vivian Pereira; p~ Apa~ents, ,Shop No,_ 3., Ang,od, ¥apusa-Goa ..

ShIi Vasant R. Nail<, cundaUn-aoa, (Challan dated 3(}-5-63).­

Shri' Francis Cruz 'AlphOnso, Aldona, PaD.ari.m, ~ez--G:<>a.·

Shri SadansTid S. ·Halarnker, House -No, 1110" SooolTO>-:M'ama, Porvorim, Barde-z-Goa.

"ShIi SUresh Jagannath Eaulekar, C/o' J. K. 'Eaul.ikar, Panaji-Goa.

SIll'i 8lll'i1'kant Vishnu Shet, Pomburpa, KeiossiWada, H. No. 40, Foot' .Aldona., Bardez-Goa..' , ,

ShIi Jairam VaikuntsaWant, SSnvorcotta, CUncollin, Salcete-Goa.'

Ravalnath Agencies, 8hop No: 1, Below samrat HoteI,Pa,naJL

ShIiArvind Ramnath Gawandalkar, House No. E.5/132,Feira Baixa, Mapusa-Goa.

,81ll'i HertnenegU Fernandes, H. No. 26, Azossim, Corpll, Neura-Goa.

ShIi Vincente John D'Costa, Bandora, Ponda.-Goa.

ShIi Vinayak Vithu Chodancar, H. No. 72, Ecoxim, Bardez-Goa.

Shri ~~ Franco, Salvador do Mundo, Velotlm, Bardez.-Goa.

Shri Ravindra A., Ta:Iwada, Keri, 'Pernem-Goa.

Shri Voicuntal S. Barad, H. No. l.88, Borda, lIIargao-G<ia., (Entertainment fees not prod).

ShIi Jayant Gangadhar Kerkar, Ganga,-Hira, Agall-Gogol, Margao-Goa.

8ai Baba Auto Hirers, 5, Crystal BuildIng,Opp. Junta Holise, PanaJi-Goa.

ShIi Ramdas P. 8birodkar, P. O. Arpora, 8aDkwadl, Arpors, Bardez..Goa.

ShIi Babu Appajl Poal, 98"Raon Fond, Post NaveJim, Margao-Goa.

, Shri Vinayak Ramnath Faterpekar, House No. E-56, BhaUem, PanaJi-Goa.

Sbri Ganpat Nilu Nail<, Bhatlem, panaji-Goa.

Shrl Shallt Faisal Eadar, C/o Hotel Neptune, Panaji-Goa.

:Managing Director, Goa, 'Daman and Dil1t Tourism Development Corpora­tion, C/o Tourist Hostel, Panajl-Goa.

8hIi Prabhakar V. Tar, Near Laximi Narayan Temple, Mapusa, Goa. ,

Managing Director, Goa, Daman and' Diu, Tourism Development COrpora~ tlon, C/o ToUrist Hostel, PanaJi Goa. ' ,

8hr1 sadanand 8hantaram Lotllkar, Parra, Aradi, Brdez-Goa.

ShIi siuiram Gangaram KubaJ, Pomburpa, (Palmar), Post .Aldona, Bar­dez-Goa.

MIs. 8hantadurga BUs ServIce, cuncolinl, 8aJcete-Goa.

8hIi Prakash Arjun Kmonkar, Near Marlyn Garage, HlNo. 277, Khareband, Margao-Goa.. '

·~er Padmini. (New Car) -1983.

New vehicle -Fiat car. New Ambassa­, dor - Ne;v1963.

. Brand New Motor ,vebi­. tt1e•

New Premier Deluxe "BE (F>at) Car of 1983 model.

'Ambassador-New ve­hic1.of 1963mOdei.

Fiat Car-New velli­cleo

, A.J:rlbiissador . (D i e s"e 1) Mark IV (ne;v)'~ 1983.

New .vehicle Ambassa­dor(Dies€ol) Car of 1983 model.

New vehicle Fiat-1983 model. '

New vehicle . Premier Padminl Car Deluxe BE.

GDE 222!)-Fiat of 1983 model.

Ambassador-l983 New" ··Vehicle.

New vehicle Hind.' Am­'-bassador.

Premier Padmini-Deluxe Car- or ~ba.ssaf:lor.

New vehicLe Ambassa­·dor.

Premier Saloon 1983 mo­<leI.

New vehicle Ambassa­dor.

New vehicle. Amba.ssa­dor Diesel 1983-84.

Ambassador GDE .2068 ,of 1982 model.

Saloon New Fiatl Am--bassador.

Ambassador car of 1988 . model.

Hindustan Ambas­sador - Air COndition Of 1983 model. '

N e:w vehicle, - Fiat of 1983 model.

Hindustan Ambassador­NAir Conditioned of 1963 model.

New vehicle - Fiat 1983 model.

New vehicle - Ambas­aador.

GDF 855 - Flat Car of 1983 model.

New vehicle Fiat of 19S:-J. model.

The above applications' will be considered by' the State Tra.Jl$P01'1; AuthOrity,at its meeting to be held in the Office Of the Director of Transport, Punaji, Goa, together with any

Applications of the applicants will be available fot' inspec­tion to' any person or authority specified in section 47 of' the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939 at the Office of the undersigned on

. receipt· of 2; written request from, such persons. The date, time and place for, considering the applications by the State ~po~t ~uthority, Panaji, Go~, will be notified.

.' representations .for or' against or objections 'that In3:Y be SUbmitted, so as to reach the undersigned within thirty days from the date of publication of notification ·in:' the 'Of:fi~ial ·Gazette. Copies of the represent;atit:>:ns unless, sent, t<? the applicant will not be·considered. " ,

Panaj~, . -19t,h August, 1983. -_ The. Director: of ,Transport. A. Venkataratnam. .

Page 5: Panaji, 1st September, 1983 (Bhadra 10, 1905J No. ~OF.F · 3-5-83 8-9-83 Menezes Air Travel, Rua de Ourem, Panaji--Goa..

J,ST SEP'l'ElIf.BE~, 1983 (BHADRA 10, 1905) 2411' ------------------------------------~------------

Works, Education and Tourism Department , , '-, >' - -

Public Works Depart,!,erit

Worn Division I (Bldg,,) North· P~·naV. Goa ..

Ten_Notice No. PWD/WDI/ASW-17/29/1983-84

The Executive Engineer,. Works Division I (Bldgs.) PWD, -Panaji invites on behalf of the President of India sealed PercentagejItem rate tenders from approved and eligible Contractors of ,Goa PWD/CPWD/MES/Railways ~tc. for the following works upto 3.00 p. m.on 7-!J:1933.

Tender will <be - opened at 3.30, p. m'. 'on the same_ -d~.Y. " Earnest Money should be deposited by challan in the State" Bank of India or any other Scheduled Bank in the form of Call·1;receipt-to be enclosed with tender. Conditions_ and tender forms can be had from the above Office upto 12.00 noon on 5-9-1983 during the WOrking hours on payment of the cost of tender form (non·refundable). If reqUired by ,post an­amount of Rs. 10/_ (Rupees ten) Will be ch,a.rged extra.

'. Tenders of co'ntracto,rs who tio hot deposit .Ea~est Mo"~ey . in the prescribed form are liable to -be rejected. The con·­tractor must produce Income TaX Clearance Certificate before the issue of qmder. Right to- reject pr accept any or aU. the; tenders wit40ut assigning any reason is reserved with the Department.

P.a:n,aji, 25th -A-Ugust •. i~3-.-The 'Executi1f~ En~ee~:··S~-.

'!'Onder NOtiCEC No. PWD/WDI/ASW-17/28/1983-84.

The- EXecutive Engineer, Works Division 'I (Bldgs. r FWD, Panaji invites _ on behalf of;~ President of India. sealed:· Percentage/Item rate tenders- from approved . .and eligible contractors of Goa. PWD/CI',WD,Il.IESIRaUw8yS .etc: -for the:,,,,, following works upto 3.00 p. m. on 2/9/33.


Sr. No. Name of wo:rk and place

1. Repairs to "C·~ "D" t~ General Pool quarters at Altinho-PanaJi.

2. 'Painting for Govt. residential quar~ers' at Bhatlilem A, B & C type.

3. External pirlntlng to "0" type "D" type GRP & HE"· type quarters at ·AIUnhd-Panaji.

Tender wIn be opened at 3.30 p. m. on the same day. Earnest Money should- be deposited_ by challan 'in the"State Bank of India or any other Scheduled Bank in the form of

. call receipt to be enclosed, with tender. Con(iitions and tender forms can be had from the above Office upto 12.00 noon on 31/8/83 during the working hours on payment of the cost of tender form (non-refundable). If r~uired by'post-an amount of Rs. 10/- (-Rupees ten) will be charged extra.,."

Estimated . Cost





Earnest, Money





TIme. limit

30 days incl.


30 days Incl.

monsoon . 30 days

incl. Monsoon

Class of cont~etQr

IV & above

III & above

III & aboVe

·Cost. of ,~;: tende'r'" :Rs. :": ;.-

.., 201-


_ 30/-

~ders_ of contractors who do not~ deposit eamest mone-Y-.i in the prescribed form are liable to be rejected. The con ... tractor must produce Inc,ome Tax Clearance Certific~te_: before the issue of tender. Right to 'reject 'or -.accept any-; or all the tenders'without assigning-'any reasOn is res¢rvoo\ with the Department.

Panaji. _22ml August, 1983.-The Executive Engineer. Sd/-~

Works Division IV (E. & M.), Caranzalem-Goa

Tender Notice No. 2/2/8~-ASW-IV-PWD/7

Executive Engineer, Works Division IV. illvites on behalf cit the pre"sident_~f India separate seal~· percenta~/item.. . l'ate tenders from apprOTed and eligible contractors/suppliers upto 2.00. p. _m. _ on or before 6th Sept., 1983 for the -following works:-

Sr. No. Name of work

1. . illumination of ~6ad. from' Cslangnte taxi stand to Calangute beach, using ·Sadium·, VaPour Luminaires.

2. EIQCtrification to a.pproach road for- 'tourist- Dormitory at Britona-. I

Estimated Cost


Earnest Money


2,84.393-57 7,110/-

79,335-72 1,9331- .

Class of Time limit Cost ol Contractor . ,Tend~ _-,


I 45 daY1' 30/-·"

Page 6: Panaji, 1st September, 1983 (Bhadra 10, 1905J No. ~OF.F · 3-5-83 8-9-83 Menezes Air Travel, Rua de Ourem, Panaji--Goa..


Sr. No. Name of works

3. Electrical Installation to V. I. P. StUtes of -Goa. Me­dical College Builrung if c Inst. of Air Conditioner & laying of Independent cable for ~nerating Set. (CHOG-M),

Tenders will be opened on the same-- day at 3.00 p."m. if possible. Conditions and, tender forms can be obtained from this Office upto 5-9-1983 upto 4.00 p. m. during working clays

. 'On payment of the cost of tender' form. If required by post, .an amoWlt of Rs. 15/-' (Rup~es fifteen OlUY), per tender &<>rrn will be charged extra.' Tender .. forms will be issued only on production I of a valid Income Tax Clearance Certificate.

Es~ted cost B.S •.

Earnest money



SERIES ~IIiNo. 22 ,

Class of contractors Time limit

II & above 45 ,days

Cost at Tender



Tenders of contractors/suppliers' who do not deposit Earnest MOI}ey in prescribed form are liable to -be "rejected. Right to reject any or al1:. the tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever is reserved with' the authority to accept the tender. '

Panaji, 20th August, 1983. - The Executive Engineer, P. P. Bork"".

Works~Division IX, Fatorda, Marg,ao·Goa

, Tender Notice No. PWD.IX/2062/30/83~84 , \

The Executive Engineer, Works Division IX, PwD., Fatorda, Marga(}ooGoa, invites-- on behalf 'of the President of india, sealed tendet:s ,for ItemjRate, from approved and eligible contractors of C. P. W., D. and those of appropriate list of Union Territories/State PWD/MES/Railways upto 3.00 p.m. on 17/9/83 for the folloWing works: -. " .

Sr. -No. . Name or' work

1. Vasco Sewerage Scheme,Part~I (B) Phase A laying of sewerlines and construction of manholes. (Retendered).

Tenders will be opened after 3.30 Pi m. on the sam'e day .. Th~ tender forms'and conditions can be had from._this Office upto 1/9/83 to 15/9/83 a'uring'working hours on payment of its cost (non-refundable) in ~ash. If requir,ed by post, an amount of Rs. 5/- wlll be charged extra. Earnest Money shoWn ,against _each work should be deposited in the, State Sank. of India or any other Scheduled Bank -in the form of

,I Deposit at call Receipt and enclosed with the tender.

Worb Division VI--Fotorda·Margao (Goa)


T. N. No. 5/6/83-WDVII ADM/6/83-84

The last date "of- tender papers, submission and opening of uii,- :tenders for the work- "Impro.yement of AirpOrt road by

providing .Bot Mix asphalt concrete surface CHOG-M- (83) .... ~bll .. hed under tender notice No. 5/6/83-WDVI/AD¥/4/ /83...84" stands modified as ~der:-

1. Last date of issue of tender papers is upto 3.00 p.m: on 29-8-83.

2. Last date of submission of tender is upto 3.00 p.m. on 3()'8-83. .

3. Opening of tender will be after 3.00 p;m. on 30-8-83.

All other tenns and :conditions remain unchanged.

Margao, 19th August, 1983.-For Executive Engineer, Sd/-. ,

.Works Division VIII (Buildings) - Fatorda, Margoo

Tender ·Notice No. PWD/EE8/BLDGS)sbUTH/10/83'84

The Executive Engineer 8, P.W.D., BUildings (South), Fatord.a-Margao:~ invites on behalf _ of the President of India, sealed Item. rate tenders from approved and eligible con __ trac~rs of CPwD and those of appropriate list of Union Territories/States PWD /MES/:Railways, upto 3.00 p. m. on 21/9/83 for the "following works: - .

Estimated Cost Rs.


Earnest Money I

Deposit 't'!me limit Ro.

6,722.00 180 days including monsoon

Cost of Tender Rs.


The tender of the coiltractor who does not deposit earnest money in prescribed manner is li~b1e ~ be rejected.

The -'contrm<tor must produce "Income Tax Clearanc.e Certi­ficate at tlfe-_-time of issue of tender. Right to reject any tender without assigning any r.easons- thereof is reserved. The conditional and unbalanced t~nder may be- rejected outright.

Margao. 23rd August, 1983. - The Executive Engineer. R. D. ·Ko8sambe.

ITEM RATE 1. ExtenSion to Government Primary School BUildirig' at

Panzantar cartalim.' . Estimated Ccst aJt Rs, 4,36,579 .. 6:1, Earn.est MQ~ey Rs. 10,~. Time limit - 240 days including monsoon .. Cost of Tender Rs. 30/-.

category of ~ligible Contractors - Class II and above.

2~ Construction of -Proposed. Cement Godown fo~ Eh~c-, tricity Department at Aquem.

Estimated Ccst at Rs .. 1,49,745-00. Earnest Money Rs. 3,744-00, Time, limit ~ 180 days including- monsoon. Cost of Tender Rs. 30/-. .

category of Eligible Contractors - Class III and aboVe;

Tenders will pe opened immediately after 3.15 p. m. on th~ same day_ '

Earnest Money shown against works sliould be deposited in the State Bank of India, Margao or any Scheduled Bank in the form of Deposit at Call Receipt ~d enclosed it· with ,the tender. Conditions of con,tract and tender _ forms c'il-n be had from the above Office uptO"12.00 noon till 19/9/83 on aU workirig days on payment of cost of tender '(non-refund-able) per, each item in cash. . ,

The intending tenderer will have to produce Income Tax Clearance Certlficate aJt the time of buying the tender ..

The tender of the contractors who do not deposit Earnest .' Money in the prescribed form is Jiable' to be rejected.

'Right_ to_'reject any,_or'all the t~ders without any reasons thereof is reserVed,

. Margao, 11th -.August,: 1983.--:-- Th,e. Executive Engineet, E<I/-. ,


-- .. _----- .. ".--""- ... _ .. -"-.... ~~~- --- - ---------------- " --.~""----+,-,-~~,--"-.... ,,--- - '''----'

Page 7: Panaji, 1st September, 1983 (Bhadra 10, 1905J No. ~OF.F · 3-5-83 8-9-83 Menezes Air Travel, Rua de Ourem, Panaji--Goa..

~ -.

1ST SEPTEMBER, 1983 (BHADRA 10, 1905) ------~------------------------------------------

Tender Notice No; PWD.IX/2062/31/81Hl4

The Executive Engineer, Works Division IX, PWI)., Fatorda, Margao.· Goa invites on behalf of the President of India, sealed teDders for Item/Percentage Rate, from approved and eligible contractors of C.P.W.D. and those of' appro­priate list of Union Territories/State PWD/MES/Railways upto 3.00 p.1)L on 7-1~83 for the followiog works:-

-Sr. No. Name of work

Item Rate 1. . Water Supply distribution' net work to Velsru:>. Dando

in Monnugao TalUka.

. Percentage Rate

2. Maintenance work -fOr. ~A' & 'B' type residential quar­, ters at Barna, Va..sco--da.-Gama.

3. Minor repa.frs and poillltiog of Divisional Office build­ing, Works Division lX(PHE), PWD, Fatorda, Margao.

4.. Extension of 80 mm. dia. distribution pipe line at· Chi­caiim in Mormllgao Tal11ka.

Tenders will be opened after 3.30 p. m. on the same day. The tender forms and conditiQllS can be had from this Office from 19-9-83: to 5-10--83 during, working hours on payment ~ its cost (non-refundable)' in cash. If required ,by post, an amount of Rs. 5/- will be charged extra. Earnest Money 3hoWn ag' work should be depoSited in the State Ba.D:1r of India or any other Scheduled Bank in the form of

Deposit at call Receipt and enclosed with the tender.


No. PWD.IX/2062/930/83-84

Read: Tender Notice No.PWD.lX/2062/83-84, .ot: 23-8-83.

It ,is hereby brought. t? the notice of all intending tenderffl.'s

Estimated co~t Earnest Money Rs. DePosit

. Rs.

2,41,625-22 6,041/-

26,762-52 670/-

18,035-71 451/-

20,484-91 513/-

Time Limit

270 days including monsoon .

45 days including monsoon.

30 days including monsoon ..

60 days inclu,ding monsoon.

Cost ot tend~r Ro •






The tender of the contractor who does not deposit Earnest Money in. preScribed manner is ~ble to be rejec~.

The contractor must produCe Inccme Tax. Clearance" <­tific.ate at the time of-issUe of tender. Right to rejecf any tender without assigning any - reasons thereof. is reserved. The conditiorial and lUlbalanced tender- may be rejected out­right.

Margao, 24th August, 1983. - The Executive Engineer, R. D. K08sambe.

that the tenders will be issued only to those who have execu­ted similar type of works.

All other conditions remain unchanged.

},ial'gao, 25th August,'" 1983. - The Executive Engineer, R. D. K08sambe ..

Works Division XIII (Nlil.- Panaji - Goa

. " \ T.ender Notice No. PWD;wDxII1/ll/1983-84

The Ex:ecutive Engineer, Works Division xm (Nation8J. Highways); P. W. D., Panaji-GOa, invites- on behalf ,ctf' Pres~­, dent of Indi8., sealed Percentage Rate Tenders from approved and eligible contractors -for below mentj.oned works upto

3,00 p. m. on September 5th, 1983 and the same shall be openeq. the same day at 3.30 p. lll.


Sr. No. Name of work

1. Improvement Agacaim.'

of N.H. 17 from Four ,Pillars to

2. Providing. & Erection of sign' boards on N. H. 17 between Panaji & Patradevi Section.

Tender forms can be purcbased upto September 3rd, 1983. Tenders not accompanying' Earnest Money Deposit are likely to be rejected. Contractors must submit Valid Income Tax Clearance Certificate before _issue -of tender/ form. Right to

Estimated Cost Rs.



Earnest Money Deposit




Time Umit

30 days

60 daye

Cost of tender form as:


. 20.00

reject any or all tenders is 'reserved without assigning any reasons. '

Panaji, 22nd August, 1983 . ...:.- The Executive Engineer, M. R. Pise.

Page 8: Panaji, 1st September, 1983 (Bhadra 10, 1905J No. ~OF.F · 3-5-83 8-9-83 Menezes Air Travel, Rua de Ourem, Panaji--Goa..

252 , SERIES III No.;22

Works 'Division XIV" {'2BO} F.atorda, Margao

Tender Notice No. 5/9/8()'PWD-WDXlV-ADM/23/83-84

The Executive Engineer, Works Di~on XIVt PWD, NH, Fatorda--Margao, invites _on -behalf of President of India", sealed Item Rate _Tenders from apprOVed __ ~ eligible contractors who own or can oblige- hot mix. plants .and paver finish, for below mentioned works upto 3.00 p. m.' on 12th Septem her, 1983. _-

Br.No; Name of work

--------_ .. _. __ ...•. 1

1. Providing & laying 2Omm' thick' hot mix' asphaltic con­crete surf~ course (paver finish) including filling of de .. pressions etc. road, section from Zuari Bridge (CortaIim side) to Airport road junction at· Chicalim km. 10.3.

Tender forms -,?an be purchased upto 9th Septemb~r. 83 at 3.00 p. m. Tenders not accompanying by Earnest Money De­posit are liable to be rejected. Contractors mUst submit Valid' Income Tax Clearance Certificate, list of Works i..'"l hand with full details, list of sUnilar works completed' along­with full details, list of tools .and plants at the time of apply­ing for tender, papers. Application should be submitted wen

Estimated Cost

• Rs.

24 Iakhs (Approxi­


Earnest Money Deposit



Time Umit

30 days

Cost of Tender 'orm Rs.


in advance in order to enable the. Division to verify 'the ability of the contractors.

Right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons thereof is, reserved.

Margao, 16th August, 1983. - T'ne Executive Engineer, Sd/-.

Tender Notice No. 5/9/8().~WD-WDXlV-ADMj24/83-84

The Executive Engineer, -Works Division XIV, PWD, NH; Fatorda~Margao, invites. on behalf of President of India, sealed Item/percentage Rate Tenders from approved & .eligible contractors of PWDJMESfRailways. upto 3.00 p. m. on 5th September, 1983 for the' following works separately:

Sr. No. Description

, 1. Providirig and fixing KiIometer/hectometer ,stones/In-

formation boards on NH 17-A- Cort:aJim':'Vasco road.

2. Construction of Approach road to Zuari Bridge Part I, Cortalim si,de Add~tional 50mm full grout Cc,rpet.

Tenders will be opened immediately after 3.30 p. m. on the same day. '

Earnest Money shown· against works should be deposited in the state- Banl-t. of India,- Margao or ally Scheduled Bank in the form of Deposit at Call Receipt and enclosed it with the tenders. Conditions of contract and tender forms can he had from the above Office upto 4.00 p. nl. of 2/9/83 on au work~ ing days on payment of cost of tender (non~refW1dable) per each item in cash. If required by post a..">1 amount of B.s. 2/ ~ will be charged extra. .


Tender Notice No. 5/9/80-PWD-WDXlV-ADM/25/83-84

The Executive Engineer, Works Div. XIV, P,\VD C::~I-I) Fatorda~Margao. invites' on behalf of _the President of India. sealed Percentage rate tenders -from approV:ed and eligible contractors/suppliers and authorised dealers of CPWD and those of appropriate list of Union Territories/State PWD/ ~ /MES/Railways, upto 3.00 p. m. on 6th September, ,1983 for the follOwing items separately:

Sr. No. Description

1. Supply of paints. a) Synthetic .enamel paints of different

colours. b) Road marking paint.

2. Supply of traffic sign boards Stove ena-melled/Vitreous enamelled.

a) Mandatory/Regulatory. b) Cautionary/Warning. c} Delinators.

200 lits. 200 lits.

70 Nos.· 150 Nos.

Estimated Earnest money Cost 0' . Cost deposit Time limit tender Rs. ' Rs. form


15,637-11 391-;00 45 days 30-:00

" 2,67,373-00 6,685-00 45.daYs 3()'00

The intending tenderer will have to produce Income Tax Clearance Certificate at the time, of buying the tender.

The tender of the contractors who do not deposit' Ea.r:iJ.est Money in the prescribed form is liable 'to be rejeeted:

Right to reject a.."1Y or all the tend'6l's without assigning any reasons thereof is reserved.

Margao, 18th August, 1983. - The E0:ecutive Eng'ir..eer, Sd/-.

Sr. No. Description

3. Supply of traffic aids such as Plastic studs/blinkers/C~ts eyes/Road dividmg marker tapes/Red Reflector tapes.

4. Supply of Tools and Plants such as pa­waras/Ghamelas/Pickaxes etc.

Tenders will be opened immediately after 3.30 p. m. on the same day possibly. .

Conditions of contract and tender forms can be had from ' the above Office upto 4.00 p. m. of 3-9~83 on all worlting'days.

No security deposit will be deducted if the materials are supplied fully.

Right to reject any 01' aU the tenders ,without assigning any reasons thereof is reserved.

Margao, 19th- August, 1983. - The Executive Engirieer. Sd/-.

Page 9: Panaji, 1st September, 1983 (Bhadra 10, 1905J No. ~OF.F · 3-5-83 8-9-83 Menezes Air Travel, Rua de Ourem, Panaji--Goa..

fSTSEPTEMBER, 1983 (BHADRA 10,1905) 253

Works Division XVII (PHE). p~ w. 0._ Panaii ~'Goa

Tender Notice No. PWD/WDXVII/ ACCTS/F. 64/38/83-84

'l"he Executive Engineer, Works Division XVII (PHE), P. W. D. Panaji, invites on behalf- of the ,Rresident of India, sealed item rate tender from the approved and' eligible contractors/~ufacturers/suppliers of C. P .. W. I? ~ those of the appropriate list of Union Territories/state- p~ W.' D./ :MES/Railways/P & T., upto 8/9/1983 for 'the fOnO}~llng worlt as· detaileq below:-

S1. No. ,


1. Augmentation of Assonora- Water Supply System by an additional 7 MGD - Providing" installing & commisw

sioning ,of weighing platform balance -1000 -Kgs. ca­pacity.

The tender will be opened at 15.30 hours, on the same day. Earnest- money against work should be deposited by' chaJIan. in the State Bank of India or any other Scheduled Bank in the form of deposit at call receipt to -be enclosed With tender. Cb;nditions and te-nder forms can be had 'from this Office upto 17.3() hours on 7/9/1983 during working hoID'S on 'payment of

fees (non-refundable) in cash. If required by post an amoWlt

of" Rs.,,15.0:0 will be charged .extra.


amount Rs.


E;M.'D .. Ro.


Time limit

20 days

Cost of ten'der Rs.


The tender of the contractor who does not deposit earnest money ip. the prescribed manner is liable to be rejected ..

The contractor must produce income tax: clearance certifi­cate before the issue of the tender.

Right to reject any Qr all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof is reserved.

Panaji, 29th August, 1983. - The Executive Engineer, T .. K; Mohaftd0i8.

Works Div~sion XVIII, (R & BJ, Ponda - Goa

Tender Notice No. 6/1/82-PWD-WDXVIIICADM/30/83-84

The EXec"'..ttive Engineer; 'Works Division XVIll, P. W. D., Ponda-Goa invites on behalf of President of India, sealed tenders from the approyed and eligible contractors of C. P. W. D;lJ1,ianufacturers/Fabricators upto 3.00 p. m. on. 7-9-83 for the following work:

Sr.' No. Description

1) Supply of Cautionary/Warning sign Boards.

Tenders will be opened after 3.00 p. m. on the ,same day~ Earnest Money shown against the work should be deposited jn the State Bank -.of India or any other Scheduled Bank_ in the form of deposit at CaU Receipt and receipt enclosed with their tender. Conditions of contract and the tender fonus can be had ~fr~m the above mentioned Offioe upto 1.00 p .. m. on 5-9-1983 on all working days on payment of cost of tenders (nqn-refUndable) for each item in cash. The intending tenderers will have to produ~ Income Tax Clearance Certi­ficate at the time of buying tender.

Worb Division XIX - {Bambolim - Complex] Panaji -Goa

Tender. Notice No. A/19/83-84/XIX/PWD/33

The Executive Engineer, Works Division XIX, Bambolim Complex, P.W.D .• Panaji invites on behalf of the PreSident of India sealed Percentage rate tenders from approved and eligible class IV /lIT contractors, of Goa P.W.D./C.P.W.D./ /M.E~S./P. & T. for the follOwing works upto 3.00 .p. m. on .2-9-83.

1. Name of the Work: External' Painting to Goa College of Phannacy Bldg. at Panaji in connection with CHOG-M-83.

Estimated cost: Rs. 56,684-79.

E.M.D.: Rs. 1,417/-.

Time limit: 30 days, ClaSS of Contractor IV.

Cost of Tender: Rs. 20/~~

Estimated Cost



EarneF;t :Money Rs.


Cost ot tender



Time I1mit including monsoon

45 days

The t.enders ,of the contractQrs who do not deposit Earnest money in the prescribed form are liable to be rejected~- -Right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning' any <reason whatsoever is reserved with the authority to accept the tenders. Security deposit 'Will be :released immediately after the final' bill is paid. "

Ponda, 20th August, 1983. - The E.xeeutive Engineer, I. V, K. Kunhi:raman.

2. Name of the Work: External painting to I.P.H.B. Bldgs. and Pharmacy College Hostel at Altinho, Panaji in connection with CHOG':' M - 83.

Estimated cost: - Rs. 62.010-50.

:m.M;D.: Rs. 1,550/-.

Time limit: 3'Q day~. of the Contractol'_ IV.

Cost of Tender: Rs. 20/-.

3. Nam-c of the Work: - External colourwash to type I, II. lIT. Servant Qtrs. Garages cement godown" sub­-Div. II Office Comp01.Uld Wall and Tereza girls Hos­tel at G.M.C. Complex Bambolim in connection with CHOG-M-83 ..

Es.timated cost: Rs. 1.43.886-27.

E.M.D.: Rs. 3,597/-.

. Time limit: 30 days. Class of Contractor In.

Cost of "'Tender: Rs. 30/-.·

Page 10: Panaji, 1st September, 1983 (Bhadra 10, 1905J No. ~OF.F · 3-5-83 8-9-83 Menezes Air Travel, Rua de Ourem, Panaji--Goa..

4. Name of Work: - External painting· to tyPeIV,:V, VI (Deans Bungalow) at G.M.C. COmplex at Bam­bolim.

Jilstimated cost: Rs. 1,12,129-97.

. E.M.D.: Rs. 2,803/-.

Time limit: 30 ~ysJ C~s of Contractor m.

Cost of Tender: Rs. 30/-.

5. Name of the Work: - External paiIiting to the Nurses Hostel, OPD, MaIn Hostel, Cblldrens Ward, Patho­lOgy. Dean Office and Elevated Reservoir of G.M.C. Panaji Hospital Complex at. Panaji.

Estimated cost: Rs. 50,969-17.

E.M.D.: Rs. 1,274/-.

Time limit: 30 days (incl. monsoon period), Class of the Contractor IV.

Cost of Tender: Rs: 20/-.

6. Name of the Work: -External painting to the various Building of Ribandar Hospital Complex including cololJ.l"l1'lash to the 'Ba1niketan Building at Ribandar.

Estimated cost: Rs. 39,900-00. E.M.D.: Rs. 997/-.

Time limit: 30 days (lncl, moru!Ooo period), Class of the Contractor IV.

Cost of Tender: Rs. 20/-.

The tender will 'be opened at 3.00 'po m. on the same day. The Earnest Money should he deposited in the State Ban.'< . of India or any -Scheduled Bank in the f~rm. of Deposit Call Receipt and the receipt of this amount must be enclosed with the tender without which no tender will be considered., Con­ditions ~d tender forriis can be had from the Divisional Office uptO i2.00 noon on ~1-8..s3 during working ~ours oli payment of' the cost of the tender fonn" (non-refundable). If required by post an amount of Rs. 20/- shall be paip. extra. .

The contractor must produce valid Incom'e Tax Clearance ' Certificates at the time of issue of tender.

The right to reject any tender withou.t assigning any rea­sons thereof reserved.

Panaji,22nd August, 1983. - The Executive E?gineer, S(I/-.


Works Div.isiori XIX (Bambolim Complex) Panaii - Goa

Tender Notice No: A/19/83.84/XIX/PWD/34

, The' Executive Engineer, Works Division XIX, Bambolim Complex, P.W.D.; Panaji invites on behalf of the President of. ,India sealed percentage rate, tender from approved and eligible class m Contractors of Goa P.W.D./C.P.W.D./ /M.E.S./P & T for the following works upto 3.00 p. m .. on 9-9-1983.

1. Name of the works: Additions, Alteration & repairs Works to the Central passenger jetty. (Panaji) of River Navigation Department in connection with CHOG-M '83.

2. Estimated Cost: . Its .. 2,45,123-36· E.M.D. Rs. 6,128/­Time li1pit: 45 days (Cost of tender Rs.20/-.)

The -tender will be opened at 3.00 p. m. on the same day. The earnest'money should be deposited in the state Bank. of India or any Scheduled Bank in the form of Deposit call receip~ and the Receipt of this amount, must be \enclosed with the, tender Vlithout which no tender, will be considered. Conditions and tender forms can be had from the Divisional Office upto 12.00 noon on' 7-9-83 during working: hours on payment of the cost of the tender fonn (non refundable). If required by post an amount· of Rs. 20/-· shall be paid extra. The Contractor must produce valid Income Tax Clearance Certi-ficates at the time of issue of tender. .

The light to reject any tender without assigning any :reason::; thereof ~erved. '

Panaji, 27th August, 1983. -The Executive Engineer, Sd/-.

Office of the Executiy~ Engineer, ,National Highways - Ponda. GOil,


Read: Tender Notice No. PWD XV/0009/1/1983.

The date of opening of tender for the' work: of 'IImprove­ment of Geometrics and Reconstruction of CUlvert in KN 88/0 to KN 88/575 of NH 4(A) Panaji-Anmod Section" aod "Cons­truction of, balance work of Approach road to New Borim Bridge Margao side, embankment portion Balance _Work" is hereby postponed to 20-9-1983 at 3.30 p. m. Last date of tender issuing will be .17-9-1983 upto 3.30 p.. m. on working days.

All other tenns and conditions mentioned in -the tender notice remain unchanged.

Ponda, 16th Augus~ 1983. - The Executive Engineer, G. N., Kapadia.

Irrigation Department " Works Division· 1- Panaji-Goa

No. MIl Accts/WDI/ID/F. 61/8/83-84

The Executive Engineer, Irxigation, Department, Works: Division I, Panaji Goa invites on behalf of the President of ·India sealed lte~ Rate Tender ~n ForJJl. No. P. W. D: 8 from the .eligible contractors upto 16-9-1983 at .2.30 p. m. for below mentioned work: -

Sr. No. Name o~ work

1. Imptovement to Shejja Bandhara and lining of Canal u~to Shelgoti at Kudnem-Taluka Bicholim.

Tender- will be opened at 3.00 p.m. on the same day. COndi­tions and Tender Forms can be had from' this office upto 14-9-1983 at 2.30 p. m. on working days.

Tenders of contractors who do not deposit Earnest Money Deposit in the prescribe;d Fonns- are liable to be rejected.


Estimated cost E.M.·D. Time, includ- Cost of tender ing monsoon form

Rs. Rs. period Rs.

5,17,170.00 10,345-00 360 days 40-00 including monsoon

COntractors should also produce the Income Tax Clearance Certificate before the issue of the Tender Forms.

.The Executive Engineer, reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the· tenders without assigning any reason thereof.

Panaji, 18th August, 1983. - The Ex~utive Engineer, Sd/-

Page 11: Panaji, 1st September, 1983 (Bhadra 10, 1905J No. ~OF.F · 3-5-83 8-9-83 Menezes Air Travel, Rua de Ourem, Panaji--Goa..


1ST SEPTEMBER, 1983 (BHADRA 10, 1905)

Conigendum .

No. MI/ Accts/WDI/ID/F.61/9/83-84

Last date for receipt and opening" of the Tender published vide Tender Netice. No. MI/Accts/WDI/ID/F.61/7/83-84 dated 2nd August. 1983 fQr the work of "Providing, erecting. commissioning of Electrical ,and Diesel _ pumps on Irrigation wells in Satan Taluka (Sub'Head I-Pump Sets), at Serial No.1" is hereby extended upto 27.9.1983,. Conditions and Tender forms can be had from this office upto 25·9-1983 upto-2.30 p. In. on any working-day.

Other terms and conditions' r.emain Wlchanged.

Panaji,. 25th' August, 1983. -,- The Executive Engineer, C. S. Jain.

Lotal Administration and Welfare Department Office of the Colledor of Goa


No. 2/9/80-VPT-ELN(Vol. U)


Office of the Mamlatdar of Bard!>z



In pursuance of Rule 13(c) of .the Goa, Daman and Diu Village Panchayat (Election of Chairman ,and Vice-Chairman) Rules) 1968, it is hereby notified for public information that the member of Panchayat as appearing iri the column 3 of the schedule has been declared elected on 19-8-1983 as Vice­-Chairman of the Panchayat shown in column 2 of the' 8aid Schedule.


Sr. No. Name of the-Village Pan­chayat

1 2

Name of member elected Vice·Chairman


------------~------------------~ 1. Salvador do, Mundo Fernando Marilo Pinto

Panaji, 20th August, 1983. - The Mamlatdar, R. Soa1'es.

In pursuance of the provisions of, Section 15 of the Goa, Daman and Diu Village RegtiIation, 1&62 read with Sub-Rule (2) of Rule 53 of the Goa, Daman and Diu

·Village Panchayat (Election Procedure) Rules 1967, it is hereby notified ,for public information that Shri EE"rnado Manuel Sequeira of Seraulim-Salcete has teen declared ''''; elected to fill the unreserved ~at in Ward No.3 of Seraulim Village Panchayat i~ Salc~te T.aluka.

-~-.. --+---.-. -

Office of the Mamlatdar of Sanguem


No. 10/5/2/83-Elec. Panaji, 23rd August, ,1983. -:.:The COlleCtor, J. P. Singh.


- No. 2/3!82-~,!llLN(Vol. II)

In pursuance of the provisions of Section 15 of the Goa, Daman and Diu Village Panchayat Regulation 1962 (No,. 9 of 1962) read witb Sub-Rule (2) of Rule 53·of tbe Goa, Daman and Diu Village Panchayat (Election Procedure) Rules 1967, it is hereby notified for public informatiop that ShIi Vinayak Hari Shet of Chowgule Colony, Poira-Maem has been Ejected to fill the unreserved seat in Ward No.8' of Maem-Vaiguinim

. Village Pai1ch~yat in Bicholim Taluka.

Panaji, 23rd-August, 1983.-The Collector, J: P. Singh.

.' Office of the Mamlatdar of Salcete Taluka



Nos. 35-30/ELN/83 & 34-29/ELN/83.

"In pursuance of the provision of Rule 13(e) of the Goa, Daman and Diu Village Panchayat (Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman) Rules, 1968, I, -Shri S. S. Keshkamat, Mamlatdar of Salcete Talu1ta, hereby notify for the public information ·that the following persons have been elected as Chairmen 'of the Panchayats from the Salcete Taluka, as shown in the. Schedule below:

Name of the Sr. No. Q Village


1 2

1. Assolna


Name of the Chainnan


Gustavo' Clovis da Costa

2. Ghinchinim· JoaO Glorio -Deussua ,- Francisco


Name of the Vice- Remarks -Chajrnmn

4 5

lI-Jieeting , held on


Margao, 26th August, 1983. ~ The Mamlatdar, 8. 8. Xesh­lfalnat.

In pursuance of the -prov,isions of Rule 13(c) of the Goa, Daman and 'Diu Village Panchayat (Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman) Rules, 1968, I, G, G. Kambli, Mamlatdar of Sang1.lem Taluka hereby notify for public information that Shri Ramnatb Harichandra Naik, the member, of' Panchayat has been deelared elected as - Chairman o~ the Village Pan­ehayat of sanvordem. in the- meeting held on 30-7-1983.

Sanguem, 30th July, 1983. - The Mamlatdar, G. G. Kambli.

••• Public Health· Department

Directorate of He.lth Services


No. IlHS/Adm/VC(1)37-2/548

In .purs~ee of S\1b-Rule (1) of Rule 5 of the. Central Service (Temporary Service) Rules 1965, I hereby give notice' to Shri Ramesh S. Sawant, Chowkidar of Primary Health Centre Curtortm -undet: Directorate of Health SerVices, that his' services ~ shall stand terminated with effect from the date of ~~iry of a perio.d of one-month from' the. date on which this Notice is served on him.

Panaji, 23rd August, 1983. - The Director, J.acinto E8tibe~ro. ... Revenue Department

In the Court of tbeColle~tor of Goa, Panaji

Caae No. 13-(1)-i~82-RB



1, Shri Nicholau Alberto Agnelo Maria' D'Souza. rIo Sakailowada - Assagao.

2.' Dharma Chandra Chodankar, rIo Oxel- Siolim,


- Respondents

In -the matter Q-f resumption of Ga:.vernment-Iand denomina­ied "GARCANDI" -in' two additions awneasuring 19,1719.00Ha. situated at ~uimpal'of Satari Taluka under Section 21(2) (f)


Page 12: Panaji, 1st September, 1983 (Bhadra 10, 1905J No. ~OF.F · 3-5-83 8-9-83 Menezes Air Travel, Rua de Ourem, Panaji--Goa..


of the Goa, Daman and Diu. Land Revenue Code, 1968 read with Rule 15(c) of the -Goa, Daman and Diu~t~d.Revenue (Disposal of Govt. Lands) Rules, 1971.


In exercise of the powers vested in me under ~la1.:lse (f) of 'Sub-8ection 2 of section 21 of the Goa, and -Diu- Land Revenue Code, 1968 read with' clause (c) of Rule 15: of the Goa, Daman and Diu-Land Revenue (Disposal of Govt. L~ds)·· Rules, 1971, I order that the "entire area of- the grant admea­suring 19,1719.00 lia. be revert~ to the GQ.vernm~nt and further direct that possessio!). of the resumed land be restored. with immediate effect to the Government.

. Given un.der my hand and Seal of this CoUlt on this 31st day of July, 1983.

Parties to be" informed. Sd/ ....

(J. P. Singh)

Collector of Goa.


finance Department !Revenue and Controll


No. CST/ADM;i8(82/101/Can

Read: Report No. P/2374/&16{) dated 2-6-1983 frOm the Sales Tax Officer, Panaji Ward, Panaji. _

.. Whereas it has been 'brought to my notice, that the deale~ Shri Sadruddin Alibhai Momin, Prop. of "Mis Nilgiri Tea Coffee and General Stores"" near MuniCiJ>8.l Market, PanBji . under Registration Certificate No. P /2374 dated 9:-12-197:> is absconding and I am satisfied afuut the -correctness, of the same information.

I, therefore. in view -of the provisions contained in section 11(8) of the Goa, Daman and Diu Sales Tax Act, 1964 read with Rule 10(1) (e) ·of the Rules made thereunder, and in. exercise of' the powers delegated to me in: this"behalf'hereby cancel the said Certificate of Registration wit]l effeCt from 1-;:7-1979 since the dealer is absconding.· ' '

Panaji, 9th August, 1982. - The Asst!:. Commissioner <>f sales Tax, Sd/- (D. S. Sanvordekar);

Office of the COlT,lmissioner of Sales Tax, Panaii


No. CST/ADM/19(ii)/83-84/1

[Uni/R;r 8'l:l-b-rUle (10) of Rule 15 of the Goa) Datn(1,tf, and n;" Sales Taq; Rules, 1964]

Whereas it" h.a.s been reported to, me by the asSessing authorities of.· this territory. that the declaration ~6rms ST XI (as per theschedule appended hereto) referre4 'to in the first proviso to clause (ii) of sub-section (3) ..Qt.'section 7 of

the Goa, Damail and Di~ ·Sales Tax Act, 1964 and Rule 15 ·'of" the Rules made thereunder have been lost ·by the. dea.ler~ ~ this Union Territory registered under the said· Act,

I, therefore, in exercise of the' powers under, sub-rule (10) of Rule 15 of the Goa, Daman and Diu Sales Tax Rules, 1964

. hereby notify that the Said declaz~tions in form ST XI shall.. be deemed to be Invalid: . . .

Sr. No. of 'the No. declara.tion fonns

declared invalid

1 2

1. A 31001 to A 31050

2. A 232823

3. A 231051

4. A 211480 A' 211481 A 211482

5 . A 89401 to . A 89450

6. A 21351 A 21352 A 21353 A 21398 A 21399 A 21400

~~ 7. A 162265 A 162266


Name and,address of the dealer with his H. C. No. to whom declaration Form 'ST XI

were issued by: the assessing authority


Mis. Trim Plastics Borim, Ponda - Goa, R. C. No. P/758

Mis. v. G. C. Azren.c~ & Co., Margao, R. C. No. M/447

Shri Shfirang V. Lolienkar, :M:a.shem Cana.cona

R.C. No. M/1314

Shri Raghuvir G. Shirodkar. Prop. of Mis. Shirodkar FurnitUre W.orks, Margao - Goa .

. R. C. No. M/2715 .. ..

Office of issue


Panaji Ward , . . Mal'gao Ward

Margao Ward

Margao Ward

Shri Shivdas Gopi Usapkar, Prop. of Mapusa. W;lrd Usapkar Enterprises KhorUm, Mapu-sa-Goa. _

R. C. No. B/1656

, Shri Dattaram Shankar Shetye, Prop. of Mapusa Ward "Raj Studio" Bicholim.-::-/Goa ..

R. C, No. B/463 ...

Everest Trading Co. Corltm ~ Goa R. C. No. P/2091 .

. Panaji Ward

Panaji, 22nd July. 19~ .. -The CommisSioner ~~' ~.ales T~~~ Ra,jOO11. Talwnr.


N~e and address of the vendor to whom

Form ST XI were issued



Mis. Goa Carbon ~td .• Panaji.

Shri Shamsunder Keni Navelim. Margao.

Sani-Ply Centre r;anaji.



Heasons for declaring Form ST XI





. Lost



, Lost


- . ....!.

Page 13: Panaji, 1st September, 1983 (Bhadra 10, 1905J No. ~OF.F · 3-5-83 8-9-83 Menezes Air Travel, Rua de Ourem, Panaji--Goa..


1.STSEPTEMBER, 1983 (BHADRA10, '1905) 257

Office of the Commissioner of Excise

Excise' Station - Pemem

The unknown owners of the following liquor and other goods found at the places and dates shown herebelOw against each case ,~re, intimated to appear before the EXcise Inspector of PeI.'llent Taluka, within 30 days from the date of publication of this notice in the Official Gd.zette to claim the' rights of the said material.

After the expiry of the aforesaid time limit i.e. the. liquor and other mater:ial shall be 'forfeited in iavou+ of t;he Government. ' -,

Sr. No. DntQ Place

1 2 3

1. 8-8-82 Chopdem-Jetty 2- 10-8-82 Patradevi

3. 10-8-82 Chopdem-Jetty

4, 16-8-82' -'do-

5. 18-8-82 Modlomaj-Mandrem 6. 18-8-82 . ,-do-7, 18'8-82 Patradevi

8, 2()-8-82 Macazana 9, '10-9-82 Junoz-Mandrem

1(). 10-9-82 Junoz~ Mandrem 11,. iO-9-82 Junoz-Mandrem 12. 14_9-82 Pernem 13. 17-9-82 Patradevi

14,' 23-9-82 . Junoz-Mandrem 15, 25-9-82' Macazana'

16, 27-9-82 Chopdem-Jetty

17. 30-9-82 Mahakazan-Jetty

18, .30-9-82 Chopdem-Jetty

19. 6-10-82 Poraskadem ZO. 8_10-82 Chopdem-Jetty

ti .. 15-10-82 Patradevi·

22. 21-10-82 Asvem-Mandrem 22. 21-10-82 Patradevi U, 21-10-&2 "lPatradevi 25, 22-10-82 Pernem

25, 25-10-82 Kiranpani

27. 31-10-82 Mahakazan

28, . 31-10-82 -do-29. 6-11-82 Kiranpani

30. 9-11-82 Patradevi 31. 11-11-82 Mandrem-Junos

32. 19-U-82 Patradevi

83, 24-11-82 -do-

.34. 1-12-82 ---do-

, .86. 6-12-82 ..;..,.,do-

" / ,

Case No.


Exc/82-83/44 Exc/&2-83/45



Exc/82-83/48 Exc/82-83/49 Exc/82-83/58

Exc/82-83/59 . Exc/82-83/60 Exc/82-83/61 Exc/82-83/62 Exc/82-83/65 Exc/82-83/66

Exc/82-83/67 Exc/82-83/71




Exc/82-83/76 Exc/82-83/77


Exc/82-83/84 . Exc/82-83/86 Exc/82-83/87 Exc/82-83/83 .



Exc/82-83/82 Exc/82-83/95




. Exc/82-83/102



Seized goods


.One blac!{ plastic can con~ing 2 gallOD$ of liquor .. 11 Pints of Blue Star Palm Fern, 10 Nips of Royal Bouquet

Brandy, 13 Pints of Blue star Palm Feni, _ 13 Pinl;.s· of Blue star Palin Feni, 5 Nips of Roy3:l Bouquet Brandy and 23 Pints Blue Star· Palm Feni.

One plastic white can having 2 gallons of liquor and one black plastic can haVing one gallon of liquor.- .

One tin having one rubber. tube containing 3 gallons of liquor.

Two 'metallic lids, one plastic can of 2 galions capacity. One empty drum. 4 _ Black Plastic cans containiIig 28 gallons of palm liquor

2 plastic cans containing 10 gallons of palm. liqUor being one in white and one black ..

2 plastic cans cOlltaining 6 gall~ns Of liquor.; Two empty drums. '!\va empty drums~ Two small empty drums, 2 white plastiC cans containing 3'. gallons of liquor.· One quart of. Napoleon Brandy and one Qt. of McDowell's

Whisky. . 2 Empty small tins, 1 plastic bag containing ODe rubber bladder containing

3 gallons of liquor., One gunny bag having one rubber tu~ containing Z gallons

of liquor. 1 green plastic can containing 2 gallons of liquor and gunny

hand bag containing orie rubber bladder having ODe gallon of liquor.

2 gunny hand bags having two . rubber bladders containing 3 gallons of jaggery liquor.

'2 empty big drum.S~ 1 plastic can containirig 2;~ gall~ns of liquor and one white

plasti!3 can containing 1* gallons of liquor. . One cotton hand bag 'containing 22 Nips of Kobe Fine

Whisky and' one plastic hand bag containing 12 Nips of Doctor's Favourite Brandy. ".

One empty drum.

One gunny bag containing 52 Nips of Doctor Brandy. One gunny bag containing 95 Pints Of Blue Star Palm feni. One gunny bag containing 9 Nips of Doctor Brandy and 13

Pints of BlUe Star Palm feni. lOne gunny bag containing 3 pints of Valente Palm' Felli

and 13 Pints of Five Star Palm ~eni. Two plastic hand bags having 4 plastic cans containing· 6

gallons -of liquor. , 2 gmmy bags containing 24 Pints of BlUE~ Star Palm Feni. 1 paper carton. contaIning 26 Pints of Valente Palm Feni~

and two tin boxes containing 64: Pints Valente Feni. 10 (ten) Quarts of McDqwell's Whisky. One gunny.bag containing one plastic c~ havinK 4 gallons

of liquor, one black plastic can containing 2 gallons ~ liquor, _ one _ black plastic can containing one gallon of liquor, three white cans 'containing 6 gallons of liquor ,and ~ne blue plastic can containing 2 gallons.OIf.liquor~

27 . Nips 'of. Blue 'Star Palm Feni ·and 2 plastic cans con-taiping 2 gallons of. palm liquor. '

6 Quarts of palm liquor, 1 Pint of palm liquor and l' QuaItt: - of cashew liquor J

One gunny bag containing '48 Pints of Valente' Coconut Feni and ODe gunny bag containing 48 nips· of Valente, Coconut Feni.

, . One._ bag containing 24 Pints of Blue star Palm Feni an9 4 Nips Hayward. Fine, Whisky. .

Page 14: Panaji, 1st September, 1983 (Bhadra 10, 1905J No. ~OF.F · 3-5-83 8-9-83 Menezes Air Travel, Rua de Ourem, Panaji--Goa..

1 2

36, 20-12-82 37. .29-12-82

38. 1()-1-83

39.. 11-1'83 .40. 1-2-83

41, 17-2-83 42. 26-2-83

43. 1-3-83

44. 5-:\-83

45. 7-3-83

46. 23-3-83

47, 29-4-83 48. 6-5-83

49, 12-6-83

50. 17-6-83

51. 17-6-83 52. 17-6-83 53. 23-6-83

54, 23-6-83






Patradevi -do-




'Patradevi -do~



-do--do-' -do-


• Exc/82-83/106 Exc/82-83/1l()


Exc/8z.83/183 Exc/82-83/140

Exc/82-83/148 Exc/82-83/149

Exc/82-83/150 ,




Exc/83-84/7 Exc/83-84/11




Exc/83,84/2O Exc/83-84/21




Two plastic cans containing 14 gallons of palm liquor. 24 bottles of Arlem Beer, 3 plastic cans containing 3 gall~)fiS.

of cashew liquor and. two Quarts of P:ure cashew li'eru. 24 Pints of Blue star Palm Feni and 18 Piilts of Bandog

Cashew Feni, containing in two gunny bags. Two empty drums. 30 Nips of Blue star Pahp. Feni and 26 Nips of Doctor

Brandy. . One white plastic can containing 5 Quarts o~ "Palm liquor. 12 Pints of Valente Coconut Feni, 24 Nips of capitol.Fine 'Wh~sky and 1 Nip of Blue Star Palm Feni'.

One cloth hand bag having one rubber tube containing' 2 gallons of liquor.

One cloth hand 'bag having one rubber tube containing 2 gallons of liquor.

One basket (Bamboo). having one rubber tube containing 2 gallons of liquor.

One white plas'tic can containing 4 Quarts of cashew -Felli and one Black plastic can containing 2 Quarts of'

- Cashew Feru. 18 Nips of Doctor Brandy. One Carton containing 6 Quarts of Blue Star Palm Feni.

3 Quarts 'King Club' Palm feni and 3 quarts of "Muscut"· cashew feni.

6 dozen Beer, 8 dozen Pints of Blue star Palm feni and 12 Nips of "Hayward' whisky.

1 cotton hand bag having oile rubber bladder containing-2 gallons ·of liquor.

One green plastic can C?ntaining 2 gallons of liquor. 9ne black plastic can containing 3 gallons of liquor. One gunny bag having two. green colour plastic cans

Containing 3 gallons of liquor. ' One plastic hand bag -having 2 white plastic cans contain-'

,ing 2 gallons of liquor. ~ .

Pernem, 2nd July, -1983.-Tbe Excise Inspector; G. 8. Nacmnolkar •

• Excise Station - Salcete Taluka


The .following quantity of I.M.F.L. and Country Liquor confiscated in favour 'of Government by the Commissioner of Excise" Panaji, Goa, will be _auctioned in the premises of Excis~ Station, Salcete, Taluka at Margao in its pr.entises situated at Fr. Miranda' Road, at 11.00 a.m. on 20th Sep­tember, 1983, to the bidder -who offers the highest price. If necessary the auction for the -second and third time of· the liquor'in question Will ~ hel~ on 21st and 22nd'September, 1983, ~pectively, at the above mentioned place. Only the licensed vendors of liquor Will be allowed to partiCipate in the auction. '

. Case No. Exc/Sal/8()~81/50:

2 SIt. bottles of palm feni, 2 qt. bottles (fancy bottles) witli li2 qt. bottle of palm feni, 4 glasses, 2 measuring glas­ses, 3 gla.$ yesse.Is containing. 18 qt.. bottles of palm liquor, One glass vessel containing 10 qt. bottles of palI?- feni.

Case No. Exc/Sal/82-83/4:

One qt. bottle of Golden Grape Brandy, 1 plastic can containing 7 qt. bOttles of pahn liquor, 1 qt. bottle half filled with palm liquor, l' qt. bottle containing about 100 1111. ot palm liquor and 3 measuring glasses.

Case No. Exc/Sal/82-83/49:

One' nip fully f1llOO with palm liquor,- 1 glass jar contain­ing about 6' qt., bottles' of palm liquor, 1 glass jar containing about 4 qt. bottles of' . palm liquor, 1 glass jar having coir

. cover containing about 3 qt. -bottles 'of palin liquor, 1 glass jar- conta.ining about 2 qt. bottles of palm liquor, 1 qt.. bottle of ~alm feni and one measuring glass.

Case No. Exc/Sal/82-83/56:

2 cases containing 19 bottles of Arlem beer 650 mls each, 1 qt. bottle containing about one peg of palm liquor, 1 plastic

can containing about.7 qt. bottles .of palm liquor, 1 plastic-" can containing about 6 qt. bottles of palm liquor, 1 nip· ~ontaining about li2 peg of brandy. 4 measuring glasses.

Case No. Exc/Sal/82-8~/58:

One qt. bottle of Solan Whisky, 1 qt. bottle of Khodays Bl'andy 3/4 filled, 7 qt. bottles of palm liquor, 12 bottles of' beer of 650 mI. each, one measuring glass and 3 small measuring glasses.

.Case No. Exc/Sal/82-83/59:

One China clay jar containing about 13.- qt. bottles of' cashew urrac, one plastic can 'containing about 12 qt. bottles of palm liquor one glass jar' containing abQut 3 qt. bottles of palm liquor, one qt. bottle ~ontaining about 180 mIs of palm Uguor, one qt. bottle containing about 180 mIs blended coffee' palm liquor and 4 measuring glasse~.

Case No. Exc/Sal/82-83/65-A:

8 qt. bottles of palm liquor,. lqt. bottle containing about 375 mls of palm liquor, 2 qt. bottles of Royal :SOuquet 'Brandy one qt. bottle of Royal Bouquet Brandy containing about

·375 mIs of brandY.

Case No. Exc/Sal/82-83/65:

3 bottles of Arlem·beer fully filled of 650 mls each,

Case No. Exc/Sal/82-83/66-A:

2 qt. bottles of palm liquor, 1 qt. bottle of brandy contain~ .. 1itg about one peg of brandy and 2 measuring glasses.

Case No. Exc/Sal/82-83/67-A:

, One. qt. bottle of palm liquor fully filled.

Case ~o. Exc/Sal/82-83/83:

One qt. bottle containing about 600 rills of _llalm llquo:{" 1 qt .. bottle containing 'about 300 mls of. cashew"liq\1or and one small measuring' glass.


Page 15: Panaji, 1st September, 1983 (Bhadra 10, 1905J No. ~OF.F · 3-5-83 8-9-83 Menezes Air Travel, Rua de Ourem, Panaji--Goa..

1ST SEPTEMBER, 1983 (BHADRA 10; 1905)


3 qt. bottles of' coconut liquor fully aud one small . measuring glass.

Case No. Exc/SaI/81-82/54:

One soda bottle half filled with Palm f.eni, one plastic can, capacity of one litre containing * bottle of pa.lm feni.

The successful bidders will have to pay the- Excise Duty leviable if any on the above mentioned quantity of liquor as

,w,ell as the price immediately.

The bid Will be final only after the approval by the Com­missioner of -Excise. The Govt. however reserves the right to reject the bid witJlOut -assigning any reason ther.eof.

Margao. 10th AuguSt, 1983. - The, Excise Inspe<:tor. Modu­cora B. N. Dessai. ...

law Department (Establishment)


No. 7-1-82/L~Part file

Whereas Shrt Anand MahadeO' Gaude, At carai, Shi­l'ooa, Goa, ~has applied for, the change of his name from "Anand Mahadeo Gaude" to <C Anand Mahadeo; Gaunker Shi-1'Odker".

.. And whereas' formalities prescribed for. flle purpose in Nos. 1 to 3 of Art. 178 of the Codigo do Reglsto Civil have been complied· with' and notice of change of name from "Anand Mahadeo Gaude" to "Anand Mahadeo Gaunker ~hirOdker" as per Government's No Objection has been -<,ubUshed.

, NoW, -therefore UtI; Administrator of Goa,. Daman and -Dlu is pleasea to grant the saId request made by the saId Shri Anand Maha-deo Gaudo and to hereby authorise him to publish this order in the Official Gazette.

By ol~der and in the nanlC of the _ Administrator of Goa, Daman ffd Diu.

Panaji, 22nd July. 1983. ~ U. D. Sharma, Law Secretary.

V. No. 2935/1983


In the Court of Civil Judge, Senior Division at Mapusa

., Special Civ:il Suit No. 318 of 1981

Shri Andrew St. Anne Castellino alias Andre Santana Castellino of full age, residing at 48:tolaulim, Post Office Aldona, Bardez, Goo.


J\'Irs. Clandette Mary Castellino nee_Crocker, of fun age,. C/o Mrs. Kathleen Crocker, 24-A, Circula,r Garden Reach - Road, Kidderpore, Calcutta.

- Plaintiff


It is hereby made public that by judgment dated 4th July: '1983 passed by this Court, the marri~ooe of the plaintiff Andrew St. AnIle Castellino alias Amire Santana eastellino with the defendant Clandette Mary CastellinO nee Crocker is hereby dissolved by divorce on, ground of desertion under Article 4(5) of the Law of Divorce Decree dated 3-11-1910.

Given under my ,hand and the seal of the Court, this 5th 'day of August, 1983.' .

Ranjeet KUmar Batta, Civil Judge, Senior Division, Mapusa.

V. No. 2828/1983

Office of the Civil. Registr.r-cum-S~b-Registrar, Canaco"" .. 2 Shrl Loximicanta NUu Malo of Pedem., Loliem, Cana­

cona, Goa has applied for change of name from '-Loxlmice.nt.a, NUu Malo' to 'LaxIn:ikant Nilu Shirodkar'.

'l~herefore, any person' having any objection is hereby; . invited to file the same in this Office under Article 178(8)

"of Civ1J Registration Code, within 30 daYs from the: publi,· cation' of this notice.

Canacona, 19th Allooust, 1983. ~ The Civil Reg:istrar-c~"·· -Sub-RegIstrar, Sd/ -.

V. No. 2910/1983·

• Office of the Civil Registr.r~cum-Sub-Registrar, llhas

3 Purshottam S. S. Cundaikar, resident of A/5,' Kun.­daikar Nagar, Dada Vaidya Road, PanaJi Goa, desires .to change the name of his minor son "Xantararna Purxotoma" Sinai· Cundoicar" to "Shantaram Purshottam Sinai' Kuit­daikar".

Therefore, any person having any objection is hereby invited to file the same in this Office under Article 178 (3)' of Civil Registration Code, in the time limit of 30 days, from -the pu,?H.cathm of this notice.

Panaji, 25th AugtlSt, 1983. - The Civil Registrar, B.hMad­Raghu'I>i:r Borkar.

-"" v. No. 2928/1983

• Administration Office of Comunidades of Sarde.

,.. Notices

4 It is hereby &nnOunced that on 30th September, 1983. 'at 11.30 a. m. at the' door of the aforesaid Office, auction"will be held 'of the works of renovating of doors and windows of the Chowdy of the Comunidade of Candolim at the estimated a mount of Rs. 24QO-()O, on conditions and terms laid down. in the respective file "No. 167/1982, which may be consulted", in the above Office during the working days and hours.

The C"ontractor should make prior deposit of 5%' of _the said amount in this office, before or at the' time of auction. Only "Government recognised contractors can take part in th:is auction. /

In case no bid is rec.eived on the said day, the works will be put to auction again at the same price of Rs. 2400-00 on 1-10-8:3 at the same time and place.

Maimsa, 19th AugUst, 1983. -"The Secretary. Nelson Xav'ier" . Trindade. •

Seen. - The Adnrinistr:ator, E. Non.rnlta Row,igues. , V. No.2983/198~

5 It h3 hereby announced that on 30th September, 1988' .. at 11.30 a. m. at the door of ilia 8.1'oresaid Office, auction will" be held of the works - of "renovating of doors and windo~_, of the Chowdy of the Comunidade' of- 'Candol1m at the estima- ' ted amount of Rs. 2400..00, on conditions and terms laid down

" in the- respective file No. 165/1982, which may/be consulted in the above Office during the worktng days and hours.

The contractor should make prior deposit of 5% of the: said amount in this office, before or at 'the time of auction. Only ,Government recognised contractors can· take part in this auction.

In case no bid is received on the said day, the work will be put to auction again at the same price of Rs. 2400-00 on 1-10-1983 at the same time and place.

'Mapusa,19th'August, i983.~The Secretary, NeloonXavi,er' Trindade.

Seen. - The Administra.tor. E. Noronha Rod'rlfJ1lcs.

v. No, 2989/1983 .

Page 16: Panaji, 1st September, 1983 (Bhadra 10, 1905J No. ~OF.F · 3-5-83 8-9-83 Menezes Air Travel, Rua de Ourem, Panaji--Goa..

6 It is' hereby announced tha;t on 16th ,September, 1983, . .at .11.15 a. m., at .the door _of the aforesaid Office, auction will be held of a hilly, rocky, uncultivated and unused plot Of land comprised in lot No. 401, known as "­tum", situated at Tivim and belonging to the Comimidade of rtvim. in the _ area of 452,72 square metres., applied foJ;' on I'aforarnento" _basis, by 8M ~teus Paulo Alexandre Pereira, resident of Tivim;-for construction of residential-house bemg the upset price the annual leas'e rent of Rs. 230/-. It i~ bounded on the east by the land of CorilUnidade measured to Shri Jorge .re~des in file No. 150/1976, on the west by plots Nos. 10 and 11, on the north by plot No. 13 and on the south by the strip of land of ComWlidade reserved along the road which leads to Danua. - File No. 69/1976.

It is further announced that the contesting bidder will have to produce certificate from the Clerk of respective -Comuni­dade or affidavit, that he/she does not possess in that Co­m,unidade any ,plot on lease for house construction, iri terms of § 2nd of article 326 of the Code of ComWlidades.

~apusa, 17th August, 1983. - The acting Secretary, Nelson Xoojer Trindade.

Seen. - The Administrator, E. N. :Rodrigues.

V. No. 288611983

7 In accOrdance ~th' the terms . and, for the purpose' established in article 330 of the Code of CoihUnidades, in forc::e, it is ,hereby announced that Shri Antonio ,_ D'Souza, resident of ~tinho of Panaji, has applied on lease: for cons-' truction of residential house, the uncultivated and unused plot of land- comprised iil lote No. 157, situated at_ Alto de Betim and belonging to the 8erula Comunidade, covering an appro­ximate .area of 600 square metres.

It is .bounded on the east· by land belonging to the COl)1U­nidade of Serula, on. the west ,by strip of- land of 6 mts. width between, the plot applied ,for and the 'National Highway leading to Betim, on the north by plot granted to Rajaram .. Edo .and on the south _ by Comunidade land of 3 mts. width ootVieen,tlie-plot applied for" and the plot granted to Bismark Facho. -'File No. 28/1983.

, , ''If any person has any objection against i4e proposed lease,

he should -);mbmit his- objection in wtiting to the Ad.lnirtistrator of ,'Comunidades of Bardez, within 30 days from the' date of ~econd publication of this notice, in the Official Gazette. .

¥apusa,·i9tli August, 1983.·~The·acting Secretary, Nelson~ .x:";iier Trindade.

V. No. 3019/1983

'-. "Comunidades"


~ The alx?ve mentioned ,C-on;llmidade is hereby conven:ect for an extraordinary meeting at its Meeting Hall at 11.00 a.m. ont,3~ ~.tur~y_·after the publication of .this notice in Official Gazette in order to give its opinion oil_the File No. 23/1983, in which Shri Julio Valentino Tomas Fernandes resident of Colvale, has applied on lease for construction of reSidential h~. the Wlcultivated and unused' plot ~f land named "~rbatta"! lote No. _252. -situated ,at .Colvale al1d l)eloI@ng to )110 ,Colvale Comunidade" eoveiing, an area "of ,300 squar~ me:tt~; ~t is bounded ,on-the east by the land of ComWlidade ~erved -for 'capela, . on the we~t. by the property of' Mary

8J5RIE8IlI No. 22:

< D'Souza and Assis de Souza, on the north' by the property of Namdeva Tucarama" Godecar' and on the .. south by the road.

" ' Colvale, 22nd August. 1983. - The Clerk in' 'Charge, Rama

Potro. V. No. 2814/191l3


. 9 Notice Is- hereby given to the public that 'on 18th September, 1983 at about 10.30 a. m. the auction of extraction of the. sand from-the properties of the Comunidade will be held ~t usual meeting place of "this Comunidade that is' the Sabha Mandap of Shri Deo Mahad.e·o of' Kakoda 'for a period of 2 years that is 1984 to 1985 ..

The terms of conditions and the payment will- -be as -per' the estimate approved by the autho~ty, .

cacora, 16th August. 19?3. - The Cler!r in Charge, B. Dessai.

V. No. 2941/1983 '-----


10 'On 25th september, 1933, at 10 ,a. m. in the Meeting H~ll of the above Comunidade at Chandor. auction of the remaining items of incqme for the triennium of 1984~1986, will be held for the 2nd time, as per the prices and conditions a.pprove~ -_ by the competent. aut~Ority.

Chandor, 25th A_t, 19113. - The. U. D. C. in .. charge;' Vicra,m De8saJi..

V. No. 2933/1983

• "Devalaia"


-,11 As per th~ o~er of ~a~d~r Bi~p.olirq" No .. 454,(82 dated 21-10-82" Notice publlshed in the -'Official G~tte" series ill, _ N o. 51~ dated 17-3-83 for th~ ptirpose to call out·' the meeting of alt" the Mahajans o~ above Devasthan' Bordem", at Chava.ta on 20-3-83 at 11.30 a. in. which was adjourned. '

It is decided: to·,cail_.out' the meeting of above Devasthan Mahajans to discuss and give opinion on the following sub-jects on 11-9-83 ?ot 1l.OO"a.~. "

1. Permissiori- for removing the Temple of Lord Shri Ra­va1nath_alongwith idols of other deities from present 'place and construction of the Temple of Shri Ravalnath near Mahamaya Temple and the installation of above idols in the new Temple as per Hindu Shastr¥.

2. T9 grant supplementary budget for the year 1983-84 for the installation, of electriCity and iron bar door for garbhakud andiJ;g wooden Patiya to Mahamaya & Satel."'i, Temple. ~

3., .'J'q"gl!ant permission' to print the'reee1pt 'books fot" the religIoUs -purpose. . .,

4. To discuss and opine on subject of disputed property survey No. 23/1 which is claimed by Ramakant S. Shetkar.

If the quorum is not sufficient the same meeting __ will be held aj'ter half, an hoUr 'on the same day ~d decision tak~l< in the meeting shall be binding on, the' Mahajans those ,,¥I~O do not attend the meeting. ,,,..

I;3icholim, 24th August, 1983. - The Secretary, Vinayak; D. Pal.

Seeri. - The President, Gopi J. Pal. V, No. 2926/1983


" (Imprenss: Naeional- -GoB") , PlUm - Ro, 1'-851'11,


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