Download - Palmetto leader (Columbia, S.C.). 1941-11-29 [p Page Two]. · Two [he South Carolina Conference of the M. E. Church; 3v Jte!. K. E. Brogdon conferiu. e met at St. George, S.. C.,


Tw o

[he South CarolinaConference of the

M. E. Church ;3v Jte!. K. E. Brogdonconferi u. e met at St. George, S. .

C., Rev. B. J. itchinson, pastor.Dr. J. \V. Murph, pastor of Mt.

; Zion A. M. E. ehurt'h, Charlestonpreached the annual sermon o nWednesday night followed by awe'eomo p ogiam from the local

^ church..Bishop Flipper made re .

marks.On Thursday morning, Bishof

J. S. Flipper delivered a stron'address to the conference usinfas a theme Peace. This addresiwas a fine beginning for the con.ference. The organization was a;follows: Chief Secretary, Rev. P-Cj-lrisbon: Recording SecretaryRev. W. D. Williams; StatisticiarRev. J. S. O. Grant; Chief Mar.shal Brother W. D. Jones of Aik.en and Dr. R. E. Brogdon wneelected reporter to the daily papers.The presiding elders read theii

reports followed by the pastora ^reports. The reports showed emarked increase in accessions, cot

versionsand finance.The Rev. Dr. L. H. Hemming,

way secretary' of the church ex i

tension, delivered an addreea. TheMissionary sermon was ably deliveredby the Rev. J. J. Judon ofMarvville, S C.

Friday wjis taken up with th<.Ltterorv- reports such as: .-The

stateof the church, Rev. J. S. Aurant; state of the country, DiJ. \V. Mirph; Temperance. Rov.

J.\V. Washington; Education.Rev. Julius Holman.The following brethren were re

ported -for local.orderan- Abiahmr.L. Campbell, James Roblnson_James J. Burns, Jonathan Small*James \V, Gilliard and Gharle*H..Hai leston..For.itineracy..P

--.k.J^amwilt.- Jamcg-P_ .FordhamWilhanT^Wttrley and RooseveltBrown.

Bishop Allen delivered a verystronc address to the conferenceThe following visitors also madt.remarks to the conference: Dr. GA. Singleton, editor of the Christian Recorder; Dr. Charles Stew; rd of Po tsmouth. Virginia; Dr.\. S. Jackson, financial secretary.if the A. M. F. church; Dr. E. A.A !ams, secretary of Education;Rev. J. S. Potter, editor of theTampa Tribune-; Rev. C. A. GibbsJacksonville, Fla.; Rev. diaries ;\Blake. .Jacksonville, Fla., and theRcW J. O. Haiilicox; Cleveland,Ohio.


Mrs. S. L. Flipper, state presidentof the \\ Oman's Home and" "FFo. eign Missionary society and* T.Mr. John A. Harris, state presi-dert of the Sunday school made yaddresses. Rev. George H. Adamswho for the past few years has f1: eon ill has been placed on the

b: anuated list. ' V*i nivcrsity gave an address on

President S. R. Higgins of AllenE !;. eatior.. ,

I)t:e to the fact that Dr. IL E. j,H o don, who for the past five ,

y arn was conference pup^pinterudent. wit? indisposed during con ,f rente. Rev. X. A. Bethea actedin his stead. The Sunday schoolalong with the other renorta still

the state.The ort! nation sertnon w a e

p tached hy Bishop A. J. Allen.Bishop J. S. Flipper then read the 7appointments which were as fol- tlI' \vs;

EdX'tu. .Div J. E,-Beard,y.residingelder; Kmanuel station,

R. E. Broaden; Macedonia, G. B.'Mitchell: New St. Philip, S. Blnpleton:Shiloh, J. C. Murray; Calva-y,I. W. Bennett; Mt. Hor, C.Capers; Wadnialaw, J. J. Judon;N, John's Island, F. B. Clark;Willtoun. E.E. Washington; Maryviilo- I^T. Mayur; S^Johrv's Island,P t t icVrrrTi- A rtftww UTT

Jame?: Sl Paul. G. W. Baxter;Ft. Andrews. R. M. Turner; Trinityarid Rothel, Joseph Anderson; .,Fmb y. John Baldwin; Hughes, S. JI. Aiken; Allen chapel, C. Free- ^man; Bethel, A. A, Washington; y.h v s 'em. B. Middleton; KywahTl. F Doctor; Edisto, I. H. Dozier KA'' P'strah, William Snipe; Sugar gHill. I Moten; District Mission- vares. J. F. Tolbert, D. A. Mills, j,Pea' fort district: Dr. I. W. Wtlb'nrn.presiding elder; Mt. Zion, tL- R. ftevrrTRon-; St Stephen, aFrank A'ston; St. John, P. J. Hamo-ett: St. Paul, G. H. Chaplin; sWa'terbo'o. J. I. Hamilton; Green gPond, G. W. Gillison; White Hall 3E. A. Squire; Hendersonville, W. a¥-..M^lJinwn, ni'flufuil, S..JT.Brown; Sheldon, A. L. Brown;Bluffton. J. A. Jenkins; St. Mark,L. W. White; St. I.uke, F. D. Teg- ^man; Fairfax, S J. Gillison; Port 0

Royal, F. D. Graham; St. James, *Wm. Kelly; Hilton Head, J. J. !?Johnson; Lott Hill and Ebenezer,M. T. Tolhert; Tarhoro and Till- v"

man Mill, J. P. Fuller; Smoaks, *wm. (; eon: East Cumbahee, J. v

O. Johnson; Rluntsville, I. S. DiU.v:s; Early Branch and St. Ste vphens: -Elijah Johnson; Sa- hlem. Robert Pinrlmey; I,oe atid n

e 7ion. Jan. Runcombe; Round O, wJas. McDonald; District presidentof the W. H. and F. Missionary Csociety, Mrs. Z. E. Primus. a

Charleston distiirt: Rev. L. L. '

.Tf .pi ..nwliiwMt 7,_J. W. Mucph; Trinity, J. S. A.Grant; Rethel, St. George, B. J.Hutchinson; Bethel, Sunimcrville,^ Ju'ius Holman; Cumberland, Aik- *

rn, J.P. Washington; Gooae Creek 1and Mt. 7Arr\. D R. Hill; Unit.v, L. 1

t W. Ca-v: Holly TT111, N. A'. B«th$a ijjfe 8t Paul. TT. D. Brown; Ridftovllle ?W, P WiPinms: St. James, Stev. Ien Parker; Lincolnville, Jesse TMiddleton; Ebenezer, J. H. Nero; d1L -


W. Columbia, S. C..The twenyfourth Sunday after Trinity>t. Ann's Sunday school openedt 11 o'clock by the Supt., MrirCuth Adams wittr all the teachers"n duty. In uur Sunday achool;e have three classes: I, the Jun.jr class, taught by Miss Susieanders; II, Primary class, taught>y Miss liable Goodlett; Beg itiersclass III, taught by Miss Saah Sanders. At 10 o'clock ouilector, Rev7 Kidd delivered a wonlerful sermon. His theme wasloly Batpism. 11 small children.ere baptized at our church, doigas the Lord baa said, sufferhe little children to come untole for such is the kingdom. Andhe little ones came to God's kinglorn.The TfPSL met at 4:30 withoryone present and are getting

eady to make a good workingroup for thg church and theommunity. We had a fine meetng.Although we are a smallroun, we are Showing the peoplef South Carolina v.-hnt a sural!roup of young women and mer

do for the upbuilding of God'singdoitl. The president opened th>-CiOing.drseu>s«ed- "Otrr^ goingo St. Luke arid have League- wit!'hem Sunday afternoon. Our Rec>r was with us and told us how

t ti.;oved himself with us on Sun.iv. We wish he will be able tcMr** again soon.Misses Sara Sanders and Mable

'ocdlett gave their classes b par." at Diinhnr InVo TTS.m«n.

* * ""'JThorn "Everyone told how theyloved the afternoon.The YPSL is giving a_dnnce on

at "Dunbar hall where Mrs(li ma is the boss. Wle hope alli'l come and help to make it as>Q(l nn pos«"Hf.1 hone that In the near futuree will have a new church. We"* workingjyerv hard forAland"Tt von to know that we thanko" for the work you are doing.F^-the news TOAd fhe Palmetto 1ender.

Sarah Sanders, reporter.

SAXON SCHOOL\Our November P. T. A. meeting,Id Monday night of this week,

vis doubly successful. Many pants enjoyed an interesting andifuinuitive addresQ given by Mrs.loi<l.ieska M. Simpkins. A movie,tself picturing the causes of, Jan.:ers und advantages of earlv'eMnnht of nrbervulosi.s wa<, aolse follow.up erf her remarks.>ur P. T. A. pledges full coopera.;on for the advancment of youth.arenta who were unable to comelissed an interesting evening; b»'t our January meeting to helpour child's class win the banner& ^Benson's class did this»onth.

Hii* we«.jv our faculty and »tu.ent body welcomed an additionala.mlty member, Mr. Andrew _J,...wis,, jwho takes Mr. BoldenVlace instructing health and safetyi the intermediate grades. We reret Mr. Bolden's induction intohe army, but feel that Mr. Lewis.ill p.dequately fill his place.Beginning tlua week first grade*il! no longer have double sea.ioj^__3Svo more classes have beenet up-: Missee Dorothy Jackson-<t Marguerite Davis are theachers of these little people,'hey plan an Interesting year forhem.


Bethel C. M. E. Church

At 11 o'clock th^> pastor asdod the pulpit and preached

roni the subject, "Thanksgivingong."_He preeched n wonderfulerraoa.Minday School opened at 3:1Gmi. with Supt. L. W. Mitchell

nd teachers at their poets (ff du/. The leBBon was very interest,ig. Inspiring1 remark,. were madey the pastor. Visitor3 were: Mrs7est Peterhark and daughter:-^A-t-7:3n p m, night service The pastor took his text fromIt. John 9:25. He brought us awonderful message which was en

syed by alLMrs. Lydia Hightower has r<

urned from Washington, D C.fter a visit with relatives.Mrs. M. E. Mcpherson is spoil

oring a Sunday School day proram at Bethel church Sunday at:30 p. m. The public i. invited tottend.The three captains who are .n

he contest at Bethel church are

ard at work. You are asked toome out to Bethel Sunday nightnd see who la going t<y have theigheat amount. We are lookingorward to the annual conference«1iich will convene December 9.4. Our motto Is "A Round Re.ort."T' oso on the sick list are: Mrs.

P. B. Bass, Mrs. Capua Thomas,Ira. Mary Fcrrreat and Mrs. Emia Ralford. We ¥ra hoptng theyall soon get well.Messrs. Minnttuffh Amos and

llarence Ruben attended the (?amet Orangeburg, S. C. Thpnksgivng, between Benedict and State.

"niteviMe, Paul L. Wells; Dena>V,J. P. Cummings; Barnwell,I TT. Holllns; Aiken, W". M. Mos^v: Providence, WVn. Warlay; EuaixMlle.A D. Brown; Dnrkins,

Montgomery; Mt. Carmel,!t. Jullnn Haywnrd; District Missonary, Mrs. A. C. Mayes; DistrictEvangelists, E Small, A. MeFadlen,A. H. C. Raad.

^ p. j I M "<m



Mrs. Mary Arm Hillard departedthis life Friday, November 21,It'll, at the age of 70 years. Sher.ud been sick a good long time.

neral -.aervicaa.ware held.atHayward A. M. E. church Sundayfiemoon of which she was amember for many years, conduct

dby her pastor, Rev. Geo. Johnson.A large congregation attended. She leaves to mourn onelaughte , Mrs. Jaruiie Albert ofVest Columbia; a grand daughterlis. Lulu Belle Uvingston of NOWYork and four great grand childrenand a host of relatives and'Hem's.Mr. Eddy Sherman departed

this life Friday morning, Nov. 21at the age of M years. Funeralservices were held at the DoubleBranch A. M. E. church by hisPhstor Rev. "B. C. Cunningham.Rev. A. L. Diggs made the owningprayer. Rev. S. L. Glass,Rev. IT. Norris, Mr. Booker Washington,spoke of the deceased as^Christian goTitlemrjrv n faithfulvorker and a class member respectively.Mrs. Lula Colemansanr a nolo R»-v PimtVinijtinni

ar-a.text~"f1-Timothy 4:7, He>r* ached ii most intelligent sernonto the delight of his hearers.!*h» v being nmny of the best

~-vtn: e people.of Weet.Columbia-tswell as colored who came to

oay respect to Mr. Sherman. Left'o mourn are his wife, Mrs. EmnSherman, thi-ee daughters Mrs\!ne Williams, Mrs. Nellie Johnton.Miss Charlott Sherman; twoson* George and Jack Sheruvan;six grandchildren, one sister Mrs.Tu. -nie Davis, ~str of West Co'umhiahjwT a hoef.of other retakesand friends..M-rr.R..Mr Den*in la on the iick '

'ist in Columbia hospital alsoMrs. Jessie Washington and Mrs.\nn:i Tucker. J&'e hope for theirspeedy recovery. Jl'- v. D. J. Peters of STimter wa#'ii West Columbia last Mondayt.nd paid pop call on Rev. Diggs.\round Cavce"r iMonh the rhurrh and Kingdomf i'«k1 in ChristBishop I. S. I.«e from Chattaloo-.-a,Tenn.. will celebrate his'.irthday dft Nov. 28, lb4L at 8:00

at -tO 1- Marion sfi-et. Col. You are invited to attendThe stork vis'ted Mr. and Mrs.Frvdy BVown Monday Nov. 17thind left a nine pound bnbv boy.Mother and baby are getting a'on' nicely._.M_rs.Estoll.We''irk list also Mr., Theodore Cantywho is in the Columhin hno.r.:«.i.. uvo^/H-ai.We. hope for their spoodv reeov.ery

THE MINISTERS* WIVESALLIANCEM > s. T. II. Addison was hostessto the Ministers' Wives Alliance..Many of the ladies were presentand looked quite charming in theirfall attire.Mrs. E. E. Riley, a new mem.heij of Benedict's faculty, was pre.seated and save encouraging: re.marks.The club donated five dollars tothe Red Cros. fund. All the of.jficers were re elected for lO-io

j Mrs. J. J. Stark# wtb asked hv^lour president. Mrs. R. C. Chappelleto tell of her trip,Mrs. Starlcs wa, invited by Mrs.Mary McLeod lU-thune to WWash.[iuKion; D. C. to attend the Na.tional Council of Neffro Women'sConverticn. There were repre.* sentalives from each of the statesof the Union present. Mrs. Fr nk.lin D. Roosevelt was the erues'speaker. She invited the ladies tovisit the Whit H ouse. After view Iinjr the adorable lawns and rooms,seven hundred or more ladies wereserved a dehemus luncheon in theWhite H< n sr.._.Mx&-JIno-wvelt andAirs. Ret une were in the rec-tivincline.Mrs. St-o kc :.i ., related her visit

to Bennett. f^oMei'i'. While Heineth-T'e tv. b ild'ivi. : hall anda theatre a-iic dedicated. Thesebuilding w i' ' > by a wh't*friend.

Mrs, a Msip '.(T -idn.ilt;h!ewav, served the 1"d'e. a deliciousturkey dinner. We adioumed tomeet Christmas with Mrs. E. A.Adams, I^adv street.



Sunday vas another rainy day.Wp n,-o look in" forward toemnH time in the celebration of»h» 71ui n nit i'i i!ll V Knen>Baptist rhtirch, and the pastor'*^12th anniversary.There will ho a meetiner of the

1937 cltih Tuesdfy nifht. Novemher 26 at the home of Mrs. Ran.dors, 132 18 36th Ave.. FlushinsrN\ Y. We are asking all membersto he present. Business of 1mport-anco. The meeting will he^i*1at 9 o'clock.Mr. and Mrs. Rniitty Harper has

moved to New Jer»ey.DUE WEST NEWS

Ouite n number of Th»e Westfolk went up to Anderson to witnone the clone of the Piedmont an__.nupl conference on last SundayThe whole community in hnopv

over the return of the Rev R. J.

Revs., J. E. Vauss. W. S. Hawthorne and J. II. Rums who livehere, went haek to their namecharges.

Mr. Roflfer Valentine hen re.turned from Wanhlntfton, D. C. jwhere he anent everela month*. '

Mr. Vorodus Eakln left on lastSaturday for New York City wherehe will make hla home.

Mr. E. T. Holroei *»i »mn'?

j' _2_'_

B PALMETTO LEftjHjpgreenville news

Misses Phyllis and LoreadaTurman of Ann St. visited reUutivea and friends in Asheville, N.C. recently.

1 lie playmates and other friendsof Waster Roosevelt Fowler of Lifordsti-eet will be glud to knowue is recuperating from Injuriesreceived when he was hit by aoar a few days ago.

Mr. Marion Cureton of GlennSt. is home from the hospital andis resting nicely.Mrs^ Theodore Drummond hf'

Nicholas si. has lvcovered from!her lvcetit illness.

Mr. Wistn Kilgore of Moonvllle.octMved painful injuries a fewlays ago when the mule on whichhe was- riding fell. Mr. Kilgore:s now undergoing treatment atGeneral hospital.

Mr. I). Henry and Mrs. RosaHenry of Haynie St. are the parentsof triplets.a girl and twoboys, born Wednesday afternoon.Mother and triplets are at Generalhospital. The> boys weighedthree pounds, -11 ounces and four;>ounda, 12 ounces at birth. Thegirl's weight is three pounds, 14luncps. Mrs. Henry hadwins twice but each time the infantsdied.

Rrutontnwn rier\nrf«i,l tV«ia

la.s: Tuesday -"hight after beingick for some time. She was anember of Mountain Grove Baptistchurch of Travelers Ttest~and-rhm- an active member of Spriag*ieldS; nday school. r She loaves0 mourn her lows, a husband. Mr."laronce Peters, two daughters,tor parents, Mr.-and Mrs. KernsMuck, and several sisters and brm"hers. Funeral seTvicesT were hoi?Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock.<t Mountain G'0"o church of Travlers Rest. Rev. I.ipscomb of.

ficinto<L Interment in the church>'>n»'tery. Biggs-SteWart- Funer

".1 home had charge of funeral-arhngements.

Rev. S, M. To<I<' of Thompsontreot ha,s been indisposed for n'ew days.A silver ten v.t>held at the

1 ome of Miss Maude Hill, 406Rrovn St.". last Scndav."Vf-v. \?>nri» Mne Mitche'l and

imiiv hflvf moved from Am St*o Greenline.

Mrs. Conway Charn y of Green?oro. N. C., was the wfcek end

of Mr. and Mr* Frank C»ilrimof Glover St. Before.leav_SuVnv. Mrs. Chancy roportdthat she had a pleasant timewhiV* in the city.

.There is ft real joy-atr the Pine:t. homo of Mr. and Mrs. TillmanYoung. Charles Sunders Mclver*r.. was born there at 6:05 p.m.Thanksgiving Day. Mouther andnbv are well. Prof. Mclver ofMs'.on high school, Summerville,jame urr Wednesday night t aperd the holidays with his wifeand her parents und many a dish'-ad been prepared for the Thanksiving dinner. But that was one'

ast that was hardly touched."*

e vl ocjv -inp'y forgot to eat>omlnr nos's, Mrs. Mclver isho former Miss Willie BlancheCraig.The Piedmont Gospel conventionhad a successful meeting at

pleosnnt Grove church, Pelzer,Sunday. The Greenville choruswas awarded the Convention'scoveted banner.

In a special meeting held a tT.iberty theatre Sunday afternoonhe Christmas Seal Sale was'aunohed here in Greenville. MrC Mnrrav d'strict manager off' o North Carolina Mutual Life'npnranee company is the SealSale ckflirmnn nrJ .

d'.-f.-M <«r> muHofceremonies at the program.Numbers on the program ine] addresses by Mrs. Simmons,xecutive seeretary of the Hr>pe' IIT-horcrlosis association; DrI . MrPherson and Dr. E. A. E.H/crcrins. Mr. Murray presentedNurses Davis and Harper andr\n''o at length on the importancef the snle of «'"hristmas heals.Tw. feotnr*- number on the nronmiwas < motion picture enti_'o.i "let Me People Live." Thefilm was made at Tuskotree instin'eand was shown here throughhe courtesy of rhe Hopewell Tu.

e> m iosis association and of Mr.T'Venohy Davis, manager of the1 ib'erty theatre.

mi t v* *T»M»rn

. Thanksgiving came and left amerry smile on everybody's face.Missea Maggie Wright, Elizaheth Sartor, Mr. Thomas Sartor.Mr. John Jecoh Clark, and MrsEmma L. Clark nttended the foot,hall game in Orangeburg Thurs.dav. EbcVi ... vuc unmc verymuch.Mis^ Carrie I.. Gary also attend,ed the pre me and Rpont a lovelyweek end with her siatar and bro

ther in law, Rev. and Mrs. P. B.

Miss Mozell Gary, . student atBettjs Junior College, spent theThonknffivinvr holdiays at homewith her sisters and brothers.

Mr. and Mrs. DnviH Wells, Mr.Welten Gordon, Miss Catherineand <JladyB Abrams, all of Newtuirry, fl. C., wris Ihe illiniei nursisof Mr. »nd Mrs. Thomas Brrrwn.

those who went to Anderson to th«conference on Sandav.

Mrs. R Younjr left on last Sat.urday for Philadelnhla to Join herhusband, Mr. Rbbert EujfeneYotme who hag been there foriom«tims.



By C. D. Sanders, Reporter

In spite of the rain Sundaya large frowd attended the

services. Rev. G^pple preached jhis last sermon beiore eonlerencewhich meets in Florence this weekWe are full of smiles to know hewill return to his same charge atSt. Michael M. E. church for a-

nother term. He is a great lead jer and Christian hearted preacher,we are proud of him. JRev. A. J. Wright and Mr. J. ',IT Drake witnessed the Thanksgivingprogram at Morris college

Sumter, Thanksgiving and report- ]id that more money was reported ,in actual cash than ever before. ,The Bdptist friends of Morris col '

lege feel very much encouraged <")ver the new money plan for Ed- iucation introducd by Mr. J, B.Drake, manager of the N. C. MutualInsurance company, Florence Idistrict and a member of Shiloh (church.Among those attending^ the <

t»me at State college were Prof. (T. Smith, Miss Mary Malloy, MissEtheren Thompson, H. Kain, Miss s

Bears, M._C. Crosland, Mr. EuceneCovington and Miss Mabel 1Reese. _ 1Misses Mabel and Elmifoe (Pwvoao

onroute to Scotland Neck, N. C., 1

where they spent the weeL end ,with Miss Dorothy Reese one of,the instructor* in the city school.

Mies Vera 8tubbs, H. E. teach- jDaniel, teacher of Robert Small,Oheraw; Miss Vivian McCollum,ecnmnanied by Miss C. E. Webbs ^if Ridce Rpriner, srvent the week

,"nd home. Also Miss AlbertaHolmes, teacher of Greenville.

Mr. McClown spent the week ^-nd home from camp. ,Mr. Hursey of Hamlet, N. C.. ,

'he house ffueat of Miss McJ>an-'el. «

Mr. J. C. Robinson highly enter ,ained a few of his friends spend'nt? their week end home with a ]"^hnnkseivinff party Friday p.m. 1n his home on Kenney 8t.Miss Beatrice Little snent a few

lav,, home last week en accountf tflO Hph tVl r»f fo f i -

... .... iuvuvi ll» X Villi.

Miag Susann Bingham and sisterMies Mamie LtttJe nrrived homp"' nni N. Y. to attend the funeral;>f their brother. Mr. Little.

Mr. Garden died at his home in 1West Bennettsville and was fun- ^

-railrrd nt Rbenezer church SutfT-'day 2:30 p.m. Rev. Long ofCheraw in charge of the service.

Misses Anette and Katrcna Mc 1

Home school spent the week endhome. 1

Rev. William? is home with his-MMron Dr. anu Mrs. L. M. Mc- 1Collum after - spending a whilewith his other children, Dr andMrs. L. M. McCollum completed'he remodeling of their'home andnow have a new home all ready J'orthe Christmas friends.Our sick friends: Mrs. Stoney,Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Rivers, Mrs.

Rroady, Mrs. Estell Thomas. Mrs.Magpie Covington, Mrs. Holmes,Mrs. Delia Harrington and Mr. iR.Holmes and Mrs. William Sim- ;tions.

P^of. J. H. W. Morris morticianof Bennettsville, will speak in in- J'ereet of his tmdartakine businoo?over station WIS November 28,from 12:30 to 12:46, tune in andhear him. This is a new movefor the Negroes in busines? t oMve up to. See Mr. Morr's for'urther Infonnation.

Mrs. .Marion Fl'eho sn^nt theweek end home in Sumter with' varpTits Mr. and Mrs. Murj-vMiss Pearlene GracP snent theweek end home from Clinton col.lege.Mrs. P. J. Hugh spent the weekeivT home In Rock Hill flrrnmpa- Inied by Miss Helen R'-vd.



A correction: J.hc name of Mrs.Louise Moiyre was left, out l*-tweek through mistake of the writer. She ift the wife of Mr. W.Moore and ais'ter tn law of the Heceased, Mrs. Daisv Moore McGee.Mrs. /Sarah B. Chestnut andMrs. Valdenn Blythewood of NewjYork City were in the citv recent

| ly to attend the funeral of MrsOathrine Thomas, the sister ofMrs. Chestnut. Thev were guests

*-uL ihidr. -Bftl&ihfB. Pmf. and Mra,,,,0. W. Howard.The Rev. T. 0. Mills, pastor or

Bethesda Bantist church, wil'preach at Bethel A. M. E. churchSunday, November 30 at 4 o'clockMesdames E. L, Fraiser, MnriahWilds, E. R. Howard. «rd Mr. GW. Howard, Jr. spent Thanksgivingin Orangeburg where theywitnessed the State.Benedict football game. This week, a numbe*of persons from here pirn to secth* Allen.Benedict game in Columbia.. Mrs. Amelia Slrettrteford vnrin Columbia last week where shspent Thanksgiving wi*h fri n'«

Mrs. Rosa Gadson visited irAnderson l^at \*eek where herhusband, the ReV, Gadson is past/irincrThe seventh rnnujtl TKanksviv ]Tnff servT^es of Adhne 'lent No. |52 of tha J. R. Giddlrjfs and .lalli

fe.e Union w«s heln at the 1000Hall on Duke street Sunday, No. jvemher 23. T. Mills wnB guestspeaker.

Subscribe ForThe Palmetto Leader



Among: those attending: the foot,ball game in Cherew Thanksgiving;day between Coulter and ButlerHigh were: Mr. Dorsey Miller ofJefferson; Misses Alice. Vashtiand Cassie Brewer. Mesdames J.L. Johnson and Eva McDuffie.

Teachers spending the holidaysat home were Miss Ctssie Brewerfrom McBee; Misses Leola Seigersand Mamie Robinson from Ruby,and Miss Thomasina Seigers fromfYngelus,

Students from the variousschool^ nt home for the holidayswere: Misses Minnie Blakeney,Lucile Johnson,' Ethel Stanley,Mabel end Betty Blakeney, Thelna McKay. ^enobia Seigers, Messrs.Ralph Seigers. W. H. Johnson,rhomas Lowery, Jr. and Blakeney,Coulter Junior College; Misses Genevaand Leveniee Johnson, Mat.tie, Corine, Lucille and LouiseLowery. Orine Marsh, LuvertaSellers and Mr. Chalmers Lowery,Clinton College.Miss Minnie Blakeney entertain.

»d with a party Thursday night,.lut of txrwn guests were: Messrs.Fred Hammonds end Dan Robin.»cm of Cheraw.Mrs. Eliazbeth Rivers of Ches

terfUTd sport the week end withlor gister, Mrs. L. J. Brewer.

Prof.1 J. Cole of Coulter, andMlsa Blanche Sowell, R._>L. werelimier guests of Mrs. Eva McDuffieof Mr. Croghnm Saturday.WTiile in this vicinity they visitedMiBS Sowell's sister, Mrs. Ammie»r /^ I 1 *f A « m «wci-omw ana ror. una ftir^ i. r.Brewer.Prof, and Mrs. H. C. Brewer of

Hartsville, Rpent the holidrys withMr. Brewer's mother, Mrs^-Emm^Brewer.*

Mr. Samnei Franci. of White/ille,sophomore at Coul.t,er, spent the holidnvs with hrilunt and urcle, Mr. ami Mrs. T. FP.-ev-er pnd Mr. Stockton of Staterille.a freshmr n at Co-Jtcr' spcn*the holidays with W. H. Johnson

MrR. Eva Mel>uffie and sisterfheln,. McKay of Mt. CroghanS. 0., visited Miss Minnie Blaken»y Saturday evening.At home in Ch?s1erfield foT th<

Holidays were Miss Jonetta Toatev of the Jefferson freulty; Mis'rvoMia T« ?'« > t>r T i'n'olnton.' Nr.. high school farnpy. and Mi«'Rosa. .Toatlev of Catawba. X. C

i-ch" i| fn-'il v ....Ali«s Sar*Wadsworth. r'""^n'rienTut Coult"'andMessrs. Robert and T.arr'Foster, student at Johnson CSmith. These you: g .people am'Dr. J. H. Toatley of Chesterfieldcvere Been at the game in CheravrhursdaynThe many friends 0f M-'s. Maud

Johnson re?ret thrt she is in th'"losmtal at Florence, S. C. at thriwriting.Dn't forget, the program

Snrincr Ban'ist chvrrh Sundav nichC Come nrd brine yourfriends.

NOTICE. V«>n*hprry District is calledLo meet Saturday, December 20th.1541 at Pir.e Grove A. M. at 10 o'clock a. m., the Rev.L. G. Bowman entertaining.

I am asking ea^h pastor to bringor send one stewird, Sept. ofSunday School, president of A. C.E. league and Missionary worker.The me»eti;.g is very important andI hope meet the members inlarge numbers. In this meeting-wewillgive you the schedule for tlP~year.O. C. Dunham, Presiding Elder



~ IN MESIn sn<! but loving remembrance

tevprpnd T. \V. Brovcrr, who wag tigo, November 24, 1940.

The blow was hardWe never dreamedOnly those who ha'The pain of.partiniYou are fcona butYour presence lintfh rrrour lumrt yourJust a memory fon


There is not a da;That we do not thIts not the tear atTo tell how loved \Its the sllont tearsAnd the sweet rem

laturday, November 20r 1941

Classified AdvertisingColumn j-jpf

Special Notices, Curds of Thanks,Memoriams, Birth Announcement#Marriage Announcements, etc. arecharged for at the rate' of 10coer line. Cash must accompanythe order. Minimum charge 60c.

IN MEMORIAMSacred to the memory of mydarling mother, Mrs. Corine JuliaBenson who went lo Heaven toJive, tw<7 years ago, November 22, I1939. V

1 visit her grave through rain orsnow; ..She loved me and I loved her so,Tig the only 9pot on earth I know7T long to be.Standing by her sacred grcve,I pray for strength that I maybe brave t0 carry on.

Those hands that I have fondlypressed,

That loving; form so oft caressed,He 'neath the sod.Thet soul ga holy, pure, devout,now lives with God. '

Without her^ presence go divine,"Lord, I need .thy presence all thetime,Please make me strong."

The parting here was full of pain,But we shall never part againwhen I go home.Life is like a sunless day,I do not longer care to stcy,iSnnice mother- tar- Heaven wentaway.

Although it was so hard to part,I strive to say with att~my heart, ."Thou knowest best." flThe years are gliding very fast, -f.My life's smell day will soon be t.past.

All will be o'er,Then.God grant that I may seeOne who wag "all liiu wurlil" to _

On yonder SaintedMother.

Sadly miased,Devoted daughter, Florence C.Benson

CARD OF THANKSYour very comforting expression A'

of sympathy wijl always be re. mmembered with deepest gratitudebv the family of the late Mis.Lula E. Rosemond.


.Sacred to the-memory of a dearar.d devcrted husband, Jame8 Logan Battiste, who died one yearago, November 24, 1940.

It has seemed long 1.:a*When a sweet life - 1

Slipped gently away,Forevei^-to stay.A life 80 unselfish,So patient and kina,Will live in my HeartForever enshrined.

Now one year ha8 goneSince you prssed away;And thus I pay tributeTo ycru on this day..CnJI.. .i

^,.<r. _

Isabolle Battiste (wife)

7 .^Ml *

H *>

rhlORIAM"of our dear father and husband,aken from us so suddenly one year

the shock severe,his death so nearve lost can tell? without farewell.

V )not forgotten,era still;memory lingers,d and true.

y that dawnsink of you.the moment shodvas the soul that fled,frequently wept.^embrance forever kept. fl