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  • 8/8/2019 pakistan dairy products


    December 6, 2010

    Manager (HRD)Pakistan Dairy Products.Dear Sir,

    Subject: Industrial Visit

    Iqra University is one of the leading private sector universities in Pakistan, imparting

    quality higher education in disciplines like Computer Science, Engineering, Media

    Science and Business Administration. Students from this university continue tocontribute their expertise in local and multinational organizations. Our strategy is to

    establish a long lasting relationship with the corporate world through organizing variousevents like interactive discussions, symposiums, seminars and activities/events pertainingto important issues of the society.

    The names of the students with their respective University Roll Numbers and programs

    are as follows:

    S. No. Students Name Roll Number Program

    1 Hayat Wali 9508 BE (Electronics Engineering)

    2 Furman Ali 9470 BE (Electronics Engineering)

    3 Amjad Ali 9568 BE (Electronics Engineering)4 Ghulam Mustafa 9498 BE (Electronics Engineering)

    It is therefore requested you to allow the students for industrial visit. We will beexpecting your earliest response mentioning any feasible date please.

    Muhammad Zubair Ahmed

    In-charge Industrial Liaison OfficeFaculty of Engineering, Sciences & Technology