Download - Pages 187-191. Stimulus generated capabilities: ◦ Irritability (also called responsiveness)—ability to receive and respond to a stimulus ◦ Contractility—ability.

Page 1: Pages 187-191.  Stimulus generated capabilities: ◦ Irritability (also called responsiveness)—ability to receive and respond to a stimulus ◦ Contractility—ability.

Pages 187-191

Page 2: Pages 187-191.  Stimulus generated capabilities: ◦ Irritability (also called responsiveness)—ability to receive and respond to a stimulus ◦ Contractility—ability.

Stimulus generated capabilities:◦ Irritability (also called responsiveness)—ability

to receive and respond to a stimulus◦Contractility—ability to shorten when an

adequate stimulus is received

Movement capabilities:◦Extensibility—ability of muscle cells to be

stretched◦Elasticity—ability to recoil and resume resting

length after stretching

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Page 3: Pages 187-191.  Stimulus generated capabilities: ◦ Irritability (also called responsiveness)—ability to receive and respond to a stimulus ◦ Contractility—ability.

Skeletal muscles must be stimulated by a motor neuron (nerve cell) to contract

Motor unit: consists of one motor neuron and all the skeletal muscle cells stimulated by that neuron◦ (page 232 provides more elaboration about the

neurological make up of the motor unit)

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Page 4: Pages 187-191.  Stimulus generated capabilities: ◦ Irritability (also called responsiveness)—ability to receive and respond to a stimulus ◦ Contractility—ability.

Figure 6.4a Motor units.

Spinal cord

Motor neuroncell bodies

Muscle Musclefibers


Axon terminals atneuromuscular junctions






Axon ofmotor


Page 5: Pages 187-191.  Stimulus generated capabilities: ◦ Irritability (also called responsiveness)—ability to receive and respond to a stimulus ◦ Contractility—ability.

Figure 6.4b Motor units.

Branchingaxon tomotor unit (b)

Axon terminals atneuromuscular junctions


Page 6: Pages 187-191.  Stimulus generated capabilities: ◦ Irritability (also called responsiveness)—ability to receive and respond to a stimulus ◦ Contractility—ability.

Neuromuscular junction◦ Where the axon terminal (end) of the motor

neuron “meets up with” the sarcolemma (plasma membrane) of a muscle These two components NEVER touch

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Page 7: Pages 187-191.  Stimulus generated capabilities: ◦ Irritability (also called responsiveness)—ability to receive and respond to a stimulus ◦ Contractility—ability.

Synaptic cleft ◦ Gap/space between axon terminal and muscle◦ This gap is filled with interstitial (tissue) fluid

Neurotransmitter ◦ A chemical messenger released by the nerve

when the nerve impulse reaches the end of the axon terminal

◦ Acetylcholine (ACh) is the neurotransmitter that stimulates skeletal muscle

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Page 8: Pages 187-191.  Stimulus generated capabilities: ◦ Irritability (also called responsiveness)—ability to receive and respond to a stimulus ◦ Contractility—ability.

Action potential reaches axon terminal of motor neuron.1

Slide 2

Nerve impulse


Myelinated axon of motor neuron

Axon terminal ofneuromuscularjunction

Sarcolemma ofthe muscle fiber

Synaptic vesicle containing AChAxon terminal of motor neuronMitochondrion

SarcolemmaFusing synapticvesicleSarcoplasmof muscle fiber

Folds ofsarcolemma





Page 9: Pages 187-191.  Stimulus generated capabilities: ◦ Irritability (also called responsiveness)—ability to receive and respond to a stimulus ◦ Contractility—ability.

1. Calcium channels open◦ calcium ions enter the axon terminal

2. The presence of Calcium causes the release of acetylcholine (ACh) by way of vesicles

◦ ACh diffuses across the synaptic cleft (the gap) and attaches to receptors on the sarcolemma (membrane) of the muscle cell

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Page 10: Pages 187-191.  Stimulus generated capabilities: ◦ Irritability (also called responsiveness)—ability to receive and respond to a stimulus ◦ Contractility—ability.

Slide 3

Action potential reaches axon terminal of motor neuron.

2 Calcium (Ca2+) channels open, andCa2+ enters the axon terminal.


Synaptic vesicle containing AChAxon terminal of motor neuronMitochondrion

SarcolemmaFusing synapticvesicleSarcoplasmof muscle fiber

Folds ofsarcolemma





Page 11: Pages 187-191.  Stimulus generated capabilities: ◦ Irritability (also called responsiveness)—ability to receive and respond to a stimulus ◦ Contractility—ability.

Slide 4

Action potential reaches axon terminal of motor neuron.

2 Calcium (Ca2+) channels open, andCa2+ enters the axon terminal.

3 Ca2+ entry causes some synapticvesicles to release their contents(acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter)by exocytosis.


Synaptic vesicle containing AChAxon terminal of motor neuronMitochondrion

SarcolemmaFusing synapticvesicleSarcoplasmof muscle fiber

Folds ofsarcolemma





Page 12: Pages 187-191.  Stimulus generated capabilities: ◦ Irritability (also called responsiveness)—ability to receive and respond to a stimulus ◦ Contractility—ability.

4. If enough ACh is released, the sarcolemma becomes temporarily more permeable to sodium (Na) and potassium (K ) ions

◦ Sodium rushes into the cell◦ Potassium leaves the cell ◦ This causes an imbalance of charge: the

sarcolemma becomes depolarized

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Page 13: Pages 187-191.  Stimulus generated capabilities: ◦ Irritability (also called responsiveness)—ability to receive and respond to a stimulus ◦ Contractility—ability.

Slide 5

Action potential reaches axon terminal of motor neuron.

2 Calcium (Ca2+) channels open, andCa2+ enters the axon terminal.


3 Ca2+ entry causes some synapticvesicles to release their contents(acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter)by exocytosis.

Acetylcholine diffuses across thesynaptic cleft and binds toreceptors in the sarcolemma.


Synaptic vesicle containing AChAxon terminal of motor neuronMitochondrion

SarcolemmaFusing synapticvesicleSarcoplasmof muscle fiber

Folds ofsarcolemma





Page 14: Pages 187-191.  Stimulus generated capabilities: ◦ Irritability (also called responsiveness)—ability to receive and respond to a stimulus ◦ Contractility—ability.

Slide 6

Ion channel insarcolemma opens;ions pass.

Na+ K+

5 ACh binds and channels open thatallow simultaneous passage of Na+ intothe muscle fiber and K+ out of themuscle fiber. More Na+ ions enter thanK+ ions leave, producing a local changein the electrical conditions of themembrane (depolarization). Thiseventually leads to an action potential.

Page 15: Pages 187-191.  Stimulus generated capabilities: ◦ Irritability (also called responsiveness)—ability to receive and respond to a stimulus ◦ Contractility—ability.

5. Depolarization opens more sodium channels that allow sodium ions to enter the cell Once started, the action potential cannot be stopped The action potential travels throughout the surface

of the sarcolemma via t-tubules of the sarcolemma, causing the muscle to contract

6. The enzyme Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) breaks down acetylcholine into acetic acid and choline to end muscle contraction

Page 16: Pages 187-191.  Stimulus generated capabilities: ◦ Irritability (also called responsiveness)—ability to receive and respond to a stimulus ◦ Contractility—ability.

Slide 7

Ion channel closed;ions cannot pass.

Degraded ACh




The enzyme acetylcholinesterasebreaks down ACh in the synaptic cleft,ending the process.


Page 17: Pages 187-191.  Stimulus generated capabilities: ◦ Irritability (also called responsiveness)—ability to receive and respond to a stimulus ◦ Contractility—ability.

Cell returns to its resting state when:1. Potassium ions diffuse back out of the cell

Sodium-potassium pump moves sodium and potassium ions back to their original positions

The muscle is ready to receive another stimulus

© 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

Page 18: Pages 187-191.  Stimulus generated capabilities: ◦ Irritability (also called responsiveness)—ability to receive and respond to a stimulus ◦ Contractility—ability.

Page 19: Pages 187-191.  Stimulus generated capabilities: ◦ Irritability (also called responsiveness)—ability to receive and respond to a stimulus ◦ Contractility—ability.

Calcium binds to regulatory proteins called troponin and tropomyosin◦ troponin stimulates tropomyosin to uncover

the actin binding sites ◦ This exposes myosin-binding sites◦ myosin heads on the thick filaments attach

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Page 20: Pages 187-191.  Stimulus generated capabilities: ◦ Irritability (also called responsiveness)—ability to receive and respond to a stimulus ◦ Contractility—ability.

The attached heads pivot, sliding the thin filaments toward the center of the sarcomere, and contraction occurs (muscle shortens)

ATP provides the energy ◦ This continues as long as ionic calcium is present

Page 21: Pages 187-191.  Stimulus generated capabilities: ◦ Irritability (also called responsiveness)—ability to receive and respond to a stimulus ◦ Contractility—ability.

Figure 6.7 Diagrammatic views of a sarcomere.

Myosin Actin







(a) Relaxed sarcomere






(b) Fully contracted sarcomere

Page 22: Pages 187-191.  Stimulus generated capabilities: ◦ Irritability (also called responsiveness)—ability to receive and respond to a stimulus ◦ Contractility—ability.