Download - Page 1 of 55 - Queensland Parliament...59. At 8:59pm, Rob Pyne rang Lyn's mobile phone. Lyn spoke to Rob briefly before putting it on loud speaker. Conversation went for 24 minutes

Page 1: Page 1 of 55 - Queensland Parliament...59. At 8:59pm, Rob Pyne rang Lyn's mobile phone. Lyn spoke to Rob briefly before putting it on loud speaker. Conversation went for 24 minutes

C O N FID E N T IA L - S ta tu to ry D eclaration

Jason WARD

M atter - Contempt o f Parliam ent & Bullying etc


O a th s Act 1867 S ta tu to ry D eclaration

I, Jason W ard, o f , i th e S ta te of Q ueensland do

solem nly and sincerely declare th a t ;

1. On 15' '̂ ̂ D ecem ber 2015 I m ad e a formal written complaint to Hon Curtis Pit

regarding th e Intimidation and bullying aga inst an MR. A t ru e and correct

copy is a t ta ch e d as

2 . The scope of this S ta tu to ry Declaration is to provide th e ev idence I have in

relation to this m a t te r which I now unders tand to be b e t te r defined as

C on tem p t of th e House because Rob Pyne w as physically obs truc ted by a MP

from en tering th e House w hen he w as entitled to do so and physically

p reven ted from speaking w hen he w as entitled to do so.

3. T hese e v e n ts occurred during th e parliam entary sitting w eeks comm encing

13' '̂ ̂ O ctober and 1^ D ecem ber 2015 respectively.

4. I w itnessed system ic and delibera te bullying and intimidation of Rob Pyne by

certain o th e r MP's. The details of th e s e alleged pe rpe tra to rs will be explained


5. I w itnessed th e disruption and obstruction of Rob Pyne while on th e floor of

parl iam ent. The details of th e alleged p e rp e tra to r will be explained below.

6. I provided primary support to Rob & Jenny Pyne following o th e r ev e n ts th a t

occurred while I w as not in th e Parliam entary precinct. I th ere fo re have a

detailed knowledge the e v e n ts and th e Impacts on th e Pynes.

7. (C ontext) I a t te n d ed Parliam ent a s a g u es t of Rob Pyne daily during the

sitting w eeks of October and D ecem b er 2015.

8. (C ontext) I take no tes during m ee tings and while in th e gallery of Parliament

with different focuses from t im e to tim e. S om etim es notating verbatim

co m m e n ts of people and a t o th e r t im es noting the behaviour of people.

9. (Context) I routinely m ake diary no tes which a re often very detailed and

described a s con tem poraneous .

10 . (C ontext) I routinely m ake audio recordings of any m edia s ta te m e n ts or

p ress conferences th a t I or my colleagues might be involved in. From tim e to

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Page 2: Page 1 of 55 - Queensland Parliament...59. At 8:59pm, Rob Pyne rang Lyn's mobile phone. Lyn spoke to Rob briefly before putting it on loud speaker. Conversation went for 24 minutes

C O N FID E N T IA L - S ta tu to ry D eclara tion

Jason WARD

M atter - Contempt o f Parliam ent & Bullying etc

tim e I use personal audio recordings for the purposes of taking accura te

notes .

11 . I have had my diary and audio no tes typed ou t so they a re eas ie r to read. I

have reviewed th e s e typed out vers ions and they a re in my view identical to

th e original hand written no tes . T h ese diary notes a re referred to by

re fe rence tags .

12 . During th e course of 2015 I m ad e con tac t with several unions in relation to

my concerns th a t g rass roots local g o v e rn m en t em ployees needed support. I

th en m ade con tac t with Rob Pyne, M ember for Cairns and we have a close

working alliance in relation to calling for an inquiry into local governm en t.

13 .;ja«,0 n Monday 7̂ '̂ S ep tem b e r 2015 I a t te n d e d a m eeting with Rob Pyne. A true

and correc t copy of my diary no tes have been typed ou t and a re a t ta ch e d a t

14. At this m eeting we ag reed to s e e k appo in tm en ts with S ta te , and for Rob to

m ak e an MPI (Matter of Public In te re s t speech) with the tabling of

docum en ts .

15. On 22'’̂ and 27^^ Sep t 2015 I m e t with Rob Pyne and Lyn O'Connor in Rob's

office finalising prepara tions for tabling of docum ents , MPI speech and media

s tra te g y which w ere to occur in th e parliam ent sitting w eek comm encing

T uesday 13^ ̂ October 2015.

16 . A t ru e and correc t copy of my diary no tes from th e 27'^ ̂ S e p te m b e r 2015

m eeting have been typed out and a re a t tached at

17. During th e th re e m eetings I had with Rob Pyne and Lyn O'Connor in th e lead

up to Parliam ent in O ctober w e had discussed th e need for m ee tings with

' s t a t e ' and I w as aw are th a t both Rob Pyne and Lyn O'Connor had been

making nu m ero u s req u es ts for m ee tings with Deputy Premier Trad and

DILGP. Meeting req u es ts w ere re jec ted and ignored respectively.

18 . I have since se en copies of th e email trail be tw een Lyn O'Connor and the

Deputy Premiers Chief of Staff be c au se th ese were tabled In Parliament in

D ecem ber 2015.

19 . I travelled to Brisbane on Monday 12^ ̂ October 2015 with m y colleague Lyn

O'Connor and we a tten d ed Parliam ent a s a g u e s t of Rob Pyne daily.

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Page 3: Page 1 of 55 - Queensland Parliament...59. At 8:59pm, Rob Pyne rang Lyn's mobile phone. Lyn spoke to Rob briefly before putting it on loud speaker. Conversation went for 24 minutes

C O N FID E N T IA L - S ta tu to ry D eclaration

Jason WARD

M atter - Contempt o f Parliam ent & Bullying etc

2 0 . A t ru e and correc t copy of my diary no tes from th e 13"̂ ̂ -15*̂ ̂ O ctober 2015

have been typed ou t and a re a t ta ch e d a t

2 1 . At this t im e th e MPI, which I unders tood was approved an d locked In was

pulled, cancelled.

2 2 . Prior to this d a te , I unders tood th a t th e MPI was locked in b e c au se I had

assis ted with Rob's drafting of his speech and media s ta te m e n t . Rob

Informed m e th a t they did not w an t him to table It and t h a t he w as copping

pressu re .

23. One a fternoon Deputy Premier Trad a t te n d ed Rob Pynes office unannounced .

Rob Informed m e th a t this occurred abou t ten m inutes a f te r we left the

Parliam entary precinct. Rob Inform ed m e th e next morning th a t Trad had

gone off, w as p re tty and th a t this was really bad timing because

sh e had an MOU signing with LGAQ th e nex t day or to th a t effect.

24. Rob also informed m e th a t during this discussion with Trad she had used

language th a t he would n ever u se and th a t she can sw ea r b e t te r th an him.

25. Rob also told m e th a t Mick deBrennl, th e party whip, w as leaning on him not

to table th e docum ents .

26. Rob eventually tab led th e d ocum en ts w ithout a MPI speaking slot.

27. The media s ta t e m e n t w en t a h e a d a s a 'so ft launch' because th e docum ents

had not been tab led a t th a t tim e.

2 8 . I a t te n d ed m ee tings with Rob Pyne and Lyn O'Connor a t Pynes Cairns office

on 2"̂ ̂ N ovem ber, 17^ ̂ N ovem ber and 27^^ Novem ber 2015. T hese m eetings

w ere to review th e October tabling and associa ted task s like m edia and to

plan for D ecem b er tabling and MPI.

2 9 . I d o n 't r e m e m b e r anything e lse rem arkab le abou t th e s e m ee tings th a t bare

any relevance to th e scope of this S ta t Dec.

3 0 . Monday 30' '̂' Novem ber 2015 Lyn and I walked to Parliam ent House annex to

deliver final vers ions of th e do cu m en ts to be tabled. They w ere on a m em ory

stick ready for Rob to ta k e to th e clerk. Attached a t H B o s a re a t ru e and

correc t copy of my diary th a t has been typed out.

31. Rob had recently finished a caucus m eeting and was in my view disillusioned,

unhappy and troubled.

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Page 4: Page 1 of 55 - Queensland Parliament...59. At 8:59pm, Rob Pyne rang Lyn's mobile phone. Lyn spoke to Rob briefly before putting it on loud speaker. Conversation went for 24 minutes

C O N FID E N T IA L - S ta tu to ry D eclara tion

Jason WARD

M atter - Contempt o f Parliam ent & Bullying etc

32. On Tuesday D ecem ber 2015 I w en t to Parliament with Lyn and we m et

rob in th e annex a t 11 :45am .

33. A t ru e and co rrec t copy of my diary no tes from the 1®̂ D ecem ber 2015 have

been typed ou t and a re a t ta ch e d a t

34. Prior to th e p lanned media s ta te m e n t in room 5.3 Rob updated myself and

Lyn abou t th e p ressu re he had been under not to tab le th e docum en ts and

not to do th e m edia s ta te m e n t th a t w as planned for th a t a fternoon.

35. Rob also informed us is so m e detail abou t the phone call th e evening prior

from Deputy Premier Trad. Rob told us th a t he had copped 20 m inu tes of

a b u se and it w as really bad. Rob said, "She might be a w om an but s h e ain 't

no lady." and "I 've n ever been spoken to like th a t before."

36. At this point In tim e I th o ugh t th a t th e re w as m ore to this s to ry because Rob

s e em e d to pull up sho rt and I m ad e a m ental note th a t I needed to discuss

this with him a t a later d a te in privacy.

37. I r e m e m b e r th a t he m ad e th e c o m m e n t "she might be a w om an bu t she ain 't

no lady" twice on this day and w hen we w ere alone I a sked him a bit m ore

abou t it. He did not wish to discuss it In detail and it a ppeared to u p se t him.

He a p p e a re d d isappointed with th e whole situation.

38. During th e prepara tion for the schedu led media s ta te m e n t in room 5.3 the re

was factions In th e ALP who w ere constan tly interfering with Rob and trying

to s top th e m edia conference from going ahead .

39. This included calls to Robs phone from deBrennl and Pitt. S e e diary entries

40. I t w as im m ediately prior to th e m edia conference th a t w ha t has becom e

known a s ' t h e cricket b a t incident' occurred.

41. My a t ta ch e d diary and no te a re very detailed.

42. My m em ory of th e s e e v e n ts a re very clear. I t w as a de libera te and offensive

pos tu re to d e te r Rob from going a h e a d with his media s ta te m e n t .

43. At the t im e I had tu rned on a recording device In prepara tion for th e media

conference and this device w as in m y pocket a t th e tim e of the cricket bat


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Page 5: Page 1 of 55 - Queensland Parliament...59. At 8:59pm, Rob Pyne rang Lyn's mobile phone. Lyn spoke to Rob briefly before putting it on loud speaker. Conversation went for 24 minutes

C O N FID E N T IA L - S ta tu to ry D eclaration

Jason WARDM atter - Contempt o f Parliam ent & Bullying etc

44. A true and co rrec t copy of m y no tes from ev e n ts surrounding the

D ecem ber 2015 m edia s ta te m e n t have been typed ou t and a re a t tached at

45. I have reviewed th e s e diary no tes and audio no tes and I m ake no changes

unde r oa th with th e exception of parag raph 28 in th e diary. There was no

reference to 'h e a d ' a s this had com e later In reference to an unrela ted ev e n t

shared by a colleague.

46. I t Is clearly audible th a t Rob Pyne said to deBrenni "you going to hit m e a re

you?" as deBrenni is walking tow ards him purposefully.

47. deBrenni said "I feel like it som etim es ."

48. While saying this to Pyne deBrenni is audibly thum ping th e cricket b a t in the

palm of his hand.

49. At this point deBrenni had s to p p ed approxim ately 2 .5m from Rob Pynes

wheelchair and deBrenni th en asked Pyne "You done it? You done your?"

50. At this point I had walked right up behind Rob's shoulder be c au se Rob was

clearly being th re a te n e d . I had ju s t heard w hat deBrenni said and I was

aw are th a t deBrenni had a lready tried to s top Rob from getting ou t a door

and it w as c lear to m e th a t this was a deliberate show of force and


51. As I walked up to Rob's shoulder deBrennl said "how you going mate".52. Rob then says "not something I am doing on m y own" referring to th e media

s ta te m e n t .

53. During this sitting w eek, D ecem ber 2015, I had becom e very concerned

abou t th e type and severity of b lockages, behaviours and in terference by

certain MP's in relation to Rob Pynes position on corruption in local

g o v e rn m en t and th e call for an inquiry.

54. As a result I had m ad e and received num erous phone calls from union

rep re sen ta tiv es and assoc ia ted individuals specifically in relation to th e

b la tan t bullying of Pyne.

55. A true and correc t copy of m y diary no tes from th e s e phone calls have been

typed ou t and a re a t ta ch e d a t m H I ^

56. I have reviewed th e s e no tes and provide th e m as evidence.

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C O N F ID E N T IA L - S ta tu to ry D eclara tion

Jason WARD

M atter - Com empt o f Parliam ent & Bullying etc

57. I can s ta te t h a t certain unions and assoc ia tes w ere regularly upda ted with

details of th e situation and they were very a larm ed and concerned for Rob's

safety. This Is suppo rted by my a t ta ch e d diary notes.

58. T hursday evening we re tu rned to th e m otel and we w ere updating files and

following up on con tac ts .

59. At 8 :5 9 p m , Rob Pyne rang Lyn's mobile phone. Lyn spoke to Rob briefly

before putting it on loud speaker . Conversation w en t for 24 m inutes and 32

seconds and th is is evidenced in Lyn's call log which has been pho tographed

and put on file.

6 0 . Rob w as ex trem ely s tre s se d and u p se t abou t w hat had h a ppened a fte r the

d inner b reak w hen he w en t to e n te r th e House. Rob told us in detail abou t

mick deBrenni blocking his en tran ce to th e floor.

6 1 . Rob told us th a t w hen he w en t to go into Parliament Mick deBrenni blocked

him a t th e doors. deBrenni tried to s top Rob from going onto th e Parliament

floor. Rob told m e deBrenni has said "you might not w an t to go in there",

Rob said he asked deBrenni "why" and th a t Mick said "The Deputy Premier is

talking a b o u t you". Rob told m e he said to Mick, "I am roste red on and if

th a t 's th e case I definitely w an t to be in there" . Rob had to use force to

e n te r th e room by way of wheelchair.

6 2 . Rob told us th a t both he and Jenny w ere very shaken .

53. Rob a sked us to com e down to Parliament first thing in th e morning, being

Friday 4̂ ' ̂ D ecem ber and th a t Rob was going to p repa re a personal

explanation. Rob said to us th a t you canno t restric t a m em b e r from entering

the c h a m b e r w hen th ey a re entitled to do so.

64. Late th a t night I spoke to union con tac ts and a ssoc ia tes again and we

discussed th e fact th a t Rob Pyne had now been blocked by Mick deBrennl

from en tering th e House. Notes from th e s e conversa tions a re a t tached a t

65 . Union c o n ta c ts s t a t e d to m e t h a t th is w a s bullying.

66. The phone calls from union con tac ts com m enced again early Friday morning.

67. Attached a t a re my no tes from th e s e phone calls th a t have been

typed up, I have reviewed th e s e no tes and I s tan d by th e s e file notes.

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Page 7: Page 1 of 55 - Queensland Parliament...59. At 8:59pm, Rob Pyne rang Lyn's mobile phone. Lyn spoke to Rob briefly before putting it on loud speaker. Conversation went for 24 minutes

C O N F ID E N T IA L - S ta tu to ry D eclaration

Jason WARDM atter - Contem pt o f Parliam ent & Bullying etc

68. These con tac ts s ta te d th a t th ey had m ad e con tac t with o th e r parties th a t

night. I am no t su re who exactly they spoke to how ever th ey gave the

impression th a t th e bullying of Pyne w as widely known.

69. Friday m orning o n e con tac t told me th a t th ey had reported this conduct to an

MP"s office and th a t It had to be e n te red into th a t MP's diary. I believe from

my no tes and recollection th a t this diary en try should be In th e diaries of

both S h a n e Knuth and Curtis Pitt.

70. During this conversa tion the con tac t s ta ted th a t th ey had spoken to Kate at

Knuths office.

71. During th e s e phone conversa tions on Friday morning one of th e contac ts

informed m e th a t th e y had serious concerns abou t Mick deBrenni and they

s ta te d "You know he is a thug", "He has go t form, that is what I'm trying to tell you, that is why he has got a reputation".

72. Friday morning Lyn O'Connor and I left ou r accom m odation and walked to

Parliam ent a t Bam.

73. We arrived a t Parliam ent and Rob Pyne m e t us a t th e annex and we w en t

s tra igh t to his office. We discussed w hat had h appened th e night before.

Jenny and Rob w ere still very shaken . Rob ran us th rough his personal

explanation no tes and everything w as in order.

74. His pape rs w ere placed in his tray which w as placed on his lap before I

escorted him to th e Parliam ent doors.

75. I said to Rob t h a t I w as going to sit in the gallery above and in front of him.

I said to Rob th a t he would be able to s e e m e th e whole tim e and th a t if at

any s ta g e Mick deBrenni th re a te n s him or in tim idates him he was to look a t

m e and nod his head . I asked Rob if he unders tood because I wanted Rob to

know th a t I would be watching everything. Rob ag reed and said "I will, don 't


7 6 . Lyn s a t In th e r e a r of th e gallery above and behind Rob and I s a t on th e right

hand side, w hen entering from th e gallery en trance . As soon a s I w as sea ted

Rob and I acknow ledged each o ther.

7 7 . I t was not long a f te r th a t and before parl iam ent com m enced th a t Mick

deBrenni walked around to his s e a t which is beside Rob Pyne.

7 8 . Mick deBrenni w as leaning over Rob and talking to him.

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Page 8: Page 1 of 55 - Queensland Parliament...59. At 8:59pm, Rob Pyne rang Lyn's mobile phone. Lyn spoke to Rob briefly before putting it on loud speaker. Conversation went for 24 minutes

C O N F ID E N T IA L - S ta tu to ry D ec lara tion

Jason WARDMatter - Contempt o f Parliament & Bullying etc

79. Rob was looking aw ay from deBrennl.

8 0 . I could s e e th a t deBrenni w as agita ted . This w as ex trem ely obvious.

8 1 . Rob s ta r te d looking down a t his no tes on his tray,

8 2 . I saw Mick deBrenni lean over and look a t the no tes and he a tte m p te d to

reach for them .

83. Rob was quick to turn th e pages over and place his han d s over them . I

believe this infuriated deBrenni.

84. Rob th en looked a t m e and s ta r te d to nod his head. This was the agreed

signal for Rob to u se if deBrennl was th rea ting him so we both knew exactly

w hat this m ean t .

85. I saw Mick deBrenni continue to lean over Rob and deBrenni was talking to


86. Rob continued to look a t me and nod his head,

87. After this h a p p e n ed a n u m b er of t im es deBrenni finally co ttoned on to w hat

w as going on and he looked up a t m e in th e gallery.

88. deBrenni and I m ad e eye con tac t and deBrenni s ta r te d shaking his head . He

briefly s a t and s ta r te d texting.

89. I saw a n o th e r ALP m e m b e r com e over to Mick deBrenni and he leaned over

and s ta r ted talking to him, I saw Mick g e s tu re up tow ards m e but a s if to say

don 't look up now.

90. I now know th a t o th e r MP to be Linus Power. Power soon looked up a t me.

91. Then I saw deBrenni & o the rs texting.

92. I saw Trad reach for he r phone and th en sh e s ta r ted texting too.

93. I then saw deBrennl walk over to Trad and he crouched beside he r and they

were very close to each o ther.

94. deBrenni m otioned up to th e gallery in m y direction.

9 5 . Shortly a f te r Trad and deBrennl finished talking and I saw deBrenni headed

back to his allocated s e a t beside Rob.

9 5 . I note th a t Trad then looks up a t m e in th e gallery for an e x tended period of

tim e with th e m o s t vile look on h e r face. This w as not a glance, and not a

smile. S o m e people would find he r look th rea ten ing how ever I ju s t s a t th e re

and s ta red back a t h e r motionless.

97. Trad th en broke th e s ta re .

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C O N F ID E N T IA L - S ta tu to ry D eclara tion

Jason WARD

M atter - Contem pt o f Parliam ent & Bullying etc

98. By this t im e th e Parliam ent a g e n d a was nearing th e Personal Explanation


99. I saw deBrennl lean over again and say som eth ing to Rob.

100 . I saw Rob turn on his m icrophone switch and pull th e m outhpiece tow ards

him. I noticed th a t th is tak e s considerable effort given Robs condition.

101 . I heard th e s p e a k e r of th e house s ta r t talking again.

102 . I saw Mick deBrenni very quickly reach over and switch th e m icrophone off

and then deBrenni reached over and pulled th e m icrophone away from Rob.

During this t im e th e sp e a k e r of the house continued.

103. I saw an LNP m em b er , whom I now know a s Dale Last, M ember for Burdekin,

g e t ou t of his allocated s e a t and approach Ray S te p h en s who sits up close to

the sp e a k e r on th e LNP side. Ray S tephens th en app roached th e speaker .

104. I could no t s e e th is clearly a s I was sitting directly above them how ever I

could se e th e to p s of the ir heads and I believe th a t it w as Ray S te p h en s who

approached th e speaker .

105. The sp e a k e r th en said, to th e effect, t h a t he had been m ad e aw are th a t the

M ember for Cairns wished to m ake a Personal Explanation and th e sp e ak e r

said he m u s te d have m issed the red light and th e sp e a k e r then asked Rob

Pyne to m ak e his speech .

106 . At the conclusion of Robs Personal Explanation I r em e m b e r th e re was a good

"hear , hear" which I believe cam e m ostly from th e LNP side but th a t could be

a factor of w here I w as sitting. I no ted th a t th e re w as a num ber of ALP

M embers th a t w ere looking unhappy but th ey w ere nothing like the

express ions of deBrenni and Trad.

107. deBrennl & Trad looked into the gallery a t m e with g lares of disapproval.

108 . They w ere not happy looks.

109. At the conclusion of Parliament, noting th a t it w as a sho rt day, this was

approxim ate ly la te morning, we w en t back to Rob's office.

110 . A union c o n tac t k ep t ringing m yself & Rob very persis tently . She said sh e

had been trying to g e t hold of Curtis Pitt b e c au se she was getting tex ts from

KAP and LNP saying "OMG" in relation to deBrenni and w hat he was doing to


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Page 10: Page 1 of 55 - Queensland Parliament...59. At 8:59pm, Rob Pyne rang Lyn's mobile phone. Lyn spoke to Rob briefly before putting it on loud speaker. Conversation went for 24 minutes

C O N F ID E N T IA L - S ta tu to ry D eclaration

Jason WARDMatter - Contempt of Parliament & Bullying etc

111 . Rob said to m e, th a t H I H told him to te x t Curtis and let him know

th a t she had Curtis 's diary accurately m arked .

112 . told m e to tell Rob th a t she would have all this so rted out by this

afternoon. I told h e r to back off because Rob n ee d ed space.

113. We (Lyn and myself) d iscussed th ings with Rob and he said he w as going to

write to th e S p e a k e r o v e r the break a b o u t Mick bullying him, especially

blocking e n tra n c e to parliam ent on Thursday night and the m icrophone ev en t

of th a t day.

114. While we w ere in Rob's office, an LNP m em b e r who I w as introduced to as

Dale Last c a m e into Robs office and said "I saw deBrenni ta k e the

m icrophone off you, I saw you try to talk and th a t 's when I w ent up and got

th e sp e a k e r to .... "

115. I said to Dale, w as th a t you th a t did th a t? I said "DeBrenni took the

m icrophone off Rob".

116 . Dale th en said, "I saw you try and g e t th e mic and th a t 's when I w en t up.

He can 't do th a t , you r allowed to speak ."

117. Dale w en t on to say , "No back off, t h a t w as p re tty ordinary."

118 . Lyn O'Connor th en said "no he tu rned th e m icrophone off and tu rned it away

from Rob."

119. Dale las t said "I saw him reach ac ro ss and turn it around. Hang on, this is

no t on, th a t 's I done w h a t I did, if you w a n t to talk you can, th ey ca n 't s top


120 . I th anked Dale for w h a t he had done and said t h a t it is p re t ty bad when the

o th e r party co m es to you r aid (LNP) a fte r which Dale Last left Rob's office.

121 . Shortly a f te r Billy Gordon com es into Rob's office and sa y s "I 'm ju s t checking

on you, checking your ok. I'll catch up with you later."

122 . I no ted th a t MP's w ere rapidly leaving th e precinct as it was th e Christm as

b reak . I w as satisfied th a t th e re w ere o th e r MP's th a t w ere aw are of the

situation and keep an e y e on th ings and we left to catch our plane.

123 . From Friday 4 ’̂ '' D ecem ber 2015 it was always m y in tent to lodge a formal


124 . On 15^ ̂ D ecem ber I had a m eeting in Cairns and on th e way I s topped a t

Curtis Pitt 's office in Gordonvale. 1 gave th e electoral officer a t th e front

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C O N F ID E N T IA L - S ta tu to ry D eclara tion

Jason WARD

M atter - Contem pt o f Parliam ent & Bullying etc

coun te r th e original signed le t ter of Formal Complaint and asked th a t they

s tam p it and copy it for m e for m y file.

125. Later th a t day I had a m eeting Rob Pyne and I show ed Rob a copy of the

le t te r I had delivered to Pitt 's office. I did no t leave a copy with Rob. Rob

said to m e, t h a t is good th a t you have done th a t , o r to th a t effect. I s ta ted

t h a t this m a t te r m u s t be properly dea lt with. I believed th a t it was

completely unaccep tab le w hat had transp ired especially In D ecem ber sitting

w eek and this bullying and im pedim ent would no t be to lerated in any

workplace. I w an ted it dea lt with by th e p roper authority in a professional


126 . On w h a t I believe w as 29^^ D ecem ber 2015 Mr Jason Hum phreys phone m e.

He Identified h im self a s Curtis Pitt's Chief of Staff. And he s ta te d th a t he was

calling on behalf of Curtis Pitt 's office in relation to th e le t te r of Complaint

th a t I had subm it ted on th e 15̂ *" of D ecem ber 2015.

127. Attached and m arked a s a t ru e and co rrec t copy of my diary

no tes from this phone call th a t have been typed out.

128 . During th is conversation Mr Hum phreys gave th e undertaking th a t he would

follow up on th is phone conversation and s e e k to organise a m eeting

b e tw een Curtis and myself.

129. I acknow ledge and no ted th e Christm as b reak period and I a t te m p te d to

con tac t Mr H um phreys by phone on th e 14̂ *̂ of January In particular. 1 had

also a t te m p te d to con tac t him by phone ju s t prior to this da te . On th o se

occasions I had left m e s s a g e s for Mr Hum phreys.

130. On th e 14^^ of Jan u ary I left a detailed and specific m essa g e for Mr

Hum phreys and this m essa g e w as tak e n by his staff. This m essag e w as th a t

I w as waiting for confirmation of a m eeting with Curtis and th a t Mr

Humphries n ee d ed to con tac t me.

131 . I did no t receive any re tu rn calls or response from any of my m e ssa g e s to Mr

Hum phreys.132 . Out of th e blue, on 26* ̂ January 2016 I received an email from Mr

H um phreys. This email is t im e m arked a t 9 :4 1 a m on 26^^ January 2016

which w as th e Australia Day Public Holiday. Attached and m arked is

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C O N F ID E N T IA L - S ta tu to ry D eclaration

Jason WARD

M atter - Contem pt o f Parliam ent & Bullying etc

a t ru e and correc t copy of th e email from Mr Hum phreys and my response a t

1 0 :09am .

133. In my email re sp o n se I pointed ou t th a t I had left m e ssa g e s and th a t they ,

being Pit & H um phreys, needed to a t ten d to this detail, m eaning a m eeting

b e tw een m yself and Curtis.

134. Based on m y d irec t knowledge of th e earlier conversations b e tw een m yself

and H um phries, I w as not comfortable with th e accuracy of som e s ta te m e n ts

in th e email from Hum phreys.

135. As o f 22nd February 2016 I have no t received any response from Pit or Humphreys in reply to my email of 26̂ *̂ January a t 10 :09am .

136. I te lephoned Rob Pyne to verify th e accuracy o r o therw ise of Mr Hum phreys

email c o m m e n t t h a t " th e T reasu re r has spoken with Mr Pyne on th e w eekend

and has also tried to call him today."

137. Rob told m e th a t he "had caugh t up with Curtis by chance , no appo in tm ent,

and th e re w ere o th e r parties p resen t, and I can a ssu re you a t no point did

we discuss w ha t had happened In D ecem ber." Rob told m e this by chance

m eeting with Pit had occurred a t th e BMX track on th e weekend and th ey did

discuss th e new lock ou t law briefly.

138. I a sk ed Rob Pyne to clarify th a t nothing w as m en tioned a b o u t D ecem ber and

Rob said "abso lu te ly not".

139. On th e s a m e day I becam e aw are th a t so m e of th e e lem en ts of my

com plaints had s ta r ting to be aired in th e m edia from o th e r sources.

140 . I have som e of th e s e articles on our m edia files. The media coverage w as

not in my view portraying th e se r iousness of th e even ts and I was later

con tac ted by a Brisbane journalis t from th e Courier Mail. I pulled a few

re levan t d iary pages from my files and I emailed th e s e to th e journalist.

141. An article w as published in th e Courier mail on S a tu rd a y 30^^ January .

142. The pages I provided th e Courier Mail journa lis t w ere draft diary pages and

a re m arked draft. As p e r parag raph 45 above I have since reviewed m edia

s ta te m e n t audio files and m ad e one correction to th e diary in relation to th e

cricket bat.

143 . As pe r th e advice in Jason Hum phreys email da ted 26 '̂ ̂ January I form ed up

a le t te r to th e Clerk of th e Parliament.

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C O N F ID E N T IA L - S tatutor> ' D eclaration

Jason WARDM atter - Contem pt o f Parliam ent & Bullying etc

144. This le t te r and a t ta c h m e n ts w ere em ailed to th e Clerk of th e Parliament, Mr

Nell Laurie on th e 9^ ̂ o f February 2016.

145. A ttached and m arked a s is a t ru e and correc t copy of this

co rrespondence which w as a "Formal Complaint of Intimidation and Bullying

ag a in s t MP".

146. On T hursday th e 11^^ February 2016 I received a reply email from the Clerk

Mr Laurie. A t ru e and correct copy of this email is a t tached and m arked

147. At th e t im e of writing to The Clerk I had not received postal mail d u e to

b us iness c o m m itm en ts ou t of m y office and m y staff do not a t te n d to

personal mail in m y absence . I have since received th e le t te r from th e

s p e a k e r and responded directly to th e S p e a k e r Mr Wellington.

148. A t ru e and co rrec t copy of my le t ter and a t ta c h m e n ts a re a ttached a t

149. This was s e n t by email scanned a t ta c h m e n t to th e S p e a k e r on 12^^ February

2016 a t 3 :1 4 p m . An email acknowledging receipt of my material was

received from th e Office of th e S p e a k e r on F riday l2 th February 2016 a t

3 :44pm .

150. As referred to in pa rag rap h s 35 &. 36 above, I believe th e re w as m ore to the

c ircum stances of the phone call Rob received from Trad on th e Monday

evening 30̂ *̂ N ovem ber 2015,

151. On 10^'’ February 2016 I had a m eeting with Rob in his office. During this

m eeting I asked Rob a b o u t th a t call from Trad. ATTACHED a t Is a

t ru e and correc t copy of my diary no tes from this discussion which have been

typed .

152. Rob told m e th a t Chris Whiting w as in Robs Parliam entary office. Trad rang

Whitings phone, he said, "Tm with him now" (m ean ing Whiting w as with

Pyne now) and Trad spoke to Pyne via Whitings phone on load speaker .

153. Rob had previously referred to this call a s lasting a b o u t 20 m inutes, being

very h e a te d , foul, abusive and in th e p a s t Rob had said "She 's a w om an but

s h e a in 't no lady."

154. I a sked Rob a b o u t this call and w h a t language th e Deputy Premier had used

specifically. Rob informed m e th a t th e Deputy Premier had call him "a

disloyal '

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Jason WARDM atter - Contem pt o f Parliam ent & Bullying etc

155. Rob said to m e, "Look there were so m any swear words. As well as being called a disloyal ■ the F word was mentioned m any times, m any tim es in a short space o f tim e."

156. I a sked Rob w h a t was Whitings reaction. Rob said "Whiting w as upset,

b e c au se I w as s tar ting to g e t fired up, he w as going wooo woo woo, he

w a sn 't happy with th e abuse coming from Trad and he was trying to calm it

down. He knows a b o u t this local g o v e rn m en t issue."

157. I u n d e rs ta n d th a t this further evidence will be required to a s se s s and

p rogress th e m a t te r to th e e thics com m ittee and I have undertaken the

p repara tion and lodgem ent of this s ta tu to ry declaration and a ttached

re levan t files within a re levant t im efram e especially considering th a t it was

not until 11^^ February th a t I had received consis ten t advice regarding whom

I should se n d this material desp ite having req u e s ted th e s e details on the 15^ ̂

of D ecem ber 2015.

158. I am very concerned th a t I w rote to Curtis Pitt on 15* ̂ D ecem ber and th a t it

w as not until th e s to ry broke in th e m edia around 26̂ *̂ January 2016 th a t

Trad & deBrenni s e n t th e formal letter of com plaint to th e Clerk & Speaker.

159. I am d isappointed th a t it took so long for anyone in th e sys tem to be able to

provide m e with th e correct complaint information ie to th e Speaker.

160 . I am p repared to give oral evidence and be cross exam ined on my material

and recollections of th e s e serious and system ic workplace events .

161 . I have reviewed C hap ter 43 CONTEMPT from PART 10 POWERS, RIGHTS AND

IMMUNITIES contained in th e S tanding O rders of th e Legislative Assembly.

Based on m y direct knowledge of th e T hursday evening even t, deBrenni

preventing a n d obstructing Pyne from entering Parliam ent and th e Friday 4̂ *̂

D ecem ber m icrophone incident w here deBrenni directly interfered with Pynes

ac tiva ted m icrophone which d isrupted th e orderly conduct of th e business of

th e House I believe th e re is sufficient g rounds to refer this m a t te r

im m edia te ly to th e e thics com m ittee for de te rm ina tion on a complaint of

C on tem p t ag a in s t deBrenni.

162 . I fu r the r believe th a t th e re a re g rounds to refer both Trad and Pitt on th e

basis th a t th ey had a role in preventing Pyne from discharging his rights and

duties. I believe th a t Trad th re a te n e d and d isadvan taged Pyne on th e basis

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Jason WARD

M atter - Contem pt o f Parliam ent & Bullying etc

of his conduc t in th e house which w as th e p lanned tabling of docum en ts and

th e n th e intention to m ake a Personal Explanation.

And I m ak e this so lem n declaration conscientiously believing th e s a m e to be t rue ,

and by v irtue of th e provisions of th e O aths Act 1867.

D e c la re r : - Ja son Ward

Taken and declared before me a t ...

..fc!?......... 2016 , before me.

O'lao this day of

[ s ig n a '

Justice of th e Peace/GerrtmiGsie n c r for Deeteratro n s

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Page 16: Page 1 of 55 - Queensland Parliament...59. At 8:59pm, Rob Pyne rang Lyn's mobile phone. Lyn spoke to Rob briefly before putting it on loud speaker. Conversation went for 24 minutes

IS '" D ecem ber 2015

RE Formal Complaint o f Intimidation & Bullying against MP.I

Dear Curtis,

This is a form al com plain t of intim idation and bullying by iack le Trad & Mick deBrenni to Mr Rob P y n e MP M em b er fo r Cairns.

This series o f rec en t e v e n ts occurred in th e sitting w eek of com m encing M onday 30'*' N ovem ber th rough Friday 4*” D ecem ber 2015.

I am w riting to you as th e c losest MP to Rob Pynes e le c to ra te (geographically) and because you are in th e to p 3 o f th e ta b o r g o vernm en t (Prem ier, DP & Treasurer),

I was a d irec t w itn ess to several ev en ts and have d e ta iled diaries o f w h a t I w itnessed.

*( n eed y o u r specific g u idance on th e following m a tte rs :-W ho else , specifically, d o es a form al com plaint In rela tion to th is m a tte r n eed to be ad d ressed to especially g iven th e position o f th e perpe tra to rs;

AND th a t th is m is-conduct o ccu rred In th e P arliam en tary Precinct;AND a t th e en tran ce to th e h o u se (Parliam ent);AND on th e floor during th e s itting o f P arliam ent.

1 am looking fo rw ard to your p rom pt response.

Y o u r s ,s in c e r e ly .

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Diary Entries of Jason W ard - typed into WORD fo rm at for readability.

August & September 2015 meetings with Rob Pyne In preparation for Parliament Sitting. NOTE:- more detail in archives.

Meeting Rob Pyne > Monday 7̂ '' September 20151) Sharing information in relation to concerns about LG and corruption.2) Experiences with complaints process and the failures.3) Discussed suicides, meetings all over Qld that I have had, how badly effected staff

and people are.4) Meeting had been made after a number of phone calls with Rob Pyne.5} Followed up calls with ASU, bullying and sacking of staff member,

staff member on suicide watch.6) Discussed conversation with I

7) Discussed plans going forward, how Rob could assist in trying to make change and shared some of his experiences In Local Govt.

- MPI- Media- Meetings- tabling docs.

8) Shared information, very happy with the meeting.* * *

Sunday 27̂ ̂September 2015 meeting with Rob Pyne.

1) Preparing for Parliament October sitting.2) Confirmed travel arrangements and diary.3) Told Rob we will certainly be coming to Bris with him.4) Rob very happy.5) MPI Speech and tabling docs being drafted.6) Media plan to be finalised and embargoed.7) Feeling Is there will be a lot of resistance so needs to be kept quiet.8) Rob has made MPI request with the party and this was confirmed. Yes.9) Rob stated "well It certainly hasn't been rejected."10) Discuss how any council, esp TRC, cannot get wind of this.11) Must be very disciplined. Who In media can we trust.12) Lyn took notes on jobs that need to be finished. Still a lot to be done.13) Rob Is nervous, never done this before, MPI.

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Diary Entries o f Jason W a rd - ty p e d into WORD fo rm at fo r readability.

October 13*” -15*'’ Parliament Sitting Days.

1) Embargoed press release was leaked must be Cairns Post - discuss for future.2) MPI pulled because Party aware of Material and TRC CEO and Cairns Mayor asked for

comment. Too soon for coincidence.3) Rob copping pressure not to table and after tabling.4) Trad abuses Rob In his office 10 mins after we leave. (Rob) states next morning

"wish you guys had of stayed for another 10 minutes. After you left. Trad came down to my office. She went off and abused me. She said it's bad timing because she's signing an MOU with LGAQ next day. To that effect.

5) "She used language 1 would never use". "She can swear better than me, I know that".

6) Rob introduced us to Mick deBrenni party whip, already seen him ordering Rob around.

7) Mick not happy with Rob after tabling.8) Need to re-visit media strategy, wasn't all that good In the end. Needs to be tighter

and have people we can trust more.9) Need to know which journo leaked*.10) Phone calls to media contacts advising of delay in tabling. Process error in tabling,

still doing soft launch, only doc off embargo is 19 page briefing paper titled "Our local Govt, and failure of Complaints Process".

Meetings on 2'’“ Nov, 17*'’ Nov & 27*'’ Nov in preparation for Dec Tabling.Diary in archive.

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Diary Entries o f Jason W a rd - ty p e d into WORD fo rm at for readability.

Mondav 30*̂ November 20151) Lyn & 1 walked to Parliament House annex to deliver memory stick with tabling

package to Rob Pyne.2) Rob & Jenny met us at front of annex.3) Rob had recently finished Caucus meeting. Was disillusioned, unhappy and troubled.

Obviously not happy with the caucus meeting.4) Cannot talk about caucus so leave it at that.5) Reaffirmed Rob we were behind him 100%.6) I was concerned about interference and party pressure.♦ * *

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Diary Entries o f Jason W ard - typed into WORD fo rm at fo r readability.

Tuesday December 2015.1. 11:45am Parliament Annex2. Jason & Lyn wait for Rob to come down and meet us to go upstairs for media

statement.3. Rob wheels in and says, games up brother, deBrenni just said to me, you got a media

conference at 1pm. 1 can tell you now that's not going to happen.4. I said to him, your not going to get in my way. He said yes 1 am, so I went around him.5. I told Rob I expected that. Lyn added what's Micks alternative. Rob said do nothing

until after the government elections. Lyn said next time we have a funeral for a local government employee You ring Mick for me.

5. There is this issue of parliamentary privilege that no member of parliament should be interfered with. He did stand in the doorway. I said so he actually tried to stop you.

7. Rob was clear, he said yeah.8. I said to Rob, I expect that from Trad. Rob said to me and Lyn did I tell you about the

phone call.9. I said to Rob, she didn't.10. Rob said, yeah. She's a woman but she ain't no lady.11. 1 said to Lyn, they're going to set him up and run block on him alt week.12. Lyn stated, once it's tabled what are you going to do people.13. Rob comes back to us and says, Oh look, Mick deBrenni, sorry buddy a missed call.14. I said has he got a missed call there for you.15. Rob says yeah, about the same time 1 ran into him in the corridor.16. Rob said, I need to print some stuff off, you wanna come with me. (Page ends)17. Sorry to feel a bit like a baby, but I just.... No Rob I said, It's all good, Lyn's right with

Jenny and on the way if anyone wants to pull you up and say anything I'm all ears Rob18. Rob said. My guess is if she's in the room I'll have to talk to her (Trad). I ask rob if

Curtis had been in touch with him, apparently he was going to catch up so I am told. We went to Robs office to do some copying and get some material. (Page ends)

19. Between 1pm and 1.30pm. Rob Pyne parliamentary Office.20. Copying and getting material for press release. I had asked Rob if Curtis had been in

touch with him recently because Belinda had told me he was going to. Rob had said no. We grabbed the material we were after and about to leave. Before we did Rob checked his phone messages there was one from me at ll;59am the next one was from Curtis Pitt at 12.55pm.

21. It appears he too is trying to stop Rob after deBrenni failed. Says gday Rob, it's Curtis speaking, I have been told you are giving a press conference today at 1.30pm and you may be under the impression that you will be covered by Parliamentary privilege whilst in the press conference. Obviously mate, your only covered while in the chamber and I have grave concerns that you have overstepped the mark, you should be careful it is very easily done. Look, just concerned, give me a call back. There are

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Diary Entries o f Jason W ard - typed into WORD form at fo r readability.

2 2 .


25.26 .





other ways to do this and make a statement. You can do that in the house, love to have a chat with you.I asked Rob, did you raise it in the caucus on Monday.I raised it in the left caucus.1 said, yep, funny cause apparently Curtis was going to meet with you, he must have been busy. (Page ends)1pm Media conference room 5.3 faces courtyard of parliament.Just before the start of media conference time Rob asked me to go with him to his office to get some material. It was the launch of the BBL series on the courtyard of Parliament House.During this, sponsor gift packs were given to the MP's. I was travefling behind rob as we walked to his office when Mick deBrenni came out onto the balcony from the dining room end and was walking towards rob with a gift pack cricket bat in his hand very staunch and purposeful. There was no other item from the gift pack just the bat and he was holding It in what I believe was a threatening manner.Mick wanted to know what Rob was up to, Rob said to Mick deBrenni what are you going to do with that in reference to the bat. Hit me (over the head) with it? Believe me Rob sometimes I want to.At no point did I ever take this as being light hearted banter. Mick deBrenni was

I i ' (Page ends)Media conference room, just before 1:30pm, BBL launch complete.Rob & I return to Media room and I tell Lyn about Mick deBrenni and the threat with the cricket bat. Mick was very Intimidating and wanted to know if Rob had done his press release. He was not happy. Lyn states i that's serious, my son had afractured cheek bone from a cricket bat. RE ask Lyn about cheek bone story. (P̂ ag ends)


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Diary Entries of Jason W a rd - ty p e d into WORD form at fo r readability.

Note:- Media statem ent audio file : additional n otes on Tuesday 1"̂ December.



Rob says

Lyn says





"There Is th e issue of Parliam entary Privilege th a t no m em ber should be interfered.

If he actually did stand in th e w ay of th e door. I am waiting fo r th e day because I have troub le opening doors. I am w aiting fo r th e day he refuses to open th e door." "Just keep driving into it".

"I'll rise th e next day and say I m issed a Parliam entary sitting and why 1 d idn 't make

th e m eeting.""Well you haven 't got au tom atic doors, it is discrimination, d o n 't w anna play th a t

card people.""So he actually tried to stop you did he?"

"Yeah"."W hat do you m ean? Yourjokingl I expect th a t from her (trad)>"

"Did I tell you ab o u t th e phone call?"

"She d idn 't."

"Yeah! She is a w om an, she a in 't no lady." (Rob did not w an t to discuss this in front

of Lyn due to th e vulgar language bu t he did inform Jason a t a la te r d a te w hen asked

see additional n o te a t Feb 2016).

Rob "Jenny, me and Jason are going downstairs."

Jason walks o u t a fte r Rob. deBrenni walking tow ards Pyne, from dining room end and is walking purposefully w ith bat in hand in a postu red position.

Rob "You going to h it m e are you?" (as deB renni is walking tow ards him purposefully)deBrenni "I feel like it som etim es".

(while saying th is deBrenni Is audibly thum ping th e bat in his hands, a t this po in t deBrenni

has sto p p ed to th e left hand side of Robs W heel chair approxim ately 2.5m from Rob.)

deBrenni "You done it, you done y o u r ,.."As Jason walks up DeBrenni says "How you going m ate" to Jason.

Rob says "Not so m e th in g ! am doing on my ow n."N ote - correction to Paragraph 28 (above) - correction in audio file.

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Diary Entries o f Jason W ard — typed into WORD fo rm at fo r readability.





* * *


afternoon 3'** D ecem ber 2015.calls w ith i m i i m i l i m i l (a

"Yeah no th a t 's alright only because I sen t Jimmy a tex t afte r I spoke to you. JimPearce m ake con tac t w ith Rob Pyne. Will be interesting, h e h asn 't responded to my

tex t. I know he I w ould have g o t it, I know it w as sent."

ril b e honest w ith you, th e re Is a fair bit o f ca t and m ouse, ducks and drakes going

on. I d o n 't know how honest th e y a re with you, to be honest, a n d ! d o n 't I

and you d o n 't and w e a re honest w ith each other."Yeah th a t 's it."

"so I can ju s t tell you, I think they a r e ' _ you and you around, you'll

be hard pressed to g e t th e tru th o u t o f any of them .


The reason I know th is is because I spend a w hole w eek in Brisbane. Everything th a t

goes on and I've go t m e finger on th e pulse. Jim Pearce certainly has n o t m ade any

effo rt to se e Rob Pyne and it looks m ore like he has shunned rob Pyne.

"I spoke to m u today and w en t in to m ore detail and I suppose bullying and

th re a ts on Rob Pyne."

"She's good I'll forw ard all this o n to you from parliam ent. W hat you h ear and w hat w e see a re tw o different things. I have w atched w hat Mick deBrenni & Curtis have done, I w as th e re . 1 knov J isg race^ l. I also know w h at Jackie Trad has been

doing, absolutely terribly.""It's disgraceful behaviour, w e all know w h at so rt o f person Jackie Trad Is".

m m "Well m ate, I'm right behind you on th e w hole lo t m ate."Jason "W hat h e 's been through in his life and to b e a quadriplegic and be tre a te d like a


i m i honestly tell you I d idn 't know ab o u t it (the bullying) till afte r th e factyesterday."

Jason "Internally w hat ever is going on th e re , m ate, w e w itnessed it,"

m i "She's a they did ge t o n e o f o u r clients up b u t th a t 's nothingcom pared to this local governm ent stuff. It's no t even a te n th o f th e im portance of

this local governm ent stuff."

Jason No it's not. . ,ou know h o w m i ^ *a t gathering o u r m aterial and evidence,

m i yourself m ate , I ju st tell it how It is and just say it how it is. I believe ifsom eth ing 's go t to be spoken and said and it's im portan t enough they have go t to listen.

Jason From w h at I can see Curtis Is playing you as well,

m i Yeah I know, I know th a t.W e tried to g e t in con tact w ith him tw ice on ind tw ice o n : I d on 't

know how 1 m issed him, it's all and wind, I know th a t. I've got m e own m em bers and business to look a fte r and m i H I w as going on ab o u t th e


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Diary Entries o f Jason W a rd - ty p e d into WORD form at for readability.

and fair enough I understand and I know a lot of farm ers, I certainly suppo rt th e

jut a t th e sam e tim e w h a f s m ore im portan t is this local governm en t issue.

Jason Regardless o f w hat H H I th e re is a tim e and a place, and th e re is a tim eand a place to carry on bu t you have got to let th e system do w hat it is supposed to

do.1 ^ 1 Jackie Trad will be th e downfall of th e ALP.Jason You dam right, and I will be honest w ith you, I have no qualm s in assisting because

she has ju st picked on my m ate w ho is a quadriplegic in a w heelchair. Hey ‘ , shew as very very very very lasty and so w as Mick deBrenni so \they picked on my m ate w ho is a quadriplegic and they did it in a very nasty way and

Curtis Pitt w as in am ongst it as well.

H Yeah.Jason They d o n 't deserve to be th e re m ate. I to ld you j j j |B I believe in th e cause, and I

believe in good people and I believe th e re is right and wrong. I w ould no t le t th a t

happen to a union m em ber o r a non-union m em ber, a politician or a person of the

public, it is ju st wrong.They should know b e tte r , politicians like th a t (deBrenni, Pit & Trad).

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Diary Entries of Jason W ard - ty p e d into WORD form at for readability.

Thursday December 2015 phone calls with |Early evening.

I . (connected to Pit & Unions)





He tab led m ore stu ff in relation to allegations.W ho tried to block th a t?Curtis.

ohhhhh.I am dow n here I do know w hat Is going on.W as it specifically Curtis o r w as th e re , o r w as it th e party?

Curtis, deBrenni, Trad.

Oh, and Mick deBrennl.

Did he g e t blocked on th e floor o r In th e party room ?In every avenue. They put extrem e pressure on him.

Really?th re a t, intim idation, you nam e it.

Really.any m an or w om an th a t w ants to th rea ten and intim idate a quadriplegic in a

w heelchair in my books can go and ge t H .th a t 's w rong eh. Did Curtis th re a te n him? W hat did Curtis say?I'm no t telling you over th e te lephone , I'll tell you one day, cowards.Poor Rob Pyne.Any m an in a w heelchair th a t has been th rea ten e d and intim idated, it is disgraceful. That low life, Mick deBrenni.Mick deBrenni h e 's a thug. Mick deBrenni is a thug.I saw Mick deBrenni, I know ab o u t Curtis and I know abou t Jackie Trad.Oh well. Yeah, well th a t 's exactly right. I w o n 't be talking to him m uch anym ore.

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Diary Entries of Jason W ard - typed into WORD form at fo r readability.

Diary entry.Thursday 3"* D ecem ber 2015. 9pm M otel room Brisbane Lyn & Jason working late.

Conversation lasted 24 m ins and 32 seconds (Lyn's phone records)

1. Rob rang Lyn's phone stressed out.2. He said to Lyn, b e a t Parliam ent house early tom orrow m orning it is im portant.

3. W hen I w en t to go into parliam ent Mick deBrenni blocked m e a t th e doors.4. He tried to stop m e going on to the Parliam ent floor.5. Rob said, I asked him why? Mick had said, th e deputy prem ier is talking ab o u t you.

6. Rob said to Mick, Tm rostered on and if th a t 's th e case I definitely w an t to be in th e re

And had to use force to e n te r th e room fay way of w heelchair.

7. W e ail agreed to check Hansard w hen it becam e available overnight and Rob w as going to

prepare a personal explanation.8. In closing, Rob said he and Jenny w ere very shaken.

9. We to ld Rob w e will change o u r plans and be th e re first thing In th e morning.10. You cannot restric t a m em ber from entering th e cham ber w hen they are entitled to do

so.11. Conversation w as on loud speaker, totally shocking behaviour.

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Diary Entries of Jason W a rd - ty p e d Into WORD form at for readability.





3'̂ December 201S late night phone calls with union contacts.I had a co u n te rp a rt th a t has been involved in politics and M inisters and in 25 years

and they said th a t in th e 25 years th a t they have been around parliam ent they have

never seen bullying like this and against the ir own. They w ere disgusted.W hat th e m i is mick deBrenni having anything to say. W hat th eHe w asn 't ju s t having som ething to say, he w as being m i ''^ B physical. He physically

blocked rob from getting through th e doors.

Did you see th a t?No, bu t I saw som eth ing else, w hen they had th e Brisbane h ea t/raw or w hatever it

w as, I saw Mick deBrenni walking up w ith a cricket b a t and Rob said w hat a re you

going to d o w ith th a t, hit m e over th e head w ith th a t, Mick said i'd like to ,

REALLY, I'm gunna fix th is hing.








they had gift packs fo r all th e Politicians, and Mick deBrenni walks up th e

veranda and he is going past Rob Pynes m edia room as rob is going along th e veranda, Rob said w hat a re you going to do w ith it Mick, hit m e? Mick says som e

tim es I'd like to .

Did he say it in a joke-full way?

like ie did.Ok.

He w asn 't smiling and he w asn 't Joking. And It w asn 't till i w as th e re th a t he had to change his iem eanour.W hat did Curtis d o to him, do you know?I know b u t anyway it's no t fo r m e to divulge.G et Rob Pyne to ge t In touch with me. I'll fix th e s e ' ight up.

In th e m ean tim e I'm going to g e t in touch w ith som ebody e lse and say hey, H i '^ B hell, th e re is a bit o f bullying going on.I've never seen anything like it in my life. I've w orked in mining and construction and w e go off and w hatever, but I tell you w h a t m H ^ certainlydo no t to u ch incapacitated people, w e do n o t touch paraplegics or quadriplegics.

I know, i know, w ho th e | B th e se B l think th ey are?You can expect it from one side to th e o th e r but n o t from your ow n party.I'm d isappointed to find ou t Curtis w as a p art of th is bullying.

I can te ll you now, if they think I'm going to sit he re and let th is go lets see w hat com es o u t o f th e closet, lets play, because w e have com e dow n here professionally

and w e have d o n e everything by th e book. W e have tried to have m eetings with

th e se people, and w e have been slam m ed in th e face and still w e pu t our faith and hope in th e m and th is is w hat they do. I tell you now I B B I am going to te ll som eone else.That Is disgraceful, it is Inhum ane. Rob Pyne was never m ore happy to see me.Poor

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Diary Entries o f Jason W ard - ty p ed into WORD form at fo r readability.

Friday 4







D ecem ber 2015 ea rly m orning p hone conversations w ith m | | P |

How w as rob feeling, w as he scared?

He w as shaken, clearly shaken, he 's ju s t been bullied.I know, you know w hat, I am waiting to see If Shane Knuths office pu t It in the ir diary.He's ju s t being bullied. There is no o th e r w ord fo r it.Mick deBrenni does w orry me. You know he is a thug, hey.

Oh yeah everyone is a thug to th e m an in a wheelchair.

No b u t he has go t form , th a t is w hat I am trying to tell you. That's why he 's got a

reputation .


I'm ju s t saying th a t 's w hat w orries m e w hen you say mick deBrenni.

Well if you are In th a t arena, you ac t like a professional, th a t's all I've got to say.

Well Shanes office, well I'm gunna have to p u t th a t In my diary. Well I've said th a t is

w hat I w an t you to do, do n 't hide it, d o n 't pu t it u n d e r th e bushel, just pu t it in th e

! diary. I w an t docum entation th a t I w an t Information th a t Rob Pyne has been

bullied because if th e y cover it up they are just as bad in my eyes,

mmm .

This has com prom ised m e. I to ld her I couldn 't give a w hat it has done to you. Yeh Yeah, It's jullying th e re Is no o th e r w ord for it.You'd stand up fo r him eh.Why do you th ink I go th e re all th e tim e, because it's happened before.Oh, so this isn 't th e first tim e.Nope, th a t Why w e com e dow n here.

W ho w as doing it last tim e?

Um, Mick & Jackie Trad.

She's a H o f a thing.Yes.Can you ge t him to call m e w hen you see him? I'm not going to put up with som eone being bullied if it's got to go to th e m edia I d o n 't care, very disgusted, very disappointed, and very angry.I'm angry fo r th e fac t th a t any person w h e th e r they a re in a w heelchair o r w hatever

Yeah th a t 's right.You d o n 't t r e a t a fellow hum an being th a t way, I te ll you w hat,

to o happy.

I expected a w hole lot m ore from Curtis pItt th a t is w hy I am so disappointed in him. I am disgusted in him th a t he has taken p art in this. In th is bullying it disgusts m e. I w an t this inquiry to happen, I know h e deserves better.You g o t n o id ea w hy th e y a re covering it u p eh . Holy Jesus.

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Page 29: Page 1 of 55 - Queensland Parliament...59. At 8:59pm, Rob Pyne rang Lyn's mobile phone. Lyn spoke to Rob briefly before putting it on loud speaker. Conversation went for 24 minutes

Diary Entries o f Jason W a r d - ty p e d into WORD form at fo r readability.

Diary:- Friday 4̂ '’ December 2015.1. phone conversation w ith in mote) room before leaving for parliam ent.

2. H U rang back, sorry I had to take a call, w an ted to know w hat Curtis's m essage w as I did no t tell her. I ju st said I have a fair idea and it w as p re tty bad because Rob hang up quickly.

3. said pu t th a t as ide now they a re physically th rea ten ing him, th a t is wrong, will you stand up as a w itness if I brought th e se m atte rs up to HR? W ouidyou stand up as a w itness and do a s ta t dec?

4. I said yeah you do n o t do th a t to anyone.5. said, I have m ade som e calls to som e people th a t a re going to deal w ith this and we

as people ge t o th e r election offices put it in the ir diaries th a t they w ere aw are of Rob Pyne

getting bullied.6. I spoke to sb o u t it, th is is my idea, I am going to ring Shane Knuths office so

they have to pu t it in th e diary. They have to by law. M ate she d idn 't w an t a bar o f it, she

could no t g e t m e off th e phone quick enough. la sk ed jjjjjj^H ^^ * ^ - She said | H *7. Lvn and Jason left for parliament at Sam.8. Arrived a t Parliam ent, rob m e t us a t th e annex and w e w en t straight to his office and we

discussed w h a t had happened th e night before.

9. Jenny and Rob still very shaken, Rob ran us through his personal explanation, everything was

in order. Papers w ere placed in his in tray which w e place in his lap, before w e escorted to Parliam ent.

10. I said to Rob, today I am going to sit in th e gallery above and in fron t o f you.11. Rob you will be able to see m e th e whole tim e a t any s tage if Mick deBrenni th rea ten s you,

intim idates you, you are to look a t m e and nod your head. Do you understand because I will be w atching everything. Rob said, I will, d o n 't worry.

12. Lyn sat a t th e river end o f th e gallery and I sa t opposite Rob.

13. As soon as I w as se a te d w e acknowledged each other.14. Not long a f te r th a t , before parliam ent com m enced, Mick deBrenni walked around to his sea t

and was leaning over talking to him rob w as looking away clearly you could tell deBrenni was

agitated.15. Rob s ta rted looking a t his no tes. deBrenni leaned over and appeared to grab a t them or look

a t them . Rob tu rn ed th e m over and placed his hands on th e m which appeared to infuriate


16. Rob then looked a t m e and s ta rts to nod his head.17. deBrenni still leaning over talking to Rob.18. Rob continues to look up a t m e nodding his head.19. After this happened a num ber o f tim es, deBrenni finally co ttons on and looks up into the

gallery and sees me. Mick and I make eye contact, he s ta rts shaking his head and briefly sits

and sta rts texting.20. A nother ALP MP com es over to Mick.21. Mick then gestures up to m e bu t as if to say d o n 't look up.22. Then th e re is a w hole lot m ore texting.

23. Trad goes for h er phone, sh e sta rts texting too.24. Then deBrenni walks over to Trad and m otions to th e gallery bu t once again as if to say d on 't

look up.25. After which Trad and deBrenni finish talking Mick heads back to Rob.

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Diary Entries o f Jason W a r d - ty p e d into WORD form at fo r readability.

26. Trad th e n glares a t m e in th e gallery with th e m ost vile look.

27. I ju st sit th e re staring back a t her m otionless. She th en brakes th e stare .

28. Parliam ent is ab o u t to sta rt. deBrenni leans over and says som ething to Rob.29. I notice Rob tu rn on th e m icrophone and pull th e m outhpiece tow ards him.30. T he sp e a k e r o f t h e h o u se s ta r ts talking.

31. Mick deBrenni quickly reaches over, sw itches the m icrophone off and pulls it away from Rob

while th e speaker o f th e House continues.

32. An LNP m em ber th e n walks up to th e speaker o f th e house and says som ething to the speaker. C an 't clearly se e because 1 am sitting above them .

33. The speaker of th e house th e n says apparently th e m em ber fo r Cairns w ished to speak, I

m ust have missed th e red tight, to th a t effect.34. The speaker o f th e house th e n allows Rob to address parliam ent.

35. W hen he finished th e speaker said th a t w as m ore inline of a s ta te m en t no t a personal

explanation bu t it being th e last sitting day I will allow it.

36. W e ail end up back In robs office to discuss w hat happened.

37. Rob is going to w rite to th e speaker o v e r th e break over mick bullying him.

3 8 .1 1 1 1 1 1 keeps ringing all o f us. She has been trying to ge t hold o f Curtis Pitt bu t has been told

he is on th e floor. She getting tex ts from KAP and LNP saying OMG abou t deBrenni w hat he's doing to Rob, w h a t is going on.

39. Tell Rob I will have all th is so rted o u t by this-arve. Tell rob call Curtis pit and I will negotiate for him.

40. I told her to back off, rob needs space.41. She is trying to give mick deBrenni enough room , he will hang himself.42. She is going off because I w o n 't let anyone talk to Rob.43. m m says he'll be fine he is Just really nervous. If he d o esn 't call m e I'm never call again.44. LNP m em ber com es into Rob's office. Dale Lars. I saw deBrenni take th e m icrophone off

you, I saw you try to talk th a t 's w hen I w en t up and got th e speaker to l I said to him,

w as th a t you th a t did th a t.45. He (deBrenni) to o k th e m icrophone off him.46. Dale said, 1 saw you try and ge t th e mic and th a t's w hen I w en t up, he can 't do tha t, you 're

allowed to speak.

47. No backo ff th a t w as p retty ordinary.48. Lyn O 'Connor w as In Rob's office, and she sta tes, no he tu rn ed th e m icrophone off and

tu rn ed it away from Rob.49. Dale said, I saw him reach across and tu rn it around.50. Hang on this is no t on, th a t 's , I done w hat I did.51. If you w an t to talk you can. They can 't stop you.52. I thanked Dale fo r w h a t he did.53. Pretty bad w hen th e o th e r party com es to your aid, as in LNP.54. Billy G ordon co m es in to R ob 's office. C heck 'n on Rob. Q uick c h a t a b o u t su g a r bill th e n says.

I'm ju s t check ing on y o u , check ing y ou r ok. I'll ca tch u p w ith you later.

55. I said to rob, ve gather evidence.56. Rob says m m i just te x t Curtis and le t him know I've go t his diary

accurately m arked.

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Diary Entries of Jason W a rd - ty p e d into WORD form at fo r readability.

Phone calls w ith I I Friday 4̂ *' D ecem ber 2015. M orning.



llllflllB l m ade som e calls to som e people th a t a re going to deal w ith this and I'vebeen thinking ab o u t it, and w hat w e as people should do is w e have o th er election officers and have it pu t in the ir diaries th a t w e w e re aw are Rob Pyne has been

getting bullied.

Jason I'm su re o th e r people know ab o u t it but they have closed ranks.So w hat I did do is rang Shane Knuths office knowing Shanes no t th e re , and I talked to Kate. And I said hey, can Shane go and have a ta lk with Rob Pyne, he's being

bullied, and sh e 's like w hat? Can you p u t th a t in you r diary th a t I have rung to tell

you th a t he 's been bullied.

M mm , M m m m m , mmm.

Because If they all do nothing they are ju s t as bad as each o ther.M mm, m m m oh,

Because I know fo r a fact, parliam entary rules a re tha t if th a t sort o f stuff happens

th ey have to pu t it in th e ir Parliam entary Diaries th a t th ey 'v e had a call about it.


oh m ate . I'm no t going to let them get aw ay w ith it. They are not going to bully a

m an In a w heelchair b u t also he 's been voted in b y his people, w here 's th e respect? Well this is my th ing He is doing th e right thing by th e people he represen tsso they have a voice. So he is allowed to rep rese n t his people, their grievances and concerns to Parliam ent, th a t 's they are th e re for.I've spoken to abou t it and said w ell, this is my idea, Tm going to ringShane Knuths office so th ey have to pu t it in the diary they have to by law, they are obligated.Yeah Yeah.M ate, sh e d idn 't w an t a bar o f it. She couldn 't g e t me off th e phone quick enough.

W ho couldn 't?Kate

Kate Yeoman, sh e 's in Brisbane, Kate w ho is chief of staff,No, sh e 's in th e office in A therton, I ju s t spoke t o her. She couldn't ge t m e off th e

phone quick enough once I'd said tha t.

Jason Really?She said he'll have to go and see HR if h e 's got a problem but I will have to put it in my diary. I said well I w an t you to put it in your diary, th a t 's why I'm ringing.






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Diary Entries o f Jason W ard - typed into WORD form at fo r readability.

15’" Dec 2015 Letter o f Formal Complaint hand delivered to Curtis Pitts Gordonvale office. S tam ped received da te stam p and copy re ta ined fay Ward.

Diary:- 29*" D ecem ber 2015!1. Late arvo. Driving trac to r topping paddocks.

2. Jason H um phreys rings me.3. I tell him you'll have to forgive me I'm driving a trac to r and It's a bit rough.4. Jason says calling relation to my com plaint m ade to Curtis's office on 15’" D ecem ber and

he w an ted to know w hat it was ab o u t and how he can help. I s ta ted to him it is clearly

m arked it is in relation to a com plaint in D ecem ber Parliam ent and bullying.

Jason askes do I which to discuss it w ith him.

I said to him my apologies b u t no I d o n 't I said due to the nature and the seriousness and th e people involved I do no t think it's appropriate to discuss th is m a tte r w ith him.

I said to him I feel it is m ore appropriate th a t I speak w ith Curtis considering he Is in th e to p th ree

of m inisters and geographically he is closest to w here I reside.

Due to th e n a tu re and seriousness I feel Curtis Is th e best person to discuss this w ith and give me

advice. Jason said, Curtis is aw ay on leave.But I could w rite to th e clerk of parliam ent. I said I w ould like to m eet w ith Curtis to discuss

m a tte rs first. Can he arrange a m eeting for me. Jason said Curtis will be on leave until around th e 18*" of January and he will see w hat he can do to arrange a m eeting and will ge t back to m e in a couple of w eeks. I said thank-you, I look forw ard to tha t.

Diary N ote: Prior to 14*" m ade call to Curtis Pitts chief of staff left m essage to call back.

Diary N ote: 14*" January 20161. Jason H u m p h rey s-C u rtis Pitts Chief o f staff.2. Phone call for an appo in tm en t - follow up in relation to a m eeting with Curtis, have also

rung his mobile. Not available.3. Sent w hat w as letter.4. Jason Humphreys MOB, he called m e and I called him.5. Office girl & left a m essage.

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Diary Entries o f Jason W ard - typed Into WORD form at for readability.

Diary N ote: 26.01.2016

1. ! rang Rob Pyne afte r I had received th e em ail from Jason Humphreys, Curtis's chief of

staff.2. I to ld Rob ab o u t th e em ail I had received and It had s ta te d th a t Curtis had spoken to you

on th e w eekend.3. I ju s t w an ted to confirm It w as in relation to this m atter.

4. Rob s ta te d to me, I caught up with Curtis by chance, no appoin tm ent, and th e re w ere

o th e r parties p resen t and I can assure you a t no point did w e discuss w hat had happened In D ecem ber.

5. It w as a t th e BMX track and w e did discuss th e new lock o u t taw briefly.

6. I thanked rob and asked, so nothing was m entioned ab o u t December.

7. Rob said absolutely not.

8. Full com m ents in o th e r diary notes.

Diary Notes: W ed February 2016.1. 2 conversations w ith Rob Pyne in person re Trad abusive phone call, Chris W hiting was

p resen t w hen this took place.2. Conversations D ecem ber w hen W hiting visited Cairns com m ented.3. 2 conversations w ith Rob Pyne in relation to Trad abusive phone call.4. Chris W hiting w an ted to know if I was In th e room w hen Trad w en t off and abused him.

5. m Sunday 7.2.20166. 26.01.2016 (13.00) BMX push bikes Curtis Pit

7. They 're playing catch-up.

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Diary Entries o f Jason W ard —typed into WORD form at fo r readability.

Diary Notes: Wed 3'“ Feb 2016Rob and Jason phone call

Jackie Trad abuse. A bout Chris W hiting visit.1. Phone conversation w ith Rob Pyne.2. 2"̂ * conversation in relation to ETU w anting to offer to com e Into Rob's office and give staff

training.3. On second though ts rob denied Stu, though t it w as not appropriate , Stu w as no t happy,

sw earing and other.4. Rob discussed w ith m e how Chris W hiting had com e up, th e new party whip and discussed


5. He asked Rob w as I in th e room w hen Jackie Trad had been abusing him over th e phone in

relation to th e 20min abusive phone conversation while Chris was holding th e phone.

6. I said to rob, well he was holding th e phone w hat does he think I was in th e cupboard?7. I will have to go back through my diaries bu t I rem em ber Jackie w aited until Lyn and 1 had

left th e n w en t into your office and abused you.

8. The second tim e she rang you I w asn 't sure if it w as Chris o r Bruce holding th e phone while

she abused you afte r which you told Lyn and I She might be a w om an but she a in 't no lady,

m ore than once.9. I to ld Rob, I was with him w hen he played back th e m essage from Curtis in relation to th e

press release a fte r Mick had w alked w ith a cricket bat.

A J U l a .Page 18 of 19

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Diary Entries o f Jason W a rd - ty p e d into WORD fo rm at fo r readability.

Wednesday 10^ February 2016

Diary N otes:- Rob Pynes office confirming Jackie T rad 's abusive phone call.1. On th a t M onday night a t parliam ent In your office it w as Chris W hiting holding th e phone,

w as it Chris's Phone o r your phone?2. Rob said - ah 1 think it w as his, yeah, I'm p retty sure. I'm p retty su re he said "I'm w ith him


3. Oh I said, and th a t w as in your office w as it?4. Rob said yeah, it w asn 't late.

5. and I a sk ed 'ea rly evening'?

6. Rob said yeah , did I tell you w hat she said to me?

7. I'm a disloyal apparently.

8. Eh! I exclaimed.

9. Rob said it again - I'm a disloyal i apparently.10. Yeah Yeah am ongst o th e r things I said. Yeah11. Rob said. Look th e re was so many sw ear w ords I just, I Just you know,12. I said, you told m e, you th e w ords w ere, she 's a w om an bu t she a in 't no lady, so how much

sw earing w as th e re Rob? So much sw earing you couldn 't keep track?

13. Rob replied, w h a t's with this, fo r w om en to succeed In politics they have got to be so offensive. You know th e F w ord w as used many tim es.

14. I asked w hat w as W hitings reaction?15. Rob said, well he was upset. He was. Cause I was starting to ge t fired up.16. He w as going w oe w oe w oe. He w asn 't happy w ith th e abuse.17. Yeah, he w as trying to calm it down. He knows this, he was on local govt w ith a p re tty dodgy

m ayor so he knows.18. So even now he is talking abou t o th e r ways.19. So Trad w as Just verbally abusing you? Yeah.20. W hat else did she call you apart from a disloyal ? T hat's ju s t phew , drunken football

talk.21. Rob said Yeah Yeah,22. I asked did she go into specifics?23. Rob said - th e F w ord w as m entioned many tim es, many tim es in a short space of tim e.

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jason ward .

From: jason ward <[email protected]>S e n t: - Tuesday, 26 January 201610:09 AM '

To: 'Jason Humphreys’S ubject: RE: C om pla in t C o rre sp o n d e n c e reply

Jason a n d Curtis you’ve neglected to add the phone calls artd previous attempts we have made to talk or meet with you . W hy all of a sudden the interest? We've been totally ignore^d for the last eight months and now suddenly you w ish to correspond AMAZING.T hank you fo r th e adv ice b e lo w re g a rd in g th e c lerk h o w e v e r I n e e d to p o in t o u t th a t I a m still w a itin g fo r y o u r re tu rn

p h o n e call a f te r leav ing a m e s sa g e w ith y o u r o ffice o v e r a fo r tn ig h t ag o w ith sp ec ific in s tru c tio n s . Looking fo rw a rd to

C urtis a t te n d in g to th is d e ta il.

Kind reg a rd s ,la so n w ard , HTJ, ^

Jason Humphreys Fmaiito:Jason.Humphrevs(Q!ministeriai.Qld.qov.au1 je n t: Tuesday, 26 January 2016 9:41 AM To: [email protected] Subject: Complaint Correspondence

, r

Dear Mr Ward

Thank you fo r your emaii o f 15 Decem ber 2015 to the Honourabie Curtis Pitt MP regarding concerns about the M ember for ̂South Brisbane and M ember for Springwood during the Parliamentary sitting week commencing 30 November 2015.

I would like to reiterate my advice provided to you during our phone ■Conversation on 29 Decem ber 2015. I

That advice w as the appropriate course o f action was to refer these allegations to Mr Neil Laurie, Clerk o f the Parliament. M r Laurie’s contact details are below:

M r Neil Laurie I

The Clerk o f the Parliament Parliam ent House Cnr George and Alice Streets Brisbane Qld 4000


or [email protected]

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I would also note that during this conversation you indicated you would not discuss the allegations with me and that you only wanted to discuss your concerns with the Treasurer when he returned from leave.

I can advise you the Treasurer has spoken w ith M r Pyne on the weekend and has also tried to call him today.

Yours sincerely

Jason H um phreys

C hief o f StaffO ffice o f th e H on. C u rtis P itt MP

^ his em ail, to g e th e r w ith any attachm ents, is in tended fo r the nam ed rec ip ien t(s) on ly ; and m ay contain .a iv iieged and co n fid en tia l in fo rm ation . I f received in e rro r, y o u are asked to in fo rm the sen d er as qu ick ly

possib le and d e le te th is em ail and any copies o f th is from y o u r com puter system netw ork.

I f no t an in tended re c ip ie n t o f th is em ail, you m ust n o t copy , d istrib u te or take any ac tion(s) th a t re lies on it; any form o f d isc lo su re , m od ifica tion , d istribu tion and /o r pub lica tio n o f th is em ail is also p roh ib ited .

U nless sta ted o th e rw ise , th is em ail rep resen ts only the v iew s o f th e sender and n o t the v iew s o f the Q ueensland G o vernm en t.

P lease consider the en v iro n m en t befo re p rin tin g th is em ail.

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Jason W ard PO Box 999 Atherton Qld 4883 ia so n w a rd 3 @ b ig D o n d .c n m ail

M o b ile 0418 876930Mr Neil LaurieThe Clerk of the ParliamentParliament House

Cnr George and Alice Streets ‘Brisbane Qld 4000 tAnd email;- [email protected]

RE Formal Complaint of Intimidation and Bullying against MP.9th February 2016

Dear Mr Laurie,

I have num bered the paragraphs simpiy for ease of reference in future communication.

1. As you may be aware by now, I w rote to Hon Curtis Pitt On 15^ ̂ December, making a Formal Complaint of Intimidation &. Bullying against another MP {Member for Cairns Rob Pyne) and asking for specific guidance on whom else specifically a formal complalht in relation to this m atter needed to be addressed to. My letter Is ATTACHMENT 2.

2. I w anted to talk with Curtis Pitt in person due to the seriousness of th e conduct and to be respectful and sensitive tow ards Rob & Jenny Pyne. I was also very aware tha t Hqn Curtis Pitt was directly involved a t one point so I believed he should be in a position to clarify and assist with my concerns and desire to lodge a Formal Complaint.

3. On 26* ̂January 2016, Australia Day, and after this issue began to be aired in the media with reference to an LNP MP who witnesses a t least part of th e microphone issue, I received an email from Hon Curtis Pitts Chief of Staff Mr Jason Humphreys advising that my formal complaint should be referred to you as The Clerk of th e Parliament. Copy of this Email is ATTACHMENT 3. On the understanding tha t the advice provided to me byi Mr Humphreys is correct, I am therefore addressing this summary to you. I apologise in advance if this advice was not correct and ask th a t you provide further guidance on whoI should address such a complaint and in due course evidence to. Note tha t there are o ther m is-statem ents in this email which I will detail in due course should it become necessary.

4. As a civilian, I am in perhaps an unusual and unique position as a direct witness to be able to provide evidence of unethical conduct by Current Members of Parliament.

5. It is my sincere belief and judgem ent th a t these m atters must be referred to the ethics com m ittee. I am aware tha t these are serious allegations and I make them of my own free will and in the interest of honesty, tru th and justice. In addition, I believe the m atters justify referral to th e ethics com m ittee so tha t there Is a standardised and

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rigorous process applied coupled with confidentiality In so far as i f is possible. I am willing to participate to the fullness of my ability in any investigation and hearings that may follow. If there is a preferred form at for receiving evidence and witness

statem ents please advise and I will iattend to these m atters as soon as possible.6. The complaint encompasses th e conduct individually, collectively and systematically of

Deputy Premier Hon Jackie Trad, Hon Curtis Pitt and th e Hon Mick deBrenni towards and against M ember for Cairns Rob Pyne. The contribution of each is identified in the Table a t ATTACHMENT 1.

7. Some aspects th a t I will refer to below w ere of great concern on their own, however

when considered in the context of accumulative effect, deliberate & systemic approach and th e duration of the impacts these m atters need to be clearly understood and assessed.

8. I am aw are of the additional responsibilities of a 'Whip' and have som ew hat modified my expectations in the knowledge th a t som eone has to be the,roustabout to help keep things running to schedule and complying with procedural requirem ents. However w bat I w itnessed was far above and beyond acceptable, conduct by any M em ber Of Parliament including the Whip and Ministers.

9. I attended Parliament in October and December 2015 with a colleague and consistent with my normal practice I have detailed diary notes in addition to sharp and accurate recall. I was a direct witness to several events and an indirect witness to a few issues via conversations and phone calls. 1 and othfers provided immediate support to Rob and Jenny Pyne after a few events th a t happened during the hours I was absent from Parliament.

10.1 currently have a list of seven nam es including myself, who I consider to have been direct w itnesses to these events in addition to six names th a t I consider to be secondary witnesses.

1 1 .1 know most of these people are, of their own accord or If requested, willing to assist th e relevant authority with their investigations by providing detailed evidence in Statutory Declaration and in person in addition to w hat may be already captured in personal notes and diary entries^ . '

12. To prowde a framework for rapid familiarisation of the issue each aspect of th e alleged offences are summarised in th e attached table. I have .tried to present it in chronological order to dem onstrate th a t the concerns are not one-off and th ere is a very concerning history around th e conduct in question tha t provides very relevant context. The Table is ATTACHMENT 1.

13. Please no te th a t this is no t 'th e evidence'. This is a rapid sum mary for your briefing purposes'a t th is stage. I aw ait confirm ation of th e correct lodgem ent process and any form atting or o ther requirem ents fo r my substantial volume of evidence to be p resen ted to th e relevant person/au thority .

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14. In so far as I can tell,.the incidents that have been referred to publicaHy are contained in the Table as follows;-

7.ii. 2015.12.01 deBrenni with Cricket bat.

9. 2015.12.03 deBrenni prohibiting Pyne from entering the House.1 0 . 2015.12.04 deBrenni interfering with Pynes Microphone.

15. W hat I witnessed is not acceptable in any workplace let alone by MP's towards an MP while in the Parliamentary Precinct, at the entrance to the House and on the Floor during a sitting session.

16. Because of the M ember for Cairns's physical disability and confinem ent to a wheelchair I found it even m ore disturbing in relation to blatant discrimination and targeted

bullying because an able bodied person can open a door and remove themselves fromI

the situation.

In Summary:-17. Lam a direct witness, have detailed diary entries and other evidence andJ am willing to

cooperate with the relevant authority /commitjtee and provide evidence in whatever reasonable form at is required.

18. The events were real and in addition to being workplace bullying and harassm ent they w ere an Impediment on th e Member for Cairns in carrying out his duties and exercising his rights as a duly elected MP. '

19. Each elem ent of these alleged offences Was carried out by or contributed to by Deputy Premier Jackie Trad, Minister Hon Mick deBrenni & Hon Curtis Pitt.

2 0 .1 look forward to your response and advice in so far as it is appropriate especially in relation to when, w here and how to provide evidence and to whom. In th e interest of timeliness and turn-around tim es. Email is my preferred correspondence format.

21. Thank-you for your attention to this im portant and sensitive m atter and I anticipate hearing from you in the near future.

Yours sincerely.

Jason Ward.

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Table:- Rapid familiarisation of the Issue(s).


D ate A spect W itnesses Sum m ary from m y d ia ry & records F u rth e r ev idence

1.S ep t- Oct 2015

Pyne req u e sts M a tte r o f Public In te res t on speaking list.

PyneW ardColleague 1.

Pyne makes MPl re q u e s t via w hip deB renni. Pyne has approval fo r MPi.

P ersonal no tes, em ails & p h o n e records.Cross check fo r exac t d a te s Sept/O ct.

2.Oct 2015 Pyne MPt axed from

S peaker l is tPyneW ardColleague 1.

(Obstructing /d e n y in g a MP ability to d isch arg e th a t M em b ers rights/duty.)

Personal no tes , em ails & ph o n e records.Cross check fo r exac t d a te s S ept/O ct.

3. Oct 2015 Pyne tab ling o f docsen c o u n te rsresis tance.

PyneW ardColleague 1

Phone calls to m ed ia co n tac ts advising o f delay in tabling . Process erro r in tabling, still doing so ft launch, on ly doc o ff em bargo is 19 page briefing p a p e r titled "O ur local Govt, and fa ilu re o f Complaints Process".

Personal n o te s , em ails & p h o n e records.

4. Oct 2015 Trad d ro p s In on Pyne in office and tells him it is bad tim ing.

Pyne Trad no t happy w ith Pyne.Trad tells Pyne th a t th is is bad tim ing as sh e is signing MOU with LGACt 'tom orrow '.Trad seem ed m ore u p se t th a t 'b ad tim ing '."She used language t w ould n ev e r use .""She can sw ear b e t te r th a n m e i know th a t."

Check Colleagues no tes t o confirm ju s t how unhappy Trad w as.1 believe she w as to the e ffec t o f 're a lly o ff '.

5. 31 Nov 2015

Delivery of file to Pyne a t Parliam ent Annex.

PyneW ardColleague 1.

Pyne Recently fin ished Caucus.Pyne seem ed unhappy and troub led .Respect th a t w e ca n n o t ta lk a b o u t Caucus so leave it a t th a t. Re­affirmed th a t w e a re 100% behind Pyne rain hall o r shine.

6. 31 Nov 2015

Trad p h o n e call to Pyne.



Trad m ade long abusive p hone call to Pyne. (MP) present. (Confirmed)

^ ^ H ( M P ) p re se n t fo r Trad call C onfirm ed - Call reco rd & N otes Feb 2016.



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(Effectively V erbal assau lt and th re a te n in g a MP o n acco u n t o f th a t M P's in ten d ed and p rev ious co n d u c t ie tab ling docs th e follow ing day.)

Pyne tells us ab o u t it im m ediate iy prior to m edia s ta te m e n t on Tuesday, (see n o te in 7. Below re audio).Regarding Trad; "She's a w om an b u t she ain’t no lady".

1** Dec 2015



M edia S ta tem en t day.

I. De Brenni trie s to stop M edia S ta tem en t.

II. D eB renni Cricket Bat.

III. Pitt calls Pyne.

(M isconduct, th re a te n in g & in tim ida tion from MP to MP in an a tte m p t to P revent MP from expressing his rights to conduct M edia S ta tem en t.)


PyneW ard


(Colleague 1

M et Rob inside Annex en tran ce .Rob tells us DeBrenni ju s t said to him 'you g o t a m ed ia conference a t 1pm, 1 can tell you now th a t 's n o t go ing to happen .’ Rob said to him 'Your n o t going to g e t in my w ay '. D eB renni says 'Yes I am '. So Rob w en t a ro u n d him.There is this issue of P arliam entary Privilege th a t no m e m b e r of parliam ent should be in te rfe red w ith.Pyne m issed call from deB renni a b o u t th e sam e tim e Pyne ran in to deBrenni in th e corridor.Printing In Pyne office w ith Pyne, Pyne received voice m essage from Pitt re advise cau tion w ith M edia S ta te m e n t a n d suggests an MPi instead. (But MPI had a lready been req u e s ted a n d approved in O ct and then denied).DeBrenni approaches Pyne w ith BBL cricket b a t w alking in a very purposeful way and w hacking th e ba t repeated ly o n his hand as he gets closer to Pyne.

C o n tem poraneous diary no tes.DRAFT Diary Attachment 4.

DecN um erous Phone conversations with Union Officials / contacts.

Pyne X 2

W ardColleague 1.

a. Union con tac t rep o rted Bullying o f Pyne to o th e r M P's Chief of Staff w ho diarised It.

b. "Because if th e y cover it up, th e y a re ju s t as b ad In my eyes."c. "Mick deBrenni does w orry m e, you know h e is a thug".d. "But he 's (deBrenni) g o t form , th a t 's w h a t I'm try ing to tell

you". ____ __________________ __________

O th er MP's Chief o f Staff & diary.Q uotes from union d e leg a tes & co n tac ts .

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) ) i )

(It becom es ap p a re n t th a t the know ledge of various aspec ts of th e m isconduct e tc on som e MP's tow ards Pyne Is w idespread and causing concern.)

e. "So this Isn't th e first tim e".f. "W e need to g e t him (Pyne) o u t o f th e re " .g. "I'm not going to p u t up w ith so m eo n e being bullied, if it has

to go to th e m edia I d o n 't ca re ."h. "You do n 't t r e a t a fe llow h u m an being th a t w ay, I tell you

happy e ith er."i. "I expected a w hole lo t m o re from Curtis Pitt, th a t is w hy I

am so disappointed in him ." T m disgusted in him , th a t he has taken part in th is bullying shit. It d isgusts m e."

j. "I w ant this Inquiry to h ap p en .""I know he (Pyne) deserves b e tte r ."

9. 3" ̂Dec 2015



Denied Access to Parliament Floor (Obstructing a MP from entering the House. Threatening or Disadvantaging a MP on account of that MP's corufuct ie tabling docs and having media statement)

Pyne 1 & 2. (Ward) (Colleague 1.

Trad makes M inisterial S ta tem en t.7 :3 6 p m DeBrenni blocks Pyne from en te r in g House.De Brenni standing In fro n t o f c losed doors to th e Floor says to

Pyne "You m ight no t w a n t to go In th e re now , The D eputy Prem ier Is talking a b o u t y ou ." Pyne says "W ell I'm ro s te re d on and if th a t 's th e case I defin itely w a n t to b e In th e re ."

Pyne Insists o n en tering an d h ad to u se fo rce to e n te r th e room by way o f w heelchair. Pyne e n te re d th e H ouse in th e last m om ents of Trad M inisterial S ta te m e n t a t p a r t "fo r th e benefit o f m em bers, local gov t, com plain ts sh o u ld b e d ea ltw ith as follows:....."

Rob told us (W ard & Colleague) h e and Jenny w ere very shaken and we assured him w e w ould change o u r p lans an d be th e re first thing in th e m orning.

In the morning Pynes said to co lleague 1 th a t "w e c a n 't ta k e much m ore o f this".

Security and Live B roadcast recordings sh o u ld be ob ta ined by re le v an t authority . T here m u s t b e a security cam era a t en tra n c e to Floor surely?

C o n tem p o ran eo u s diary no tes of W ard & Others.

10. 4*̂ Dec 2015

The Microphone event.

Pyne Dale Last Ray Stevens W ardColleague 1. (O ther MP's

a) In Pynes Office d iscussed T hursday evening issue w ith DeBrenni blocking e n tra n c e to th e Floor. Pynes still disgusted.Prior to Parliam ent com m encing Pyne finalised n o te s and docum ents fo r Personal Explanation.Pyne and W ard ag reed o n w h ere W ard can s it in Gallery so



Security and Live B roadcast recordings sho u ld be ob ta ined by re le v an t authority .

C o n tem poraneous diary

P a g e 3 o f 5

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O bstructing a MP from exercising th a t M P's right to m ake a Personal Explanation.

D isrupting th e orderly conduc t o f th e business o f th e H ouse by in terfering w ith Pynes m icrophone w hich resu lted in LNP MPapproaching th e Speaker and Speaker backtracking to allow Pyne to m ake Personal Explanation.

Threatening a n d /o r disadvantaging a MP o n accoun t o f th a t M P's earlier conduct o f tabling docs and m aking M edia S ta tem en t.

should have noticed)

Secondary w itnesses X 3 minimum,

th a t they can easily see ea ch o th e r w ithou t Pyne having to tu rn around.

d) A greem ent th a t If deB renni o r o th e r w ere to bully or in tim idate Pyne he w as to look up and signal W ard. W ard m ade con tem poraneous diary n o te s on th e day an d in transit.

e) deB renni hassles Pyne constan tly .f) DeBrenni tries to look a t Pyne speaking no tes, Pyne

eventually tu rns th e p ap e rs o v e r face dow n and re s ts bo th hands across his tray.

g) deBrenni texting a lot.h) deBrenni walks over to T rad.i) Both deBrenni & Trad look a t W ard in gallery shaking heads

and glaring.j) This goes on and on. (see diary)k) Speaker called Personal Explanation, Pyne ac tiva ted

M icrophone. deBrenni d ea c tiv a te s m icrophone an d reaches over and pulls It aw ay fro m Pyne. LNP MP raises issue w ith speaker. Speaker calls Pyne.

I) Pyne reaches for m icrophone and activates. deB renni refuses to assist o r acknow ledge Pyne.

m) Pyne Personal Explanation delivered .n) Som e MP direct w itnesses m e e t in Pynes office during break

a f te r th ese events to o k p lace. All expressed to ta l disgust.o) Union Contacts call Pynes & W ards phones w an ting to know

w h at in the hell was going on . Union contacts h ad b een inform ed by parties know n to th e m ab o u t w h a t has happened.

no tes of W ard & Others.

11 .

Decemb er 2015

Letter of com plaint lodged a t Pitt's office.

W ardColleague

Late Dec 2015 ■ W ard receives p h o n e call from Pitt Chief o f staff In relation to 15 Dec com plain t.Pitt Chief of Staff wishes to d iscuss th e details.W ard declines and s ta te s th a t d u e to th e seriousness and sensitivity. ____ _____________________________

Q uestion:- W hy d id n 't P itt's Chief of Staff fo rw a rd ito n to Clerk In th e firs t place?

P age 4 o f 5

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/ o

c nO

L nu n

Copy o f le tte r Shown to Pyne on th e sam e day a f te r delivery to Pitts G ordonvale office.

W ard does not think it is ap p ro p ria te to discuss w ith o th e rs and W ard re-sta tes th a t he w ishes to speak to P itt only in rela tion to th e m a tte r and for guidance.Chief o f staff advised th a t Pitt w as on holidays until a round th e 18''' o f January 2016 and will try to o rgan ise ap p o in tm en t.Chief o f staff to g e t back to W ard an d advise o f ap p o in tm e n t o r otherw ise.W ard m ade 2 a ttem p ts by p h o n e in January to speak to P itt Chief o f Staff to organise m eeting w ith Pitt.M essages left bu t no response.26.01.2016 Exposure via C ourier Mail in rela tion to one issue involving Pyne.26.01.2016 9:41AM Email from P itt Chief o f S taff to W ard,(Noting th is w as A ustralia Day Public Holiday) em ail says P itt had spoken w ith Pyne on th e w eekend and also tr ie d to call him .Pyne confirm ed th a t he w as a t BMX on w eek en d and m e e tin g by chance, had pho to taken w ith Pitt, n o d iscussion in re la tion to this m a tte r a t any stage. O ther w itn esses w ere p re se n t and a t no tim e w ere th ey alone to discuss th is m a tte r. ____________________

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15'^ D e c e m b e r 2015

A rrflcnm E N Tla s o n W ardPO Box 999

Atherton Qld 4883-

RE Formal Complaint of intimidation & Bullying against MP.

D ear C urtis,

This is a fo rm a l co m p la in t o f in tim id a tio n an d bullying by ia c k ie T rad & M ick d eB ren n i to M r Rob Pyne MR M e m b e r fo r C airns.

This se r ie s o f re c e n t e v e n ts o c c u rre d in t h e s ittin g w eek o f co m m e n c in g M o n d ay 30^'’ N o v em b er Fhrough Friday 4* D ecem b er 2015 .

I a m w ritin g to you a s th e c lo se s t M P to R ob P y n es e le c to ra te (geograph ica lly ) a n d b e c a u s e yo u a re in th e to p 3 o f th e L abor g o v e rn m e n t (P rem ier, DP & T rea su re r) .

I w as a d ire c t w itn e ss to sev e ra l e v e n ts a n d h a v e d e ta ile d d ia r ie s o f w h a t I w itn e s se d .

I h e e d y o u r specific g u id an ce o n th e fo llow ing m a tte rs :-W ho e ls e , specifically , d o e s a fo rm a l c o m p la in t in re la tio n to th is m a t te r n e e d to b e a d d re s s e d to esp ec ia lly g iven th e position o f th e p e rp e tra to rs ;

AND th a t th is m is -c o n d u c t o c c u rre d in t h e P a rlia m e n ta ry P recinct;AND a t th e e n tr a n c e t o t h e h o u s e (P arliam en t);AND o n th e flo o r d u rin g th e s i tt in g o f P a rliam en t.

1 a m look ing fo rw ard to y o u r p ro m p t re sp o n se .

Y qurs,sincerely ,

Jason W ard .

M 0 4 1 8 8 7 6 9 3 0 ja so n w ard 3 @ b ig p o n d .co m

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ATTffcHMEMTjason w ard ___ _ _________

F rom : Ja so n H um phreys <Jason.H um phrey5@ m inistenal.q ld .gO V .au>S e n t: Tuesday, 26 January 2016 9:41 AMTo: Ja so n w ard 3 @ b ig p o n d .c6 mS u b je c t: C o m p ia in t C o rre sp o n d en ce .

Dear Mr Ward

Thank you for your email o f 15 December 2015 to the Honourable Curtis Pitt MP regarding concerns about the Member foij South Brisbane and Member for Springwood during the Parliamentary sitting week commencing 30 November2 0 1 5 .

7 would like to reiterate my advice provided to you during our phone conversation on 29 December 2015.

That advice was the appropriate course o f action was to refer these allegations to Mr Neil Laurie, Clerk o f the Parliament. M r Laurie's contact details are below:

Mr Neil LaurieThe Clerk o f the Parliam entParliament House ^Cnr George and Alice Streets Brisbane Qld 4000 ^

or N eii.l au rie raparliam en t.q ld

1 would also note that during this conversation you indicated you would not discuss the allegations with me and that you only wanted to discuss your concerns with the Treasurer when he returned from leave.

1 can advise you the Treasurer has spoken with M r Pyne on the weekend and ha also tried to call him today.

Yours sincerely

j,3son H um phreysC h ie f of S taff ^CJfficG o f th e Hon. C urtis P itt MP

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I h is em ail, to g e th e r w ith any attachments, is intended for the named recipient(s) only; and m ay co n ta inprivileized and confidential information, if received in error, you are asked to infprm the sender as quicklyas possib le and dele te th is em ail arid a n y copies o f this from your computer system network..

[f not an intended rec ip ien t o f th is em ail, you m ust no t copy.K iistribute o r take any action(s) that relies on it; anv f o r m o f d isc lo su re , m od ifica tion , d is tribu tion and /or pub lica tion o f th is em ail is also prohibited.

I inless slated o therw ise , th is em ail rep resen ts only the view s o f the sen d er add n o t the view s o f the O uocnsland G overnm ent.

fdease consider the env iro n m en t b efo re p rin ting th is em ail.

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From : ja so n w ard <jasonw ard3@ btgpond .com >S en t: Thursday, 11 February 2015 11:30 AM

■Jo: 'Nell Laurie'S u b jec t: RE; ATTN O erk of The Parliam ent - Com plaint re MP conduct.

Mr Laurie,Thank-you for your d e ta iled and p ro m p t response .At th e tim e o f w riting to you I had n o t y e t received posta l mail d u e to business com m itm en ts o u t o f th e office and my sta ff do n o t a t te n d to personal mail in my absence.

I can now confirm th a t I have received th e le tte r from th e Speaker an d will p rogress in th e d irec tion you have both now advised.

Thank-you again fo r you r a tte n tio n to th is m a tte r.

y-<id regards,_,.ion

Jason W ard M 0418876930

F ro m : Nell Laurie rmaltto:Neil.Laurie@ Darliam'|S e n t : Thursday, 11 February 2016 8 :50 AM T o : 'ja s o n ward'S u b je c t : RE: ATTN Clerk o f T he Parliam ent - Com plaint re MP conduct.

M r W ard

i re fer to your com piain t, w hich is in essen ce , is a com plain t a b o u t a M P's co n d u c t to w ard s a n o th e r MP.

W hilst u n d er th e P arliam en ta ry Serv/ce Acf 1988 , 1 am th e employiTrg au th o rity fo r parliam en tary officers artd ■'mployees, I am n o t th e em p lo y er o f M e m b ers . As th e em ploying of au th o rity fo r parliam en tary officers and

>u;nployees and th e CEO of th e P arliam entary Service 1 have certain s ta tu to ry obligations w ith re sp e c t to w orkplace jra s sm e n t. The W orkplace H ealth and S afety A c t 2011 s . l9 (1) s ta te s :

Division 2 Prim ary d u ty o f care 19 Prim ary d u ty o f ca re(1) A person conduc ting a business o r u ndertak ing m u s t en su re , so fa r as is reasonably p racticab le , th e h ea lth and safe ty o f—(a) w orkers en g ag ed , o r caused to b e en g ag ed by th e person ; and(b) w orkers w hose ac tiv ities in carrying o u t w ork a re influenced o r d irec ted by th e person; ^ w hile th e w orkers a re a t w ork in th e business o r undertaking.

M em bers a re e lec ted by th e public th ro u g h a dem ocra tic p rocess an d a re n o t "em ploved" by any person o r body In th e stric t sense of th e w ord . I sim ply have no jurisdiction to in te rv en e o r Investigate m a tte rs arising betw een M em bers of P arliam en t.

The co rrec t body to investiga te m a tte rs b e tw e e n m em b ers is th e Ethics C om m ittee . M ost th e of th e m a tte rs you allege, If proved to be co rrec t, w ould be w ith in th e Ethics C o m m ittee 's jurisd iction . H ow ever, a com plain t is n o t going to be re fe rre d w ith o u t a m e m b er m aking th a t com plain t. N o n -m em b er, th ird parties simply have no standing


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to m ake com plain ts. T here is no p ro ce d u re fo r th e Speaker to accep t and consider com plain ts directly from m em b ers of th e public. Speakers h av e long held th a t a com plain t m u st be m a d e by a m e m b e r o f th e House.-

I also n o te th a t in an ev iden tiary sen se , th e perso n alleged to be th e sub ject of th e behav iour com plained of w ould p robably n eed to m ake th e c o m p la in t

C hapter 44 o f th e S tanding Rules and O rders o f th e Legislative Assem bly provides fo r th e p ro ced u res for raising and consfdering com plain ts th a t involve th e po w ers , rights an d Im m unities o f th e Assem bly, Its co m m ittee s and m em bers. I u n d e rs ta n d th a t th e S peaker has previously advised you of th e p ro ced u res and req u irem en ts o f th a t C hapter.


‘Neil Laurie

From : jason w ard fm ailto :iasonw ard3(S) ]S en t: Tuesday, 9 F ebruary 2 016 7 :46 PMTo: Neil Laurie <Neil,Laurie@ D arliam ent.ald>

b ject: ATTN Clerk o f The P arliam net - C om plain t re MP conduct.

ATTN The Clerk of P arliam ent Mr Neil Laurie

Dear M r Laurie,ATTACHED p le ase find a le tte r and tw o files o f R eferenced ATTACHMENTS.

Thank-you in an tic ip a tio n o f response .


Jason W ard M 0418876930

th e env ifonrtv ri? b e fo re yoii p rin t ftiis em ail.

••jO 'i ICE - T h .ise-m ai! a n a any a t la c h n ie n ts a r e cxinfidentiai a n d only for th e u s e o f th e a d d r e s s e e

you h a v e th is e -m ail in erro r you arc- s tr id Jy p roh ib ited from u sin g , forvjarding, printmg-. copy ing o r d e a lin g in anyw ay w h a ts o e v e r with it. a n d a re •oOr:-.:»ico fo rep'.y >m inetit3feiy by e -m atl to th e s e n d e r o r by te le p h o n e to th e F ^adiam entary S e w io e o n +51 7 3 5 5 3 6000 .

v ,ew s expre.ssc;(i in th is e-rriail a re ttie .au thor's , e x c e p t w h e re th e e -m aii m a k e s it c le a r o th e rw ise . T h e u n a u ttio r ise d pub lication o f a n e -m ail a n d any .r tu c h n K jn is g e n e ra te d to r tire official fu nc tions o f th e P a rlia m e n ta ry Serv ioft, th e L egislative A ssem b ly , its C o m m itte e s o r M e m b e rs irtay c o n s titu te a r.r-.-iiempl o f thcj O u ten sia rK J P arlism ertl. If tire in fo rm ation c o n ta in e d in th is e-m aif a n d a n y a tta c n m e n fs b e c o m e s th e su b jec t o f an y re q u e s t unrfor f..'ighf to ■nir.r.n-'ifioir !eqif..ation. th e a u th o r or th e F a riia m e n ia ry S e rv ic e s h o u ld b e notified . <

i' tivo acldresROG's responsib ility to s c a n th is m e s s a g e fo r v iru s e s . T h e P a rliam e n ta ry S e rv ic e d o e s n o t w a rra n t tt ia t th e inform ation is free from anyVr.doioctc^ rHTor.

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Y our Ref: O ur Ref: 8.1.8

29 January 2016

Mr Jason WardPO Box 999ATHERTON QLD 4883

Dear Mr Ward

I refer to a letter addressed to the Treasurer dated 15 December 2016 concerning what you have described in general terms as "a series of recent events occurred in the sitting week commencing Monday 30th November through Friday 4th December 2015".

This letter has been forwarded to myself and the Qerk by the Deputy Premier and Hon. de Br^ini.

In that letter you seek guidance as to where a formal complaint conceming conduct on the precinct and the floor of the House should be referred.

Chapter 44 of the Standing Rules and Orders of the Legislative Assembly provides for the procedures for raising and considering complaints that involve the powers, rights and immunities of the Assembly, its committees and members. For your information I attach a copy of Chapter 44.

In summary a complaint may only be referred to the Ethics Committee in one of three ways;

a) A committee of the House report that a matter involving its proceedings has aris^ ' and recommend that the matter be referred to the ethics committee, in which case the matter stands referred to the ethics committee (SO 268(1));

b) The Speaker may i_____which case the matter stands referred to

^^acs committee (bU Z58(2)). I’dr example, if the Speaker is involved in or has witnessed a breach of privilege or one of the officers of the House has reported a breach to the Speaker;

Parliam ent H ouse G eorge St Brisbane Q ueensland 4000 Australia

Phone + 61 7 3553 6700 F ax+ 61 r 3553 6709

Email [email protected] v^j/v/^ar1g ije n t^ ^ ^ o v .a u


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- 2 - .Ir-V -

A member rises on a matter suddenly arising (SO 267); or ^

d) A member writes to the Speaker at the earliest opportunity stating the matter and requesting that the matter be referred to the ethics committee (SO 269).

There is no procedure for the Speaker to accept and consider complaints directly from members of the public. Speakers have long held that a complaint must be made by a member of the House.

I note that in your letter there is reference to bullying and intimidation, but there are no particulars. If a member is to make a complaint about this issue, I stress that the member must formulate as precisely as possible the matter with enough particulars so as to give any person against whom the complaint is made a full opportunity to respond to the allegation (SO269(3)).

Yours sincerely

H O N PETER WELLINGTON MPSpeaker of the Legislative Assembly


CO. Hon. Jackie Trad MPHon. Mick de Brenni MPMr Neil Laurie, Clerk of the Parliament

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P a r t 10 - p o w e r s , r ig h t s a n d im m u n it ie s

jfobstructing ojAnolesting a member or an officer o f the House in the discharge o f tiie member’s or le o fT ic ^

( l,p)'miscondu c t^g oneself in the presence o f the House or a committee;

(12) divulging the proceedings or the report o f a committee or a subcommittee contrary to Standing Orders;

(13) publishing a false or misleading account o f proceedings before the House or a committee;

(14) failing to attend before the House or a committee after being summoned to do so by the House or the com ^tteepN

(15) i^tim id^HE, preventing or hindering-a witness from giving evidence or g iv ii^ evidence in full, to the Hous'5'or a c o q u n ^ e e ; '------

(16) refusir^ to answer a question or provide information required by the House or a committee except as permitted by the House’s ru l^ or statute;

(17) assaulting^^ i l^ ^ t e n i ^ or(^isadvantaging/k member on account o f the member’s conduct in the House or a com m ittee; ------- -------

' ' (18) assaulting, threatening or disadvantaging a person in account of evidence given by that person to the House of a cor

(19) assaulti|lg, obstructing ^ insulting a member coming to or going from the House or a Committee proceeding;

(20) sending to a member a threatening letter on account o f the member’s conduct in the House or a committee; ..... .......

(21) sending a challenge to fight a member;

(22) wilfully disobeying an order o f the House or^srupU ng the orderly conduct of the business o f the House or a Committee; and

(23) except by a substantive motion of censure, commenting or reflecting on the decisions or actions o f the Chair, whether relating to actions inside the House or the character o f the Chair in general.


267. A m a tte r suddenly arising

A matter suddenly arising may be raised by a member at any time in the House under SO 248.i

268. C om m ittee reports and Speaker’s initiative

(1) A committee o f the House may report that a matter involving its proceedings has arisen and recommend that the matter be referred to the ethics committee, in which case the matter stands referred to the ethics committee.

(2) The Speaker may draw the attention o f the House to a matter and recommend that the matter be referred to the ethics committee, in which case the matter stands referred to the ethics committee.

269. P rocedure fo r o ther m atters

(1) In circumstances other than outlined in SO 267 and SO 268, the procedure in this Standing Order shall be followed.

(2) A member should write to the Speaker at the earliest opportunity stating the matter and requesting that the matter be referred to the ethics committee.

S t a n d i n g O r d e r s o f t h e L e g i s l a t i v e A s s e m b l y 63

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PART 10 - P o w e r s , r ig h t s a n d I m m u n i t i e s

(3) A member must formulate as precisely as possible the matter, and where a contempt is alleged, enough particulars so as to give any person against whom it is made a full opportunity to respond to theallegation.

(4) In considering whether the matter should be referred to the committee, the Speaker shall t ^ e account o f the degree o f importance of the matter which has been raised and whether an adequate apology or explanation has been made in respect o f the matter. No matter should be referred to the ethics committee if die matter is technical or trivial and does not warrant the further attention o f the House.

(5) The Speaker in considering the matter may request further information from the complainant, the person the subject o f the allegations or any other person.

(6) The Speaker is to inform the House either:

(a) that the matter stands referred to the ethics committee; or

(b) that no matter arises or that it is technical, trivial or vexatious and the Speaker is not going to refer the matter to the etiiics committee.

(7) I f the Speaker m ^ e s a determination in accordance with 6(b) and informs the House, a member may immediately move that the matter be referred to the ethics committee.

(8) I f a motion is moved in accordance with (7), the Speaker must put the question immediately without amendment or debate. i

270. Procedures of the ethics committee

(1) Where a matter is referred to it, the committee:

(a) may summarily dispose o f the matter i f it believes it is trivial, technical or vexatious or does not warrant further attention by the committee; or

(b) shall, if the matter is not disposed o f under (a), request any person the subject o f complaint in the matter to provide a written explanation o f any allegations contained in the complaint; and

(c) shall, if the person the subject o f complaint disputes the allegation:

( i ) give the person the opportunity to be heard; and

(ii) give any persor^ that the person nominates the opportunity to be heard; and

(d) may obtain information from such other persons, and make such in«^uiries, as it thinks fit.

(2) The ethics committee shall hear any evidence in a private hearing, unless the ethics committee determines that it is in the public interest to hold the hearing in public.

(3) Witnesses shall be heard by the ethics committee on oath or affirmation.

(4) The ethics committee must make a report to the House in respect o f any matter referred to it, if any person concerned: ,

(a) disputes the allegation the subject o f the complaint in the matter - on completion of its consideration o f the complaint;

(b) confirms the allegation the subject o f the complaint - on receiving notice to that effect;

(c) does not, within a reasonable period, respond to a request given to them under (IXb) - on the expiration o f die period.

(5) The ethics committee must, with the report, recommend the action that should be taken.

(6) The ethics committee must not, in any report, make a fmding that is adverse to any person unless it has given the person:

(a) full particulars o f the complaint; and

(b) the opportunity to be heard in relation to the complaint.


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271. R estriction on debating m atter in the House i

A matter refeired to the ethics committee must not be debated in ttte House until such tune as the ethics committee has reported on the matter if, in the opinion o f the Speaker, such debate could prejudice the matter.

272, Im partiality and conflicts o f interest

(1) Any member o f the ethics committee who is directly concerned in a matter referred to the ethics committee or who has made any statements in the House revealing a prior judgement in the matter shall not be involved in any consideration of that matter.

(2) The Speaker shall appoint another member to replace a member who has stood down in accordance with (1) and shall notify the ethics committee in writing.

(3) A member who is stood down is replaced for the duration o f that inquiry.

(4) Before appointing-areplacement-member, the Speaker.may- consult w i^ th e Leader^ifUheJIouseand the Leader o f the Opposition regarding the member to be appointed.

(5) The appointment in (2) is effective from when die appointment in writing is communicated to the ethics committee.

273. O ther offences disclosed ^

Where a matter that is referred to the ethics committee discloses a possible criminal offence, or it appears to be a matter more appropriately investigated by another agency, the ethics committee may refer the matter to the Director o f Public Prosecutions, the Queensland Police Service, the Crime and Corruption Commission or other appropriate agency.


274. Person charged with contem pt to be sum m oned

(1) When the ethics committee reports to the House that a person has committed a contempt and recommends that the person be charged with that contempt by the House, a question shall be put, that such person be ordered to attend at the Bar o f the House, at a specified date and time.

(2) I f the House passes the question in (1) in the affirmative, a copy o f the order o f the House, specifying the charge o f contempt and requiring the attendance o f the person, and certified by the Clerk! shall be served upon them either personally or by prepaid post letter addressed to them at their usual or last known place o f residence in Queensland.

(3) If at the date and time appointed the person charged attends according to the order, the Speaker shall inform them o f the charge o f contempt, and they shall be heard in their defence, either personally or by counsel, after which the House may adjudge them to bd guilty o f the charge o f contempt or direct that they be discharged.

(4) I f the person charged does not attend, then, upon proof to the satisfaction of the House o f due service o f a copy o f the order upon the person, the House may proceed to deal with the matter, despite their non attendance.

27S. L im its on charges o f contem pt

(1) Any charge o f contempt in the House shall be dealt with in accordance with Chapters 44 and 45.

40 Chapter 3 Part 1 o f the Parliament o f Queensland Act 2001 deals with contempt. Section 40(1) provides that proceedings for punishmeat o f coatempt are to be taken in the way stated in the Standing Rules and Orders.

5T4ND/NG O r d e r s o f 65

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Incorporated, bv leave

Clerk at the Table:

Tabled, by leave

Remi.inder incorporated, byle8\'e