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From: Dunford, Diana

Sent: 19 December 2008 15:35

To: Deeks, Mary

Cc: [~I~I~I~�_91~I~I~I] Mennear, Steve; Scammell, Toni (HPCT-SE); Emms, Elizabeth (HPCT-SE); May, Zena; Harriman, Sue; Hardy, Neil

Subject: RE: CHI recommendation response for HPCT


Dear Mary

Re medicines management and pharmacy service to Sultan ward:

There is a twice weekly visit by a PCT employed clinical pharmacist (i Code A jwho reviews all inpatient medicines charts on Sultan ward, raises any queries or potential adverse drug effects with clinicians and orders medication as required. Pharmacy supply to the ward is under SLA from PHT pharmacy. Incidents are recorded on Datix. Susan will be able to provide a detailed report of activity on the ward if required. (Daedalus & Dryad are under PHT).

Most of our community hospitals receive all clinical pharmacy services under SLA from acute trusts and these vary considerably, hence the element of risk raised in my paper PCT08/038. However Gosport benefits from a ward pharmacy service provided in-house as above and has a higher level of cover.

i Code A The lead pharmacist for care services (Steve Mennear: ~i~i~i~i~i~i~i~i~i~i~i~i~i~i~i~i-.~i~i~i~i~i~i~i~i~i~i~i~i~i~i~jhas visited all PCT hospitals over the last year to review compliance with standard C4d. I have asked for a summary report on all findings together with an action plan to be submitted to the CS Integrated Governance Committee in January, and for a detailed report on Gosport to be prepared. I have asked him to follow up the visit in January and report back. Steve is on leave until 5th January. He will be managed by Zena May, Head of Governance, with professional guidance from Neil Hardy, Head of Medicines Management HPCT, until such time as my successor is appointed.

There is a Medicines Policy in place and a Policy and SOPs for Controlled Drugs. The Accountable Officer for Controlled Drugs (~ ............ C_od_e_A ............. j has visited and reported on all community hospitals.

Local guidelines for a range of medicines related topics were developed by SE Hampshire in conjunction with PHT and remain in place pending review by the new APO. It is likely that these will be ratified by the APO to continue as local shared guidelines as they are pertinent to the locality.

I hope that is helpful. I have copied in relevant contacts because I will be retiring and leaving the PCT on 24th December although I will be contactable if necessary until 13th January.

Regar Diana

Diana Dunford Head of Medicines Management Hampshire PCT (N&E)

Please note my new contact details:

Hampshire PCT Aldershot Centre for Health Hospital Hill Aldershot Hampshire GUll lAY

Area Office Reception Tel: 01252 335100 Medicines Management team office & voicemau: 01252 335160 Direct line:i ......... c °Be_ A. ........ J



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Area Office Fax: 01252 335101

Hampshire Primary Care Trust, Headquarters, Omega House, 112 Southampton Road, Eastleigh, SO50 5PB

Telephone:023 8062 7444


HPCT Medicines Management Updates are available at:

http:~~nww~hampshirepct~nhs~uk~index~direct~rates~pub~ichea~th~medicines-management~medicines- management-2.htm

From:[ ....... Cod-e-C- ....... ] Sent: 17 December 2008 09:51 To: Dunford, Diana Subject: FW: CHI recommendation response for HPCT


I have been given your name as the person to ask about a medicines risk at Gosport War Memorial Hospital (see my email to Toni Scammell below).

The background to it all is that the inquests into deaths at Gosport War Memorial Hospital between 1996 and 1999 start on March 18th 2009. In preparation all four NHS organisations in SE Hants are preparing documents to demonstrate that they meet or exceed all the recommendations made by CHI, when they reported on the hospital in 2002. I have attached a copy of the CHI recommendations that apply to us (there were some for the SHA and Doll as well) to help you understand the query.

We are having our documents go through an assurance process with Eileen Spiller on 5th January (for three days) and it would be very helpful if you could offer me a few sentences to give assurance that pharmacy services at GWMH are actually safe (or even explain what the pharmacy service there is, and how the risk is being managed) for her information.

Can you help me?



Project Officer (GWMH) Hampshire Primary Care Trust

From: Scammell, Toni (HPCT-SE) Sent: 16 December 2008 08:44 TO:i ........ -(3o-de-C ........ i Subject: RE: CHT recommendation response for HPCT

this action needs to go to Diana Dunsford, because they are looking at this issue. Regards Toni

From:~ Code C i L .....................................................................................................................

Sent: 15 December 2008 15:52 To: Scammell Toni - Modern Matron Subject: CHI recommendation response for HPCT



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Hi Toni

I may send you a series of these emails, so this may be the first of many giving you notice of a possible problem that we will have to address in the PCT’s response to CHI

On recommendation 3, I have found a document on the Care Services Board spot on the website, paper PCT08/038: pharmaceutical Service provision to Care Services. The problem is that on pages 2 and 3 of the document, items 2.1, 2.4, and 2.6, it is evident that there is risk in community hospitals due to a shortage of pharmacists. We may need some words to explain how we ensure services are safe even though we need more pharmacists.

Hope I don’t find too many more of these.

I am trying to cut out all the steps before the point we have reached now - we are trying to prove to Eileen Spiller that services now, in 2008/09 are safe, and the events of 1996/98 could not happen again.

Looking forward to getting your input on your return from leave.


r ........ iS-g ie-iS- ........ + L ................................. J

Project Officer (GWMH) Hampshire Primary Care Trust HQ, Omega House 112 Southampton road Eastleigh, SO50 5PB

Tel:[ ......... Co de_C ......... iDirect dial Tel: 023 8062 7444 Office Fax: 02_3_ _8_ _0_6_2_ _2.9_ _7_6_ _( _S.a_fe_ _H_ aye_n) Email: ~ Code C i


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