Download - Paducah sun (Paducah, Ky. : 1898): 1905-12-23


la Podarata and McCracken

Cnantjr, morn pe«»pl® read The

Hnn than anjr other paper.


Fair and rolder tonifflit and

Hiiiitlay. Monday pndNildy fair.



jDefense Showed Jury Had Not Been


Kept Together.

Much Blood Flows But Government is'

Getting the Upper Hand Now.

The etiKlneer of a Kiir.k train wa*

ahot dead In the rab of hla vnKine

while laklnR hla train Into St. l\>

terabui'K. The nilnlaier of boniniunl-

ratlona hna lawied an order that all

employe, falllntt to report for duly

:od.»y will he dlamlaaed. Aftitator.

will bn proeeculed to the full extent

o, the law.

St. Peter.burn. Ib>r. 23.— A fluht

oceurred la.t nlitht when Coaaack.

attempted to break up a large revo-

lutionary ineetlnK. Tho ravolutlon-

l.ta re.lsted and there waa .pirlted

ntthtlng until Maxim nun. were

brought up by Comiackii. when the

revolutlonleta fled and many were

Injured In the ronfllet.

It l<. I nrertnlii.

HI. I’elrriiburR, Dee. 23— It I. dlrtl-

Milt to Judge whether the general po-

litical .trike can be ranked aa a suc-

<•..» or a failure. The authorltle. are

bewildered by the etrength of the

atrlker. and the .trike ha. reached

formidable proportions In St. I’efers-

burg, where, even according to offi-

cials, over one-third of the work-

men obeyed the order of the work-

nep’o council.

Strike leader, are confldenlly as-

serting others will be brought Into

line Immediately.

The government while entering on

n vigorous offensive canipalgnagalnst

the revolutionary leader, and mak-

ing arrest, by the wholesale main-

tains an air of calm confidence.

It has Issued a reassuring commu-

nliatlon declaring that all necessary

ineasure^^have been taken to prevent


The pro'eisrlat organliatlons are

marshaling all their forces.

The prevailing Impression Is that

with the limited funds at the disposi-

tion of the unions, the strike mn»l

spread rapidly and enter a new and

more violent phase or the game will

be lost by the revolutionaries.

(’old weather and hunger likely

will have a great eecl In the govern-

uivat'a favor.

In Moscow the striking railroad

men and I >wer classes who see the

bread taken from mouths by the

strike are already at each other’s


Till (Joycmi.ient Doing IWdter,

HI. I'etersliurg^ Dec. 23.—A num-

ber of factories are running today,

despite the general strike, employes

refusing to leave their situations

The government has the situation

well In hand here, and street cars are

running and electric light, gas and

water works plants are In operation.

No disorder la anticipated. Advices

from Moscow Indicate that the sllu-

tlon there Is extremely alarming.

Htrlkers are building barricades In

the streets and preparing for active

resistance to the troops. Htrong pa-

trols and Cossacks are reinforced by

Machine guns.

Strike i» Spreading.

Keval, Ksihocia. I'lec. 23. The in-

surrection In the Haltlc provinces has

been extended to Ksihonia where. In

accordance with the reeolullons pass-

ed at a convention held at Dorpat IJ-

vonta, the population Is driving out

Kiisslan officials and electing new lo-

cal administrators.

Insurgents attacked a train bear-

ing a detachment of rural guards

near Taps in this province, but they

war. driven off and the train reached

Keval In safely.

Iinmedtately after this occurrence

the railroad employes and other work

nient here voted to Join the I’an-Hua-

slan strike. Today everything la clos-

ed down


FerlcTuI .Authorities Will Take Steps

to Hustle .Mrs. (Iiadwirk to Pen.Cleveland. O., Dec. 23.—Fearing

that the state may parole her, the

federal authorities will take steps to

bustle Mrs. Cassle L. Chadwick to

the state penitentiary at Columbusand then have her committed to a

federal prison, either at Atlanta, Oa..

or F'crt Leavenworth,, Kas.

Judge Taylor yesterday decided'

that wherever the parole system ex-

sis in stale penitentiaries the board

of pardons of such institutions has

the right to parole prisoners. Hencetheir desire to get her to Columb'us,

and later to a federal prlaon.

Will Caldwell, of North Nii^th

Street, Fatally Hnrt.

His Wife Was Kxanilnliig a Pistol

Wh<‘n It Was .Acckienlailjr

Flag Denionstralkms.

HI. Petersburg, Dec. 23.—Homo

strike leaders, already discouraged

by the prospects of failure, do not

henllale lo iscy Ihe decisions to ac-

cept the challenge of the government

while Ihe organisations were unpre-

pared was a blunder and that It can

only be redeemed by forcing ihe con-

flict which will arouse the populace.

Heveral attempts at "red flag” de-

monstrations In the Vasslll Ostrov

and other Industrhil districts today

were cllspersc-d by CoKsacks.

Dtisliccl Into Slatioii unci Killed the

t •in-r«tor, Dlscltarged.

Ilurr IIusmImii Kstales.

HI. PelersburK. Dec. 23.— .Vccord-

liig to the .Novo Vremya.several thou-

sand Lllhuanlanu Invndcd Vilebsl;

(crovlnce and engigcd In a sucking

and of Husslan and Polish estates.

The revolulloniHls expressed Ihe de-

lermliialton lo seize Bt. Petersburg

and the Warsaw railroad and annex

Ihe RoJIsla and Liiisln cllsirlcts lo

Ihe Lllhiiaiiliin nation.

Philadelphia, Dec. 23 .—



ValU'.v train run wild auck crashcKl

ihrough the depot ut Cutnsnuqun

this morning and killed tho opcratoi'

iiid wrecked the station.


Man in California Says He

Knows About Goebel.

Crisoners Attempt to Escape

From Southern Train.

A l^‘nns}lvallla Tragedy.

Htatesford, Pa., Dec. 23.—Last

night .Mrs.. J. n. Williams was shot

twice niul it is thought fatally wound<d. The shots were flred throughIhe window and this morning the

body of her huslinnd wiis found in a

(]uarry. He Is suspected of the crime

and was under bonds to keep the

peace for threatening to kill hla wlfn

While examining a pistol the wife)

of Will Caldwell, colored, of 91.*.

North Ninth street, shot him about

9 o'cIcK'k this morning. Ho Is prol>-

ably fatally wounded.

Hhe had the weaprm, which was a

(5 caliber Colts, and waa looking It

over. The barrel was pointed to-

ward Caldwell and when she placed

too much force on the trigger there

was a loud report and Will Caldwell

fell to the floor. The screams of tho

wife attracted the neighbors and sev-

eral ran In

Drs. Bights and Klyihe were sum-

moned and they made an examina-

tion of the wound. They found the

ball hud entered the left side Just

below the heart and lodged under

the skin In the back. It was not

extracted as the doctors deemed It

Inadvisable to attempt it while Cald-

w^l was in such a serious condition.

The wound was a very ugly one. Dr.

Rlythe said that fur such a woundthat it was suriirlsing lo note that

he was not worse than he was, but

he believed that the victim would

die, although he might live.

There seems to be no question but

that the shouting was accidental as

l)uth she and her husband stated so

and there was no known enmity be-

tween them.

Patrolmen Hill and Ferguso.i

were dispatched to Ihe scene aa soon

as Police Captain Harlan heard of

the shooting and after an Investiga-

tion they reported that It was an uc-

cideni, so no arrest was made.


Itecvcs t'limpniiy .Makes .\s-i;:riiiieii!

—Jins rcedilors In Pedticnli.

.Miiylleld. Ky,, Dec. 22. Th.

itiM’vc'H (.ns-i-ry Co., here nmdois»,lgnmeiit night, a.xming H. I..

.Xnrti'rsou as.slitnee. The fl.'iu Is com-

,)oKod of Kis-ves ilrothors, who cTlnif:

here some moiith.s ago from Prince

ton and Mopkliisville. They had beet,

doing n l.irge business and wei.’

honglit lo be In good shape. The 11-

'Mlilits are estimated at $8, POO and"ssets $2.3»P. Creditors are in Pa-

ducah, Hi. I,ou1s and Cairo.

Hcvolulloiilsts N<N lleady.

Warsaw, Dec. 2;!. .\ report Is

current hare lo Ihe effect that the

slackness In the general strike at HI.

PetersliiTrg Is due to the fact that It

was stirred up by the secret agents of

Ihe governnicnt Itefore the revolu-

ttoQlslH wore rcad.v.

>< rillvcnutl .Suffrage.

Ht. Petersburg. Dec 23.—At a ses-

sion of the cabltiel presideil over by

Kmi»«ror Nicholas, It was derided

that universal suffrage should nut be


Wreck Ht Vfct’onnell.

It was reported this afternoon that

there has been n disastrous wreck on

the I. C. below Fulton, but a tele-

phone message from Fulton slated

that It was only a slight freight

wreck In which two or three cars

were destroyed, and no one was hurt.

Ilskeish. Id. fa'.. Dec. 2;! Charles

H. Killer, oil a loi in the county hos-

pital Mifferliig from a wound presum-

ulily selt-lnlltcled. has adnilttcd lo

-tupt. Ilut-krrii.. he has liiforma-

!oii a-- to the killiug of Governor

Goebel of Kentucky. liich he al-

leges would clear Caleb Powers for-

mer secretary of lli» slate of Ken-

tucky. now under sentence of death

for complicity in the murder ol


.\ few da> - ago Powers wrote from

Kentucky to Killer saying:

"1 see by a press dispatch that

.loii may be an imiKirtant wiiiiess In

Ihe Goebel murder. For six years I

have lain In prison and tlirte times I

have been sentenced In death lor a

crime of which I am as Innocent a-

Ihe angels uroiind the throne. If

> on have any Informuilon that will

throw light oil the dculh of Governor

Goebel, for God s sake declare yonr-

t-lf and aid in proving my Inno-


Killer perm lin'd linckrens lo read

he'letier. He udmllled he eon'ld

lesllmon.v that might save tho life of

Powers,and he iiitiniaied that If the

foimcr secretary's exei iillon were im-

minent, he would give such lestlmo-

.Moiint Carniol, 111.. Dec. 211. 1 woiron wt'ro killed, u third probably fa-

tally Injured and every window shot

out of passenger co.-uh on Southern

railroad train yesierday when two

men In custody for larceny tried lo

(•scape by ktlliiig a constable.

Incidentally Iw-enty-flvo passengers

in the car were kept busy dodging

bullets for several minutes, the train

in the meanflrae running at a high

rate of siieed.

When the smoke cleared awayConstable Janies Kingston and Isnae

.Marshall, one of the prisoners, were

dead, and Fdward Marshall, the oth-

er prisoner, probably fatally wound-

ed. A bullet passed through the rap

if a hrakeman, but no one else was


The .Marshall brothers were arrest-

ed at Hinis, 111., on a charge of ateal-

Ing chickens. They were taken to

Wayne City for a preliminary hear-

ing and held for I rial.

t’onstalile Kingston started for

Fairfleld with tho prisoners. The

men In the smoking car wero thrown

Into excitement when one of tho Mar-

shalls drew a revolver and shot King-

ston dead Several men drew re-

volvers and atliieki'd the prisoners

.Manx- shots were tired by passengers

and the .Maisliull brothers

(When tioth prisoners had fallen

lo Ihe floor Hip tight ceased.

Edward Marshall was taken to

Falrlleld and placed In Jail with ft

strong guard to prevent a imsslble


The coroner has gone lo Fairfleld

lo hold an Inquest.

.\w ful Hcs'imu. at Kiga.

Klgu, Russia, Dec. 23.— Rioting

still continues hers and troops are

In ronstint battle with the revolutio-

nists. Many have been pillaged and

the loss will be over a million dol-

lars to the merchunU. HIreeta are till-

ed with screaming, mad Russians

and Chinese. Many corpses are scai-

lerrd alioiil Ihe slreeis and great

iiiimlier of the woiintled.

DlM-overecI a t'oiis|,lracy

II Is .Xllegetl.Killed a H|M‘elnl OlHcer.

.Appullachia, Va., Dec. 23.—John

and Llge Coffee, while remlsllng ar-

rest shot and killed Special Olflcer

Dotson today. They reloaded their

pistols and shot him three times a»

ter he was dead. The men were

taken to Jail to prevent lynching.

Itogolu. Colomhla. Ih'c. 23.—The

authorities here discovered Just In

lime a conspiracy to overthrow Hie

govc'rninent. It was headed by Fe-

lipe Angelo .Moya Vsqiicz and Louis

.Marlines, who with all the others,

conipronilsed, have b(*en arrested and

will be tried by court-iiiartlal.

The government ofllclals belittle

the affair and say that peace Is as-

sured. Pre-ildcnt Reyes and the gov-

ernment lieliig iiiimI popular. The

whole country. It Is sddisl, coiideniiis

the plot.

The rale of exchange Is going


>Fhe»t—•May. .

.Inly. .

<»rn—May, .

July, .ItoiiilNinled Hclimit House.

.Mosisiw, Dec. 23.—The school

house III which workmen were hold

lug a meeting last night was sjfr-

loiindcd by troops who ealled on the

men lo surrender Tho soldiers flred

blank shots to liiiliiildate Ihs work-

men who later replied with revol-

vers and iMiinbs. Artillery was

brought up and the schoollioiise bom

liarded until the survivors of the

workmen siirreudercd.


Mayotinn -

( llollduy




I CL. A- N.. .

Hail 41 Hough Time.

Norfolk. Dec. 2 3.—The Cruiser

.Minneapolis, with Admiral Chester,

who commanded the solar eclipse

expedition from .America to the West

Coast of Africa, arrived at Hampton

Roads today after a lerHflc storm en-

countered at sea.

Hia Life WoHh $10.

WlnslcKl, Mass., Dec. 23.— Dr.

Dobbs has sued Rev. Frank Smith to

recover a bill of ten thousand dollars.

Dobbs saved Binllh’s life after work-

ing over him several days and Smith

paid Dobhs $10 and claimed that waa

all his life was worth

t’oahl Nut $UM|>cii<l Traliis.

at. Petersburg. l>ec. 23.—The rail-

road men's strike coiiimltlee made ho

role efforlB to stop trains from being

run out of Ht. Petersburg and suc-

ceeded fn Inducing practically all Hi*

station and round house men and

many of Ih trainmen who remain 'd

on duty lo Join the strike. .Neverihc-

less the govrnmeiit has liecn dls-

paichlng tralni: under iiillitai.v

guards over all lines nltliuuKliregular

schedules have not been niaintalued.

Soldiers with flags on llieir bayonets

have lieeu doing duly as swllchiiieu.

The strikers are Inieiisely enraged

ut their failure to suspend traffic.

They slopped a train from Herllti out

vide of HI. Petersburg^ using a red

lauierii,.»and ordered the engineer out

but the soldiers guard drove off the

strikers and the train proceeded.

Follow iiig its u.'iiul ciiMium.

Tile Sun will ghe H- emplim's

n boliflav t'li!-i>-liiri- <l.iy, .•nnl

Ibi-re will be no paper Ibiit iliii

unless, of course, soiiietliliig ot

till evli'Uor«liiinr,v nature h.-ip-


TUc' Sun I iki-s tills opiKirtu-

liili lo wish its i-emlers, one uiKl

all. N lei-v iiK-ii-y Cliei.siuMs.

.Ailiiiiriil Dewey Deiioiim-es Hazing.

Washliigloii, Dec-, 23.—Admiral

Dc'wey in ronimentlng on hazing at

the nhvni academy, said today

he believed in flsi flglitliig, but haz-

ing should be stopiicd. "The niuii

who liaxos Is less than a coward,” he

said, "and iu> coward can make a

good sailor.


.New York. Dtn- 23.—The four-

story biildingof the .New York Trans

fer company In Brooklyn. Ihe dlsfrlb-

iitliiR bureau of lb(> .Adams Express

company, was deslro.ied by Are tills

morning and It is estliiiuled tlia*

twenty thousand dollars worth of

Christmas presents were imrned. Theloss to Ihe hulldiliR Is estimated at

$.'i.i).iMl'3. A hundred horses were su>-

ed liy stable nipn

ssld he would not declare

nlly "bei-uiise II would ini-l>U'Hfle<l Guilty.

Robert Greer, colored, was today

liidicled by llie grand Jury for petty

larceny, pleaded guilty and was giv-

en one month In Jail.

.VIDHE FFLTN'KItJallei Jones To <•«' W'l'st.

County Jailer I,. L. Jones, slated

this afternoon that after he retired

troiii oflU-e the first of the year that

he would probably go to Halida. Col.,

lo viali his two nephews aud hla

niece, who reside there. Ha la yet

undecided aa to what he will do but

saya he will certainly not go back on

the police force.

Scores Oue (In His Kiii'iiik's—.\4-«|uU

led of .Vliiisler. .

A Texas Trag»'«ly.

Dallas Tex.. Dee. 23.—W. I Mea

dor shot and killed hla wife tnda.v

siul coiomillisl fculcldo. Jc>uloiiay

was the cause.

Irvine, Ky. iH*. 23. Muse Kell-

ner WHS acquitted on a charge of.

iiiurdei'lug Jesse Fields today Felt-

ner Is an enemy of (he Hurgis-Cal-

laliun feudists In Hreuthitt county,

aud they caua^ed hla arrest fur a mur-

der cummiltud flvu yean ago.

laind t'Mses |*osl|Miiie<l.

Washington D«e. 23. It Is an-

nounced by the Interior deiiartiiic'iit

that Ihe disappearance of the Puter

and .McKinley wltneaaea In the land

fraud casea waa not the cause fur

the postpouettient ut the trial.

.Akron, O , Dec. 23. The Akron

Gas company was plaiH-d In the re-

ceiver's hand this niurnlng. the ac-

tion following the flnanclal troubles

of John R. Walsh, of Chicago, the

prluclpal owner of tho company.

'ormuilon of llic pri.seiii where.ih.nitK

of H flue selU'r bird dog ,1 to

have been aloleii from Padiiculi dur-

ing the AiigusC encampment. If the

owner will call on him, be can luarn

where the dug la. AWho ever caught Intelligence In

faluating anybody? _




SAVINGS BANKCapital and Sorplus $60,000

B. H, Scott, Prisidtit

6m. C. Tkoapsoa,A Christmas

A Merry ChristmasWe wish our patrons and friends*

one and all, a merry Christmas.We extend our best wishes to the

people at large and wish them

all the pleasures of a season of

pleasures and good cheer.R. Rudy, Cashier W.^E Paxton, President


Um Laakx Bob'ii ('iuiIiIiih In At tlip

Fistic (laim .TRLEFHOMB 548,

San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 23.—Old

Bob FMisimmons lost no prestlfte by

his defeat. Everyone recognised that

bis collapse in his chair was no dis-

graceful end to one of the most re-

markable fight careers the world has

known. The termination was declar-

ed better thnn a knockout, which

would have been hta fate had be|

been able to respond to the call of

time for the fourteenth round. Fits

stated that he had no excuse to offer.

Ha said:

“Considering my age, I think I put

up a great battle, but I thoroughly

realise that I am not the man 1 once

was, and I am unable to cope with

more sprightly boxers of the present

time. My heart is broken, that's all

there is to It.”

O'Brien declared that his hard

left to the body toward the end of the

thirteenth round settled Fits's cban-


Fits still weeps over bis defeat,but

If he cjm take comfort over condolen-

ces he has a waste basket full of tel-


egrams from* friends. Including one

from his wife, who advises him to

"cheer ug and take deleat hravely.f

Fits will put In a week here at the

Alhambra with a play and then will

go on the road. He says he will never

'tVheeler, traveling passenger agent, fight again.

Waterloo, la., removed to Dubuque; O'Brien will take a rest and then

headquarters of P. O. White, travel-[wants to fight Tommy Kyan.

lug passenger agent. Cedar Rapids,

la., removed to Omaha


Paul UHinori-. who cotucs l« Tho. Krnlurky Halurday, D»*c. SO. Mat.

liM'e and night. In his new cunietly r»nian<<‘, “t'uptain Ihdatn.

nairc,"MATINEE ONLYPopular CoRcort bp I

Yon could not get anything that wonid give them tbn plessnre and

^ Jjcomfoit of Minor's Essp Shoos for Tsndor Foot. Me have

\ ^ easy shoes f,r |a.07, fi. so nod |)oo and guarantee tvety pair to

gitc coafort and aatiafjM>tlon Call and get a pair for Xoiai ami if

you do not know the enact s'te you can let us eicbange them li r

the correct s' xe after X was We keep soft sole vboea (sr the babyin all colors atsoc a pair, and it makes a dainty lor the biby.

Themtrieml JfeUs

NKXT WKKK AT TIIK KEX’n't'KV.Monday afK-riioon, t'hrlslina.s mat.

Ince.—Popular lhlllla^nlo*•ic On hes-

trnl t’oiMH-rt for llie la.iifllt of the

I'. D. t’.- .tlonunient Fiiml, uimI<t the

direction of l*rof. Harry (iillM rl, witli

Mrs. James Wellle, Mrs. 1». M. Flour*

noy ami .Miss .Anne Itradsbaw, soi«»-


Saturday evening—Paul t.llmorv

in draniulizalion of romantic novel.

CWplaiii Dehonnain*.

Sellers of Shoes and Satisfaction

TesiRpIton* l4H6«at kiroadway

ClitMiK t'Al.L.

Hie l*resl«h*»it'B llnugliter Was ,\«»l

.Afraid ami Km u|hsI Injury,

“Book Ploys” once more arc in the piece. .Among Uie well-known prln-

ascendunt. Paul Ullmore cornea to rlpaU in the organisation are-

The Kentucky, next Saturday even- Kdyth Vnimesnda, Ruth I.loyd, Doris

Ing. with one of the very ftnost exam- Goodwin, Harrs Vjnti’li, John I'rlce.

pleS“tyf This -kind -rtf drtrma. H Is tier.isre PAitik 'WOrtldV'. 'A!

Captain Detronnalro a dramatisation V. Strnna and (rthefs.

In -five acts by‘’''Vllllam Farqnahr ..—

Payson and .Iniiuai McArthur of Mr. i Georgs Sidney engagepient In

Payson’s widely poiiular novel De-|Bii<y Izzy's Vac^lios wt Nashville

bonnalre. But t>nu need not neces-.tbit se.i-on, fur:4sh.^ (ho comedian

sarlly have read the bock to appre-jwlih a <rii!cf laugh —on hlnipelf. He

date the play. Unlike many drama-,

•''irlved is the dry on n Monday mor-

tlzations this one docs not take It and at the dinner his darkey

for granted tha» everybody has read iProved ho attentive that Sid-

.. . fr. ney gave him a fiO cent tip. .At sup-

make some points clear in theHcrvlcer were

tlon. “Captain Debonnaire” unfolds i

^ The nextthe wliole tale and doing It through


nioynlng when Mr. Sidne.^ came downthe medium of living, Intolllpent hu-

I („ brenkfa.Ht, hir old waiter was re

man belngH and with faithfiUIy re- placed by another ohs>‘i|nIous son of

produced actual scenes the result la Ham and the following convereailon

vivid and complete. .Mr. Gilmore has took pl.-ice;

one of those dashing roles he so well "Whats the matter with Sam?

knows how to portray and his sup- "ky doesp t he wait on me?

port h. the strongest he has ever had. i;'.'"'*<'pn;.,*ol'l yoh, salt.”

„ .. .. ...» "Sold mo?”Tho Savannah News of Doc. 2, .>es sah. .Me and him waa sliooi-

in’ craps last night an' I done gotMr. Paul Gilmore and an excellent

j,)j j,|^ niotiey. so he sold yon to mecompany gave a splendid perform-

! foi, foah bits! sah.”

Mayfleld, Ky., Dec. 23--Flem Pop-

lin. a young man about lit years of

age died Thursday night at the homeof Ilia alepfather Jucll Sulllvau, four

nilloa north of the city. The cause of

hit death waa from la atvb In his

breast November * In Vt t .Ma^flel.l

and it ia v.'legHd that the wound wasinflicted It. Will MnuM'iiian during a

g'tieral flRhl. Ilousman left after the

rutting and has not lieen apprehenil-

ed. .At the last silting of the grand

jury he waa Indicted on the rharg'

of inallcloii'. cutting.

Poplin had Ix-en In a serious I'oiidl-

lion since he was cut. although at

tlniea It was thought that hu wouldr«c( ve.-.

Washington, De> . 2 3. Miss Alice

lloosev -It came near figuring In a

runaway accident yeaierday altei-

noon. It waa only through .American

ability to take care of herself that

saved h^r from Injury!

Ahe and her husband-to-be NUho-las Uingw'ortb, attemlrd the lecture

given by Burr Mclntubh In the Na-tional theater. When the travelogue

W'as over .MIsa Roosevelt held an Im-

piomiitu levee upon the steps of the

iheaiei , while s vt.M'nl hundred iifn,

women looked on admiringly.

AlHive tite heads fif the crowd .Miss

.Alice signalled with her hands in

recognition of familiar fa,es. '|-b<'n

she Hteppe.l to the White House< ou|te and was alMiiit to enter it whenthe horse, a heavy ,inn iiiettlesome

liay, reared up on his liind legs and

Jumped and pliingeil aeveral times.

The crowd gave a stifled scream of

alaini as the eqiilimge started aud-

deiily. Rut .M'Ish Roosevelt stepiied

l>ack quickly and the wheetM Just

grazed her dress.

"I was frightened,” said Is>ng-

worth, "Weren't yon?””.Nf>t In the leaat,” Maid .Miss Alice.

The driver was mastered for the

moment liy the horse which ran sev-

eral steps. He was flnslly quieted, lint

not until the carriage had made a

detour of half a square. Then Miss

Alice got in and was fallowed hy Mr.

Igvngworth. the crowd waving adieus

and applauding.

Th« |•coplc of .Muyfit-lil However, .Arc

•Still Talking .Alsiiil the


Our line of $1.00 I'mln-ellas Is

a beauty, quite a nirr Xmaspresent for tlie money.


Mayfield, K>., Dec. 23. One year

ago yoHterday the body of a man was

found in a straw stark on the farm

of John Reynolds, oast of town. Agash across his throat Ind'iated that

tho man had died from slash of a ra-

zor. One of these wea|ions was found

under the body. '

The question as to who the manwas then arose and after a great ileal

of Kpeculatlon the identity of the

liody was still a niyste'ry.

Sufllclent evidence was later un-

covered to stimulate a Itelief that the

man had dPd iinwillinKly— that he

had lieen murdered by one or'inore

persons. .A closer Investlgittlon went

to show that his throat had lieen rut

after death had come to the man.

The liody was removed from the

grave on two different occasli^ns tor

the purpose of identlflratlnn, but It

was replaceil, and all remained un-


There are people in .Mayfield today

who lM“llevp. and believe strongly,

that the stranger waa miiidered with

drugs, in this city for the money he

had on him. There are others wholaugh at I his idea.

All marks of identifleation had

been removed from the body when It

was discovered. Every (taper had

been destroyed; the marks on his

shirt and outer garments hud been

cut away; and there was no blood on

the neck or clothing.

W. A. Beadles, of the Carter dry

goods store. Identified the bod.v as

that of W. P. ktarshall, who had Just

arrived In Mayfield from California.

He was in the store the day before

the suicide or murder and bought

some goods. The man had returned to

this city after an absence of several


But with ail the evidence, two or

three grand Juries have found noth-

ing to cause any arrest to be made.

TO CURE ACOLD IN ONEDAYTake LA.\ATIVK BB3MO Qainiua TsbUtsDruggists retuDd moary it it (ills to cure. KW, GROVE'S ilgaslurc s on eactalbea. ajc.


Initial Hond-embroidorMl six

llanUkerrlilefs to the liox ; ladies

or gents, at 8I4HI a Imix.'

IU'I>Y, 1>IIII.LII*S & tX>.

AA’III fiet 810,(HHI for iliogra|tliy of

Hill Katlier,

I.smdon, Dec. 23.—11 is stated that

Winston Churchill is to receive $-10,-

000 down and royalties for the bi-

ography of his ^at^^r, the late Lord

Randolph Churchill.

It is said by those who have been

privileged to read some portions of

the proofs that it Is a clever book.

People marvel how he has found

time to write It, considering what a

busy man he is.

When John .Morley wrote the life

of Gladstone, for which he received

$50,000, It look him three years andhe practically shut himself up for

that (>erlod keeping away from pub-

lic life.

•IiihI arrived one liuinlivil

foot hIooIm elegantly coverril wllli

velvet, tn<N|U<-tte mid lirtiHM-U

car|M-t. .Notlilng nicer for .\iiins

|tr<-M'nla, !I.Tc, .TOc, 7(W'.

lirDV, Pllil.LII'H « (X>.

—Handwouio Christma« cards. Justtho rMn* to send with yotir presents,

BL The Sun Offioe, five cents esuvh.

May luHale in Pailunili.

Copiinonwralth'a .Alturney John

G. laivett Is thinking seriously of

moving to Paducah from Benton.

-Marshall county. He has not decided

on the dale for his removal, howev-

er, should h» Anally decide to come


The Cii.ifnaii correH|>ondent for

TUtr Dramatic .\< says that TheChalicrons, a roIBckliig comeily op-

era, (iresented by a strong cast of

(liiucipaU and chorus, is at the Wal-nut street theater after an absence of

two yearS| and Is dellgliling rapaelty

aiidlences. Tills iirodurtiou will lie

seen at The Kentiicliy New Year’s



I have a line of entirely newfoods for the holidays In

Jewelry and kindred lines, at

attractive pricea.

—The Sun has some Christmas pa-

(K'r.naiikini which are just the Ihinga

for wra|f|iliiK your Christmas (ires-

ents In for Christmas entertain-

ments, etc., tc a piece.

—The “Steriiau” Colfi-e Machineis the best one made. It would lie agift worth w'liile. Warren & Warren,-Itki llroadway.

From one of the leading roles In

ILvll Caine's Prod. gal Son to musical

comedy is quite a jump but It Is

claimed that Mr. Aiilirey Bouelcaiilt

will be able lo make I'he t ransforiiia-

tlon siicressfully. Mr. Maiicliaiilt has

been engaged lo play leading manwltli .Miss Elrle Janls in the newmusical comedy, entitled The A'an-

derbilt Cup, which opens Jan. 1.



Capital and Surplus $343,500

Frank Worthington, the sterling

young .Anierlenn actor who hus been

atipearlng with .Margaret .Anglin In

Henry Miller's Zlra at the Princess

theatre, .New York, has been se-

lected as Kills Jeffrey's leading manIn Tlie Fasrinaiing Mr. Vandervelt

which o|iens sliortly in leiiidou andafterwards in .New York City. Clias.

Dalton will re|ilace Mr. Worlhlng-lon In 7Ar:i.

“The Clin|M-roiiH” a IteconI llreiiker.

It Is dlffleiilt to say Just what are

the ingredients that go to make up

u successful eomir oiiera or musical

and neither the uulhors of A Merry Xniascomedylibrettos, coni|iosers of niuslc, or the

manugement who produce them knowany more utioiit It than the (leople

who go to the .tlH-alrc to be amused.

Of course tho music must be good,

the lines witty and the Hituations

funny, but In Just what (iroiiortion

they are to be mixed Is a mystery

The results only, are tangible and

of a known ((iiantlty. Like "Er-mine,” “Robin Hood.” “The Chimesof Normandy,” “Florodora,” and(lerhaiis half a dozen other siiccessfiii

miisleal works, “The Chaperons,” Is-

idore WItmark's and Frederic Ran-kin’s snceessfiil romedy-o|*‘ra whichwill he seen at The Keiiliicky NewYear's, matinee and night, it Is said

possesses all of these qualities of

due appreciation of past

^ patronaj^e, we wish all of curcustomers and friends

— HunJsonie Olirlatnvas <«rda. Just

the living to send with your presetxts,

at Tho Sun Oftlge, flve conUv eaeb. A nice pair of our lioclies* or

Aleii's Hllp|M-rs would he a nice

Xmas present.

Kl'DY. I‘HII,l,IP» A GO.

We with our friends, one and

all, the pleasures of this season*/3 Merry Christmgs

The Bun gtlllca Is sbowing the

prettiest lines of fancy stationery in

the city and tho prices are surprls-

liigly low. 50c buys a box of very

handsome stationery.

Mammoth stock o( fancy Packages of

Candy, Fruit aud Fruit iUskets

await your ceuimand. Come early

anil avoid the rash. Our alock Is

complele, fresh and frt for the god*

desses of ns all.

6n. C. Thoipsoi, Prisiluti

dive the little one a pair of

n«r nice Knit la^gglnga for

Xmaa.RUDY, l>BlliLU*» « CO.


noon at her home, on Kentucky aee-


of Monroe. !>«.. will aHend the weddina.

more or leaa Informal, not yet an-

noiinretl. The preeence of many of

the popular itlrla and boya of the

yoiinrer society set, at home fromrollefte for the holldaya will Kire ad-

ded seat and life to the season of en

loyment. In fart, mu«'h of the pleas-

urluft will be In their honor. Thecollege contingent are about all In

now. Miss Frances Wallace and .Miss

Lillian Gregory hare arrived fromthe Florence school In Washingtoncity; Miss Marjorie Hcott, Mias Kath-erine Powell and Miss Dow Gilson

from Monticellu, Godfrey, III.; MissAnita Louise Keller from Xaaareth


Miss .Mary Scott and Miss Floy Pendley from Ward Seminary at Nash-ville, Tenn.; .Mr. Robert Wallace andMr. Leo. Keller are here from Prince-ton. N. J.; Mr. Henry rave fromDanville, Ky.. college; Mr. Cllllora

Reddick from Nashville, Tenn.; Mr.Harold Fisher from Notre Dame col-

lege. and Mr. I,eslle Puryear fromMciTyelre Institute at McKemle,Tenn.

(lirisliiMM Hve WccMtng.

The Smithland Banner says:

•‘Sunday .evening, December 2tth.

at eight o'clock, at the residence of

Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Connor, In the

Panhandle section, .Mr. H. F. Craw-ford and .Miss Nannie Harris will he

married. Judge Thos. Rvans, per-

forming the ceremony.

"The bride-to-be Is a beautiful andattractive young lady of Paducahand Mr. Crawford is one of the best

barbers In the city of Paducah, liav

Ing been employed several months In

the shop of Rills A Williams, insBroadway. He Is a brother of Dr.

O. L. Crawford, the well-known and|H>piilar dentist of this county. Theparties will spend Christmas visiting

their relatives In this county, thentake up their residence In Paducah,where they will make their future

home.’* a

Miss Nell Hollaii'.i'.'* card party to

the Rntre Nous club and other guests

will be on Thursday afternoon at her

home, on South Sixth street.By NINA PICTON

CopucteM. ItXM. bu AmerKss Pnm Auocisboa

^ ^T^HREB tlmea aha passed beneathI the mistletoe.^ with face so arch and eye of

-f! \ And 1. distraught, what couldI do?

IL.'Rank coward— I turned round

and let her go.

O mistletoe I

Mra. J. C. Flournoy, of West Jef.

ferson street. Is hostess to the Fire'

hundred elub on Tuesday afternoon

It will be strirtly a club affair. ‘Bakinif„<Ptw<leEThe German club of the Paducah

High School wHl be entertained on

Wednesday evening by Miss BdnaRooks, of Clark and Fifth streets. It

will be a Chrlstmaa affair.From every nook gnd cornerblazed the light;

Eyes flearned like stars Inmatchless ray.

Yet ne’er an eye ofblack or graythonc full and soft as hers that

old year night.O wondrous light I

/\b*olutely Pure


It makes the most delicious

and healthful hot breads,

biscuit and cake


No other baking preparation or powdor

has equal leavening strength

or healthful qualities

Master Claude Baker will celebrate

hts 6th birthday with a pretty party

on Monday afternoon at the home of

his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Ba-

ker, of Kentucky avenue.

Little M\s Edna Oraco Clark will

enterta'n with a Christmas party on

Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock

at the home of her pargnta, Mr. andMrs. Will C. Clark, on North Fifth


Each ont waxed bold as forth shacame again.

And o’er her golden hair thtbough

Of witchery hung. My hourcame now.

I caught and klaeed her like manInaane.

O happy swain I

Ik'neflt Play For the I’oor.

Missea Lucy Overby, Hannah Cor-bett, Carrie Starks and Mary Morrisgave an exceptionally clever presen-

tation of "Cinderella" thlo week, to

a large and delighted audience. Theproceeds of the affair were InvestedIn toys and presented to the Charilyclub for their Christmas gifts to thepoor children.

AftemiKin t'anl Party,

Mrs.Thomas Hall of Jackon, Ten-nessee, entertained very charminglyat cards on Friday tfternoon at the

home of her mother, Mre. M. K. Scott

on North Fourth street. The SansSouci elub, of which Mrs. Hall wasa leading nicmlier .previous to her

marriage, were the guests of honor.

The Christmas season was prettily

emphasised In the holly and ever-

green decorations of the spacious

moms. The tallies were Christmas

cards. Miss Minnie Terrell won the

club prise, and the visitor's prise was

captured by Miss Ella Banders.

Afteh the game a most attractive

2-course luncheon with Santa Claus

In gill Dial II re for the Ices was served.

There were twelve tables of guests


Mrs. Charles 8. Simms will enter-

tain the Crescendo club on Thursdayafternoon at 3 o'clock at her apart-

ments In the Kmpire Flats, on Broad-

way. delightful musical programwill be rendered with selections ap-

propriate to the Yule-tide season.

She neither screamed nor smilednor chid me then,

But blushed her cheek like

thiatledown.And then a tiny, childish frown

Came 'twixt her brows. ’’AtlastI"cried she. ” Oh, Ben.

Slowest of men I”

Cn^reiMhi Club.

The Crescendo club held Its regu-lar bl-weekly meeting on Thursdayafternoon at the studio of Miss Vir-

ginia Newell, on North Seventhstreet. It was a “Musical Query”afternoon and Miss Caroline Ham.the club president, was In the chair.

The Magasine club will be enter-

tained on Thursday evening at the

home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Flournoy,

on West Jefferson boulevard. It will

be an evening affair and the maga-zines will not lie discussed. Kachmember is expected to respond to

roll-call with a selection appropriate

to the Christmas season. An at-

tractive musical program will be ren-

dered. '

No car but mine heard that Im'

ncrious blame.The crowd had pasted. We

twain stood thereIn perfect bliss, without care.

And o'er and o'er I breathed herperfumed name—

O Ruse aflame I

beautiful and pathetic little love


win be accompanied by little MissJane Gould and Master WilHamGould, the children of Mr. and Mrs.William T. Gould, of Brooklyn, N. Y.,

who have been visiting their coustn.

Master Blbrldge Palmer, tor Christ-


The marriage of Miss Susanne Jor-

genson, formerly of this city but re-

cently of Princeton, Ky„ to Mr. T. B.

Bowman, a newspaper men of Louis-

ville, took place on Tuesday ml tha

Adams House In Henderson. It wasa aurptise wedding to Mrs. Bowman'shost of friends here. She was an at-

tractive memlier of the Bans BoucIand other social club when here. Mr,Bowman was at one time In Paducahand la very popular here. They will

live In LouisTille.

Mrs. J. M. Buckner, of Jefferson

and Eighth streets, will leave nest

week for St. Joseph, Mo., to visit her

daughter, .Mrs. James Burns.

Miss May Blossom Beaumont, of

Ma.vfleld, will be the guest of MIsaOarnette Buckner on Jefferson street

during the hoHday season.

Mr. and Mra. William F. Brad-shaw, Jr., will leave Monday after-

noon for Athens, Qa., to visit Capt.

and Mrs. J. M. White, the parents of

Mrs. Bradshaw, during Chrlstmaaweek.

Mrs. O. J. Ford and Miss Letitia

Powell left this week for Palestine,

Tex., where they will be the holiday

guests of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Shelby


Mrs. Bailie Morrow and daughter.

Miss Emily .Morow of Jefferson street,

are spending the holidays in Mem-phis, the guests of Mr. and Mra. Rob-ertson Q. Morrow, of 1146 Union Av-

enue. They wilt not return until ear-

ly in January.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Baxter Pace, Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Burnett and the

Misses Elisabeth, Marie and Susanne

Burnett, of l,oulsviIIe, are the guests

of Mr. and Mrs. Muscoe Burnett, of

West Broadway. It Is a Christmas re-

union of the Burnett family, and

they will renuiin until Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hall of

Jackson, Tenn., are the guests of Mrs.

Hall's mother, Mrs. M. K. Scott, on

North Fourth street for Christmas.

They will return home on Tuesday,

Both are popular members of Paduc^

ah's social clrclee. •

Miss Helen Hecht has returned

from Bt. Louts, accompanied by MIsa

Henrietta Wolf, who will visit bei*e

several weeks.

Miss Judson Roach, stenographer

In Attorneys Keed & Flournoy's of-

fice, has gone to her home In M«ftln.

Tenn., to spend the holidays.

Mrs. Fannie Allard has returned

from visiting her son, Mr. Ollte Al-

lard, of .New York. She is a guest

of her niec'e, Mrs. Leonard P. Janes,

of .North Fifth.

Glee dab Kntertainment.

The High School Glee club andorchestra gave^a pleasant entertain-

ment on Friday afternoon In the

High S<’hool auditorium. Uf was In

celebration of the school's closing for

the holidays, and some attractive

music was rendered.

About People.

Mr. Edward Brlnghurst will leave

tonight for Clarksville, Tenn., to

Rpend Christmas with hla parents,

Mr. and Mrs. Will Brlnghurst. It

will be a reunion of the Brlnghurst

family and Denver, Col., ArkansarNashville, Tenn.. and Paducah will

be represented at the gathering.

Miss Anna Webb arrived this w^ekto spend Christmas with her family

and friends in Paducah. She Is the

guest of her sister, Mrs. Robert

Becker Phillips, at her country home,"Woodlawn." MIee Wabb la the

head of The Florence School, tn

The Joy bells rang. The old yearcrept away.

Lusty and young the new yearstood.

Aglow with promise, life andblood.

Ah. never was such night or holi-

day—For all they say I

Paducah Boy to Wed.At 2 o’clock next Wednesday af-

ternoon the wcHldlng of Mr. George

H. Hatley, formerly of this city, but

now of Springfield, III., and Miss Co-

ra Keplinger, of Carlinville, III., will

be solemnized at the home of the

bride's parents.

Miss Keplinger Is the pretty, bright

and accompliahed daughter of Mr.

M. L. Keplinger, a prominent law-

yer of Carlinville.

Mr. George Halley Is the son of

Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hailey, of Madi-

son street, Paducah. He now holds

the poaltion of assistant chief engin-

eer of the Chicago A Alton railroad,

with heud(]uarters at Springfield, III.

The couple will leave Immediately

after the ceremony f<»r an extended

trip through the west.

After two weeks the couple wIBbe m home hi Springfield. III., to

Iheir friends. .Mr. J. Walter Hailey

The Matinee Musical club will

meet on Wednesday afternoon at

3; 30 o’clock at Ragle club rooms, on

Broadway. Mrs. Hubbard B. Wells

is the leader for the afternoon and

the program, an especially attractive

one, will be rendered by Mre. David

M. Flournoy and Mr. Harry Gilbert.

Alexander von Flellti is the composer

and was an Instructor of Mr. Gilbert

In Berlin. The program Is:

Plano solos, a, b, c, d, selected. .


Mr, Gilbert

Song Cycle — “Rllland,” "Silent

I.A)ve,” “Trauenworth,” “Sprays of

Roses.” “Secret Greetings,” "By

the Strand,” "Child Voices," "ByMoonlight," "Dreams of Roam-

ing.” "Anathema,” "Realgnatlon.”

These ten songs depict a very

Pleasant .\ffair.

The t.adiea of the Maccabees were

ple.nsantly entertained on Friday af-

ternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock by Mrs.

-Margaret Farrlngham at her home onKentucky avenue.

I csnohl «ad kisud Ims.

Some (Tirlstmar. Week .Affairs.

The Cotillion club will have Its

Christmas german at the Palmer

House on Tuesday evening.

The Standard club will entertain

with a Christmas dance at the club

rooms on Broadway on Monday even-


(I'lnce (lues go iiirrrlty nn afterwards?

It Is merely the rebound, the feeling

we all have uflcr a good work well

done. The gayely Is but a rightful

emphasis of the Joy of having h'lped

another's needs or brightened an-

other's woci ,und the world would.

Indeed, l>e a sorry place If we could

not some time roll off our sorrows

and burdens and “Just be gay," else

why was It made round?

H<Hlc(y uimI Ktcpliig.

The week liss been quiet sm'iully,

tile vuste.' things uf Chi istiiias, it

seeiiis, have crowded all nu>re pleas-

uring aside. It is not the exemplifi-

cation of the proverb, dancing like

the grnsshupiier Instead of wiirklngi

like Hie ant either that makes Ibis

so. but that, more and more. Is the

spirit of a ChrUtmas for oibers as

well as "our own" creeping liilo the

dally creed of the society woman.

Khe Is no longer content to let her

Rifts be a sAcrlllce, but makes them

a privilege by sharing them

with some "lesser one."

It Is tbs true spirit of Christmas

and the "Great BIrlhdny" Is being

more marly celebrated lodty as the

Christ wimld have it Ibun ever be-

fore III Hie history of the world.

.More and more Is It the vase In Ihi

large citU-s »hnt work In the slums Is

more a Icaiure of the society girl’s

ChrlstiiiaH day ihiiii the olden-llme

frolic or dance. While there arc

chnrltiiblc orKnnir.atloii.i galore and

work through them can lietier reach

the very poor's needs than an lo lls-

crinitnale giving. It Is the Individual

cuHes of Hie "bcarlailie as well us

Hie lniiigcr pang" the proud pobr

who suffer and will not speak ihul

can iH’st be met by the society wo-

muii'ir grJcloiisncss and tact. .-\iid

the Individual contract In lieliiful and

broadening In every way to her, so

Hie giving and receiving Is alike


If. as lias been clevMly said, "the

gifts of today are carried in aulomo-

lilW'B, HO niiiili the better, they hold

more than a Kris Kriiiglo sleigh.’

and the dear old god <>f plenty

would be Hie last one to object to

such an iip-to-dnio Innovation, for

that very reason. Ami what If the

Miss Faith Laagstaff is hosteaa to

the Sans Souci club on Friday after-

219-223 BROADWAYVIsIIh From HI. Xlcholns.

The good old Saint Nicholas Is to

be work’“d overtime this year, and

will not l>e allowed to rest from bin

labors with Christmas eve. He Is to

lie somi'what In demand on Christ-

mas ci ty as weil.

Monday ulternoon at 4 o’clock

.Master Klbrldgc Palmer will give his

.uiniiul Christmas tree at his home

“The Kerti'i" on t’isrk Htreet. The

affair U always antlclimted wlthplcas-

iirc hy hla many young friends who

will be present. On this occasion he

win be assisted In receiving by his

cousins Master William and little

Miss Jane Gould of Brooklyn. N. Y.

At 7 o'clock ut the home of Mr.

and Mrs. J. C. Flournoy IS small

guest • will witness the arrival of

Santa Cinus and pack down an Im-

mense rhlmney, specially built for

the Jolly gentleniaii.

Brevadway Methodist Sunday school

will have ii Christmas trcH" at 7:30

o'clock. This will Im* accompanied hy

tableaux and an elalrarate musical

program benriiig on the Christmas

season. Santa Claus will, also, be In

evidencu here.

A MerryChristmas

extend all the compliments of

the season to the good people

of Paducah and vicinity and take this

opportunity to express our apprecia-

tion of the generous patronage ac-

corded us.

That everyone will have a most merry

Christmas, is our earnest hope.

t^uic*c*rt t’lirlsliMH*. .\ffcTncMin.

Society can In no belter way "give

honor where honor Is clue" than by

uticndlng en masse the concert at the

Kcnuicky theater on Cbrlslmus

afternoon, glv.'u by the Philharmonic

Orchestru under the l?ucl of Mr.

Harry Gilbert. It will be n fine

musical ireot, ur. everyone who heardThe World’s Best

Perfumes”When St. Nicholas looked In the pack

of Life,

He didn't know what to say;

For thick things and thin

He found tumbled in.

In the helterest-skelterest way.

1 PIntud’s BrlsBmhaumee Vio*

lette la just like a fresh bumhof violets—


3 50 in half ounce


H Honbigant’s Ideal-

1 Fiver's Le Trifle Incarnat.

S RIcksecker's as*-orled o lors.

S Vantine’a, HI Yang and ot*'er

Japancae odors.

H Tnese constitute Ihe “woild's

beat pet fumes.”

A bunch of laughs had been wedged


Some sighs and a roll of doubt;

There were smiles with fears.

There were Joys with tears

H was hard to make things out.

But the good Saint saw through lh«

seeming mix.

And he laughed as hard as he


"Why, the bad In here,"

Cried be, "aint near

So bad as the good is good."

—Warwick James Prleo In Record*

Tin* Younger Set In Kvlilciict*.

The coming week already pronilaes

to bo a gay one i'or society, and

there will be many entertainments




I biirnii. Ho may want to rchiillil. HoI •iitiii'ally wnnt* the wiiiio advantOKon1 •urrordod Ills conipotllorB, Homo ol

whom may have hoen hero only a

abort time. If ho aaka for a live

year oxomiition. whhh hla young

neighbor aoroaa the way may he get-

ting. he la turned down on aeeount

of a technical conilnictlon of the

law. Thla g(M)d citiren who haH liv-

ed here for yeara, j>Bld Ihmiaanda ot

dollara taxoa, and done the city In-

calculable good, la not able to get

what a new man la willingly given.

Such diacrimination Is certainly

aiifflclent to make the goml citlsen

feel keenly the Ingratitude of his

fellow citlsen In the lerialatlve

lioarda, and anyone else would feel

Just aa be docs.

If seems ^at the members of these

boards should remember the object

of the exemption statute and apply

It where and In a manner that will

do the most good. The law shouldlie applied with tact. Justice andpromptness.




iNconaenaTgBiraAgg m Pus SB, PrtaldSBtand Bdiwr.

Dwia J. PasToa, (‘sssral Maaafi

Itivcr Stages.

r.ilro. 21.4 n,4 rise.

Chatf nn<K)ga. s.t- rise.

Cincinnati, 20.6 0.2 rise.

Kvansville, 20.o I li rise.

Kloreiico- misaing.

.lohnaonvllle, lO.K --U.S rise.

I.oulsvllle, s.:i -0.1 rise.

•Mt. Carmel, .1.7 fall.

.Nashville. 22.1— l.S rise.

I’lltsburg, 10.3— 2.0 rise, now fall

UBBCRIPTtON RATKBI(atsrsd SI ths postomes si Psdsaafe, By., ss

seuiid cIsH mauar.)

TBK UAILT BUMBp saiTlsr, pw week- .10

By ssall. par voatb, la sdTsasa.— — -40

f all. pet year. Is saTsasa.—._ .. — 4-W)

tbk weekly bumysar, by mall, poatsfs paid . B-*Addraa THB BON, Padasah, By.

Both American ami foreign— a.t-

loriinenti which include the

newest and daintirat perfumes,

as well as aU the old favorite

odor Prices always reasonable','

never exce-slve

Davla Island I>am, 11.1— 1.8 rise

Ht. l^nls, 6.2 —aland.

Ml. Vernon iniasing.

Paducah IT.fl—0.9 rise.

Burnside, 13.1— 2.2 fall now rls-

TBK SUN 0AM aa toon at taa pouowtwo n-scaa:

R D. ClemsBM K Oa.

Vaa Oalin Broa.

PftLmer Bousf.

J. H. OHliLSCiiLA£<it;l

DRUfiflISTCarthago, 17.0— 2.4 rise

The stage of the river Is feel

on the gauge, a rise of 0.9. Clear anti


The towboat Clifton Ibis morning

passed up with the big wharfboat fur

Evansville and u derrick hual. She

ilropiwd Ihc latter here and after

coaling left for Kvansville. The wharf

boat was purchased from the Colum-

bian Kxcurslon company, at St.lxuils.

•ind haa Just been repaired on the

ways at Mound (Mty. It la about the

d*e of the Paducah wharfboat.

The M. W. Huttorff leaves Nash-

ville this evening and Is due here to-

morrow night. As Monday Is Christ-

mas she will not go out until WcJnesday but In the meantime will go

on the ways or do<ks for light rc-


The nick Fowler left at K a. mwith a good trip and on ber return

tonight will lay up until Wednesday,

giving the rrew Iwo holidays on ac-

count of Christmas.

The Uoysl arrived at 10 a. m from

C.olronda and left at 2 p. m. for the

came port.

The Charleston will be repaired

e.irlv next week and leave at on»v for

the Cnmiwriand river. She broke her

whrcl a few days ago. •

The Kentucky will leave at C p in

with a fair freight trip. As the holi-

day business up the Tennessee river

'a practically over she will not have

her usually big trip.

The Peters l-ee passed up from

Memphis for Cincinnati at 3 a. m.

She put off 20 bales of cotton here for

the Cohankiis Maniifacinrlng romps-

BETTRR SPIRIT I.\ KENTUCKY.A better spirit is coming over old

Kentucky, says the I..outaytIle Her-

ald. The Goebel revolutionary era

brought tiitiny into promiiienre, somewe freely admit on the republican

side, undeserving of nr unlit for

public honors and responsibilities.

(Joebelism created a profound shak-

ing up In the democracy. The old

time conservative leader and coun-

sellor was turned down for the vio-

lent, radical, unacriipulous mouth-

1 ,lece. Some excellent democrats left

their old-ymo jwrty naaociatlnns to

become republicans, loyal and effect-

ive. Such they have jiroved by deed,

courageous and unselfish, often re-

peated. But other so-called demo-crats, profiting by the unsettled con-

dlt.mua In their 'bwn party, also cameover, not for eonvlrtion's sake, hut

to |w>se as martyrs and cavort at-

converts, to better obtain rewarda In

the form of offices denied them In

former party surroundings. TheIcttdt-rship assumed In republican

councils by some of these unconvert-

ed democrats has worked tor muchevil In republican circles. But the

party Is awakening to the evil andfully e<]ual to its abatement.

It Is, on the other hand, pleasing

to sec iudepeudeilt deiiKM-rats take

firm stand for the honor of Kentuekyin the matter of a proi>osed statue

to Senator Goebel to be |,laced at the

ex|H>nse of this state In the nation's

hall of fame at Washington. TheOwensboro Inquirer rightly says of

that despotic politician;

"He possessed not a single charac-

teristic of the great man, except de-

termination, to achieve bU ends.

".Magminimlly is a |iart of the

great man. He would scorn success

attained by such moans as Ooebei

used and |K>riiiitted to be used in the

•Vluslc Hall convention, for iiisluiice.

" us hear no more of Goebel

In this connection. If his worshipers

want to continue their idolatry, muchof which Is as Insincere as Goebel

was Insincere, let them do it, but let

not the great majority of the peoi,lo

of Kentucky suffer for their Idola-

Mead left Pittsburg Friday fo.'


The chief of engineers In n report

transmitted to congress says that

"Big Bandy river, Teiiii., Is not wor-

thy of liiiproveimnt l,y the

government." The river is a tribu-

tary of the Tenuecicq river, near the

Kenluck, tine.

A 8t. Louis dispatch auya:

ru|,t. Joseph Rol»erts, aged llfly.

three years, who haa lte,-n a rivermnn

for thirty y«irs, died at hla home in

Venire, III., l<Hlay. He waa on the

boat which carried I'harlea Hickein

acroan ths river h,-re In is.'iO.

IjibI year the river waa closed by

Ice I)r<i-niber C and remained cloacil

Id* days.

The Vivian Is le-lng converted into

a t(»wboat etid will be renamed.The Peters I ce will U-.ive Clii-'ln-

natl next Wediu-.-<day f<ir .Mcuipbis.

The acartily of Ihix ears oa the

railroads re-iulted In the shipment of

a great amount of holiday k<mmIs by

water this year.

A t.,oulavHIe telegram of Tuesda.v

said: Phillip Heudricks, aged 72,

for twenty-live years assistant wharf-

master, and fnth<-r of Police Cuptnlii

James Hendricks, died Inst midulglit

of pnoumonla.

A telegram from t'lnclniiatl slated

that several of the towboats whichstarted fi>r Pittsburg with tows of

empties were gmunded at |H,lnts

along the river in the upper part oi

the stream.



<’on«e, King of the <’nnlle, old syv<‘c1licnrt of fancy,With your merry r,-<l face fall of urinklliig cheer,

Clinil) out from your caHlIe of candy and crystal •

And liDineas your sle»l t«, yimr dancing n-lnde«-r!

How ilu Imbk-s an. iniking all over creation

Of tl:« Junketing trip of their Jolly old king.

And each little darling Is doubling nnd ilts'iiniing

•\iid inP'wsiiut nhul to}M the old sweciliciirt yvill


Total 96,704

Average for November 3719

Average for Novembar, 1904.2882


Come along hew, old Frosty, drive down in n «nowr


SbM-e straight thru* itie night yvlth y«>ur Itoggage of

I iK-er!

•A sleig'iful of HiiurexliHins, skates, lnini|s-ts nnd trin-


.And ten thousand isiunicrfcll toys of the year.

Don't miss any home In th<- Kinpirc of tliihllPSHl,

Ihm't innke a mistake, don't dri\e hy m d<H>r!

Yon are rich; 'tin a s«-ns«>n of plenty—If your load is I<n» light, why drive Itack and gel

in« .t*.

Personally appeared before me,

E. J. Paxton, general manager of

The Sun, who affirms that tho above

statement of the circulation of The

Sun for tho month of November,

1906, Is true to the best of bis knowl-

edge and belief.

PETER PURYBAR,Notary Public.

My commission expires January

22, 1908.

'TIs a li tnl task, we know, fi>r one King to |M-rfonn it

But .MHi have a inhasMulors—s<'iid u- alHtul—Kacli oiU' can is'llcve you a |*art i»f yuur journey—

Sturt ca«di «»f us forth on a separate route.

A'ou ran sit In the sky on a s4if« of snow-halls.

Wo will scatter yotir gifts with a prolligiilc sway;iVlille r. rhoni- « f sw«s-t little voices will hies.-, you,

•And sinait the wild gbnlness of Hania Claus l>ay,—Ci-eswell .McLaughlin, in .Sunday Ihsvrd-lleruld.

Daily Thought.

Let the gentle air of the Christ-

mas spirit touch the life, as the cold

of the winter Is touched by the gen-

gentler days of Spring.— F. G. Pea-


.A pretty dress wouhl t»e

something niee for sister's .X>

mas piTweiil.

ItCDY, PHILI,ll*M « (N>.EXEMPTING MANUFACTORIES.Some of the members of 'the gen-

eral, council appear to take a very

narrow view of the prlnolple of ex-

empting industries from taxation for

B period of five years as an Induce-

ment to their location. They get

up and fruitlessly waste time qulh-

blng over trifles nnd technlealltlos.

when a little Investigation would

show them that what the iirogresslve

jieoplc of Paducah want them to do.

so far as Paducah Is coneerned. I*

only what other Kentucky cities do.

We want to be Just as generous

and liberal as other cities, because

we sliall have to jdace ourselves on

an equal footing with them In tho

contest for ' supremacy In locating

new maniifacforles. If we cxirect to

accomplish results.

The exemption law Is rapahle of

either a liberal or a limited construc-

tion. Some hold that not only newfactories, including every particle of

Iirojierly they own, may be exempt,

but that property may be exempt that

suiiplants old fHctories that have

htirncd. In some places the latter

construction has been placed on the

law, and with satisfaction and suc-

cess to the town. It Is alleged.

Hut how Is It here? A factory

that Is undecided about where to lo-

cate, would prefer going elsewhere,

to being Juggled about In the local

boards (which seldom seem to knowtheir own minds for two days In suc-

cession) In an efforl to secure the

legal exemptions. Every advantage

of locutiiig a new factory seems of-

ten to be lost sight of in avaricious

conteinidatlon of the few dollars in

taxes Immi-dlalely in sight.

Some olliclals are short sighted us

well as unjust,*

Paducah has always nilhered to

the Idea that If a man's mill or fac-

tory burns, the factory he puts ui>

In Its place is not a new one. Sup-

pose he hiiihls It somewhere else.'

Tlie five-year exemi>tlon law Is patt-

ly, no doulil. to Induce him to hulht

It here. Ills new factory Is Just an

much anotlu-r fa< lory ns If then? had

never hoen one there. Ho might

hiilld the new factory here, or might

build It somewhere else, or might

not build It at all. The five-year stat-

ute. some cnnlenil, Is to enable a

rlty to offer him iuducemeuts to re-

build. If it Is neiessary, and the as-

sumption Is a reasonable one. At

least many good lawyers claim that

the statute may be so construed with


Yet what Is the situation here? A :

man may live here thirty or fortyj

years, assist In u|ibuilding the city,

ruriiisb scores of people with a meansof making a* living, year In and year

out. pay big taxes every year, and In

many other ways contrlhiite to the

growth and prosperity of the city,

lie has a uilsfurluue, and bis mtU i

—Our Jewelry i« Hie kliiil which Is

UihmI twenty year* from now. Ionare liivlleil (u come and see l(, \Ynr-reii it AYsm-ii, lo;l BroiHlway,Ubiqrrigbt 1006


Chtcsgo Our line of laiillen* llaiMltuig*

Im* no e,|i|iil III the city,

Itl DY. PIIII.LIPS .« (X>.

What Will You Give

I ler For Christmas ?Well said. Kentucky has sufff'red

> very greviously in national standing

\y the assm'latlon of Us name with

Goehelism and Goebellstle methods.

The late William Goebel stood for a

Idespotism, with himself as chief ty-

rant. that had crushed Kentucky by

depriving her of capital, enterprise,

1 progress and population. I^entucky

must dissoelatc herself absolutely

from all that Is Implied by Goebellsm.

We nwd caiiltal and enter|»rlse. Weneed population and progress. Thesewe can have by a large-minded,

clean-handed, broad-ganged system^ of state politics.

li4)N4;KU ('Ol'IlT,


The Geo. H Cowling mailr her

regular trips belween P.idiicah and^

.Metrnpolif today, bringing up big

crowds of shopjiers.

The llarvesl*-r left Pittsburg yes-

terday with 4 2 barges for Paducah

for the West Kentucky Coal Co.

Tho 'Frisco transfer barge heliig

repaired on the docks will be let of.

this afternoon and TueHday a similar

barge will Ik> floated on. There 1-

atill another to he repaired, making

four In all.

Superlulcndcnt Young Tuyhi.

stated this morning that h<' h-id 10-t

men at work on the diH-ks. Av»>rug-

ing carl) man'a salary at |2 a day

this would mean a payroll during the

week of $1,909. The force at the

dorks and ways' will lay off Christ-


Tho Cincinnati Enquirer saya:

"Cupt. C. -M. Budd of Padiicnl)

Ky.. master of transportation and

general huIoh agent of the Kentucky

Coal company, p.asscd through the

city yesterday en route to Pittsburg.'

The SI. Louis Hcimbllc of Tuesday

says; ‘There was conslderatile slush

Ico running In the river yesterday

Tho river Is In good condition for a

heavy run of Ice If a quick freeze

thould come."

,\ Plttshiirg telegram TuAhdaj

says': "Government Inspectors have

biispendcd for sixty days the llcense.s

of Frank Gilmore, master and (illol

and riysHOs K. Riggs, engineer, of

the steamer Iron Age, for carrying

excessive almiiii."

Tho Lnuisvillo Courier-Journal

says: "Cupt. Sam S. Brown had

tJ.OVO.OUP of stock III the .Moiuinga-

helu River Consolidated Coke and

Coal coniiiany when he died. (Jiiite a

number of steainhnatmen and tow-

hoatmen will spend their holidays al

home."Tho l.'nlted States governmoni

Kiiaghoat E. .A. Woodruff has gone in-

to winter quarters at Cincinnati. She

Is la charge or iIm work on the Ohio

liver amt tributaries.

Dr. F. ,M. Mead, who has bboti In

charge of the United States iiiarim-

hospital service at Pittsburg alnce the

civil war, has been transferred to

Churivston, g. C. Dr. A. C. gnilth, ot

Now Ol leans, suctetled blm. Dr

Hill to Be Prc|Mii-fil anti liitriMltic4-4l

al Next S<-ssloii of la'glslatiirc.Iiiviletl to tlilcago l«» .Allciwl Iiisiir-

Unix- .Meeting,

,\ meeting of the Pudiicali P#ir

soiisilon was lu'Kl at the city hall

last night, nnd thi inciiihers of the

.rofi salon frcseui readily agrewl to

'hi-I r.)) ot-itlon to cxteinl the lime of

.he ,\I' Ciu.'ken '-Irciilt court by ciiv-

inlliiig the .\IsrHhall circuit court

.I'lil adding the time to this court.

There are now three terms a year

of the Henton (oiirl. one lasting four

v.eckt ,and the other two, throe

weeks eai-h. It la proposed to take

1 w -ek from «-ae;i of the terms anif

.(dd them to the terms la this conn-

ly. where longer sessions are iie«d-

ed. ,\ coniliilttee was niipolnled to

draft a siiit iblc bill for iiresentatlon

to the next legislature.

There was a big market this morn-

ing and the hu.vcrs were so numer-

ous that It was almost tinpoMible to

get through. The sIikU of dressed

turkeys. g(e=e and chickens was

probably the largest of any d iy this

season. There were also plenty of

buyers for all of Ibem, This Is the

big market day prer-cdlng Chrlstma.s

for on Christmas there lw»practlcull,'

DO market and there will he nons

tomorrow, as it Is Snnduy.

On sale was almost everythlnr

that could be secured on a market.

Several kinds of fish were to he had

Vegetables obtained at thla season

were there, and one meat seldom

seen except right at Christmas time

was little pigs, nlceh dressed, ready

for stuffing and plai liig In the oven.

^ 1 hu one ubeautifully

nude, utrong

and with itiff

hriftle*. Sil-

ver plsted but

looks likeSterling,^uslity is

gusrsnteedby the Wsl-Isce Stamp,

Frankfort K>., Dee. 23.—Uni-

form legislation on the general sub-

ject of insurance and the control of

insurance companies by the various

states Is the aim of an Importaut

meeting to be held In Chicago on

February 1, I9(tfi. Gov. J. (’. W.

Reckhaiii, N. B. Hays, Attorney Gen-

eral, and Henry R. F’rewltl, State In-

surance Commissioner, have all been

invited to attend, and It is expected

that |>erhaps all of mem will go. Th*.

governors, attorney generals and In-

surance commissioners of all the

states and territories have been In-

vited to attend the conference which

was called by Thomas E. Drake, s>i-

perlntendent of insurance of the dis-

trict of Columbia.

Mr. Prewitt said mat he expect*

the meeting to l>e of great benefit.

He said the most Important thing

in connection with the handling of

the insurance companies is to have

uniform legislation, and he believes

that this can be oblaind best by a

meeting of the head officials of each

state. Mr. Hays said he also expected

to l>e present.

Tlie Texas WonderCurea all kidney,bladder and rbeumatIc troubles; sold by J. H. Oeblscblae-

ger, 691 Broadway, Dr. E. W. Hall,

office 2926 Olive 8t., St. Ijoait, Mo.

JEWE.LE.RPhone 772-a 428 Broadway

4'ouiil) RoikI Work. Over.

The work on the county roads Is

now over for the year, with the ex-

ception of what necc-.s-ary repairs

may come up during the winter. Thework will be resumed al>oiit .April.

YOU DON'T HAVE TO WAITKyny aoMBi*l>«* yoH ImI balUt. Lu-yo*

keep* yowr wbolt 'a* del right, hold no the

utaary Imi k plan •fctywbcre. Prle* to ctl.To have delicious, Drown rakes for

breakfast, mix cold water with .Mi --

Mistin's Pancake flour. At all grocers A prelly line of <iau7.e Fansfor you to wiect from.

RI DA', I'ini.LIPS A (X).

A iMiir of Portieres wouhl In-

dccrl make n nice gift. \\'c haveMtiue twenty |mirH of mill sam-pIcN to sell rather than return

them. New imtterns at ahout

onc-third les.s Hiun regular.


To the Miiintcs, lint Ctiiinol Kign

Them us Approved.

It Is understood that President O.

R. Davis, of the Imard of aldermen,

may posHihly before Ik> goes out of

oflleo eerllfy to the inlmites of tbe

Joint session, wlileh were not ap-

proved by the hoard of -Aldermen.

Ho eannot Hlgti them as having been

ndo|>teil, ns they were not, but maycertify that they are eorrect.

.Noihe to Hie.^ Puldie.

All parlies having claims agHlnsI

tho city for material of any kind arc

requested to (iresent their bills to

the auditor's office not later than

Wednesday evening, Ih-cemher 27lh

19u.',, as It Is necessary that they

shall he |jluc<-d liefnre the Joint

finance committee on Thursday, Do-

cemher 29th, for their Inspection anda|>provul, and he prepared for presen-

tation to the general council for al-

lowance within tho year 19-i)3. A’our

attention and eo operation Is request-

ed. us it la neyssaiy to fueilltale set-

tlemeut of all the business of the

klty poMsihle, within the current

year. Respectfully,

D. A. YEISKR. .Mayor.

Died .At Ithiimoiid.

•Mr. Roy McKinney has received

news of the death at Richmond, Va..

of his aunt. Mrs. W. G. Lung, of

blood poisoning. She was 15 years

old and formerly ot Cadiz. She leaves

a husband and two-weeks old clilld.

The funeral will be at ElkioD,Ky..and

.Mr. and .Mrs, McKinney will attend

.\e Pastoi- Callcil Aii.

It is probable that the members ot

the First C'hiistlau ehurt'h will not

call a pastor to succccil Rev. W. H.

Pinkerton, resigned, until tho regu-

lar lucellug of the Itoard tho first

Wednesday in .lunuury.

Will Not l.rM-Hlc ill till' West,

Sheriff Potter state's that he Is

Hot thinkliig of liM'iilliig In the west,

as reported, hut that ho will live in

.'dcCraiken county. Ho Is contem-

plating a tiiur of the west, but only

for |>lcasure.

m/'lAWHOlESOMCM i Iand pleasant

( 1/ “Sick or well

jjK'J It will tell.’*

h\ y AT ALL SALOONSb. and DRL'O stores

^DREYFUSS.WEILlCaYoie Controllers for U.S,A*

,\ pair of our all w<m*|

Itlanki'ls ill blue, nil and pink

fur ChrislinuH.


A\'o<hIiim*ii at Hazel,

A camp. WiHMlmen of the Wcrld.

haa been organized at Hazel, Callo-

way county, by J. W. Me|sl»y, of Pa-ducah. The officers elected arc;

Newton Chrisman, counsel com-mander; Mr. Neely, clerk; RubyChrisman, hanker; Mr. Osborne es-

cort; Mr. Evans, sentinel.

There is a remedy over sixty years old

— Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Of course

you bavs liesiJ of It, probably haveused it. Once In the family, it stays;

tbe one household remedy for coughsand colds. Ask your own dMior about it.

W* luiv M MOVti I WimSUsS a.O.avMOa..

ForCoughdaoeca MkruehQuarter ulo,-*, with ll« loos


14iUt*norC*lkU)Uai>U McMiarrtaHhlrta



WANT AND NEED.There’s a big difference

between what a baby wants

and what he needs. Denyhim the one, give him the

other. Most babies needScott’s Emulsion— it’s the

right thing for a baby. It

contains a lot of strength-

building (jualities that their

food may not contain. After

a while they get to want it.

W'hy^ Because it matesthem comfortable. • Thosedimples and round cneeksmean health anj ease. Scott’s

Emulsion makes children

easy; keeps them so, too.

KOTT & BUWNlt, 409 Pearl SI., New York.

NetsJ Line of ffear

Seal Coats

People and. Pleasant Events

Mias Maud MiiKhea, of NaahviliP,

Tenn.. will arrive today to apend the

holldaya with her coiialn, Mra. I.. ('.

Perry, of fill! South Fourth street.

Frank and .lohn Donovan have re-

turned from fit. Vlnteura Crdleae at

Itourbonnula, 111., to spend the holl-

daya with their parents, Mr. and .Mrs.

John T. Donovan, of West Jefferaon


Mr. John Hock has ruturned to

Cleveland, O. Me was railed here bythe death of hla brother, the late

Oeorge Rork.

.Mr. Robert Richardson, of City

Enulneer I., A. Washington’s office,

will no to Memphis today to spendthe holidays.

City KnRineer I,. A. Washington,who has l)«en ill, has recovered.

•Messrs. C H Bradley, H. E. Hayand Jesse Hay, of Murray, are In the

city on buainess.

Mr. Vaughan Dabney, who Is at-

tending the state college at I.rf>xlng-

ton, Ky., has returned home for the

holidays. He came by the way of fit

I.ouls and fiprlngffetd. III., where he

made short visits.

Mr. C. H. Tomllnaon. of Wood-vllle. Is In the city on business.

Mr. Don Marton, the leatherwork-

er, left for I.a)ulsvllle to spend the


Miss Clara Amos, of fildney, O., Is

here to visit Dr. and Mrs. W. H.

rilcher’ during the holidays

Mr. Robert Acker Is home fromthe I,exlngton state school to spend

the holidays.

•Miss Mary Porterlleld, of Ken-nett. Mo.. Is visiting Prof, and Mrs.

John D Smith, of North Third street

Mr. Joe Williams has returned

from college near Louisville, to spenu

the holidays with his parents, Capt

and Mrs. Michael Williams, of Third

rnd Madison streets.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morgan and lit-

tle daughter Corena. of lt05 Clay

street, left today for Benton. Ky..

to spend Christmas with friends anc.


Mr. Pat .McEIrath returned to

Benton this morning after n business

trip to the city.

Attorney Sam Croasland. of May-

f.«'ld. Is In the city today.

.Mr. Eddie Epstein, of Ijoulsvllle,

la In the city on buslneas. He for-


nierly lived In Paducah, and this Is

his first trip to the city In several


Col. 0. C Dluguld, the lawyer, wil

go to Murray tomorrow to visit

friends and relatlvt>s.

Congressman Ollle M. James ar-

rived today from Washington, D. C•Mr. B. F. Worsham and Dr. H. D.

Chlpiis, of Corinth, Miss., are at the


Mr. D I-. Redden, of Murray, Ky.,

was In the city today.

Mr. H. W. Stevens, of Roanell, N.

.M., Is at the Palmer.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Boyd left this

afternoon to spend the holidays with

the latter’s parents at Paris, Tenn.

Miss Sue Hubbard has gone to St.

Louis to spend the holidays with

Mrs. Oreer.

.Mrs. W. L. Yancey, who has been

111 of pneumonia. Is lmi>rovlng.

.Miss Ruth Harper will go to May-

tleld, Ky., to spend the holidays. She

is stenogr.ipher for .\ttorneys Oliver

& Oliver.

Miss (lussle Smith returned from

Bethlehem college, near Louisville,

to spend the holidays.

Judge R J Barber leaves tonight

for Memidils to spend the holidays

with Mr. and .Mrs. jack Flynn.

Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Simmons will

leave tonight to spend the holidays

with Mr. and Mrs. W. 1). Tudor, of

(Ireenvllle, Ky.

Constable Phil Hlsey Is out today

for the first time In eleven weeks. Hohas been suffering from paralysis.

Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Orahum. of

U'hanon. Ky., arrived last night to

spend the holidays with their broth-

er. -Mr W. R. Holland and other rel-


Mr. Robert W. fireenfleld, of Nash-

ville, Tenn.. will arrive tomorrow to

visit his nieces, the Misses Morton,I

on. Broad way.

Mr. Tom Morton arrived from Chi-

cago today to spend Christmas with

his sisters, the Misses Morton.

Mr. Maurice B. Nash. Jr., of Louis-

ville. is In the city to spend Christ-

mas with his parents, ,Mi^ and Mrs.

.M. B. Nash at the Sans SoucI flats,

on .North Ninth street.

Miss Mabel Hart, of Henderson,

will arrive Tuesday on a visit to Mrs.

L. A. Washington, on West Broad-


.Major .M. Bloom continues to im-

prove at the home of his daughter in

St. Louis.

[he Orand .Inry Returns Nolle

Pros in the Mnnier Charge.Today wc received twenty very pretty Near Seal

Coats in sizes from 34 to 42. The prices range

from $32.50 to $45.00 —WITH—ISEFIL PRESENTS

Por All Ages

TIm .Members Declthnl .After Hearing

the Evidence That It Was.An .Areideiit,

Men, get your wife or sisterone for Xmas. She wants.


The grand Jury made its flnal re-

port shortly before noon today, and

dismissed the case against Mrs. Veils

Gholson, who was yesterday morning

exonerated by County Judge Light-

foot at her preliminary trial on a

warrant charging her with the mur-

der of William M. Pryor.

After Jiid^e LIghtfoot had dismiss-

ed the warrant yesterday, the com-


monwealth attorneys had the case ta-

\ken to the grand Jury, and the grand

i Jury, after hearing the evidence, de-


elded as Judge LIghtfoot declded.and

Mrs. Gholson thus today gets her

second exoneration In two days.

The evidence seems to have been

plain enough that the ihooting was

accidental. The dismissal of the

grand grand Jury today, would not

prevent future grand Juries consider-

ing Ihe case If they Jeslred to. but

It Is believed that the dismissal today

ends the case.

The grand Jury made formal re-

port on the case this morning, cer-

tifying that It was dismissed, and the

report waa ordered spread on the re-


Thd funeral of Mr. Pryor took

place this morning at 11 o’clock, bur-

ial at Oak Grove.

The atatement that Mrs. Vella

Gliolson, was placed iu the county

Jail was a mistake. All the time she

was at the home of J. W. Troutman,

on Tennessee street. In custody of

Constables Alex Patton and fibel-


Carving Sets, Pocket Knives, Spoons,

Oyster Forks, Soup Ladles, Chafing

Dishes, Nut Cracks and Picks, Coal

Vases, Cuspidores, Lamps, Wagons,Go-Carts, Automobiles, Sleds, Roller

and Ice Skates, Desks, Drums, Rock-

ing Horses, Chairs, Shoo-Flies, LapRobes, Carriage Heaters, Granite-

ware, Novelties.


Ttic Sun Ik aNKlKlIng the IB-k-

rue .VIlKHlon in giving the p<Hir

of the eity a ('hrlMinaK tri-e thla

year, un hna In-en the euatomevery year for Revernl yean paat

nn<l nnkN each of Ita KubKerlhf-r.-i

to nae the rou|Min helow andmail HR one dime, ,A dime la a

very aninll thing to y«>u hut will

help KW'ell the fund hnmenael)If every aiihaei-llter will do hla

or her p.'irt.

Send In your dlmt-a today.

Don’t pill It off. A’on may for-

get It.

Tlie tnt* will lie given Wed-neaday, Ih-e. 27.

ul weeks yet.—^The reaaon no declalon haa ever

been rendered In the cow orditiHnee

ajipeal la that Ihe defendant, 8. P.

Ragadule, who tealed the ordinance

III Ihe iMillce court rnae In which It

woa declared invalid, will not ron-

aent to having the advanced ontho apiH'llate court docket, whichneceaaltate^ Ita taking the regular

courae, which may delay It a year or

t wo.

—Tho Joint finance committee ofthe general council will hold Ita laa»

meeting next Friday, and MayorVelaer will call a meeting of the coiin

ell and aldermen for Ihe aiicceedlng

night to wind up all Ihe hiialiieaH of

the old hoards. The new boards goIn January 1st.



I enclose herewith a dime for

yonr fund to give u Oiriatmaatree to Ihe |MMir of Padurah.

(Signed.)(Iiristinaa 1a A’et rneertain-

Vilile a Cliange Ijiat Night.

work guaranteed. Exclusive agentfor flone atone aide wire tlirae, thebeet rubber tire giade.

While today Is Ideal, being neith-

er loo eidd nor tint warm, Ihe wenl.h.

or for Christmas Is yet uncertain.

According to yesterday’s weatherforecast today was to be wet, buithe morning broke clear and later

clouds b«Hame so dense that the sunwas obscured and for awhile snowwas threatened, but again the cloudsbroke and Old fiol showed forth In

all hla glory.

There was freexing weather last

night, which was a very siiddeichange and gradually the tempera-ture haa bi-en on the upward ten-

dency today, hut very slowly. Withthese rondltlons It is Impossible to

tell Just what kind of weather weshall have Christmas, hut everybody!• Interested In the wenlher on that

day. The day nmy yet be white,which would make It a genuineChrlsluma.

Forecaster F. J. WaU. of Loiilit-

vllle. who aends out Ihe forecast for

Paduesh, la at a losa to figure on’the CbrlatuiHx weather, as from thematerial at hand almost any comhination can he prodiircd. .\n area nl

low prexHiire, which la ca|)al)le o'

producing dreary weather arcompn-nled by rain, la dominating Ihe Cen-tral Slalea and la hanging pc'alatenl

ly over the Ohio Valley. .\nother

area of low is In the fioiithweat.

while an emhrynnle high is devolv-

l!)|t Iu Ihe .Northwest. Should the

high move In fair, c«dd weatherwould he produced, while if both

moved, cold weather, with mow nr

rain, might re.milt. .\l present 11 1-;

a toHs-up, a-i far as predirting the

weather for the 2.’llh of D<veml>er li

coucernc-d. Chances are brighter,

however, for a white Christmas.


FOR RENT OR SALE—Nltto (»)room houM on Noith Sew?ti.t'h atreet

(Holland home), sixteen dollars a

month, 11,900 on easy paymenta. F.

M. Flaber.

I’elilioii in Itaiikniptcy,

Mrs. Ev.i J. Washburg, formerly of

Wlckllffo, but now of the county hasfiled a petition in bankruptcy, givingliabilities amounting to ffis.otm withno assets. She became Involved In

her husband’s affairs, endorsing his


By watching "wants ' one flnda

‘‘opiHirtiiiilty." It would In- hard to

find a dozen want ada. in which no

real opimrtunity is advertiaed.

carr.ages, baggngw wagons ano nrii-

claas livery rigs. Hack tarem and

trunks strictly cash. Best aervice In

tbs city.

—The bids for work on Ihe city

hospital In order to Increase Its ca-

pscliy. will he in and ready for the

new boards about the (list of Ihe

year. The other Idda were rejec ted

— f)i n’t forget the ’’Grand Calico

Hop’’ given Thursday evening, Dec.

2t*lh. for the ladles soelety. No. 3;i

of Ihe Brolhi-rhood of Lcwomotlvc

Firemen, at Flowers hsll.

The Are r.t the .lonea furniture

sloi'o night before lust diuusr:<-d Ihe

Bed .Men’s hull sud fiiriilliire about

II.OUil, fully rovc*red by Insurance.

The Di. Fort appointed chief

surgeon at .Nashville for the 1. C, la

not the Dr Port who formerly reald

ed at Paducah, and la now located In


The Sun has Just printed a very

In'ereding Bible game for Mlac

fiuilih of fiiulth filKtera that would

make a apleudid and heiieflcisl

Chrlsima-i preseflt. It li on sole at

V.un Culln’s. B. D. Clemeiils, Alvey AList, Smith Slstera and Hays’ DniAfilore, at hu eentB

Tin- Paducah Traveling Men’s

club will meet loliighi to ••l»“ t a see-

relaiy to aucc«-cd |i, c. Hoover, whoh.ta rchlgniHl on account of Ihe do

miinds of his tiusIm-Mh.

Mr. Will Parham leaves toda.v

for Amicrson. led., on hualneas con-

ne.’fcd with a patent autoiuohlle tire

ho has Invented. Ili> has interested

with him Ca|it. J. L. Kilgore, the

capitalist. The tire is made of som<*-

thiiig Himtinr to nilih)>r and la solid

Brnkcmiiii Ben Buttery, who had

his hip broken on the .N.. C & fit. I-

ul Parla, Teiin., some weeks ago has

been hroiighl to the ritv and taken

to III-, home on South Eleventh Btr*-et.

He will he unable to walk for sever-


FOR RENT—ThrMwroom house on

. 12lh St. Apply P. .M. Fisher,3lrs. J. H. Root, Formerl)’ of Pailn-

rah. Dies of O»nii>llentlon.

Police Auirt.

There were only two 'cases In po-

lice court this morning, one againstRosroe Smith, a white mon of Mar-shall county, who created a disturb-

ance at the Hart House who wa.--,

fined l&d and costs and given 20days In Jail for carrying a pistol con-

cealed and Cecil Thomas, colored,

who was held on a charge of stealing


In tho case of Smith, an appealwas taken.

RING NO. 321 for all kinds of Hlc

kory wood. Little's Spoke FactoryNews was received here today of

the death of Mrs. J. H. Root, former-

ly of this elty, hut recently of Weno-

kn, Ind. Ter., at Evansville. Ind., at

10 o’clock this morning. She died at

R sanitarium In Evansville where she

had been taken only a few days since

ill from a complication of troubles.

Mr. and .Mrs. Root passed through

here this week en route to Evans-


Mvs. Root during her few years’

resilience here, made many friends

who win hear of her death with deep

regret. She lived on South Third St.

and was a prominent member of

some of the local lodges. Mrs. Root

was Mrs. Fannie McGraw of Evans-

ville. at the time of her marriage to

Mr. Root. Sbe was formerly Miss

Phillips of Evansville and has a fath-

er and other relatives in that city.

She leaves a husband but no chll-

uitc. •

Mr. Root’s son .Mr. Charles Roat,

and wife ot Paducah will leave for

Evansville tonight to attend the fun-

eral. which takes place tomorrow

morning at 10 o’clock from the resi-

dence of Mrs. Root’s father. Col.

Phillips. No further details ol the

funeral have been received here

WANTED—Second-hand desk. A.T

dress ’’S,” care Sun. WA.NTBD—Large manufacturer

wants active 'men to travel; abont

January 1st; good salary. Expense

money advanced; staple goods; trav-

ellng experience unnecessary; steady

employment. References, .Mgr. Wlra-

mer, 350 Dearborn, Chicago.


Place, 111 1-2 South Third St.

FOR HBA'nNO and atore woodphone both phones 437. Frank Lwrta.

CORPORATION controllng busi-

ness established 18C5 desires servi-

ces of energetic business man to man-

age branch office. Investment Jl.OOO

upwards. References regarding abil-

ity and Integrity required. Salary

|2,50«, annually and commissions.

Address Box 530, Madison WIs.


Sander Brooks. Phone 1347-m, old.

Suits FIhul TtNlny.

John S. Findlay filed suit against

his wife, Sarah. Finille>. for permis-

sion to sell certain property. SheIs now confined in un asylum the pe-

tition allege.., and cannot sign a


Lee Schwab has filed suit ag.ninst

the Illinois Central for 150.05 claim-

ed for losing four grips, which he

claims were put off at Cairo, Instead

of 1-a Center, to whlih place he had

a ticket, and lost.

T. J. Jeffords files stilt against Fer-

guson, Palmer & Co. for $5,000 dam-.57 doctor’s bill, for the

FOR GOOD heating stovewood

ring old phone 1317-r.

Vi\ F. PERRY, general painting

contractor. Shop 209 South Fourth

St. Phone 1556.FOR SALE—Beautiful new cot-

tage near 12th street car line In

Northview; part cash, balance

monthly; or verj- cheap for one half

casli, balance six, twelve, eighteen

months. Northrlew Really and Im-

provement Co. By 5V. D. Greer, Gen-

eral Mgr.

FOR RENT—Three large rooms,

water and sewerage connections; No.

504 South Ninth street.

WANTED— Position as house girl.

Address No. 1803 Meyers St., Lillie

Klnj.ages and $1

loss of the third finger of his right

hand in a saw.

DIED OX TRAINPOR RENT— 5-room cottage, 2 If

Washington. All modern convenienc-

es. J. Rudy. Mike Irvin Dies as the Train Enters

Memphis, Tenn.

The Commc-rclal-.Vppeal of today


Mike Irvin, or Irwin, a pnssenge.*

on the Iron Mountain railroad on

route from San Antonio, Texas, to

.Memphis, expired at the local depot

upon the arrival of the train over

that road at 8ib-5 last night. His

body was turned over to Holst Bros

A Hinton and preimred for burial.

Mr. Irvin was in p(n)r health, and

the long trip had exhausted him. H.v

began sinking before the train reach-

ed .Memphis, and as It was passing

into the depot breathed hla last.

The Sun has some Christmas pa-

per napkins which are Juat Ihe things

for wrapping your Christmas pres-

ents in, fur Christmas entertain-

ments, etc., 1c a piece.

To Vrg«> a Protest.

Altorncy W. M. Rce<ler, of Benton,

is here today to make a protest to

Circuit Judge Reed regarding re-

ducing of the term of the Marshall

circuit court. He represents the bar

of Marshall county, which has stren-

\iously objected to Ihe term there be-

ing cut down on the ground that

their court has all It can attend to


FOR RE.NT—Cottage 431 South

Cth. .Modern plumbing. Apply 438

South 6ih street.Our Saturday niabtConcilia

RUDY. PHILLIPS A CO.WANTED—By a gentleman, a po-

sition as bookkeeper. Address A.,

caru Sun oIBce.

A New I'ear .Siip|s-r.

For supper we had fruit cocktails,

made of ahredded pineapple and ba-

nana, with the Juice of oranges andlemoiix, chilled and served in sher-

liel cups: rrennie.l oyalora wll'n

bread and butter sandwiches and oys-

ter crackers: roast chicken, with po-

tato croquettes, cranberry JJelly andcelery: pineapple salad with mayon-naise passed in a little pineaple rind:

Ice cream In the form of Utile cards

wrought in colors and ’’Wlahing you

a happy New Year," with cukes,

coffee, wafers anil cheese.— Tlar|)er’8


.Saturday. Dec. 23 . 7 till 9 P- ni

Sical’t OrciMttra•••

p. ransma Kss — . SeymourI'uliUahed for piano bv Allbrlsht

IM Wabasb ave., Chlcaiio

WE \V.%XT to sw joii lN*fore

you l>l/y your lliplaliiiaa Jewelry..

Warren a Warren, 4U:i Broadway.Muklr Co.

Orertiire. Taiicrert Rnaalnl

Iuiertat-rw>. Spoonllmo Alb. VonTllrerI'utillKbmt fi>r piano by the YorVM'U.10 40 w. SSa kl.. New V oric

Cna. o tunlualu for cornel .. liarimunnMH. liSHT KikU

Deaerlpilve iilyl. A Doy In Arce.lla

Duwn—bird* liesin lo king ttkblng

boats pul oil -church ta-ll rintra lor

uiurulns prsvera- the mlP alnria and

Notice to the l*uhllc.

The Illinois Central railroad will

keep the freight house and office

(pen. Sunday, December 21lh, and

Monday, December 25lh. until noon,

only for the delivery of less than

car load freight. No goods will be

lecelved for shipment Sunday or


J. T. IXJNOVAN, Agent.

FOR RENT—The Inn on North

7th street, with all modern conveni-

ences. A first class boarding house.

STRAYED— Four large turkeys,

from 330 North Ninth street. Any (rt-

formatlon will be rewarded by calling

phono 1797.

The deceased Is a Baducahan, wa.n

born near Mayfield, and had lived In

this aei'tlon for twenty years. Howas accompanied by his brotber-ln-

law, Mike Kelley, with whom he liv-

ed on Madison street, Paducah. Theremains will be brought to Paducah,

for burial, and are ex|>ected tonight.


(ill parts the fragrance and sweet

nets of fresh field flowers and

givvS a breath of sprliigtlme to

the spirit ot the holidays.

Done ap in


Gift Boxes


FOR RE.NT—Two houses on Sixth

and Boyd, one three and other four

rooms. Apply O. F. Cox. 917 N. Sixth


The Sun offl's la showing the

prettiest lines of fancy —atlonery in

the city and the prices are surpris-

ingly low. 60c buys a I'ox of very

handsome sfatlonery.

Business In police circles for the

week previous to Christmas has been

exceedingly quiet. There have not

been more than the ordinary num-ber of arrests and up until this uf-

lernoon there had been but few


A complete naaortment of golf

or cashmere ailk-liiied ur mer-

i-erlwd gloves.


DOES your suit need pressing for

Xmas? Phone 578-a and wo will cull

for and deliver lo any part of the


‘’.°enaior, I understand you o;;

por> difrent o’octlons. May I print

ixrir object I'CP'V?’’ ‘‘Not on your

’4f4‘.’’ "Oinn’t I my they sire oonwtl-

luilonal?’’ ’’.Now, «i«e here, youngman, If I do 'hupiion lo l»e so coiiatl-

IiiIvmI as 'to wwn'i to iho’d my Job, ll

ih'Ui the puhlMc’t alhilira?"

Miss Lillie Losier, of Poplar Bluff,

•Mo., will arrive this evening to visit

her grand-parents, .Mr. and .Mrs. K.

C. Rose, of South Third street.

Mrs. George W. Walters and chll

dren leave tonight for Jackson, Tenn,.

where tho former will spend the hol-

idays with her parents, Mr. and .Mrs

F. R. Bray.

.Mr. and .Mrs. George Elmendorf, of

Vicksburg. .Miss., will arrive in the

city tomorrow to visit.bis motherMrs. Elmendorf on fiouth Third


X-NAS GIFTSW.VNTED— Persons everywhere to

distribute samples; |20..0'0 weekly

and expenses, address ’’.Manager,’’ 4

Wells, Chicago.

Christmas Fmita, Nuts,

Candies and Dainties . .


New line of liaaMN-ks Jnnt In,

elegantly covered in line rarp**!,

would make a pretty gift, >L3«-,

JMlc, 7Bc.

Ill DY, rHILI.II'fi a CO.

Toilet Sets,

Manicure Seta,

Box Perfamea,

Toya, Dolla, Etc.


DaBals, Kolb & Co.'a former slaad.


KITCHEN HANGE and utensils,

together with various other house

hold articles for sale cheap. Wni

Deal, rear of Eiii|iire buildlag, 622


Mrs. Austin’s famous Pancakeflour, made from the three great

staffs ot life; wheat, corn and rice.

304 BroadwayCome to as for the l«st Csndie*,

Fruits, Nuts, etc., f.>r Chrtstma*.

Daily aitivale keep our stocks

fresh and cicao.


DRUGGISTS—.III K<li.‘>oii I’liniiograpli, the kiiitl

wliicli mukes real music—la an ideal

4'hrisiiiuia Gift; we have them andthe retarrdu too. Wnniti Jt \Vam*n,

4U3 Uroadwajr.

—Haidsome Ohrlatmas cairda, )uni

tihe thing to send with your preaeots

at The Sun OHIae, five cent* pacta.J. B. MORGAN, bracksmith. 409

8. Third. OM Phono 467. Superior

NewINi-d In .\rk«iiH4ui,

MopVInnvIllp, Ky., fVc. 23,— A toi.

esrom wan ri'rclvod lM*re from Mltlo

Ro«*k. Ark., nnnoiinrlni? lh<» death o'

Mra. Chrlaflne Walker, wife of Chea-

tor Walker, formerly of Ihla city. Shewai eighteen >-enra old, and had he<>n

married lesa than a year.

For Stomach, Boweli, Liver and Kidney*.

Ii.oo par bottle, three lor {a.50, six for (5.00

Payne's Quick Relief Oil, 25 ctsPtyne’s Medicated Soap. 10c. All sold by

SMITH A INAQEUNew I'ollc.- dudftc.

.MIddle»l»oro. Ky., flee. 23.—J. I..

•Manrlna waa elected city JikIkc yes-

terday by the council. He is to serve

the itnexplred term of Jiinge JacobSowderj, resigned. .Mr. Manring has

always been outspoken In favor of

the enfnreement of the law. and his

Inftnsnee has always been exerted in

behalf of the material and moral ad-

vancement of the town.

Snl)s<M|iiciitly He Was MNtnkcn For

a Mlllioiinire ('oiigrcssmaii l>y

the “Newsies.”


The W.ishlngton rorrcaimndent ol

the l.ouisvllle Times of yesterda'


"Hatipy,” a small "newsle” whosells papers In the vicinity of the

treasury building. Is proudly wear-

ing, und proudly displnylhg a pali

of new shoes which he refers to as

“.Me Christmas gift f^^m me friend.

.Mr. Ollle James, of Keiitticky.’’

“Happy” entered the lobby of the House the other night with

a huge bundle of “politers” underIlls arm. Mis number live feet wer.

shod In a pair of nuinls'r eight



,non rnrse filven.

.Maysville. Ky.. Dec. 2*. -FredOrover, of Sardis, this county, and.Miss .\elllc Wilson, of Trinity, l.ewli.

county, were married at the home ol

the bride. At the conclusion of the

reremony the bride's father, Mr. Oeo,

Wilson, handed the couple a purse

containing one thousand dollars In


Selections of Jcwclry for Holiday Gifts mast be right.

Quality is all in all. We have enjoyed the public con-

hdencfl sod patronage for nearly half s century and In cunse-

quence have steadily increased our business until today we

have the largest exclusive jewelry establishment in We.stern

Kentucky With onr superior buying facilities enables ui

to place prices on our goods which cannot be (tnp’i(»ted with-

c»at sacificlng quality- Thequa’ity of our Diamonds are un-


Diamond Rings i^'2S to ^HOO.Watches at price- ranging from 91.80 to 9100.Electric Lamps, Cat Glass, Silverware, Sterling Toilet-

ware, Etc.

Salesrooms i03 S. Second St

Mention tkilas a*J whom orclsarlnic

nuinluTBhoea, which he had not acquired by; i-nutsMIle Ky., Dec. 23. J. T.

direct purchase from a shoo store. of Oallstin, Tenn., has enter-

Through large holes several pink !

medal which will

socklesa toes protruded, and .the '*® awarded the rtosest kinsman of

slush, ankle deep In Pennsylvania Hoone who attends ”Home-avenue, had fre«» occess to th<^m.


Coming Week” for Kentuckians In

The nig Kentucky Congre.ssman -tune. In a letter to the Comnierrial

snid that It was a blankety blank | Mr. Boone says he has papers

shame that In the capital of a civil-j

"bf^^ing such close relationship to

lied country a worthy young man >he great Kentucky pioneer (hat he

like “Happy" should have to wadc; ronsldera the medal hit.

through snow with holes in hie

shoes. Ho promised that a collec-

tion be taken up to get the boy a

pair of new shoes. He attempted to

t.vke up the collection himself, hut

the crowd was "short" and but

eighty cents fell i Into the lilf,

“slouch" hat which Mr. Janies hand-ed around.

"Come along. Happy." said MrJanies, "We will get the shoes."

NAIL OKOERS PROMPTLY FILLEDassisting Chief of Police Hluaher t<>

arrest iiroughtoii. -Smith fired twice,

one bullet striking liroughton In the

stomach and the other striking the

chief in the right hand.

V Kroiightoo killed Ilrantly Smith,

son of Joel Smith, on the night of

October 30. On the same spot an I

the shot that htt liroughton was I -

the same place that Ilrantly Smithwas killed. Jm'l Smith surrendcreuto the authorities.

Henry HarlaiMl Dead.

New York, Dec. 23.—The death of

Henry Harland.tife Aiiierlran author,

who wrote "The Cardlnal'a Snuff

nox." was announced In a cablegramreceived from Italy today. Mr. Har-

land died yesterday at San Remo. It-

aly. His AmerUan home was at Nor-

wich, Conn., and he also had a Ixin-

don residence. .Mr. Harland wrote un-

der the pseudonym of “Sidney 1-us-

ka." He was born at St. Petertftmrg

When Making Your Christmas Selec

tions Boy Something Substanjial

9 1 -MM) for a VuI-miicc.

Paris, Ky.. Dec. 23.— In the Bour-

bon circuit court the city of I*arls

was lined (1500 forTo He Morning Paper, a,

Madisonville, Ky., Dec. 23.—The

Mgdisunvllte Hustler announced that

beginning about January 1, a dally

edition of the paper will be Issued. It

will he a morning paper. The publish-

ers have been making their arrange-

ments for sometime to launch a dally

and now that the I-. and N. will start

an Iniernrkaniperrlce lietween Mnd-

Isonvllle and Nortonville next Mon-

d.iy, It was deelded to Introduce the

dally Hustler lo the people of that


Curry a Complata Line of creating andmaintaining a public nuisance In the

sha|K> of a rock quarry on S.-venlh

street. HlastIng In thsBoys Wagons, •

. . ^Velocipede*,

Wheelbarrows,Shoo flies.


Skates,"' Air Rrfles;

Plated Tea and Table Spoons,Plated Knives and Forks,

Handsome Carving sets.

Pocket knives,

Finc'Razors,C02 I Vases,

Shot Guns and Rifles,

Club Shells,

Smokeless Shells,

Hunting Coats and Leggins


thrown rocks through the rtMifa

realdcnceK rm Higgins avenue.

jujlng property. The grand Jiir.x re-

cently indicted the city for (he of-

fense. The case Is one of the most

remarkable ever deeWed In Kentuc-

ky because K Involved the miinielpnl

government as a whole, no Individ-

ual nfflclat lieliig illtrclly iiaiiied In

the Indictment. An appeal may he ta-


(tV) Damages .Awardcil.

Hopkinsville, Ky., Dec. 23— In the

suits of CorllsB Corman and William

Cochran, against A. H. Johnston, of

Crofton, for damages for alleged

false arrest, the Jury In each case re-

turned a verdict for nlaintlff for fif-

ty dollars. The plalhtiffs were em-

ployes of the Home Telephone (Vi .

rnd Johnson some months ago had

them arrested on warrants charging

them with cutting his telephone wire,

rvrf Croftoh. When the cases came to

trial they were dlsmlHsed, and th*

Milts fnlloweil.

if 910.00 or 91'V-On would lie

alMiut vvliat you want lo put in

a pr*-«cnt wc have two s|m-« iul

lines of lings vve w.nnt to show

you. tJrcat, generous uni's. tiM>.

IICDY. i'llIU-ll’S & CO.

BLANK CARTRIDGES —Kvcrjr pretty frille whieh Fash-

ion iliiiales this rbrisliuns may Is-

foiiiiil at Warren Ac Wam'ii's Jewel

ry Htore. One ilisir from Fourth

mill llriNidway.

Modem. Highest Grade.

Fireproof Throughout.

Tiook through our salt de-

partment anil oeli-ct somethingHi'rviccahio for mother's -Tinas



Rain not nmiivr though TheLcikix in nuiril lur the ncrllrnre

ol ill cuiaine and grncral aervirr.

atfldavlts of prcjtidice, he said, were

(i 'rriy In contempt and he Imposed

|B fine of (15 ctich upon Judge Ly-

man CratchflelU. ('apt. James H

Taylor and Judge M. L, Smyscr.

He Busia'niled. collection of fines

until the circuit court I'ould pass up-

on his deiislon In the rase.

The attorneys made a vigorous pro-

test against such proceedings und

Insisted that he place his churgea

agaliiKt them in writing.

The -Sun has some handsome box-

es of fancy i.titlonery for ChrUlmasgifts,In holld.iy boxes. They are

beautiful things and make excellent

gifts. We can sell yon a box of very

pretty paper for BOc.

Ileliri'il On I? Pension.

Louisville, Ky., Dec. 23.— Afler a

.-lervlre of 70 years, beginning with

the Ixtuisvllle Journal, George D.

Prentlsii' paper. In 1K3C, and contin-

uing to (his time, witnessing the ab-

sorpilcn of the Journal and the De-

mocrat by the Courier-Journal. Uay-

mond Lynch, known aa “Juilg-*"

Lynch, ibo veteran proof reader of

the Courier-Journal, war today re-

tired on a full pension by that paper.

•Mr. Lynch was born In 1K2I, and

Was at hi.-- desk lust n''tjit a.< usiitl.

He Is prolir.bly the oldest proofread-

er In point of service living.

• Died in Missouri.

Will Husbands, formerly of this

city, and a native of Ballard counly,

died at the asylum at Kankakee, III.,

Monday and war burled the following

-Monday and was buried the follow-

ing day at .Momenoe, same state. De-

ceased leaves a wife In Chlcagn.and

many relatives and friends all over

Ballard county. He lost his mindabout two years ago from overwork.

He was a nephew of our good old

Udy fiieiid, Mrs. Sue Shelton, of this

city.—Ballard Yeonisn.

Ill the Tiiggai* Divorce' Suit at Woo-

titer, O.

\V(K^'»?r, O.. Doc. 23.— A motion

for a“hev7 irlal In the Tuggac; divorce

case was overruled by Judge Kason

•Mrs. Taggart's atlornoys who madethe mutioii, took oxcopllons to the

niling and uniiouiicod their Intention

of carrying the case to a higher


The court paid particular attention

to affidavits against himself

some of which declart'tl that ho was

liroJudUod and biased in giving Hie

decree of divorce to Major ‘Taggart

He pronounced these altldavltH un-

fair, unjust and umisual for l-iwyerti

to make nnd that all "ther alfidaviu

were a muss of trash.

The attorneys who swore to the

GEORGE DUCHSCHERERWhen dcimlliig what to give,

l«Hik over our .\iiias suggx'st Ions

You will sun'Iy HihI soinctliiiig

you want.

llCDY, PIIILUPH A CO.•o .New York over rtmusylvaiila

f.lnoH also include ten days at Phila-

delptiia, iidvanlugeouB alike to liiisi-

nesu travelers and slghl-M'ers. Vis

tors may view a wealth of historical

features In this city: Indepeudi'iirn

Hull, where tho IK'daratlon of Inde-

pendence Wfss klgiied, the t'nlted

Slates .Mint, where gold and silver

coins B(e made In full view; Kulr-

iiiount Park, Drexel Institute, Pni-

versity of Pennsylvania, UIrnrd Col-

lege, Old Lllx'rty Bell, the shipyards

League Island Navy Yard. It U on-

ly an hour's ride from Phlladeiphlu

to the health-giving air of old rn'ean

at Atlantic City, the world's greatest

sc'ashoro resort.

able visit to Druid Hill park, the Pea

body luititutc, John Hopkins I'nl

verslly. Hie ship yards, oyster flshe,'.

lea, cotton mills, the munv rich II-

brnrlcH, nnd a few of the stately me-

morial shafts from which tho “Monti


mental City" derives Its linmo. In

eluding tho Washington Monument,

a column of Maryland marble 180

feet high, Rinehart’s colossal lironx.-

of Chief JiistUe Taney, the Odd Fol

lows or Wll'ley Monument, tiu

Uidgcly Memorial, and tho monu-ment to Kdgt>r Allen Poe. There Is

also a view of the Iiudness district

of BnlHmore, risen from tho ashes of

the ( 150,fMMl,(>no fire.

The stop-over privileges on tickets

Just tqx'ncd ttMlay, a large line

•If iH'niitiful linsiaicks. S«'e them

for II Christ nuts uiRi IKV, ft(k'.


Free YUBs t«i Wnsliiiiglon, lliillliiior'

ami Plillusli'lplila on N'i'iv YorkTlcki'ts.

Not only the largest Mae of

laulies* Purst's lo sidi'ct fr<tni,

Imt iM'tti-r values for the moiu'jr

than yo'i can find unywlwre.


Killing at Piiicvillc.

PIncvlllc. Ky.. D«". 23. Anthony

Broughton was shot and |ierhaps f.i-

tully wounded yesterday by Assist-

ant Chief of Polire Joel Rmith whib

We have the latest In kill

gloves, cIImivv length, iln'sseil. In

black and white, nt 9!l-(H*-


Pascengers over Pennsylvania

Lines may, without a cent of addi-

tional fare, visit Washington und

Baltimore If, when purchnaing flrst-

claas tickets to Phlludelt>hia or .Neff

York, they ask to have U^em routed

via Washington.

Ten days' stop-over Is allowed at

Wa.shlngton. Tourists are enabled to

see the many points of Interest In

und around the national capital; view

the luagnlflcent Congressional Li-

brary which ranks among the world’s

grandest buildings; -observe the mak-

ing of money In the United Statiw

Treasury; admire the treasures In

the Corcoran Art Gallery; go through

the Botanical Garden, the Navy Yard

the Marine Barracks, the Arsenal,

the Patent Office, the Rmithsonlaii

Institution, the National Museum;meet foremost men In Hie affairs of

the nation; see the National Capitol,

the Supreme Court, '^VHal^lngton

•Monument, the State, War, NnvyI'ostofflce, Pension and niher depart-

ments; view the new ofllct'S of the

President provided In While HouseAlterations; and visit Mt. Vernon,

the home of George Washington.

Ten days' stop-over Is also allow-

ed at Baltimore, permittlDg a memor-

To INillcf Holdt'm.

Wo wjsh lo notify our patrons, the

public generally, through the dally

press, each agent signing the notice,

that commencing on the first day of

January, 190C, all policies are dueand payable when the Insurance Is

effect ctl or upon delivery of policy in

lier.son or by mall.


FOIL MEN We have mnd<' a spct-ial pur-

chuse of liiiiidkt'rchit'fs andnow ofTcr y«Mi (he iMX'tih'st line

we ever handled.


Several superior offices on second and

third floors of our building, provided with

heat, water, light, electric elevator and modernsanitary arrangements.

Prices lowest in city for similar offices—

double offices especially adapted for dentists.

American -German National Bank227 Broadway

They are pliable, durable, perfect fitting, always

fashionable and thoroughly comfortable. You would

guess their price to be $5.00 by their appearance,L.... CA CQ UC

50c bu.vs a bos ff very pretty

fancy stU'on‘'T In I olid.iy boxes

Just the tiling for Christmas, at ThtBun office.

The nice Increase in onr bnsi-

neua since the first 6f the yeai

Is very encouraging to ua.


Harbour’s Department StoreN. Third Street. Half Square from Broadway


Ponith and Broadway


1 Any old record and 60ct •


will buy a new 10 inch

Victor record and 100

needles at1



428 Broadway


THE LIVER OUAEANTINlJohn l>. II'H'kcf)'llii An

Olmiun' Itridr With n (iirt.

AMother'sRemorseNew York, I)er. — II Is hard for

\VaH atreet, which knows John I).

Kockefeller, the oil trust ehlef, only

as the richest man In America, to

ImaKine him playliiK fairy prince to

young hridal conplea unknown to

him, and brlghlenlng their hearts

with gifts of Jewels of* great value.

Such was the revelktltm made by

.Mrs. Edward Nolty when on retiirn-

'Ing from her honeymoon, the exhib-

ited to friends a beautiful diamondpendant, the gift of Mr. Kockefeller,

and told how he had been a fairy


"We are stopping at the ftome-

stead In Hot Springs, Va., and every-

where We went we seemed to encoun-

ter Mr. Rockefeller.We met In the ho-

Uie hotel corridors, out driving, on

the golf links, or in the dining room.

We never were formally Introduced,

but after Ih first two or three times

we met he always greeted us with a

smile and a ‘Good morning, little la-

dy.’ I*asf Wednesday, while at din-

ner, .Mr. Rockefeller strolled over to

the table at which we were sitting

and asked permission of my husband

to present slight token. He bowed

and handed me a leather covered box.

I opened It and wss so surprised and

dazzled that I barely could find words

to express my appreciation. Mr. Rock-

efeller smiled and said that he was

glad I was pleased. Then he walked


Mrs. Nolty, iin^ll Thanksgiving

day.was Miss Lucia Obriln Cox of

Brooklyn. The diamond pendant,

which Is set with pearls and •ther

precious stones and attached to a

gold chain. Is of great value.

To lovestiiratc the Federation

of Labor Meetinir.By H. B. MARRIOTT WATSON Subscribe at once and re

ceive a handsomeliOuiMvillc llelegalen .Allcg«-* Tlml

I’rcsldciil J, l>. WimnI Violalitl

the C'oiiHtilullon.

tUoaituaed Kroa Vi

See premiums at“TAgino Bia wiata otrr.*

^fRnrHed eating Ivaa mined many a man'tstomach. Tlie digrttion-destroying oro-cess it gradual, often unnoticed at firat.

Rut it ia only a abort time nntil the liverbatka, the digestive organs give way, andalmort countieaa ilia assail the man whoendeavors to economize time at the ex-Mnseof hisdicalth.qA torpid liver cansesa qnarantine of theentire system. It locks in the diseaiedRmis and liodr poisons and alTords tiiemnill play, inviting aome serious illiiets.

qin families where August Rtoweria used,a sluggish liver and constipation are un-known, so are ail atomacfi ailments, aswell as indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn,headaches and kidney and blader aftec-

^ona. No well-remlate<l family should

"Exaciir," I aiiBwsrcd, oastliig a look

at my open Imreiiu. lie Iniigbed.

"Oh, I will udmit you Imre Uie iHdter

of me ao fur," he exclalmesl. "Rut weare nut yet at the end of the cam-paign.’’

"No," said I; "not until Uie police

from Rnvmond arrive." lie leaned for-

ward and tappeil me on the arpi veryon rneslly.

"You misinke ine," he said. "I think.

,Mr. Orentorex, that you do not <|iilt#

umlcrstaiid the pueltlun."

"rpon my soul," said I, "I lielleve

you are right. When a I'ommnu burglar xlmll preneb to b'Is victim onemust Imh'i'd revise oiis’s uotlniis of tbe


"You are determiueil to be Itippnnt,

Mr. (inmlorex," tie n*l>lled severel.i

"uud so 1 will dislllusioulra* you. Yoi

bnve liiberlted Utis property from MiIvesteveii?"

1 bowisl,

"A giMiileniaii with whom I bad nut

the iilfiiNure of personal acijuiilntanee,'

he re-<umeil. "but whom I bare nwsonfor roiialJcrliig a very discreet aut

ll•llal'luus imui. Now, why, Mr. (treat

ordx,’’ he sald--auj he stared at nnUispiiMsiuuMtely- "iiuw, why do you suppose that Mr. Ktsaleveii did nut employliese pullet* of yours'/”

, nn; luestlnn eertuliily took tin

aUick. I liuit never cuusidi'red it. It

tlie old gciitleiiiuii had feari>d au at

lack, why liail he nut taken precaii

tioiiH ugiiliist It? But I was nut In

clinctt to iiiaki* a poor up|M*aruiice li

file urguineiit. Iilid so “He liail excellen

reasons,’' 1 said clieerfiilly.

“Toil say well,” said he, rt<~lilliig. buscrutinlxllig uie kf*eiily. *'Kx<*«*lleiit, In

dtssl. with wlilcli, sluts* you tin* ol

vioutly iic.|iinliitisl, yon will no doiil*

uiiilerittaiiil ii g'HsI iiiniiy tilings whit

wuiiltl utlit*rM ite puzzlt* yon’’

ll(*n* I (suifcss lie liinl mi* again 1

Ills liriiiils. "ijulti* so," I sluiiimere

ns bravely as iiosnible.

He Iniiglieit Boflly. "I tliliik, Ml(Snsiltirex. fli:it wt* buil really ls*llt

inidrrsliitiil e:p'li oilier ainl not lie s

elvll. What ytiii itou'l know, ilcspli

ytmr bmvt* piofcssltm of know li*tlge. 1

Hi ll Hit* Ifciis ire ditptwcl In Ibis boils

Is tn*.isiir<* inivt* licit is. ( il wemil lilt* pi'o;M<riy of Iht* liilt* Mr. KcV*vt*ii iilid was not III his power to Is

"lU'Siili. mill con«i*ipicnlly is iio^ no* tiroiKTiy. but Hit* property of In

gr.iclous majesty our s iver<*lgii ipns*!

|c' n soiiiewhiit Infinite liiril iM*rts*ni

age wh'i b we moy term siilv,-ig«*. Tliai

I tike It. la a idaleincnt wlileli Is m*i

I > .roil."

' was. indieil. and now lint lb

rufts Were leveahxl to me suibleuly

Olid .IS liy magic the many uiysiiTi<*s ui

the |iast few uteks were illiiiiilutsi

unit grt*w pbiiu. I ki*|it luy cuiiute

miiii'i* Hs well as I luigUt, fur sll myusioiilsliiiii*nt. iiiiO (hcii-

’•Tlils Is vi*ry liiteri*sllng." sakl 1,

‘'uiiil I am III your ili*bt for tin* news."

’•Ball. .Mr. tireatorex:’’ lie iuierriipt

isl. "llaicii I I Kiilil thut we must dis

peiise Willi clillllies? Tiuit* |>assi*s, 1

tiaie mill'll berore me, uud we tiuvi* iiul

coticliiiiisl our lini guiu."

••Bargain I" 1 ecliissl.

"Wli.v, cerliiliily," salil tlie captain,

grltiiiiiig pii*iisiiiiily. "1 take It that wi

are eiiemli's, but that wi> make wuiii|>on ti*rms.

"Htute your leriiis.” saiil I culilly,

having now uu Inkling us to the newsilualloii.

"Tbat is lietter," sniil lie npprovliigiy


"Ill Hie first place, this isiiiti*st Is ,*1 prl

talc Hill', curried on by IkiHi Hide*

w ithoiit*|>ublic nsslsiaiice.”

"Tbat Is \ery well liidi>isl," said 1,

"for n party, iiiiiuU'rs utikiiuwii,

against om* man."If I have gatliored any impression

of your cliariicler, .Mr. lirenturex,’’ ol>

LIVELY ttl.N'I'ENT MAY lll*m'LT.

RepreHentutives of about twenty of

the labor urganixulions in I.oulsviliu

that ainilate with the American Fed-

eration of I.abor have signed a peti-

tion which has been sent to Raniuel

Gomiiers, president of the AmericanFed«*rutlon of Imbor, asking that nn

nfllrer of the nattoual biMy be sent to

Kentucky to investigate the recent

election of oIRcers of the Kentucky

State Federation of Labqr In Coving-

ton. says the Courier-Journal. ThepelHioti Is in the shape of a protest

against certain rulings of Janies DWood, president of the state organi-

zation, In which It is alleged that he

violated the constitution when he al-

lowed delegates In the state conven-

tion to cast more than live delegate


It is specifically charged that five

delegates from the United Mine Workers Union of the Western district of

Kentucky voted sixty delegate votes

In the convention when they were on-

ly entitled to twenty-five under the

provisions of the constitution. It Is

also charged in the protest that Pres-

ident Wood allowed several delegates

to vote in the cot^ventlon whosehome unions were not affiliated with

the American Federation of T.abor

and the delegates had no credentials.

I.oiilsvllle at the state convention

had twenty-one delegate votes, andwhen President Wood made his rul-

ing 1n violation of the constitution

a resolution was introduced asking

that the iiruviSions of the constitu-

tion be adhered to. ^hls was refer-

red to the conimltteo on resolutions,

which by a vote of 3 to 2, upheld

President Wood. AH the I.oulsvHle

delegates then left the convention

hall with the exception of F,. J. Klef-

fer, of the Cigar .Makers’ Union. Jno.

Young, of I^ouisvlHe, who was the

secretary and treasurer last year,

left the hull with the records and

funds and will not surrender themuntil a ruling has been had fromPaniupl Gomiiers, president of the

American Federation of Labor.

James I). Wood was r<?-elected

president of the Stato Federation of

Labor. In the event President

Gompers sees lit to send a national

olllcer here to Investigate the trou-

bles. that offleer will report back to

President Gompers. If the election

Is declared void another convention

will bo called which will be presid-

ed over by the national offleer.

Padocab. Ky.

314 Broidwi? 318

RfHinkliig do€B BOt eurBchiMreB Of bed wet-tlOB- If U did there vrould be few rhlld^cothat would do It. There la a coBatttutioaa'ciuae for thit- Mra M. Summera. Boa 40B,Notre Dane. lad., wilt aeod her home treat-roent to aDv mother, bhe aaka bo roonev.Write her tfinay If vour rhlldreti trouble you iniblaway. l^B‘t blame the child. Theohaikce«are It cao*t^elp II.

Save your Gas Billsbat more Important,

Save Your Eyes.

All the latest patterns in Improved

Lamps—Welsbach, Lindsay, Peerless.

You will save the cost of either in a short time in

a decreased gas bill. Let ns show yon.

Try Porcela for cleansirkg enamelware

ED D. HANNANSteam Fitting Plumbing

Both Phones 201 ija S 4th St- 325 Kentucky Ave.

sli’iiilicr, concoctel I know not li«w."

’’.My dear sir,” said llie captain,l.niiglilng now <|iilte cbeerfiilly. "Hicr..

Is no concoction necessary. I nssurcyou. .V liotTle of xrliisky or Riirgiindv

to his ellKiw and my .vouiig frlemi

Montgomery asks noHiliig licttcr. ,Vml

I trust Hull you will give me credit

for this, that I do not trespasn npon another gentleiiinii’s cellars."


"No.” said I "You keeji sober, I

grant yon.’* and stiilki*d somewlint mi(irily down Hie stairs.

Moliti:on;ery Iny where I had left

bill*, but llfti*-! Ills bend upon our en(ruiiiv, glai'iug witli a stupid aud uila

criilili* eye ujmmi us.

‘‘.Vli.’’ Hiiiil Hie captain pleasautiy,

"iiiy yuiiug friend Is liiiiiself ug.ilii, or

at least wuiils but a bucket of colu

wulci*: ’ .\iid be cliipiHsl liilll oil Ibi

liack ill u friciiilly fnsliiou.

‘•You bail Is'ltcr take liiui away,’

'tiki I curtly, lull at Huit reuuirk urn,

ificr glancing from one to Hu* otUci

tbe tioy’s ejes leslisl uisiii uiy fact

with u look of cuiisI(*riiaUuu. uud siiJ

lieiily b<* liui’iisl ills fact* in bis urut>

villi a sort «)f sob.

’•rallli, I am ill till* way lit*ri*." saiil

t'.e caplaiii merrily, mill witliutit mon• do be sliUlMisI out tif Hie, Icav

.iig me uloiif wlili lilt* wrctfiic.l youlli.

t stiivsl fur a time rcgarilliig liliii witli

'U.lilfi rt'iict*. lint pn*si*iilly iiuollici

iiiiMsl overlook me. He wa.s liuiie t

uul lenl. 1 could Hwi'iir, luit be was mi

itTniit fool and liml n very sorry vice.

"Moiilgomcry,’’ saiil I. ’’.vou liavc

been guilty of a grnvt* brcncli of failb

But so far we are iiul Hu* liwcrs liy II.

mill I think If you will lake Hie advice

of your friend, the cnplaliv w^ shall lie

In II lietter coiidiliou to discuss this


lie took the liiul, turiusi from me ii

blotchy face of sli.iiiu* mid liurrit**! with

lltlle <ligi,ity from Hu* rtsiiii. It washalf un hour «re he rciuriu*tl mid tire

seiilisl *me mi nir of tli*lt*riuiiinHoii

wlilcii I cniikl giieig luiil been assiiliusl

with dlfflculty. It WHS Hieii iliut, witli

out referring to Ills own coiiiluct, I ex

pliiliitsi 111 a general way Hie linriii be

bud done me.

"Vou have said lianl words to uit*.

Mr. (lri*atorex.” be said, ’•none the less

linnl lM*ciiuse they are true.”

I niipri*cliili>«l tlie struggle wbicli bad

been eoiilcstisl III the sill.v bend.

“As It tiiruLsl out, you have tioiie meless iiilseblef Hiau you Hiliik," I re-


"That 1/1 110 excuse," he retorted h'lt-

l.vj "I have aettnl like a cad. but I will

.•lilii you to believe Hint I have Hie best

will 111 the world to be your friend."

"Yuli could be n very giust friend to

uie," I iiiiswensl, ’'If you would obey

or*lers. gooit soldier, Montgomery.

Inis n seruiuiloiis eouseii'iice while ou

iliily. Outside Hint be mny bo wbiit bo


"I have done wbiit I would nil mylife. ” Ill* said liioiMllly. ".\ml I mu nil

Hu* worse for It."

"That Is very likely," said I dryly.

'•Hut now you have Hu* ebauce to


He looUeil up eagerly. "r<i you give

me miotber ebaii 'e'/’’ lie nskod enriii*st-

ly, ’.Mr. Oreiilorex. I will iisk mi ijiio

tloiis. 1 lUm'l iircleiid to iiiulerstnul

Hu* position. But you are fris* to use

me ’’

'I Mill going to trust you." I answer

tsl bliii, ’'mul lu proof of my rt*solve I

will leave you In eliarge here tomor-

row.".All ex|ircssluD of sntlsfuetlou lit up

bl.s featiiri*s.

"You will not regrot It." be aald.

".\iul MS for Hiut seouiidrel RereomU"—be, with ii savage look of dis-

like ~‘‘I will eateli him and break bis

bottles over hta bend."

R(*markahle Cure.

"I was mueib afflIx't'M wiifh •etitiH-

cst,” wv*ltea EM C. NuA, of lowmvllle,

Sedgwick Co., Kan . "going eliout on

erwtehee ood »uiro-i!ng a doaJ of pain

I was Inducxid to try DalVard’s SnowLiniment, which re'leved mo.

"I used three 50c bottles. It Is

the gw.ateet Hniment I ever us^ihave recotnaiended H to a mumher of

persona; aJili express themeeivee as

b^g benefltod by it. I now w«1k

wdthout orutcih'“s, a>ble to porfou-ni

a great deal of light labor on the

farm.” 25c, 50c auA $1.00 at Alwey

ft List's.

110 oreroome Weal*

I I V ness, IrreffOlarity andLLV omissioDj^ insreasa vig-

or and tenish " palneLIFE SAVERS** to wirla at

III Lieu of Religious SiTvIi-es Over (

AV E.niersoii.

Jersey City, N. J.. Dec. 23.—Chas.

W. Emerson, aged G2, for 23 years

head of the motive power department

of the Pennsylvania railroad, and a

fourth cousin of Ralph Waldo Emer-

son. is dead here from pneumonia.

Mr. Emerson was an atheist, and .

great lover of music and art. He ha^

wrllten books on these snhjerts.

Realizing that he was dying, he

had his daughter, Josephine, got out

her violin and play a selection from

Rach. Emerson died to this niiisic

and to the singing of EmersonAyres.a

young man employed in his oiuir and

who was a great favorite of ills.

There were servles in the house,

biitmo minister was present. Instead

Miss Josphine playd her violin.

Electric ChandeliersBackache,Pain in theHips and Groins

la most rases are direct reanlU of

WEAK KIDNEYS and INFLAM-MATION OF THE BLADDER.Tbs strain on the Kiifneys and in

flsnied membranes lining tbe neck

c( the BlodJsr producing ihesa

pains. 1

Electric Chandelieri aniffixtarei; Urge dii*

play. Call and lee our new diipUy robm.

Foreman Bros. Novelty Co122-iM Brosdwav PhoneCougliing H|h-II ('auM>d Di>a(h,

"Harry Duckweli, age*d 25 years,

choked to death early yesterdaymorning a<t his home, in the prceence

of his wife an'd ehlW. He contracted

a slight <y>ld a f >w days ago andpaid b'jt little attention to H. Y«o-

terd>ay momitvg be was seized with

a fit of coughing which oantitiuod foi

some time. His wife sent tor phys-

ician but before he cosild arrive, an-

other coughing sp'll came on andDuckwell died from suffocation."

St. Ixiuls Globe-Democrat, Dec. 1st,


Ba'jiard’s Horehound Syru|) would

bsve saved h-an. 25c, 50c and 21.00

lu Alvey ft List’s drug store.



IHiii’t fall to bulk tlirougli

our art ilcpnrtiiicul for fuiicy

pill cusliioiis uikI iiovcily Xllius

gifta. ITctty I’Hlow To|in.


L«M.STEPMOIN AGOCorner Ninth and I^Kcntncky Are.

o;< rt(ci uc-r(« in tint

Dealer in Drags, Chemicals, Pa>tent

Medicines, Toilet Attlclr.s, Pine Ci-

gars sud Tobaccos. Prescilptions aspecialtr.


Cured raralysls.

W. P. Baliy, P. O. True. Texas

wrttee: "My v.’Ife bad lieon eiiffer-

n« five years with paralysis In hei

arm, yi'hen I was p •rstiadtHl to use

BO'l'Iajrd’a Snow Lininiont, which

cured he*r aid rlgbt. I have also

iMed It for old sores, frostbites anl

skin eruptions. It does the work.”

Bold by Alvey ft List.

Two doses give relief, snd one box

will cure any ordinary case of Kid-

ney or Blaiider truulile. Removes

Gravel, cures Disl>etes, Seminal

Emissions, Weak and lame Bat*k,

Rheumatism and ail irregularities

of tbe Kidneys and Bladder in both

men and women. Sold at SO cents

a box on the No Cure No Pay basis

by McPherson's drug store. Fourth

and Broadway, aols sgi-nta for Pa-

dueah, or sent by mail upon receipt

of pries to Lark Medicins Co., Lou-

isville, Ky.

Tbe Sun has some handsome box-

es of fancy stationery for Christmas

gifts, In holiday boxes. Tho'y are

beaiuiful things and make excellent

gifts. We run sell you a box of very

pretty paper for 50c.NEWrCLEPHONE SUBSCRIBERS

You could not find anything

nicer than a KeImT Collar for


$1.0(1 kill glovcN—all (xilors

and extra <|uallty—fur Xmas.Itl’DY. PHILMPS ft (X).Lldt ot new subicribeti added bj

the Rest Tenneute Tclephonr

ximpeny today:

3-tS-r- Allen, W. D.. Res. Watts

llouU'vuni.’- 2125— Rye, W. J.. Rts. 5 It; .\dams

Of (.ellliig l*iHtM>*isioii of Itlell Wolii'

ui:'!i Jewels. /

KILLthi coughParis, Dee, 2 3— .Mrs.Corbleres.a weal

thy widow, who lives in the Rue de

Vaiigirard, has Just been the victim

of an exlruordlnary robbery. She was

induced to go to a garrison town in

.Normandy by receiving a telegram

purporting to come from her nephew,

a captain in (he army.

During her absence an elegantly

dresved young man. who stated that

lie was a relative of the lady,and whohad been invited to put up at her

Hat, came in a cab. on the top of

which was a large trunk. This was

plaied In Mine. Corbleres’ apartment

and til the evening, having, so he

said, found a lodging, he eame again

and took the trunk uwa)"?

Filially Mine. Corlilereu ri'lurned

to Paris In anger ah having been drag

ged to Normandy by a false message.

Then It was found that Jewels and

valuables worth saveral thousand

dollars had lieen stolen by a man wholay hidden in the trunk.

and cure thb lungs wilt restore to >ou the snap, rim amt eliroi olmaobood. Tbay arc a healthy natural loud lorthe nerees, and act as a tonic In wumosl nerv-ous uies. To tasurc "privacy ' wo sell V I*,

labels by mall, and by malt only In plainpackagt. rr.pntd, at |i per b a. Tha Arm*strong Tablet Co,, 401 Tolsma Bloch,Dolrolt, MIoh.

2132 Knotvles, A., Res. field

Roai*. ,

583 Brannon, .Mar, Res. OOP Oo*-

liel Ave.

2002 .Minor, Jno., Res. 812 S.

8ih S,-.*

21(5— I.<ev.v, I,nu!s, ,Res. 1308

Jackson St.

Like otber commoditl** taltpbons

service abould be paid tor aeeording

to its worth and vaiut.

According to tbe last telephono di-

rectories Issued we have in the clti

about 2,500 subscribers or firs times

as many as tbe Independent Co.;

outside the city and within the coun-

ty, we have 63 times as many sub-

scribers as the Indspendent Co. Tot

we will place a telephoue in your

residence at the eame rate the Inde-

pendent Co. ii Buppoeed to charge

end provide In addition long disunea

fnciltl'es which will enable you to

each 60,000,000 people from yon;

"I n$ftd Cfttcar^U bikI Wt Ilk* « n*w mtn. 1 h***^•11 ft *uff«r*r fmn dr$|M-pilis And tour tloiu*rlifur lb* Iftii two jr*ftrt. I h*v* b«*n«tftklDf Brdl-fin* ftnd other driift*. but enuid find no r«M*f ualjrfor ft ihori lltlle* r will rerotuin*nd Oft*r*r«t* to

my fri*nd$ m* ib* oftly Inlng for indifeAlloti *nd

Jior Blonifti'b ftiid |o keep th* b<>w*l* in ftood coo*Uf>n- They ore very nfee‘»o*ftl.'*


FOR I OUfiHtond BOe $11.00' ^OLDS Free Trial.

Stweetond ftuickost Cure tor all


Young mco cfto become drft Uraen, msdUnUtw ftnd otbe's mcrcBite their incer^ie byUking up ft tiudy from ftr)>e<tftl cormpood-ence ftchocil (or ihi* lini' of wor 4 . Send (or pftr*ticuUr* ftnd thre-* tree pUlrs (rom Ihe MreatT.coteftiUutiDg ibe course.

K. lofbai’s UrrespMfiici ScImINEWPORT, R. I.

bast Tor

Th* Oow*l*

fleory Mammen, Jr.

IftMTif tiThiri «pi Knticky.

Book Binding, Bank Work, Leg*

and Library Work a •peclaltys

Insure With

L. L. BEBOUTGeneral Insurance

Agency306 Broadway, over Globe

Bank and Trust Co.

TalabM* office . . . aasiw*f*«*« RcaiDaNCE . . i*a*

Plvusnt. Psl.tsbl*. l*<*uol, Ts.U Ooo4. Po O«o4,Kav.r Sicken. Wenken oe ilnpe. IS*-. 16c. iSt'. HeyW

Jolil In biiik. Tk* cennlne tftt.l.l ctftsise*: t- ( C*lnnreiile.4 to cure or yonr moii.f back.

itrllng Remedy Ca., Chicago or N.t(. 509

"i pil'd i/uii Hiixe inlnuliM to In' /rif ot

tin' Cdk/lc."

iorved iho c.iptnlii dryly, "tluHug a fi*w

tiii.vs’ iiri|iialutiiiii'i*, ,vuu will liv |ir<iuipt

tu UrNti'uy ilial iiio*|iiiilUy. 1 put uut'tiibai'go upuii y lur iiiiuuh*> h”"That Is g.Mi.l uf you," said I surciis


’•B(“*.*.”i*ll.’.'," coiitliiiu*«l h«>. uiimuvtvl

tiii.l cu.lilting on his tlngiTs, "ilit'i-i* Uiij ii'.r'uu wIi.v lUlM cuiupalgii Klioiild

li.'.cl lil will. 1 like you, uinl oif dutytlmr** is i**ja:ii for excUaugit of frluiMlI.v


"Vo.i folgi'i," I said shuridy, "In

wliui n*l:iliou I fiml .von. There can I>e

no iHNii'e I i*ixvi*«n yopr prufesslou miulUllU*." I

lit* HOlllcd, t

(To B* Conttaaed)

CAMPBELL BLOCKrtltphoBss: Oftes. 369 ;

Rctldrnco, yi<


Cte Pi( 41 (**t nnnelurnldie«-bni eee.lnBAiaiueiioaf.irrltnltune nr ulcernilon.

of mueose ni.mbrenei.PeinlMe, end nvl nelila-

S.nt nr s*ii.uu*.iu.

hy DrHSSlsis*or lent *i y/ela wrerwr.t*r •>rrsei, nreyaid, (hi

•I .OS. sr I S* Ilia X3 T»rte-nlM - I- *n**iee

Heart Kluttcring.

Un-digested food an*d gas In tho

stomach, located Juat bo'.ow thn, preeoet against it and cau««t

heart pulpltatiou. Whon yuur hoart

trouMea yon in that w<ay take Her-

blne for a few days. You will soon

he all r.gbt, 5Uc a bottle. Sold by

Alvey ft List’s drug store.'

The Bun has some Chrlstn^s pa

per napkins which are Just the things

for wrapping your Christmas pres*

ents in, for Chrlstmaa cnterlalu-

inents, etc., Ic a piece.

Call 300 for further Information


/>. Me Rooftrfts Ms***

EBrookporty llllnolaRATES ftl.OORER DAY

LHrsry Rlge PnniUhtd at ftsosoasblt


By making a dapo^lt with th$

PADUCAH BANKING CO.t'liaiAirt for tlirfaduiaii

W'liulil Ihi niokt H|i|iro|iriali‘.

Itl'UY, l‘tlll.LlUri ft IX). *

—Handwoim* CXiiT-fTnea o*pd*. >iia»

tbe rtiltvg tu send with yoitr preeenrts,

at Tbs Suu once, &vo cents ei^.The devll'renta u iM*w In every

church in the Und.




Unto You Good Tiding* of Or««fJoy."

Triwiblo WiT*t .Motbodlal.

Tomorrow mornini «i ib« TrimbleStrewt Melhodlst church Rev. W. Yi'.

Arroetrong will have a Chrlatmai ser-

vice at hla church and the children ofthe Sunday school will render a pro-


114-116-207-213 South Third StreotToaifliit Will Mark the En4 of

it JQntil Next Sprinf.

BIf Chrietinae Ba»inegi gtod

Heftltby Conditioni.A RAM) OK MI HIC WU< PLAY



Tomorrow night tho pastor

will preach on "Hie Bntombed Multl-

lude." Monday night the Christmastree will be held.

.Nocesaarjr Repaiiw Will lie .Made This

Winter, lint Nothing


The tTlriatmae Trade WindsWHh'the Ijanpwt Kver Done

By Local Houaea.

The HIk Store Is teeming with ap-

propriate Christmas Olfts for every-


A Great Cut-Price sale Is going on

In the Cloak, Suit. Pur, Skirt and

Waist Deportment.

This store aells most everything.

The goods In each of its many de-

partments have all been priced to

make It to .vour Interest to buy every-

thing here la the way of appropilate,

useful, sensible Chrtatiaas Presents.

Third Mrgrf MrONidlal.

Rev. Peter Plelds of the ThirdStreet Methodist church, will Ml hit

pulpit tomorrow morning and la the

evening Presiding Rider Blackard

preaches. Tuesday night the children

give their entertalaaienl ami tlhriot-

mas tree.

On Furniture lor Christmas is a Sweeping

Price Redaction When You Wdnt ItBRIDUKH .ATTAf'HMBN'T IH »PP

The city will this evening stop

work for the winter. It has been fen-

cing In tills, raising Intersections, re-

pairing alleys and doing other workof this character but will stop to-

night, from announcementa made to-

day In the cily engineer's oSce, un-

til next spring..

All necessary repairs will of

Hsnk clearings this week, .tksi.goii

Same week last year 727,C74

YOU NEVER HAVE TOO MUCH FURNITUREGears Rplsro|ial Oiarrh.Orsea church. Rev. D. C. Wright,

jector. Sunday school S:30. Bvsrychild should be present as this Is the

last rehearsal for the Christmas fts.

tlval. Moralag prayer and sermon at

10:4d, the rector will deliver the lasi^

of his Advsnt sermons, on "Lore."Chtldran’e ChrlstuMs festival in the

church at 4; SO p. m. Services on

Christmas day will be at 10: 4S with

a sermon on "Childhood, Divine." OnTnesdar, Wednesday and Thursday!

moralng there will he tenrlce at;

10:4$. At the Suaday school featival.

each child la expected to brInS Si

present at a toy for the Christmas

trea of tha Rescue Mlsstoa.

The bank clearings this

Few people .have too much fur-

niture of a substantial kind, and the

gift of a comfortable chair, beautiful

cabinet or nicely made draw ing-room

table at Christmas is one that is sure

to be appreciated.

Of course \hcrc arc hundreds of

all these things to choose from here,

but while tastes differ most people

would unite in saying that the fol-

lowing things are exceptionally good

at a wonderfully low price.

Sleepy Hollow Arm Chairs and

Rockers, with a fine quality of quar-

ter-sawed oak frame, upholstered in

dark green leather. Chairs that rest

every part of your body at once.


Uasipaiad today. The weather ha.t

heen good -for shoppers, and the

dreeis and stoyes have been throng-

ed with shoppers.

The ruHruude -nd steamboat lines

brought 4n Wg crowds from the

aalgkhorlag towns and country, and

the pooplo came wKh money to buy

tad bought.

There waa a htg market today.

Orocera and fruit dealers as well as

uukers have done an immense busl-


tesa, too.

“W« hava bad the biggest bnslnes'i

wo have ovor had," said Mr. Charli"

Wellle, of B. Weille A Son. this mor-

ning. "Wo have an unusually large

force and It will be kept on the Jumpway Into the night to handle the

'rade that la coming In. We are In-

deed much satlsfled with our share

of tho holiday trade."*

''Are we busy?” replied Mr. Jake

Walleratein to a Sun representative

his morning. "Welt, you Just stand

here but a few minutes and get a

INic on “aomelhing doing.” Yes, bii'-

Inesa is better than ever before, andw« are satlsfled. Today has be^n a

very strenuous oi^e, and tonight will

be the superlative of strenuous."

The Jewelry h^uasa. the furniture

houHes, the bool^_ stores, the dry

goods stores, eveyy line of business

-eports an unusual business and ev-

erylKMly is smlllnit with satlsfartion.

Tonight will be a bus.v one and

merchants are preparing to handle

he biggest volume of business ever

lone In a night„ Most of the stores

vlll be open tomorrow for the bene-

dt of the dilatory shoppers.

The iMWtoinre reports the largest

lualness In money orders and mail

handled In the history of the office,

had the express romiianies are doing

Dors than ever be'o.-e.

The prospects for the new year are

very encouraging in all lines of ac-

uity and merchants, contractors,

>ankers. everyone looks for a contln-

latlon of the great proaperlty of the

vear Just . closing. One archlte<’t told

i Bun representative today that he

ltd more business on band than he

>ver had at this season of the year,

he greater proitortlou of It bu^ng

IrawIngK. for houses to hi erectid us

g>on as winter breaks.

Broi^way MfeMwRIat.

”Th« Hnago and^Divin* Child" is

the subject of Rev. T. J. Nswell's

sermon Snniay morning at 11;

y'clock, BsDeclal Christmas music,

will be rendered by the choir ander

the lead of the organist Mra. S. HWInttegd.


In the evening at 7: SO the Senior

Bpworth League will bold a Christ-

man service la the lecture room otthe

cbnrch, this will take the place .of

the regular idiurch evening service.

MlseVirglnla Newell will lead and the

general topic is "Thoughta on the

Cbrlot." The program Is:

Opening exsretoes—I^esder.

8oog,"Jojr to ths World."—League

"The Christ in Ldterature"~Dr.

Vernon Blythe-

Vocal aok), "Pralae to Jhe Lord,”

—Mr. W. V. Green.

"The Cbrlet In Art”—Mtae Alice


"The Chriet in the Heart"—*Dr. I.

B. Howell.

Vocal solo, "O, Mary, Mother of

Jetus"—MIsa rarnllne Ham.Closing hymn, "Christ for


World We Slog"—liengne.


Monday Might the Sunday Scholl

Cbrietmas entertainment will be giv-

en at the church. The children will

render an attractive program.


Ma sive Lrather Tur*

kith Ro:k«', 32 Inches

wide $29.00German EUaageUoaL

No aervioea will be held tomorrowmorning at the German Kvnngellcal

church on South Fifth atreet, except

the Sunday school. Tomorrow night

the Sunday school children render a

program and a Christmas tree fol-

lowa- Monday Rev. Bonrquln will

preach In Odrman.

Three serioua accfdents occurred

at South Side plant yesterday and


Bennie Parker, the twelve-year-

old son of Will Parker, who lives on

Sowell street and Is employed at the

Paducah Cooperage company, camenear being ground to death In a ma-

chine while at work late yesterday.

His arm In sons# manner becamecaught in some of*the raachiner.v

And waa badly dislocated and lacer-

ated. The boy, however, will re


John Walters, also an employe .of

the Cooperage company, hud several

bones in his right foot fractured,

and tha member badly bruised andlacerated, by a wagon load of head'<

bolts running over the foot.

Jim Jeiforde, an employe of the

Mergenthaler-3forton basket compa-

ny, wae walking along under sometimbers this morning, when a heavy

piece fell and struck him on the

head, cutting a painful gash several

luchea long. He 'Is not thought ta

be seriously hurt.^

Drs. J. S. Troutman and Carl Sears

were called In all the cases, and at-

tended the injured.

first Preabyteriau.

"Good Will Toward Men” will be

tomorrow morning's subject for Rev.

W. R. Cave at the First Presbyterian

Church. At night "The Royalty of

Christ." There will be no service

Christmas day at this church.

Stand on a chair and you can almoit lee Chriitmai ! And think

what a lot there*! to do. Then remember our 20 per cent. off.

First OirhiUan.

"Of Hly Kingdom There Shall Be

No End" will be the subject of Rev.

W. H. Pinkerton, of the First Chris-

tian church tomorrow morning. At

night "Is Jesus the Only Son of

God?" There will be no services

Christmas day.


S. Third St.


There will be Children's service

for the Feast of Dedication tomor-

row at Temple Israel at* 2: 30 p. m.

Tenth Htreet riirisllan.

"The Annunciation” will be the

subject of Rev. B. W. Bass, of the

Tenth Street Christian church tomor-

row morning, and at night "TheBirth of Christ.” .Monday night the

holiday program will be rendered

and Christmas tree conducted for,

the pupils,

the giiesu of HhiKTlnlendent Tuylor

He will have refrenhiiienfa and said

the parly would be coinimsed of over

a hundred people. ,

STIi.%Mllt».%T t'AllTV

IK PKOHTHATKDTlir*-*> of Tliciii U'i*rr Marrlivl at M

iro|K>llii Tnda),Mra. W. W. Copeland Critically III

From Worry Abiail guao

Bumed in Htove.

Cairo, III., Dec. 23.—Mrs. W. W.

Copeland, Is critically 111 at her home

as ths result of worry over the loss

of $»30 which was accidentally burn-

ed In the kitchen stove with some pa-

l>ers at her home h/ her husband a

few days ago. Mrs. Copeland Is suf-

fering from nervous prostration and

is under the care of a physician and


-Mrs. Copeland statea that the $1,-

000 which she secured at the Alexan-

der county bank wa^paM her by Yi


A. Gardner, a real estate agtent of

Paducah, who came here to settle

with her tpr some property he had

sold for her. Bbe was given a draft

for the amount and thia was cashed

at the above named hank. Several

days later Mrs. Copeland, wishing to

pay some bllla, weiij to the Cairo na

ilonal bank to gel the 11,000 bill

changed. Mr. E. Kills Cox. assistant

cashier of the bank, changed the

money for her, giving her the bills

which are now In aghea.

Justice 1'homas Liggett, at Meinspolls, married three Paducah ••ouples

this morning. They aere:

Edwin i’linlew and JuUa R. Crasi.

Boss Itoeer and Karah L. Kloyd

Simon Perdew and Irene Foster.

.Marriage of the first two was a

double ceremony.

The other couple arrived on a l:t

ter boat, and the groom Is a cousin to

the bride of the same name in the

double wedding.

They all will return on the Cow-ling this afternoon.

A nice silk waist makes a

most Bc«s*]>table Xmas present

and oor line ogers quite a

rlioin- in |Hice and patterns.

Hl'DY, PlilLLII'M « CO.


Capt. C. .M Johnson, who »>wnt

the Grace Veil and the Phil Hllsley.

small, but powerful, towboats, hat

changed the names of both The for-

mer he has named after himself anr

the latter has lieen named after Bu-

perliitendenf Young Taylor, of the

dry dorks.

The Grace Veil lows on the lower

.Mississippi river and the Hllsley on

Green river. The former bsa been

on the docks for repairs and for sev-

eral wiH«ks has been worked on off

tho dorks. A wheel la being made for

her and It will he placed on In a few.

days. Bhe haa one of the best hulls

that was ever put under a bimt a'

the local dorks. On .lantiary 5, she

will make a trip to Bnilthlaiul and

F1mt Raptlnt.

Tomorrow morning at II o’clock.

In the afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and

In the evening at ^ o'clock servicer

will l>e conducted at the First Bap-

tist church. At 10 o'clock Mondaymorning and 7 o'clock that evening

Christmas services will be conducted.

Want an .\riiiy Post Hite.

ItoproHimiatlve Binith has present-

ed a bill In Washington for an ap-

propriation of not more than |1.-

lOO.iHKi to imrihasi? tli.lMtu acres Of

land' In Hart. Meade and Bullitt

counties, or any one of them fo,' an

army |K>st site.

"'Mid flaming torches and the mu-lie of numerous brans bands the Me-

tro|H>IU Coronierclat club were me-!

at the wharfboat at Paducah by th*

Paducah Commercial and Manufac

turera' Aaaoelation last Friday night

and led to the Kentucky Opera House

wbers all of the citixens of Paducah

had met In a monster meeting

to promote interests In getting rail

roads to come to Metropolis and Pu

ducah." The above ,was what we hao

prepared before we went to Paducah

but we found we could no* use it

Abuqt forty of our citizens went to

Padifcah on the Cowling In responsi

to the Invitation of the Paducah

club, supposing that railroad mat-

ters would be discussed. No one mot

us at the boat though they knew as

late aa 3 o'clock that a numberWould be up. We Anally landed at

the opera bouae and found It empty

With tho exception of one or two

ushers. At no time was there as

many people In the house from Paducah as there waa from Metropolis

and railroad matters were not dle-

eussed at all until Pres. McCartney

brought them up. To the Paducahanr

the meeting was a dismal failure

but the bunch from Metropolis seem

ed to enjoy It and six new memberswere added te the Commercial club

It shows that Metropolis can get up

an Interest but they will not pay

much attention to Invitations from

Paducah In the future. Kentucky

Hriond Ha|>tl«.‘.

"What Must I Do To Be Saved”

will be the subject tomorrow morn-ing of Rev. E. H. Cunningham, of

the Second Baptist church. At night

"Sinners In the Hands of An Angry

God.” Monday -night the Christmas

tree will be held, accompanied by

musical and literary program.

UnuMnet'K Weekly

As the teuson draws to a close hoi-

day buyi^ gains force, and the ear-

ly predictions of unprecedented busi-

being fully resllzed Spring —The dun has some Christmas pa-

per napkins which are Just the ihliigs

for wrapping your Christmas pres-

ents In, for Christmas snterlaln-

nients, etc., Ic a piece.

The Sun office la showing the

prettiest Hoes of fancy stationery In

the city and the prteves gre surpris-

ingly low. 40c buys a box of very

handsome statlnoerv, ,

lesa are

Ouslnesa reports continue excellent

tnd far In excess of previous years.

Manufacturing Is active as rarely be-

'ore at this date. Iron and steel lead-

Bg with enormous outputs and rec-

->rd engagments ahead in all crude

tnd fabricated products. Open fall

jveather still favors building activity

tnd another big year Is Indicated by

'itgh prices and active demand for

'naterlaU particularly liiniber, the

aullook being for a heavy cut this

winter. Winter wheat Is In good con-

lltlon, with fair snow covering. De-

nand for money active but coUeo

ions could be batter. Cash Is still

Tiovlng to the interior, but the llqut-

latlon of three Chicago banks has

not. apparently, affected the situation


hack and everybody aboard will be

first Onniberland rrrHbytsndan.

Services will be held tomorrow

morning at the First CumberlandPresbyterian church at the usual

hour, by Rev. Eshnian. At 7:30

o'clock In the evening the Christmas

entertainment will l>e conducted by

thf) children, who give a cantata. Noservices win be held Monday.

We have now finished moving oOr stock to 312 Broadway,

Van Culin’i former stand. Ai you doubtless know, we were com-

pelled to vacate our building at 408 Broadway, as our lease had

expired and the building had been rented. ^

Everything is being sold at 33 1-3 per cent, off cost prices and

you should not delay looking through our stock for desirable

Christmas presents. \yc may sell everything to some jobber almost

any time now and theii your opportunity will be gone.

We still have a few pic9es of handsome china and bric-a-brac,

but they won’t last long.

NoHh TwHfth Mission.

At 3 o'clock tomorrow aftwrnoon.

th» regular Sunday school services

will be conducted at the North

Twelfth Street Baptist Mission.

Little's Chapel.

Tomorrow morning and evening

Rev. T. J. Owen will preach at Lit-

tle's Chapel, and Monday morning at

10:3! o'clock special Christmas ser-

vices will be held.

Weekly Rank (learinga.

New York,* Dee. 23.—Total bank

clearings compiled by Bradsl reels for

the principal cltle'a of the United

States during the past week were

$3,4)I0,107,5H7, an Increase of 35

per cent, compared with the corres-

ponding period of last year.

Brnki-ii Asle Causes DeUy.

A broken axle caused a great deal

at iBOOOveiiience at the local I. CAn axle on an

daffot tIU* niornlng

outffolnff lo<ul freight train broke

depot ofi the main line, anc*

rauxrt alt the passenger trains t<

taka tha aecond track. This cauaeJ

a ffauaral delay ‘and It waa severs,

hours kafora the freight train go?


German lAiihrran.

Tomorrow morning no services

will be brill at German Lutheran

church on South Fourth street. Rev.

Ilten will be in the county conduct-

ing services. Tomorrow night at 7:1!

o'lioi'k the Christmas tree will be

given for the Kunday school children.

Monday morning at 10:30 o'etook

Rev. Ilten will preach In German and

at night lit English, "Behold, I Brisg

Faltarrs for Um» Week.

Failures this week were 220 In

the United Htates against 251 last

—The Sun has some Christmas pa-

per napklas which are just the thj^gr

tor wrapping your Christmas pres-

ents In, for Cbristi,:aa enterialn-

menta, etc., lo a piece.

312 BROADWAYYesterday waa the biggest money

order day In the history of the local

poatollce, l|he total receipts from

thia lervica balifrVK>at |I,30<).

Hrr than s pre«ty

*41.00 to gSOAMI.

nuLLiro 4 oo.