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  • 7/31/2019 Packards' Progress: Spring 2012


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    P A C K A R D S P r o g r e s s w w w . p a c k a r d s p r o g r e s s . w o r d p r e s s . c o m


    Were now well into the last two months of our timehere with YWAM Montana, but our time with YWAMis not over; were excited to let you know that we havemade a two-year commitment to the School of BiblicalStudies in YWAM Turner Valley in Alberta! The last seven months in Montana has been a wonderful time ofgetting to know Gods Word. To date, Helen has studied through 51 ofthe 66 books of the Bible. Michael has taught Colossians, 1 Peter,Leviticus, and Joel, and will soon teach Zephaniah. Students are currentlystudying the prophets, and will close the school with looking at the Gospelof Matthew. Matthew so beautifully illustrates the way in which Jesusfulfills the Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament, and as we studythis book, students will have the opportunity to see the cohesiveness of

    the Bible. The Bible is not just a collection of 66 books but the story ofthe need for redemption that came through Jesus.

    The School ofBiblical Studieswraps up onJune 21st, and it will be a bittersweet time of celebratingthe culmination of hours and hours of work and study,and having to say goodbye to students and staff as allreturn to their corners of the world, or go out to bringthe Gospel to those who have not yet heard the good

    news of Jesus. This season has been so blessed byfriendships we have made, but most of all, by theopportunity we have had to become more firmly rootedin the Truth of the Gospel. Thank you so much for yoursupport and prayers as we have been on this journey.

    As we say goodbye to Montana, our journey withYWAM is not over! We are blessed to have been accepteto YWAM Turner Valley in Alberta, where we will both

    Michael and Helen are currently

    working with YWAMs School of

    Biblical Studies in Lakeside,

    Montana. From 2012-2014 they will

    serve with the School of Biblical

    Studies at YWAM Turner Valley.Keep up with our adventures at:

    Left: Michael on his first day of teaching (he did an

    awesome job on Colossians!) Right: Helen and friends

    from the Netherlands, Norway, and California in

    nearby Big Fork, Montana on a Sunday/Sabbath day.
  • 7/31/2019 Packards' Progress: Spring 2012


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    P A C K A R D S P r o g r e s s w w w . p a c k a r d s p r o g r e s s . w o r d p r e s s . c o m

    be staff on the School of Biblical Studies. We will teach,grade, and disciple students there as Michael has beendoing in Montana, but with the advantage of being partof a smaller school. This means we will have theopportunity to learn a great deal from the staff whohave been involved with SBS in YWAM Turner Valley,with the desire to become the best Bible teachers we can

    be. We want to learn to communicate Gods Wordeffectively and accurately, and as God works through us,we pray He will be glorified, and the world will bechanged through knowledge of His Word. Throughoutour two year commitment at Turner Valley, we will bepraying about going overseas to teach the Bible in anSBS in either Africa, Asia, or Eastern Europe. Ourvision is to take the Word of God to the nations, and ourtwo years in Turner Valley will be a great trainingground to prepare us for that vision to become a reality,as God leads.

    As we begin this next season, well need lots of peoplesupporting us; you can help us in several ways:

    1. Pray1. Finishing Well in Montana

    The next several weeks will be busy; there is still muchstudying to be done! Please pray for Helen as shestudies, especially when it comes to bigger books,including Jeremiah and Ezekiel. Pray for Michael as hespends hours grading the work students will do for these


    2. Our Summer

    SBS finishes on June 21st, but well be staying inMontana until July 2nd so Michael can finish his staffduties, and to attend a wedding here. Well take a two-day train trip back to Ontario, where we will be for threeweeks, before we drive to Turner Valley. This will be anextremely busy time, and we want to connect with asmany people as possible! Were hoping to hold at least

    two Missions Information Nights during this time. If youwould like to attend or host such an event, pleasecontact us! Please pray we would spend our time wiselywhile having the opportunity to rest. 3. Finances

    YWAM Turner Valley suggests a minimum of $1000 of monthly support for staff couples. This issignificantly more money than we receive in support at present. We also need to purchase a car; Turner Valley isin an even more remote location than Lakeside (and we will need a vehicle to drive across Canada!). Please joinwith us in praying for people to partner with us as we make this transition to staffing in Turner Valley. If you feelGod is calling you to give, please see below for more details.

    Our CalendarJune 22 - SBS Graduation CeremonyJuly 2 - Board train in Whitefish, MontanaJuly 4 - Arrive in OntarioJuly 25 - (Tentative) Begin Drive to AlbertaAugust 1 - Arrive in Turner Valley, AlbertaAugust 6-10 - North American SBS Conference (in Montana)August 20 - Staff Training Begins in Turner ValleySeptember 24 - SBS 2012/2013 Begins!

    Equipping our generation with a world-changing knowledge of the Bible...

    Chris is one of thestudents in my(Michaels) smallgroup, but before SBS

    started, I didnt thinkhed even make it toMontana. Chris isfrom the Philippines,and with about ninedays until the start ofthe school, Chris toldthe SBS staff he was

    going to buy a plane ticket though he hadntreceived his visa yet. A week later, I picked Chrisup at the airport, complete with visa in his

    passport. After 7 months of SBS, I can see whyGod did the impossible to get Chris here. Chrisexcels in his studies, but more importantly, he hasa vision to take what he is learning to the nations.Chris has applied to do the Titus Project, a 3month school that equips SBS graduates to teachthe Bible in unreached areas of the world. Hisheart is for Nepal, and will go there to use all hehas learned to further the knowledge of Godthrough His Word. Playing a small part in whatGod is doing in and through Chris is why I am so

    privileged to be doing what I do as SBS staff.
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    P A C K A R D S P r o g r e s s w w w . p a c k a r d s p r o g r e s s . w o r d p r e s s . c o m

    2. Donate Camping SuppliesWe will camp our way across Canada to get to Turner Valley.We have a tent and sleeping bags, but still need sleeping mats, acamp stove, camp cookware, an axe, tarps, a large cooler, rope,and one camping chair. If you live in Ontario and would like todonate any of your old, usable camping gear to us, we wouldreally appreciate it! We hope to visit Wasaga Beach, Alliston,

    Toronto, and New Liskeard this summer, and will happily pickup anything you want to contribute. You can contact us [email protected], or through Facebook.

    3. GiveYWAM staff do not receive paychecks. This means oursalaries come solely from financial partners who believe inour mission to teach the Bible and reach the world with thegood news of Jesus. Weve had several people support us overthe last year, and we are so grateful; we have been able to behere in Montana because of the generosity of our supporters.

    In addition to the larger, one time expenses listed at left, we willneed to raise monthly support to cover our living expenses.YWAM Turner Valley recommends a minimum of $1000monthly support for a staff couple.

    We are so thankful for any support we receive! Please know thatyou do not have to commit to a substantial amount of moneyeach month to support our work; if you can support us between$10 and $25 a month, please know that every dollar is a blessingto us. Canadian donations (whether a one-time donation or a

    monthly-donation) are tax- deductible when processed throughYWAM Project Funding in BC. We are currently working onsetting up tax-deductible status in the States, so Americansupporters can enjoy the benefits of tax-deductible giving as well.

    Financial Contributions (for Canadians)1) All cheques should be made payable to YWAM or Youth With A Mission (BC) Society - donotwrite our names on the cheque itself. We have provided an addressed envelope for your convenience.2) Enclose a separate note in the envelope designating support for Michael & Helen Packard (we haveincluded a note in the envelope provided).3) Send cheque + separate note to: YWAM Project Funding Office PO Box 57100 RPO East Hastings Vancouver BC V5K 5G64) Contact us! Wed love to know that youre supporting us, whether it is through prayer, finances, orboth! In addition, if youd like for us to help you arrange pre-authorized payments, please let us know,and we can direct you to the appropriate forms/instructions. Our email address [email protected].

    One Time ExpensesVehicle = $3500Travel Across Canada = $800North American SBS Conference = $200Total One Time

    Expenses =$4500

    Monthly ExpensesRoom & Board, Car Insurance & Fuel,Additional Food and Health Costs,Emergency Funds, Toiletries, etc. requiresat least $1000 monthly support

    Where is Turner Valley, Alberta?

    Turner Valley is located approximately 45

    minutes southwest of Calgary, Alberta, nestled

    between the Rocky Mountains and the prairies.[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 7/31/2019 Packards' Progress: Spring 2012


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    P A C K A R D S P r o g r e s s w w w . p a c k a r d s p r o g r e s s . w o r d p r e s s . c o m

    PHOTOS FROM SBS 2011/2012

    Thank you for all your love and support during this past year! We are so blessed to partner with God in

    Equipping our generation with a world-changing knowledge of the Bible.