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21st Century Science

P1 Revision Quick Quiz2010-11 Specification

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1. This diagram shows the layers in the Earth. Layer 4 is the mantle.


False! Layer 2 is the mantle

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2. All our evidence for changes in the Earth

comes from looking at rocks.


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False! Hydrogen nucleus + Hydrogen nucleus Helium nucleus

3. Nuclear fusion is the energy source in the sun. In nuclear fusion hydrogen nuclei are joined together to make helium nuclei. This releases enormous amounts of energy.

Helium nucleus + hydrogen nucleus → helium nuclei

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4. Moons go around a planet

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5. The death of the dinosaurs was probably due to Asteroids hitting the Earth every few million years

False! It is thought that dust blocked out the sun and the

Earth became cold

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6. Seafloor spreading is caused by shrinking of

the Earth’s crust.

False! Seafloor spreading is caused by movements in the solid mantle

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7. The outside of the Earth consists of tectonic plates.


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8. Wegener’s theory of continental drift was that different countries

have different fossils.

False! Wegener thought that the continents seemed to fit together

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9. Magnetic Stripes of the seafloor are evidence for

seafloor spreading


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10. In the distant future the universe will fall back

inwards due to gravity

False! It is too difficult to predict what will happen to the universe in the future.

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1. Place these words in order of size, from the smallest to the largest.

P1 The Earth in the Universe

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2. Write definitions for these wordsa)Cometb)Asteroidc)Light yeard)Fusion

P1 The Earth in the Universe

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3. Measuring distancesa)Explain how scientists would use parallax to determine whether Star 1 or Star 2 is closer to Earth.

b)Star 1 and Star 2 are of the same type. Explain how scientists would use brightness to determine which of the two stars is closer to Earth.

P1 The Earth in the Universe

Star 1Star 2

Earth in June

Earth in December

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4. The start of the Universea)State the approximate age of the Universe.b)State the approximate age of the Earth.c)Give one piece of evidence that supports the big bang theory.

P1 The Earth in the Universe

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5. Dating rocks. Use the diagram to answer the questions.

P1 The Earth in the Universe

a) Which letter represents the oldest layer of rock?

b) Which letter represent the youngest layer of rock?

c) Which of H or M is likely to be the youngest rock?

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6. Continental drift.a)Name the scientist who came up with the theory of continental drift.

b)Use the diagram on the right to give two pieces of evidence that support his theory.

P1 The Earth in the Universe

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7. Write down the keywords that fill the gaps.The Earth’s crust is made up of ____1_____ plates that flow very slowly over the layer beneath them, called the ___2___.

The ocean floor continually grows wider where plates are moving ____3____. This is know as seafloor ____4______.

Ocean floor is destroyed where plates are moving ______5______. Sometimes the meeting of two plates can result in rocks buckling and folding upwards to form ______6_______.

The friction of plates moving side-by-side along fault lines can cause ______7_________.

P1 The Earth in the Universe

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8. Detecting Earthquakes.a)Draw a longitudinal wave (a P wave)b)Label it with compression, rarefaction and wavelength.c)Draw a transverse wave (an S wave)d)Label it with wavelength and amplitude.e)What is the frequency of a wave?

P1 The Earth in the Universe

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9. The wave equation.Wave speed (m/s) = frequency (Hz) x wavelength (m)

P1 The Earth in the Universe

a)A seismic wave travelling through rock has a frequency of 0.5 Hz. The wavelength is 20 km. Calculate the speed of the wave.

b)The same wave passes into a different rock where the speed is 14 m/s. What will the new wavelength be?

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10. Using waves.

P1 The Earth in the UniverseScientist studies of the movement of seismic waves have informed us about the structure of the Earth.a)What does the S-wave shadow zone tell us about the structure of the core?b)Explain what causes the S-wave shadow zone.

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1. Place these words in order of size, from the smallest to the largest.

P1 The Earth in the Universe

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2. Write definitions for these words

a)Comet = large ball of dust and iceb)Asteroid = small and rocky orbiting the Sun in a band between Mars and Jupiter.c)Light year = a unit of distance used by astronomers. The distance that light travels in a yeard)Fusion = Joining smaller nuclei together to make larger elements. Releases energy. Occurs inside the Sun.

P1 The Earth in the Universe

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3. Measuring distancesa)Explain how scientists would use parallax to determine whether Star 1 or Star 2 is closer to Earth. Observe distant stars behind both Star 1 and Star 2 in both June and December. The closest Star is the one that shows the largest change in the distant stars as its background.

P1 The Earth in the Universe

Star 1

Star 2

Earth in June

Earth in December

b) Star 1 and Star 2 are of the same type. Explain how scientists would use brightness to determine which of the two stars is closer to Earth.

Closest star will be the brightest one.

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4. The start of the Universea)State the approximate age of the Universe. 13,700 million years old.b)State the approximate age of the Earth. 4,500 million years old.c)Give one piece of evidence that supports the big bang theory. Galaxies are moving away from each other. Universe is getting bigger. Space is expanding. Red shift. Presence of cosmic microwave background radiation. Oldest stars are younger than predicted age of Universe. Etc.

P1 The Earth in the Universe

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5. Dating rocks. Use the diagram to answer the questions.

P1 The Earth in the Universe

a)Which letter represents the oldest layer of rock? I

b)Which letter represent the youngest layer of rock? R

c)Which of H or M is likely to be the youngest rock? H

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6. Continental drift.a)Name the scientist who came up with the theory of continental drift. Wegener.b)Use the diagram on the right to give two pieces of evidence that support his theory. Continents fit like a jigsaw. Fossils found on different continents are identical. Rock types found on different continents are identical.

P1 The Earth in the Universe

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7. Write down the keywords that fill the gaps.The Earth’s crust is made up of 1. tectonic plates that flow very slowly over the layer beneath them, called the 2. mantle.

The ocean floor continually grows wider where plates are moving 3. apart. This is know as seafloor 4. spreading.

Ocean floor is destroyed where plates are moving 5. towards each other. Sometimes the meeting of two plates can result in rocks buckling and folding upwards to form 6. mountains.

The friction of plates moving side-by-side along fault lines can cause 7. earthquakes.

P1 The Earth in the Universe

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8. Detecting Earthquakes.a)Draw a longitudinal wave (a P wave)

b)Label it with compression, rarefaction and wavelength.

c)Draw a transverse wave (an S wave)

d)Label it with wavelength and amplitude.

e)What is the frequency of a wave?

P1 The Earth in the Universe

Frequency – number of waves per second.

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9. The wave equation.Wave speed (m/s) = frequency (Hz) x wavelength (m)

P1 The Earth in the Universe

a)A seismic wave travelling through rock has a frequency of 0.5 Hz. The wavelength is 20 km. Calculate the speed of the wave. 10000 m/s

b)The same wave passes into a different rock where the speed is 14 m/s. What will the new wavelength be? 28m

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10. Using waves.

P1 The Earth in the UniverseScientist studies of the movement of seismic waves have informed us about the structure of the Earth.a)What does the S-wave shadow zone tell us about the structure of the core? It is liquid.b)Explain what causes the S-wave shadow zone. S waves cannot travel through liquid.

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GammGamma raysa rays

X-raysX-rays Ultra Ultra violetviolet

Visible Visible lightlight

Infra Infra redred



Write the uses under each of the heading below

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The Electromagnetic Spectrum

GammGamma raysa rays

X-raysX-rays Ultra Ultra violetviolet

Visible Visible lightlight

Infra Infra redred



Each type of radiation shown in the electromagnetic spectrum has a different wavelength and a different frequency:


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Uses of radiation Put these uses under the correct headings.

Marking valuable equipmentLocating blockages underground (pipes)

Radiography (pictures of bones)TV

Attracting insects Developing a sun tan (sun beds)

Long distance phone calls Treating cancer

Camera’sSatellite TV


Radiators TV remotes

Microwave ovensRadio communication

Mobile Phones Walky talkies

Sterilising equipment

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TRUE OF FALSE? In back of books (BOB) decide whether

statements are (T) or false (F)1. Microwave radiation is ionising2. Ultraviolet radiation causes our ozone to

be made3. All types of radiation can travel as photons4. When an atom is ionised, a neutron is

knocked off5. Gamma radiation, X-rays and UV radiation

are called ionising radiationFINISHED? Re-write the false statements

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• Radiation from the sun, shown by arrow B, delivers energy to the Earth in packets. What are these energy packets called?


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Make a sentence describing the Greenhouse Effect


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• Radiation from the sun, shown by arrow B, delivers energy to the Earth in packets. What are these energy packets called?



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Make a sentence describing the Greenhouse Effect


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electromagnetic spectrum ozone layer galaxy

correlation ionisation

ultraviolet radiation gamma radiation natural hazards

source visible light s-waves p Waves

absorb warming fossils

transmit planets plate tectonics

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QUESTION 1QUESTION 1 How can we protect our skin from UV

radiation from the Sun? wear sun cream limit the time spent in the Sun Stay out of the Sun when it is at its

strongestAll of the above

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QUESTION 2QUESTION 2 Which type of radiation from the Sun does

photosynthesis need? UV



Gamma rays

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QUESTION 3QUESTION 3 What does the ozone layer protect us

from? UV radiation from the Sun pollution Infrared radiation from the atmosphere

global warming

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QUESTION 4QUESTION 4 What can radiation travel by? particles



photoelectric effect

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QUESTION 5QUESTION 5 How is food cooked using microwaves? It absorbs microwaves

It detects microwaves

It reflects microwaves

It emits microwaves

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QUESTION 6QUESTION 6 What type of radiation do mobile

phones use? infrared radiation x – rays gamma rays


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QUESTION 7QUESTION 7 Why are X-rays dangerous? X-rays burn your skin

X-rays are ionising

X-rays heat your skin

None of the above

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QUESTION 8QUESTION 8 What gases cause global warming? carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen

carbon dioxide

oxygen, methane and fluorine

water, carbon dioxide and methane

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QUESTION 9QUESTION 9 What effect does the Green house effect have

on the Earth? a hole in the ozone layer

skin cancer

ice caps melting and extreme weather


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QUESTION 10QUESTION 10 What does the word ‘correlation’ mean? A link between 2 factors

It’s a chemical

It’s a type of radiation

Don’t know