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United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation


Dear Ms. Xiuli XU,

Empowered Iives Resilient nations.

25 October 2017

It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the 1st Steering Committee Meeting for the South-South

Global Thinkers: the Global Coalition of Think Tank Networks for South-South Cooperation, co-hosted by the United

Nations Development programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC).

The event will take place on the sidelines of the 2017 Global South-South Development Expo in Antalya, Turkey on

30 November 2017.

To date, UNDP, jointly with UNOSSC, have formalized six partnerships with Southern think tank networks

from various regions: Global Research Consortium on Economic Structural Transformation (GReCEST); Silk Road Think

Tank Network (SiLKS); Latin America Initiative on Politics and Public Affairs Studies (ILAIPP); Southern Voice; Network

of Southern Think Tanks (NeST); and the Middle East and North Africa Public Administration Research (MENAPAR)

network. We have also entered to a five-year partnership with Yingke Law Firm, a multinationallaw corporation based

in China, and with the Finance Center for South-South Cooperation, both supporting this initiative.

To kick-start the partnerships and the work of the Global Coalition, the 1't Steering Committee meeting will

serve as a space to agree on the roles and responsibilities of its members and founders and to formulate mid-term

and long-term strategies. It will also mark the officiallaunch of the South-South Global Thinkers online platform.

It would be a great honour to have you join the event and share your insights on how the Global Coalition

can inform global policy dialogues on South-South and triangular Cooperation, including on the upcoming 40th

anniversary of the adoption of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action (BAPA+40).

Details of our invitation are as follows:

1. This invitation is for:

Xiuli XU

Professor, China Agricultural University


Date of Birth: 8 Oct 1977

Passport Number: PE0833430

2. Purpose

Ms. Xiuli XU


To participate in the Global South-South Development Expo 2017 including in the 1st Steering

Committee Meeting for the South-South Global Thinkers: the Global Coalition of Think Tank Networks

for South-South Cooperation (as described above).

China Agricultural University

Network of Southern Think Tanks (NeST)

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3. Venue and date:

Hotel Titanic Deluxe Golf Belek, Antalya, Turkey

27 to 30 November 2017

Steering Committee Meeting will be held on 30 November 2017

4. Travel required:

To arrive on 26 November 2017 and to depart on 1 December 2017

5. Financial support: The South-South Global Thinkers project will cover all costs.

Please find attached the concept note and tentative agenda for your kind reference. For more information

on logistical arrangements and to register for the Expo, kindly navigate the following link:

httP:l /

For your information, details of the organizers are as fo llows:

Ms. Shams Banihani

programme Analγst

United Nations Development programme



We would be thankfu l for your confirmation of participation by 27 October 2017, and look forward to our

discussions at the event.

Yours sincerely,

Jorge Chediek Simona Marinescu

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Chief of Profession Director of Development Impact Group

Bureau for policy and programme Support UNDP

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Version 23 October 2017


GLOBAL SOUTH-SOUTH DEVELOPMENT EXPO 2017 (Featuring plenary sessions only-NOT including side events)

Antalya Turkey

27 – 30 November 2017



Day 1 27 Nov


9.00 a.m. -10.00 a.m. High-level Opening Ceremony

10.00 a.m. -10.30 a.m. Inauguration of Exhibition

10.30 a.m. -11 a.m. Press Conference (tbc)

10.30 a.m. -11 a.m. Coffee Break

11 a.m. -12.30 p.m. Day 1 Leadership Round Table on Digital Ecosystem for Development

Public Service Innovations

Proposed partners: Bangladesh Prime Minister Office a2i Initiative, MFA, Singapore Global Centre for Public Service Excellence, Regional Hub of Civil Service in Astana


12.30 p.m. -1.30 p.m. Lunch Break

1.30 p.m. – 3 p.m. Thematic Solution Forum 1 Science, Technology and Innovation for Development

Proposed partners: MFA, TUBITAK, UNECE, WIPO, UNESCO

3 p.m. -3.15 p.m. Coffee Break

3.15 p.m. - 4.45 p.m. Thematic Solution Forum 2

The Role of SSTC in the Promotion of Innovation and Communication Technologies for Rural Development Proposed partners: IFAD

4.45 p.m. – 5 p.m. Coffee Break

5 p.m. – 6.30 p.m. Thematic Solution Forum 3

Big Data for Development

Proposed partners: UNDP

6.30 p.m. - 8 p.m. Welcome Reception and Culture Performance (tbc)

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Version 23 October 2017

10.30 a.m. -11 a.m. Coffee Break

Day 2 28 Nov

11 a.m. -12.30 p.m. Thematic Solution Forum 4

Youth Employment and Skills Development

Proposed partners: ILO


12.30 p.m. -1.30 p.m. Lunch Break

1.30 p.m. - 3 p.m. Thematic Solution Forum 5

Women as Benefactors of Development through Social Entrepreneurship

Proposed partners: SESRIC, UN Women, MFA

3 p.m. – 3.15 p.m. Coffee Break

3.15 p.m. - 4.45 p.m. Thematic Solution Forum 6 Good Practices of South-South Cooperation for Implementation of the SDGs: Development through Transformation Proposed Partners: Turkic Council, UNDP

4.45 p.m. – 5 p.m. Coffee Break

5 p.m. – 6.30 p.m. Thematic Solution Forum 7

Accelerating Country-led Progress towards Zero Hunger through joint and complementary efforts of the Rome- Based UN Agencies

Proposed partners: FAO, IFAD, WFP, MFA


9.00 a.m. -10.30 a.m. Day 2 Leadership Round Table on South-South Cooperation for People and Planet

Youth Empowerment and Launching of Youth Leadership Initiative Proposed partners: UNESCO, Commonwealth Secretariat, OIC, Union for the Mediterranean, UN SG Envoy on Youth Office (tbc), ICYF

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Version 23 October 2017

Day 3 29 Nov


9.00 a.m. -10.30 a.m. Day 3 Leadership Round Table on South-South Cooperation for Peace, Prosperity, and Partnerships

From Delivering Aid to Ending Need: Advancing the 2030 Agenda in Crisis Contexts

Proposed partners: TIKA, UN-OCHA

10.30 a.m. -11 a.m. Coffee Break

11 a.m. -12.30 p.m. Thematic Solution Forum 8

Peacebuilding and Peace Alternatives Proposed partners: APC-Colombia, g7+


12.30 p.m. – 1.30 p.m. Lunch Break

1.30 p.m. – 3 p.m. Thematic Solution Forum 9

Climate Change Partnerships Proposed partners: Southern Climate Partnership Incubator, MFA, Joint UNDP- General Directorate of Forestry Project, INBAR

3 p.m. – 3.15 p.m. Coffee Break

3.15 p.m. - 4.45 p.m. Thematic Solution Forum 10

Private Sector and Enterprises Engagement in Development

Proposed partners: MFA, UNDP-IICPSD, UNICEF, USAID

4.45 p.m. – 5 p.m. Coffee Break

5 p.m. – 6.30 p.m. Thematic Solution Forum 11

Cooperation among Countries for Health Development

Proposed partners: PAHO, WHO, UNFPA

6.30 p.m. – 8.30 p.m. Dinner Event

United Nations Multi-Stakeholders Meeting on South-South and triangular cooperation Proposed Partners: All UN Agencies

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Version 23 October 2017

Day 4 30 Nov


9.00 a.m. – 1 p.m. High-level Forum of Directors General for Development Cooperation (DG Forum) Proposed focuses:

1 BAPA+40 conference 2 Capacity development in institutional arrangement and management of SSTC 3 Regional cooperation

4 Resources and Funds for SSC


1 p.m. - 2 p.m. Lunch Break

2 p.m. – 6.30 p.m. DG Forum continued

6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. High-level Closing Ceremony and Dinner (tbc)

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Version 23 October 2017

Date Side Event Proposed Day and Time


1 26 November 2017 3rd Regional Networking Forum 9 a.m. -6 p.m. Akdeniz 2 27 November 2017 India, Brazil and South Africa (IBSA) Fund Side Event 12.30 p.m. -1.30

p.m. Expo Stage

3 27 November 2017 WFP’s SSC Approach—Network of Centres of Excellence for South-South Cooperation

12.30 p.m. - 1.30 p.m.


4 27 November 2017 Launch of PGTF Special Edition 12.30 p.m. -1.30 p.m.

Expo Stage

5 28 November 2017 tbc 12.30 p.m. -1.30 p.m.


6 28 November 2017 Launch of the UfM SSiA 12.30 p.m. -1.30 p.m.

Expo Stage

7 28 November 2017 Institutionalization of South-South and Triangular Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region

1 p.m. -4:30 pm Adriatic

8 29 November 2017 WFP Brazil scaling up Partnerships for Food Security 12.30 p.m. -1.30 p.m.


9 29 November 2017 High-level Ministerial Meeting on Agricultural Development

12.30 p.m. -1.30 p.m.


10 29 November 2017 Launch of the INBAR SSiA 12.30 p.m. -1.30 p.m.

Expo Stage

11 30 November 2017 High-Level Roundtable Workshop on City Experiences on Utilizing Tourism for Sustainable Development

11 a.m. – 12.30 P.m.


12 30 November 2017 UN-OIC Side Event 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Adriatic 13 30 November 2017 Global Coalition of Think Tank Networks Stakeholder

Meeting 1.30 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.


14 30 November 2017 DG Forum Side Event: Reporting South-South Cooperation: Global, Regional and National Level

1.30 p.m. – 2.30 p.m.


15 30 November 2017 NGOs/CSOs Side Event TBC Adriatic

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1st Steering Committee Meeting for the South‐South Global Thinkers: 

the Global Coalition of Think Tank Networks for SSC 

Side‐event Organized by UNDP and UNOSSC Titanic Deluxe Golf Belek Hotel 

Antalya, Turkey 30 November 2017, 13:00‐15:00 


I. Background  

Two years ago, the world unanimously adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), an agenda 

calling for a new and inclusive global partnership of which South‐South and Triangular cooperation (SSC 

and TrC) forms an integral part.  Placing importance on the need to enhance knowledge sharing through 

improved  coordination  among  existing  mechanisms,  Goal  17  “Revitalize  the  global  partnership  for 

sustainable development”, in particular, underscores the critical role of SSC and TrC in helping countries 

to advance their development priorities. The Addis Ababa Action Agenda also recognizes the importance 

of strengthening SSC and TrC as fundamental means for poverty eradication and sustainable development. 

Over the past 15 years, cooperation among countries of the South has continued to expand across sectors, 

SSC  and  TrC  growing  in  prominence  and  quality  of  partnerships  as  a  result  of  increased  resources, 

geographical reach and diversity of approaches. In 2013, the UNDP Human Development Report revealed 

that from 1980 to 2011 the share of world merchandise trade between South‐South more than tripled, 

while North‐North decreased during the same period.   

Despite  progress,  the  potential  of  SSC  and  TrC  to  contribute  towards  sustainable  development  and 

poverty eradication has not been fully  leveraged. Knowledge gaps and uneven access to solutions and 

resources  are major  obstacles  hindering  progress  and  the  full  realization  of  the  SSC  potential  and  its 

impact on sustainable development.  The availability of information and quality of research on the scale 

and impact of SSC and TrC have not kept pace with the growing demand among Southern partners for 

peer learning to further improve results. 

In addition, policy incoherence, together with a lack of understanding of the respective legal and policy environments for cooperation, can create ‘thick borders’ between countries and hinder the expansion of SSC  and  TrC.  Lacking  understanding  of  the  linkage  between  South‐South  trade,  investment  in  basic infrastructure or productive capacity cooperation, and development outcomes also constrains the range and value of development benefits that can be realized through those SSC modalities. Addressing these knowledge gaps will be critical in the context of scaling‐up SSC for sustainable development. 


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There is a clear need for academics and researchers to tackle this challenge head‐on and a clear demand 

for think tanks, especially from the Global South, to lead the way. As public policy research, analysis and 

engagement organizations,  think tanks and research  institutes can play a vital  role  in  the political and 

policy arenas at the local, national level, and global levels and assist governments in understanding and in 

making informed choices about issues of domestic and international concerns. Thus, they can strategically 

champion the thought leadership on SSC and TrC. 

However, scale and complexity of SSC require multidisciplinary knowledge and analysis, which can be very 

difficult to fully master by any individual think tank or a single network of think tanks. It takes a platform 

to pool knowledge and expertise of multiple think tank networks to work together to tackle the knowledge 

gaps in SSC. Through such a platform of exchanges among think tank networks on SSC, the diversified 

perspectives of SSC also can become a strength that can be fully appreciated and leveraged to enrich our 

understanding  and  inform  better  decision‐making  in  SSC.  Thus,  global  support  is  needed  for  those 

networks to better connect with each other to collectively address multi‐disciplinary challenges together, 

and  to  find  channels  to  inform  and  influence  global  development  agenda  with  frontier  thinking  and 


To  address  the  knowledge  gaps mentioned  above,  UNDP  and  United  Nations  Office  for  South‐South 

Cooperation  (UNOSSC)  have  recently  launched  the  Global  Coalition  of  Think  Tank  Networks  for  SSC 

(South‐South Global Thinkers initiative), in partnership with various Southern‐led think tank networks and 

private sector entities. The aim of the coalition is to:  

build partnership with major think tank networks to deepen the understanding of SSC and TrC, 

including its concepts, methodologies, policy issues and solutions for sustainable development; 

facilitate a global support platform that connects and enables various networks of Think Tanks 

and  centres  of  excellence,  to  exchange  knowledge,  pool  multidisciplinary  expertise,  and 

collaboratively conduct research and policy dialogues on scaling up SSC and TrC for sustainable 

development; and 

support  capacity  development  of  think  tank  networks  to  provide  data‐informed  analysis  and 

advisory services to inform policy making and practice in SSC and TrC to accelerate progress in the 

implementation of the 2030 Agenda through SSC and TrC.  

The  Global  Coalition  of  SSC  Think  Tanks  Networks  can  provide  an  enabling  environment  to  fill  the 

knowledge gap that can strengthen the scaling‐up of SSC and TrC and its impact and provide a bridge to 

link with SDGs and their implementation.  As such, it will contribute to the following:  

Strengthening  of  the  global  knowledge  base:    This will  be  about  systematization,  collection, 

analysis  and  dissemination  of  better  data  and  knowledge  about  patterns,  trends,  flows, 

composition and impact of SSC and TrC (the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘where’, ‘how’ and ‘how well’), within 

a framework that will necessarily be demand‐driven and led by Member States.   This will help 

policy‐makers, practitioners and experts in the South and North to access the information they 

need to deploy these modalities of cooperation at country, regional and global levels.   


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Development research:  Following suggestions from Member States, there will be a focus on the 

development, testing and steady application of monitoring and evaluation approaches that are 

specifically tailored to the principles and conduct of SSC and TrC, a major gap at the moment.   

Additionally, through the frequent consultation with think tanks from the north and South other 

priority research areas were identified that are of importance to Southern countries which include 

SSC concepts, trends and impact assessment, policy coordination and legal environment of SSC, 

and the impact of South‐South trade, investment, financing, technology, infrastructure on human 


Deepening  of  global  dialogue:    The  facilitation  of  and/or  technical  support  to  fora  where 

developing  countries  and  other  partners  can  come  together  to  discuss,  debate  and  build 

consensus on priorities, principles, opportunities, performance and peer‐to‐peer learning.  This 

can  only  be  done  effectively  on  a  demand‐driven  basis,  at  the  request  of  Member  States 

themselves, providing inputs that can help them in their efforts to see how SSC and TrC can best 

contribute to Agenda 2030 and the SDGs.  A key feature will be to bring Southern and Northern 

expert and practitioner  knowledge and experiences  to  the  table  for experience exchange and 

mutual learning. 


Support to inter‐governmental fora:   This will enable improved monitoring of and guidance to 

SSC and TrC within the UN system but also bringing in and influencing other partners as well.  The 

aim is to connect these fora with global knowledge and expert networks so that they can inform 

discussions and consensus‐building. 


To  date,  UNDP  jointly  with  the  UNOSSC  have  formalized  six  partnerships  with  Southern  think  tanks 

networks  from  various  regions  which  include:  Global  Research  Consortium  on  Economic  Structural 

Transformation (GReCEST); Silk Road Think Tank Network (SiLKS); Latin America Initiative on Politics and 

Public Affairs Studies (ILAIPP)), Southern Voice, Network of Southern Think Tanks (NeST) and Middle East 

and  North  Africa  Public  Administration  Research  (MENAPAR)  network.  The  Global  Coalition  has  also 

entered into a five‐year partnership with a multinational law corporation from China, Yingke Law Firm, 

and the Finance Center for South‐South Cooperation, both of which are supporting this initiative.   

II. Objective and expected outcomes:  The objective of the 1st Steering Committee meeting is to agree on the roles and responsibilities of the steering  committee members  and  founders  and  formulate mid‐term and  long‐term  strategies  for  the Global Coalition.  The expected outcomes of the meeting are as follows:   Approve Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Global Coalition Steering Committee and ToR for the 

Global Coalition Executive Secretariat 

Provide recommendations for the 2018 Annual Work Plan 

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o Identify  and  agree  on  the  priority  research  topics  to  be  conducted  by  the  think  tank 


o Identify and agree on high‐level policy events and advocacy campaigns at the global 


Provide Guidance and  recommendations on  the  financial  and operational  sustainability of  the 

Global Coalition 

III. Target Audiences 

The Steering committee meeting will be open to 25‐30 participants from think tank network members, representatives from UNDP, UNOSSC, funding partners and other invited observing members.    


13:00‐13:06  Opening Remarks by the Global Coalition Executives  

- Mr. Jorge Chediek, Envoy of the Secretary-General on South-South Cooperation and UNOSSC Director (3 min)

- Dr. Simona Marinescu, Director of Development Impact Group, Bureau for Policy and Programme Support, UNDP (3 min) 

13:06‐14:46  Introduction of think tank network members and research expertise; funding partners  

- Ms. Xiaojun Grace Wang, Deputy Director for Programme and Operations, UNOSSC (moderator)

- Ms. Xiuli Xu, Professor of Development Studies at China Agricultural University. key member of China International Development Research Network (CIDRN) and Network of Southern Think Tanks (NeST).

- Introduction by each Think Tank Network and funding partners (5 min each)

14:46‐15:16  Review and approve ToRs for the Steering Committee and the Executive Secretariat for the Global Coalition

Discuss financial and operational sustainability of the Global Coalition

- Dr. Simona Marinescu, Director of Development Impact Group, Bureau for Policy and Programme Support, UNDP (30 min)

15:16‐15:56  Discuss and identify priority research topics to be conducted by think tank networks

- Ms. Xiaojun Grace Wang, Deputy Director for Programme and Operations, UNOSSC (moderator) (40 min) 

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Identify high-level policy events that aim to influence policy dialogues on SSC

15:56‐16:00  Launch of the South-South Global Thinkers Platform and closing remarks

- Dr. Simona Marinescu, Director of Development Impact Group, Bureau for Policy and Programme Support, UNDP

- Ms. Xiaojun Grace Wang, Deputy Director for Programme and Operations, UNOSSC (moderator) (5 min)

Overview of each Think Tank Network and Priority Research Topics