Download - Oxydation und Reduktion. By R. Stokermer. handbuch der biologischen Arbeitsmethoden. Edited by Prof. E. Abderhalden. Part 174. Pp. 456. Berlin: Urban and Schwarzenberg, 1925. price



with a bcnign bciicdiction but Iins .incrcnscd thc intrinsic valiic of the ivork by a short, but inspiring contribiition on n subjcct of international iinportiincc.

The antlior shows a sonnd untlcrstnnding of the mcritality of ninny of tlic chcniical stritlcnts who cntcr industry, and i t is to hc hopctl t.Iint students mill pontlcr orcr t,hc many significant rcinai4;s to be found throughout the tcst , e.g:, “ Unless n stnrlcnt lnclts tlic indispensnble qiialificcLtions of eoninioii scnsc and t.hc capacity of thinlting for liinisclf lie will soon discovcr scveral tliings. First that hc is as ;I rule quitc insiifIicicntly cquippcd a i d inust spciid a good dcal of tiiuc antl effort in rcndjtisting his outlook.” “ Thc provision rcqiiircd for obtnilling siicli csscntial scrviccs as light, wiLtcr, poivcr and stcam iicvcr beconics rsnlly nppnrcnt to tlie ortlinnry stutlcnt of chcniistry in tlic laboratory ; Iic regards thcni, if not csactly as alrcady provitlctl by nittrirc for his convcnicncc, a t Icnst ns cvcry-d;~.y facilities to be placed ;it his disposal for tlic aslciiig.”

It .is oftcn said thnt tlic Grcat IVar nintlc ’’ tlic innn in tlic strect ” rcalisc tlic iinportnncc of chemis- try ; this inny bc tmc for :dl it is ivortli. It is doiht- ful ~1ict.licr clicmistry or clicniists Imvc prolitetl tlicrcby the only visihlc cfcct it n p p i r s to 1i:ivc 1I:itl is that to-day, chcniistry is overcro\\dctl nnrl inany “ chcniists ” Iiavc becii sadly tlisillusioncd. It would, Iiowcver, nppear that one important cfTect has bccn the bridging of tlic unjustifietl gap liitlicrto csisting I)ctmccn acndeniic rind industrial chciiiists- acntlcinic clicniists now realise that indust.ria1 cliciuus- try is in no way dcbased scicncc or founclcd cntircly on einpiricism. Tlic present book will rlo much to stabilise tlic position.

The chaptcr on costs might, with oclvnntngc, be shortcned, for fcw methods of costllig appear to be generally npplicahlc, and inetliods less chhorato than that described arc opcriitirig cfficicntly in niaiiy factories ; again, the ” cost ” of * . cost,iiig ” callnot bc overlooked. Whilst in agrccmcnt with tlic essential iiccd for cheaiists to bc supplied with cost l iprcs, it must be rcniarkcd that thcsc arc not alivays forth- coining aiid the you~ig chciuist would bc wcll advised to cultivatc diplonincy if he would progrcss in this dircctioii.

The trcatmcnt of gciieral plant is well donc, though lierc again, liick of spacc has, in plnccs, becn rc- sponsiblc for R too abbrcviatcd form of trcatmcnt. Thcrc is i~ real ~icccl for more line drawings of plant, and thcsc might, with iidvantngc, rcplacc thc, photo- graphs. ‘Jlhc stutlcnt would lcnrii inorc froni a liiic drawing of a stenni boiler tlinn froni a picture of tlie dcck of ;LU oil tankor. ‘Ilic chapter rlcaliiig with tlm fucl industry is a refreshing nix1 thoughtful

‘l‘luougtiout the whole work tlicrc is cvitlcnce of sound, clew thinlting, and i t is to bc liopcd that a sccond cditioii will S O O ~ bc called for nnrl tliiLt tho author scc fit to renrrikngc thc b;dnncc of the work by judicious cxpatision of sections which arc iiow too scanty. Tho addit,ioii to each chapter of IL list of suitablo rcfcrciicc worlts would pro\w n loon to students, who are oftcn siitlly in iiccd of dircctioii in such innttcrs.

study of tccluiique anct liuinaii 11’ ‘l t ure.

Thc book, which is ~vvell printctl, is provided with an ndcquatc iiides, and Dr. Levy is to bc congratu- latcd 011 the product.ioii of n valual~lo work wvhich should bcconie a stantl:vd tcst boolr on tho subjcct.


ESPLOSIFS, POUURES, G-IZ DE COJIBAT. By P. PASOAL. Pp. viii+20G. Paris : Libraric Scicritifiquc J. Hcrmanii, 10%. Pricc 36 francs.

This hook is a reprint of u courso of lccturcs givcn in the Faculty of Scicnccs a t Lillc to candidates for the cliploma, of clicmical cngiiiecr, sonic of whoin intcnctecl to prcsciih thenisclvctr for the entrance examination for the staff of thc French “ Scrvicc dcs Poudrcs.”

In tho first, explosive reaction. in gcncral, tho tcmpcraturcs and prcssurcs to ~i~liicli it givcs risc, and its propagation in an exploding mixture arc dcscribcd. ‘Ihc physical testing of cxplosivcs, the lcad bloclr tcst, mcasurcincnts of ratcs of detonation and tho like arc thcn considercd. Part 2 dcnls with the manufacturc of modem os- plosivcs, including nitro-glyccrin, nitroccllulosc and tlic usual iiitroitromatic csplosivcs. i\lthough , as is naturd , Frcncli priicticc is cmphasiscd, yet rcfcrence is inadc to tiny striking variations in English, Auicrican and Gcrinaii mcthods. .This section closcs with a description of liquid-air cxplosivcs and of cxplosive misturcs of nitrogen pcroxidc and paraffin hydro- carbons which wcrc used in French acrid bombs during thc war. In Part 3 tlic manufacturc of propcllants antl of primcrs is discussed. Finally, Part: 4 js a. particulsrly intcrcsting dcscription of thc gases cmploycd in cliemical warfnrc classified uiiclcr tlic headings, suffocating and toxic; lach~yrnatory, vmicant and sternutatory.

:\s will bc nppnrcnt from the abovo synopsis, to covcr so niiich ground in what is rclatively a small book ncccssitatcs grcat coniprcssion, but this has becn for tlic most part; accoiuplishcd by thc liberal iisc of diagrams and tablcs and not by tho omission of rclcvant subjcct matter. Ornissions of coiirsc do occur, but thcsc, as tlic author indicatcs in thc pre- face, are unavoidable ivlicn dealing with a subject in \vhich thcrc are so ninny trade or, rather, statc secrctu.

The book can bc strongly rccoinnicnded to those intcrcstcd in tho subject of chciuicul warfarc taken in its widcst scnsc; it is to hc rcgccttecl that tho bincling is so little worthy of it.

Thc work is clividcd into four parts.


0 X Y D : ~ ~ ~ O X UKD IbDUKTIOS. By R. S*rOeR31E:IE. &NDBUCli ”Blt BIOLOCISClLEN k ~ R ~ E l ’ ~ S ~ l E ’ J ’ 1 1 0 - I)EN. l3rlitcct l ~ y PROB. E. ~ I U D E R I L ~ L I ) ~ . Part 174. Pp. 4%. Berlin : ‘Url1nn und Schwarzcn- berg, 19%. Pricc 21 innrlts.

Since tho nuthor contributcd a scctioii on tho same subject to Vol. II of “:Dic Bletiioden tfcr organkchen Chcuiie,” by I~oul)cn-Weyl, wc naturally at oiice conqnru his two articlcs, \ intorvals of a few yous. Tlicy itre fouiid to bo alniost iclciitical : the voluinc untlcr review tliffcrs from tlic earlier


account only by a fcw slight additions on biochcmical topics liltc yeast, Aspergillus, osidascs, tyrosiiiase, mcthylcnc bluc as hydrogcn acceptor, etc.

This almost complctc identity is, l io~~~cver, no disadvantagc to the clicniist (although i t nia,y 1)c to tlic publishers) ,for Stocrnicr’s article, whctlicr in lHoulmi-Wcyl or in Abder1i:ilden , is - cxccllciit and quite tlic bcst trcatmcnt of the snbjcct with which IVC arc acquaintcd. !l.’he sulljcct niattcr is not classifid (as is usual) according to tlic various rc- agents, but nccording to tlic cliniigcs which it is dcsircd to eficct in tlic ~iiolcculc undcr investigation, c.g., C‘H, --i Cool-1. As thc author rightly obscrvcs, tlicsc reactions will in gciicral bc lmo~vn. For a inorc spcculativc use of oxidation and rcrluction, as in bcginiiing the iiivcstigation of an u~ilcno\vn substance, there is a list of rcagcnts with cross rcfcrcnccs, so -that the ncw arrangcinent possesses all tlie advantages of tlic old, and othcrs bcsitlcs.

The trcatincnt of the subjcct is vcry coniplcte (45G pagcs entircly dcvotctl t o tlic oxidation and rctluctiori of organic substniiccs !). Tlicrc ars scveral thousand rcfcrcnccs t o tlic original litcrature, includ- ing patcnts, and, wlicrc Iiccessary, pract.ica1 tlctxds arc frcqiicntly givcn ; \vc cannot, Iio~vcvcr, fiiid dctailcd dhcctions for carrying out an clcctrolytic reduction. It may bc not,ed that p-tolucnc sul- pliocliloramide (chloramine-T) and soiuc of its analogues are now manufactured in G~r~uany. In this coniicsion the reviewcr venturcs to doubt the statciucnt (p. 141) that Lnnghcld obtaiiied p-iminazolc acet,aldcbydc from liistklinc by means of sodium hypochlorite.

In gcncral it mag be said that Stocnncr’s coin- pilation is cxtrciuely valuable to organic chemists as a wholc, and pnrbicularly so to tliosc ~ 1 1 0 engagc in attenipts to elucidutc thc constitution of corn- plicntcrl natural substances.

G . 13~11a~it

DIE ~=IUR~I;ITIO.X UES Sui~ ie i i~ i !os i~ i i~~ i~s N I T J~~:INJC~;SIC~~TILI UNC m i t AX 1 ~ ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ cmmi ucu -

LUDWIG Sciiucrt~. Fourth edition, rcvisctl :uid eidarged. Etlitcd by tlic V ~ s i i ~ s i s I~EUTSC:III;H Dux- c ~ . I ~ - ~ ’ ~ ~ R J I ; , ~ N T I ~ ~ . 1’1). viii + 372. tkuIis\\4cli : P. \’ic\vcg & Solin A,-G., 1926. Price, p p c r , 27.50 r.mnrlts ; b ~ ~ i i c l , 30 r.uik.

At a time wlien tlic artificial fcrtiliscr industry of this country is confronted with a diliicult ccoiioiiiic problcm, tlic publication of tlic fourth edition of

pliospliutc iiidustry is pcculiarly opportuiic. I’rcscnted in a conipletcly rcviscd form, this edition posscsscs added intcrcst,, i d lins undoubtcrlly an ciilianccd valuc.

Contrasting it with tlic tliircl edition, it is found that a good ilcnl of purcly liistoricul iiiforiuotion lins bccii cscludctl, ant1 iiiany rcfcrcnccs to tcclinicul practices, ~vl~icli aru now obsolcto, linrc been ospung.ccl. In ortlcr t o keep tlic ncw edition iii it coiiwmiciit form, a sninll indopentleiit I~ooli has bccii publishctl, dcnling with tho ‘‘ Clicniicnl Aiialysis of Artificiul Fcrtiliscrs.”

LICIIGN DUXCBB11TTE.L Pl‘ACll DNA1 1 ~ A X D l i U C l l \’OS

thc \\.cll-1a10\\.11 Scllucllt IIalldboolc 011 t l l C super-

Tlirougliout tlie trcatrncnt of tlic subject is complctc. It iiiatters not wlictlicr the aspcct dealt with is tlic mining of rock pliospliatcs, or their physical and chcmical clinractcristics, or tlic tlicory of tIic matiufacturc of solublc pliospliatcs, or niodeni maiiufacturing plant and practicc, or thc con- sidcrations governing tlic ~~rcparation of coinpound iiiaiiurcs. J3vcry pliasc of tlic snbjcct is trcatctl lucitlly, iind witli comincndablc thorouglincss.

cinpliasisctl is tlic importaiice of cheap sulpliuric acid as a ritnl factor in tlic cconomic production of calcium supcrplios~~liatc. Tlint Ludwig Schuclit is cogiiisant of this considcration cannot bc tloubtctl.

‘.i‘his i s oiic of tliosc trcatiscs which tlic tcclinicinns coiiccrllctl should “ weigh and considcr ’ ’ in the truly Baconinn sciisc.

IVl1at docs not appcar to hnvc bccn SO clcarly

J’. PA I< 1{iC:11

P ~ r ~ s z r ; ~ i ~ ~ s c ~ r - C r r ~ ~ ~ ~ s c ~ r ~ ~ ~ - E R A L O G L E uxn PI~TRO- LOGIE. By W. EITEL. Pp. viii+l‘74. Drcsdcn and Lcipzig : T. Stciiikopff, 1925. Pcicc, paper s n1arI<s, bound 9.20 marlts.

This volumc, onc of a scrics cditcd by Dr. R. E. Licscgang, thc aim of whicli is to incficatc tkc results of inrestigatioils in various branches of natural science during %lie last tcn years, gives ti, rccord of original work during the last ten ycars on tlic subjcct. of Pligsico-clicmicnl inincrnlogy and petrology. Tlic author wiscly docs not attempt to deal with thc principles of tlic subject, whicli it is 110 part of thc purposc of tlic book to esplniii.

Ylic book is divided into two parts, one gcncral, tlic otlicr spccial. The general part relates to tlic conditions of cquilibrium considcrcd gcncrally, in- version points and their gciictic significnncc, thcnual properties, thc coniponcnts of niaginas and the constitution of tlic cartli’s crust. The special part rclatcs to tlic upplication of pliysical clieniistry to tliffcrcnt groups of iiiinernls nntl proccsscs, cliaptcrs being given t o magmatic gases, ~ ,c~~~iat i t ic- l iydro- tlicrmal proccsscs, ~veat;limiiig, colloid mincralogy, crystallisation from aqueous solutions, ~nctnmorpliisni and crystxallinc schists. The book coiicludcs with i~ good iiiclcs, including an author’s ii~~iiic list, no ordinary subjcct i d e s , aiid n spccial index of mineral and rock namcs.

‘J.’hc author’s ‘ trcatiucnt is clinractcriscd by ti brcvity which is almost too se~crc , but o m con- scquciicc of tliis is a coniparatircly cheap book of linndy size. ll’c has tlrawii his rcfcrenccs from tt very with iicld ; but the prcpondcrancc of Amcricnn rcfcrciiccs is i i w r y iioticcnblc fcaturc, which no doubt correctly rcllccts tlic activity of Unitcd Sitatcs worltcrs on this subjcct during rccciit years. I t

to important Britisli papers on this subject, publislicd during the last tcn yctirs, ~vliicli havc bccn over- looltcrl by tlic autlior. It is to bc hoped that furtlicr jssucs of tliesc useful records of original work will give iiiore proiuiiicncc to 13ritisli publications con- hilling important pnpcrs on tlic subjcct.

~\.OUIcl, Jlo\\’cvcr, bc easy to collcct lllally rcfcrcllce~