Download - ownCloud overview and tutorial


Rounded Rectangles


free and open-source web application for - data synchronization - file sharing - and remote storage of documents ("cloud storage").



Sharing files and folders


Using - synchronization tips

Other tools (calendar, graphics editor, journal, notes)

Overview Sharing Editing Using Tools

There are desktop clients available for syncing data directly from PCs running Windows, Mac OS, or Linux as well as mobile apps for iOS and Android devices. More importantly, stored data can be accessed using the ownCloud Web Frontend in any standards-compliant web browser. Any updates to files are pushed between all computers or mobile devices connected to a user's account.Clients:

Overview Sharing Editing Using Tools

File storage in conventional directory structures

Synchronization of clients

Sharing of content across groups or public URLs

Online text editor with syntax highlighting

Online document editor


Photo gallery

PDF viewer (using PDF.js)

Viewer for ODF Files (.odt, .odp, .ods)

Viewer for video files

Task scheduler

Address book (also as CardDAV)

Music streaming (through Ampache)

Calendar (also as CalDAV)

Graphics editor



User and group administration (via OpenID or LDAP)

URL shortening Suite


Overview Sharing Editing Using Tools

Overview Sharing Editing Using Tools

1 Navigation bar: Allows navigation between different parts of ownCloud, provided by apps. Not all apps depicted in this screen shot are installed and enabled by default.2 Application view: This is where apps show their content. By default, this will show the files and directory (file view) of your user on the ownCloud installation.3 Upload/Create button: This allows you to create new files or upload existing ones from your device. Note that you can also drop files from Explorer or Finder onto the ownCloud file view and they will get uploaded to ownCloud.4 Search/Logout: Search allows you to look for files and directories. Currently, ownCloud does not provide a full text search, but this may change in future releases.5 Settings: This button provides access to the settings menu, where you can change your personal settings, such as the interface language or your password. You can also retrieve the WebDAV URL (see next chapter) and show your quota. Administrators will also get access to user management (Users), the apps settings (Apps) and administrative settings (Admin) including access to ownClouds log.

Overview Sharing Editing Using Tools

Overview Sharing Editing Using Tools

Adding and Creating content



Sharing within Research Team

- group (users)

- individual (lowercase names)

Overview Sharing Editing Using Tools

Choose editing rights

Sharing with the World

with link

Anonymous:Create folder

share with link

select option 'Allow Public Upload'

Overview Sharing Editing Using Tools

Two editing modes

Text editor basic text file no formatting syntax highlighting

Document Editor html file

Overview Sharing Editing Using Tools

Naming and editing tips

Edit: File extension ( .txt, .html )

View: Open Document format ( .odt, .ods, .odp)

Backup !!!




Overview Sharing Editing Using Tools

Naming and editing tips

Use descriptive names to identify the content/purpose of files, but not too long

Do not use spaces and avoid special characters such as ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) ` ; < > ? , [ ] { } ' " |Additionally those are sometimes special "-" and "_"One_word - google treats underscore as characterTwo-words - individual words when separated by dash

When using a sequential numbering system, using leading zeros for clarity and to make sure files sort in sequential order. For example, use "001, 002, ...010, 011 ... 100, 101, etc." instead of "1, 2, ...10, 11 ... 100, 101, etc."

DateInternational Standard Organiztion (ISO)standard 8601 allows different formats: YYYY-MM-DD or YYYYMMDDExamples: 2012-01-26 or 20110602


Overview Sharing Editing Using Tools

Additional Tools

additional software


graphics editor



Overview Sharing Editing Using Tools

Additional information


Commercial version

User documentation:

Overview Sharing Editing Using Tools

Skills you should have now

Creating content

Sharing content - with Team - with the World

Web editing text files and documents