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The Sloan Career Cornerstone Center is an ever-expanding resource center for anyone interested in exploring career opportunities

in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, computing, and medicine.

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Degree FieldsThe Sloan Career Cornerstone Center offers vast resources on the following degree fields:

Mathematics • Actuarial Science • Mathematics • Statistics

Science• Biology • Chemistry • Geosciences • Physics

Computing• Computer Science

Medicine• Dentistry• Nursing• Physician Assistants• Physician/Surgery• Veterinary Science• Veterinary Technology

Engineering • Aerospace Engineering • Agricultural Engineering • Architectural Engineering • Bioengineering • Chemical Engineering • Civil Engineering • Computer Engineering • Electrical and Electronics Engineering • Environmental Engineering • Industrial Engineering • Manufacturing Engineering • Materials Science and Engineering • Mechanical Engineering • Mining Engineering • Nuclear Engineering • Petroleum Engineering • Software Engineering • Other Engineering Fields

Technology• Engineering Technology

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Current Information

• Pre-college Planning• University Listings• Career Planning• Employment• Profiles of Professionals• Day in the Life• Specialty Areas• Career Path Forecast• Resources for Women and Underrepresented Minorities• Professional Societies• Salary Data

For each field, Career Cornerstone provides detailed resources about…

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Distribution/SharingCareer Cornerstone materials are meant to be shared:

• Complete resources are available online and in PDF format.

• Condensed content is available as PowerPoint presentations.

• Free monthly newsletter may be distributed to internal email lists or printed and provided via schools and counseling offices.

• Users are encouraged to incorporate Career Cornerstone materials into their own websites, newsletters, and other publications.

• Weekly Podcast field reviews.

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The Sloan Career Cornerstone Center offers special paths through the site which point users to resources on the site which are targeted toward their needs.

Navigation Support

• Counselors• Teachers• Students• Parents• Recent Graduates• Precollege Students• Women and Girls• Underrepresented Minorities

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Free Subscription to Career Cornerstone News

Career Cornerstone News

• The Sloan Career Cornerstone Center publishes a monthly newsletter with timely articles about careers and advances in the fields of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, computing, and medicine.

• Articles in the Career Cornerstone News may be republished in the newsletters of schools, counseling centers, or other websites with credit to the Sloan Career Cornerstone Center.

• The Career Cornerstone News may be redistributed to internal school or company emailing lists with credit.

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Other Resources:

Extensive Resources

• pre-college planning tips, programs, and summer camps

• a glimpse into the typical workday,

• a directory of science centers and museums

• the opportunity to review the career paths of hundreds of professionals,

• an exploration of diversity issues,

• details about industry options, and

• guidelines for conducting a job search.

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• American Chemical Society • American Geological Institute • American Institute of Chemical Engineers • American Institute of Physics • American Mathematical Society • American Nuclear Society • American Society of Civil Engineers• American Statistical Association

• ASME • IEEE • JGPerpich, LLC • Mathematical Association of America • NASA • Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics • The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society • US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics • Whitaker Foundation

Contributors:The Sloan Career Cornerstone Center is made possible through the support of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and appreciates the support of its advisory board and contributing organizations, including: