Download - Overview of Testing in RMsis

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Validating Requirements with RMsis

RMsis – v 1.4.1

Simplify Requirement Management for JIRA

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Requirements Management is core of the product

Testing Functionality◦ Focused on Requirement Validation◦ Covers Management of

Test Cases Test Runs Traceability

Requirements Issues Releases

◦ Does not cover the following Design of Test Cases Test Automation

◦ Expects complementary tools to fill the gap


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Overview of Testing Functionality

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Test Cases can be directly created on screen, by clicking on relevant cells.

If required, additional documents can be attached.

Identify and create Test Cases

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Currently only fixed format csv import is supported.

Import Test Cases from external source

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Map Test Cases to Requirements

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Issues related to Test Case development OR execution can be linked to the Test Case

Link Test Cases to Artifacts

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This links a Release to Test Cases through Associated Requirements.

Define Release Composition

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Release association automatically includes Test Cases for the release.

If desired by user, additional Test Cases can be associated with a Test Run.

Create a Test Run

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Status can be updated directly OR through csv import

Test Run can be committed when completed

Update Status

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With one click; log issues against failed tests

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Create a copy, if you wish to iterate again

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Get an overview of Release in Traceability tab

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More Information

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RMsis Home

RMsis Documents Latest Release :

Preview of latest features : Functions included in Releases : RMsis at Atlassian RMsis Demo link Project manager login details

Login: pm1 Password: project123

Team member login details Login: usr1 Password: user123

See Also ..

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