Download - Overview of Molecular Modeling · 2020-01-11 · and molecular interactions that govern microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of physical systems The essence of molecular modeling

Page 1: Overview of Molecular Modeling · 2020-01-11 · and molecular interactions that govern microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of physical systems The essence of molecular modeling

Overview of Molecular Modeling

CHEM 430

Page 2: Overview of Molecular Modeling · 2020-01-11 · and molecular interactions that govern microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of physical systems The essence of molecular modeling

Molecular Modeling: Introduction

What is Molecular Modeling?

What is it good for?

Molecular Modeling is concerned with the description of the atomicand molecular interactions that govern microscopic and macroscopicbehaviors of physical systems

The essence of molecular modeling resides in the connection between the microscopic world and the macroscopic world provided by the theory of statistical mechanics


(Solvation energy,affinity between two

proteins, H-H distance,conformation, ... )

Average of observableover selected microscopic


Page 3: Overview of Molecular Modeling · 2020-01-11 · and molecular interactions that govern microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of physical systems The essence of molecular modeling

[Blatantly Stolen from Bill Goddard, Computational Chemistry GRC, circa 1986]

Page 4: Overview of Molecular Modeling · 2020-01-11 · and molecular interactions that govern microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of physical systems The essence of molecular modeling
Page 5: Overview of Molecular Modeling · 2020-01-11 · and molecular interactions that govern microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of physical systems The essence of molecular modeling
Page 6: Overview of Molecular Modeling · 2020-01-11 · and molecular interactions that govern microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of physical systems The essence of molecular modeling
Page 7: Overview of Molecular Modeling · 2020-01-11 · and molecular interactions that govern microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of physical systems The essence of molecular modeling
Page 8: Overview of Molecular Modeling · 2020-01-11 · and molecular interactions that govern microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of physical systems The essence of molecular modeling
Page 9: Overview of Molecular Modeling · 2020-01-11 · and molecular interactions that govern microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of physical systems The essence of molecular modeling

Introduction to molecular surfaces

Solvent accessibleSurface

Connolly Surface

Van der WaalsSurface

Rotating probe: radius 1.4 Å


- Van der Waals: ensemble of van der Waals sphere centered at each atom- Connolly: ensemble of contact points between probe and vdW spheres- Solvent: ensemble of probe sphere centers

Page 10: Overview of Molecular Modeling · 2020-01-11 · and molecular interactions that govern microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of physical systems The essence of molecular modeling

Examples of molecular surfaces

Van der Waals

Solvent accessible


Page 11: Overview of Molecular Modeling · 2020-01-11 · and molecular interactions that govern microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of physical systems The essence of molecular modeling
Page 12: Overview of Molecular Modeling · 2020-01-11 · and molecular interactions that govern microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of physical systems The essence of molecular modeling
Page 13: Overview of Molecular Modeling · 2020-01-11 · and molecular interactions that govern microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of physical systems The essence of molecular modeling

Connection micro/macroscopic: intuitive view

⟨O⟩=1Z ∑i

Oi e− Ei

E1, P1 ~ e-βE1

E2, P2 ~ e-βE2

E3, P3 ~ e-βE3

E4, P4 ~ e-βE4

E5, P5 ~ e-βE5

Z=∑ie− E iWhere

is the partition function

Expectation value

Page 14: Overview of Molecular Modeling · 2020-01-11 · and molecular interactions that govern microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of physical systems The essence of molecular modeling

Central Role of the Partition function

The determination of the macroscopic behavior of a system from athermodynamical point of vue is tantamount to computing a quantitycalled the partition function, Z, from which all the properties can bederived.

Z=∑ie− E i

⟨O⟩=1Z ∑i

Oi e− Ei

⟨ E ⟩= ∂∂

ln Z =U p=kT ∂ln Z

∂ V

N , TA = -kT ln(Z)

. . .

Expectation Value

Internal Energy Pressure Helmoltz free energy

Page 15: Overview of Molecular Modeling · 2020-01-11 · and molecular interactions that govern microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of physical systems The essence of molecular modeling

Computation of the Partition function

The partition function is a very complex function to compute, and, in most cases, only numerical approximations are possible

Numerical approximations require:

1) the computation of the energy of the system for microstate i- performed using semi-empirical force fields

CHARMM / Amber / Gromos / ...

2) a method to sample all (or a representative portion) of the microstates accessible to the system in a given macroscopicstate, i.e:

- microcanonical sampling for fixed N,V,E systems- canonical sampling for fixed N,V,T systems- isothermic-isobaric sampling for fixed N,P,T systems- ...



Z=∑ie− E i

Page 16: Overview of Molecular Modeling · 2020-01-11 · and molecular interactions that govern microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of physical systems The essence of molecular modeling
Page 17: Overview of Molecular Modeling · 2020-01-11 · and molecular interactions that govern microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of physical systems The essence of molecular modeling

Introduction & historical note

Theoretical milestones:

Molecular dynamics milestones:

Newton (1643-1727): Classical equations of motion: F(t)=m a(t)Schrödinger (1887-1961): Quantum mechanical equations of motion:

-ih δt ψ(t)=H(t) ψ(t)Boltzmann(1844-1906): Foundations of statistical mechanics

Metropolis (1953): First Monte Carlo (MC) simulation of a liquid (hard spheres)

Wood (1957): First MC simulation with Lennard-Jones potentialAlder (1957): First Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation of

a liquid (hard spheres)Rahman (1964): First MD simulation with Lennard-Jones potential

Karplus (1977) & First MD simulation of proteinsMcCammon (1977)Karplus (1983): The CHARMM general purpose FF & MD programKollman(1984): The AMBER general purpose FF & MD programCar-Parrinello(1985): First full QM simulationsKollmann(1986): First QM-MM simulations



Page 18: Overview of Molecular Modeling · 2020-01-11 · and molecular interactions that govern microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of physical systems The essence of molecular modeling
Page 19: Overview of Molecular Modeling · 2020-01-11 · and molecular interactions that govern microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of physical systems The essence of molecular modeling
Page 20: Overview of Molecular Modeling · 2020-01-11 · and molecular interactions that govern microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of physical systems The essence of molecular modeling
Page 21: Overview of Molecular Modeling · 2020-01-11 · and molecular interactions that govern microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of physical systems The essence of molecular modeling

Treatment of the solvent contribution

1) Explicit water molecule model: TIP3P, ...

2) Implicit solvent model:

- Based on Poisson-Boltzmann Equation:

- or an approximation...-ACE potential (Schaeffer & al.)-SASA potential (Caflish & al.)-EEF1 potential (Lazaridis & al.)

∇ r ∇ r =Macro r ∑i

qi n i0 exp− qi r



H H-d

+d +d

For a discussion of theoretical aspects of implicit solvent models, see Roux & Simonson (Biophys. Chem. 1999, 78:1-20)

Page 22: Overview of Molecular Modeling · 2020-01-11 · and molecular interactions that govern microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of physical systems The essence of molecular modeling
Page 23: Overview of Molecular Modeling · 2020-01-11 · and molecular interactions that govern microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of physical systems The essence of molecular modeling