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C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Reshoot\Title3.pngHi everyone! You probably wont recognise me I usually like to hide behind the other side of the camera. Today, however, I needed to show myself because theres something I need to explain.

First off, let me say, welcome back to Galahads Bachelor Challenge. As you might remember, on Day 1 we said goodbye to Stella Terrano after it became apparent that she was more preoccupied with Tara Debateau than bachelor Galahad. Day 2 saw of Tina Traveller who, for whatever reason, no longer wanted to get to know Galahad.

That left us going into Day 3 with 4 contenders for Galahads heart: Tara Debateau, Georgia Newson, Ripp Grunt, Natasha Una and Puck Summerdream. I was well on my way to writing Day 4 when disaster struck.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Overview\Shot001.pngC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Overview\Shot002.pngI got this. A shiny new laptop (please ignore that this is a desktop). Better graphics, more memory and RAM and other computery terms that I dont understand, on Windows 7 instead of Vista which Im lead to believe is a good change and most importantly of all, an actual battery life.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Overview\Shot003.pngI spent the next few days transferring everything over, downloading all the programs I use regularly and installing The Sims. There were some hiccups along the way, but within a few days I was satisfied. I checked my legacy hood to make sure it was all okay, and then got down to the serious business of procrastinating.

I spent the next couple of days just playing my legacy hood, getting things moving and all sorted out and to where I wanted them.

Then this morning I decided to actually work on the BC. I knew the hood was there because I saw it whenever I loaded the legacy hood. I hadnt checked it properly, but since the other hoods were all perfectly fine it had to be too, right?

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Overview\Shot004.pngWRONG!

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Overview\Shot005.pngIt wasnt the right hood it was just plain old Belladonna Cove, not the megahood where the BC takes place.

Well fine, nobody would be idiotic enough to not make back ups of important hoods nowadays, would they?

Turns out, Im an idiot.

Of course, I still have my old laptop! I could use the backup from that!

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Overview\Shot006.pngErr, you remember what I said about being an idiot?

Yeah, in a fit of I dont have to use this any more joy after I transferred everything over, I deleted most of my files from my old laptop because what would I need an emergency back up for? Nothing unforeseen would happen! Theyre computers! Theyre always completely reliable and never fail or go wrong!

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Overview\Shot007.pngSo there I was, my hood gone with no change of a back up. I could rebuild it wouldnt be too hard, I just have to grow up and make over a few sims before I dropped Galahad into the lot. But no, I stopped to think about for a moment and realised that rebuilding the house would be too hard. Im not good at building, and Im far too anal to accept anything but a perfect replica. And, wouldnt you know it, I have no decent pictures to work from.

I thought this whole BC thing was sunk. What could I do? No hood and its not like Im so anal I played the whole thing in advance and shot it so meticulously that I have hundreds of pics from each day, is it?

Oh, wait

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Overview\Shot008.pngThat sounded way too good to be true sure, I originally played the BC last summer, and I did shoot pretty meticulously. But after every other stupid thing I had done since getting my new laptop surely I wouldnt have done something half way intelligent and transfer those shots over.

I leapt at my laptop. My heart in my mouth, I opened the Pictures folder, when through the bazillion subfolders I have and lo and behold! It was a miracle! I am not a complete and utter dunce.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Overview\Shot010.pngSo thats why this isnt Day 3. The events Ive shown you on Days 1 and 2 are essentially what happened but staged and slightly dramatized. The outcome has always been the same.

Instead since I have access only to the old pictures and cant stage shiny new ones, and because Im so reliant on those staged pictures, I cant just carry on as normal. I have to do something different, and that something is a brief overview of the rest of the BC.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Overview\Shot011.pngSo here we are. This is just going to be an overview of what happened the rest of the challenge. I wont be telling it in my usual narrative style because well, its tiring to write lovey dovey emotional crap. It wont have all the fun stuff I planned to do with the group dates because I didnt think of it back then. Instead its just going to be hot tubs for them all.

Oh, and some of the sims will have different hair and/or clothes. I hadnt settled on their looks back then. I think only Puck and Galahad have the same clothes and hair. The house is completely different too, and in my opinion, lamer. Be prepared for slightly differences like that.

So you ready for this? You sure? You can still back out! Okay, fine. Lets get this show on the road.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Reshoot\Title3.pngC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot001.jpgYou were going to get a surfing scene for the group date, but instead its straight to the hot tubs! Galahad, naturally, is in there first. Theres 3 spaces and five sims to join him! Whos it going to be?

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot003.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot024.jpgIts the girls who make it. Lucky boy Galahad gets a whole hot tub of girls to look at! Ripp and Puck missed out, so theyre confined to the other hot tub. I dont think they mind too much, the boys get along pretty well and theyve got a bolt or two between them.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot011.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot025.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot005.jpgSo three hours of pulling vaguely silly face pass. The usual hot tub stuff happens if youve ever read a BC then you know there was the inevitable spatula and handcuff jokes, splashing each other and blah. All actually pretty dull when youve seen it so many times.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot033.jpgAfter the three hours are over its time for the one-on-one dates. Again, this is something I planned to be more fun to look at than chess, but were stuck with it. On the other hand, it takes place in Galahads room which, I admit, looked cooler here than in the hood I lost.

Anyhoozle, Galahad sits there playing alone and waiting for someone to join him. Who comes along first?

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot035.jpgGeorgia!

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot064.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot050.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot054.jpgThen it was Natasha, Puck and Ripp

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot071.jpgAnd finally they end up Tara. None of the chess dates were very eventful nobody cheated so it was just play and talk, play and talk, play and talk. Basically, not very fun to watch or write.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot076.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot075.jpgNext its downstairs and onto the flirting. Galahad started with Georgia, probably because she was closest. She accepts the first flirt, but turns out his second. Shes not that kind of girl, apparently.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot078.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot077.jpgOnto Natasha because she was there? Anyhoo, like Georgia she accepts the first flirt. Galahad moves in for a caress and DENIED! Yeah, they werent close enough yet.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot081.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot080.jpgTo Puck! Hold hand? Sure, why not? Caress? Well sure!

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot084.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot082.jpgRipp is very into Galahad. It comes across like 3 bolt stalkerishness when theyre only 2 bolts. Because of that Galahad has a high relationship with Ripp, so they begin with a caress and it s accepted! Only a serenade and thats accepted as well. I dont think Ive ever seen a serenade rejected, actually.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot087.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot086.jpgAnd onto Tara, who will hold hands but doesnt like people touching her cheek.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot088.jpgAnd then its back to our old friend the poker table! In Day 2 I tried to tone down how much time they spent there, showed them doing other things, but that was a lie! Every free moment was spent there. Usually it was the same people too, some combination of Galahad with either Natasha, Ripp and someone else, Natasha, Puck and someone else, or Natasha, Ripp and Puck. I had some hard-core gamblers on my hands.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot097.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot091.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot095.jpgThey spent a few hours pulling faces as they played. Dont remember who won, probably Ripp. I think Georgia did pretty badly, but I might be making that up. Who knows? I dont.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot117.jpgThen it was off to bed for everyone.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot120.jpgBreakfast!

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot121.jpgMopping the floor! And probably agonising over who to ask to leave. Galahad decides

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot122.jpgGeorgia should go!

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot123.jpgRipp gets in a sneaky thanks for keeping me around goose.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 3\Shot124.jpgAnd then Georgia actually leaves.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 1\Shot003.jpgAnd thats it for Georgia. Two days of virtually ignoring Galahad in favour of Tina backfired. She managed to claw back some points since Tina left but it was too late. The others had managed to get so far ahead she had no chance of catching up in one day.

The results were:Ripp178100/78Friend, Best Friend, Mutual Crush, Love (Galahad to Ripp)Natasha151100/51Friend, Mutual CrushPuck14299/43FriendTara12789/38FriendGeorgia9759/38

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Overview\Shot012.pngSo what now? Do you have to wait weeks and weeks and weeks more for my to get my arse in gear and write Day 4? Why no, silly! Because of my idiocy you get the rest today! Isnt that lucky?

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Reshoot\Title4.pngC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 4\Shot001.jpgDay 4 Galahad had Natasha, Ripp and Puck in the hot tub with him. Tara decided to go play darts instead. Now, Day 4 was when I was properly going to start incorporating Galahad plot from my legacies into the BC a little. He was going to tell them about his dead twin sister and how when the BC was finished he was going to resurrect her and raise her.

Everyone was going to freak out to varying degrees, but eventually get over it in time for the group date.

Yeah, pretend that happened, okay?

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 4\Shot039.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 4\Shot051.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 4\Shot032.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 4\Shot048.jpgAnother three hours of pulling faces pass. Nothing interesting whatsoever happens.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 4\Shot053.jpgThen its time to dress up snazzy. Slight deviation from the rules here. I think it was meant to be 3 flirts, instead they got a slow dance with each of the moves. And they got to wear formal clothes. Why? Because it looked cool.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 4\Shot059.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 4\Shot064.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 4\Shot062.jpgTaras first this time she was ready first. The date goes well.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 4\Shot075.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 4\Shot071.jpgPucks date also goes well despite the sinister look he gives when Galahad rests his head on Pucks shoulder.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 4\Shot086.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 4\Shot087.jpgNatashas date didnt go half bad either, come to think of it.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 4\Shot097.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 4\Shot094.jpgAnd with Ripp, like the other three dates, everything goes off without a hitch.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 4\Shot104.jpgThen everyone went to bed. Next morning they all woke up early and before the sun was even up they were eating breakfast.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 4\Shot112.jpgDirty joke in the bathroom. Galahad wasnt happy. His single outgoing point doesnt like dirty jokes, but his eight nice points mean hes too nice to tell Ripp to stop telling them. The result? Loss of points.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 4\Shot124.jpgAnd its back to our old friend the poker table. Puck just misses out, so hes resigned to the pool table alone.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 4\Shot119.jpgLots of faces are pulled, as per usual, and Galahad spends the time thinking over who hes going to ask to leave. Its harder now all the scores are pretty close. He has to see off someone. Its tough but eventually he decides.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 4\Shot126.jpgIts Tara. Shes fine with leaving though. Shed developed a crush on Galahad, but she didnt think her feelings would go much deeper. Besides, this meant she was free to go fine Stella and start dating her.

And its bye bye Tara. It was a shame to see her go I adore her, and she only lost out to Puck by 5 points. Mind you, the whole thing is getting pretty close now.

The results:Ripp17788/89Friends, Best Friends, Mutual Crush and LoveNatasha173100/73Friends, Best Friends, Mutual Crush Puck164100/64Friends, Best Friends, Mutual Crush Tara159100/59Friends, Best Friends, Mutual Crush

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 1\Shot005.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Reshoot\Title5.pngC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 5\Shot003.jpgDay 5 and theres no question of who gets the hot tub today everyone! Theres playful splashing and jokes and generally having a laugh. And, of course, the funny faces.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 5\Shot021.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 5\Shot019.jpgAfter the hot tubs its kissing time! Natasha and Puck were happy enough to help out with this part. Galahad didnt mind it so much either.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 5\Shot024.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 5\Shot022.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 5\Shot023.jpgRipp, however, really enjoyed. After Galahad made out with him, he jumped Galahad and smooched him then caressed his cheek lovingly. She what I meant by three bolt stalkerishness? Still only two bolts, by the way!

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 5\Shot027.jpgAaaaand back to the poker table! Seriously, someone was at the damn thing at least half the challenge. Like the hot tub, everyone gets a place for the first time.

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 5\Shot034.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 5\Shot031.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 5\Shot032.jpgAfter a single hand Galahad heads upstairs. It time to get his flirt on. Galahads become more comfortable flirting with this people now, and theyve pretty comfortable with him. Ripp,

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 5\Shot038.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 5\Shot036.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 5\Shot037.jpgNatasha,

C:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 5\Shot042.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 5\Shot039.jpgC:\Users\Nat\Pictures\Sims\Four Legacies\GBC\Original Go Through\Day 5\Shot040.jpgAnd Pucks date all go swimmingly. Lack of conflict is boring >.