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Vineet BansalSenior Sports physiotherapist.SSI/sports med.

Overuse shoulder injuries in Overhead athletes

Overuse shoulder injuries

Throwing, racquet sports, water sports, climbers

and Track & field.






Epidemiology Upto 50% of elite female Handball players experience

shoulder pain (Cyril et al 2014).

Supraspinatus tendinosis in 67% in elite swimmers ( Matt et al 2005).

Training 15>hrs/wk and >35km/wk.

Shoulder pain is reported in 66% in swimmers. (Lenard funk et al 2015)

Throwing Biomechanics


Overuse injuries are charcterised by pain from gradual or insiduous onset. They are results of repetitive micro-trauma to tendons, muscles, ligaments, joints & bone.

( Bruce et al, JOSPT 2005)

More challenging to diagnose and treat.


Overhead arm action ( Volleyball, swimming, tennis) and throwing ( baseball, cricket, javelin).

Increase load, change in positional play or technique.

Clinical Diagnosis is frequently difficult.

Overuse Shoulder Injury

Rotator cuff tendinopathy

Labrum lesion.

Biceps tendonisis.


Predisposing Factors

AthleteLaxity ( Cheng et al JBJSB 2007).Proprioception ( Herrington roll)Isokinetics ( Jones & Funk 2010)Previous injurySudden increase in trainingIncomplete rehabilitation.

SPORTSpeed of play Timing Fatigue

Overuse injuries

Swimming Biomechanics

Throwing biomechanics

Late cocking phase of throwing catching phase of freestyle.


Repetitive activity, muscles, tendons & ligaments get stronger and more functional.

Remodeling process

Break down> build up tissue= injury

Painfree Shoulder Painful Shoulder

in swimmers in swimmers

UT activated No significant difference in

timing of onset of UT & LT

SA almost immediate

LT after approximate 15 SA consistently significantly

Abduction. delayed in Onset.

Wadsworth & Bullock 1997

Recruitment patterns of scapular muscles

Normal Swimmers

20% MVC in serratus anterior throughout swim stroke.

Painful Swimmers

Reduction in activity in serratus anterior throughout swim stroke

Increased activity in Rhomboids.

Pink et al 1991

Recruitment patterns of scapular muscles

Athletes often train 6-7 days/wk, 2/day.

Swimmers >15 hrs or >35 km chance of injury.

Technical faults increase chance of injury.


1. Concentric ratio

CER :CIR (previously injured players < injury-free players).

2. Functional ratio

EER :CIR (Previously injured players < injury-free players).

Weakness in External rotaters.

Risk of reinjury.

Emphasis on Internal rotaters.

Zoe Poh & Marcus Lee

Profiling of shoulder strength and overhead throwing of singapore water polo players: the implications for injury prevention.


Scapular muscles strengthening


Integrate kinetic chain into shoulder rehab exercises

Focus on open and closed chain exercises.

Challenge sports specific positions and movements.

• (Kibler AJSM 1998,

Lintner Sports Med 2008,

• Cools BJSM 2008)

Scapular exercises improves isokinetic muscle strength and muscle balance

in healthy adolescents swimmers. (Vd Velde JAT 2010, and ER strength

strength in volleyball players ).

Pendular exercises are started 3rd day onwards.

Upto 3 wks----Sling, AAROM, PROM.

Post capsule streching is continued.

From 4-6 wks External rotation in abduction will be started.

From 6-8 wks RC strengthening & biceps strenthening.

6-7 months Gradual return to overhead activity.

Post operative rehabilitation after SLAP repair

Reduce Training errors.

Comprehensive rehab program to develop muscle strength, flexibility, endurance & balance.

Eccentric strength is key to injury prevention.

Strengthening of Serratus anterior and subscapularis is key in injury prevention in swimmers

Reduce training volumes (FIT), 10% rule.

Early clinical diagnosis and management.



Prevention is most important.

Shoulder pain can be improved with comphrensive rehabilitation program.

Timely clinical assessment.

Team approach critical ( Athlete + Coach + Parents + therapist+ Physician).