Download - Our Town May 28, 1937

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 28, 1937


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 28, 1937


    """'. l . ~ ~ ' : . ; o , . : , ' : : .. , ~ : , . ~ :,." j..t>. ,.

    Page Two OUR TOWN Mar 28# 1937

    Monday and Tuesday



    ~ ' e d n e s d a y (Award at 9)"HATS OFF"

    with Mae Clarke

    In "The King and theChorus Girl"


    To Be Sold 0" tire Premises at

    NOW!Thursday Friday Saturday

    Sat ur day a t I P. M.COLUMBIA HAPPY HOUR

    Executors' Public Auction

    JESSIE MATTHEWS in"Head Over Heels in Lm'e"

    By Order ofGirard T rust Company,

    F re de ri ck M . T haye r, ExecutorsExhibit;otl at the Residetlce,

    "lHatly Corners"Thurs., lIme 3, 9 A. M. t o 4 .3 0 P. M.Catalogs Upon Request

    Fishers Rd. Be Blackrock Rd.Bryn Mawr, Pa.

    FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1937AT 11 A. M.

    Furnishings AntiquesOriental Rugs

    Paintings, Objects of Ar tThe Estate of the Late


    1808-10 Chest nu t S t. Phi la de lphi a

    ( l ( " ; ; - ~ - ~ ' !try NEWTOL!!he better heating II OIL I

    INEWTOL is the perfect oil for all )types of oil burners. Order it now. )And see the Newtol Oil Burne r I )Isk about Newton's Budget Plan!)Phone Ardmore 2550 )or Allegheny 8400-We.t 5201 )1~ ~ ~ ! . ~ o , ~ ~ ~ l ~ ..~ ~ M ! ! , ~ ! !

    fI . . !- - - ~ " " - ' ~ - - - ..... "- '--- ....... " - " ~ " " ' - "

    Hedgerow Play on SaturdayCommemorates Orleans MaidTomorrow night, on the 506th an

    n iv e rsa ry o f t he burni ng o f t he Maido f Orl eans , Hedgerow Theatre willpresent Bernard Shaw's "Saint Joan."

    I Conceded to be Shaw's masterpiece,the pla y ha s often been cal led thcIfinest histo rical p lay written sineeIShakesp ea re . The t it le r ol e i s one ofthe r ichest and most demandingin theIwhole library of modern drama."Inheritors" is t radi t ional ly theprogram at Hedgerow on MemorialDay. This :rear a s pe ci al matineeof S us an Glaspell's picture of theAmerican sce ne will be performedMonday at 2.30 P. M.Tonight , the program includes "Androcles and the Lion" and "The DarkLady of the Sonnets" whic h w il l berepeated again Tuesday nigh t .

    "Noah" will be given Wednesdayand "Wife to a F amou s Man " a nd"Autumn Fires" on Thursday night.7

    Honored at Smith

    Special izing in popular ne wbroadloom an d chenille carpets,hardwood floors, linoleum, corkan d rubber tile.

    for ga y seasonal harmony. Herewe have II. ranqe of new pat ternsa nd wea ve s u ne qu al ed i n th ecity, Plaids, all-over effects, f10-rals, heatherweaves, etc. Everycolor. Allsizes. Unique importedMazourkas and IndianDruggetts.Malee your selections soon.

    Your Or i ent a l s and o the rrugs need the complete protect i on o fF r i t z & LaRue's perfectedII-step service.Safefrom moths.grit, fire, theft, Refreshed l ikenew, adding years of use. CallRITtenhouse 5372 for quotation. No obl igat ion.

    FRITZ Be LaRUE, Inc.1615Chestnut SI., Phila.

    1937 Season-June 19th to Sept. 13thLocated directly o n t h e ocean-front.Writefor descriptivefolder and ratelJ. HOWARD SLOCUM, Manager

    Chapter Will Give AnnualGarden and Bridge Party

    MISS ELEANOR McC. BURNHAMda .ughta o f M1. alld ill1... PhilipC. Burnham, of 'Wayne, who wi llbe a.lIwng the fil .. t 7/; in a cla,qs of500 to 1 'ece il 'e a dern'ee of A. B. I -"'orbe #h

    _a_t_S_m_it_h_C_o_lle_g_e_ol_! _J_'_Ol_e_!!l_.__ J \ Y A " I . m . ! , . , a ! t 3 ' , j . ! ~ I : " i : I .

    Merion 1301Florists


    BALA.CYNWYD, PA .Telephone MANayunk 0166


    Belmont Ave. &. Levering Mill Rd.

    215 City Line




    Amb i ti o us y oung men for DieselTraining. All forms of power turningto Diesel. W ri te o r phone for Freefolder on Diesel opportunities. No obligation. Jourden Diesel Schools . I nc. ,Room 817 , 1528 Walnu t S t re e t, Phlla.,Pa.-phone PE N 2591.


    Engagement Announced

    Friday, May 28, 1937

    :Survey and RecommendationsI of Le Me Planning CommissionI WELSH SETTLEMENT IN LOW- Company, Seven th Ba tt a li on o f As_Ii ER MERION sociators of P h i l a ~ e l p h i ~ County, II Penn early interested Welsh Friends John Roberts , who IS said to have,I in his endeavors to colonize his Amer- lived at Mill ~ r e e k and Gulph. roads, Iiean territory and sold to a g ro up o f was executed m 1778 fo r assis tanceI them a tract of 40,000 acres of land to the enemy. His property was conI(a t ten cents an acre) whi ch wer e t o fiscated and sold, the proceeds be ingI"lie contiguously as in a barony." g i v ~ n to the University of Pennsyl'Their hopes for a united t r ac t , o r a n v ama. IIactual barony as some claim, whe re \Va sh in gt ?n 's ,army marched acrosst hey might gov ern themselves within Lower Merion In 1777, camping onIr eason and maintain their own c us - ?eptember 14 in Price's field, extendtoms against in trusion, were doomed mg on Mon tg omer y a ve nu e f romI,to disappointment when Penn fai lcd Meeting House Lane probably to Oldto live up to his agreement and sepa- Gulph r oa d. T he Congress, fleeingi r a ted t h ci r hold ings . However , Lower f rom Philadelphia at t he approach o fWar on High Speed Cars I Mcrion was en ti r el y wit hi n t h e Welsh the Bri ti sh, t raveled through the town-

    Di sc ont in u an ce o f t h e manu f ac - ! tract, a nd w as , i n f ac t, t he f ir st s et - s hi p t o Lancaster., II f I tlcd. With the British occupation ofture of autoll1olnles capa ) e 0 go- -Bachra('h Stu

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 28, 1937


    Page Three-; ..- : ~ '





    l" , ::: ~ ' : .

    Eat less, and moreoften - and includemilk with yourmeals lor its energy valuean d all-round nourishment. A glassfulbetween meals wUl up your energywithout upsetting your diet.You'll lind Supplee Milk richer and

    creamier. Its pur it y i s p ro te ct ed by theSEALTESTSYSTEM OF LABORATORY CONTROL"

    -spiral and eroquignole; French OilZotos and Frederic. 'Experienced operators.Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

    -3 specials for ~ Thursday, Friday, Saturday-3 specials for ~ 1 . 2 5

    .... ,. .

    . _ _ fO I

    offers youUnder the able direction of Gene Mc-Gowan, former pro at the Penn A. C. andthe Hllntingdon Valley C. C.I" ollr "ewly decorated pool. Our poolIS properly [!.lIarded by courteolls, 1J'eli-trallled gllards.We have facil it ies in the Cll lb HOllse fordances, card parties, Ilmcheons, banqllets.

    Permanen t



    G A D G E T S


    43 North Narbert h Avenue-Narberth 4077300 Leverinl! Mill Road-Phone: Cynwyd 927


    Lis ten t o the SEALTEST SUNDAY NIGHT PARTY at 10 P. M.(D. S . T .) , o ve r S ta ti on rtW.

    Shull Lumbe r CompanyThe Link Between Forest a"d Home




    I n c r e a s eeff ic iency

    FIVE mealsa d ay



    " . , ; ' . .....~


    29 Bala Ave., Ba la -Cynwyd CYNWYD 662OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL 3 P. M.

    Murphy Paints, Enamels and Varnishes. Tell us how muchand when you want them.

    No . I-If y o u a re a victim of casement windows , l et u s s howyo u a casement opener that ca n be placed o n t he sill,permit t ing your windows to be opened "out" withoutth e usual moving of screens an d drapes .

    No . 2 -A c hain bo l t fo r y ou r f ro nt d oo r that will preventth e uninvit ed f rom getting more than o ne f oo t i n t hedoorway. You ne ed t h is p r ot e ct ion .

    So -wha t would we do without Gadgets . They are' numberless.

    Webster doesn't t el l u s what they are, bu t experience does.In relation to our homes t he y a dd great ly to our comfortand conyetlience.


    Phone Poplar 3710

    Alterations - Installations

    Fo r immedia te de l ive ry by on e o f o ur competent ,courteous salesmen

    , .. . 'J ., .. .r"

    ~ ~ O n e Grade of Milk Only" TURNER and WESCOTT

    DAVIS'Let a MotorCut Your Lawn

    224 Haverford Ave.

    .",J l,, /

    CelebrateMemorial Daywith a picnic*Decorat ions - Flags*Paper P la te s, Napki n s,

    S po on s, C u ps an d al lth e n ec es sa ry p ic ni citems.

    J. C. Jackson BallaghSoil Materials and Equipment

    Phone: ARDMORE 5120

    Thrift Coats,Fourth Floor

    With an El'itlwde Law".Boy youc ~ mow a large lawn-YOllrselfwithout effor t. I ts low price canbe covered in the sav ing of oneseason's labor cost.One-hand mowing - closertrimming - uniform cutt ing.Phone for detai ls or demonstration.

    $115 Deli'l'ercdEVINRUDElAWN-BOY18 INeH POWER MOWERAlso other makes and sizesof Power Mowers


    Mr. and Mrs. Harrison M. Berry, We had a real disappointment overTHE FIRESIDE lof Narbrook Park, spent th e week- t he Dis tr i ct I -P. I. A. A. track meet\end in Chambersburg, attending the last Sat ur da y. L ower Merion wasDr. and Mrs . Russe ll S. Bol es , of IInauguration of President Paul Swain leading the field un ti l the final eventWoodbine avenue, Penn VaHey, willi H ~ v e n s . Mr. Berry r ~ p r e s e n t e d Bow- - the javelin throw. Norristown, as

    entertain at dinner June 24 in honor dom CoIlege at that tIme. usual, placed f ir st i n t hi s e ve nt a ndof their daughter, Miss Mary Boles. Mr. and Mrs. .fames C. I fOl seven Inlllngs. Beh, . ' , I, , 'I ' t d th'-' f . maId of hOllol' and the brIdesmaIds

    Iof \\ vnnewooll road and Mr and I n e oppe 10 p el o rmanc e With a '11 b M' I C ' I" I h't ff " A -I . . WI e ISS 1\ ar y ase, MISS Gert-: \l rs. S tevens Tas ke r a re r et ur ni ng no- I a all. t I a\erford the next d ' "' I I ' R . Rd ' d'd I h ' ru e Broomehead and Mrs . VIc to rthiS week from a motor trip t o Wil -! ( a ~ , a ~ y er I t 1e urhng for H' I \Iiamsburg, Va., Myrtle Beach, S. C"I' ~ o w e r Merion and defeated our selec- IPP. e. . .,' ,1 and Elkins Va. ,tlOn for t op h on or s i n t he l ea gu e, Bi ll M r. Walter C ~ s e , Jl., \\111 act as, IT k' gt 2 1 0 I f Ibest man for hIS brother and theMr. and Mrs. J. Raymond Sharp", ur In ,on, to . n t 1e 011ow- ..'. , ' ,f W d.'d . , , ' 1 1 . Img Fnday Rvder return d t t1 ushers \\111 ll1clude M1. Bernard Ber-o , 00 51 e av enue, ~ I ent er ta ll 1 at I d . . ,e o. Ie geron, Mr. John Gulch and Mr. Vic-a dll1ner Sunday evenmg at the Brook-I moun and gave Behney and Nor- ,l ine Cou nt rv Cl ub i n h on or of their: r i stown a return defeat, 1 to O. Ryder tor HIpple.. ' ! f . h' .1 'I I' Upon t he I r re tu rn f rom a weddll1gson, J. Raymond Sharp, J r" t o cele-! g av e up OUI ItS \\ 11 e lIS mates t ' M C d h' b 'd 'IIbrate his e ighth b ir thday. The guests i, g ot five off B eh ney' s h ur li ng . T hen ~ ' d I P , '1'1'24asNe anh NIS bl'l he WI re-, ' I 1\[ d I I I ' Sl e at ort a r ert a\enue.wIiI be his c la ssma te s o f the secondIon " on ay ast, t Ie te am p ayll1g' at 'igrade of t he Na rbe rth School. IAbington, lost 1 to0 , with Lo\ \'er 1 \ler- They WIll be at home after June 8.

    ' Miss E li zabe th Mahony, of Xew: ion col lect in g' one h it and Abing tonIYork Cit y. is t he guest of her niece,' fh'e. Ryder also pitched this game. Engagement Announced,1\lrs. Frank X. Purcell, of WynnewoodI H a\ 'e rf or rl will pla y t he return Mrs. Stuart B. Weiss, of Narberth,Court, for some time. ,game on Pennypacker Field before announces t he engagemen t of her,Mr. and 1\lrs. Edward Leary , o f: t hi s article i s p rinterl , and the chances daughter, Miss Eva L. Weiss, to Mr. i131 : \I er io n avenue, wil l l eave n ex t! are that Ryder will again do t he Wal te r H. Ellis, of Philadelphia. Miss iWednesday fo r the ir summer home at, twirl ing and Turkington will oppos e We is s i s a graduate of Lower Merion!Wildwood Crest , where t he y w il l: him . T hi s wi ll un dou bt ed ly be the High School. 'spend several months. I fifth pitchers' battle in a row.Mr. and TlIrs. C. K. Stah l , of Essex! Cunningham of Abington, Turking- Named College News Editoravenue, will l eave Sa tu rday for a Iton, of Haverford, R yde r of Lowe)' Miss Olive B at es , daughter of Mr.s tay a t Lancaster , Cen tr e Hal l and, MerIOn and Behney of Nor ri st own and Mrs . C li ff ord W. Bat es , o f N.Mont Alto, Pa, At Mont Alto, they ; make up a splend id quartet o f h igh Narberth avenue, has been appointed ~ e ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ~will visit their son and daughter-in-' schoo l p it ch er s, Any game that has news editor of the Wilson Billboard,'law, 1\Ir. and l\Irs. Thomas Hawthorn! any two of them on the mound wil1 the weekly newspaper at Wilson Col-'returning June 3. 'I he a tight g ame a ll the w ay with lege. Miss Bates is a membe r o f t he:'11'. and Mrs. Stah l and Mrs. J. C. Ihits at a premium, class of 1938.Batchelor, of 308 Essex avenue, e n - I ! l r F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11tertained the Sunshine Bible Class at i ;

    t he home of :\lrs. Batchelor Tuesday Ievening. Th eMrs. Thomas Jackson and her twoI sons, Thomas, J r. , a nd P et er , of S N I B k 1N b h I' ; : " , ~ ~ ~ : ~ ! ; ~ ; ; ; ~ ~ ' ; n a ~ ~ ' I ; ; ~ ~ ~ : g M"., attona an 0 ar ert I'

    Among those who a tt ended the an- , De p 't I d d th G PI ISI S nsure un er e overnment an: n ua l l unc heon g iv en at the Ritz-, !Carlton on Monday by the Republican I Member of Federal Reserve System IWomen of Pennsylvania we re Mrs . IIEdwin C, ' fown , M rs . Eberhardt II Open a t 8 A. M. da i ly for your c onve n i e n c e \Mueller , Mrs. Arno P . Mowit z and I I , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I Irs, Edgar H. Cockrill. ""- = -

    1\11'. and Mrs, F. 1\1. Floyd, formerlyof Baird road, l\lerion, will entertainat a buf fe t suppe r and bridge pa rtySaturday e\'ening at their new homeon Brookway road.1\lrs. Verna R. \\ 'oodeock, of Montgomery avenue, gave a tea Wednesday afternoon in h on or o f M rs . R. AMizner, chairman of the MembershipCommittee of the \\' omen's Community Club.Her daughter, Miss Louise Woodcocl" who is a student at Hood Col-l eg e, wil l g o t o Pittsburgh for a visitt I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~before returning to her home abou II" - -June 15.Mr. and 1\1rs, John A. Lafore, of CALL NARBERTH 4182 FOR EXPERTPenn "alley Farms, Penn Valley, will RADIO - REFRIGERATION -e nt er ta in a t a butfet supper thisFriday following t he r eh ea rs al f or i ELECTRICAL SERVICEthe wedding of their daughter, MisslHelen Lafore , and 1\11. Edward Fors ta ll , o f Rosemon t, whi ch will take * G E Refrigerators *l ac e on the following day at Penn Washers IValley F arm s. Th e guests will be Vacuum Cleaners Ithe Reverend Dr. and Mrs. Gibson N b h EI IBell a nd t he members o f t he b ri da l ar ert ectric and Radio I U i . l . O . 9 . N I i i . N i i i a r i i b . e . r t h i i i i A j i i E v i i e n i i u i E e i s i i Z m e M i i i i a i i r ' i i i " i a i V s i . c . a i i 5 5 e l i i i i = & A ~ I ~ l i i w ~ o ~ r k a G ~ u 5 a ~ r ~ a ~ n ~ t e ~ e d ; ' i l I I j

    Shetland. $10.95

    mer weight shet- rsquared off in

    s casua l coa t. Theare broad,

    straight. Eggl l, c op en , p in k, S iz es 1 2- 40 .

    asual' ~ ' ~

    28, 1937,

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 28, 1937


    ", . , " ' ~ " . ' " .

    Page Four OUR TOWN Mar 28, 1937


    W nnn ewood Hou se1236 Montgomery A.venue, Narberth, Pa.

    A Dis tinct iye and Beauti fu lInnFeaturing Good Food and Good Drinks

    Music for Dinner and Supper(weekdays except Monday)

    Phone: Narberth 3799Luncheons from 45c Dinners from $1.00

    Special SImday D;'Jner


    At Our Subur ban Stores, or Se eYour Plumber or Heating Contractor

    Price of these Burners-$195 cash each , insta lled. Sl igh tly h ighe r onbudget p lan -3 years topay .As k about ou r convenientmonthlybudgetpI an on cost of operating a heater, .. and ou r low combination gas rate.

    WE can 't help saying-"wise man!" For, he 's p repar ing for per fect ,alwayscontrolledindoor weather next winter; an d yet he 's no t cheat inghi s family out of a summer vacation. All because he invest iga ted an dlearned that, on hi s small down payment, we install Janitrol, Bryantor Welsbach Gas Conversion Burners immediately. And he 's t akingadvantage of our easy payment p lan which doesn't start until October.


    11 A. M.-The junior church, con-I .. .ducted by Mrs. D igby and Mrs. Cooke.11 A. M.-Children 's nursery, under the supervision of Mrs. Gilf i llan.6.45 P. M.-The t h ree Chri s ti anEndeavor groups.7.45 P. M.-Narber th 's happy Biblehour. Sermon by the pastor.

    Wednesday:8 P. M.-Prayer meeting.Baptist Church of the EvangelRobert E. Keighton, Minis ter

    Stanley T. Reiff, OrganistSunday, Ma y 30:9.45 A. M.-The church school.11 A. M.-Morning worship. A

    Memorial Day sermon by Charles R.Leech. To pi c: " So wi ng i n P ea ce "James II I scripture.7 P. M.-The young people's meet-ing. Leade r : Nancy Simpson.

    Tuesday, June 1:10.30 A. M.-The White Cross.Wednesday, June 2:8 P. M.-Mid-week meet ing of the

    church. A diseussion o f t he B ea ti tudes.

    4w Have you experienced th e greatestFOR ECONOMICAL safety and comfortfactorin modernTRANSPORTATION I I d GI'd'motorlOg - tI e mprove I 109Knee-Action Ride - pionee red , p roved and pe rfected by Chevrolet?

    More than three million Knee-Action users willt el l y ou that KneeAction gives the safest andmost comfortable ride of all .. . t ha t i t makesmotoring far more satisfying as well as far moresecUre than it Can ever h e i n old.type cars.

    Prove these facts to your own satisfaction.Drive the new 1937 Chevrolet - the only low.priced ca r with Knee-Action*-the only completecar, priced low!

    Finest FurInsurance

    KIRSCH CHEVROLET COMPANY214-216 Bata Ave. Phone, Cynwyd 81

    Moths , r u th l es s d e st ro y er so f y ou r finest w e ar in g a pparel , don ' t give yo u awarning .


    228 Bala Ave. Cynwyd 928102 Forest Ave, Narb. 2602

    Ma ke y o ur wardrobe mothp r oo f b y using ou r Certif iedCo ld S to r ag e V au lt s. an d before storage, Ic tus give exper t advice onCleaning . Repairing an dGlazing .

    j -"Over 20 \ ' e au" -Experience KnOWledge Love ofAnllnal'MAIN LINE OFFICES25 City Ave., BaJa, Pa.Phone: Cynwyd 1572








    Harold M. Kirscht41 N. Narberth Avenue

    1Narberth Methodist EpiscopalG I S ut News Bo'\! Scout Notes Rev. W. Vernon Middleton, Minister,r CO I / S unda y, May 30:9.45 A. M.-Church school.At th e close of Ardmore Girl Scout . "Valley Forge Campol'cr 11 A. M.-Morning wor sh ip . S er .

    Troop 93's Father and Daugh te r Ban-I The Valley Forge Council of Dela- mon: "The V al ue o f Memorial Day."quet held at St. M a r ~ " s Church i n: w ar e a nd Montgomery Counties, Boy 6.45 P. M.-Intermediate EpworthArdmore, Rev Lou is W. Pitt, R. R. Scouts of America, held their annual League.Van Valkenburgh, Mr. Knowles, and Camporee in Ar ti l le r y P a rk , V al ley M on day , May 31:Guy L. Cornman gave their i n te rp r e- Forge, l a st week-end. 8.15 P. M.-The motion picturetation o f G ir l S cout ing . One thousand B oy S co ut s from "Ten Nigh ts in a Barroom" produced

    Henry N. Woolman, pre si den t o f more than two hundred scout troops in with s ou nd . A dm is si on free. Thethe Horse Shoe Trail Club, Inc., spoke these two counties, on a natural pa- public is cordially invited.of the beginnings of t he t ra il , the trol b as is o f two or more s c o u t ~ ' 1 Tuesday, June 1:management , and showed p ic tu re s o f p ar ti ci pa te d in t hi s a nn ua l counc.III 8 P. M.-Church School Boardth e f un on t he t ra il , s tr e ss ing t he activity an d camped overnight on thiS meeting.poi nt s o f historical interest as the histo ric s i te . Wednesday, June 2: .trail passed from Valley Forge to The fo l lowing troops in the V a l ~ e y I 10.30 A: M. a n 2 P. M.-Meetll1gsManadon Gap. Forge Council h ad p at ro ls whIch of th e PhIladelphIa Conference Wom-At the Cour t of Awards , the follow qualified an d received awards in Ian's Foreign Missionary received recognition: Tenderfoot, recognition of their accomplishments: Thursday, June .3: .Kathryn Burgess; Second Class, Ardmore No. I , A rdmo re No.2, 6.30 P. M . - J ~ m o r chOIr.Nancy Spa rks, Nancy F ri ck, I s a b ~ l l e Ardmore No.3 , Bala-Cynwyd No.2, 8 ~ M.-Choir rehearsal.Knowles, E lmina McCurdy ; First Bala-Cynwyd No.3, B ryn Maw r No. Fl'lday, J u ~ e 4:Cla5s, Edith Rorke, Jane Coo k; N ee - 1, Merion No.1, Merion No.2 , Nar-I 8 P. M.-FIrs t quarterly conference.dlewoman Proficiency Badge, Evelyn, berth Ko. 2, Rosemont No.2, Wynne-I Sa tu rday , J une 5 : "Parker; L au nd re ss B ad ge , B et ty I wood No. 1. I A ~ n u a l church school l>lcnlC atBailey; Life Saving Badge, Paula I The four l\Iain L ine D i st r ic t Uni ts Da rlmgt on Park.Van Valkenburgh; Electrician Badge, I who achieved the distinction of Grade Thursday, June 3:P eggy Hewi tt ; Heal th Winner . E l i ~ a - ' A were the Buffalo Patrol of Merion I . 6-9 P. M . - A n n u ~ l ~ t r a , : b e r r y ~ e s .beth Cornman, J ~ n e Co?k, ~ d . I ~ ~ l . Liberty T. roop No.1, \V. E.. Ferguson,/ t I ~ a ! ~ .the Ladles Aid SoCIety.Ro rk e, P eggy HeWitt; ChIld r-; 1Il se, scoutmaster, the 'Wild I ndI an Pa tr o l Tlcket:s, 2;) cents.Edith Rorke; First Aid, Evelyn Park., of l\Ierion Welch Drag-on Troop No.2, , - - -er, Nancy Cook, Elmina McCurdy , Samuel J. Bunting, Jr., scoutmaster, I Fl u Presbyurian ChurchIsabelle Knowles, P a u I ~ Van Va lk : n. and the Stag Patrol ~ n Pine Tree I Rev: Archer E . Ande rs on , Th.D.,bUI'gh, Betty Robelt5, B e a ~ l I c e Patrol of Wynnewood Pille Tree Troop Pa5tOl.Parker, Doris W ar d, B et ty Bmley; Ko. I, Ric:hard G. Knoll, scoutmaster.I 9.45 A. M.-Bible school.Home Nur se , Betty Roberts . Elmina 11 A. l\I.-Morning w or sh ip . D r.McCurdy , I sa be ll e K n o ~ v 1 e s , Tane .l\tlcmorial Gi'ouping Ready; An?el'son wil1 preach the sec?nd of aCool, Kancy Cook, Paula \ an \ alken- D d' . M d M . sel'les of three sermons for thIS June's, , c icatIOn on ay ormng Iburgh, Peggy Hewitt, Beat r ice Park- i s tudent graduates . Theme: "A Per-er ; Silver Star. Doris \\ 'ard, Evelyn Continued from Pag-e One f ec t Guid e. "Parker, Isabelle Knowles. ~ a n c ~ ' Sparks, Peggy He\\'itt; Gold Star fo r S cout s; boroug'h officiab; Cub Pack; ,-perfect attendanc:l', K a n c : ~ ' Cuok, .Jane public and parochial school children;Cook, Elmina 1\1cCurdy, Edith Rorke; 1 \ l u l i l ' r l ' ~ ; Italian-Anlt'rican Club;. ". C I' !\;arlH'rlh Fire C o n l p ~ l n y and fir('F ive year service stI'lpl', l , a n c ~ ' 0 0,Edit'h ' Rorke; a Thanks B a l h ~ ' e , i\Iiss equipment.Dorothv Bates ; Gold P in f or th e g-irl TIll' IIl'dication SI'l'\'iN'" f nr t he Mewho h:1Ib Building', : ' Ir. Sehrepfcr, w ho is gen-Eleanor Twaddcl l , Loi s Cou ourn,an d 1\lollv Kock wiJI take the parts in e r al chai rman of t he :\Iemorial Group-the p la y. ' The t roop will a lso presen t ing- Committee, rpported that a ll n ce -

    I essarv work will be finished on tilll(' .the Il]a\.' at the Home fo r Aged Coup es .H e m ad e i'IJeeial men tio n o f the aidnear Girard College, Fr:11lcisville gi\'('n him by Charles H. Smith inPark. Illo\'ing' \'aI'ious pa r ts o f t1w 1\1CillO ri aI1\1rs. Homer Eachus, of :\Icrion,' into placl', anrl t o Wai te I' O 'Sul li \ 'a n

    handicraft couni'e1or for thc Day fo r technical a(h'ice 011 the a1'l'ang'p{:amp on 1\Irs . Howard Longstreth ' s ment.'e5tate, inst ructed the girls of Kar-. The two ye\\' t1' l' (,s, (!ollatl'd hy Owberth Troop 125 i n mak ing' stulrcd, P05t Auxiliary, ha n bel 'n p lan tN!,

    1\1 d while se\'L'n oaks arc heing- plantedpuppets at t he ir meet ing 1 on a ~ i hy F. D. :\Ioore & Sons, who contrihevening. ;u ted two of t he t n 'e s .. N b I ,TI l l ' c:allnon. painll'rI by GordonContincntal S ta r a t ai' cr t 1. " Wundl'1', was placed ill position Tups-in "K ing an d Choms Gu,l dav.i j':ight nl'W nwmber:, werc introduced"T he King an d th e Chorus Girl ,"; a t t he meet ing: Vahan Asho17 Gl'avllllgSIC ('a llrlllg' j ae ' .A s pl 'c ia l rt'turn engagl'n ll ' nt o f i a \ ' ~ n u c . , .Escapadl'," cons idc red by many the i P. ?lI.-CouncI1 meetlIlg'.best p ic tu rc in which L u i ~ e Rainer,===============ha s appeare

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 28, 1937


    P ag e F iv e


    Visit Our Ardmore Store24 E. LANCASTER AVE.



    I 82 4 C H ES T N.V T S T R E E TSU S GERMANTOWN AVENUE24 E. LANCASTER AVE., Ardmore222 OLD YORK RD., JenkintownSuburbsnStoruOpenMon .Wed.&Fri.Eve.. 7108:30

    LET TH E EYES HAVE ITTo take proper care of your eyes, y ou mus tt ak c c ar e of your glasses. When new lensesor repairing are required visit ou rArdmore Store Wh y go to th e dty?


    WEST LAUREL HILL216 Dudley Avenue

    Mrs. Frederick W. Lacey, MerionandMrs. John B. Partridge, Jr., Ridley Park

    announce th e o pe ni ng o f t he ir Summe r Home at 929 CentralAvenue, Ocean City, N. J., on Saturday, May 29th, where theyi n vi te you t o e nj oy t he ir delightful rooms at moderate cost.


    I i I : AUL I I : !They're most important right now! C ome i n an d let usshow you th e new coiffu rcs--one of which will be exactlywhat you' re look ing for.

    SUZANNE JORET GILLNarbert!' 2324

    Narberth 4100Associated with Our Town

    vantageous to calion thisfully equipped community service for printing ofany kind -large or small.

    organizationswill find it mutually ad-clubs... Local



    ...... ,:." ~

    Dr. H. F. McDuffee, of Haverfordavenue, Narber th, has been selectedto be one of the clinicians at thenational convention of the AmericanDental Association to be held theweek o f J ul y 12 at the AmbassadorHote l in Atlantic City.Dr. McDuffee' s c linic will be on thesubject of partial gold dentures. In

    addition to the c lin ics and lectures forprofessional men, there wi ll be numerous inst ructive heal th exhibitswhich wi ll b e o pe n t o the public.Dr. McDuffee has a ls o b een ap

    poin ted to serve on the Dental Representative Committee of th e GoodrichCommission.

    Uni ted Campaign Cont r ibut ionsMay b e S en t to Ardmore Office


    15c a linefor Both NewspapersCount five words to line


    Phone: NARBERTH 4100

    -wlll be accepted up to Wednesday, 5 o'clock. tor Friday's Issues.

    -wl l l be charged only to residentswhose names appear In the telephone dlrec to l; ' o r to subscribe rs10 OUR TOWN or t he NEWS OFBALA-CYN'IV'YD,

    Garages for RentGARAGE - Permunent Rentn l. Vic in ity IHaverford , Fores t and Narberth ave-n u e ~ Reply "D;' Box 4 4 N a r b e r t ~ ~ 4 ) 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Help Wanted1l0lJSI,;\YOltK - l'arherth High Schoolgi rl . As" is t p ar t t ime after June 11.Phone a ft er 6 1', 111 Xarll, 3670-J. (34)

    Prominent College Student

    Club's Board and Cha irmcnEntertained by Mrs. Hea th

    r 28, 1937l ie re s t o Give Benefit Merion NotesPar ty f o r Need l ewo rk Gu i ld Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott McFadden- - - ,o f Valley road will entertain at aFinal plans ",ere made f or t he c ar d house party over the Memorial Day As the United Campaign en ters thethis coming Wednesday in Elm week-end at their summer home i nI final s ta ge o f it s public appeal, Rod-at the home of th e president Ocean City , N. J. 1 ney K. Merrick, chairman of the Main

    t he Mulieres of the Narberth Fire Mr. and Mrs. A. Giraud Foote of Line Division, this week issued ann.y, Thu.rsday The Hyland will entertain at a dinner andb t f d app ea l f o r support from t ho se whoIS emg gI ve n 0 . ral se u s bridge on Monday evening, June 7, It he purchase of a sewmg machme t o c el eb ra te their wedding anniver.1 h av e n ot y et contributed.t he Na r?e rth Branch of the Nee- sary. The guests will include the i "There no doubt ar c a number ofGUIld. members of their bridal party and a I persons in the Main Line s ec ti on

    Sandwiches and coffee will be s er yed f ew add it iona l f ri ends , who wi ll be I whom our workers have not been able12.30. The re a rc 25 patroncsses Mr. and Mrs. Gil be rt F . Foote, Mr. i to contact, for one reason or another,"the a ff ai r and resenations ~ l l a y and Mrs. E . Clark Creagar , Mr. and I Mr. Merrick said. "Oft en our work-m ade with a ny of the follOWIng: Mrs. J. Ramsey McKinne}', Mr. and ers have found that persons ar e not

    rs. Eberhardt Muel le r , Mrs. , L l o y ~ Mrs. John Pennack Makiver, 1\11'. and I at home, or out of town, when they. Edgerton , Mrs..Walter R. 0 Sulh- Mrs. Will i am Zimmerman, 1\11'. and I cal le d. W e are convinced that theyan , Mrs . Mary Miller, Mrs. John E. Mrs. Raymond Schwartz Perkins of I have called at the homes and officesBurrell, Mrs. Charles Harnd;n, Mrs . Lar chmon t, N . Y. , M r. and Mrs . A. of many persons who would have madeEdith Gilpin, Mrs. Charles Haist, ~ r s . Balfour Brehman, Mr. and Mrs. Harry I contributions h ad they been in at theCharles L. Viguers, .Jr., Mrs: LlIJd- Hellerman, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. LaW-I I time.ley Trotter, Mrs . Geo rg e 1 \h ch en er , r en ce C. Lippincott, Mr. and Mrs. "Main Liners who wish to contrib-Miss Laura M. Brown: Mrs . .J. H . Ge or ge D. MacCool, Mr. and Mrs. ute ar c now urged t o s end their conBaker, Mrs. E. B. H o s k l ~ S , Mrs. Ben Russe ll Groff , 1\11'. and Mrs. Drew MARGARET HIGGINS tributions by ma il t o the United Cam-Taylor, Mrs. Stanley Haigh, Mrs. AI- Tho rp e, Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan Harr, of l ,odges lane, Cynwyd, who paign office, 12 Cricket avenue, Ard-bert Nulty, Mrs. John Wetzell, Mrs . J r ., 1\11. and Mrs. Paul B. Wendler, graduates f rom Smith College in more, or to presen t them there per- On Memorial Da y thousands make pilgrimagesFrank X. Purcell, Mrs .. C ~ a r l e s A. ;'vIr. and Mrs. John R. Hanna, Mr. and June. sonally if that is more convenient . to th e peaceful glens and sloping hills of thisHammer, Mrs. J. L. M In ic k, Mrs. : \ Irs. Ca lv in Rankin, Mr. and Mrs. Should they prefer t o h ave a solicitor b ea ut if ul pl ac e. P er pe tu al c ar e and specialW i l l i ~ l 1 1 Mulholland, Mrs. G e o r g ' ~ Thomas Biddle K. Ringe, Miss Elaine call, they m ay telephone Ardmore gardening create an atmosphere of quiet rest-Martll1, Mrs. H. F. Dames, Mrs. Jo- Supplee , Mis s Janet Strawbridge, Brookline Club Poo l Schedul es 4328." fulness. Easily accessible. -..'-seph Bert a , Mrs. Edwar d Haws and Mrs. Margaret Smith Hubbard , Mr. Special Memorial Day Events ~ Mrs. Stewart Anderson. Charles Stanley Deacon, Mr. John Dr. H . F. McDuffee will Lecture Belmont Ave. n ear C i ty Line, Cynwyd ~

    Wiley Faries and 1\11'. J . Rouse Burns . A spec ia l program of water events at Na ti ona l Den ta l Conven ti on ' ~ = = = ; ; = = ~ ; ; = = = ; ; ; ; = ~ ~ ; ; = = ~ ; ; = = ; ; ; ; ; ; = ~ = = = ~111. a nd Mrs . Perkins w il l be t he ha s heen planned for Memorial Day a t ::::sguests of Mr. and Mrs. Foote over t he Rrookline Country Club's "Rainthat week-end. ' bo\\" Pool," following the grand open-

    Mrs . Ralph C. Heath, of Shirley :\11'. and n lr s. \Vill iam W. Swayne ing of the pool at eight o'clock Sat-road , en ter tained membe rs of the of Valley road will spcnd the 1I1emo- unlay mor ni ng . L if e guards fromboard and committee cha irmen o f t he r ia l Day week- end at Skytop in t he n ea rby universities are set t o l ead' Vome n' s C ommuni ty C lu b o f Kar- Poconos. M rs. S wa yne spent two rac es , contests, and exhibit ions of va-berth, at a luncheon and bridge at hcr days in Kew York th is week. ri"us sorts.home Tuesday. ;\Irs. John A. Brooke of Heath road The pool has been complet ely rc-Tho se p resent were l\Irs. E,lwarrl entertained at luncheon at the Phi la- decorated this year, under t he newW. Heymann, t he new president, : \ lrs . de lphia Country Club before the card manag ement o f J. Raymond SharpI-I. F. Ste vens, Mrs. Verna R. \Vood- I G 0 'e L Cal '! (' v I Jotl l of Narparty g'iven for Hahnemann Hospi ta l . an( ,e rg . '. , ' -cock, Mrs. J. D. Sutherland, Mrs . Wil- b er th . T he color scheme installed isThere were eight guests.liam Levis, Mrs. E. C. Batchelor, 1\1rs. cool b lu e and whi te , whi le anchors;\Ir. and :\lrs . George Reinhart, Jr.,C. E. Sta1 r, 1\11S. Leon Webster :'tld- d a J 01 es 111\C l)eell IJal'llte(1 011accompanied by Miss Anne Latta of an se 1 'S ,che1', 1\,11'5. J. E. Burrell, ;\1ri'. C. ,J. tl fecI ' Cll'llg' tIle 11001 to fur- ew Y or k, wi ll l eave by automobile le pnce n l' -Goodyear Mrs. George W. Ol th, Mr,' . tl dd to th Ilautl'cal alJIJea raJlce. , on Sa tu rd ay fo r Annapolis, where leI' a e .E. C. Griswold, Mrs . Wil li am H. All attendants will be dressed i n s ai l-I they will at tend June Week Festivi-Muller, Mrs. C. Arley Farmer, l' rs. aI's' garb.tie" at the United States ~ a v a l Acad-J. S. Harris, Mrs. W. R. Knauer, h The latest scien tif ic methods wil l Chap ter ' s J une Luncheon 7thMrs. J. H. Spe ck , Mrs . P . H . : \I alTow, emy , whe re t he ir son, Il\I.idS i P ~ l . a ~ he Ilracticed at the Brookline pool this The annual June luncheon of theMrs. C. J . Bnmeel , 1\1rs. J. A. lIong- George R. Reinhart, 31'(, IS a t IIveal' student. Ill' will leave on J un e y ea r to guard against "athlete' s foot," Jeptha Abbott Chapter of N. S. D. A.leI' , ::\Irs. J. H. M il le r, 1\1rs. E. B. ' d often picked up in unhygienic bathing, R. w il l be h el d June 7 at the home ofHoskins, Mrs. R. A. M iz ne r, : \1r s. 1 wit h t he fleet for a crui se abroa . resorts. I ::\Irs. James R. Cameron, 222 DerwenClifford W. Bates, Mrs. E . .J. Pollock :\11', and ::\lrs . H. J. Krome:' o f Bca - Iand nIl'S. Harriett Heath. The gues t ,; com lane and :\11'. and : \ lrs . S: R ad ne r T he B ro ok lin e Country C lu b is 10- road, Merion.,K f ~ I 11 P I cated on Mil l road in Brookline . There will be an election of dele-IJI'esented Mrs. Hea th w it h a Past I ramer 0 oneway ane WI S e l ~ ( i gates to the State Conference and aP .' I t' P' the Memorial Day week-end at their Iresl

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 28, 1937



    LOC 0119

    May 28 , 1937

    814 Lancaster Ave.BrynMawr


    RiUellhouse 9090


    MME . LOU IS E1714 Walnut Street

    I ndil'idllally Designed


    Thi s D ir ec to ry appea rs In FIveMain Line newspapers-The "MainLiner" In Ardmore, "The News"of BaJa-Cynwyd. "The New s" ofHaverford Township, "Our Town"Our PhiladelphIa Hepresentatives,St., will furnish fUll Information,





    FLOWERING ANNUAL/ ; , r : . ~ . . PLANTS''",


    ~ ~ ~ ~ AJeratuRI. Asters. UC!lonlu, B n c h ~clora Bult ons, Canna s , Coleus.FuchsiAS, Geraniums, Heliotrope. L l \ n ~

    t D n n ~ . Larkspur, Marloolds. petunlal,Phlox. Snapdragon. , Sca r le t Sage, Ver ,l iena l, Z inn ias , a nd mnn y othen.HYBRID TEA R OS ES I n pot.,I . N. SIMON & SON529 Market St., Dept. 1-\, Phil



    Specializing in Children's CorrectiveShoes . Foo t hea lt h is impor tant tothe normal growth of children.


    gratis 0" request

    Sec/teloJdnL l:ouIuuIII ~ n ~ ~ r t i ' ~ : ~ ~ l ~ ! ~ : ' F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : : ~ IIIIndiOlidual InstructionDay SIB-Month ly-N ight S6PHILADElPHIA SECRDARIAL SCHOOL11,8. 18th Street - LOCaat 4M .37 S. 16th St" Phila. LOC 4660Convenient to all TermInals


    Superfluous Hair, :- ' REMOVED FOREVEREM worry over unl ight ly hair, on1 ace, ar l Il ' . legl or any part of t\1. . , ~ O d Y , Call and have nl relIlove It:th. l,URITA Way. S..fe and IhaNO XRAY - N,D ELECTRIC NEEDLE

    DR. MARCiARET RUPPERTl u lU 802 -Rea l E,tat. Trult Bldl.a, II! Oor. IIroa.d & Oh.. t n u t - K I ~ ' l l e l "to

    FOOT HEALTH INSTITUTE1623 Chestnut St. RIT 8570

    27 S o. 1 7t h Stre('t


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    Rittenhouse 9803

    1031 Chestnut StreetWURLITZER'S





    The Philadelphia Y M C A CanIps1421 Arch Street Rittenhouse 8100



    C U M ~ TU CAMVWith the Philadelphia Y M C A

    Near Downing town , Pa. . on wooded h il ls . are four camps-Hilltop, foryoung men and women; Dwight, for boys 12 to 16; Sun ri se , f or g ir ls 12 t o16; C as tl e f or bo ys a nd g irl s 8 t o 12. Se as on open July 1st.At the seashore in Avalon, N. J ., is Camp Ava lon for young peopl e 14 to 18.ALL SPORTS MODERN EQUIPMENT ABUNDANT FOODHIGHEST TYPE LEADERSHIP

    lVrite to Camping Executi) 'e for illu5trated booklet Call aillillgcomplete illformalioll

    of Narbe rt h, " SubHrban" In Wayne.Neville & HItchIngs. Inc,. 12 So. 12thtelephone Walnut 0900.




    9 ' 1621 CHESTNUT STREETPLilod"lphia

    .... up ..........

    NOW IS THE TIME TO LEARNYou can now '1 ; l O W A c ~ o ~ d ~ ~ n per weekSaxophone Pay for Both-Xylophone a Brand NewBanjo Instrument andor any Musical 55 Private Les-I nstrument sons.

    Ser vi ng t he Main L ine f or 35 Years Diamoud JlerchatlfS and JewclersWM. SHEWELL ELLIS STUDIOS We specIalize in Longines and HamiltonWatch Repairing1425 Chestnut Street All Work Guaranteed

    For 42 years we have suppl ied manyprominent Main Line famil ies withFELTS alld PANAMASBOTH LADIES' and MEN'Srf your ha t n c e ( l ~ renovating, call on U ntH) \\"C will s er ve y ou a s w e HE'IYCU yourparents.

    IKar l m an ag er ; J er en e H ay wa rd , Anne IFoote, Herman Perot ta, Geo rge PowS trobh ar, Mari an Strong, Mildred ell, Richard Thompson, Don Torrey,Thomas, Natalie Wood. Douglas Winward .

    Tmck Cheer Lcad .Je rome Kapl an, manag er ; Francis Achille Barone, Malcolm Nafe.

    Bossone, Wills Bunowes, Dominic Di- [JanelBattista, Roger Graham, Tom Huff, Blair Albrccht, Harley Anders, Eu-Ted Jefferson, Bob Leech , Alexander g ene Ba ldwin , Robe rt Bea sl ey , JohnLeslie, George Lonesome. Blai r , Crozer Bodkin, Bernard Brook-Eric Olson, John Pol k, A l fr ed Pow- e r, Robelt Brower, Gibb Clark , Wi l-

    ers, Jack Ramsey, Lewis Reisner, Rob- liUJn Farmer, Alfred Ferwerda,cr t Ritchings, Cliff Rober ts , Charl es \Villiam Furber.Robertson, Bob Rowley, J am es Wi g- B en ny Gia ng iu lio, H ar ol d K is tl er ,gins, Howard Witte. Chal'1es Kli nk , W il li am Longaker,

    Wrestling Jack :'>laclaehlan, Harry Maxwell, SamMariano Barone , co capta in ; Fred McCartney, Richard Metius, Will iam

    Miller, co-captain; Hel1l'Y O'Connell, Stratton, Bert Tily, Donal d Wh it e,manager; Tom Bal dr id ge , Achille Douglas White, R ob ert \Vilmot,Barone, Dominic DiBatt i st a , Arthur George Zipf.

    ........... ..


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    OSMOND.LAURENS , Inc.World-Wide Tra"el Ser

    1700 Walnut S tr ee t P hi la de lp hi a1- - - - - - -_ : : . . -_ - - -_1Cruises Steamship TicketsForeign t1.,d DomeJtic ToursSummer Vacation TripsIndependent Tra'l'el Arrangements


    b O ~ ~ S T N U T B A INS ~ ~ ~ S T N U T

    D 0 M I N I C Chaltered by the Coml1lonwealth ofPennsylvania since 1870 J. E. LIMEBURNER CO .VERANTI, INC.1721 WALNUT STREET ZECKWER-HAHN Dispe1lsi1Jg Opticians for 44 Years

    ORIGINATORS OF THE LADIES' PHI LA . MUS IC AL ACADEMY 1923 Chest n ut S t ree tTAILORED SUITS 1617 Spruce StreetDOMINIC CUSTOM c;/65 WERE SUMMER COURSE begins JUNE 28TAILORED SUITS ,., $95 (A full season's credits)For o \' er a t hi rd o f a century DominicIllis been cutting, fitting and p er so n- R eg ul ar FALL TERM begins Sept. 1 3 5 1 W. Chelten Ave.ully sup er in te nd in g th e m aki ng of ( Re gi st ra tio n, week of Sept. 7) Germantownench and every garment .

    A Modern and Complete ChImney,HEATER alld FIREPLACE SERVICEWe correct your chimney worr ies.Chimneys Scraped, Brushed andVacuum CleanedQUICK - . REASONABLEEstimates Cheerfully GivenPHILADELPHIA CHIMNEY SWEEPS33rd and Arch Sts. EVE 1680

    MARON1525 Walnut Street RIT 3680Fountaill - - Tea - - Llmcheon

    OCEAN WAVE A V f 7 ~ ~ N y e ~ ' J.Sail the coveS of Capta in Kldd; hunt forhis huried (1699) treaslll 'e! South Jerseyhench. Usual sports. fiO b o ~ ' s . Dlrel'tor(railled in P s y c h o l o ~ y and 1I\'1;iene. HilS"ell Ilogeland, Associate. Booklet. MaltlLille references. 1714 '-..NALNUT ST.W. M. LUTZ, M.A. P H I L. A 0 e L P I-l I APenn A . C . R it te nhouse Squar e, Phi la . ",,'r Jtorr f l l rJ" PEN OSlO

    Your .pictures deserve the c ~ r e and PRACT ICAL ARTSattention our laboratory WIl l givethel11. , AI't: C o ~ t l l m e Desig-n: DressmaJdngo;24.Hour. D c l n ' ~ r y and 1I0me !>la,nag-ement.; ! l ~ t e l ; i ( ) l ' neCOl'a- ,Ma cCALLUM STORE S Mall Ser'l'Ice tlOn; Jllllhne,.y: Bndes U l i ~ s e s ,110 So. 16t h S t. RIT 9200 Ma cCALLUM STOR E S SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTEE'I'erything Photograp1Jic 11 0 S o. 1 6t h RIT 9 20 0 B ro ad a nd S pri ng Gar de n S tr ee tsE,'cryt1Jillg Photographic POP 3106 Philadelphia

    PHILADELPHIA FURNACE CO . L. T . MUE NCH1813 Sansom St . RIT 8763 29 So. 17th S t. Spruce 1540

    Th e finest an d wides t se lec tion ofa l l fore ign and domestic cameras

    'For three-quarters of a (;entury the firstchoice of discriminating PhiladelphiansNO"clties alld Fa'l'ors

    GolfHarry l\Iaxwell, captain-manager;Bob Hays, Don Lynch, Jack McIntyre,

    Bob Winthrop.Hockcy

    ,JCITy Hayward, captain; PeggyDonnelly, co-manager; Frances Leech,comanager; Eileen Armstrong, BettyChurch, Jean D'Ambly, ,Judy Hess,Mildred Holt , El len JaITe, Peggy Paolone, Char lo tt e Schmunk, FrancesSoliday, Anne Strobhar, Jane Summers, l\Iiltll'ed Thomas, MargaretWhitwell.



    Wholesale RetailSAM. SCHLESINGERDally 7 A. M. to 5.30 P. M.N. W. Cor. 56th and Vine S ts .

    Highest Prices Paid ForPAPER, RAGS, IRONand METALSlVe will call allywhere-allY timeal )'Ollr cOII'l'euieuce

    Continued from Page OneLueders, John F. Macklin, Leo MacFarland, John D. Myers , George F.Pettinos, William H. Powell, HaroldW. Sco tt , Thomas Shallcross, Jr. , Dr.Edward A. Shumway, FrederickStangel', .T. Alden T if ft , E . Towns endZook.Reports were received from thefollowing' Merion civic organizations,on the work accomplished during the

    past year: :'Ilerion Community Association, T. Dun Belfield, president;

    180 Athletcs Honoredat All-Sports

    iA. Balfour B r ehman E l e ct ed Stinger,Pres . by Me ri on C iv ic A s sn . Zeisler.

    Columbia C. C. b ro lw a t ie s co re i nthe ninth inning Sunday at the Narberth Playground to de fe a t t h e Nar- 'berth Bees, 9-8. Seaver Rose didsome fine slugging for the home team,accounting for both a d ou bl e and atriple.

    Page Si x

    Ar t Exhibit at LibraryMiss Marjorie Cowin will exhibit

    t he wor k o f h er ar t students at theNarberth Community Library beginning June 2.

    Cynwyd Resident Dies In the SchoolsFronl Accident Injuries i _- - - I Last Thursday and Friday eveningsM rs . L ou d Succumbs in Brynl \ \' as h el d t he a nn ua l p a r e ~ t . nights.

    Maw r H os pi ta l Two ISe\'eral hundred parent,s v l s l ~ e d ourM I L t school to sec t he p rog re s s 111 bothon t 1S a er ..___ I\\'ork and actl:lty. On Thursday ~ \ ' e -

    F ' I 't , I II \\ ', I ,I' Illillg' t he fashion show and mal'lon- In a 1 1 ( :: ; \ \ 'crt ' H' ( ('( !1l':";( d .f f M I I I I -'I (f I et I!' ~ : I 1 J l \ \ ' was g-I\,ell. These were en-a ternoon 111 r ~ (a JOUI, I., I " 'cd b . cvervone310 Ll'w'ring- :'Ilill road, C ~ ' I 1 \ \ ' ~ ' d , wh", . l 0 ~ . .died Saturday afterlloon fro111 ill,iul'il''; I 011 F r i d a ~ ' a ft er noon t he annualsustaillt'd in an automobil e accidl'lIt! P la y Day was held. There were manyMarch 23. I i n t " I ' l , ~ t i n g - f ol k dance s: d ri ll s, a nd

    S . I ,I I t' J 'I' I' . I ' games . There were a ll k ll ld s o f r ac (' s,lll'\"ICCS ,,'ere 1(1 l a _ 0 l' fle \ .1 ..,he DaJa-C\'n\\'\'rl : ' I I e t h o d i ~ t Church, r l , l a ~ ' s an d b road . l U I ~ l P S In which, American Leg-ion, Merion Post, How- Socccrwith the . i l l' \ '. ' Franldin Duncolullt' " \ ' I ' I ' ~ ' O l l l ' tonk, part. 1 he final .score: ai'll H. :'IlcConneJl, commander; Girl Harrison Berry , cap tain ; ' John Cor-fl.' . hO\\'l'\"'1' was in f av or o f t he G ra ys . S co ut T ro op s 1H, 207 and 2:JO, : 'Iliss lIish, co-manager; Jack 'Webb , co-o l('latmg, BE1'1''V 1\1 IN'I'IRI', I 'I ' c , .... Xatalie Be\'el', c ha ir ma n o f T ro op manager; B ran ch B lair, R icha rdThe accident wll lch cau se ( .\ rs. C 't . f tl G' 1S t B- - - omml tee 0 1e ,11' cou s; oy Boi le au , Septimus Capelli, \VilliamLoud's dcath occul'l'('d at 1\lontg'oll1l' ry TIle I;>st vac at ion hef or e "c ho ol " , \ \"11' E F . ' , t ' F R GL " 1\111 I (' , ,,- Scout", I lam ~ 1'1 guson, 5COU - Coste llo , Robert 'raser, agel' ra -avenue J ll 'a r e \' l' rlng ' ,". 1 , roa' , , ~ I I - clo",s wil l h e :\lay 31, Memorial Day, master; Community Fund, Mer ion ham, R icha rd Her ndon , Donal d Love.wvd as she was c ro "s lng l\lontgold - . . .' ,.,. " ,. , , \\" hav(' ll/ 'I 'n .Isk('d to suhll l lt plC- DIVISion Thomas Lco Kane' Needle- George l \ Iaekey, Jack Maclachlan,CI'V a \' el lu e T he dnver of thl' cal' , 1'11' k' I' . '.' . ,tun's of the c 11 ( r en 5 wor' In t H work Guild Mrs. FredCl' Ick Stang-er , Bil l Mahler, Robert McClintock, Joe\'hich 'truck h er w as Ha1'l'\' CI'I'S,, I I C' , S " t I . ' .," . . '. classrooms to t 1e u u n t ~ , UI)(11I1 en(- presH!ent; 1Ile1'lon Branch, League of Pfizenmayer, Hale Pratt, Johan Pu-nan :;0 of PllIladelpllla, who IS an f S I I ,n ', 1 I I 1 F I I ( 'n t 0 ,C 10 0 s. Wonll'n \, oters, 1111'S. J .. Alden I Ifft, n e s ~ e n , Donald Rhaesa , Robert Row-atlol'ne\' en1p ove( JY t 1C ' e ( e ra .. ' ." . They ar c to be s en t t o the State preSident. l ( ' ~ ' , Samuel White.Houslllg- DI\'ISlon.'. Depa rtmen t o f Pub li c I ns tr u ct ion t o A musical program pl'esented by Boys' TennillAt a. hearlllg, he llec]ared that Ill' represent the work done in l \1ontgom- the Trio Classique from C urtis Insti- Jo hn TiITt, captain; William Chand-

    \'as g'Olllg only about fifte('n or tWI'n- (']'\' Countv. t ut e, was arranged b the \\ 'omen's 1(1 Rober t Dunn, Dick Herndon, Don-tv miles a n h ou r whe n h e saw 1111'S, - '11 P ' \V II'. TIH' picturcs arc to he included in Committee who a ls o served as host- aId Nel , S am rUltt, e mgtonLoud ab out twenty feet away, He R II S h f A h'a state hooklet compiled hy Dr. Clr- esses. amsey, ' erman cae I ' , rc Iedeclarcd that he applied his hrllkl''-' D Tc('lia Stuar t , S tate Supervisor of Pri- The i nv it ed gue st s, . Ju li us Z i ege t, T if ft , on orrey.and onlv, the front hum pel' of h is c ar G' I ' T .marv Educa tion. E. Eo Burl ing ame and S, Edgar Ir s enmsstruck her. lJ; our illuseum Case we ha\'e ex-, Downs, wer e u na bl e t o be pre:'>ent. Linda Vogel, capt a in ; J ean Reid,S he was t ak en t o D ry n :'>1a\\'r II"" I = = = = = = = = ~ = = = ~ = = = = = ~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =ihits fl'om land" all ove r t he world I The association decided t o pub li shIJital whcre she was a patient at t i l ' 'on display. 'a ~ ' l ' a r book again this year aftert ime o f Iwr dl'ath. It 'II' Among t he se things ar c a d rum omit ti ng t he pub li ca ti on f or one year,1111'S. Loud was a nH'1ll1lf'r ofBala-Cvnwvd :>1 l'thollist Church l,f from 1I1iami, an I ndi an Dol l, a hand- : The newly-elected p re si de nt a nd t he. . I kt,'rehi"f fr','1m Pari,S, many dilTeren.t I s.'lcretary will p la n f or t he publicationwhich she a nd h er hushlilld WII" t I' IUlld,.; of e01l1S, MeXican beads, a CllI- 1n the ncar fu tu re.last living ehartl'l' 1 l l ( ' 1 1 1 h e r ~ . Shl.' nese dol l and a Japanese tea set.was acti\'l'ly cOIllll'cted with tIll' L:I ' HELEN WIPF.dies' Aid Soc i( ,t y o f the ehlll'eh. ,Surviving her are 111'1' hllsll:ln".1Charles S, LOlIlI, and six l.'hildl'lrs. LPlloy A. \\'01'1'1'11. :111:. C/'oss COl/l/trllfor public inspection "inn' Al'ril Fl Hichard 1\1. Pennock, Mrs . Phil l ip n. J a m ( ' ~ Wiggins, captain; Josephbetween 10.:lO and ~ l tI'eloek daily,' eha"c, Mrs. Georg-e H. Hil l, Jr. , :'III'S. Sal\'o, manager; Harley Anders, illaa l r e a d ~ ' i t h as at t raclt'd thousa nd,: "i : '1'hl,n1lrs. J . Carmarth, :'III'S.Insulatel l throughout anll cnt iI '( ']y G . Bl'l'ck, :'III's. William :'Ilercer, :'III's,'

    fireproof, it is finished i n map le with Emest Sa\ 'ag( ', Miss Emily Exley , J.Venetian blinds and full equipment of W. Prince, J. F . S ty er .g la ss , c hi na and such appurtenances. Mrs. J. B. Griscom will he in charg '"Also, there arc awnings and the plant of Birdhouse exhihits. Ii ng , shrubbery and fence belong to the Luncheon will he sen'ed to thebuilding. There is electric refl 'igera judg'es hy :1115. L, Herhert Tily, chairtion; an electric sto\'e and a ne\ \' t ype manof hnspi ta l ity , and her committ(p.!o f h ea te r that uses e i th( 'r oil, g a ~ , :'III'S. Walton Gihb, the genl'1'alelectricity or coal. The larder i s com- chairman, allll :>11';;. L o u i ~ lI1cllheIll1y,:pletely stocked with a month 's supply, sub-cha i rman, have had the cO-(lperll-'of food. Ition of the followin!ol' who make' up' ALL eghny 0132

    DilTering f rom t he HJ36 cot tag-e inI the executive cOlllmittee o f t he flower, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~that it is a permanent build ing , not, show a nd e ac h o f whom i s in c ha rg 'e I "ISN'T GOLDEN GUERNSEYa portable one, the current houseIof some special feature: GOOD .'"wil l b e moved and r e - e s t a ~ l i s . h e d , ab 1 1\1rs, Herbert W. B ie be l' , 1111'S.solutely free of charge, wlt hJ l1 a 50- i Phillip Chasc, Mrs . S. Harold Crof i ,mile radius of Devon. ' !\Irs. Clarence T. Faries, Mrs. EdwardMrs. Charles C. Harrison, 3d, of R. Feicht, 1111'S. Horace L i \ ' ( ~ r s i d g ' ( ' , I

    Ne\\io\\'n S q u : ~ r e , is chairman of the 1111' .. Ed\\'in :II. Lyons, 1111'S. ,l\Iatthew I!cottage comnl lt te e. 1 \l rs . Frank C. 1I1l'Vlck('r, 1\115. Clark 1\lorIan, 1\lrs"Roberts, Jr. , of Haverford, is treas James 1\loorc, l\Irs. Po\\'ers 1\loore, iurer. Members o f t hi s c ommi tt ee a rc M rs, A. W. Pickford, I'll'S. C, Les-'at t he cot ta ge dai ly during visiting tel' Sherman, l\lrs. Harry C. Tily, ihours to show g ue st s a ro un d a nd 1\lrs. Robert Wood, Mrs. LeRny A.:answer pert inent ques tions . Wonell. i

    Admission to th e show is twenty:Boy Riding Bicycle Struck by Ca r Ifi\'e cents. 'While l!l 'iving his cal' south on cnn-I

    shohocken road near L1anberris road, Relief i n Township DecreasesBala , l ast Sa turday afternoon, George I Five less cases of r e li e f we re reH. Carl', of ,115 Narberth a v ~ n u e , Nar - p or te d i n L ower l \ I c r i o ~ l last week in:ber th , s t ruck a boyan a bIcycle . cont ra st w i th t he pre\'lous week, theThe in jured boy, Thomas Herb , of f igure now standing at 30 families on310 Penn r oad, \Vynnewood, was t he rolls. Narberth's cases remained

    t ak en t o Dryn Mawr Hospi ta l by Mr. ;It three.Carr, where he was treated for abrasions of elbow, h ip a nd leg.