Download - Our Town August 4, 1923

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town August 4, 1923



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    Formin,g NewCode for N ar-



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    To Call BuildersConference

    \ 'arlll'rlh B or ou gh C oun (' il i s nowI'llgagl'd in all entire revisivII of th eBnih l il lg C"d l' . The lV'Ork i ll no t simply au amendment of th e r e " ~ ' n l l y ' re\'i,,',1 "od", hu t tIl(' writing' iIf a hrandIH)\\' d-fu' Ulnen t .It \ \11 ' hu t a fe " 1I10nths ago Ihat.

    l 'xh1Jlsi\,(} ( 'IUIIlg't.)8 wpre lnad e to ('Ollfonn with the 1,'eolllllLl'IHlatiOIlR of th eFil' l ' l"n,h'r\\'riters, Irregularities II l1dpoj II t s of eOIrt'usioll have hel'n found,ill"" Ih:11 time, Hllll C,>Un,' il {( 'pIs thflta II",," ('{Hle w ill h" nee,'SSIlI'Y fo r " ~ l m 1'11'1(' fail'lll'RS an d sat i sfadion.{'lIdl'l' th,' dil'edioll (If I'r('si,lent

    11,111, th, ""W ('o,lt' ha s hC"1I ,Irafted,'"111 is 1I0\ \' ! J"i l lg multi/lrllphl'll. A" " i ' ~ ' of tlrp dO('IIII1... lIt l\ ill J.p S,'lIt, noto ll ly t o t h" B011 II l'lOSl'ly l'ollteste'd game' "Ul'\,,"from th e Steut.oll Park ti'lIIn of Phi,la' Onl' af thl' hig- f pl lt ur es o f t he pro,Ielphin. 'Thl ' finnl s('ore was. 8i, iu II A'rllm to be presenti',ot hl'lp hul hp hel l( 'lill"d h ~ th,' moral all11osphl'rp of the":III,!' ,,"d Ihl' p h ~ ' s i " a l ad\'allt',gps of,f.. r,'d. Th,' pul l to ge tb pr s p ir it o f th el "u I' 1' i s t il ll ', ull a lo ng t h" l i ne , f ro ll l!Iirl 'dor f.;ehultz t n LoinI ', th e ,'ook.Th l' h l' ll u ti fn l p'1\'i I'Oll III "lit of th e

    "II II,!' III l ist hI' se('11 to he appl'e,'iated,\1\ ,1 t1l t trip :tlnng: tht1 PprkiuJn{tll i ill itsdf lIlost, l'lIjoyah]" I I l Id ill"trul"the ,] 11,,1 thllt Horlll' " , ( , I I lllerite,1 prais('

    i, dll " H"Alut l ll as le l ' l ' at t "11 of t h Xar,),.'rth tr,oop, H" h:ls \\orkl'd fo r 81'\""I''' 1 ~ ' l ' : " ' S 1I0W ill gett ing t oget h" r a'"lIlIher of h o ~ ' s , who will h(' II ('l'l'llitIII oul' Boroug'h, if they will ('ontillue10 pradil '" thl' l l ' s . ~ o n s in Sf'OUt meth,".Is thl',r h",l' re('l' i \ 'ed ulHl will rl'. 'ei"ef,."m hil11 allll whi le a t Camp D"ll11ollt.


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town August 4, 1923


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    ot cour.., WIdeUver - u rp laae- u rtime.

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    .lI. . I . . ~ T " C l W . & 8 I H l D J ~ . G ~ t ~ .n1J,fARBEUflePENNt\rc .. D I i . ) , I h q ~ e 3 7 ~ . : . N l g h ~ : P h o n e 1616-3'

    \ \ 'l t iph hilS just made it!. a p p e . a r , ~ n t ' eOn t h , ' f r on t of our huilrling',

    A Message From theBulletin Board


    Yesterday I was an idea-today I am a reality,created for the purpose of bearing daily messages tothe people of Narberth.I f you will keep in touch with me, as you dai ly passthis office you will be informed on many matters ofgeneral interest-Club and 6rganization activitiescoming events in Narberth, etc.I will also speak to yoU f rom time to time on whatthe Narberth'Coal & Building Material Company,of which I am .a par t- is doing and trying to do toserve you and' win your confidence,'so eventually you

    will be one of our satisfied customers.I will plan to give you first hand information onquestions pertaining to coalllndbuildingmaterials andin many w a y ~ a c t asaninformation. service station.

    Agents for Westinghouse Electric Co.Special for This Week

    NOISELESS 9" FAN GUARANTEED FORFIVE YEARS, $10.00We are closed on Tuesday and Thursday evenings

    W. G. CASE, Manager

    29 BA LA A v nNUHB A L A - C YNWYD



    Telephone Cynwyd 662

    C. H. CRANE.\

    77uI 3 t J r o ~WE DELIVER ANYWHERE

    Cooling. Specials

    to build an income prot ec ti on fund f or u se w he n sickness or lackof employment causes a. temporary lOBS of income,A f ixed amount saved each week an d deposited regula.rly here willgrow surpr1Singly fast.As li tt le a s $1 will open a sav ing Account and 4% interest Iscredited, compounded.

    Radio Narberth Electric Shop Radio


    LUMBER For All Kinds of REPAIRS

    Begin NowThe Brightest Spot in NarberthA Drug Store in t he Most Modern Sense o f the Term


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    By Oollum lUghter

    * * *(1, ... 1,,1' .1 "husoll sai,1 th " t "veryhotly

    Ii,,,l at I t 'as t "nl ' i,ll'a hu t 1Il1f"rtullatl'lytil .. i,h'a l I ~ l I , t l l y Was II h:1I1 one, Hi s\ "rdid "'as entirel.\ too swe,'villg illth,' d l l ~ ' ,.f it s prolHlnnCl'ml'lIt :11111 jot< l ikl ' ", i sl ' most woeful ly i l l, ' or rpd to day, pa r tk l l ll l rl y i\-hl'1I \\'1' ,:ilt, as II( 'l ise il l point l \ f i ~ z o u r a '8 on,' i , I " ' ~ 1 re~ ' : I I ' d i l 1 g ' \\,:Iff'Ies, whi('h S(l\."'ffiR rn he tnaid and I II ll 't t . he ir myster ious , l"II'1' h., d lf, ove s i ll a large "a"l'rnal tht, fl"ont of a gl'nerons "lope, without thl' asi1:lyed hy "Our 1'0\\'11"('ollum Righter (1Ite1ll!ber I - . B ~ - " V n nt W a y n ~ , defereul'c to .Mir ,zoura wc .shl.dl s a ~ 'intcrcs.ti,tg Japlluese Tree, rst "OUSIII " v . . .Bryn Mawr at A r ~ i u o r e , Naroberth at. thnt she c1esl'rves to be awnrder! th eof thl'llinl's, though i,t doesn't 10'ok it . _" f Baln.-C'.vllwyd.. f orma l p ap er s pemrltting he r to goF i n n l l y , : l . l r ~ ' .\r,lmoream< des lr{)ns 0. . . t l n ~ o i l g l l lift' hencefoOrth IlS II feminine'eduention wilJ plell ll l' 11111 :It thoF.di , Sreember 3 (A, M.)-Wwyne a'll ,iourneYlIla,I tabIe finisher.tor ' s homC', ' l' ll l' rl ' i$ II n il '' ' r ow 011 Ardmore; Berwynll , t Narberth, Bala- * * it

    , ~ a p i e ' AV:l'lIue for. ,lelllollstl'lItiOll pur-, Cynwyd at B r y n : : ~ o l l , w r . '. '.' 'Everything med'it'lIl, totiie I'.ontrnn'pOSOR;. . S. e p t . e ~ I J b e i ' . 3 ' :P . M . ) ~ N l i t b e . rt h at . . ., h '" .\' i l { ) t w i t b l l t n l l ! l ! i l l ~ ; , it il.l>pell.fs.t e,re is. 'W e of NJlr1:iertlt lire . prone tosi't/fl ' WarM. A r d m o r e l l ~ < 1 3 a l a - C y r i : w y d , B r Y n sa.f . e t ~ - il l . lIum . h e ~ s . ' w . h C l ' 6....' ';n t : . 6 u r ' . ' n 4 i g h ' , b o ~ . I I : Q f . .. t,y.o. ...Lile.s . ' , , ~ . ~ . s t ; .. f tB . . . ' '. ~ ,4' ' - .. " awl- n . e rwyn, ; o o J i . c ~ r n ( ' d . ,E"el!. t1! 'permit iI. .Brit : e ~ ~ ~ ' i h ~ " r ' l I l : d s t ! l p i f e f u l . l l l ~ i l u ? n t s , .". ". tw9 i ~ l c h : . 9 p ~ c e t 6 ~ : i \ , 4 1 J > . ~ t ' ~ e e , l l . y i i ~ ~ ; .w e : s h i l l i ~ d ; J l : ' , ; I V i s h . t l t i i , r t b e ~ f u a g i u l l . " . . .. ..... .. ' . ,. .' .yOJl!lI>( t h ~ ' - i n i l l \ b i t l l l l f s .O'f .tl)c :trilcJ{: , .. j8 r h ~ r 8 ~ b & e r l p t i O n . p ~ ; i d ' .'. . ' ( c c i n t t . ~ ~ M ~ ~ . ' ~ a ~ ~ ~ )

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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town August 4, 1923


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    City Office1214 Locust Street

    Just now you should bemaking arrangements forconvenient, economicalcooking throughout th e remainder of the summer'andf or t he years to come. Youcan throw off servantt roubles and coal and ashesworries by having ins talled in your home all -gas1-itchen ~ p p l i a n c e s .

    $12,500New holIow-tile residence, near completion, 7 rooms and bat h, har dwoodfloors, tile bath, all improvements, garage,near station.

    Desirable lots in this suburb are becoming mighty scarce. We- h ave a few, welllocated, attractively priced, near station.RestI'icted development.

    $15,000Newall-stone residence, splendid floorplan, large rooms. All imp rovements.Lot 60x160 feet. Near station.



    "', :

    If you suddenly find you rs el f w it ho ut b u tt e r o r s ug arafter store hours or on a Sunday or hol id ay , y ou ar ehelpless. Bu t if some thing shou ld happen to your gasmeter . o r p ip in g to shut off th e flow of gas, you wouldfind he lp qu ickly . In such an emergency you ca n telephone us at a ny m in ut e of th e da y o r nig ht, a nd a. representative will go to you as fast as auto' or motorcycle ca n carry him. Ours is an on-time-all-thetimeservice.

    $ ~ . O O 'iDown. Then$5.00 Pe r Month . To ta l ,$61000. Oash Price,$57.95.


    Oleaners an d DyersRepairing Pl1lSSing Remodeling

    Phone Narber t h 1749-R We call fo r a nd deliver102 Forest Ave. (Opposite Elm H all) N arbe rth, Pa.

    We announce the opening, on August 1st, of a branchshop at 14 Bala Ave., Bala-Cynwyd.

    The same expert, prompt service, which has builtour large business in Narberth, will be offered to th eresidents of Bala-Cynwyd.

    Come in and see the latest devices and le t us answerany questi ons as to the remodeling of your kitchenalong modern, aU ..gas l ines . Easy term payments onRanges, Water Hel:j.ters a n other appliances.

    'Phone Ardmore 17 Today. T h ~ C C ) U l l t i e s ,Gils&',Electric Company

    Ardmore ..... . B i ' y n ' M a ~ W a Y l i e .

    ...... 0_.__1_0_,_0"._._1_'_'_'_'_0 '__ l I ~ . _ a _ D _ ' _ I +


    8.16 A.M.". . " '.6. l5P.M . .

    Five Unusual Offerings at Very Low Cost



    Member Philadelphia Real Estate BoardNarberth Office

    At the Station

    $11,000Hollow-tile residence; 4 bedrooms andtile bath on second floor. Garag e. Convenient location.

    $9,500Hollow-ti le and frame residence, 7rooms and bath, hot water heat, etc. Lot80x125 feet, near station.

    $7,750Semi-detached s tone-and-f rame res idence, 8 rooms and bath, excellent locat ion, old shade, near station;


    Rev . A r th ur S. Walla, D. D., Pastor.R u n d ~ I Y , Aug. 5:9.4'5 A. M.-Bible RdlOo\.11.00 A. M.-Morning Won.hip. Her

    IIlJOnby the R ~ v . Paul R. Kirts, ofP t h ~ ladelph ia.

    Unum 'Praycr Mlee'ting W e d n e . ~ d a yevening, 'August 8, at the Preshytt>ri:1I1Church. .7.00 P. M.-Uni'l1!1, Qpen-air Tw'ilightRervice, 'On 'r .awn,- Wiu(lsor an d HJlmpnen Aves. ScrmOn by Rev. 'OhTI Gor,1,011, D. D., of Philadelphia.

    M ~ Z 7 . o l l r a (Iesl'rihl's the sensl it iol ! inthe trite phrase, .. ~ i g m to bUl'tin '. "Then n ~ l I i n , th,e helo\'ed poet of th epeople iIlumincd Time's p a ~ e s fQrever:lnd II d ay w it h thcl\e fo llo \v ing l ines,Iescriptiw' (If his h l ' i n ~ 0111'1' OVl'r"'aWled:., I never hed cUllf bu t Olll 't_

    Thet time I et fifteen,E n r ee ly T wuz hustin' nigh.

    En !!oOrt 0' tllrnin' gorel'n.I give 11 g l l , , ~ p en set right st.ill.By r.rlleky! It WliS awful!

    T 'd d ied, T 'l l h et , e f I h:1I1 l'tAnother dillwggone waffll'."


    Rev. Avery S. Demmy, Pastor

    HOLY TRINITY LUTHERANoiroRoHM. E. McLinn, Pastor.

    "ext W e d n e . ~ d l l Y the Uni(Hl PruycrMl'eting \\111 hl' held in th e Presbyteri an Church lit 8 P. M. m ~ ~ ~ ~On Friclay o f l as t week th e 'VQmen '8Bihle C l a . ~ s of this Ohurch ha d a mosten.joya:hle pil'nil' at Valley F'orge. 'rherewere 24 in the party.

    Rev. and ,Mrs. Van Ness ar e "pendi ug t he ir val'ati'On at Wellington on th e~ h o r e o f L ak e O nt ar io i n C an ad a.

    ~ e l ' \ " i c ' e s , Sunday, A u ~ . 5, 19'23:i';unday RI'IwoI and Biblt> Cla"s at

    P,{G A. M.' : \ ! o r n i n ~ Sl'rvil'e lit 11.00 A. M.I'rl'llc'

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town August 4, 1923


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    ' I; ' ... :..... , ..

    AT-LAS:PORTLAND' CEMENT"?heStilndard by wlz.idt. ali otJrer makesaremeasuraJ."


    AddressP. O. Box 966.

    Office hours, 9 to 12, 2 to 4 o'clock.9 o'clock.Other hours by appointment.

    PRINTINGThrough constant connections with h ig h g ra defirms in th e city, we are prepared to execute, promptly,orders for office and personal printing, engraving, etc.



    G , .. : ,,bM.ns,f.eli ' olit.hntJJOXfl,I;d ! l w n i I ~ ' , ' . C d . . . , . . ' ~ . . . . ; . . .....- ..... . . . ; . . ~ ~ - - . . ; ; . . ~ o ; -....." ; :ho:V/we ~ ~ l a f m ~ " ~ > i t I i . d e H g h t ' n s W A ~ ~ B ~ ' ! Y ~ i l l ~ : r i l a r f i e . l : ! u > ~ ; p i ~ ,-.:: ~ ~ n ' e W , ' : j # : o f j l l l j Y ' . ~ I l . I i I l \ ' q!li .. ~ f i . t I :..withIIG e h i l ~ r e n , four. od ive r o o m . ~ :.' : : : : ; ; ~ ~ # : ~ ~ t : f ; ~ ~ ; : ' I ; : 1 , ~ ~ i 4 t . ~ i i ~ ~ : : ~ ~ : ; ~ i . : t ; ~ ; l ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 f ~ : t ~ i ~ ~ ~ r : ~ t ; '.:' ' : : : I f ( h i t ~ : ' f ' , ' ' ~ ~ ! i e e ( ~ h , ( ) 1 ? .

    : . : : : . : : ~ o W J i ; ~ l i ' I i . ' ~ t ' e e k " ' b : e d ~ , : ,to' Me.b biJ.ek of. . O ' l r < T ( l \ v J i , i , " ~ . 0;'130% 9 6 ~ ; ( 4 3 . p ) '.10' . ~ : _." ~ " " " - . i i o " _ ' ' ' . . ; ' ..; ~ - . - - . : , - . . . . . . . , . ~ ; " ' - __ l) ...... ' ' . . . ~ : ' ~ . ".,"":. '. . : . .. :: . ' ,.: ....\: . -".!' '\1 .:.: . : : ~ l : . ' ~ " . ':.:' ~ ' . ...., ...

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