Download - Our Top 16 Best Converting Landing Pages of 2016

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16 Landing Page Designs

That Performed


in 2016

(Well They Each Captured Leads By The Hundreds, at least…)

Page 2: Our Top 16 Best Converting Landing Pages of 2016

With a list of more than 29,000 subscribers, I’ve overseen the delivery of more than 175

landing pages over the last 12 months…

… and that’s just from the unfunnel brand.

In total, I’ve managed over a 1,000 landing page designs, including...

1. Lead magnets

2. Sales pages

3. Facebook tabs

...and many other types of landing page with a single objective ­ in multiple niche

markets in the last year.

I don’t say this to brag…

I simply want you to know that I actually do this stuff for a living. This IS NOT

another blog post about writing better email from a guy posing to be a conversion

marketing expert.

We’ve sent users to plenty of winning landing page offers over the last year and a half

— but we’ve had our share of losers too.

In this article, you’ll get…

… the headline, visual design, body copy (word for word), landing page tool used for

each, and my analysis of the strengths of our 16 best performing landing pages

over the last year.

I'm also going to show you the conversion rate of each one. ;)

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Before we show you our best email body copy, you need to know that…

Sometimes we ask too much from a landing page offer ­ or design

A lot of landing pages, offers and designs fail because the inbound marketer doesn’t

understand the role of each part of a landing page design.

Here’s what I mean by roles…

the job of the headline is to sell the open

the job of the body copy is to sell the click

the job of the landing page is to convert ­ or sell (whether that sale is an opt­in,

a purchase, etc.)

Sometimes we make the mistake of asking the landing page to sell the click.

Or, we make the mistake of trying to sell a product in the body of the text.

Our Top 16 landing pages don’t ask the headline, visual design or body copy to do

more than their job.

But that’s not all our best performing landing pages did right.

Let’s dive in and look at our best performing landing pages by conversion rate

and see why these offers and their landing page designs got it right.

We’ll start with out 16th best performing landing page…

Page 4: Our Top 16 Best Converting Landing Pages of 2016

30 B2B Lead Generation Tactics for 2016 (47.3% Conversion Rate)

Only 1 in 10 professional marketers describe their online lead generation efforts are

“highly efficient and effective.”

For most business owners, that’s simply not good enough.

So, we’ve compiled the 30 greatest lead generation tactics into a guide and you can learn

the secrets of how the experts at unfunnel and our partners at HubSpot generate a

combined total of more than 70k leads per month.

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FREE EBOOK: Intro To Closed Loop Marketing Strategy (47.4%

Conversion Rate)

Closed loop marketing analytics relies on data and insights from closed loop reporting.

“Closing the loop” simply means that sales teams report to Marketing about what

happened to the leads that they received, which helps Marketing understands their best

and worst lead sources.

A closed­loop marketing strategy cuts through the vagueness of digital marketing myths

and assumptions, revealing concrete data about the success (or failure) of your

marketing efforts.

Agile Marketing Lessons from 7k Businesses (48.4% Conversion


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Creating an agile business strategy takes work, but how much more work does it take to

tip the scale?

If I increase my blog post frequency from once a month to twice a week, what impact

will I see?

Important questions like these, and more, are answered in our latest co­branded market

study – based on real results from HubSpot’s 7,000+ customers.



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This workbook will teach you the fundamentals of how to listen to social media

conversations in order to generate leads for your business.

It’s beyond monitoring keywords. It’s about engaging people that may or may not

know what your business can do for them.

We’ve identified the quickest way to find potential B2B and B2C prospects using

Twitter,Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Google Plus.

Every worksheet includes:

Short preparatory work to make the actual prospecting easy

Visual instructions on how and where to find prospects

Pro tips that will help you get the best results

Prescriptions (Marketing Rx) for success

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Take­home exercises for follow­up prospecting

30 Digital Marketing Interview Questions for 2016 (50.5%

Conversion Rate)

If you’re human, and skilled in anything, you probably hate interviews. Most people who

are making waves in the digital world do, I’ve learned.


I’ve had to overcome the bureaucracy and boredom – as will you.

And to help you prepare better than Erica and I have in the past, here’s a lineup of what

to expect in any scenario! :)

273 Red Hot Ideas For A Best Selling Info Product (50.9%

Conversion Rate)

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One of the most common reasons why so many people fail to create their next best

selling info product is because it takes them too long to create.

They’ve been “preparing and creating” it for years and it’s still not ready.

Sad thing… most of them would have completely abandoned or forgotten about it as

time passes.

They think because it’s a “product”, it needs to be lengthy with hundreds of pages. They

think it needs to be extensive.

But what if I can show you a way to simplify this process and make creating your info

product much faster?

UX Audit ­ Free Product Demo (51.1% Conversion Rate)

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This FREE AUDIT REVEALS How To Create High­Quality Digital Experiences to

Attract Perfect Customers, including...

Over 50 tools used to create the audit

See how you rank in SEO, usability, website architecture, social media, mobile

responsive and more

Implement these tips and double your web traffic ­ guaranteed

No credit card needed. Fill out the form below and you’re in! (We’ll also send

you the link via email)

[Download] My 7­Minute Social Media Audit (51.9% Conversion


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Why is this one killing it with conversions? It's simple...

"Use this free Social Media Marketing Audit from Digital Marketer to Grade Your Social

Efforts and Identify Opportunities to Get More Followers, Increase Engagement, and

Drive More Traffic."

'Nuff said. LOL

FREE EBOOK: Learning SEO From The Experts (52.9%

Conversion Rate)

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This ebook from unfunnel and Hubspot basically carpet­bombs the visitor with social


I mean...

Do you NOT want to know how Moz, Hubspot, Distilled and Neil Patel do SEO in 2016?

The 2016 Website Optimization Playbook (52.7% Conversion


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We all know how critical a website is to your business strategy, but what does it really

take to have a great website that drives traffic, generates leads, and converts them to


This unfunnel playbook is the ultimate resource to having a killer website.

[SWIPE] The Perfect List of Client­Getting Email Campaigns

(54.6% Conversion Rate)

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I just love “swipe copy” – it’s tested and proven acquisition marketing copy that you can

cut­and­paste and use in your emails and promotions.

What I’ve found is that the better I get at writing copy and digital marketing as a whole,

the more I like to start with a tested and proven idea.

After that, I tweak it and make it my own.

And I’m not unique – the very best copywriters in the world have the biggest libraries of

swipe copy.

Here’s why: reinventing the wheel is not only a lot harder, but it’s also a lot riskier. It’s a

lot safer to use something that’s worked before.

If you’re looking for some great “client acquisition” copy as a digital marketing agency or

consultant of any kind, here's a 28­page collection of his best email campaign swipe file

for getting high­ticket clients.

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FREE DOWNLOAD: Unfunnel's Top 10 Email Marketing Campaigns

(54.9% Conversion Rate)

Our Top 10 email campaigns don’t ask the subject line or email body to do more than

their job.

But that’s not all our top emails did right.

Let’s dive in and look at unfunnel’s best emails by click­through rate and see why

these emails got it right.

Ebook Powerpoint Template for Content Marketers (55% Conversion


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We all know lead magnets work ­ but Ebook creation can be overwhelming.

Not only do you need to write the content, but you also need to design and format your

content into a professional­looking ebook or lead magnet that people will be eager to


So we took care of the design part for you...

[VISUAL GUIDE] How To Create A Linkedin Company Page (55.4%

Conversion Rate)

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To help you make the most of your LinkedIn Company Page, we’ve put together this

visual guide, which features several “Pro Tips” that LinkedIn has contributed, along with

some visual examples we’ve gathered from top­performing Company Pages.

So, flip on through and find some inspiration.

57 Must­Use Marketing Words for 2016 (59.7% Conversion Rate)

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Contained in this list are my first ten of 57 time­tested, must­use “conversion words”

that will explode revenue and conversion rates upward – for ANY business or nonprofit


...and it's the (distant) runner­up in this list.

Ready for #1?

Weighing in at a whopping 70.7% Conversion Rate, our champion...

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If people already come to your blog as a marketer, writer or consultant ­ why would you

NOT offer them a template for how the best in the biz do blogging?

Since it launched a little over a week ago, this offer ­ combined with the top performing

landing page design used to push it ­ has captured hundreds of leads in more than half a

dozen countries.

That’s a wrap for our best performing landing pages of 2016 ­ here’s to an even better

content­filled 2016!

Do you think offers or design mattered most?

Did your favorite offer make the list?

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Next Step? The Ultimate Website Redesign Template:­redesign­kit