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Page 2: Our Partnership with Mayo Clinic: Digitizing Your Print Practice

The outcome?

We know the ePublishing world like the back of our hands.

That̓s why much of our method has revolved around reviewing what our clients and partners already have, consulting them on what they should be doing next and then using our branding and publishing expertise to digitize them into the 21st century.

There̓s a lot you can learn from our partnership with medical practice and research group There̓s a lot you can learn from our partnership with medical practice and research group Mayo Clinic and the groundbreaking eBook line they created with out help. Mayo Clinic came to us with a robust decades-old print publishing program and a desire to extend its reach. Our branding eye fixed and focused instantly on the “decades-old”, and we began assembling a branding strategy that would digitize Mayo Clinic̓s print program elaborately and elegantly.

An endless stream of digital success. Mayo Clinic̓s ePublishing plan did exactly what our branding strategies and services are designed to do, which is to reach a wider customer base, enhance brand notoriety and increase sales all while turning content into influence.

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Digitizing a Robust Print Program Increases Your Customer Base

We specialize in helping brands embrace the know-how to digitize their print publishing programs and we do it because of what it did for Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic was already turning content into influence by publishing newsletters and print books to the benefit of their customers. But the highly successful medical company needed to expand their reach digitally, which was by then the difference between a success and fallback in the field of content marketing. Indeed, digitizing your print program caters to and expands your customer base exponentially.

Like with Mayo Clinic, it makes the services and products you offer available on a variety of Like with Mayo Clinic, it makes the services and products you offer available on a variety of online platforms while also being more affordable. The result of this is a brand with a more widespread reach and a more satisfied and impressed customer base. We want our clients to see the value of an eBook line in a major eTailer because their customers certainly do.

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It Also Increases Your SalesThe bottom line is that an increase in digital visibility can often generate an increase in sales. And that̓s exactly what happened with Mayo Clinic. Our partnership helped create an additional stream of revenue and an increase in sales for the company as a whole. Publishing a new line of eBooks also allowed Mayo Clinic to advertise and distribute bulk and premium to advertise and distribute bulk and premium eBook offers online and on their mobile app.

We believe in thinking creatively about everything from engaging with customers, to developing an eBook line, to increasing company sales. Digitizing a print program invites that creativity into your brand and company because it allows you to consider what you̓re selling, where you̓re selling it and to whom yoto whom you̓re selling it to throughout the digital expanse, from Amazon to Barnes and Noble.

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It Sometimes Allows for Multiple Messages and a More Clear Brand VisionDigitizing an eBook line offers the understated privilege of being able to brand anddisseminate a diversity of expertise and knowledge while also giving your company̓s thought leader a more stable platform from which to preach your brand message.

The eBook line RosettaBrand developed with Mayo Clinic is a perfect example of the field of potential in front of you.

We worked intimately with Mayo Clinic̓s production team to publish expert-driven titles specifically tailored to the interests and experiences of Mayo Clinic̓s consumers.

Mayo Clinic̓s eBook line zeroed in on everything from Mayo Clinic̓s eBook line zeroed in on everything from healthy eating to home remedies to pregnancy and in doing so expanded Mayo Clinic̓s voice, diversified it, elaborated it and made it more accessible to customers. This is the kind of fulfilled and impactful brand vision we at RosettaBrand strive to develop for you by digitizing your print practice.

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ConclusionOur one word take on our partnership with Mayo Clinic is innovative. That̓s because our B2B partnerships thrive on our knowledge of ePublishing and our vision of turning content into influence creatively and innovatively.

Digitizing your print practice honors that vision because it gives you the flexibility you need to think creatively and innovatively about engaging with your customers, increasing sales and disseminating your brand message.

The fact is, digital content revenue is expected to The fact is, digital content revenue is expected to increase from $275 million in 2012 to $1.4 billion in 20171. There̓s a clear reason for that, and that̓s because of the mainstream impact it̓s having.

Mayo Clinic̓s eBook line zeroed in on everything from Mayo Clinic̓s eBook line zeroed in on everything from healthy eating to home remedies to pregnancy and in doing so expanded Mayo Clinic̓s voice, diversified it, elaborated it and made it more accessible to customers. This is the kind of fulfilled and impactful brand vision we at RosettaBrand strive to develop for you by digitizing your print practice. !

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