Download - Our Mission statement - Flyer · OUR MISSION STATEMENT. The protection of human health is at the centre of our work. Through our independent scientific assessment, research and the

Page 1: Our Mission statement - Flyer · OUR MISSION STATEMENT. The protection of human health is at the centre of our work. Through our independent scientific assessment, research and the


Page 2: Our Mission statement - Flyer · OUR MISSION STATEMENT. The protection of human health is at the centre of our work. Through our independent scientific assessment, research and the

The protection of human health is at the centre of our work.

Page 3: Our Mission statement - Flyer · OUR MISSION STATEMENT. The protection of human health is at the centre of our work. Through our independent scientific assessment, research and the

Through our independent scientific assessment, research and

the transparent communication of health risks, we make an impartial

contribution to the safety of foods and feeds, products and chemicals.

Page 4: Our Mission statement - Flyer · OUR MISSION STATEMENT. The protection of human health is at the centre of our work. Through our independent scientific assessment, research and the

We research and advise in order to minimise animal experiments to an essential minimum and to guarantee the best possible protection level for laboratory animals.

Page 5: Our Mission statement - Flyer · OUR MISSION STATEMENT. The protection of human health is at the centre of our work. Through our independent scientific assessment, research and the

The results of our work promote a factual and social discourse, thus providing decision-makers with a scientifically well-founded basis.

Page 6: Our Mission statement - Flyer · OUR MISSION STATEMENT. The protection of human health is at the centre of our work. Through our independent scientific assessment, research and the

Our work is characterised by an open and respectful approach. Tolerance, reliability and mutual appreciation form our common foundations.

Page 7: Our Mission statement - Flyer · OUR MISSION STATEMENT. The protection of human health is at the centre of our work. Through our independent scientific assessment, research and the

On this basis, we set scientific standards in consumer health protection so that the

world becomes a safer place for people to live.

Page 8: Our Mission statement - Flyer · OUR MISSION STATEMENT. The protection of human health is at the centre of our work. Through our independent scientific assessment, research and the

About the BfRThe Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) is a scientifically independent institution within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) in Germany. It assesses the health risks of foods, consumer products and chemicals and prepares recommendations on how these risks can be minimised. Within this work, the BfR makes a decisive contribution towards protecting consumer health.

Page 9: Our Mission statement - Flyer · OUR MISSION STATEMENT. The protection of human health is at the centre of our work. Through our independent scientific assessment, research and the

BfR – German Federal Institute for Risk AssessmentMax-Dohrn-Straße 8–1010589 Berlin, GERMANY Tel. +49 30 18412-0Fax +49 30 [email protected]/en

Photos Mission statement: BfR, Igrik/Fotolia, Choreograph/iStockphoto, paulaphoto/Shutterstock

Page 11: Our Mission statement - Flyer · OUR MISSION STATEMENT. The protection of human health is at the centre of our work. Through our independent scientific assessment, research and the

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Page 12: Our Mission statement - Flyer · OUR MISSION STATEMENT. The protection of human health is at the centre of our work. Through our independent scientific assessment, research and the