Download - OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP - · sentimos, como coraje. Y es una emoción necesaria. Está allí para avisarnos que nos podemos lastimar. Debemos de tener miedo a

Page 1: OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP - · sentimos, como coraje. Y es una emoción necesaria. Está allí para avisarnos que nos podemos lastimar. Debemos de tener miedo a

OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP 5250 CENTRAL AVE. RIVERSIDE, CA 92504 OFFICE (951) 689-8921 FAX (951) 689-3619 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: SCHOOL (951) 689-2125


SATURDAY / SABADO/ Thứ Bảy 4:00pm English


7:30am English 9:00am English 11:00am Español 1:00pm Español 3:00pm Tongan (1st Sun/month) 5:00pm Vietnamese 7:00pm English (Youth Mass)


8:00am English

RECONCILIATION / CONFESIONES /Giải Tội 9:30am Saturdays / Sabados / Thứ Bảy

and by appointment

JUNE 9, 2013

OFFICE HOURS / Horas de Oficina/ Văn Phòng Giáo Xứ Monday - Friday 9am-12pm & 1-5pm Sunday 8:30-11am SACRAMENTS / Sacramentos Weddings/Bodas Baptisms/Bautizos 689-8921 ext. 100 CATECHETICAL FORMATION /Formación Catequética Religious Ed (Eng) & Confirmation: Mary Fisher 217-2676 Rel. Ed (Span) / Catecismo: Eva Jaimes 686-4077 Religious Ed (Viet): Sr. Hang Le 689-8921 ext. 105 RCIA: Steve & Corinne Swiecki 990-4824 Catecismo para Adultos: Martin Flores 934-3227 Youth Ministry: Socorro Islas 329-2486 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES / Ministerios Litúrgicos Altar Servers: Victoria Beehler 784-0199 Monaguillos: Edelmira Natividad 680-0540 Lectors: Mildred Polk 801-1779 Lectores: Rubi Albiter 452-6235 Environment: Margaret Tyrrell 780-6647 Euch. Ministers: Chris McAdams 683-6329 Eucaristia: 11am Victor Madrid 909-208-8401 1pm Raul y Bertha Juarez 687-1689 Ushers: Mike Koury 687-5328 Ujieres: Elva y Martin Villalobos 689-7728 PASTORAL MINISTRY / Ministerio Pastoral Bereavement: Marie Hoesman 778-9191 Visit of the Sick: Lincon Mena 689-8921 Comunion a los Enfermos: Raul Juarez 687-1689 COMMUNITY-BUILDING & SERVICE/ Servicio y Comunidad Our Lady’s Guild: Jean Fortuna 687-3423 Golden Agers: Marie Hoesman 778-9191 Fellowship: Flora Helepiko 489-9755 Welcoming Ministry: Juanita Wielenga 681-8849 Small Faith Communities: Donna Nurre 684-7922 Pequeñas Comunidades: Lourdes Flores 934-3227 Pro Life / Pro Vida: Maria Islas 261-4548 Food Pantry/Dispensa de Comida: Lynda McAndrew 689-8921 Church Cleaning/ Limpieza de Iglesia: Nereyda Navarro 354-5788 PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY / Oración y Estudio Bíblico Devotions: Marie Fiveash 359-1739 Grupo de Oración: Rosario Vasquez 237-1054 Grupo de Mujeres: Rosario Vasquez 237-1054 Grupo de Hombres: Cresencio Puente 687-4659

Pastoral Coordinator: Dr. Sarah Elder Priest Ministers: Fr. Timothy Do & Fr. Rogelio Gonzalez

Deacon: Nam Bui School Principal: Ann Meier

Parish Secretary: Karla Romero 689-8921 ext. 100

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Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 9, 2013

“Do not be afraid.” Many of us are afraid. I certainly have many fears. I am afraid of suffering physically. How many more surgeries could I stand? How much chemo? I am afraid of certain people who have appointed themselves as verbal abus-ers in my life. I am afraid, desperately afraid, of things happening to my children. That would be the worst… Sometimes I am even afraid of myself. What might I do? The human heart is “desperately corrupt”; the hu-man mind can be stressed beyond endurance. Your fears are probably different from mine. Or your fears may be covered up, hidden even from yourself, by an outward shell of aggression or coldness. But, sooner or later, we humans definitely experience fear. It is part of the Human Condition. That was why Jesus kept talk-ing about fear, and the need not to be afraid. Because Jesus was fully human, He experienced fear too in the Garden. It is a normal emotion that we experi-ence, like anger. And it is a useful emotion. It is there to warn us that we could get hurt. We should be afraid of certain things and people, and avoid them: gang neighborhoods, abusers, and credit card debt, to name just a few things we should avoid. But fear can stop being useful. It can take a hold of us and go out of control. It can stop us from doing what we need to do--it can even be the enemy of love. Jesus commanded not to “give in” to this fear. Peace and con-fidence in God, like love, is a choice. To strengthen us as we make this choice, we can give ourselves time and space to breathe and pray. We can take quiet time to center on God, to renew our faith. I find it especially useful to thank Him for all the trials he from which He has ALREADY delivered us. “Many are the trials of the righteous one. But the Lord delivers him from them all.” If you look back on your life--you will see! God has delivered you many times. And re-member to pray to your Guardian Angel! Keep fear where it belongs--it’s a useful tool as an early warning system--but a terrible master. And remember, God’s plans for you are plans for good and not for evil. “Do not be afraid.” Reflection by Dr. Sarah

Everyone can help FINISH THE CHURCH FLOOR!

Simply use the green DDF envelopes in our church and place your donation in

the collection.

If you haven’t contributed yet this year, THERE’S STILL TIME!

You may make a donation today

or a monthly donation

or a weekly donation


Help us beautify our place of worship!


Please make your monthly payments using the

GREEN ENVELOPES in church and place it in the collection.

Tickets: $1 each or 6 for $5

Buy tickets after Mass or in Parish Office.

Drawing will be NEXT SUNDAY on Father’s Day - June 16th

Proceeds support the completion of our Church Project.

Wouldn’t you LOVE to win tickets to Disneyland?

Page 3: OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP - · sentimos, como coraje. Y es una emoción necesaria. Está allí para avisarnos que nos podemos lastimar. Debemos de tener miedo a

Decimo Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario

9 de junio, 2013

“No tengas miedo.” Muchos de nosotros tenemos miedo. Yo tengo muchos miedos. Tengo miedo de sufrir físicamente. ¿Cuantas cirugías puedo soportar? ¿Cuanta kimoterápia? Tengo miedo de cierta gente que abusa verbalmente de mi. Tengo miedo, miedo desesperante de que les pase algo a mis hijos. Eso sería lo peor… A veces tengo miedo de mi misma. ¿Que puedo hacer? El corazón humano es “desesperadamente corrupto”; la mente humana se puede estresar más de lo que se pueda aguantar. Sus temores probablemente son diferentes a los míos. O sus temores pueden estar escondidos, bajo una concha de agresión o frialdad. Pero tarde o temprano, nosotros los humanos sentimos miedo. Es parte de la Condición Humana. Por eso es que Jesús seguía hablando del miedo, y la necesidad de tener miedo. Como Dios fue completamente humano, El sintió miedo también en el Jardín. Es una emoción normal que sentimos, como coraje. Y es una emoción necesaria. Está allí para avisarnos que nos podemos lastimar. Debemos de tener miedo a ciertas cosas y personas, y evitarlos: vecindarios de pandillas, abusadores, y deuda de tarjetas de crédito, para nombras algunas cosas que debemos evitar. Pero el miedo puede dejar de ser útil. Nos puede tomar y estar fuera de control. Nos puede detener de hacer lo que debemos de hacer--puede ser el enemigo del amor. Jesús nos mando a no dejar que nos “tome” este miedo. Paz y confianza en Dios, como el amor, es una opción. Para fortalecernos en esta decisión, nos podemos dar tiempo y espacio para respirar y orar. Podemos tomar tiempo en silencio para centrarnos en Dios, para renovar nuestra fe. Yo siento bien al darle gracias por todas las pruebas de las cuales YA nos ha salvado. “Muchas son las pruebas. Pero el Señor los salva de todas.” Si te pones a hacer memoria de tu vida--¡ya veras! Dios te ha salvado muchas veces. ¡Y recuerda de rezarle a tu Angel Guardián! Deja el miedo donde le corresponde--es útil como sistema de aviso--pero un terrible dueño. Y recuerda, los planes de Dios para tí son planes para bien, no para mal. “No tengas miedo.” Reflexión por la Dra. Sarah

¡Todos pueden ayudar a TERMINAR EL PISO de la iglesia!

Simplemente ponga su donación en los

sobres verdes en la iglesia y póngalo en la colecta.

Si aun no has contribuido, ¡AUN LO


Puedes hacer una donación hoy mismo o

Donaciones mensuales o

Donaciones semanales ¡TU DECIDES LA CANTIDAD!



Favor de hacer tus pagos usando los SOBRES VERDES en la iglesia y ponerlos en la colecta.

Boletos: $1 cada uno o 6 por $5

Compre boletos despues de Misa y en la oficina.

La Rifa sera el PROXIMO DOMINGO el Dia del Padre-Junio 16

Fondos son para ayudar a terminar el piso

de iglesia

¿Te GUSTARIA ganar boletos para Disnelandia?

RETIRO DE CRECIMIENTO: Junio 21 y 22 viernes 6pm-9pm y sabado 8am-7pm en el Salón Este retiro es para todos lo que ya han vivido un

Retiro de Iniciacion. Entrada GRATIS

¡Favor de traer un platillo para compartir!

Page 4: OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP - · sentimos, como coraje. Y es una emoción necesaria. Está allí para avisarnos que nos podemos lastimar. Debemos de tener miedo a

NEW REGISTRATION / Nueva registración CHANGE OF ADDRESS / Cambio de Dirección

Complete this form & drop it in the collection basket Llene esta forma y deposítela en la canasta de la colecta NAME/Nombre: ________________________________________________ PHONE / Teléfono: ________________________ ADDRESS / Dirección: ______________________________________________________________________________________

mà Thiên Chúa không làm được. Thực tế, điều chúng ta biết rõ là các nỗi buồn ngày nay không thể kết thúc như vậy, đám tang của người thân chúng ta không thể dừng lại như bài Phúc âm Chúa nhật hôm nay, nhưng phải tiến thẳng ra nghĩa trang và phó mặc thi thể đó trong lòng đất và ra về với cõi lòng tan nát đau thương. Với ơn thánh Chúa cứu giúp, chúng ta tin tưởng rằng sự đau buồn đó có thể thay đổi, đó là ơn cứu độ, là dịp may cho người thân chúng ta thăng tiến về phần linh hồn, vì trong một thế giới có sự hiện diện của Thiên Chúa, thì không có đau buồn nào gọi là mất mát cả. LỜI CẦU NGUYỆN VÀ THĂM VIẾNG BỆNH NHÂN Trong Cộng Đoàn chúng ta có một số ông bà anh chị �m đang yếu bệnh, hoặc vì tuổi tác già nua cần nhiều lời cầu của ông bà anh chị �m. Nguyện xin Thiên Chúa và Đức Mẹ nâng đỡ những người ấỵ. Đồng thời xin thân nhân thông báo cho Trưởng Giáo Khu, Chủ tịch và thành viên Hội Đồng Mục vụ để tiện việc đề cử người thăm viếng.

LIFELINES / LINEAS DE VIDA Pregnant & Scared? You have options:

¿Embarazada y tienes miedo? Tienes opciones: 1-800-395-HELP /

Hurt by an Abortion? For hope & healing contact:

Ayuda para sanar despues de un aborto: English 1-800-HOPE-790 Español 909-520-3867

Natural Family Planning / Planificación Familiar Natural : 909-475-5351

Adoption Needs / Adopción

Holy Family Services 1-800-464-2367


June 09, 2013

Trích đoạn sách các Vua, con trai của một bà chủ nhà trong cơn bệnh nguy kịch, Ngôn sứ Êlisa kêu lên cùng Chúa cho linh hồn nhập lại đứa trẻ, và nó được cứu sống. Bà hết lòng ngợi kh�n người của Thiên Chúa, và lời của Thiên Chúa nơi miệng ông là lời chân thật.

Trích thư Thánh Phaolô Tông đồ gởi tín hữu Galatians về việc trước kia ông th�o đạo Do Thái, rồi bắt bớ và phá hoại người Công giáo. Nay được Chúa Kitô hoán cải nên ông rất nhiệt thành rao giảng Lời Chúa trong các dân ngoại tại vùng Arabia, rồi trở về Damas. Bài Phúc Âm hôm nay thuật lại câu chuyện Chúa Giêsu đã can thiệp vào đám tang cậu con trai của bà góa thuộc thành Na-im. Không biết bằng cách nào Chúa Giêsu làm hồi sinh một thanh niên chết sống lại. Tin Mừng chỉ nói một cách đơn sơ rằng: “ Ngài dừng đám tang lại, sờ vào quan tài và nói ‘Hởi người thanh niên, Ta truyền cho ngươi hãy chỗi dậy’.” Người chết liền ngồi dậy và bắt đầu nói. Rồi Chúa Giêsu đ�m trả lại cho bà mẹ. Và bà đã không ngừng ngợi kh�n và cảm tạ Thiên Chúa. Chúng ta không hề biết bằng cách nào đức Giêsu cứu sống chàng thanh niên, chỉ có niềm tin, không có việc gì

Page 5: OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP - · sentimos, como coraje. Y es una emoción necesaria. Está allí para avisarnos que nos podemos lastimar. Debemos de tener miedo a


Tambien necesitamos:

Cartones de Huevos vacios Y Bolsas de plastico

¡Muchas gracias por su ayuda!




PLASTIC BAGS! Thank you for your help!


6:30pm to 8pm in the Parish Hall. All High School Youth invited!

We will also continue to meet during


GRUPO DE JOVENES: Te invitamos TODOS LOS JUEVES de 6:30pm a 8pm en el Salón Parro-

quial. ¡Todos los jovenes están invitados!

¡Continuaremos reuniones en el verano también!

Led by Fr. Rogelio Gonzalez 10-week Program in English begins

Monday, July 8th at 7pm

This course is good for all Catholics who want to reconnect with their Catholic Faith or wish to learn more about it. It is a dynamic program with videos,

discussions and more! FREE!


Dirijido por Padre Rogelio Gonzalez Programa de 10 semanas comienza el

Martes, 9 de Julio a las 7pm

Este curso es para todo Católico que quiera reconectarse con su fe católica y para los que desean aprender más sobre ella. ¡Es un prograna dinámico con videos,

pláticas y más! ¡GRATIS!

Page 6: OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP - · sentimos, como coraje. Y es una emoción necesaria. Está allí para avisarnos que nos podemos lastimar. Debemos de tener miedo a

WEEK OF JUNE 9—15 SUNDAY _______ JUNE 9 DOMINGO 8:30am Grupo de Hombres MC-A 9:00am Eng Children’s Liturgy Office Mtg Rm 10-11:30am Tongan Community Rm 6 10:30am Catechist Meeting Office Mtg Rm 11am & 1pm Sp. Children’s Lit Rm 1 3:30-5pm Viet. First Comm prep Hall 7-9pm Youth Fellowship Hall 7:00pm AA MC-A MONDAY JUNE 10 LUNES_ 9am-3pm School Picnic Hall 1-2pm School Church 6:00pm AA Hall Annex 6:30pm Middle School Ministry Hall 6:30pm Choir - Fidel Church 6:30-8pm Food Bank Meeting Office Mtg RM 7:00pm Grupo de Oración MC-A 7:00pm Sp. Marriage Prep Office Mtg Rm 7:00pm Sp. Baptism Classes Chapel TUESDAY JUNE 11 MARTES 9:30am Grupo de Mujeres Hall 7:00pm Confirmation Church WEDNESDAY ___JUNE 12 MIERCOLES 6:30pm Choir-Pablo Room 6 6:30pm Bible Study in Spanish MC-A 8-9pm Tongan Choir Room 8 THURSDAY __ JUNE 13 JUEVES 9am-12pm Adoration Chapel 6:30pm Youth Group Hall 7:00pm Conjunto Pastoral Office Mtg Rm FRIDAY __ __ JUNE 14 VIERNES 9-11am Church Cleaning Church 5:30pm Rehearsals Church 6pm Bible Study Office Mtg Rm SATURDAY JUNE 15 _SABADO 9:30am Confessions Church 11:00am XV– Susan Garcia Church 1:00pm XV– Karen Gonzalez Church 10am-12 Youth Choir Office Mtg Rm


A todas las familias que deseen reservar la imagen de la Virgen Peregrina, favor de llamar a la oficina de la parroquia.

Any family wishing to reserve the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, please call the parish office.


JUNIO 9 Maria Zamarripa Hdz. 1:00pm

JUNIO 16 Rosario Cabada 11:00am

JUNIO 23 Irma Chavez 1:00pm

JUNIO 30 Laura Lopez 11:00am

El ministerio de la Virgen Peregrina les brinda a las familias la opor-tunidad de practicar la devoción del rezo del Rosario y fomentar la unión familiar a través del compartimiento de su fe, oración, dones y carismas. A todos que hacen esto posible, gracias.

The ministry of the Pilgrim Image of Our Lady gives families the op-portunity to practice the devotion of praying the Rosary and encour-ages family unity by sharing their faith, prayer and gifts. We thank everyone who makes this possible.

MINISTERIO DE HOMBRES Nos reunimos todos los domingos de 8am a 11:30am en el Segundo piso del Centro de


Este mes estaremos compar-tiendo el mensaje de la

Palabra con el lema: “El Silencio de la Cruz”

Invitamos a todos los hom-bres de la parroquia.


Nos reunimos todos los martes en el Salon Parroquial de 9:30am a

11:30am. Invitamos a todas las

mujeres de la parroquia.

Taller de Sanación Para Víctimas y Sobrevivientes de Abuso y Violencia: Parroquia de Ntra. Sra. del Monte Carmelo Sabado, 15 de junio 9am a 4:30pm Costo: $15 (incluye material, desayuno ligero y comida) 100% Confidencial Este retiro es solo para personas mayors de 18 años Para más información, favor de llamar a la oficina dioce-sana al: (909) 475-5129

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DEVOTIONS For the Continued Gift of Community here at O.L.P.H.

Please remember in your prayers the following parishioners or members of their family who are

ill or are recovering from illness or surgery:

Albert Alarcon, Maria Batres, Helen Berenato, Margaret Chávez, Sandra Chávez, Victor Diaz, Ruthie Doll, Margarita Ellis, Troy W. Félix, David Fortuna, Martha Freeman, Dolores Gregor, Jessica Gurrola Thompson, Hilario Jimenez Contreras, Rogelio Juárez, Patti Kirchoff, Amparo Lopez, Angelina Lord, Debbie Maldonado, Jim Maldonado, Al McAdams, Mary Mendoza, Rick Montes, Yolanda Montes, Amalia Moreno, Mrs. Norris, Mario Órnelas, Sylvia Órnelas, Anne Marie Ortega, Ron Quezada, Helen Quiroz, Pedro Quiroz, Tina Reed, Ernie Rincon, Nathan Rodriguez, Jesse Santos, Lorie Santos, Dorie Sebastian, Georgia Smith, Linda Sinatra, Shirley Shovah, Richard Troup, Bill Valdez, Opalani Vaipulu, and Dickie Ybarra

READINGS FOR THE WEEK: June 10-16 Monday:2 Cor 1:1-7; Ps 34:2-9; Mt 5:1-12 Tues:Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Ps 119:129-133, 135; Mt 5:13-16 Wednesday: 2 Cor 3:4-11; Ps 99:5-9; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: 2 Cor 3:15 - 4:1, 3-6; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14;Mt 5:20-26 Friday: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 116:10-11, 15-18;Mt 5:27-32 Saturday:2 Cor 5:14-21; Ps 103:1-4, 9-12; Mt 5:33-37 Sunday:2 Sm 12:7-10, 13; Ps 32:1-2, 5 7, 11;Gal 2:16, 19-21;

Lk 7:36 — 8:3 [7:36-50]

LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA: Junio 10-16 Lunes: 2 Cor 1:1-7; Sal 34 (33):2-9; Mt 5:1-12 Mar: Hch 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Sal 119 (118):129-133, 135; Mt 5:13-16 Miér: 2 Cor 3:4-11; Sal 99 (98):5-9; Mt 5:17-19 Jue:2 Cor 3:15 — 4:1, 3-6; Sal 85 (84):9ab, 10-14; Mt 5:20-26 Vier:2 Cor 4:7-15; Sal 116 (115):10-11, 15-18; Mt 5:27-32 Sábado: 2 Cor 5:14-21; Sal 103 (102):1-4, 9-12; Mt 5:33-37 Domingo:2 Sm 12:7-10, 13; Sal 32 (31):1-2, 5 7, 11; Gal 2:16, 19-21; Lc 7:36 — 8:3 [7:36-50]

Please pray the Intentions of Pope Benedict XVI for the MONTH OF JUNE:

General Intention: That a culture of dialogue, listening, and mutual respect may prevail among peoples. Mission Intention: That where secularization is strongest, Christian communities may effectively promote a new evange-lization.

EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS SCHEDULE SAT, JUNE 15- CAPTAIN 4:00pm Lillian Kalmar SUN, JUNE 16- CAPTAIN 7:30am Christine Stanley 9:00am Lynda McAndrew

All invited to pray for your need and in thanksgiving: SUNDAY- Rosary after 7:30am Mass MON & TUES—Rosary after 8am Mass WEDNESDAY - Jesus King of All Nations after 8am Mass THURSDAY - Holy Hour after 8am Mass to 12noon FRIDAY - Rosary in Prayer Garden after 8am Mass Divine Mercy - last Sunday of ea. month 2:30-4pm in chapel

ALTAR FLOWERS: $35 for flowers placed under Risen

Christ and your intention is placed here.

SATURDAY JUNE 8 4:00pm +Bob Shovah 9th Anniversary by Shirley Shovah SUNDAY JUNE 9 7:30am +Diane Kinsinger by Mariz Gonzalez Intentions of Bob Pooley by McAndrew Family 9:00am Intentions of Ron Quezada by Rick, Hope & Gloria Intentions of Birthday of Lauro R. Lopez by his daughters +Ines by Tom & Marie Hoesman Intentions of 55th Anniversary of Jean & Andy Fortuna 11:00am +Victoria Martinez y Luis Sanchez de Beatriz Ortiz +Arminda Rivera de su hija +Padre Ernesto Gonzalez de Familia Villalobos +Lorenzo Arreola Samaniego de Blanca Arreola 1:00pm +Judith Santamaría de Raquel Santamarina +Carmela Salas de Jose Lucero 5:00pm +Le Kim Hoa 7:00pm Pro Populo MONDAY JUNE 10 8:00am Intentions of Birthday of Geneva Wilson by Gloria Gurrola +Christopher Guerra by his parents In thanksgiving by Vu Thu Family TUESDAY JUNE 11 8:00am For Souls of Purgatory by Pedro Sanchez +Pham Thi Nhien WEDNESDAY JUNE 12 8:00am +Nguyen Thi Cay THURSDAY JUNE 13 8:00am For Souls of Purgatory by Raquel Sanchez +Nguyen Huu Song FRIDAY JUNE 14 8:00am Intention of Birthday of Rheena Riggs by Rafols Family +Giuse Chuc +Maria Preciado by Maria Villaseñor SATURDAY JUNE 15 4:00pm Pro Populo SUNDAY JUNE 16 7:30am FOR ALL FATHERS 9:00am FOR ALL FATHERS 11:00am POR TODOS LOS PADRES 1:00pm POR TODOS LOS PADRES 5:00pm FOR ALL FATHERS 7:00pm FOR ALL FATHERS