Download - Our Clergy, Staff, and Lay Leadership Welcome You!… · 9/10/2020  · ham’lachim, ha-kadosh baruch hu ... Baruch

  • Our Clergy, Staff, and Lay Leadership Welcome You!

    Jill L. Maderer, Senior Rabbi

    Eli C. Freedman, Rabbi

    Rita Glassman, Cantor

    Alan D. Fuchs, Rabbi Emeritus

    William I. Kuhn, Rabbi Emeritus

    Henry B. Bernstein, President

    Jeffrey W. Katz, Executive Director

    Jennifer D. James, Director of Youth Education

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    Discover the Rodeph Shalom Vision Statement

    ♦ Immersed in Jewish time ♦ Guided by enduring values ♦ Compelled to moral action

    We create profound connections

    Immersed in Jewish time Sustained by the sacred rhythms of the Jewish year, pivotal moments of the Jewish life

    cycle, and generations of Jewish history, we are part of something greater than ourselves.

    Living in Jewish time teaches us how to express meaning in the everyday, to gather as a

    community, and to walk with each other through the joys and sorrows of our lives.

    Guided by enduring values

    The timeless wisdom of our tradition inspires our intentional quest for truth,

    righteousness, and purpose amid the uncertainties we face in our world. We dedicate

    ourselves to Judaism’s ethical messages to treat each other with loving-kindness. The

    faithful, the skeptic—and those who perceive God in different ways—wrestle to renew

    the teachings of Torah for our present and for the future of the Jewish people.

    Compelled to moral action

    In a broken world, we commit to be a voice of conscience and to engage in the work of

    social justice. From our doorstep to our neighborhood and beyond, we welcome the

    stranger and embrace our responsibility to connect with and learn from others.

    We create profound connections

    We seek meaning in shared experiences and cherish our diverse perspectives. We who

    are new to synagogue life or have extensive Jewish backgrounds; we who are Jewish or

    who share our lives with Jews; we who live within different family constellations, who

    are of all abilities, gender identities, sexual orientations, races, and generations: we enter

    the synagogue to celebrate, to learn, to laugh, to heal, to pray, to challenge ourselves,

    and to connect with others about the deepest questions of our lives.

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    Friday, Shabbat Evening Service

    Simchat Torah & Consecration October 9, 2020

    Led by: Rabbi Jill Maderer, Rabbi Eli Freedman,

    Cantor Rita Glassman

    Candles & Kiddush: Miles, Kim, Eli, and Elliott Lesser

    Torah Reader: Jessica Shore

    Thank you to the Sally Mitlas Band for providing music for Simchat Torah.

    We open with an Israeli musical medley from the Sally Mitlas Band.

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    Blessing over the Candles

    BARUCH ata Adonai, Eloheinu Melech ha-olam,

    asher kidshanu b’mitzvotav

    vitzivanu l’hadlik ner shel Shabbat.

    ה,ָָּּרּוךב ָּ יי ַָּאת עֹול ם,ָּ ֱאֹלֵהינּוֶָּמֶלךָּה

    יו,ָּ נּוְָּבִמְצֹות ַאֶשרִָּקְדש

    ת. ְוִצו נּוְָּלַהְדִליקָּנֵרֶָּשלַָּשב

    BLESSED ARE YOU, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe, who hallows us with mitzvot,

    commanding us to kindle the light of Shabbat.

    Blessing for the Children

    Yismech Elohim k’Ephraim v’chi-Menashe.


    May God make you like Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, Leah, Ephraim and Menashe.

    May the Holy One bless you and keep you.

    May the Holy One shine light upon you and be gracious to you.

    May the Holy One turn towards you and give you peace.

    Yesimech Elohim k’Sarah Rivka Rachel v’Leah ֵחלְָּוֵלָאה הָּר הִָּרְבק ר יְִשיֵמְךֱָּאֹלהיִםְָּכש

    Yivarechecha Adonai v’yishmerecha

    Ya’er Adonai panav eilecha vichuneka

    Yisa Adonai panav eilecha v’yasem lecha shalom

    ֶרְכָךָּ ְויְִשְמֶרָךָּיי ָּיְב

    נ יוָּיי ָּי ֵארָּ ֵאֶליָךִָּויֻחנֶך ָּ פ

    אָּ לֹוםָּיי ָּיִש נ יוֵָּאֶליָךְָּוי ֵשםְָּלָךָּש פ

    נִים ַלתָּפ ַקב KABBALAT PANIM—WELCOMING

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    BARUCH ata Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam,

    haMotzi lechem min haaretz.

    ה,ָָּּרּוְךב ָּ יי ַָּאת עֹול ם,ָּ ֱאֹלֵהינּוֶָּמֶלְךָּה

    ַהּמֹוִציאֶָּלֶחםִָּמןָּה ָאֶרץ.

    Blessing over the Wine or Grape Juice (Kiddush)

    BARUCH ata Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam,

    borei p’ri hagafen.

    ה,ָָּּרּוְךב ָּ יי ַָּאת עֹול ם,ָּ ֱאֹלֵהינּוֶָּמֶלְךָּה

    בֹוֵראְָּפִריַָּהג ֶפן.

    Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam,

    asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’ratza vanu,

    v’shabbat kod’sho b’ahava uv’ratzon

    hinchilanu, zikaron l’ma’aseh b’reishit. Ki

    hu yom t’chila l’mikra-ay kodesh, zaycher

    l’tziat mitzrayim. Ki vanu vacharta v’otanu

    kidashta mikol ha’amim. V’shabbat kod-shi-cha

    b’ahava uv’ratzon hinchal tanu. Baruch ata

    Adonai, mi’kadesh ha Shabbat.

    הָּ עול ם,ָָּּיי ָּב רּוְךַָּאת ֱאֹלֵהינּוֶָּמֶלְךָּה

    נּו.ָּ צ הָּב יוְָּור נּוְָּבִמְצֹות ֲאֶשרִָּקְדש

    צֹוןָּ הָּּוְבר ְדשֹוְָּבַאֲהב ְוַשַבתָּק

    נּוָּזִכ רֹוןְָּלַמֲעֵשהְָּבֵראִשית.ִָּכיָּ ִהנְִחיל

    ֵאיָּקֶדשָּזֵֶכרָּ הּואָּיֹוםְָּתִחל הְָּלִמְקר

    נּוָּ ְָּואֹות ַחְרת נּוָּב יִם.ִָּכיָּב ִליִציַאתִָּמְצר

    ְדְשָךָּ ַעִּמים.ְָּוַשַבתָּק ִָּמכ לָּה ִקַדְשת

    הָָּּ נּו.ָּב רּוְךַָּאת צֹוןִָּהנְַחְלת הָּּוְבר ְבַאֲהב

    ְמַקֵדשַָּהַשב ת.ָּיי ָּ

    BLESSED ARE YOU, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe, creator of the fruit of the vine.

    Blessed are you, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe,

    who finding favor with us, sanctified us with mitzvot.

    In love and favor, You made the holy Shabbat our heritage as a reminder

    of the work of Creation. As first among our sacred days, it recalls the

    Exodus from Egypt. You chose us and set us apart from the peoples.

    In love and favor You have given us Your holy Shabbat as an inheritance.

    Blessed are you, Adonai, who sanctifies Shabbat.

    BLESSED ARE YOU, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe, who brings forth bread from the earth.

    Blessing over the Challah (HaMotzi)

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    PEACE BE WITH YOU, ministering angels, messengers of the Most High, messengers of the Ruler of Rulers, the Holy One, Blessed be God.

    SHALOM ALEICHEM mal’achei hashareit mal’achei elyon mimelech malchei

    ham’lachim, ha-kadosh baruch hu

    ֵרתלֹוםֲָּעֵליֶכםָּש ָּ ַמְלֲאֵכיַָּהש


    דֹושָּב רּוְךָּהּוא ִכיםַָּהק ַהְּמל

    Shalom Aleichem (S. Brazil)

    Bo’achem l’shalom mal’achei hashalom

    mal’achei elyon mimelech malchei

    ham’lachim, ha-kadosh baruch hu

    לֹוםָּ לֹוםַָּמְלֲאֵכיַָּהש בֹוֲאֶכםְָּלש


    Come in peace, messengers of peace, messengers of the Most High,

    messengers of the Ruler of Rulers, the Holy One, Blessed be God.

    Barechuni l’shalom mal’achei hashalom

    mal’achei elyon mimelech malchei

    ham’lachim, ha-kadosh baruch hu

    לֹוםָּ לֹוםַָּמְלֲאֵכיַָּהש ְרכּונִיְָּלש ב


    דֹושָּב רּוְךָּהּוא ִכיםַָּהק ַהְּמל

    Bless me with peace, messengers of peace, messengers of the Most High,

    messengers of the Ruler of Rulers, the Holy One, Blessed be God.

    Tzeitchem l’shalom mal’achei hashalom

    mal’achei elyon mimelech malchei

    ham’lachim, ha-kadosh baruch hu

    לֹוםָּ לֹוםַָּמְלֲאֵכיַָּהש ֵצאְתֶכםְָּלש


    דֹושָּב רּוְךָּהּוא ִכיםַָּהק ַהְּמל

    Go in peace, messengers of peace, messengers of the Most High,

    messengers of the Ruler of Rulers, the Holy One, Blessed be God.

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    Yism’chu (C. Taubman)

    YISM’CHU hashamayim v’tageil haaretz. Yiram hayam um’lo-o. (2x)

    Ya ma ma ma ma mai (6x)

    ְמחּויִָּ גֵלָּה ָאֶרץ.ָָּּש ְ ַמיִםְָּות ה ַּש יְִרַעםַָּהּי םָּּוְמֹלאֹו.

    Let the heavens rejoice and the earth exult, let the sea and all within it tremble.

    BELOVED, COME to meet the bride; beloved come to greet Shabbat.

    Shamor v’zachor b’dibur echad, hishmianu

    El ham’yuchad, Adonai echad ush’mo echad,

    l’shem ul’tiferet v’lit’hilah.

    ָֽנּוָּ ד,ִָּהְשִמיע מֹורְָּוז כֹורְָּבִדבּורֶָּאח ש

    ד,ָּ דָּּוְשמֹוֶָּאח ד,ָּיְי ֶָּאח ֵאלַָּהְּמיֻח

    ְלֵשםָּּוְלִתְפֶאֶָֽרתְָּוִלְתִהל ה.

    Likrat Shabbat l’chu v’neilcha, ki hi m’kor

    hab’rachcah, meirosh mikedem n’suchah, sof

    maaseh b’machashava t’chilah.

    ִלְקַראתַָּשב תְָּלכּוְָּונְֵלכ ה,ִָּכיִָּהיאְָּמקֹורָּ

    כ ה,ֵָּמר אשִָּמֶקֶָֽדםָּנְסּוכ ה,ָּסֹוףָּ ַהְבר

    ב הְָּתִחל ה. ַמֲעֶשהְָּבַמֲחש

    “Keep” and “remember”: a single command the Only God caused us to hear;

    the Eternal is One, God’s Name is One; glory and praise are God’s.

    Come with me to meet Shabbat, forever a fountain of blessing.

    Still it flows, as from the start; the last of days, for which the first was made.

    Hitor’ri, hitor’ri, ki va oreich, kumi

    ori, uri uri shir dabeiri, k’vod Adonai

    alayich niglah.

    ּוִמיָּ ִהְתעֹוְרִריִָּהְתעֹוְרִרי,ִָּכיָּב אָּאֹוֵרְךָּקָֽ

    ּוִריִָּשירַָּדֵבִָֽרי,ְָּכבֹודָּיְי ָּ ּוִריָּעָֽ ֹוִרי,ָּעָֽ אָֽ

    ָֽיְִךָּנִגְל ה. ַל ע

    Bo-I v’shalom areret ba’lah, gam b’simchah

    uv’tzoholah, toch emunei am s’gulah, bo-i

    chalah, bo-i chalah.

    הָּ לֹוםֲָּעֶטֶָֽרתַָּבְעל ּה,ַָּגםְָּבִשְמח ֹוִאיְָּבש בָֽ

    ֹוִאיָּ ֳהל ה,ָּתֹוְךֱָּאמּונֵיַָּעםְָּסגֻל ה,ָּבָֽ ּוְבצ

    ֹוִאיַָּכל ה. ַכל ה,ָּבָֽ

    Awake, awake, your light has come! Arise, shine, awake and sing:

    the Eternal’s glory dawns upon you.

    Enter in peace, O crown of your husband; enter in gladness, enter in joy.

    Come to the people that keeps its faith. Enter, O bride! Enter, O bride!

    L’cha Dodi (Mizrahi)

    L’CHA DODI likrat kalah, p’nei Shabbat n’kab’lah.

    ִלְקַראתַָּכל ה,ָּכ הָּדֹוִדיָּלְָּ ְפנֵיַָּשב תָּנְַקְבל ה.

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    ַעְרִביתְָֹּלַשב תARVIT L’SHABBAT

    Barchu (Nusach– Traditional)

    BAR’CHU et Adonai ham’vorach! Baruch Adonai ham’vorach l’olam va-ed!

    ְך.ְָּרכּוב ָּ ֶאתָּיְי ַָּהְמב ר ְךְָּלעֹול םָּו ֶעד. ב רּוְךָּיְי ַָּהְּמב ר

    PRAISE ADONA I to whom praise is due forever! Praised be Adonai to whom praise is due, now and forever!

    BAR’CHU atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech haolam, asher bidvaro maariv aravim,

    b’chochmah potei-ach sh’arim, uvitvunah

    m’shanch itim umachalif et haz’manim,

    um’sadeir et hakochavim b’mishm’roteihem

    barakia kirtzono. Borei yom valailah, goleil or

    mipnei choshech, v’choshech mipnei or. Umaavir

    yom umeivi lailah, umavdil bein yom

    uvein lailah, Adoani Tz’vaot sh’mo. El chai

    v’kayam, tamid yimloch aleinu l’olam va-ed.

    עֹול ם,ָּ הָּיְי ,ֶָּאֹלֵהָֽינּוֶָּמֶָֽלְךָּה ב רּוְךַָּאת

    הָּ ְכמ ִבים,ְָּבח רֹוַָּמֲעִריבֲָּער ֲאֶשרִָּבְדב

    ִרים,ָּּוִבְתבּונ הְָּמַשנֶהִָּעִתים,ָּ פֹוֵתַָֽחְָּשע


    יַעָּ ִקָֽ ר ִביםְָּבִמְשְמרֹוֵתיֶהםָּב ַהכֹוכ

    ָֽיְל ה,ָּגֹוֵללָּאֹורָּ ִכְרצֹונֹו.ָּבֹוֵראָּיֹוםָּו ל

    ֶשְךִָּמְפנֵיָּאֹור.ָּּוַמֲעִבירָּ ֶשְך,ְָּוח ָֽ ִמְפנֵיָּח ָֽ

    ָֽיְל ה,ָּּוַמְבִדילֵָּביןָּיֹוםָּ יֹוםָּּוֵמִָֽביאָּל

    ָֽיְל ה,ָּיְי ְָּצב אֹותְָּשמֹו.ֵָּאלַָּחיָּ ּוֵביןָּל

    ָֽינּוְָּלעֹול םָּו ֶעד.ָּ ֵל ִמידָּיְִמלֹוְךָּע ְוַקּי ם,ָּת

    BLESSED are You, Adonai, our God, Ruler of the universe, who speaks the evening into being, skillfully opens the gates, thoughtfully alters the time and changes the

    season, and arranges the stars in their heavenly courses according to plan. You are

    Creator of day and night, rolling light away from darkness and darkness from light,

    transforming day into night and distinguishing one from the other. Adonai Tz’vaot is

    Your Name. Ever-living God, may You reign continually over us into eternity.

    Blessed are You, Adonai, who brings on the evening.

    Baruch atah, Adonai, hamaariv aravim. .ִבים הָּיְי ,ַָּהַּמֲעִריבֲָּער ב רּוְךַָּאת

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    ָֽד ֵאלָּיְהו הֱָּאֹלֵהינּוָּיְהו הֶָּאח ְשַמעָּיְִשר Sh’ma yisrael, adonai eloheinu, adonai echad!

    Hear O Israel, the Eternal is our God, the Eternal is One!

    ב רּוְךֵָּשםְָּכבֹודַָּמְלכּותֹוְָּלעֹול םָּו ֶעדָּ

    Baruch shem kavod malchuto l’olam va-ed.

    Blessed is the name of God’s glorious kingdom for ever and ever.


    V’AHAVTA et Adonai Elocha, b’chol l’vav’cha uv’chol nafsh’cha uv’chol m’odecha. V’hayu

    had’varim ha-eileh asher anochi m’tzav’cha

    hayom al l’vavecha. V’shinantam l’vanecha

    v’dibarta bam, b’shivt’cha b’veitecha,

    uv’lecht’cha vaderech uv’shochb’cha

    uv’kumecha. Uk’shartam l’ot al yadecha v’hayu

    l’totafot bein einecha. Uch’yavtam al

    m’zuzot beitecha uvisharecha.

    L’maan tizk’ru, vaasitem et kol mitzvotai

    vih’yitem k’doshim l’Eloheichem. Ani

    Adonai Eloheichem, asher hotzeiti et-chem

    mei-eretz Mitzrayim lih’yot lachem l’Elohim,

    ani Adonai Eloheichem.

    ְבָך,ָּ ֱאֹלֶהָֽיָך,ְָּבכ ל ֵאתָּיְי ָָָּּאַהְבת ָּוְָּ ְלב יּוָּ ּוְבכ לָּנְַפְשָך,ָּּוְבכ לְָּמא ֶדָָֽך.ְָּוה

    ֵאֶָֽלה,ֲָּאֶשר ִריםָּה ָאנ ִכיְָּמַצְּוָךָּ ַהְדב

    ָֽיָך,ָּ ַהּיֹום,ַָּעל ֶנ םְָּלב ֶבָָֽך.ְָּוִשנַנְת ְלב

    ָּב ם,ְָּבִשְבְתָךְָּבֵביֶתָָֽך,ָּ ְוִדַבְרת

    ְכְבָך,ָּ ּוְבֶלְכְתָךַָּבֶדֶָֽרְך,ָּּוְבש

    םְָּלאֹות יּוָּ ּוְבקּוֶמָָֽך.ָּּוְקַשְרת ַעלָּי ֶדָָֽך,ְָּוה

    פ תֵָּבין ם ְלט ט ָֽיָך.ָּּוְכַתְבת ַעלָּ ֵעיֶנ

    יָך. ֶרָֽ ְמזֻזֹותֵָּביֶתָָֽךָּּוִבְשע

    י,ָּ ְלַמַָֽעןִָּתזְְכרּוַָּוֲעִשיֶתם ֶאתָּכ לִָּמְצֹות

    ִוְהיִיֶתםְָּקד ִשיםֵָּלאֹלֵהיֶכם.ֲָּאנִיָּ

    ֶאְתֶכם ֱאֹלֵהיֶכם,ֲָּאֶשרָּהֹוֵצָֽאִתי יְי ָּ

    ֶכםֵָּלאֹלִהים,ָּ יִם,ִָּלְהיֹותָּל ֵמֶאֶָֽרץִָּמְצַרָֽ

    ֱאֹלֵהיֶכם. יְי ָּ ֲאנִי

    YOU SHALL LOVE Adonai your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might. Take to heart these instructions with which I charge you this day. Impress them

    upon your children. Recite them when you stay at home and when you are away, when you

    lie down and when you get up. Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them serve as a

    symbol on your forehead, inscribe them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

    Thus you shall remember to observe all My commandments and to be holy to your God.

    I am Adonai, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt to be your God:

    I am Adonai your God.

  • 10

    Mi Shebeirach (Debbie Friedman)

    Mi shebeirach avoteinu

    M'kor hab'racha l'imoteinu

    May the source of strength,

    Who blessed the ones before us,

    Help us find the courage to make our lives

    a blessing, and let us say, Amen.

    Mi shebeirach imoteinu

    M'kor habrachah l'avoteinu

    Bless those in need of healing

    with r'fuah sh'leimah,

    The renewal of body, the renewal of spirit,

    and let us say, Amen.

    Mi Chamocha (R. Recht)

    MI CHAMOCHAH baeilim, Adonai! Mi kamochah nedar bakodesh,

    nora t’hilot, oseih fele!

    Who is like You? Who is like You Adonai?

    Who is like You, Adonai?

    Moses and the children crossed the sea,

    They sang to You with songs of joy,

    Who is like You, Adonai?

    Mi Chamochah baeilim, Adonai!

    Mi kamochah nedar bakodesh,

    nora t’hilot, oseih fele!

    כ הָּ-ימִָּ מ ָֽ ֵאִלםָּיְי ,ָּכ ב ֶדש,ָּ רַָּבק ָֽ כ הָּנְֶאד מ ָֽ ִמיָּכ

    ֵשהֶָּפֶָֽלא.ָּ אְָּתִהל ת,ָּע ָֽ נֹור

  • 11

    ְתִפל הT’FILAH

    ADONAI, s’fatai tiftach, ufi yagid t’hilecha.

    חָּד נ יאֲָּ ַתיִָּתְפת ,ְשפ ֶתָָֽך .ּוִפיָּיִַגידְָּתִהל

    ADONAI, open up my lips, that my mouth may declare Your praise.

    Avot V’imahot

    BARUCH ATAH, Adonai Eloheinu v’Elohei avoteinu v’imoteinu, Elohei

    Avraham, Elohei Yitzchak v’Elohei Yaakov,

    Elohei Sarah, Elohei Rivkah, Elohi

    Rachel v’Elohei Leah. Ha-El hagadol

    hagibor v’hanora, El elyon, gomeil

    chasadim tovim, v’koneih hakol, v’zocheir

    chasdei avot v’imahot, umeivi g’ulah

    livnei v’neihem l’maan sh’mo b’ahavah.

    הָּב רּוְךַָּאת יְי ֱָּאֹלֵהָֽינּוָָּ ֵואֹלֵהיֲָּאבֹוֵתָֽינּוְָּוִאּמֹוֵתינּו,ֱָּאֹלֵהיָּ

    ק,ֵָּואֹלֵהיָּיֲַעק ב,ָּ ה ם,ֱָּאֹלֵהיָּיְִצח ַאְבר

    ה,ֱָּאֹלֵהיָּ ה,ֱָּאֹלֵהיִָּרְבק ר ֱאֹלֵהיָּש

    ֵאלַָּהג דֹולָּ ֵחלְָּוֱאֹלֵהיֵָּלָאה.ָּה ר

    א,ֵָּאלֶָּעְליֹון,ָּגֹוֵמלָּ ַהִגבֹורְָּוַהנֹור

    ִדיםָּטֹוִבים,ְָּוק נֵהַָּהכ ל,ְָּוזֹוֵכרָּ ֲחס

    הֹות,ָּּוֵמִביאְָּגֻאל הָּ ַחְסֵדיָָּאבֹותְָּוִאּמ

    ִלְבנֵיְָּבנֵיֶהםְָּלַמַָֽעןְָּשמֹוְָּבַאֲהב ה.

    For silent Amidah, we turn to the following blessings or to the prayers of our own heart.

    Melech ozeir umoshia umagen.

    Baruch atah, Adonai,

    magein Avraham v’ezrat Sarah.

    גֵן.ָּ יַעָּּומ ֶמֶָֽלְךָּעֹוזֵרָּּומֹוִשָֽ

    הָּיְי ,ָּ ב רּוְךַָּאת

    ה. ר ה םְָּוֶעזְַרתָּש גֵןַָּאְבר מ

    Melech chafeitz bachayim,

    v’chotveinu b’sefer hachayim,

    l’maancha Elohim chayim.

    ֵפץַָּבַחּיִים,ָּ ֶמֶָֽלְךָּח

    ְתֵבָֽנּוְָּבֵסֶָֽפרַָּהַחּיִים,ָּ ְוכ


    BLESSED ARE YOU, Adonai our God, God of our fathers and mothers, God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob, God of Sarah, God of Rebecca, God of Rachel, and God of

    Leah, the great, mighty and awesome God, transcendent God who bestows loving kindness,

    creates everything out of love, remembers the love of our fathers and mothers, and brings

    redemption to their children’s children for the sake of the Divine Name.

  • 12


    ATAH GIBOR l’olam, Adonai, m’chayeih hakol atah,

    rav l’hoshia.

    WINTER — Mashiv HaRuach U'Morid HaGeshem

    M’chalkeil chayim b’chesed,

    m’chayeih hakol

    b’rachamim rabim, someich noflim,

    v’rofei cholim, umatir asurim,

    um’kayeim emunato lisheinei afar.

    Mi chamocha baal g’vurot

    umi domeh lach, melech meimit

    um’chayeh umatzmiach y’shuah.

    V’ne-eman atah l’hachayot hakol,

    Baruch atah, Adonai, m’chayeih hakol.

    הִָּגבֹורָּאַָּ ְלעֹול םֲָּאד נ י,ָּת ה,ָּ ְמַחּיֵהַָּהכ לַָּאָֽת

    יַע. ַרבְָּלהֹוִשָֽ

    — WINTER


    ְמַחּיֵהַָּהכ לָּ



    ר.ָּ פ ּוְמַקּיֵםֱָּאמּונ תֹוִָּליֵשנֵיָּע

    ֹוָךַָּבַָֽעלְָּגבּורֹותָּ מָֽ ִמיָּכ

    ֹוֶמהָּל ְך,ֶָּמֶָֽלְךֵָּמִמיתָּ ּוִמיָּדָֽ

    ּוְמַחּיֶהָּּוַמְצִמָֽיַחָּיְשּוע ה.

    הְָּלַהֲחיֹותַָּהכ ל.ָּ ןַָּאת ְונֱֶאמ

    הָּיְי ,ְָּמַחּיֵהַָּהכ ל. ב רּוְךַָּאת

    YOU ARE FOREVER MIGHTY, Adonai; You give life to all.

    You sustain life through love, giving life to all through great compassion,

    supporting the fallen, healing the sick, freeing the captive, keeping faith with

    those who sleep in the dust. Who is like You, Source of mighty acts?

    Atah Kadosh

    ATAH KADOSH v’shimcha kadosh uk’doshim b’chol yom

    y’hal’lucha, selah.

    Baruch atah Adonai, Ha-El hakadosh.

    דֹושָּאַָּ הָּק דֹושָּת ְוִשְמָךָּק ּוְקדֹוִשיםְָּבכ לָּיֹוםָּ

    ּוָךֶָּּסָֽל ה.ָּ יְַהְללָֽ

    דֹוש. ֵאלַָּהק הָּיְי ,ָּה ב רּוְךַָּאת

    YOU ARE HOLY, Your Name is holy, and those who are holy praise You every day.

    Blessed are You, Adonai, the Holy God.

    רּוַחָּּומוִרידַָּהג ֶשם ַמִשיבָּה

  • 13

    Grant Us Peace

    GRANT US PEACE, Your most precious gift, O Eternal Source of peace. And give us the will to proclaim its message to all the peoples of the earth.

    Bless our country as a safeguard of peace, its advocate among the nations.

    May contentment reign within our homes, health and happiness without our homes.

    strengthen the bonds of friendship and fellowship

    among all the inhabitants of every land.

    Plant virtue in every soul, & may the love of Your Name hallow every home & every heart.

    Praised are You, Eternal One, who blesses our people with peace.

    Oseh Shalom (E. Jagoda)

    OSEH SHALOM bimromav,

    hu ya’aseh shalom aleinu

    לֹוםָּע יו,ָֹּוֶשהָּש ִבְמרֹומ

    ֵלינּו לֹוםָּע הּואָּיֲַעֶשהָּש

    MAY THE ONE , MAY THE ONE, WHO MAKES PEACE bring peace down, bring peace down.

    Sisu V’simchu B’simchat Torah

    (Sally Mitlas Band)

  • 14

    Friday Evening Torah Reading Simchat Torah Deuteronomy 34:10 - Genesis 1:3

    הֲָּאֶש֙רָּ 10 לְָּכמ ֶשֶ֑ ֵאֵ֖ יאָּ֛עֹודְָּביְִשר םָּנ ִבִ֥ ְוֹלָֽא־ק ָ֨

    ָֽים:ָּ ִנ יםֶָּאל־פ ִנֵ֖ הָּפ ֣עֹוָּיְה ו ָ֔ תָּ 11יְד ָֽא ת ֹ֞ ְלכ ל־ה

    ֶרץָּ ֹותְָּבֶא֣ ֲָֽעשֵ֖ הַָּל חֹ֙וָּיְה ו ָ֔ רְָּשל יםֲָּאֶשֶ֤ ֹוְפִתִ֗ ְוַהּמָֽ

    ֹו:ָּ יוָּּוְלכ ל־ַאְרצָֽ ֵ֖ ד הָּּוְלכ ל־ֲעב יִםְָּלַפְרע ִ֥ ֶ֑ ִמְצר

    ֹולֲָּאֶש֙רָּ 12 אַָּהג דֶ֑ ֣ לַָּהּמֹור הָּּוְלכ ֵ֖ ֣דַָּהֲָֽחז ק ָ֔ ּוְלכ לַָּ֙הּי

    ֵאָֽל: ל־יְִשר יָּכ הְָּלֵעיֵנֵ֖ הָּמ ֶשָ֔ ֣ ש ע

    תָּ 1 יִםְָּוֵאִ֥ ַמֵ֖ תַָּהש יםֵָּאִ֥ אֱָּאֹלִהֶ֑ ֣ ר יתָּב ְבֵראִשֵ֖

    ֶָֽרץ:ָּ א ֶשְךָּ 2ה הּוְָּוחֵ֖ הּ֙וָּו ב ָ֔ הָּת ָ֨ ִ֥ ָֽיְת ֶרץָּה א ִ֗ ְוה

    ֶפתַָּעל־ְפֵנִ֥יָּ יםְָּמַרֶחֵ֖ ֹוםְָּו֣רּוַחֱָּאֹלִהָ֔ ַעל־ְפֵנ֣יְָּתהֶ֑

    ָֽיִם:ָּ ֹור:ָּ 3ַהּמ ָֽיְִהי־אָֽ ֹורַָּו יםָּיְִהי־אֶ֑ אֶמרֱָּאֹלִהֵ֖ ַוּי ִ֥

    9 Now Joshua son of Nun was filled with the

    spirit of wisdom because Moses had laid his

    hands upon him; and the Israelites heeded him,

    doing as the Eternal had commanded Moses.

    10 Never again did there arise in Israel a

    prophet like Moses—whom the Eternal

    singled out, face to face, 11 for the various

    signs and portents that the Eternal sent him to

    display in the land of Egypt, against Pharaoh

    and all his courtiers and his whole country,

    12 and for all the great might and awesome

    power that Moses displayed before all Israel.

    1 When God began to create heaven and

    earth— 2 The earth being unformed and void,

    with darkness over the surface of the deep and

    a wind from God sweeping over the water—

    3 God said, “Let there be light”; and there was


    Anenu Medley

    (Sally Mitlas Band)

  • 15

    Mourner’s Kaddish

    YITGADAL v’yitkadash sh’mei raba. B’alma di-v’ra chirutei,

    v’yamlich malchutei,

    b’chayeichon uvyomeichon uvchayei

    d’chol beit yisrael,

    ba’agala uvizman kariv, v’im’ru: Amen.

    Y’hei sh’mei raba m’varach

    l’alam ul’almei almaya:

    Yitbarach v’yishtabach, v’yitpa’ar

    v’yitromam v’yitnaseh, v’yithadar

    v’yit’aleh v’yit’halal sh’mei

    d’kud’sha, b’rich hu,

    l’eila min-kol-birchata v’shirata,

    tushb’chata v’nechemata da’amiran

    b’alma, v’im’ru: Amen.

    Y’hei shlama raba min-sh’maya v’chayim

    aleinu v’al-kol-yisrael, v’im’ru: Amen.

    ְויְִתַקַדשְָּשֵמּהַָּרב א.ְָָּּתַגַדליִָּ אִָּכְרעּוֵתּהָּ אִָּדיְָּבר ְלמ ְבע



    ֵאל,ָּ ּוְבַחּיֵיְָּדכ לֵָּביתָּיִשר

    ִריב,ְָּוִאְמרּוָָּאֵמן:ָּ ַבֲעג ל אָּּוִבזְַמןָּק

    ַרְךָּ יְֵהאְָּשֵמּהַָּרב אְָּמב

    ְלַמּי א: ְלֵמיָּע ַלםָּּוְלע ְלע

    ַרְךְָּויְִשַתַבחְָּויְִתפ ַארָּ יְִתב

    רָּ ְויְִתרוַמםְָּויְִתנַּשאְָּויְִתַהד

    ְויְִתַעֶלהְָּויְִתַהל לְָּשֵמּה

    א.ְָּבִריְךָּהּוא. ְדֻקְדש

    א א,ָּ ְלֵעל אִָּמןָּכ לִָּבְרכ ת ת ְוִשיר

    ןָּ אַָּדֲאִמיר ת אְָּונֱֶחמ ת ֻתְשְבח

    א.ְָּוִאְמרּו:ָָּאֵמן. ְלמ ְבע

    אַָּרב אִָּמןְָּשַמּי אְָּוַחּיִיםָּ יְֵהאְָּשל מ

    ֵאל,ְָּוִאְמרּו:ָָּאֵמן.ָּ ֵלינּוְָּוַעלָּכ לָּיִשר ע

    Oseh shalom bimromav,

    hu ya’aseh shalom aleinu,

    v’al kol-yisrael, v’imru: Amen.

    לום יו,ָּ עושהָּש ִבְמרומ

    ֵלינּו,ָּ לוםָּע הּואָּיֲַעשהָּש

    ֵאלְָּוִאְמרּו:ָָּאֵמן.ָּ ְוַעלָּכ לָּיִשר

    V’imru, v’imru, v’imru, Amen.

    And we say, and we say Amen.


    Closing Medley: Bashana Haba-ah (N. Hirsch/E. Manor)

    Sally Mitlas Band

  • 16

    In Memoriam: October 4 to October 10, 2020 Yahrzeit (anniversary of death)

    Mina Bacharach

    Jay B. Beneman

    Rose Woolf Block

    Florence W. Blumenthal

    Sidney Broder

    Sally Buchbinder

    Sarah Carmosin

    Linda P. Charleston

    Celia Cohen

    Albert M. Cohen

    Herman Allen Costow

    Sidney Cozen

    Reta Eisenberg

    Sophie Ettelson

    Joseph B. Feigel

    Beatrice Lipman Feldman

    David N. Feldman

    Keith Fish

    Alfred P. Fishman

    Edward Freed

    Morton A. Freezman

    Aidla R. Friedberg

    Meyer Gans

    Reba Edelman Ginsberg

    Anne Gold

    Harold L. Goldburgh

    Sanford N. Gordon

    Jacob C. Gutman

    Irma Hallo

    Henry Hirsh

    Ray Durlacher Horn

    Henry Walter Isenberg

    Abe Jaffe

    Rev. Dr. Marcus M. Jastrow

    Harold Joseph

    Henry P. King

    Irene Kliger

    Irving Krakow

    Henrietta Krumholz

    Arthur "Terry" Lefco

    Abraham Leopold

    Alan Lerner

    Jennie Robinson Leventon

    Elizabeth Levi

    Jean Levin

    Max Levin

    Louis Liebman

    Cecelia Steinberg Loewenstein

    Solomon Lowenstein

    David Mandel, Jr.

    David I. Marder

    Henrietta Mayer

    Eugene Michelson

    George Miller

    Herbert Muhlbauer

    Eleanor Viener Nieman

    Hannah B. Nissman

    Hermann Obermayer

    Roslyn Osborne

    Sammy Pezzner

    Hyman Poland

    Samuel H. Popkin

    Bernard Richman

    William Rosen

    Doris S. Rosenau

    Edna Stern Rosenblatt

    Shirley Rubin

    Jennifer Rudow

    Abe Schwartz

    Hanche Sickles

    Peggy Hahn Sinrich

    Joseph Sinsheimer

    Isaac Stein

    Jacob Sternberg

    Simon Hirshler Stiefel

    Bernard Stoumen

    David Teller

    Arthur Viener

    Louis H. Weinberger

    Valentine L. Wilson, Sr.

    Helen N. Wise

    Benedict Wolf

    Dorothy B. Woolman

    Joseph A. Woolman

    Ruth M. Wotiz

    Edith Zitwer

    Shloshim (30 days of mourning)

    Raymond Cohen

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    Andrew Greenberg

    Kathy McAdams

    Joseph John Shecora

    Richard Smith

    May the source of peace send peace to all who mourn and comfort to all who are bereaved.

  • 17

    Welcome to Congregation Rodeph Shalom

    Who is welcome here at Congregation Rodeph Shalom?

    If you are 3 days old, 30 years old, or 103 years old…

    If you have never stepped foot in a synagogue, or if this is your 1000th time here…

    If you are Jewish, or not…

    If you are faithful, doubting, or seeking…

    If you are single, married, with kids or without, divorced, widowed, or partnered…

    If you are black, brown, white, Latinx, Asian, or something else…

    If you are queer, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, questioning, or straight…

    If you have, or had, addictions, or have family members struggling…

    If you live in Center City, the suburbs, or you’re just visiting our city…

    If you are a student, looking for a job, or in a successful position…

    If you are fully-abled, disabled, or a person of differing abilities…

    You are welcome here at Rodeph Shalom!

    We would like to follow-up with you...

    Please contact: Melissa Erlick, Membership Manager, via email at

    [email protected] or 267-930-7286.

    I’d like to learn more about Rodeph Shalom.

    I’d like to know how to become a member of Rodeph Shalom.

    I’m interested in enrolling my child in Buerger Early Learning Center

    I’m interested in enrolling my child in Berkman Mercaz Limud (religious school).


    Facebook: Congregation Rodeph Shalom Blog:


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  • Staying Connected at RS (click to view the full email)

    Click here to read the October 2020 eBulletin!

    Why do we read the same book every year? When on Friday evening we

    complete the Book of Deuteronomy and begin the Book of Genesis once

    again, all of the words will be the same as last year. But...we won't be the

    same as we were last year! Every year, we grow and come to

    the Torah with new eyes. May our celebration of Simchat Torah continue to

    inspire our relationship with Torah! -Rodeph Shalom Clergy

    Get Out the Vote: Just 24 Days Until the Election

    Rodeph Shalom is partnering with the Religious Action Center (RAC) of

    Pennsylvania to educate and inspire low-propensity voters. Our goal is to

    reach 10,000 voters from underrepresented communities before election

    day! Register for our September phone banks by clicking here. If you have

    any questions about our Every Voice, Every Vote advocacy and engagement

    work, please contact Michelle Fogg.

    Anti-Racism Work Group

    We will center brown and black voices and commit to the sustained work of

    anti-racism in ourselves and in our world.

    Upcoming Discussion/Action Sessions via Zoom

    Thurs., Oct 15, 7:00-8:15pm

    Tues., Oct 20, 6:00-7:00pm

    For the list of readings and resources that will be discussed, click here.

    If you are interested in joining, click here.[email protected]://[email protected]