Download - Osteoporosis - Dunera€¦ · •Osteoporosis (=“porous bone”) is a bone disease that occurs when the body loses too much bone, does not make enough bone, or both and an imbalance

  • Osteoporosis…

    Why you may be losing bone density and how food and nutrition can help

    Brenda Rosenfeld (BAppSc, DipNat, DBM, DipNut, DRM, RN)

    5 August 2020

    Brenda Rosenfeld 0421 323 270 Clinical Nutritionist, Naturopath, Herbalist,

    Educator, Mentor, International Speaker, Registered Nurse


  • Welcome

    • I’d like to warmly welcome each of you to my talk today.

    • I feel very honoured that you have taken the time to join me and I look forward to sharing my knowledge with you.

    • I hope you enjoy the information presented today and that you find it helpful.

    Brenda Rosenfeld 0421 323 270 Clinical Nutritionist, Naturopath, Herbalist,

    Educator, Mentor, International Speaker, Registered Nurse


  • My aims for today’s brief talk are:

    • To give you a brief review of what osteoporosis is.

    • To introduce you to the reasons why you may be experiencing osteoporosis.

    • To explain the multifactorial picture that osteoporosis is.

    Brenda Rosenfeld 0421 323 270 Clinical Nutritionist, Naturopath, Herbalist,

    Educator, Mentor, International Speaker, Registered Nurse


  • My aims for today’s brief talk are:

    • To recommend what you ideally could be doing to support your health.

    • To explain why there is no magic pill.

    • And excitingly, to share how you can continue to have your cake (or chocolate) and eat it too!

    Brenda Rosenfeld 0421 323 270 Clinical Nutritionist, Naturopath, Herbalist,

    Educator, Mentor, International Speaker, Registered Nurse


  • What is osteoporosis?

    • Our bones are always very busy. They are constantly turning over and remodelling themselves and it usually occurs in a very controlled and orderly way.

    • Healthy bone under a microscope looks like beautiful honeycomb.

    Brenda Rosenfeld 0421 323 270 Clinical Nutritionist, Naturopath, Herbalist,

    Educator, Mentor, International Speaker, Registered Nurse


  • What is osteoporosis?

    Brenda Rosenfeld 0421 323 270 Clinical Nutritionist, Naturopath, Herbalist,

    Educator, Mentor, International Speaker, Registered Nurse


  • What is osteoporosis?

    • Osteoporosis (=“porous bone”) is a bone disease that occurs when the body loses too much bone, does not make enough bone, or both and an imbalance between bone breakdown and bone formation is created.

    • The density of the bone decreases and they become weak and brittle and may easily break from a fall, or in severe cases from sneezing, coughing or bending over.

    Brenda Rosenfeld 0421 323 270 Clinical Nutritionist, Naturopath, Herbalist,

    Educator, Mentor, International Speaker, Registered Nurse


  • Above and below – osteoporosis is more than what we just “see” on the surface

    Brenda Rosenfeld 0421 323 270 Clinical Nutritionist, Naturopath, Herbalist,

    Educator, Mentor, International Speaker, Registered Nurse


  • The multifactorial picture of osteoporosis

    Brenda Rosenfeld 0421 323 270 Clinical Nutritionist, Naturopath, Herbalist, Educator, Mentor, International

    Speaker, Registered Nurse9


    Emotional &



    Peri & Post


    Diet &



    Adrenal &




    Deficiencies GeneticsGut & Liver



    & Acidity

  • Eating for your bone health

    • It is not complicated which foods need to be avoided and which foods can be enjoyed.

    • The challenge is being motivated and compliant and knowing that it is a long term lifestyle change.

    • The wonderful news is that I believe that we can all enjoy a treat every day and that it is NOT to be a diet of deprivation as all that will do is cause stress and non-compliance.

    Brenda Rosenfeld 0421 323 270 Clinical Nutritionist, Naturopath, Herbalist,

    Educator, Mentor, International Speaker, Registered Nurse


  • Eating for your bone health

    • Some days will be easier than others, there will be times that you “fall off the wagon” – it is absolutely ok and all you need to do is remove the guilt, get back on the wagon and work out why you fell off and work out strategies that may prevent it in the future.

    Brenda Rosenfeld 0421 323 270 Clinical Nutritionist, Naturopath, Herbalist,

    Educator, Mentor, International Speaker, Registered Nurse


  • Eating for your bone health

    General Guidelines:

    • Reduce and avoid the foods that increase inflammation = dairy, red meat, sugar, wheat / gluten, alcohol.

    • Enjoy the foods that decrease inflammation = fresh vegetables and plenty of leafy greens, oily fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines), nuts and seeds (hemp seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, sesame seeds), olive oil.

    Brenda Rosenfeld 0421 323 270 Clinical Nutritionist, Naturopath, Herbalist,

    Educator, Mentor, International Speaker, Registered Nurse


  • Eating for your bone health

    An example of a delicious day of food:

    On waking:

    • ¼ lemon or ½-1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water


    • 1-2 eggs + avocado + spinach + 1-2 slices wheat free toast OR

    • Oats porridge served with almond milk + nuts + seeds + berries (optional)

    Brenda Rosenfeld 0421 323 270 Clinical Nutritionist, Naturopath, Herbalist,

    Educator, Mentor, International Speaker, Registered Nurse


  • Eating for your bone health

    Morning Tea:

    • The ideal time to enjoy your coffee

    • 1 x piece of fruit & / or 8-12 almonds


    • Soup OR

    • Leftovers from dinner the night before OR

    • Salad / vegetables + protein (chicken, fish, eggs or tofu or beans)

    Brenda Rosenfeld 0421 323 270 Clinical Nutritionist, Naturopath, Herbalist,

    Educator, Mentor, International Speaker, Registered Nurse


  • Eating for your bone health

    Afternoon Tea:

    • 8-12 almonds

    • Vegetable sticks with hummus or tahini

    • Gluten free crackers with nut butter


    • Vegetables + protein + rice / quinoa (if tolerated)

    After dinner:

    • Enjoy some dark chocolate (70% or higher)

    Brenda Rosenfeld 0421 323 270 Clinical Nutritionist, Naturopath, Herbalist,

    Educator, Mentor, International Speaker, Registered Nurse


  • Food sources of important bone nutrients

    Calcium – building block of bone

    • Non- dairy sources of calcium include almonds, broccoli, buckwheat, egg yolk, green leafy vegetables, sardines, soybeans

    Vitamin D – needed for absorption of calcium

    • Fish liver oils (cod, halibut, herring, tuna), egg yolk, sprouted seeds

    Brenda Rosenfeld 0421 323 270 Clinical Nutritionist, Naturopath, Herbalist,

    Educator, Mentor, International Speaker, Registered Nurse


  • Food sources of important bone nutrients

    Vitamin K – needed to lay the calcium in the bone

    • Asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, eggs, kale, kelp, lettuce, liver, oats, soybeans, spinach

    Magnesium – anti-inflammatory and needed for bone health, supports stress response

    • Almonds, barley, brewers yeast, cashews, cacao, cod, eggs, figs, kelp, leafy greens, legumes, lima beans, parsnips, seeds, soybeans, wholegrain cereals

    Brenda Rosenfeld 0421 323 270 Clinical Nutritionist, Naturopath, Herbalist,

    Educator, Mentor, International Speaker, Registered Nurse


  • Lifestyle

    • Weight-bearing exercise is needed to maintain adequate bone density and strength (you may need to be given a program by a physiotherapist, exercise physiologist or personal trainer so that it is specific to your needs).

    • If you are a smoker, stopping smoking is essential to consider for the health of your bones.

    Brenda Rosenfeld 0421 323 270 Clinical Nutritionist, Naturopath, Herbalist,

    Educator, Mentor, International Speaker, Registered Nurse


  • Why there is no magic pill

    • In my clinical experience, unless the underlying issues are addressed and treated, the body will not heal as much as it potentially can.

    • Our bodies want to be well and our bodies can remain healthy as we age. They do not need to slide into chronic ill health, fractures and pain. In order to have great health as we age, all of the elements shown in the earlier slides need to be addressed. It takes time and effort but the rewards can be well worth it.

    Brenda Rosenfeld 0421 323 270 Clinical Nutritionist, Naturopath, Herbalist,

    Educator, Mentor, International Speaker, Registered Nurse


  • Some points to take away with you…

    • The reasons you are experiencing your current symptoms and conditions are often many and usually all interrelated.

    • Inflammation is a key driver and it is essential to treat it and not just suppress it.

    • Natural therapies including diet, supplements and herbal medicines offers many treatment strategies to support you.

    Brenda Rosenfeld 0421 323 270 Clinical Nutritionist, Naturopath, Herbalist,

    Educator, Mentor, International Speaker, Registered Nurse


  • Some points to take away with you…

    • Diet and lifestyle are crucial – osteoporosis cannot be treated by supplements or medications alone.

    • Compliance is everything – if you want to be as well as you possibly can be, you need to do the work. However, it will not take long to start to notice changes in your body as you make the changes.

    Brenda Rosenfeld 0421 323 270 Clinical Nutritionist, Naturopath, Herbalist,

    Educator, Mentor, International Speaker, Registered Nurse


  • Brenda Rosenfeld 0421 323 270 Clinical Nutritionist, Naturopath, Herbalist,

    Educator, Mentor, International Speaker, Registered Nurse
