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  • 8/14/2019 Oshin Taylor principles of business Sba


    Name: Oshin Taylor

    Teacher: Miss Francis

    School: St Thomas Technical High

    Territory: Jamaica

    Centre #: 100118

    Candidate#: 1001182437

    Name of Business: Garden Cinema

  • 8/14/2019 Oshin Taylor principles of business Sba


    Table of Content

    1 Acknowledgement i2 Introduction ii3 Description of the business 14 Justification of the business 25 Selection of appropriate labour 36 Sources of fixed and working capital 47 Roles of an entrepreneur 58 Types of production 69 Level of production 710 Quality control measures 811 Use of technology 912 Linkages 1013 Potential for growth 1114 Government regulations 1215. Ethical issues 1316. Bibliography14

  • 8/14/2019 Oshin Taylor principles of business Sba



    I thank God for helping me to complete this SBA on time and I also want to thank Miss

    Francis for guiding me . I also want to thank my uncles for the necessary facilities to complete

    the SBA. I thank you all.

  • 8/14/2019 Oshin Taylor principles of business Sba



    In this school based assessment (SBA) project, it is based on the making of a cinema in a

    historical community, which is located in beautiful parish of St Thomas. Inside the SBA you will

    learn more about the cinema and where exactly it is located. You will also get a brief

    description of the business.

    THANK YOU!!!

  • 8/14/2019 Oshin Taylor principles of business Sba


    Description of the business

    Have you ever thought of watching movie under the stars in a park? Look no further.The first of its kind in the eastern end of the island will be the home of The Garden cinema. As

    the name suggests, it will be a movie theatre located smack in the middle of the Botanical

    garden. Located in the historic Bath Botanical Garden in St Thomas, it will be transformed into a

    family setting where they can enjoy the best of nature and relaxation. This one-of-a-kind state

    of the art garden Cinema will open its arms to the public in August 2012 under the patronage of

    the owner/operator Oshin Taylor and Avalesia Prussia.

    This type of business is of partnership type because it will help in the growing of the

    business. When our business has become a fully established success we will be looking towards

    franchising the concept throughout St Thomas. As a franchised company we will have to be in a position

    to demonstrate a successful method of running and controlling the business which can be set up and

    run in any part of the parish with equal success. This will be achieved by constantly monitoring and

    adapting our advertising methods in order to develop such a system.

  • 8/14/2019 Oshin Taylor principles of business Sba


    Justification of the Business

    The Garden Cinema will be located in the historic Bath community, ideally placed in the

    Botanical Garden in the parish of St Thomas.

    This is suitable located as:

    1. This will be the central location in the community and for which transportation is easilyaccessible.

    2. Placing the cinema in the community will help it to become a viable business and tomake a profit.

    3. In the community of Bath, there is a large population of people and also where thefountain is located which brings about people from all around.

    4. The desire for homebased entertainment is lacking, so this fills a huge void.

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    Selection of Appropriate Labour

    To get the Garden Cinema operating at its full capacity with efficiency, appropriate

    labour will be comprised of skilled, semiskilled and unskilled.

    The cinema will have approximately 30 workers. We have 4 skilled workers, 16 semiskilled

    and 10 unskilled.

    The skilled workers are as follows: They will be providing ground support. This typeof work is for the electrician/technicians. The business will also have an accountant

    who keeps track of daily transactions of money, an supervisor, and two heads of

    department one for the skilled and the other for the semi-skilled.

    The semi-skilled workers are consisted of: they will be providing the costumer withtickets, alone with snacks and refreshment and to ensure that the cinema is under

    tight security. This is for the 6 sales persons in the cinema and three (3) ticket


    The unskilled are: 10 janitors who clean the building.The reason for choosing this labor force is because it is suitable for this business.

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    Sources of Fixed and Working capital

    The sources of fixed capital to operate the Garden cinema will be sourced from loans

    procured from the Jamaica National Building Society (JNBS) and grant from the Tourist Product

    Development Company (TPDC) of one million dollars ($100,000). This will be used to purchase

    fixed assets which will include equipment, furniture, machinery and products that will be needs

    to get the business started.

    Working capital will be sourced from private funds, which will be used for day-to-day

    petty vouchers and to cover expenses for a period of five (5) months including.

  • 8/14/2019 Oshin Taylor principles of business Sba


    Roles of the Entrepreneur

    As the owner of the business it will be my responsibility to undertake the risk involved in

    establishing and operation of the cinema. I will be responsible for creating ideas, seeking out

    unique opportunities and looking for ways to improve the development of the business. In

    addition, I must:

    Raise capital either from saving or borrowing to invest in the business. Identify and clarify decision related to the business. Monitor the business internally and externally.

  • 8/14/2019 Oshin Taylor principles of business Sba


    Types of Production

    The Garden cinema will be operating as a part of the tertiary industry (service industry).

    The service industry provides intangible experiences to its users. It will provide entertainment

    for patrons who are essential to the well-being of the community. This undoubtedly, a unique

    experience, giving people the opportunity to interact and socialize with each other.

  • 8/14/2019 Oshin Taylor principles of business Sba


    Level of Production

    The Garden cinema will be operating at the Domestic level of production. It will provide

    quality service to patrons in the community of Bath and surrounding environs. It will provide an

    avenue economic growth in the community and self-sufficiency.

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    Quality Control measures

    The Garden cinema will provide comfortable seating for its patrons to view the best

    quality movies. Being a family-oriented environment, only appropriately rated movies will be

    offered. The park and cinema will be properly cleaned and maintained throughout the day.Food and other refreshments served will be freshly prepared and restroom facilities will be

    provided. All the daily operational activities will be monitored by a supervisor to ensure quality

    is maintained.

  • 8/14/2019 Oshin Taylor principles of business Sba


    Use of technology

    The inkjet printer will be used to manipulate genes in new ways, Digital films of

    outstanding pictures quality which are set to attract movie fans to the Garden cinema.

    Fascinating picture quality, excellent color, no shudder, no scratches etc. are eliminated. Theinnovation sound system that creates a perfect natural impression throughout virtually the

    entire area in which it is reproduced will be our pride and joy.

    Electronic ticketing system will be in place. Patrons can also purchase tickets before intended date online. Solar lighting for wall away and overhead lighting.

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    Screening first run films from major distributes such as the 20th

    century fax, cowboy

    pictures, US movie theatre HD, palm pictures, Sony etc. will be a backward linkage.

    Forward linkage to Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa where agents are given a package deal to visit

    the fountain and garden cinema.

  • 8/14/2019 Oshin Taylor principles of business Sba


    Potential for Growth

    It will be possible for the business to gain a high rate in profit because of the location of the

    business. The location can benefit the cinema because of the Fountain, Hotel and Spa which is

    located in that community. This will make access to the garden easier.

    It is hoped that the garden will expand to include a petting zoo. Other small business can benefit from the business by operating themed local/craft


  • 8/14/2019 Oshin Taylor principles of business Sba


    Government Regulations

    The Garden Cinema is a huge business that is obligated to pay taxes because the more

    profit we make the more tax we are obligated to pay therefore putting a strain on our business.

    We also have to govern our business with the articles of association and the memorandum of

    association to govern the internal and external aspects of the business.

    In keeping with the regulations set down, The Garden Cinema will ensure that:

    The premises are duly inspected for safety and emergency evacuation bythe relevant authorities.

    Cafeteria areas will be in adherence with the Health Department. Taxes turned over to the government Licenses procured for the business Obeyed acts regarding business operations.

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    Ethical Issues

    Patrons will be informed of movie ratings and contents prior to admission in order toensure religions, moral and other values are not infringed upon.

    Management will ensure that its social responsibility to the community is upheld.

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    Robinson, Karlene, ed. C.X.C Lecture Series: Principles of Business. Jamaica: Kingston 5,

    Beechwood Avenue, 2003.