Download - OSCE Master List - Ethic Communication Skills

  • OSCE Master List: Ethics and Communication Skills

    Task 1: Duplication of notes request for a specialist down south.

    Introduction PointsIntroduces self 1Obtains consent 1Checks patient details 1IntroductionListen to patient's concerns 1Calm the patient down 1Good body language 1Inquires in reason for going down South 1Professional in response to outburst 1Gains understanding of child's condition 2Duplication of NotesInform that a summary or duplication can be made 1Mention data protection act and freedom of information act 1A fee may be charged 1Can take up to 10 working days 1Information can't be given about 3rd parties, if information may harm patient or if in the public interest is in question


    Ask if she would like to take she dissatisfaction further 1Asks about her health 1Ask if she would like to discuss further social support: respite care etc 1ClosureMark from patient for excellence 1Mark from examiner for excellence 1


    Justice: Judgement involved in the determination of rights and the assignment of rewards and punishments

    Autonomy: Right to determine what happens to you.

    Beneficence: The act of doing a kind deed.

    Non-maleficence: not doing harm

    OSCE Master List: Ethics and Communication Skills Page 1 of 4

  • Task 2: Discuss HIV testing, counselling and testing

    Introduction PointsIntroduces self and obtains consent 1Checks patient details 1IntroductionUnderstand reasoning for getting test 1Confirm confidentiality 1Appreciates risky lifestyle 1Suggests behaviour change as primary prevention 1Elicits social stressors 1Inquires about health 1Elicits recent change in energy and general malaise 1HIV Testing Inform that it is a blood test and is 99% accurate 1Can be negative and still infected if infected in the last 3 months 1Discusses the difference between HIV and AIDS 1Confirms the medical advantages of knowing HIV status and treatment options 1Who to tell about the test and the result 1Discusses partner notification issues 1Sensitive at all times 1ClosureAlleviates fears and offer further support 1Gains consent 1Mark from patient for excellence 1Mark from examiner for excellence 1


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  • Task 3: Do not resusitate request. Talk about wanting this and practicalities.

    Introduction PointsIntroduces self and obtains consent 1Checks patient details 1IntroductionUnderstands situation 2Inquires into reasoning 1Inquiry into thoughts of family 1

    Ask about current symptoms 1Agree DNR can be issued 1Express that comfort will the primary treatment goal 1Issues SurroundingInquire into affairs: Financial, family, friends 2Discuss setting for death: hospice, home, hospital 1Ask if the patient would like anyone contacted 1Student tries to alleviate fear of death 1Recommend that next of kin is made aware of DNR 1Sensitivity at all times 1Good body language 1ClosureConfirm this will be added to his notes 1Mark from patient for excellence 1Mark from examiner for excellence 1


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  • Task 4: Post-mortem: Requirement and process

    Introduction PointsIntroduces self obtains consent 1Obtains consentChecks patient details 1IntroductionUnderstanding of surrounding of death 2Sensitive to grief 1Explain that a death certificate can't be issued due to circumstances 1

    Inform that their loved one has been taken to the morgue 1The post-mortem will be done within the next 48 hours 1Explain that examination of the organs will be done to find out cause of death 1The procurator fiscal will then issue death certificate 1Ask whether it burial or cremation is desired 1Use of correct language (doesn't go into too much detail about evisceration) 1Correct body language 1Issues Surrounding CaseAsk about fears or worries 2ClosureQuestion: Situation which need referral to Procurator Fiscal

    Sudden, suspicious, accidental, unexpected, unexplained deaths or important to public health


    Mark from patient for excellence 1Mark from examiner for excellence 1


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