Download - Origin of the Earth

Page 1: Origin of the Earth

Graham Loveland

Origin of the Earth

Page 2: Origin of the Earth

After the big bang there was an immense amount of super heated gas left over. Over time gravity condensed this gas and after billions of years stars started to form.

The beginning

Page 3: Origin of the Earth

Once the sun formed there was still a massive amount of gas and dust orbing it. From this the dust condensed to form planets.

How Earth formed

Page 4: Origin of the Earth

When the Earth was formed it was created by billions of asteroids colliding with the Earth. The asteroids had a large amount of iron and nickel in them which is the composition of the core. This iron and nickel core is the reason we have a magnetic field.

Earth’s core

Page 5: Origin of the Earth

Scientists believe water was formed by volcanic outgassing, the removal of gases by heat or pressure, and crystalized water on meteorites.

How water formed

Page 6: Origin of the Earth

K.S.What is the most common scientific theory for the beginning of the universe?