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Hochschule FuldaUniversity of Applied Sciences

The Orientation WeekWhat can I expect?Your questions – our answers

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Dear international students,

Are you beginning your studies at the University of Applied Sciences Fulda? If so, then you surely have many questions: Where can I enroll for courses? Where do classes take place? Where are the student cafeteria and the library? How can I meet new friends? Where can I find the answers to my questions?

The first answers to many of these questions will be available to you when you take part in the special orientation week, which the International Office has organized for the new international students at Fulda University. During this week we’ll take the first steps to-gether and you’ll be able to come in contact with many other students.

You can expect two exciting weeks packed full of activities and a lot of valuable information. And especially for you: The student mentors from the Inter-national Office. The student mentors will be your first contacts and will accompany you during the first two weeks at Fulda University.

Every new beginning brings challenges, but it’s always easier when you’re not alone. For these reasons we gladly invite you to take part in the orientation week for international students.

Your International Office Team

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And here you’ll find the five most important reasons why you should take part in the orientation week for international students:

1 Administrative Assistance2 On-campus orientation3 Information regarding life and studies in Fulda4 Making new contacts, meeting new people… and having fun!5 The official launch of the semester

On the following pages you’ll be sure to find out ex-actly what you can expect from these five points.

The five parts of the programme1 Administrative Assistance

Registration at the local citizens registration officeOpening a bank accountTaking out a health insurance policyRegistration at Fulda University (and payment of the semester fees)Registration at the local foreigners registration office


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2 On-campus orientation

Campus tour Where is the International Office?Where are the student cafeteria and the library?In which building do my seminars and lectures take place?Where can I do sports and make music?Where is the student union (and its representative for the international students)?Where are the computer labs/internet access?Where is the writing lab?

Practical city tourWhere can I buy inexpensive food and drinks?Where is the post office?Where can I find the local banks?Where are the doctors and the pharmacies?Where is the local citizens registration office and the local foreigners registration office?Where are the cinemas, bars, cafés, discos, swimming pools, gyms, …? Protestant Student Federation (ESG),Catholic Student Federation (KHG)?

And anytime you want more information, just ask your student mentor!

3 Information regarding »Living and Studying« in Fulda

Experts will give you important information about studying in Fulda in four compact info sessions.

StudiesSpeaker: Carola Ossenkkopp (ZSB)

Academic CalendarWhat are the different types of courses: lectures, seminars, exercises and homework, tutorials…How are the studies structured: Bachelor and MasterWhat is ECTS?What are the different types of exams?How do I organize and structure my schedule?Administration: Registration for exams and registration renewal







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Living arrangements and accommodationSpeaker: Carola Ossenkopp (ZSB)/MarÍa Campuzano (International Office)

If you’re still looking for accommodation: where can I spend the first nights and how can I find a place to live? The rent contractWhen do I pay my rent?Why do I need a security deposit?Separation of waste: What’s that all about?Cleaning, airing out my room…Trouble with the landlord?

Health and health insuranceSpeaker: Carola Ossenkopp (ZSB)

What kind of doctors are there and where can I find them?What do I have to allocate for costs: medical treatment fee per quarter (Praxisgebühr) and prescription feesHealth Insurance: Why do I need it? What kind do I need: statutory health scheme or private policy?I have an examination and I’m sick: What should I do?

Residence and work permitSpeaker: Sabine Frank (local foreigners office)

Residence permitRegistration at the local foreigners office: Which documents do I need?The residence permit: Appointments, costs, length of validityThe extension of a residence permitI want to change my degree or the university: what do I need to consider?

Work permitI would like to work during my studies: How much am I allowed to work? When am I allowed to work?The work permit: Which jobs require a work permit? Which jobs don’t require it?Where do I get a work permit and for how long is it valid?




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4 Making new contacts and friends

The orientation week is a wonderful opportunity to make new contacts and friends. For these reasons we’ve organized a series of events which allow students to get to know one another and at the same time explore places in Fulda and its surroundings.

Historical city tourInteresting informative and historical tour of the city of Fulda by a professional tour guide accompanied by two student mentors ending at the »Hauptwache« – the meeting place for many students in Fulda

Breakfast in »Café Ideal« – one of the most important cultural centers in Fulda – with Ulrike Wiegand and your student mentors.

And here some more »Social Events« ...

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Excursion to the Fasanerie Palace – one of the most beautiful Baroque palaces in Germany, approximately 8 km from Fulda. A professional tour guide, followed by a walk through the large palace park and/or »Kaffee und Kuchen« (Coffee and cake) (very German tradition!) in the Palace café await you. Two student mentors will accompany you.

Excursion to »Point Alpha« – on the »Day of German Reunification«, the 3rd of October, we’ll offer you an excursion to the memorial place »Point Alpha«, one of the observation points of the US military on the border between former East and West Germany, approximately 25 km from Fulda. We’ll visit the memorial place and take a walk through the former border between East and West, the »Iron Curtain«.

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Weekend at the »Wasserkuppe« – the highest mountain in Hesse (approx. 1000 m) in the biospherereserve Rhön, approx. 20 km from Fulda, accompanied by Ulrike Wiegand and two student mentors.

Program on Saturday: »Intercultural Training« with a professional trainer. On Sunday: tourist highlights to choose from: gliding museum, summer sled run, walk to the »Radom« (military radar point during the time of the Cold War), accompanied by two student mentors. wasserkuppe

Excursion to Berlin: The capital of Germany

Tours:History: Checkpoint Charlie and the Berlin Wall(2011: 50 Years after the building of the wall)Politics: The »Reichstag« (Central government building in Germany)Culture: Nefertiti in the Egyptian MuseumShopping: »Unter den Linden« and »Ku‘damm«Chill out: Bar hopping through the »Scheunenviertel« (Popular location for students)

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5 Official launch of the semester

Welcoming of all new students (German and international) by the president. Approximately 1,400 new students are expected.

Welcoming of all new international students by the president. Approximately 200 new international students are expected.

Welcoming of all new students by the Lord Mayor of the city of Fulda in the City Palace »Stadtschloss«. The DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) prize will be awarded upon one international student of Fulda University.




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Food brings people together!Shared lunch at the student cafeteria

We’ve reserved seats during the orientation weeks in the student cafeteria:

first week: 1:00 - 2:00 pmsecond week: 12:00 am - 1:00 pmDaily from Monday until Friday

Two student mentors will always be there during these times. It’s a great opportunity to get to know each other better – and the student mentors will gladly answer your questions! You will be responsible for covering your own food expenses


Ulrike Wiegand (Bachelor and Master Students)International OfficeTelephone: +49 (0)661 9640 918Email: [email protected] SSC, room 12

María Campuzano (Exchange Students)International OfficeTelephone: +49 (0)661 9640 105Email: [email protected] SSC, room 8

Melanie Grösch (Accomodation and Enrollment)International OfficeTelephone: +49 (0)661 9640 1719Email: [email protected] SSC, room 6

Student mentor team Telephone: 01578 6812 182Email: [email protected], room 6

Please register for the orientation week. The registration form can be downloaded under: