Download - Oregon NORML Medical Marijuana Handbook

  • 8/3/2019 Oregon NORML Medical Marijuana Handbook



    At Oregon NORML, we are leading thefight for commonsense regulation ofthe most useful plant ever known tomankind -- cannabis hemp. We standfor the safe protected medicinal use ofmarijuana by patients legally enrolledin the Oregon Medical MarijuanaProgram. We stand for the industrial

    use of hemp to provide food, fuel, and fiber for America and a viablecash crop for Oregon farmers. We stand for the regulated privateuse of cannabis by adults. Most importantly, we work to reformstate and federal laws regarding marijuana and bring an end to theharassment, arrest, and imprisonment of responsible taxpayingAmerican citizens.

    The Hemp & CannabisFoundation is workingto educate the publicabout the truthconcerning hemp andcannabis as well as

    helping medical marijuana patients. We have several clinics whereour doctors help patients obtain a permit for medical marijuana.

    We see patients every week in Portland, Seattle and Denver as wellas every month in Honolulu, Hilo, Spokane, Bend, Medford, Eugeneand Riverside, CA. We have helped over 28,000 patients obtain apermit to legally possess, use and grow medical marijuana. OurMission is to promote justice, freedom, and peace with politicalaction and education. Our goal is to restore hemp and end adultcannabis prohibition.

    Oregon Medical Marijuan


  • 8/3/2019 Oregon NORML Medical Marijuana Handbook



    The laws concerning medical marijuana are

    always subject to change. This handbook should

    not substitute for your own legal advice.

    ~ REMEMBER ~

    Oregons medical marijuana law does not protect

    you from federal prosecution.

    Call your congressional representatives today

    and tell them its time to reschedule marijuana.



  • 8/3/2019 Oregon NORML Medical Marijuana Handbook



    Oregon NORML gratefully acknowledges:

    Dr. Rick Bayer for his tireless efforts on behalf of

    Medical Marijuana patients, and

    Melodie Silverwolf for her expertise, dedication and

    help in producing this handbook.



    Who is eligible for the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program? .................

    What is the fee to register? ........................................................................

    What role does the doctor play? ................................................................

    What if my doctor wont help me?.............................................................

    Do I need a caregiver or other designated person to grow my medicine

    Patients, caregivers and growers rights and responsibilities...................

    Legal requirements for cardholders and garden ......................................

    Where can I use my medication?...............................................................

    If I am unable to grow my own, how can I get medicine?........................

    How do I interact with my landlord? ........................................................

    How do I interact with the police? ............................................................

    Appendix A: Contacts and resources.....................................................

    Appendix B: Garden remedies...............................................................

    Appendix C: Booklist..............................................................................

    Appendix D: Oregon Medical Marijuana Act........................................

    Oregon NORML PressPortland, Oregon 20082nd Edition

    Sponsored by:The Hemp and Can

    nabis Foundation

  • 8/3/2019 Oregon NORML Medical Marijuana Handbook


  • 8/3/2019 Oregon NORML Medical Marijuana Handbook


  • 8/3/2019 Oregon NORML Medical Marijuana Handbook


  • 8/3/2019 Oregon NORML Medical Marijuana Handbook


  • 8/3/2019 Oregon NORML Medical Marijuana Handbook


  • 8/3/2019 Oregon NORML Medical Marijuana Handbook


  • 8/3/2019 Oregon NORML Medical Marijuana Handbook


  • 8/3/2019 Oregon NORML Medical Marijuana Handbook


  • 8/3/2019 Oregon NORML Medical Marijuana Handbook
