Download - Orchard HarvesterOrchard Harvester - … · the challenging times that will certainly cycle around again. ... darkness


Orchard HarvesterOrchard Harvester Summer Newsletter of Orchard United Methodist


SHINE LIKE SUMMER by Rev. Suzanne Goodwin

I ’m probably not alone when I say that what I enjoy most about summer is

the light – not the heat, so much – but there’s something refreshing and

energizing about all that bright, happy light. We thrive on light and the energy

it brings. Flowers grow, moods improve, we get more exercise, and we glow.

It brightens our outlooks, illuminates our circumstances, and recharges us for

the challenging times that will certainly cycle around again.

The light of summer is so powerful that in its absence some people actually

suffer a period of anxiety or depression called Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in

darkness but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

Faith challenges us to believe in the goodness and graciousness of something

we can’t see or touch. Jesus is the light of the world that refreshes and

energizes us, and chases away the dark season, allowing us to grow and do

and move and shine. I pray that the light of Christ will pour over you like the

light of summer, and that in its brightness and glory, you will be refreshed and

recharged and will shine like summer!

Psalm 113:3


Calendar Highlights .... 4

College Graduates ...... 7

Food Drive ................. 8

In the Life of Orchard . 7

Memorial Garden Bricks

................................. 3

Mission Trip Care

Packages .................. 2

Prayer Concerns ......... 7

Rev. Carol’s Letter ...... 3

Shine Like Summer .... 1

Sisters4Christ ............. 5

Social Media ............... 8

Spotlight Orchard ....... 2

Spring Cleanup .......... 3

Summer Office Hours . 1

Summertime Offerings

............................ 4 & 5

Trustee’s Corner ......... 3

VBS ........................... 6

WOW Help Needed .... 6

SUMMER OFFICE HOURS BEGIN 6/16 (office closed 7/4 for Independence Day)

Beginning June 16, the church office will be open

Monday through Friday, from 9 am to 1 pm.

W e hope you enjoy this summer edition of the Harvester. We will resume monthly publications in September. In the meantime, you will be receiving, via email, two editions of Harvester Highlights (July and August) keeping you

updated on the latest Orchard news, and reminders of upcoming events. Don’t forget, you can always find additional

information on our website or from our Facebook page.

If you prefer to receive your news in print, copies of the Harvester Highlights will be available at the Connection Point upon publication.

To add your name to our email distribution list, please contact DyAnn St. Clair ([email protected]) or sign up by going to the website at, “What’s Happening,” “Prayer/Caring Connection” and filling out the contact form.


Each month we highlight a group, a friend, or member of Orchard to see how they are finding ways to shine God’s light out in the world. Contact Deanna Kohl if you have a suggestion for a future Spotlight candidate!


Page 2

T hirty one students and

their five leaders are

about to follow Robert Frost’s

advice and take the Road

Less Traveled. They have

chosen time and again to

take a different path than

their friends as they give

their time and efforts to

preparation for service.

Robert Frost’s famous line

about a path less traveled is

serving as our theme this

year as we discover that the

path to holiness and social

justice is not always a

popular one.

The team has been on this

path together since early

October when it was

announced that we would be

traveling to Sautee, Georgia for our annual Mission

Trip. We are headed into a small Appalachian

community with a 46% Hispanic population, drawn

there at one time by the area’s largest industry –

poultry processing. In this community, the median

household income is approximately half of what it is

here, and 24% of the population lives in poverty. We

go to provide necessary home improvements for those

who cannot afford them, and in so doing, to show and

to be the love of Christ in this community along a path

not often traveled. We pray that it will make a

difference for them, and also for us.

ABOUT THE TEAM Our team of students is made up of

11 guys and 20 girls; 4 seniors, 11 juniors,

6 sophomores, and 10

freshmen. Our leadership

team, led by Erin Bianco, is

very seasoned! We appreciate

your prayers and your


The team is: Nick Adamowski,

Katie Bahling, Paige Center,

Joey Coleman, Cameron

Derian, Adam Dunning, Brooke

Dunning, Summer Edwards,

Maura Ehrlich, Samantha

Fincannon, Kristen Gallett,

Tyler Hammaren, Rachel

Hume, Sam Kenward, Jay

Kirby, Audrey Kohl, Allison

Mann, Lauren Mann, Kara

McGlashan, Evan McMurray,

Mandy McMurray, Mitchell

McSweeney, Olivia Niles,

Danielle Petras, Ryan

Radosevich, Rachael Rocktoff, Matthew Rowley, Beth

Shrosbree, Kelly Shrosbree, Courtney Wright, Spencer

Wright. Leaders: Erin Bianco, Nick Bonsky, Rev.

Suzanne Goodwin, Meghann Snyder, and Chris Striffler.

Notes of encouragement may be included in the mailing

of the care packages (see below), or be mailed to:

c/o Rev. Suzanne Goodwin

Jameson Inn

11 Edelweiss Street

Helen, GA 30545

Your support of, your encouragement to, and your

prayers for our Fusion Mission Team… that will make all

the difference!

Mission Trip Care Packages

Orchard will be sending care packages to the youth and adults going on our Fusion Mission Trip

June 14–22. We’re asking for 36 individually wrapped goodies or a financial donation to help with mailing

costs. Please leave your donations in the church office by Tuesday, June 10.

“Stand at the crossing, and consider the ancient path for it is good

and it leads to Me. Walk on this path and you will find rest for your

soul.” (Jeremiah 6:16)


I t’s Monday night. The wind is howling and it has just

started to rain. Time to grab The Free Press, a cup

of tea, and curl up in my favorite chair. A headline

captures my attention, “Juggling Act Too Much for

You?” and before my mind can shout, “Yes!”

- KERBANG! - the power goes out! After all

these years of living in Farmington Hills, my

mind automatically shifts… Mmm… Where is

the flashlight? Where is my head lamp, the

candles… where is the phone number to call

DTE to see how long the power will be out?

And, I hope I won’t have to haul my frozen

food again down to the freezer at the church.

Already I can hear the generators humming

in my neighborhood.

Yes, sometimes the juggling act gets to be

more than we anticipated… interruptions of every kind,

surprises that demand our immediate attention, and

ever increasing requirements and expectations fill our

lives. Juggling acts… we know them well!

Maybe that’s why I love summer so much. The juggling

act changes. I can put down a few of the balls I try to

keep in the air and breathe. Summer provides that

change of pace that our spirits long for and our souls

desperately need.

God created the Sabbath to provide people

with a change of pace – a break from the

demands of their normal routines, a time for

worship, relaxation, and nurturing

relationships. The root of the word Sabbath

literally means, “to catch one’s breath.” The

faster you run to get things done, the more

you need to inhale. How about slowing down

the flow of your life so you can breath and

connect with yourself, your loved ones, and

with God? Find time for a vacation, a Tigers

game, a barbecue, or just a walk or a bike ride. How

about spending time in worship, outdoors, at the lake

with our family, or even at Orchard? We were created

for God! God, who is with us and will touch us as we

seek him.

Page 3

REMEMBER A LOVED ONE Memorial Bricks for the Memorial Garden

O rchard’s Memorial Garden is a sacred space for

contemplation and prayer where individuals can

come for quiet communion with God, drawing comfort

in its peaceful surroundings. The Memorial Garden

helps the church provide a lifetime of ministry and is a

visible symbol of the love and care of God in our lives

— from birth through death. This designated site is

intended to provide a tranquil setting for the

celebration of life through funerals, baptisms,

weddings, devotionals, private and collective moments

of reflection, and a place to receive ashes of loved


You can remember a loved one by having a Memorial

Brick placed in the garden. Orders are now being taken

for bricks to be placed this summer/early fall. Order

forms & information are available in the church office,

on our website under “About Us” and “Facility Info,” or contact Betsy Stanis at 248-661-5654 for more



S pring has finally sprung and we have survived

a historic winter! Orchard has made it through, and after our clean up day is looking better than ever. Thank you to all who came and

helped spruce up the grounds by digging out weeds and spreading mulch. Thank you to our trustees who cleaned up debris, moved pianos, and installed whiteboards. You are ever faithful to

God in caring for His property. We will be doing some repairs to the parking lot and the porch

ceiling in the front entrance. We will be having

another cleaning day for inside the church, including the sanctuary. I hope you will consider helping. I will be asking for volunteers sometime in June. I thank God for all He has provided to

Orchard, and remind you that “nothing happens here, without God and our willing hearts.”

Blessings, Barbara DeGrazia Chair, Trustees

continued on page 6

Page 4

Regular Events

—it’s finally here—lots of sunshine and warmer temperatures! Were you beginning to wonder if

summer would ever come? As Michiganders, we look at summer as our reward for surviving winter! We love to

spend time out-of-doors bike riding, golfing, swimming, gardening, walking. Summer is also a great time to

head out on vacation.

We want to remind you that while some of our regular programs here at Orchard have been suspended for the

summer, there are still many opportunities here in the coming months: VBS, Fellowship Bridge, Card Shops,

church camp, Tai Chi, FROG Week, exercise classes, and church family camping are just some of the many

events offered this summer. And don’t forget our regular summer worship services at 9:00 am and

10:30 am!

If you’re looking for something to do this summer, give the church office a call at 248-626-3620 anytime

between 9 am and 1pm and speak to one of the staff!

Summer Worship Hours are 9 & 10:30 am


8 Men’s Mall Walk

9:30 IPG

9:30 Strength Training*

10:45 Aerobics 50+*

5:00 Girls’ Basketball

7:00 Tai Chi


10:45 Aerobics 50+*

11 AA**

11 Men’s Hot Dog Lunch

11:30 Rotary

6:30 Yoga


8 Men’s Mall Walk

9:30 Strength Training*

10:45 Aerobics 50+*

5 Girls’ Basketball

7:30 AA / Al-Anon**


7:30 AA/ Alateen**


10 AA**

*No exercise classes from June 30-July 25

** No AA / Al-Anon / Alateen week of July 14-18

6/13 Funtastiks—Lunch and Movie, 11:30 am

6/14 Prayer Send-Off—Fusion Mission Team, 1:15 pm

6/16 Summer Office Hours begin (9 am to 1 pm)

6/19 Card Shop, 7 pm (also 7/17 and 8/21)

6/20 LAF—Garden Concert, 8 pm

6/24 Fellowship Bridge at 1 pm (2nd & 4th Tuesdays)

6/27 Drive-In @ Compuware Arena, 7:30 pm

6/29 VBS Team Meeting, 6:30 pm

7/4 Church office closed—have a safe holiday!

7/14-18 Vacation Bible School, 9 am

7/16 Funtastiks—Dinner and Concert, 6:30 pm

7/28 Exercise Classes Resume (M&W 9:30 & 10:45

am; T-10:45 am)

8/3 OOPS (Orchard Open Perennial Scramble), 1 pm

8/3-9 Summer Church Camp

8/9 Funtastiks—Play at Northville, 2 pm

8/11-15 F.R.O.G. Week

8/14 Cass Community Social Services Picnic, 11:30 am

8/15 LAF—Tony Bennett concert, 8 pm

8/19 Funtastiks—Variety Show in Novi, 1 pm

8/22-24 “Church Family” Camping

9/1 Labor Day, church office closed

9/7 Regular worship hours resume (9 & 11 am)


Special Featured Events

Watch for more information in our emailed Harvester Highlights, weekly bulletins, our website and online church calendar, Facebook, or call the church office for more details on all activities and events.

Page 5


We offer two services of worship every Sunday Summer Hours 9 am and 10:30 am

9 am worship is a casual contemporary service, with music provided by our worship band.

10:30 am is a more traditional service, featuring a pick-up Summer Choir (anyone is welcome to come and rehearse at 9:45 am to sing at 10:30) and hymns on the organ.

Special Sunday worship services this summer are:

6/1 Confirmation 6/8 Fusion Mission Team Commissioning 6/15 Father’s Day 7/20 Vacation Bible School Sunday 8/17 Fusion Mission Team Worship Celebration

WOW (Worship Our Way) is available at both Sunday worship services, following the Children’s Message. For children age 4 years old through completed fifth grade, this special time together will include stories, crafts, and games. A lovingly staffed nursery is available for infants through children 3 years old.

Vacation Bible School, July 14-18 from 9 am to 12:15 pm—”Workshop of Wonders” is this year’s VBS theme. Kids 4 years old through completed 5th grade learn all about God at this action-packed week of total fun! See article on page 6 for more information.

F.R.O.G. (Friends Reaching Out for God) Week—A jam-packed week of service, fun, and fellowship await 7th & 8th graders (including those who just completed 6th grade) on August 11-15, 9 am to 1 pm. Registration required.

Contact Kelly Sheckell, JAM Leader

SISTERS 4 CHRIST (S4C) Women looking for an opportunity to grab a cup of coffee and connect with others through prayer and devotion will love this new opportunity to meet twice a month with their Orchard sisters. This group, led by Sheri Hicks and Suzanne Kosiba, meets on Saturday morning at 7 am. Look for future meeting schedule in the weekly bulletin or in the Harvester Highlights!

Congregational Life Join us at the Summer Drive-in at

Compuware Arena on Friday, June 27. The Drive-in features 3 large screens that show first-run double-features. Gates open at 7:30, movies start at dusk (after 9 pm). You pay at the entrance gate, park your car in front of the screen you want, then meet us at a designated spot to hangout until the movies start. Bring lawn chairs, a picnic supper, or get a pizza or other take out from CJ's Restaurant located on the site. Contact Julie Wright at 248-473-8433 for more information about this fun-filled evening!

Life After Fifty (LAF) is Orchard’s newest social group,

organized to provide fun activities in our area and beyond for Orchard’s singles and couples fifty and older. Our summer activities are a Latin Jazz Concert and a Tony Bennett performance. All details and contact information are now available at under the “ADULTS” tab, look for LAF (50+).

Funtastiks Our lively senior group meets monthly for a variety of

activities and field trips. Lots of plans this summer include Lunch & Movie (6/13 @ 11:30 am); Dinner & Concert (7/16 @ 6:30 pm);

Theater and Dinner (8/10 @ 2 pm); and a variety show (8/19 @ 1 pm). Sign up sheets will be in the church office; details will in be weekly bulletins and the Harvester Highlights!

Summer Church Camp 2014 Orchard partners with

Northbrook Church from August 3-9 to offer an exciting week of church camp for kids from 1st grade through 12th grade. Registration required. Call Dave Tengler at 248-661-1778 for more info!

“Church Family” Camping If you’re a part of our “Church

Family,” consider joining us at Myers Lake United Methodist Campground ( on the weekend of

August 22-24. Swimming, boating, campfires, s’mores, good friends… there’s no end to the fun that will be in store for that weekend! Questions? Call Jeannine Hales at 248-420-3936 or Kelly Sheckell at 248-477-8803 for more information.

OOPS (Orchard Open Perennial Scramble) August 3rd is

the date for this year’s annual Orchard golf outing which is designed purely to promote fellowship among those who attend. People of all skill levels—and ages—are mixed in a scramble format to encourage participation and interaction and tons of fun! Golf, laughs, and dinner! Look for more details and information on how to sign up, starting in July!

Mall-Walkers and Hot Doggers Stay cool, keep fit, and enjoy

fellowship at these two opportunities for men: Mall-Walkers meet every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 am throughout the year at the Food Court Entrance to the Twelve Oaks Mall. Hot Doggers meet every Tuesday at 11 am at the Great Lakes Coney Island.

Fellowship Bridge Open to all. Join us for an afternoon of bridge.

Come by yourself or bring a friend and join a foursome! 2nd & 4th Tuesdays at 1:00 pm Parlor

Orchard Card Shop Open for business! Make 8 beautiful cards,

2 each of 4 designs. Fee is $15 and up. Sue Sohn/Karen Arseneau, Coordinators. 3rd Thursdays at 7:00 pm Room 200

Annual Cass Community Social Services Picnic Every

year our Missions Team, with help from our FROG Week youth (see Learning Opportunities for information on FROG Week), hosts a special picnic lunch for guests from Cass Community Social Services. The CCSS program operates a day program for 100 adults with developmental disabilities. Join us as we serve and eat lunch together and play a rousing game of BINGO! Details on how you can help will be coming soon! Thursday, August 14 at 11:30 am MAC

Mind, Body, Spirit (Exercise) Drop-in classes are offered for

Strength Building (Mon. & Wed., 9:30 am), Plus 50 Aerobics (Mon., Tues., & Wed., 10:45 am), Tai Chi (Mon., 7:00 pm), and Yoga* (Tues., 6:30 pm) Note: The morning exercise classes are “on vacation” from June 30-July 25. Classes resume on July 28th.

Fee required MAC, *Room 7

AA / Al-Anon / Alateen Tuesdays, 11:00 am (AA);

Wednesdays, 7:30 pm (AA/Al-Anon); Thursdays, 7:30 pm (AA/Alateen); Fridays, 10:00 am (AA) Fellowship Hall

Pet Loss Support Group—Beyond the Paw Print, Transforming

the Pet Loss Process. Faced with unexpected end-of-life decisions or grieving the loss of a beloved family pet? You are not alone. This pet loss support group helps make healing possible. Micky Moore, Leader 2nd Mondays at 7 pm Room 200

G od works wonders in our lives every day!

We are eagerly counting down the days until VBS this summer when we

explore how God makes the ordinary EXTRAORDINARY! Our Workshop of

Wonders is July 14th-18th from 9:00am-12:15pm and is open to

preschoolers thru students completing 5th grade.

Students who want to build, grow, imagine, walk, and work with God during

our week of adventures should register by July 1st to receive a CD of our

VBS music FREE! Registration is only $20/child with a family max of $50.

Throughout the week, we will take ordinary objects and reuse, upcycle,

experiment, and repurpose them into science, games, and art, while totally

immersing ourselves into the Workshop of Wonders thru music and storytelling. We know the more who are

here to worship with us, the more energizing and exciting the experience, so help us

spread the word to your neighbors, friends, and community contacts.

If you'd like how God is the God who works wonders, whether for one morning or the

whole week, please contact Julie Updyke at [email protected] or

330-265-1387. We always have need for more helping hands and cheerful hearts!

Volunteers and students can register online by going to — with information for online payment. You can

email Sheri Hicks at [email protected] or call 520-247-0861 for more info.

All are welcome and invited to stay after the 10:30 service on Sunday, July 13th for our decorating

party! Bring $5 if you'd like to share lunch while we string banners, hang a periodic table, build

with Legos, and transform Orchard into a Workshop of Wonders.


This summer I invite you to practice a little

Sabbath every day. Step away from the

demands of your routine, juggle less, and enjoy


I wish I had the power to give everyone a

sabbatical. I would take you all on a hike with

me in the Wind River Mountains of Wyoming!

But alas, I will be having a knee replacement in

July. I have put it off as long as I could. I covet

your prayers as I pray for you.

It’s summer… life is a gift to you… live it, and let

us rejoice!


Rev. Carol, continued from page JOIN OUR SUMMER WORSHIP TEAM!

Starting June 1st, our children will explore Proverbs

during WOW (Worship Our Way). We will worship

through games, activities,

and as much outside

activity as we can fit in!

We need 14 volunteers and

would LOVE for you to be

one of them and lead one

WOW service this summer!

You can either email Julie

Updyke at [email protected], sign up

for a specific date at the Children's Worship Center.

Lesson packets are all ready to go with the week's verse, discussion topics, activities, and games!

Page 6

Tricia Ahern’s friend, Rick The family of Robin Boeck’s brother-in-law, Charles Fowler Anna Mae Burke Alyson Gay’s sister, Courtney Jim Goodwin’s nephew,

Corey Menord and his fiance, Rachel Melissa Hall’s friend, Steve Chae and family The Hammaren’s friend, Pam Shapiro and Tracey’s colleague, Mary Clark and the family of one of her

students Vivian Henderhan’s cousin, Kathleen Savoldi Peggy Knuttila’s parents, Paul and Pauline Knuttila, and friends,

Renee Dowd and her husband, and the family of Gina Lutey Audrey Kohl’s former teacher, Katie Kalinski Elaine Lafer Debbie Lamson’s friend, Ken Wasmer Trevor Lamson Sue Marshall’s friend, Peter Linda Noble’s neighbor,

Lauren LaFontaine

Barbara Orchard’s sister, Mary Kilbery and her family

Friends of the Pachecos, Amy Wilson and family

Tim Schoenherr Michelle and Adam Richard Ronald Rucker’s daughter,

Deniece M. Rucker

Rob Rudnick’s father, Robert Rudnick The Runyan’s friends, Jerry and Phyllis Allison Sue Scott and sister’s family Brad Snider and family Susan Snider’s cousin, Amy Hartman,

and friends, Ruth Monte and Judy Boardway Masha Sohn Sue Sohn and family Melissa Stafiej’s aunt, Louise Briody Betsy Watson Mari Anne Wilks’ grandfather, Herb Judd Jerry Wright’s twin brother, Jay Sue and Bill Young


Many thanks to all the volunteers who worked on the Farmington Hills Rebuilding Together project. Our homeowner said the house never looked better (and it is safer too). She also told us that it feels like a new home. A special

thanks to Dan Harmon, Rev. Suzanne, and crew who handled registration and breakfast at city hall. Also a big thanks to Dot Tengler, Carol Jehle, Trisha Ahern, and Jim and Ann Schuur for all their extra help. Finally, a big thanks to all those who volunteered, and gave of their time and energy to help make someone's life just a little better. We are so blessed with giving hearts at Orchard.

Janice Mitchell

IN THE LIFE OF ORCHARD Connecting people to God… to each other… and to the best parts of themselves!


C ontinuing the annual tradition of Roots in Mission, our college students took to the city and spent

Saturday, May 17th working in Detroit with the Michigan Urban Farming Initiative helping to turn unused city landscape into food-producing plots of land. This is the second year with the Urban Farming Initiative and our third year of Roots In Mission.

Page 7


Dexter Stone Frick, born April 30, 2014 to Katie and Ben Frick. His proud grandparents are Susan and Charley Stone, and Deb and Dean Frick. Sophie Stone is Dexter’s great-grandmother.

Shane Michael Gibney, born May 21, 2014 to Kelsey and Mike Gibney. His proud grandparents are Jennie and Steve Cross and Tom and Rose Gibney. Shane’s great-grandparents are Patricia and Joseph Gibney and Elaine and Larry Moyer.

Violet Eleanor Carr, born on May 23, 2014 to Daniel and Kirstin Carr and joins big brother Simon. Grandparents are Chuck and Debbie Carr; Shelly Gaspard; and Fred and Karen Porter. Great-grandparents are R.W. and Jerry Ann Bruce; Cecil Collins; and Fred Porter.


William “Bill” Dart (May 8, 2014)

Sue Sohn’s father, Joseph Roberts (May 14, 2014)

Jay Eldridge (May 19, 2014)

In the life of Orchard, we believe in the power of prayer.

Join us in intercession, thanksgiving, celebration, and remembrance.

I n this season of graduations, there are two more “classes” of graduates we would like to congratulate in addition to

the high school seniors we celebrated last month.

This spring the following Orchard youth graduated from


Kristen Adamowski, University of Michigan

Erin Bianco, University of Michigan

Michael Derian, Miami University of Ohio

Katie Ghekiere, Hope College

Heather Lawrence, Eastern Michigan University

Cynthia Rescoe, Central Michigan University

Meanwhile, last September a group of Orchard disciples

gathered to undertake a journey through the Bible from cover to cover in a Disciple Bible Study Class. On May 10th, we concluded our journey together and celebrated Holy Communion by the lake at Judson Collins Retreat Center. Please congratulate these Bible scholars: Lesley Bonsky,

Jenny Geiger, Sam Heffelbower, Dave Kochanek; Allen Luhtenen, Amy Stanis, and Barb Ulman.


Orchard United Methodist Church

30450 Farmington Road

Farmington Hills MI 48334-1939


The Orchard Harvester is the newsletter of Orchard United Methodist Church. The September 2014 Harvester deadline is August 11, 2014.

E-mail articles may be directed to Deanna Kohl at [email protected]

Pastors: Rev. Carol J. Johns and Rev. Suzanne K. Goodwin Summer Worship Services at 9:00 & 10:30 am

Phone 248 626-3620 Fax 248 626-6836 Web Site:

Non-Profit Org.

US Postage


Farmington, MI

PERMIT No. 216

Page 8

Find us, like us, share with us, and share us with others on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!



W hen most of us think of donating to the Salvation Army, images of red kettles,

ringing bells and very cold volunteers come to mind. The Mission Committee would

like to offer you a much warmer way of making a difference! On Sunday, June 8th, and

Sunday, June 15th, the big white bin will be in the narthex to collect non-perishable items

to benefit the Farmington Hills Salvation Army Corps. The Corps serves local families in

southern Oakland County and supports hundreds of people struggling with poverty,

unemployment and disability. Please bring items to donate to make a difference and

spread the warmth of Orchard with our neighbors!