Download - Oral presentation: European Language Portfolio

  • 1. European Language Portfolio Alba Moreno Rey English Studies

2. What is the ELP?

  • It is a document in which those who are learning or have learned one or more languages - whether at school or outside school - can record and reflect on their language learning and intercultural experiences.

3. Who developed it and why?

  • The European Language Portfolio (ELP) was developed by the Language Policy Division of the Council of Europe:
  • to support the development of learnerautonomy, plurilingualism and interculturalawareness and competence; 4. to allow users to record their languagelearning achievements and their experienceof learning and using languages.

5. How many parts has it got?

  • Thelanguage passport.

Learningskills , qualifications andexperiences.

  • The language biography.

Language learning, cultural experiences and motivation.

  • The dossier.

Personal works to show your skills and knowledge. 6. Alba Moreno Rey