Download - Oracle Tablespace - Basic


Oracle Database TablespaceEryk Budi Pratama – Dimas Aryo AnggoroAdvanced Database LabInformatics Engineering –Bakrie University


Oracle stores data logically in tablespacesand physically in datafiles associated with the corresponding tablespace.

List tablespaces

select * from user_free_space;

Create Tablespace

Create tablespace nama-tablespacedatafile ‘nama-datafile.dat’

size 2M autoextend on next 500K

maxsize 4M;

Altering Tablespace

alter database

datafile ‘nama-datafile.dat’

resize 6M;

Adding Datafile

alter tablespace dataku add datafile‘nama-datafile.dat’ size 2M;

Drop Tablespace

drop tablespace nama-tablespaceincluding contents;

Create User

create user nama_user

identified by password-user

default tablespace dtpraktek;

Grant & Resource

grant connect to user01;

grant resource to user01;