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  • 7/25/2019 Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Setup Document.pdf


    Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Setup Document Raju Chinthapatla

    Define OPM organizationName & location of the organization is provided and inventory organization is defined in the organizationclassification.

    ACCOUNTING INFORMATION & INVENTORY INFORMATIONis provided in Additional organizationinformation.

    Above window describes the ACCOUNTING INFORMATION

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    Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Setup Document Raju Chinthapatla

    In the Above window inventory parameters are defined. For Process Manufacturing process manufacturing checbox is very important, this check box should be checked only in this way a process manufacturing enabledInventory organization is defined. All Other information will be the same as of other discrete organization. Allother relevant information is captured as shown in the below Screen shots

    Costing Information

    Lot Information

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    Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Setup Document Raju Chinthapatla

    Item Sourcing

    Inter-Org Information

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    Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Setup Document Raju Chinthapatla

    Other Accounts Information

    After Defining all the parameters of Process Manufacturing Organization we will be able to work in any form inProcess Manufacturing Modules just by assigning this org to a specific Application.

    OPM FinancialsOPM financial >setup > cost types

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    Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Setup Document Raju Chinthapatla

    Defining Cost TypesThe subsequent paragraphs describe setting up cost types.To enter a cost type:

    1. Navigate to the Cost Types window.

    2. Enter the Cost Type to represent code that identifies the costing method to be used in cost calculations. Forexample, enter STND for standard costing. Required

    3. Enter a brief Description of the cost type. For example, enter Standard Costing for the standard cost type.Required

    4. Indicate the Cost Method you are defining:

    Standard Cost Actual Cost Lot Cost

    If Lot Cost is selected then the Raw Material Calculation type and Product

    Calculation types are not applicable and they are disabled.

    Establishing Lot CostingLot costing, also known as Specific Identification Type costing, lets you calculate andStore costs at the lot level. That is, each lot has a unique cost associated with it and it retains this cost until theentire lot is consumed. The lot costs are computed on a perpetual basis.

    Lot costing lets you store unique costs for each lot. You can track the cost of a lot from its creation through all consumptions.

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    Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Setup Document Raju Chinthapatla

    Cost Types

    Cost MethodIt represents a code that identifies this costing method. For example, enter STND for standard costing. Required

    Cost TypeIndicate the cost method type you are defining:

    Standard Cost Actual Cost

    Lot Actual CostClick the Lot Actual Cost to indicate that the lot actual cost method is used for lot cost calculation purposes. If LoActual Cost is selected then the Raw Material Calculation type and Product Calculation type fields are notapplicable and they are disabled.


    It indicates if the cost method is for general or Lab use. The general usage method is set by default. If you set thestage to general use, the cost rollup considers only the production and costing recipes. If you set the usage to labuse, the lab recipes are used over the production or costing recipes. The usage field is valid only for the standardcost type. If you are using the actual cost type, then this field is disabled.

    Lot Actual Cost TypeStart DateThis is only available for Lot Cost Methods. Enter a start date. The start date is used to collect all transactions thahappened after the specified date for lot cost calculation purposes.

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    Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Setup Document Raju Chinthapatla

    If this field is left blank, then the Lot Actual Cost process uses all transactions in the system for the OPM Companfor which the Lot Actual Cost process is run. The process then selects a large number of transactions and couldresult in performance problem as large number of records are being inserted into the lot cost tables. It isrecommended that you set this field depending on how long lots are typically held for consumption in inventoryIt could be a few inventory periods from the current period. For example, if the current period is January 2004,then you can specify September 1st, 2003, to ensure all transactions from the prior three inventory periods are

    considered. If some of the lot costed items have lots dating further back, then specify appropriate value.

    Alternate Cost MethodIf the cost method is an Actual Cost method, then the check box is enabled.If the lot cost checkbox is enabled, then the Raw Material Calculation Type and Product Calculation Type aredisabled and the Start Date and Alternate Cost Method fields are enabled.Both Standard and Actual cost methods are allowed but not Lot Actual Cost methods.

    Establishing Standard Costing

    When you select the standard cost calculation, you define the cost of ingredients in each inventory organizationduring a specific period of time. The cost information remains static during each defined time period. OPMCosting calculates the standard costs of items using the Standard Cost Rollup, based on recipes, formulas, androutings defined in the OPM Product Development applicationStandard cost lets you define the costs for items, formulas, formula ingredients, recipes, and resources used durin

    the production process.For standard costs:

    Establish the formulas, routings, and recipes Run the Cost Rollup process

    The cost of a product is based on:

    Formulas, recipes, and routings Resource costs

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    Establishing Actual Costing

    This is a more dynamic method of calculating Item costs based on actual inventory and resource transaction dataThe following are the business transactions that are used to calculate the actual costs:

    Purchasing receipts including Freight and Special Charges estimated on the PO, returns, and corrections ofreceipts Paid Invoices Batch ingredient consumption and resource usage Opening inventory balances Cost overheads Cost adjustments General Ledger Expense allocations for indirect overheads

    All material transactions including internal order receipts

    OPM also captures freight and special charges on a purchase order.

    Allocating General Ledger expense is a method by which you can distribute the indirect expenses ofmanufacturing (such as administrative and general expenses) to item costs.The balances in the expense accounts are distributed to item(s) based on either fixed percentages or dynamicallyderived using other General Ledger account balances, for example, statistical balances that track the itemquantities or resource usages.

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    Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Setup Document Raju Chinthapatla

    For Actual Cost Methods, you can establish a variety of actual cost calculations based on the raw materialcalculation type you associate with the cost method and the production calculation type. There are 15 differentpossible combinations in OPM (note the discussion for the Raw Material Calculation Type field). With the lot cossupport an Actual Cost method can be defined as a Lot Cost method.

    Updates to the general ledger are made using the cost method defined on the Fiscal Policy window regardless of

    the cost type. The description for the cost type you specified displays automatically.Raw Material Calculation Type

    You can only access this field if you are defining the Actual Costing method in the Cost Type field. Indicate thetype of raw material cost calculations that will occur for this actual costing method. The valid options are listed afollows:

    Period moving average cost (PMAC) Period weighted average cost (PWAC) Perpetual weighted average (PPAC) Last transaction (LSTT) Last invoice (LSTI)

    The type descriptions (shown in parentheses) are abbreviations for these calculation types. The lookup displaysboth the calculation type and the abbreviation. Required.

    Product Calculation TypeYou can only access this field if you are defining the Actual Costing method in the Cost Type field. If you wantOPM to derive actual costs for product components, indicate the type of calculations it should perform. The validoptions are listed.

    Period moving average cost (PMAC) Period weighted average cost (PWAC) Perpetual weighted average (PPAC)

    The type descriptions (shown in parentheses) are industry standard abbreviations for these calculation types; thelookup displays both the calculation type and the abbreviation.

    Defining Cost CalendarsYou maintain costs by defining the costing calendars. A cost calendar can be shared across multiple cost types anlegal entities. A cost calendar can span multiple years.

    OPM financial >setup > cost calendar

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    For each costing calendar, you can define an unlimited number of costing periods. Each period is assigned aperiod status to indicate costing activity that is permitted.

    Never Opened - the period was never opened, you cannot establish costs or run any cost processes in a neveropened period.

    Open - all activity is allowed.

    Frozen - no updates can be made for existing items (however, new item costs can be entered or calculated andtheir costs updated).

    Closed - no activity is performed in a closed period. Periods cannot be reopened for costing activity once theyare closed.

    The costing calendar is completely separate from the fiscal calendar and the periods therein. Cost Calendarssupport multiple legal entities and cost type. You cannot assign two calendars to the same legal entity and costtype combination for the same time period. For example, if you define a cost calendar called FY06 - monthlycalendar for the year 2006 and assign to a Legal Entity and cost type, you cannot assign another cost calendar, Q0- quarterly calendar for year 2006, to the same Legal Entity and cost type combination.

    If you are using the Period Moving Average Cost, then use the same start and end dates for the period as the fiscfinancial calendar defined for your Legal Entity's Primary Ledger in GL.

    The Cost Calendars window supports multiple languages (MLS enabled). When you call this window, the Globeicon is enabled. If you have multiple languages installed, then use the option to add the calendar description inany of the installed languages.

    Defining Cost Component Classes

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    Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Setup Document Raju Chinthapatla

    The unit cost of an item is usually broken down into several buckets that can be attributed to the various sourcesthat form the basis of the cost, for detailed tracking and analysis purposes. Cost Component Classes are used toidentify the individual buckets or component costs that make up the total cost, for example, direct material costsfreight costs, labor costs, production or conversion costs and so on. Any number of cost component classes can bdefined and used to break down the item costs. The cost component classes are classified into 5 different elementor usages: Material, Resource, Overhead, Expense Allocation and Standard Cost Adjustment types.

    Costs from several ingredients, routings, overheads, and allocations can be summarized into one or morecomponent classes.

    OPM financial >setup > cost component class

    1. Navigate to the Cost Component Classes window.

    2. Enter the code to identify the Component Class. For example, enter DRYMAT for raw materials, or

    SOLMAT for solutions. Required

    3. Enter a Description for the component class. For example, enter Raw Materials or Solutions. Required

    4. You have the option of building component class association hierarchies for reference and reporting

    purposes. ThePrimary Component Class

    indicates the primary cost component class with which thecomponent class you are defining now is associated. The default is the class code you specified in theComponent Class. You can change the entry.


    Component Group is an optional entry that lets you further group the component classes for analysis andreporting purposes.


    Usage indicates if this cost component classification is being entered for use as a material, overhead,resource, or expense detail from routings. Select one of the following values (Required):

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    a. Materialb. Resourcec. Overheadd. Expense Allocationse. Std Cost Adjustment

    Once you set the usage indicator for a component class, it cannot be changed after costs have been define

    using this component class.

    Once costs have been created or calculated using a component class, the usage cannot be changed.

    7. Enter the Sort Sequence for the component class. It indicates the order in which component classes

    displays on forms and reports. 1 is the first or top line and 2 indicate the second line, and so on. A zero (0)lets the application to determine the sort order. Required.


    Product Cost Calculation indicator lets you flag those component costs to be excluded from the CostRollup process. Certain identifiable costs (for example, transfer costs) are for specific ingredient items, anare not required to be rolled up into the products. The valid values are:

    a. Include in Product Cost Calculationb. Exclude From Product Cost Calculation

    Select Exclude From Product Cost Calculation if this is a non-product cost component class. The default, IncludeProduct Cost Calculation, applies if the component class must be included. This flag is not applicable for Lot Cos


    Valuation Option indicator lets you identify whether the component class must be used for valuinginventory or not. The valid values are:

    a. Will be used for inventory valuation


    Will not be used for inventory valuation


    The valid values for Purchase Price Variance are:

    a. Include in Purchase Price Variance Calculationb. Exclude from Purchase Price Variance Calculation

    Select the Include in Purchase Price Variance Calculation option (default), if the cost for this componentclass is used in calculating the inventory valuation for purchase price variance (PPV). Select the Excludefrom Purchase Price Variance Calculation option, if the component class must not be used in PPVcalculations.

    To process indirect component for standard costing:


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    1. Navigate to the Component Classes window.

    2. Choose Standard Cost Adjustment for Usage.

    3. After completing the Cost Component Classes window, open the Item Costs window by selecting Item

    Costs from the Inquiries menu.

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    4. Complete the Item Costs window. Enter the unit cost reflecting the revision or adjustment indicated on th

    Cost Component Classes window. See: Item Costs.

    5. When you add a new cost, it is recommended that you perform a cost rollup and cost update to calculate

    the revised unit cost and process the GL financial cost, respectively. See: Cost Rollup and Cost Update.

    Indirect Component Processing for Standard CostingWhen standard costs are used, you can update adjustments or indirect components of standard product costsseparately without defining formula routings and/or overhead details. You can identify the standard indirect coscomponent, update non-direct materials and resources within production batches, and reconcile "batch close"variance at the close of a production batch.

    Defining Cost Analysis CodesAn individual component cost identified by a particular cost component class can be further broken down usingcost analysis codes for more granular tracking of costs. The cost analysis codes are used to group component costfrom multiple cost component class types to provide an alternate view of the total cost. For example, you candefine direct or indirect analysis codes for each cost component

    OPM financial >setup > analysis codes


    Navigate to the Cost Analysis Code window.

    2. Enter the Code to identify the cost analysis type. For example, DIR for Direct Costs, or IND for Indirect

    Costs. Required

    3. Enter a Description for the analysis code. For example, enter Value Added or Non-value Added. Require

    Defining Fiscal Policies

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    Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Setup Document Raju Chinthapatla

    The Fiscal Policy options define the Legal Entity-wide parameters that determine the cost type that will be usedfor inventory valuation, the default material and overhead cost components and analysis codes for actual costprocessing, additional cost types used for costing simulations

    Following are the procedures to establish fiscal policy options. The "Event Fiscal Policies" and "Assign AdditionaLedger Valuation Methods" topics provide more details on setting up additional details for a Legal Entity.

    OPM financial >setup> lot cost >Fiscal policy

    1. Navigate to the Fiscal Policies window.

    2. Enter the Legal Entity name for which you are defining fiscal policy options. Require

    3. Enter the name of the default Ledger for this fiscal policy company.

    4. Displays the Base Currency code for this company.

    5. Enter the cost type to use for inventory valuation in Valuation Method.

    6. Indicate if the fiscal policy is based on costs from the previous cost period or the current period in Cost


    Default Material Component7.

    Enter the default material component that identifies the cost component to be applied to the fiscal policy Component Class. Required

    8. Enter the code that identifies the cost Analysis Code to be applied to the fiscal policy

    Default Overhead Component:

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    1. Enter the default overhead component that identifies the cost component to be applied to the fiscal policy

    in Component Class. Required

    2. Enter the default overhead Analysis Code that identifies the cost analysis code to be applied to the fiscal



    Till up to now we have made OPM org and defined the related and necessary setup in OPM Financials. Now weshall proceed to product development Where we will be able to incorporate formulas, routings and recipes.

    Setting up ParametersSet up Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Product Development parameters in the Product DevelopmentSecurity Manager responsibility. You can set up parameters for new organizations, or query and modifyparameters for existing organizations.

    Parameter values can vary by organization. These parameters control various functions in the ProductDevelopment application. For example, if version control for formulas is enabled for organization PR1, then at thpoint of saving a formula, the application checks the formula organization to determine whether or not to apply

    version control rules. Organization PR2 can have a different setting for formula version control.

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    Product development security manger > Organization parameter1.

    Navigate to the Product Development Parameters window.2.

    Enter Organization as the context inventory organization.3.

    Organization Type is:a. Plant for a manufacturing facility.b. Laboratory for a research or lab facility.

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    Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Setup Document Raju Chinthapatla

    NOTE: First of all these parameters are set for all the organizations then these are defined for individual OPMorgs. As shown in the below screen shots


    Enter Allow Zero Ingredient Quantity as:

    a. No to specify you cannot enter ingredients with zero quantity. An error displays when a zeroingredient quantity is entered. Default

    b. Yes to specify possible entry of a zero ingredient quantity.c. Allow with warning to specify entry of a zero ingredient quantity with a warning message

    displayed. If you accept the warning, then you can proceed.

    2. Enter Byproduct Active as:

    a. Yes to specify you can access the By-Products window. Default.


    No to specify you cannot access the By-Products window

    3. Enter Default Consumption/Yield Type as:

    a. Automatic By Step for automatic consumption of ingredients and automatic yield of products andbyproducts as each step is completed. Default

    b. Manual for ingredients to default to manual consumption and inserted products and byproducts default to manual yield.

    c. Incremental for inserted items to default to incremental consumption or incremental yield.

    4. Enter Default Formula Status as:

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    a. New to make changes at any time, assuming you have security access. Default.b. Approved for Laboratory Use for use in laboratory batches and cost rollups for the laboratory.c. Approved for General Use for use in production batches.d. On Hold to specify the object cannot be used until the status is changed.e. Frozen to prevent any further changes to the object and any dependent data.f. Obsolete/Archived to specify the object can no longer be used unless the status is changed.

    5. Enter Formula Security for Lot Genealogy as:

    a. No to specify formula security rules are not enforced in lot genealogy. Default.b. Yes to specify formula security rules are enforced in lot genealogy.

    6. Enter Mass UOM as:

    a. MASS to specify use of the mass unit of measure type when item quantities are converted to acommon unit of measure for scaling, theoretical yield, and total output quantity. Default

    b. Another valid unit of measure type for conversion purposes. Set up this unit of measure type.

    7. Enter Material Release Type as:


    Automatic when ingredients quantities are consumed automatically.b. Manual when ingredient quantities are consumed manually.c. Incremental when ingredient quantities are backflushed by incremental backflushing.d. Automatic by Step when ingredient quantities are consumed automatically as the step is released

    8. Enter Version Controlas:

    a. No to specify version control is not active for formulas. Changes can be made to an existing formuwithout the need to change its version. Default

    b. Yes to specify full version control is active for formulas. Changes made to a formula require a newversion. This excludes changes to formula status, mark for purge, and the Undelete functionality.

    c. Optional to specify version control is discretionary for formulas. You can create a new version

    when you update an existing version.

    9. 12. Enter Volume UOMas:

    a. VOL to specify use of the volume unit of measure type when item quantities are converted to acommon unit of measure for scaling, theoretical yield, and total output quantity.

    b. Another valid unit of measure type for conversion purposes. Set up this unit of measure type.


    13. Enter Yield UOM as:a. MASS to specify use of the mass unit of measure type when item quantities are converted to a

    common unit of measure for scaling, theoretical yield, and total output quantity. Defaultb. VOL to specify use of the volume unit of measure type when item quantities are converted to a

    common unit of measure for scaling, theoretical yield, and total output quantity.c.

    Another valid unit of measure type for conversion purposes. Set up this unit of measure type.NOTE: Same will be incorporated for OPM orgs separately as shown in the following Screen Shot, however herthe check boxes of plant and Laboratory should be checked

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    1. Enter Default Operation Status as:

    a. New to make changes at any time, assuming you have security access. Default.b. Approved for Laboratory Use for use in laboratory batches and cost rollups for the laboratory.

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    c. Approved for General Use for use in production batches.d. On Hold to specify the object cannot be used until the status is changed.e. Frozen to prevent any further changes to the object and any dependent data.f. Obsolete/Archived to specify the object can no longer be used unless the status is changed.


    15. Enter Version Control as:


    No to specify version control is not active for operations. Changes can be made to an existingoperation without the need to change its version. Default

    b. Yes to specify full version control is active for operations. Changes made to an operation require anew version. This excludes changes to operation status, mark for purge, and the Undeletefunctionality.

    c. Optional to specify version control is discretionary for operations. You can create a new versionwhen you update an existing version.

    NOTE: Same will be Defined for Separate OPM orgs as shown below


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    1. Enter Default Routing Status as:

    a. New to make changes at any time, assuming you have security access. Default.b. Approved for Laboratory Use for use in laboratory batches and cost rollups for the laboratory.c. Approved for General Use for use in production batches.d. On Hold to specify the object cannot be used until the status is changed.e. Frozen to prevent any further changes to the object and any dependent data.f. Obsolete/Archived to specify the object can no longer be used unless the status is changed.


    Enter Step Release Type as:a. Automatic to indicate that the step is automatically released or completed when subsequent steps

    are released or completed.b. Manual to indicate that the step is released manually.

    3. Enter Enforce Step Dependency as:

    a. No to specify step dependency is not enforced. Default.b. Yes to specify step dependency is enforced.

    4. Enter Version Control as:

    a. No to specify version control is not active for routings. Changes can be made to an existing routin

    without the need to change its version. Defaultb. Yes to specify full version control is active for routings. Changes made to the routing header ororganization specific details require a new version.

    c. Optional to specify version control is discretionary for routings. You can create a new versionwhen you update an existing version.

    NOTE: Same will be applied for other OPM Orgs separately as shown below

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    1. Enter Default Recipe Status and Default Validity Rule Status as follows:a. New to make changes at any time, assuming you have security access. Default.b. Approved for Laboratory Use for use in laboratory batches and cost rollups for the laboratory.c. Approved for General Use for use in production batches.d. On Hold to specify the object cannot be used until the status is changed.e. Frozen to prevent any further changes to the object and any dependent data.f. Obsolete/Archived to specify the object can no longer be used unless the status is changed.

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    2. Enter Process Instruction Paragraph as:a. NULL if the process instruction paragraph is not used. Default.b. A user-defined paragraph code to define process instruction entry using the standard Text Editor

    functionality. Process instructions entered in the Recipe Designer are stored against this paragrapcode.


    Enter Recipe Type as:a. Master to indicate that the default recipe type is process cell specific. Master recipes define exactly

    how a product is made in a specific process manufacturing cell.b. Site to indicate that the default recipe type is at the site level. There is one site recipe for each site

    that makes the product, or some portion of the product. A site recipe has the same structure as ageneral recipe, but may be modified for the local language and unit of measure. It may also bemodified to take into account local material availability, or it may only define a part of the generarecipe that is actually performed on the site.

    c. General to indicate that the default recipe type is one general recipe for each specific productvariation made by a company. It defines, in equipment independent manner, the material andprocess dependencies required to make a product. The general recipe is usually created during or

    after the pilot plant scale up of a research and development recipe.

    4. Enter Version Controlas:a. No to specify version control is not active for recipes. Changes can be made to an existing recipe

    without the need to change its version. Defaultb. Yes to specify full version control is active for recipes. Changes made to the recipe header or

    organization specific details require a new version. This excludes changes to alidity rules, stepmaterial association, recipe step quantities, customers, recipe status, mark for purge, and theUndelete functionality.

    c. Optional to specify version control is discretionary for recipes. You can create a new version wheyou update an existing version.

    NOTE: Same will be defined for other OPM orgs as Shown below

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    1. Enter Default Substitution Status as:a. New to make changes at any time, assuming you has security access. Default.b. Approved for Laboratory Use for use in laboratory batches and cost rollups for the laboratory.c. Approved for General Use for use in production batches.d. On Hold to specify the object cannot be used until the status is changed.e. Frozen to prevent any further changes to the object and any dependent data.


    Obsolete/Archived to specify the object can no longer be used unless the status is changed.

    2. Enter Version Control as:a. No to specify version control is not active for recipes. Changes can be made to an existing

    substitution list without the need to change its version. Defaultb. Yes to specify full version control is active for substitution lists. Changes made to the item

    substitution list or organization specific details require a new version. This excludes changes tostatus, mark for purge, and the Undelete functionality.

    c. Optional to specify version control is discretionary for substitution lists. You can create a newversion when you update an existing version.

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    LaboratoryEnter Costing Source Organization as the default organization for least-cost formulation. All process-enabledinventory organizations are available.

    Above check will protect the data table visibility at back end. Formula data is visible only in TOAD when this bois check.


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    Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Setup Document Raju Chinthapatla

    After Deploying all above necessary setup we will be able to incorporate the Formula, Operations, Routing andRecipe. Screen shots of the user related application is as follows. These are self explanatory so there is no need toexplain all these. However these are fully explained in the Product development User guidesFormulator > Setup > Formula ClassFormula Classes group formulas with similar characteristics and requirements for reporting purposes. Forexample, use a formula class to classify all formulas for ACRYLIC paints, or to classify all formulas for ORGANIC

    paints. Food seasoning formulas could be grouped under a SEASONINGS class. You specify the formula class onthe Formula Details window.

    Formulator > Setup > Status Codes

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    Enter a new Status Codenumber. The number you enter is sorted into ascending order with the other status codwhen you save and reopen the Status Codes window.Codes entered between any two predefined codes, such as 101 to 199, or 201 to 299 are included in the workflowassociated with the predefined status code with the same first digit. For example, if you enter the code 110, itbecomes part of the workflow associated to Code 100. If you enter a code number 699, it becomes part of theworkflow associated to Code 600. Predefined status codes are shown in a table at the end of this task.

    The Enable Versioncheck box determines whether the status code entered is set up for version control. Anymodification made to an operation, routing, formula, or recipe while it is set to the status entered in the Meaningfield initiates or bypasses activation of a new version depending on the selection you make here, and the valueentered for the appropriate version control profile option.

    o Select the check box if you want the status code to enable version control when a modification ismade to an operation, routing, formula, or recipe. The appropriate version control profile optionmust be set to Yes or Optional.

    o Clear the check box if you want the status code to bypass version control when a modification ismade to an operation, routing, formula, or recipe.

    Status DetailsThe Status Details window enables you to enter a target status for a new status code. You can optionally enterrework status, pending status, and assign a workflow indicator.

    To enter status details:1. Enter a Target Statusfor the new Status Code. This is the code that appears as the destination status on th

    Change Statuswindow. You have the ability to enter several Target Status destinations for each StatusCode. They must be entered on separate lines. Required.

    2. Optionally, enter a Rework Status for the new Status Code. The Rework Status code defines thedestination for the listed Status Code when it is not accepted and must be reworked.

    3. Optionally, enter a Pending Statusfor the new Status Code. The Pending Status code defines a destinatioof the listed Status Code when it enters the approval workflow and is pending approval.

    4. Select one of the following asWorkflow Indicator:

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    o Enable or Disable Workflowto indicate that the fields listed in the row enable or disable theworkflow.

    o Workflow Approvalto indicate that the fields listed in the row require workflow approval.o No Workflow Approvalto indicate that the fields listed in the row do not require workflow


    Formulator > Setup > Recipe Generation

    Formula Details

    Formula Details: Products

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    Operation DetailsOperations are a combination of one or more activities performed in a production batch and the resources used tperform those activities. The Operation Details Activities window links operations to activities. Use the ActivityFactor and activity-resource association to enter an activity several times within an operation. Activity Factorsimplifies data entry of the same activity several times by defining the specific number of times that an activity isperformed during an operation. Activity factor is taken into consideration for planning and resource calculation

    purposes. Display the Operation Activity window to link one or more resources to a single activity. Go to theOperation Activity Line Edit window to edit individual activity lines.

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    Understanding Sequence Dependent OperationsSequence dependency indicates that there is an additional setup time required when products are processedthrough each operation in a specific sequence.Enter an Activityrequired for this Operation. ADescriptionof this activity displays.Enter the Activity Factorto specify the number of times the activity is performed in this Operation.

    For example, if a quality test must be performed at the beginning, middle, and end of a mixing time periorather than defining the activity and associated resources three times, use the Activity Factor or multiplieto indicate the number of iterations for the same activity.

    Sequence Dependencyis selected when the activity has a sequence dependent setup. It is cleared when there is nsequence dependency.Enter the Offset Interval as the time delay from the start of the activity to the point where the resource is actuallyrequired.

    Activity-Resource DetailsThe Operation Activity window assigns resources to each activity, and lets you edit a resource line once activitieare associated with an operation. You access this window when you click Resources on the Operation DetailsActivities window.Charge calculates resource usage by capturing the number of passes required to process a step. This is based on

    the maximum capacity of the step as derived from specific resources used.

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    ThroughputProcess units of measure and usage units of measure are derived from the plant resource if one is defined. You coverride these values using this window. A process quantity is converted to an operation process quantity unit omeasure if needed.

    Process QuantityThis value combined with the Usage quantity defines the usage rate. For example, if a resource can mix 200gallons per hour, enter 200 as the Process Quantity, 1 as the Usage, and the unit of measure for hours.

    Scheduling Information

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    o Select Auxiliaryfor resources that work as companions with the primary resources to perform anactivity in the Operation. These resources do not affect the rate of the Operation. For example, aprimary resource in a mixing activity is a mixer with a throughput rate of 100 gallons per hour. Anauxiliary resource is the worker who operates the mixer. No matter how fast or slow the worker isthe mixer rate remains at a constant 100 gallons per hour.

    o Select Primaryto indicate that this is the rate determining resource. It limits or determines

    throughput. It is also referred to as the bottleneck or critical resource. There can only be onePrimary per resource.

    o Select Secondaryto indicate the resource that would replace the primary resource when it is notavailable. This resource performs the same task as the primary resource. It is unconstrained, and ihas usage. The Advanced Planning and Scheduling application does not schedule the secondaryresource.

    Enter the Countas the number of resources needed for the activity entered. For example, it two blenders are usedfor mixing, enter a 2 in the count.Enter the Offset Interval as the time delay from the start of the activity to the point where the resource is actuallyrequired.

    Scale Typeo Select Proportional Scalingif the resources change in a ratio that is proportional to the quantity of

    material being processed.o Select Fixedif the resources do not change, regardless of the quantity of material being processed.o Select Fixed By Charge if the resources change as a result of the number of charges specified.

    Operation Resource Process ParametersProcess parameters are a component of the process instructions necessary to run resources during the batchprocess. They are usually machines or instruments and are the standard for executing a task. They can be genericor specific. Each industry and company uses different machines and instruments, and there are differentrequirements for recording process parameters.A process parameter details information such as temperature, pressure, or time that is pertinent to the product,but does not fall into the classification of input or output. You can use process parameters as set points,comparison values, or in conditional logic.

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    Parameter ValuesThe following fields default from the process parameter set up in the planning application:

    o Seqis the sequence of the resource process parameter.o Parameteris the process parameter name. For example, Bath Temperature.o Minimumis the lowest acceptable value for a numeric range type of process parameter.o Maximumis the highest acceptable value for a numeric range type of process parameter.o Unitsis the unit of measure for the process parameter.

    To reset values based on the hierarchy:You can override certain process parameters at the operation and recipe levels. Click Reset Values to removeoverrides set up for a process parameter. The following illustrates how the process parameter is reset.The hierarchy is:

    Recipe Operation Default value from the planning application

    For example, if the default for a process parameter from the planning application is set to 10, you can override it the operation level and at the recipe level. The following values are used for illustration:

    Recipe = 20 Operation = 15

    Default value from the planning application = 10If you click Reset Values for the process parameter on the: Recipe Details window, then the process parameter value changes from 20 to 15, the next step down in the

    hierarchy. Operation Activity Details window, then the process parameter value changes from 15 to 10.

    If no override exists at the operation level, and you click Reset Values at the recipe level, then the processparameter value changes to 10, which is the original default value from the planning application.

    Routing Details

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    The Routing Details window enables you to enter the details for a specific routing.

    Understanding the Enforce Step Dependency IndicatorWhen Enforce Step Dependency is selected, several business rules are applied:

    The Release Type field is set to Manual to indicate that the step must be released and completed manually You cannot change the step dependency and step release type at the step level. All steps must be completed before you can complete a batch using this routing. All steps must be closed before you can close a batch using this routing. Business rules validate step start and completion dates and times for appropriate batch step rescheduling

    Routing details:1. Navigate to the Routing Detailswindow.2. Enter the code for the Routing. Required.


    Enter a RoutingVersionof the Routing. Required.4. After entering all relevant information and saving the Routing with the default Status of New, return to

    this window if you need to change Routing Status by selecting Change Statusfrom the Actionsmenu.Depending on whether Workflow is enabled, a different set of statuses is available.Select a Statusfor the Routing you are entering from one of the following:

    o Approved for Laboratory Useto indicate that the Routing is approved for laboratory use.o Approved for General Useto indicate that the Routing is approved for use in production.o Obsolete/Archivedto indicate that the Routing is no longer approved for use and is obsolete,

    archived, or both.If Workflow is enabled, when you select:

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    o Approved for Laboratory Use, Status changes to Request Approval for Laboratory Useuntil allapprovers have accepted the Routing, at which time its Status changes to Approved for LaboratorUse.

    o Approval for General Use, Status changes to Request Approval for General Useuntil allapprovers have accepted the Routing, at which time its Status changes to Approved for GeneralUse.

    Refer to the Understanding the "Status Approval Workflow" topic for additional information.5. Enter a RoutingDescriptionthat briefly describes the Routing. Required.6. Enter a Classfor the Routing to identify how it is categorized. The ClassDescriptionassigned to the Clas

    displays.7. Enter the Valid Fromdate for this Routing. The default date is the current system date. Required.8. Enter a Todate for the expiration of this Routing. If there is no expiration date for this Routing, leave the

    field blank.9. Enter the process Quantityfor this Routing. This is the total quantity of material for the Routing, and is

    used to scale individual step requirements. Required.10.Enter the process Quantity UOMassociated with this Routing. The process Quantity UOM must

    interconvert with the UOM defined for Theoretical Process Loss based on the primary product UOM

    conversion in the Routing. Required.11.Enterthe Planned Lossfor this Routing. This value is expressed as a percent. For example, a loss of 1.304

    would be entered as 1.304.12.The Theoretical Process Lossfor this Routing displays. This value is entered on the Theoretical Process

    Loss window, and is based on the value assigned to the Class associated with this Routing.13.Enter the Ownerto indicate the individual who is responsible for initiating this Routing. Required.14.Enter the Owner Organizationto indicate the plant, laboratory, or other facility that is responsible for

    initiating this Routing. Required.15.Enforce Step Dependencyis:

    o Selected when the routing enforces step dependency.o Cleared when the routing does not enforce step dependency.

    Routing Steps16.Enter the Stepnumber to associate with an Operation in this Routing. It is recommended that the firstnumber in this sequence be 10, the second 20, and so forth. This enables you to add intermediate stepsbetween 10 and 20 at a later time. Required.

    17.Enter the code for theOperationperformed in this Routing. Required.18.Enter a Versionnumber for the Routing. Required.19.The Descriptionof the Operation entered displays.20.Enter the Operation Step Quantityas the quantity of material associated with this Step. The UOMfor the

    Step Quantity displays.21.Min Transfer Qtyis for future use by the Oracle Advanced Planning and Scheduling application. It is

    intended to reduce overall lead times by defining the minimum amount of material that must be producein a step at a specific production operation and resource before the next operation can begin. This reducesbottlenecks by letting processes transfer an interim quantity of completed material to the next step withouthe requirement to complete the entire step.

    22.Select the Release Typeto indicate how the step is released as:o Automaticif the step is automatically released or completed when subsequent steps are released o

    completed.o Manualif the step must be released and completed manually.

    All steps are completed if the batch is completed, regardless of the step release type.23.Save the window.24.Optionally, click Step Dependenciesto display the Routing Step Dependencieswindow.

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    25.Optionally, click Edit Operationto display the Operation Details Activities window.26.Optionally, click Edit Step Line to display Routing Step Line window.

    To mark the routing for deletion:1. Choose Mark for Purgefrom the Actionsmenu.2. The record is marked for deletion.3. Save the window.

    To edit the routing text:1. Choose Edit Textfrom the Actionsmenu.2. Make the appropriate edits to routing text.3. Save the window.

    To display the Specifications window:1. Choose Specificationsfrom the Actionsmenu. The Specificationswindow displays.2. Evaluate specifications.3. Close the window.

    To display the Samples window:1. Choose Samplesfrom the Actionsmenu. The Sampleswindow displays.2. Evaluate the samples.


    Close the window.To change the routing status:1. Choose Change Status from the Actions menu.2. Change the Current Statusdisplayed by selecting a different Status from the Change Status Tolist.3. Click OK.4. The Routing Detailswindow displays the revised Statusfor the routing.

    To generate step dependencies:1. Position the cursor in the routing header.2. Choose Generate Step Dependenciesfrom the Actionsmenu. A message displays to indicate that the

    dependencies have been generated.3. Click OK.4. Select the dependent Step.5.

    Click Routing Step Dependencies. The Routing Step Dependencieswindow displays. Enter data asdescribed in the "Entering Routing Step Dependencies" topic.

    To duplicate a record:1. Query the Routing Details record you want to duplicate.2. Choose Newfrom the Filemenu.3. Choose Duplicate RecordAbovefrom the Editmenu.4. Enter a new Routingname and Versionnumber.5. Save the window.

    Routing Step DependenciesThe Routing Step Dependencies window enables you to create and modify the interrelationships between routin

    steps. Step dependencies are those relationships between routing steps that establish whether a specific step can cannot start until another step is completed. Routing Step Dependencies reduce the routing development time byestablishing a default sequence for operation steps during a production run. Step dependencies are implementedat the routing maintenance level to enable automatic step quantity calculation in recipes.You are able to define new dependencies or delete the ones you do not want. For example, if step 10 is BAKINGand step 20 is the COOLING step, then step 10 must be completed before step 20 can begin. By this definition, ste20 is dependent on the completion of step 10. Step dependencies are used to calculate planned start timeshowever, they can be overwritten.

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    Any previous step must be validated against any routing currently being edited, and it must not be the same asthe current step. Avoid defining circular references, for example Step 10 is less than Step 20 is less than Step 10.

    Understanding Routing Step Dependency SelectionsStep Dependencies are definable as:

    Finish-to-start with no offset, to indicate that a process step begins immediately after the completion of itspreceding step. For example, a consecutive addition of ingredients is required without interruption.

    Finish-to-start with positive offset, to indicate that a process step begins a specified period of time after thcompletion of its preceding step. For example, time is required to rest material before the addition of

    another ingredient. Finish-to-start with negative offset, to indicate that a process step begins a specified period of time before

    the completion of its preceding step. For example, a production device needs to be activated before theaddition of the next ingredient.

    Start-to-start with no offset, to indicate that a process step begins at the same time as the step it dependson. For example, there is a need for simultaneous addition of ingredients without interruption.

    Start-to-start with positive offset, to indicate that a process step begins a specified time after the beginningof its preceding step. This is similar to finish-to-start with negative offset, but by specifying that thedependency is start-to-start, you can ensure the positive offset is maintained if the previous dependent stfinishes early.

    The offset is defined in the Standard Delay field as a positive or negative number. The application uses step

    dependencies when individual steps are rescheduled.

    Recipe DetailsThe Recipe Details window enables you to enter the details for a specific recipe. A Plant or a Laboratory can beassociated with all the materials and resources required to make a product at the recipe level. One or morecustomers can be associated to the recipe for informational purposes.

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    Optionally, enter and save operations.

    Optionally, enter and save routings.

    Enter and save formulas.

    Set up the default Organization.

    Set up the GMA: Default Organization profile option.

    Understanding Step Quantity CalculationsWhen you select the calculate Step Qty indicator on the Recipe Details window, the application checks todetermine if there are proper step quantity material associations. You must use a routing. Step and materialassociations must be made. If any of these associations are defective, then you receive an error message. When youse the Automatic Step Quantity Calculation, it checks quantities in each step to verify that material is available tpass into and out of each step. The quantity of material for a particular step is dependent on the quantity ofmaterial that passes into or out of it. The input material can be either the ingredient that is injected directly into tstep, or it can be the output of preceding steps. Output is represented typically by co-products or byproducts.

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    To enter recipe details:1. Navigate to the Recipe Detailswindow.2. Enter the code for the Recipeto be entered.3. Enter a Versionof the Recipe.4. Enter a Descriptionfor the Recipe.5. After entering all relevant information and saving the Recipe with the default Status of New, return to th

    window if you need to change Recipe Status by selecting Change Statusfrom the Actionsmenu.Depending on whether Workflow is enabled, a different set of statuses is available.

    Select a Statusfor the Recipe you are entering from one of the following:o Approved for Laboratory Useto indicate that the Recipe is approved for laboratory use.o Approved for General Useto indicate that the Recipe is approved for use in production.o Obsolete/Archivedto indicate that the Recipe is no longer approved for use and is obsolete,

    archived, or both.If Workflow is enabled, when you select:

    o Approved for Laboratory Use, then Status changes to Request Approval for Laboratory Useuntiall approvers have accepted the Recipe, then its Status changes to Approved for Laboratory Use.

    o Approval for General Use, then Status changes to Request Approval for General Useuntil allapprovers have accepted the Recipe, then its Status changes to Approved for General Use.

    Recipe status cannot be changed to an approved status if the formula and routing are not yet approved.

    For example, the formula and routing must be approved for General Use before the recipe status can bechanged to Approved for General Use. If you change the status of a recipe to Obsolete, Archived, On-holor Frozen, validity rules associated to that recipe change to that status.You can change the status of recipes or validity rules to On-hold or Obsolete even if they are used inbatches as long all these batches are closed or cancelled.

    6. Enter the main Productfor the Formula associated with this Recipe. If you enter a new Recipe, enter theFormula to fill this field automatically.

    7. The Output Quantitydisplays the sum of all materials. UOMindicates the unit of measure for the Formuassociated with this Recipe.

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    8. Enter the Formula number for the Recipe. Required. Once a recipe is saved, this field cannot be edited. Yocannot use an inactive Formula in a recipe. The formula Versiondisplays. Required.

    9. Creation Organizationdisplays the organization code for the initial Owner. This field is not updateable fan existing Recipe. Required.

    10.Enter a Routingnumber for the Recipe. A routing can be added to an existing Recipe. The Versionfor theRouting entered displays.


    Theoretical Process Lossdisplays the hypothetical loss of process material associated to a routing as apercentage. If no routing is associated to a recipe, or if no routing class is associated to a given routing, anno Process Loss is defined for that routing, this field is blank.

    12.Enter the Planned Process Lossas the loss of process material observed during production of a batch usinthe recipe. If no value is entered in this field, it defaults to the Theoretical Process Loss. You can change thvalue on a New or existing recipe.

    13.Total Output Qty displays with its UOM.14.Enter the Laboratorythat has current ownership of the recipe. This is a Folder field.15.Enter the Owner Organization. This field is the default organization for the Owner of the Recipe. In orde

    for you to enter or edit information for the Recipe, you must have an association with this organization anpermission to access and change this field. Required.


    Enter theOwnerof the Recipe. The Owner name must be a valid User name. This field defaults to thecurrent User. Required.

    Note: You must enter all information on this window before you select the Calculate Step Qty check box.

    17.The Calculate Step Qtycheck box indicates whether you want to enter step quantities manually or havethe application calculate them for you.

    o Select the Calculate Step Qtycheck box to enable the application to calculate step quantitiesautomatically. Quantities are based on the amount of materials that go into and out of eachsupported step. Step Quantity fields cannot be entered after you select the check box. You mustassociate all items marked as contributing to step quantity to specific Steps on the RecipeStep/Material Association window.

    o Clear the Calculate Step Qty indicator to enter step quantities manually. Step quantities are

    calculated using routing step quantity, total output quantity of formula, and routing headerquantity.

    Plant/Laboratory18.The following fields are display only:

    o Organizationdisplays the Organization code that the Process Loss is being defined for. This mustbe a plant or a laboratory. Required.

    o Organization Namedisplays a description of the plant or laboratory.o Typeindicates whether this is a plant or a laboratory.o Process Lossdisplays the material that is lost through the process. This field is blank if you did no

    enter a Routing. This field allows you to override the default Process Loss.

    Customer19.Enter the Customernumber. Required.20.Nameindicates the name of the Customer associated with the Customer number entered.

    Step QuantityIf a routing has not been entered, this region is not available. If you calculate step quantities in the Automatic SteQuantity Calculation, the Step Material Associations need to be entered.

    21.Stepindicates the step number associated with the listed Operation in the displayed Routing. Steps cannobe added or deleted here. However, if a step is deleted in the base routing used for this Recipe, and the

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    Step field is overwritten, you must choose Deletefrom the Editmenu to delete the orphaned Step. Chargare calculated for each Step displayed. You can associate text with each Step.

    22.Operationdisplays the operation associated with the Step. The operation Versionand Descriptionaredisplayed.

    23.Step Quantityindicates the default quantity of material associated with the Step. The UOMfor the StepQuantity displays. You can enter a new value in the Step Quantity field if you do not use the Automatic

    Step Quantity Calculation. If Automatic Step Quantity Calculation is used, this field is not enterable.Required if the Step is associated to material, and you are not using Automatic Step Quantity CalculationRequired.

    24.Chargesdisplays the total calculated charges for the step. Charges are the number of times the Operationmust be performed to complete the Step for the specified Step Quantity. For example, a mixer that holds 5kg would require two charges to process 100 kg of material. Charges are calculated from the smallestminimum capacity for all resources in the Step.

    25.Optionally, click Organization Detailsto display the Recipe Organization Detailswindow.26.Optionally, click Validity Rulesto display the RecipeValidity Ruleswindow.27.Optionally, click Step/Material Associationto display the RecipeStep/Material Associationwindow.28.Save the window.

    To mark a recipe for deletion:1. Choose Mark for Purgefrom the Actionsmenu.2. The record is marked for deletion.3. Save the window.

    To copy a recipe:1. Select the Recipeto copy.2. Choose Copyfrom the Editmenu. Copying a recipe creates a new recipe. All header fields in the the new

    recipe are editable. You must change the recipe number or recipe version in the copied recipe before savinit. Duplicate recipe names are not allowed. The current Owner and Organization are assigned to the newrecipe. Recipes that have been marked for deletion cannot be copied.


    Click OK.

    To edit text:1. Choose Edit Textfrom the Actionsmenu.2. Enter appropriate text.3. Save the window.

    Duplicating a RecipeYou can duplicate a recipe, routing, and validity rules from an existing record. If you change the routing end datprior to saving the record, then the application checks the routing end date against the validity rule end date. If tvalidity rule end date is greater than the routing end date, or blank, then the application assigns the value of the

    routing end date to the validity rule end date.

    To duplicate a recipe:1. Query the Recipe Details record to duplicate.2. Choose Newfrom the Filemenu.3. Choose Duplicate RecordAbovefrom the Editmenu.4. Enter a new Recipename and Versionnumber.5. Save the window.

    To display the Formula Details window:

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    1. Choose Formulafrom the Actionsmenu. The Formula Detailswindow displays.2. Close the window.

    To display the Routing Details window:1. Choose Routingfrom the Actionsmenu. The Routing Detailswindow displays.2. Close the window.

    To display the E-Record Details window:1. Choose E-Record Detailsfrom the Actionsmenu. The E-Record Generic Querydisplays if this option is

    implemented in your application.2. Refer to "Appendix D Oracle E-Records Events in Product Development" for information on e-records.3. Close the window.

    To display the Specifications window:1. Choose Specificationsfrom the Actionsmenu. The Specificationswindow displays.2. Evaluate specifications.3. Close the window.

    To display the Samples window:1. Choose Samplesfrom the Actionsmenu. The Sampleswindow displays.2. Evaluate the samples.3. Close the window.

    Recipe Step/Material AssociationThe Recipe Step/Material Association window displays all items from the recipe formula and lets you associatethese items with specific routing steps.

    Minimum Transfer Quantity (MTQ)has a restriction on the gap between the time that the MTQ is yielded for thitem, and the start of the next routing that involves that item. The gap is defined with a minimum and maximum

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    value based in the TIME unit of measure for hour. When calculating the gap, the minimum value creates the gapand the maximum value limits the duration of the gap between the routing and the MTQ yield point. This MTQcalculation can be added for all products of a recipe.Minimum and maximum values are optional, and blank values represent an infinite gap between themanufacturing processes:

    If you enter the minimum value only, then a specific gap must exist between the MTQ time point and the

    next routing for the item. However, the end of the gap is infinite. If you enter both minimum and maximum values, then the gap is fixed and requires the next routing to

    start in the defined period after the MTQ time point.Minimum delay and maximum delay represent this gap. The values for these can never be negative, and theminimum must always be less than or equal to the maximum value. The entry of an MTQ for any of the productsis not required. Blank value for MTQ implies the full quantity must be yielded before the next routing can start.


    Enter and save recipes.

    If the Automatic Step Quantity Calculation is used:A routing must be associated with the recipe.

    Each item marked as contributing to step quantity must be associated with a step, and hava conversion specified between the standard mass unit of measure and standard volumeunit of measure.

    All operations must use a mass or volume unit of measure.

    To display recipe step/material associations:1. Navigate to the Recipe Step/Material Associationwindow.2. The following fields are display only:

    o Formuladisplays the formula used in a recipe with the Versionand FormulaDescription.o Routingdisplays the routing used in a recipe with the Versionand RoutingDescription.

    Associationso Stepdisplays the step number associated with the listed Operation in the displayed Routing. You

    cannot add a Step to a routing on this window. You must do this on the Routing DetailswindowRequired.

    o Maximum Delay displays the delay offset in hours. This is a restriction on the gap between thepoint in time that the minimum transfer quantity is yielded for the item and the start of the nextrouting involving the item. If the maximum delay is set, then the material must be used before thisdelay. For future use by the Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning application.

    o Minimum Delay displays the Minimum Delay offset in hours. This must be less than or equal to thMaximum Delay. For future use by APS.

    o Item Descriptiondisplays the descriptions each product, byproduct, or ingredient listed.o Line Unit of Measuredisplays the unit of measure for each product, byproduct, or ingredient

    listed.o Minimum Transfer Quantitydisplays the minimum quantity of product needed to yield a partial

    quantity before the next routing can start. For future use by APS.o Operationdisplays the operation associated with the Step. The operation Versiondisplays.o Step Qtydisplays the default quantity of material associated with the Step. The UOMfor the Step

    Quantity displays.o Linedisplays the line number for each product, byproduct, or ingredient listed. Required.o Itemdisplays the code associated with each product, byproduct, or ingredient listed.o Typedisplays the type of Line associated in the Step as a product, byproduct, or ingredient.

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    o Item Qtydisplays the Quantity of product, byproduct, or ingredient yielded by the listed Formulao Line UOMdisplays the unit of measure for the Item Quantity.

    3. Close the window.

    Editing the association of materials and steps:1. Enter the Stepfrom the LOV. Required.


    The following fields are display only:o Operationdisplays the operation associated with the Step. The operation Versionis displayed.o Step Qtydisplays the default quantity of material associated with the Step. The UOMfor the Step

    Quantity displays.3. Enter the Linefrom the LOV. Required.4. The following fields are display only:

    o Itemdisplays the code associated with each product, byproduct, or ingredient listed.o Typedisplays the type of Line associated in the Step as a product, byproduct, or ingredient.o Item Qtydisplays the Quantity of product, byproduct, or ingredient yielded by the listed Formulao Line UOMdisplays the unit of measure for the Item Quantity.

    5. Save the window

    Recipe Validity RulesThe Recipe Validity Rules window lets you edit validity rules for a specific recipe. Use this window to applyglobal or specific organization rules to batches, cost management, planning, or technical data when producing thsame product. Validity Rules can be added, updated, or marked for deletion.

    Overriding Process Loss Entered at the Routing LevelProcess loss is based on the standard quantity entered at the validity rule level. Process loss that is entered at thalevel overrides the process loss entered at the routing level. Theoretical Process Loss, Planned Process Loss, StepQuantity, and Charges fields display at the validity rule level.

    Theoretical Process Loss calculations are also based on the Validity Rule Standard Quantity. If Planned ProcessLoss is entered on a validity rule, then its value overrides process loss defined at any other level in the routing or

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    Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Setup Document Raju Chinthapatla

    the recipe. If a batch is created for a different quantity, then the same rule is applied to calculate the actual ProcesLoss. Planned Process Loss is compared to the Theoretical Process Loss for the Standard Quantity field on avalidity rule. This loss is taken from the Process Loss field for the routing class in order to compute a factor. TheTheoretical Process Loss for the batch quantity is multiplied by this factor to compute the actual Process Loss forthe batch.

    Following are the modifications for the Automatic Step Quantity Calculation, or ASQC: If ASQC is not used, then the step quantities displayed initially are based on the routing, as scaled to the

    Validity Rule Standard Quantity. If step quantities are overridden at the recipe level, then the recipe stepquantities are scaled to the Validity Rule Standard Quantity.

    If ASQC is used, then the Step Quantities displayed are based on the formula scaled to the Validity RuleStandard Quantity.

    Charges displayed at the validity rule level are based on the step quantities indicated there. Process Execution,Cost Management, Financials, and Planning applications use process loss overrides at the validity rule level.

    To edit recipe validity rules:1. Navigate to the Recipe Validity Rules window.


    The following fields are display only:o Formuladisplays the formula used in the recipe with its Versionand Description.o Routingdisplays the routing used in the recipe with the routing Versionand Description.o Statusdisplays the Status of the Validity Rule. This field cannot be higher than its associated recip

    For example, a Validity Rule cannot be Approved for General Use until the recipe associated to it Approved for General Use.You can change the status of recipes or validity rules to On-hold or Obsolete even if they are usedin batches as long all these batches are closed or cancelled.

    3. Organizationdisplays the organization that owns this Validity Rule, and the OrganizationDescription.This must be your Plant or Laboratory. You can enter and save a new Organization.

    Validity Rule4.

    Select Recipe Useas:o Productionfor use in production of products.o Planningfor use in planning material consumption.o Costingfor use in establishing costs.o Technicalfor use in establishing technical classes and subclasses.

    Required.5. Enter a Product in the Formula for the Validity Rule. The product Descriptionfield displays. Required.6. Enter the Preferencenumber for the Validity Rule. When more than one formula can be used to produce

    the same product, the Preference field is used to show the Validity Rule that must be used first, second,third, and so forth. Preference defaults to 1. Required.For example, one formula can be used to produce between 10 and 150 gallons of a product. Another

    formula can be used to produce between 100 and 1000 gallons of the same product.

    Since either formulacan be used to produce 100 to 150 gallons of material, the Preference field shows the suggested order ofuse. Lower numbers indicate a higher Preference. The number 1 indicates the highest Preference.

    7. Enter the StandardQuantityof product made with this Formula. This quantity is only used for productcosting. It does not restrict quantities that can be produced with the Formula. Standard defaults to thequantity provided in the Formula displayed. Required.

    8. UOMis the unit of measure for the standard quantity. You can enter and save a different unit of measureRequired.

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    Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Setup Document Raju Chinthapatla

    9. Enter the Minimumquantity of product that can be made using the Formula. Minimum defaults to 1.Required.

    10.Enter the Maximumquantity of product that can be made using the Formula. Required.11.Theoreticaldisplays the theoretical process loss based on the Validity Rule Standard Quantity.12.Enter the Plannedprocess loss. This overrides planned process loss entered at the routing level.13.Enter the From date as the date the Validity Rule becomes effective. The date must be within the effective

    date for any routing associated to the recipe. Required.14.Enter To date as the date to stop using the Validity Rule. This is an optional field and must be left blank if

    no expiration date is defined for the Validity Rule.

    Step Quantity15.The following fields are display only:

    o Stepdisplays the step number associated with the operation displayed.o Operationindicates the operation associated to the step. The operation Versiondisplays.o Descriptionindicates a description of the operation.o Step Quantity and its UOMindicates the quantity processed by the routing step and the unit of

    measure of the step quantity.o

    Chargesindicates the total calculated charges for the step.16.Save the window.