Download - Or do you think that you will enter Paradise while such ... · Would the Shariah brought by Muhammad ﷺ be annihilated? Would Allahs system [of governance] be eradicated from Allahs

Page 1: Or do you think that you will enter Paradise while such ... · Would the Shariah brought by Muhammad ﷺ be annihilated? Would Allahs system [of governance] be eradicated from Allahs
Page 2: Or do you think that you will enter Paradise while such ... · Would the Shariah brought by Muhammad ﷺ be annihilated? Would Allahs system [of governance] be eradicated from Allahs

(Ameer of Al-Qaeda in The Subcontinent)

وۃ والسالم علی من ال نبی بعدہ۔ ما بعد۔أالحمد للہ وحدہ، والصل

ن الرجیم۔ بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم فأعوذ باللہ من الشیط

وا لدخ

ن ت

م حسبتم ا

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ء وزل

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باتهم ال م مس


وا من ق

لذين خ

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تكا يا م


ة جن

ی يقول الر ال وا حت

سول ل

ريب ه ق

صر الل

ان ن

اله ا

صر الل

منوا معه متی ن

ذين ا


“Or do you think that you will enter Paradise while such [trial]

has not yet come to you as came to those who passed on before

you? They were touched by poverty and hardship and were

shaken until [even their] messenger and those who believed

with him said, "When is the help of Allah?" Unquestionably, the

help of Allah is near.”

O my mujahid fellows!

O those who lay out there lives in the path of Allah, when the going starts to get

tough in the path of Allah, when the trials and tribulations become difficult,

when agony and grief start to lurk like dark clouds, when all oars of the ship slip

through the hands, when all means and material struts break, and it reaches

such a point that even the persons having firm determination call out saying متی

becomes the voice springing متی نصر اللہ when ,[?When is the help of Allah] نصر اللہ

up from the depths of the heart… then one should realize that the time for

Allah’s help is here… that Allah’s help is about to come!

Allah SWT is giving you glad tidings in His Book that after difficulties and trials,

Allah’s help is about to come. Allah gives glad tidings to those fighting for the

supremacy of His deen, for the implementation of His Shari’ah, at a time when

the worldly people with diseased hearts call it madness; whereas those whose

hearts Allah has filled with belief with certainty, believe in their Lord’s, and

in their beloved Messenger’s (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) glad tidings in such a way that people have in

what they see with their very eyes.

Page 3: Or do you think that you will enter Paradise while such ... · Would the Shariah brought by Muhammad ﷺ be annihilated? Would Allahs system [of governance] be eradicated from Allahs

To revive our faith… to warm up our spirits… to fire up our fervor… let us

consider a scene—a scene whose dreadfulness and seriousness is described by

Allah himself. What an intense trial was put before the Muslims in the Battle

of the Trench:

.زاغت األبصار فوقکم ومن أسفل منکم وإذ إذ جاؤکم من

i.e. when they came at you from above you and from below you, and when

eyes shifted [in fear]

Please visualize that scene: The enemy has besieged Madinah Munawwarah

from its above and from its below. The superpower of the Arabian Peninsula has

vowed to bury Islam and Muslims in the very city of Madinah. They have the

support of the Jews from inside the city, and outside of it. Add to that, they have

brought in other Arab tribes. In the meantime, the hypocrites and the Jews

inside Madinah are also keen to wipe out the Muslims. At that moment, the

Quran says, وإذ زاغت األبصار, in such an intense condition the eyes shift [or become

dazed], وبلغت القلوب الحناجر, and the hearts reach the throats.

Would the Shari’ah brought by Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص be annihilated? Would Allah’s

system [of governance] be eradicated from Allah’s earth? The deen for whose

supremacy, the Shari’ah for whose implementation the precious blood of

Muhammad’s ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص devotees was spilled in the Battle of Uhud and other battles led

or ordered by him ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص… would all that be laid to waste?

Before the arrival of the army, the sahabah r.a are busy digging the trench. When

our masterملسو هيلع هللا ىلص saw his devotees drained out of hunger, thirst, and fatigue in bitter

cold weather, the Prophetملسو هيلع هللا ىلص’s tongue moved with prayers for them. He ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص said,

مهاجره *اللهم إن العيش عيش اآلخرة فاغفر األنصار وال

O Allah, it is the life of the Hereafter that is life; So, forgive the Ansaar

and the Muhajireen and Make good their life of the Hereafter.

These Shari’ah freaks sensed that our master ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص was saddened at their state, and

so Muhammad’s ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص devotees spoke out in unison:

دا ذين بايعوا محمحن ال


Page 4: Or do you think that you will enter Paradise while such ... · Would the Shariah brought by Muhammad ﷺ be annihilated? Would Allahs system [of governance] be eradicated from Allahs

بداجهاد ما بقينا أ

ى ال


O Messenger of Allah, we are the ones who have pledged allegiance to

Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص that we will carry on jihad as long as we live, that we would lay

down our lives in this very path.

Our master ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص is standing with his sahabah. Salmaan Al-Faarisi is digging

the trench. In the process, he encounters a boulder that breaks even the pickaxe.

Salmaan Al-Faarisi r.a goes to the Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص and tells him about the boulder.

The Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص comes, takes the pickaxe and starts breaking the boulder. Light

emits from the boulder. The Mercy for the Worlds [the Prophet] ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص says, “Allahu

Akbar!” The same type of light emits a second, and a third time; and again the

Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص says, “Allahu Akbar!” Salmaan Al-Faarisi and other sahabah

(radhiyAllahu anhum) mention this incident to the Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص, and ask about the

light. The Mercy for the Worlds ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص says, “In the first light, I was shown the palaces

of Hira and Khosrau, and Jibreel a.s informed me that my ummah would conquer

them. In the second light, the red palaces of the Roman Empire illuminated

[before me], and Jibreel a.s told me that my ummah would conquer them as

well. In the third light, San’aa, Yemen’s palaces appeared; and Jibreel a.s gave

me the glad tidings of their conquest.

O my fellow mujahideen, at this critical point of time, only those people could

believe in this glad tiding whose hearts Allah had opened for the Shari’ah

brought by Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص. As for the ones with sick hearts, what else could

they say other than, ‘Look at his condition: all of Arabia has come fully armed to

attack him, while they [the Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص and the companions] don’t get to eat

even crumbs of bread; they go around with rocks tied to their bellies! They can’t

leave Madinah; they have no way left to escape. And yet, look at the slogans and

the tall claims… that these shabby, ragged people would conquer the Roman

and the Persian empires! How absurd!’

We are not the only ones going through these circumstances. It is Allah SWT’s

way that He brings about such circumstances over people, so that the good are

separated from the evil, so that the liars and the truthful are discerned. Again,

remember when this trial gets to a point that the situation becomes that of

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شدیدامنوا معہ …they are shaken severely …وزلزلوازلزاال

shaken so …حتی یقول الرسول والذین ا

much that the Messenger and those who believed him call out, متی نصر اللہ… when

would the help of Allah come? His help is sure to come, but when would it come?

That is followed by the announcement from Allah SWT, اال… Listen up! O those

who love me! Those who bear hardships in pursuit of implementing my Quran!

Listen up! Those who lay down their lives for the Shari’ah of my beloved ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص!

Those who have left their homes and families! Those displaced who no longer

have a stable residence! اال… Listen up! إن نصر اللہ قریب Allah SWT’s help is right

around the corner! He SWT never abandons people who are ready to die for His

Shari’ah. Rest assured; His help is about to come!

So, O those who go around risking your lives for the implementation of Quran!

O devotees of Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص’s Shari’ah who in treading this path, even make

your families and your children move from place to place [with no stable

residence]! Let not the length of this trial make you despair. Let not the

[unrestrained] roaming about of Shari’ah’s enemies make you worried. Be sure

that no matter how unfavorable the situation seams… even if the ground reality

becomes like that of the Battle of the Trench, Allah’s promise is there. It would

fight to make His Shari’ah supreme; it would fight to make this Kalimah (Word)

supreme! Allah would definitely help it!

Have you not seen the anti-Shari’ah armed forces that carried on in America’s

slavery until they reached Waziristan? What is becoming of that very America?

The world has just witnessed the funeral of morals of this “flag-bearer of morals

and values” in this election. And that is just the beginning; keep watching how

your Lord sends His help. America is not only fleeing from Afghanistan, but with

the jihadi strikes conducted against it by the sons of the Muslim ummah,

inshaAllah, inshaAllah, it will also flee from, and give up the leadership of the

world. The “America first” slogan is the first step; but if Allah SWT has decided

to seize it completely, then not only would it give up the leadership of the world,

but would also cease to exist as we know it—as USA, a union of occupied states

on the map of North America. Its own states would desert it and part ways,


It is that same America, when it had come to attack the Islamic Emirate, the

Pakistani Armed Forces made it halal for themselves to stand to shoulder to

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shoulder with it in killing Muslims. How sharp were people’s tongues against

Islam at that time… [saying,] “Now what would become of Taliban’s Islam? What

would become of their jihad? What benefit came out of jihad? Which Shari’ah

permits collision with America?” However those who had certainty of belief in

Allah SWT’s promises… they were standing on the frontline in Bagram—even

then—chanting ھذا ما وعدنا اللہ ورسولہ . This is what Allah and His Messenger had

promised us! Even at that time, they were saying that America has come to

Afghanistan to start its own funeral.

All of this is the result of Allah SWT’s help, and a result of the Ummah of

Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص’s standing up for jihad. Allah SWT had shown the world the

miraculous nature of this jihad against the Soviet Union, but the deceitful system

of democracy has tried to prove that it was [really] American support. And thus

it has tried to stop the ummah from jihad. But then, how did this humiliating

defeat of America come about? How come America which claims to allot

provisions and sustenance, itself is whining about poverty and bankruptcy?

Those who asserted themselves as being able to assign life or death, have

become incapable of defending their own people inside America today. Death is

chasing it relentlessly even at its central military base, Bagram. Still, the people

with defected hearts would not accept the miracles of jihad. They would

similarly say that this is China’s help: China has defeated America. Let them be

jealous. Let them go green with envy… but keep watching to see that in the end,

would it be they who find peace and comfort of the heart, or would the Ummah

of Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص find it.

My brothers, fully trust that Lord. Worship only Him! Do not associate

democratic system with Him. It is only Him who deserves to be worshipped…

The One Who helped the Islamic Emirate… The One who established them in the

land, after their weakness and displacement from their homes, and enabled

them to implement the Shari’ah again. That Lord is the Ever-Living (حي), the

Sustainer of [all] existence (قيوم).

If you too continue your fight, in accordance with His Shari’ah, for the sake of

implementing His Shari’ah… while maintaining unity in your ranks… then that

Lord would surely help you. That Lord is well aware of the love of the Muslims

of Pakistan for Shari’ah, their attachment with the deen, their fondness of the

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system brought by Muhammad Al-‘Arabi ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص. Where can the Anti-Shari’ah ruling

class find refuge after waging a war against Allah’s Shari’ah? No new or old

superpower can grant it refuge against Allah.

The sacrifices that the Pakistani nation has offered for the implementation of

Shari’ah… the blood of ummah’s sons that has been spilled on this land from the

time of the Balakot Movement to date… the oppression that Muslims with the

dignity of faith have borne— inshaAllah, all that would not go to waste! The

blood of the righteous ‘ulamaa’ that has been spilled on this land, would surely

bear fruit—whether it be the blood of Syed Ahmad Shaheed and Shah

Isma’eel Shaheed who had walked from Rae Bareli and Delhi to the valley of

Balakot and irrigated it with their blood, or the blood of Haq Nawaz Jhangvi

and his selfless supporters, or that of Dr. Habibullah Mukhtar Shaheed ,

or of Mufti Nizamuddin Shaamzai Shaheed , or of Mufti Abdul Majeed Deen

Poori Shaheed , or of Mufti Ateequr Rahmaan Shaheed , or of Mawlana

Abdullah Shaheed and his son, Ghazi Abdur Rasheed Shaheed , or of the

altruist, Sheikh Usamah Bin Laden ! The history is very long and glorious. In

this short span of time, we cannot do justice to them all, but the Lord of those

martyrs knows all their names. How many huffaz and Quran reciters sacrificed

their lives in order to implement in this country the very Quran that they had

preserved in their hearts! Their Lord is unmindful neither of the sacrifices of His

awliyaa’ (allies); nor of the oppression of the oppressors, nor of their animosity

towards Shari’ah and its implementation. The ummah’s sons are carrying on

their sacrifices for the implementation of Shari’ah even today in the same

Pakistan that was founded in the name of implementation of Shari’ah.

Alhamdulillah, the operation ‘Darbe Adab’ have failed in smothering this spirit.

There is a caravan of shuhadaa’. They are sacrificing their lives one after another

for sake of implementation of Shari’ah. They are trading death that they have

seen with their own eyes. They know that now there are US drones, and US raids,

and US special forces, along with the Pakistani Army, but their steps haven’t

staggered. وما بدلو تبدیال! The slogan, “Either Shari’ah, or martyrdom!” that they

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had chanted… the slogan of implementation of Shari’ah that they had raised…

they haven’t backed away from it!

Recently, numerous mujahideen have offered their lives. Our respectable

brother, Ustaz Ali from Dera Ismail Khan also achieved martyrdom in this

path after having spent a big part of his life in jihad. He became target of the

government forces for the “crime” of implementation of Shari’ah in Kashmir, in

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, and in that same Pakistan that was founded in

the name of Shari’ah. Likewise, Qari Ajmal was martyred for the “crime” of

shouting out ربنا اللہ i.e. our Lord is Allah.

Our venerable Mawlana Ishtiyaaq Shaheed alias Mawlana Abu Muhammad

A’zami, also known as Mawlana Khubaib (of Karachi), a companion in the

caravan of righteous ‘ulamaa’, one who endured imprisonment for the “crime”

of explaining the meanings of every verse of the Allah’s Book bluntly, one who

revived the sunnahs of Islam by reliving the way of our righteous predecessors,

passed away fulfilling that pledge that Allah SWT had taken from the ‘ulamaa’:

that they shall not conceal any of the commandments of Allah’s Quran; and

concerning them, they shall fear Allah, and fear no one else.

This past ’Eid-ul-Adha, a member of shura of Al-Qaeda in the Subcontinent, head

of Al-Sahab Media, an unsung knight of the media world, Usama Ibrahim ,

also known as Amjad Bhai (of Islamabad) embraced martyrdom in Zabul, in a

ground raid by US forces based on information provided by Pakistani military.

May Allah SWT accept martyrdom of them all; and may He SWT not make the

mothers of this ummah incapable of giving birth to the likes of Usama Ibrahim.

He was a cherished heart of Al-Sahab Urdu, and then Al-Sahab Subcontinent. He

was a man with numerous skills and capabilities. He was such a daring and

courageous person that a few months ago he carried out a valiant attack on the

trenches of the enemies of Shari’ah in Qandahar, leaving them frustrated.

Not just in Pakistan, but alhamdulillah, in the entire subcontinent, the knights of

the Ummah of Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص are offering sacrifices of everything they own for

the sake of the Shari’ah brought by their beloved Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص. By offering their

lives as a sacrifice, they are trying to bond together an ummah that has been

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tattered by nationalism and racism. Towards that goal, they are getting their

own bodies blown into pieces.

Our beloved brother who had made hijrah to Waziristan, after bidding farewell

to the sparkles of Dhaka, Tariq Bhai (Sohel), head of Bangladeshi Affairs,

passed away irrigating the desert of Qandahar in hopes that the spring of Islamic

system [of governance] shall come back to the land of Bangladesh. With him, his

companions, Qari Abdul ‘Aziz (Abdul Halim), Yaqub Bhai (Saddam

Hossain), Asadullah Bhai (Nazimuddin Maimoon), Abu Ibrahim Bhai

(Saiful Islam Hasan) and Abu Bakr (Anuj Hasib) also embraced martyrdom.

Likewise, our beloved companion from Hyderabad Deccan, Qari ‘Umar , also

known as Qari Hammad, in hopes of awakening his people with his blood, and

with the wish of Islam’s supremacy in India, passed on to meet his True Owner.

Besides them, many of our very dear companions embraced martyrdom in this

path, in Gomal and in other provinces. Allah SWT knows them all. May Allah

accept their martyrdom.

It is worth considering that they all embraced martyrdom in Afghanistan, in US

raids. So, we can learn from this fact that even America does not want

implementation of Shari’ah in Pakistan. It wants to stop the implementation of

Shari’ah in Pakistan under all circumstances, and that Pakistani military’s

cooperation is a link in that chain.

We can also learn from this that the war that is going on between Islam and Kufr

in the entire world, is really a war of systems; with the deen of Islam on one

hand, and the deen of democracy, on the other. In this war against the Shari’ah,

all nation-states have the same stance: obliterate all those who demand

Shari’ah; exterminate them; banish them from their countries. Be it US or Israel

or Afghanistan’s apostate Army or Egypt’s military or India or the military of that

same Pakistan that was founded in the name of Shari’ah—all hate the

implementation of Shari’ah. All are trying to keep Shari’ah from being

implemented in their countries.

For the sake of their system of democracy, they are willing to go to the farthest

limits. That is why they are cooperating with each other and exchanging

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information. However, they do not know that Allah’s plan لیمیز اللہ الخبیث من الطیب

i.e. “that Allah may distinguish the wicked from the good ,ویجعل الخبیث بعضہ علی بعض

and place the wicked some of them upon others” is bound to prevail. They may

employ all they want of lies, deception, and hypocrisy, but the reality is that they

have lost the war! The fact is that the world order and the forces defending it—

whether international or local—have lost the war! The way of life and the life

style of which they are defenders of, will not survive; it has to come down; it has

to fall!

The ummah divided on the bases of nationalism, would now become one

ummah. This ummah cannot be suppressed any more. Global forces of Kufr, and

their local agents, cannot stop this ummah from the implementation of the

system brought by [Prophet Muhammad,] Mercy for the Worlds ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص. An ummah

whose mothers themselves prepare their precious, beloved sons, and start

sending them off to the battlefields of jihad, an ummah whose sisters start

considering the martyrdom of their brothers an honor, an ummah in which

fathers and uncles take pride in their lineage because their brave young laid the

life for the Shari’ah brought by Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص… By Allah, such an ummah cannot

be enslaved further. Now this ummah cannot be kept away from the system

brought by Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص. This ummah is going to unite. Yes, in some regions,

it would unite tomorrow; in others, the day after; and in yet others, after a few

days—but it will become one ummah… and the agents of the English, of the

imperialists, of Kufr will be humiliated! They cannot keep this ummah from the

system brought by Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص.

So my mujahid brothers, success of being faithful to the blood of these martyrs,

and fulfilling your promise to Allah at all cost is for those who after making this

deal, remain on it till they sacrifice their lives. Why are you worried? Why on

earth are you worried? Every moment of yours, every breath of yours is bringing

you closer to one of two successes: إحدی الحسنیین ةالشھاد الفتح وإما إما i.e. either victory

or martyrdom one of the two best things. Every passing moment, every passing

night, every breath is taking you closer to one of the two triumphs. If you are in

jail, in a prison cell; if you are free, if you are under aerial bombardment, if you

are under the shadows of drones—regardless of how severe you hardships is,

know for sure that you are advancing towards one of two triumphs. If you

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continue marching forward on this path, and fulfill the promise made to your

Lord, live up to the deal that you had made with Him, then under every

circumstance, you are triumphant. Why do you need to worry?

The unrestrained moving about of the Shari’ah-hostile military, the bombings

on you houses in retaliation for your “crime” of demanding [rule of] Shari’ah,

the imprisonment of your womenfolk and their placement in torture cells… after

experiencing all these, don’t you lose hope from the mercy of Allah! Not just

America but also its allies, the ones opposing those fighting for the

implementation of Shari’ah, inshaAllah will face humiliation just as America is

facing it. Their children are going to beg for crumbs, for pieces of bread! The

Ummah of Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص will achieve honor. The deen brought by Muhammad

I.e. it is bound to become dominant, it اإلسالم یعلوا وال یعلی .will become dominant ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص

can no longer remain dominated. The ummah has awaken. From East to West,

from North to South, this ummah would be bound together as a thread binds

the beads. The religious forces, the Islamic forces would become dominant. The

forces of Kufr, the forces of secularism, the forces of hypocrisy, are bound to

face humiliation and fatigue. InshaAllah, you shall see with your own eyes.

O those who sacrifice their lives in the path of Allah, why do you grieve? Why do

you worry? You Lord is giving you the good news; your truthful Quran is

consoling you: وال تھنوا وال تحزنوا i.e. “So do not weaken and do not grieve”. Hey, you!

Don’t get disheartened… after hearing the news of martyrdom, of

imprisonment, of raids, again and again… after hearing of your losses: so and so

has been martyred today, so and so has been arrested today, that many of our

companions have been martyred!

Remember the history of the Islamic Emirate. Remember the jihad of

Afghanistan. How many are the sacrifices offered by the people [of

Afghanistan]… to bring Islam in their country… to make the deen of Muhammad

dominant. But today… just ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص dominant, to make the Shari’ah of Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص

take a look: in every town… in every village… in every neighborhood…

Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص’s deen is dominant. The US and its agents, haters of Shari’ah,

those who put obstacles in the path of implementation of Shari’ah, are being

humiliated. They can’t find shelter. Some are seeking refuge in Delhi; some in

Peshawar; some in Islamabad—there is no place for them in Afghanistan!

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Allah has made his Shari’ah dominant after the sacrifices. After sacrifices of

hundreds and thousands of martyrs, Allah has made the Shari’ah dominant over

this land. So, don’t your worry; don’t you get disheartened! Don’t be sad! It is

you who will prevail. مؤمنینوأنتم األعلون إن کنتم . If your jihad remains according to the

way of Allah, in accordance with the sunnah of the Messenger of Allah ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص, if you

don’t lose heart, if you don’t retreat back, if you don’t show cowardice, if you

don’t get worried about giving up your lives, تھنوا وال تحزنوا وأنتم األعلون إن کنتم مؤمنینوال ,

then the world would be under your feet. Allah is about to give the World Order

in your hands; the leadership of the globe is about to fall in your hands. Even if

we pass away, this very ummah’s sons, this very ummah’s offspring, shall

inshaAllah see the spring of Islam, see the Shari’ah of Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص become

dominant, see this ummah of Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص achieve glory and honor. The

enemies of Islam will get humiliated; they will be subdued!

That time has neared. You are seeing with your own eyes. Allah SWT has opened

the door to a succession of conquests. After Waziristan, Allah SWT has opened

the entire Afghanistan for Pakistan’s mujahideen. From the North to the South,

Allah SWT has made the entire land an abode for the muhajireen. There, these

lions of Allah are fighting shoulder to shoulder with the Islamic Emirate:

sacrificing their lives, taking part in conquests. They have been given war booty.

In this period, Allah SWT has given the muhajireen, Pakistani muhajireen,

Turkistani muhajireen, Arab muhajireen so much of war booty. Alhamdulillah,

Allah SWT has granted conquests from all directions.

It is from this land that Allah SWT would make Islam dominant. It is from this

land that Allah SWT would make the mujahideen of Pakistan, the muhajireen

from Pakistan dominant. From this very land Allah SWT would make other

muhajireen dominant. This is the promise of Allah. It is just one period of time.

Allah SWT Himself is announcing that the righteous souls were .ھنالک ابتلی المومنون

tested. They, whose hearts had nothing but taqwa (piety), were tested. اولئک الذین

.I.e. they are the ones whose hearts Allah has tested for piety امتحن اللہ قلوبھم للتقوی

This announcement is being made after شدیدا i.e. there ھنالک ابتلی المومنون وزلزلوا زلزاال

the believers were tested and shaken with a severe shaking.

Page 13: Or do you think that you will enter Paradise while such ... · Would the Shariah brought by Muhammad ﷺ be annihilated? Would Allahs system [of governance] be eradicated from Allahs

O those who sacrifice their lives for the Shari’ah of Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص, those who

have left their homes and families to make Islam dominant, those who move

from place to place even with their children (with no stable residence)… Worry

not! Don’t be apprehensive or nervous! شدیدا ھنالک ابتلی المومنون وزلزلوا زلزاال , but after

that the state of متی نصر اللہ has come. أال إن نصراللہ قریب، أال إن نصراللہ قریب، أال إن نصراللہ

s’ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص Believe in Allah’s ayah with certainty. Believe in the Muhammad .قریب

promises with certainty. You shall prevail. It is your deen that would be


Just stay determined on this path. Stay connected with Allah. Keep on asking

him. Believe you [me]: Allah SWT’s help is about to come. Have trust: Allah

SWT’s help is about to come. May Allah SWT make us of those who sacrifice

themselves for His Shari’ah. May Allah SWT accept your souls in the path of this

Shari’ah. And may He SWT make His deen dominant. May He SWT make the

Shari’ah brought by his beloved ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص dominant over democracy.

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