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Open Access2007Wonget al.Volume 8, Issue 5, Article R93MethodOptimization and clinical validation of a pathogen detection microarrayChristopher W Wong*, Charlie Lee Wah Heng†, Leong Wan Yee*, Shirlena WL Soh‡, Cissy B Kartasasmita§, Eric AF Simoes¶, Martin L Hibberd‡, Wing-Kin Sung† and Lance D Miller*

Addresses: *Genomic Technologies, Genome Institute of Singapore, Republic of Singapore. †Computational and Mathematical Biology, Genome Institute of Singapore, Republic of Singapore. ‡Infectious Diseases, Genome Institute of Singapore, Republic of Singapore. §Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia. ¶Section of Infectious Diseases, The University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center and The Children's Hospital, Denver, CO 80262, USA.

Correspondence: Christopher W Wong. Email: [email protected]

© 2007 Wong et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Pathogen detection by microarray<p>New design and optimization of pathogen detection microarrays is shown to allow robust and accurate detection of a range of patho-gens. The customized microarray platform includes a method for reducing PCR bias during DNA amplification.</p>


DNA microarrays used as 'genomic sensors' have great potential in clinical diagnostics. Biasesinherent in random PCR-amplification, cross-hybridization effects, and inadequate microarrayanalysis, however, limit detection sensitivity and specificity. Here, we have studied the relationshipsbetween viral amplification efficiency, hybridization signal, and target-probe annealing specificityusing a customized microarray platform. Novel features of this platform include the developmentof a robust algorithm that accurately predicts PCR bias during DNA amplification and can be usedto improve PCR primer design, as well as a powerful statistical concept for inferring pathogenidentity from probe recognition signatures. Compared to real-time PCR, the microarray platformidentified pathogens with 94% accuracy (76% sensitivity and 100% specificity) in a panel of 36 patientspecimens. Our findings show that microarrays can be used for the robust and accurate diagnosisof pathogens, and further substantiate the use of microarray technology in clinical diagnostics.

BackgroundTimely, accurate and sensitive detection of infectious diseaseagents is still difficult today, despite a long history of progressin this area. Traditional methods of culture and antibody-based detection still play a central role in microbiological lab-oratories despite the problems of the delay between diseasepresentation and diagnosis, the limited number of organismsthat can be detected by these approaches, and the 'hit-or-miss' nature of the diagnostic process, which depends on aclinical prediction of the infectious source [1]. Faster diagno-sis of infections would reduce morbidity and mortality, forexample, through the earlier implementation of appropriate

antimicrobial treatment. During the past few decades, vari-ous methods have been proposed to achieve this, with thosebased on nucleic acid detection, including PCR and microar-ray-based techniques, seeming the most promising. Theseapproaches are beginning to rapidly decrease laboratoryturnaround times so that results can be available within 2-6hours compared to perhaps 24 hours. Future developmentsmay see this reduced even further; and through the develop-ment of point-of-care devices, perhaps enable the clinician tomake the diagnosis directly at the bed-side [2,3].

Published: 28 May 2007

Genome Biology 2007, 8:R93 (doi:10.1186/gb-2007-8-5-r93)

Received: 26 February 2007Revised: 26 April 2007Accepted: 28 May 2007

The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at

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While pathogen microarrays and their utility in discoveringemerging infectious diseases such as SARS have beendescribed, technical problems related to accuracy and sensi-tivity of the assay prevent their routine use in patient care [4-9]. For microarrays to become a standard diagnostic tool, thefollowing questions must be addressed: what are the factorsthat influence probe design and performance? How is a path-ogen 'signature' measured and detected? What is the specifi-city and sensitivity of an optimized detection platform? Candetection algorithms distinguish co-infecting pathogens andclosely related viral strains? [10-12].

Noisy signals caused by cross-hybridization artifacts presenta major obstacle to the interpretation of microarray data, par-ticularly for the identification of rare pathogen sequencespresent in a complex mixture of nucleic acids. For example, inclinical specimens, contaminating nucleic acid sequences,such as those derived from the host tissue, will cross-hybrid-ize with pathogen-specific microarray probes above somethreshold of sequence complementarity. This can result infalse-positive signals that lead to erroneous conclusions. Sim-ilarly, the pathogen sequence, in addition to binding its spe-cific probes, may cross-hybridize with other non-targetprobes (that is, probes designed to detect other pathogens).This latter phenomenon, though seemingly problematic,could provide useful information for pathogen identificationto the extent that such cross-hybridization can be accuratelypredicted. With various metrics to assess annealing potentialand sequence specificity, microarray probes have tradition-ally been designed to ensure maximal specific hybridization(to a known target) with minimal cross-hybridization (to non-specific sequences). However, in practice we have found thatmany probes, though designed using optimal in silico param-eters, do not perform according to expectations for reasonsthat are unclear (CW Wong et al., unpublished data).

Here, we report the results of a systematic investigation of thecomplex relationships between viral amplification efficiency,hybridization signal output, target-probe annealing specifi-city, and reproducibility of pathogen detection using a customdesigned microarray platform. Our findings form the basis ofa novel methodology for the in silico prediction of pathogen'signatures', shed light on the factors governing viral amplifi-cation efficiency and demonstrate the important connectionbetween a viral amplification efficiency score (AES) and opti-mal probe selection. Finally, we describe a new statistics-based pathogen detection algorithm (PDA) to link this alltogether, permitting confident identification of organismsentirely by prediction, and evaluate the entire platform inrelation to conventional PCR techniques in a cohort ofpatients with lower respiratory illness.

Results and discussionEmpirical determination of cross-hybridization thresholds on a pathogen detection microarrayTo systematically investigate the dynamics of array-basedpathogen detection, we created an oligonucleotide arrayusing Nimblegen array synthesis technology [13]. The arraywas designed to detect up to 35 RNA viruses using 40-merprobes tiled at an average 8-base resolution across the fulllength of each genome (53,555 probes; Figure S1 and Table S1in Additional data file 1). Together with 7 replicates for eachviral probe, and control sequences for array synthesis andhybridization (see Materials and methods), the array con-tained a total of 390,482 probes. Initially, we studied virussamples purified from cell lines, reverse-transcribed andPCR-amplified with virus-specific primers (instead of ran-dom primers). This allowed us to study array hybridizationdynamics in a controlled fashion, without the complexity ofcross-hybridization from human RNA and random annealingdynamics, which occur with random primers. We thenapplied our findings to clinical samples amplified using ran-dom primers.

SARS coronavirus and Dengue serotype 1 genomic cDNAwere amplified in entirety (as confirmed by sequencing),labeled with Cy3 and hybridized separately on microarrays.The SARS sample hybridized well to the SARS tiling probes,with all 3,805 SARS-specific probes displaying fluorescent(Cy3) signal well above the detection threshold (determinedby probe signal intensities >2 standard deviations (SD) abovethe mean array signal intensity; Figure 1a). Cross-hybridiza-tion with other pathogen probe sets was minimal, observedonly for other members of Coronaviridae and a few species ofPicornaviridae and Paramyxoviridae, consistent with theobservation that SARS shares little sequence homology withother known viruses [14]. The hybridization pattern of Den-gue 1, on the other hand, was more complex (Figure 1b). First,we observed that hybridization to the Dengue 1 probe set waspartially incomplete (that is, there were regions absent of sig-nal) due to sequence polymorphisms. The Dengue 1 samplehybridized on the array was cultured from a 1944 Hawaiianisolate, whereas the array probe set was based on thesequence of a Singaporean strain S275/90, isolated in 1990[15]. Sequencing the entire genomes of these 2 isolatesrevealed that the array probes that failed to hybridize eachcontained at least 3 mismatches (within a 15-base stretch) tothe sample sequence. Second, we observed that cross-hybrid-ization occurred to some degree with almost all viral probesets present on the array, particularly with probes of otherFlaviviridae members, consistent with the fact that the 4 Den-gue serotypes share 60-70% homology. To understand therelationship between hybridization signal output and anneal-ing specificity, we first compared all probe sequences to eachviral genome using two measures of similarity: probe ham-ming distance (HD) and maximum contiguous match(MCM). HD measures the overall similarity distance of twosequences, with low scores for similar sequences [16,17].

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MCM measures the number of consecutive bases that areexact matches, with high scores for similar sequences [17,18].

We calculated the HD and MCM scores for every probe rela-tive to the Hawaiian Dengue 1 isolate and observed that thesescores correlated negatively (HD) and positively (MCM) withprobe signal intensity (Figure 2). All probes on the array withhigh similarity to the Hawaiian Dengue I genome, that is, HD≤ 2 (n = 942) or MCM ≥ 27 (n = 627), hybridized with mediansignal intensity 3 SD above detection threshold. Although98% of probes were detectable at the low HD range from 0-4,or high MCM range from 18-40, median probe signal inten-sity decreased at every increment of sequence distance (Fig-ure 2). Median signal intensity dropped off sharply tobackground levels at HD = 7 and MCM = 15, with 43% and46% detectable probes, respectively. The majority of probes(>96%, n > 51,000) had HD scores between 8 and 21 and/orMCM scores between 0 and 15, of which only 1.23% and1.57%, respectively, were detectable.

At the optimal similarity thresholds HD ≤ 4 and MCM ≥ 18,>98% of probes could be detected with median signal inten-sity 2 SD above detection threshold, whereas adjusting thesimilarity threshold down 1 step to HD ≤ 5 and MCM ≥ 17would result in only approximately 85% probe detection andmedian signal intensity approximately 1.2 SD above detectionthreshold (Figure 2). Using these optimal HD and MCMthresholds to guard against cross-hybridization, we binned allprobes into specific 'recognition signature probe sets' (that is,r-signatures) most likely to specifically detect a given patho-gen, and we defined r-signatures for each of the 35 pathogen

genomes represented on the array (Table 1). Each pathogen'sr-signature comprised tiling probes derived from its genomesequence (HD = 0, MCM = 40), as well as cross-hybridizingprobes derived from other pathogens (HD ≤ 4, MCM ≥ 18).According to these criteria, a given probe could belong tomultiple different r-signatures, thereby maximizing probe-level evidence for pathogen detection.

We next considered other non-specific hybridization phe-nomena that could affect performance of our r-signatureprobes. For example, we observed a linear relationshipbetween probe signal and %GC content (data not shown).Consistent with previous observations, we found that probes<40% GC hybridized with diminished signal intensities, whileprobes with >60% GC content showed higher signal intensi-ties [19,20]. Thus, we censored probes with GC <40% or>60% from the r-signatures, despite optimal HD or MCM val-ues. Furthermore, as cross-hybridization with humansequences could also confound results, we compared allprobes to the human genome assembly (build 17) by BLASTusing a word size of 15 [21]. Probes with an expectation valueof 100 were also censored (Table 1).

While the ideal pathogen r-signature would be one where allprobes would hybridize to the target sequence at detectablelevels, polymorphic variation between the probes (derivedfrom a consensus sequence) and the actual target would beexpected to impede the performance of the r-signature probesat some level. To test this hypothesis, we compared the ratiosof detectable to undetectable probes across all r-signatures inthe context of the hybridization involving the Hawaiian Den-gue 1 isolate. Although the Dengue 1 sequence used to derivethe Dengue 1 r-signature was approximately 5% differentfrom the Hawaiian isolate, the detectable probe ratio of theDengue 1 specific probes was 151/152 (99%), 12 times higherthen that for the nearest Dengue serotype signature, suggest-ing that moderate polymorphic variation is quite tolerable,allowing, in this case, for discernment of the correctpathogen.

Predicting genome-wide amplification biasRandom priming amplification, rather than primer-specificamplification, is preferred for identifying unknown patho-gens in clinical specimens. However, in initial experimentsusing random priming amplification to identify known path-ogens, we frequently observed incomplete hybridization ofthe pathogen genome marked by interspersed genomicregions not detected by the probes. An example involving theamplification of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) B from ahuman nasopharyngeal aspirate is shown in Figure 3. In pre-liminary analyses, sequence polymorphisms, probe GC con-tent and genome secondary structure failed to explain thisphenomenon, suggesting that it might result from a PCR-based amplification bias stemming from differential abilitiesof the random primers to bind to the viral genome at thereverse transcription (RT) step. The random primer used in

Heatmap of microarray probe signal intensitiesFigure 1Heatmap of microarray probe signal intensities. Cells corresponding to probes are aligned in genomic order and colored according to the signal intensity-color scales shown. Hybridization signatures corresponding to (a) SARS Sin850 or (b) Dengue 1 Hawaiian isolate are shown.

SARS Sin2500 OC43 229E

Flu A Flu B

Entero D Entero C

Echo 1 Entero B Entero A Rhino 89 Rhino B Hep A

Foot & mouth C

Hantaan Sin Nombre

West Nile Jap enceph Dengue 3 Dengue 1 Dengue 2 Dengue 4

Yellow fever

Paraflu 1 Paraflu 3

Nipah Paraflu 2 Newcastle RSV (B1)


HPV type 10 HIV 1 Hep B


PMMV Human controls






200.00 1,000.00 2,200.00 3,000.00

SARS Sin2500 OC43 229E

Flu A Flu B

Entero D Entero C

Echo 1 Entero B Entero A Rhino 89 Rhino B Hep A

Foot & mouth C

Hantaan Sin Nombre

West Nile Jap enceph

Dengue 3 Dengue 1 Dengue 2 Dengue 4

Yellow fever

Paraflu 1 Paraflu 3

Nipah Paraflu 2 Newcastle RSV (B1)


HPV type 10 HIV 1 Hep B


PMMV Human controls






0.00 2,666.67 5,333.33 8,000.00



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our experiments was a 26-mer composed of a random non-amer (3') tagged with a fixed 17-mer sequence (5'-GTTTC-CCAGTCACGATA) [4,9,22]. Intra-primer secondarystructure formation, such as dimer and hairpin formationbetween the 17-mer tag and nonamer, and probe melting tem-perature are known to influence binding efficiency [23,24].To explore our hypothesis, we designed an algorithm tomodel the RT-PCR process using experimental data (seeAdditional data file 1 for details). Briefly, it calculates theprobability that a 500-1,000 base-pair product (average sizerange of PCR product) can be generated from each possiblestarting position in the genome assuming that a nonamer inthe random primer mix will complement the viral sequence

perfectly. This probability is reduced when intra-primer hair-pin formation is predicted, and increased according to degreeof complementarity between tag sequence and viral sequence.In this manner, the probability that each nucleotide will besuccessfully PCR-amplified is reflected in its AES (see supple-mental methods in Additional data file 1 and [25]). To vali-date the algorithm, we ranked the hybridization signalintensities for all 1,948 probes tiled across the RSV B genomeand compared them to their AES values (Figure 3). Weobserved that high AES significantly correlates to probehybridization signal intensity above the detection threshold(P = 2.2 × 10-16; Fisher's exact test). In another experimentinvolving a patient sample positive for metapneumovirus

Relationship between probe HD, probe MCM and probe signal intensityFigure 2Relationship between probe HD, probe MCM and probe signal intensity. Average probe signal intensity and percentage of detectable probes (signal intensity > mean + 2 SD) decreases as HD increases and MCM decreases. The optimal cross-hybridization thresholds HD ≤ 4 or MCM ≥ 18, where >98% of probes can be detected, is shaded in blue.

HD or MCM scores relative to Hawaii Dengue type 1

0 10 20 30 40




of p


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ve th












be s


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ty (

log 2)








Probe hamming distance (HD)Probe maximum contiguous match (MCM)Average probe signal intensity versus probe HDAverage probe signal intensity versus probe MCMProbe detection thresholdOptimal HD/MCM threshold

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(hMPV), the probes tiled across the hMPV genome showed asimilar result, P = 1.3 × 10-9. Repeatedly, we observed thathigher AES correlated with greater probe detection, with, onaverage, >70% detection for probes in the top 20% AES (seesupplemental methods in Additional data file 1).

While HD, MCM, %GC and sequence uniqueness were valua-ble parameters for probe selection, they did not take intoaccount PCR bias, and were insufficient predictors of probeperformance when considered in the absence of AES (Figure

4). We found that using only the probes within the top 20%AES (Table 1) substantially improved the efficacy of our pre-diction algorithm (discussed in the following section). Intotal, after applying all probe selection criteria, the r-signa-tures utilized 9,768 of the >50,000 unique probes initiallyincluded on the array.

We next hypothesized that amplification efficiency scoringcould be used to select an optimal tag sequence (that is, forthe RT-PCR primers) for achieving uniformly high AES

Table 1

Binning of probes into specific pathogen signature probe sets

Pathogen Family Genome size (nt)

Total tiling


Top 20% AES* (a)

GC content filter (b)

Human genome filter (c)

No. of filtered probes left (d = a - (b + c))

No. of predicted cross-hybridizing

probes (HD ≤ 4 and MCM ≥ 18) (e)

No. of probes in pathogen r-

signature (d + e)

1 LCMV Arenaviridae 10,056 1,283 348 2 8 338 0 338

2 Hantaan Bunyaviridae 6,533 834 156 5 5 146 6 152

3 Sin Nombre Bunyaviridae 6,562 837 182 1 2 179 6 185

4 229E Coronaviridae 27,317 3,495 494 11 11 472 0 472

5 OC43 Coronaviridae 30,738 3,937 634 15 22 597 3 600

6 SARS Coronaviridae 29,711 3,805 575 8 2 565 1 566

7 Dengue serotype 1 Flaviviridae 10,717 1,370 230 2 8 220 8 228

8 Dengue serotype 2 Flaviviridae 10,722 1,370 241 0 9 232 11 243

9 Dengue serotype 3 Flaviviridae 10,707 1,370 230 0 4 226 13 239

10 Dengue serotype 4 Flaviviridae 10,649 1,361 229 1 7 221 3 224

11 Japanese encephalitis Flaviviridae 10,976 1,404 310 3 2 305 12 317

12 West Nile Flaviviridae 10,962 1,401 320 2 2 316 9 325

13 Yellow fever Flaviviridae 10,862 1,389 255 2 3 250 2 252

14 Hepatitis B Hepadnaviridae 3,215 409 147 14 0 133 0 133

15 Influenza A† Orthomyxoviridae 12,561 1,582 510 1 15 494 0 494

16 Influenza B Orthomyxoviridae 14,452 1,822 665 5 18 642 2 644

17 Human papillomavirus type 10

Papillomaviridae 7,919 1,011 287 16 9 262 0 262

18 hMPV Paramyxoviridae 13,335 1,705 322 44 17 261 0 261

19 Newcastle disease Paramyxoviridae 15,186 1,943 329 0 2 327 3 330

20 Nipah Paramyxoviridae 18,246 2,335 389 12 5 372 0 372

21 Parainfluenza 1 Paramyxoviridae 15,600 1,995 330 8 13 309 2 311

22 Parainfluenza 2 Paramyxoviridae 15,646 2,002 333 10 2 321 0 321

23 Parainfluenza 3 Paramyxoviridae 15,462 1,979 409 28 23 358 3 361

24 RSV B Paramyxoviridae 15,225 1,948 383 28 4 351 4 355

25 Echovirus 1 Picornaviridae 7,397 945 238 1 10 227 22 249

26 Enterovirus A Picornaviridae 7,413 946 193 3 0 190 8 198

27 Enterovirus B Picornaviridae 7,389 944 179 0 4 175 22 197

28 Enterovirus C Picornaviridae 7,401 945 183 0 0 183 4 187

29 Enterovirus D Picornaviridae 7,390 944 155 0 3 152 8 160

30 Foot and mouth disease

Picornaviridae 8,115 1,036 194 14 3 177 0 177

31 Hepatitis A Picornaviridae 7,478 955 163 1 6 156 0 156

32 Rhinovirus A (type 89) Picornaviridae 7,152 913 191 6 6 179 1 180

33 Rhinovirus B Picornaviridae 7,212 920 197 2 2 193 0 193

34 HIV 1 Retroviridae 9,181 1,174 191 4 0 187 0 187

35 Rubella Togaviridae 9,755 1,246 117 65 0 52 0 52


419,242 53,555 9768 9921

*AES scores for all tiling probes were ranked together and only those probes in the top 20th percentile were retained. †Segment 7 of Influenza A was omitted during probe design.

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across viral genomes, thus globally maximizing PCR effi-ciency (see supplemental methods in Additional data file 1and [25]). Briefly, we generated 10,000 primer sequences,eliminated those that formed self-dimers, and calculated AESfor every genome based on each candidate primer tag. PrimerA2, which had the highest average AES for all 35 virusespresent on the array, was selected as the 'AES-optimized'primer. In a comparative study of eight patient samples (fiveRSV, three hMPV), we observed that primer A2 showed amarked improvement in overall PCR efficiency in amplifyingboth RSV and hMPV over the original primer, A1 (Figures S2and S3 in Additional data file 1). The increased PCR efficiencycontributed to increased hybridization of DNA to the probes,and is reflected in the uniformly higher signal intensitiesobserved using primer A2. Consequently, >70% of viral

probes had signal intensities above detection threshold whenusing primer A2, compared to approximately 20% usingprimer A1 (Anova test, P = 0.00026; Figure S3 in Additionaldata file 1).

PDA: an algorithm for detecting pathogensWe observed that while the signal intensities for all pathogenr-signatures approximate a normal distribution, a large pro-portion of probes comprising the signature of a detectablepathogen have relatively strong signal intensities resulting ina right-skewed distribution (Figure 5a). We reasoned thatanalysis of the tails of the signal intensity distributions foreach r-signature might better enable not only the identifica-tion of an infecting pathogen, but also the presence of co-infecting pathogens in the same sample. Thus, we devised a

Measurement and application of AESFigure 3Measurement and application of AES. An RSV patient sample was amplified using original primer A1 (black line), or AES-optimized primer (blue line). The probes that have detectable signal above threshold are shown in purple in the corresponding heatmaps. For primer A1, the detectable regions correspond to regions that have higher AES scores than undetectable regions.

Genome position (based on RSV)

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000




n ef




e (A








Original primer A1 AES optimized primer A2

RSV (A2 primer)RSV (A1 primer)

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robust statistics-based PDA that analyzes the distribution ofprobe signal intensities relative to the in silico r-signatures(see supplemental methods in Additional data file 1 and [25]).The PDA software comprises two parts: evaluation of signalintensity of probes in each pathogen r-signature using amodified Kullback-Leibler Divergence (KL); and statisticalanalysis of modified KL scores using the Anderson-Darlingtest.

Since the original KL cannot reliably determine differences inthe tails of a probability distribution, and is highly dependenton the number of probes per genome and the size of each sig-nal intensity bin, we incorporated the Anderson-Darling sta-tistic to give more weight to the tails of each distribution. Byusing a cumulative distribution function instead of the origi-nal probability distribution, the p value generated is inde-pendent of the binning criteria, eliminating errors that occurif a particular signal intensity bin is empty [26,27]. We callour modified KL divergence the 'weighted Kullback-Leiblerdivergence' (WKL):

where Qa(j) is the cumulative distribution function of the sig-

nal intensities of the probes in Pa found in bin bj ; is the

cumulative distribution function of the signal intensities of

the probes in found in bin bj. R-signatures representing

absent pathogens should have normal signal intensity distri-

butions and thus relatively low WKL scores, whereas those

representing present pathogens should have high, statisti-

cally significant outlying WKL scores (Figure 5b). In the sec-

Effects of probe filtering criteria on r-signature probe detectionFigure 4Effects of probe filtering criteria on r-signature probe detection. The 1,948 probes tiled across the RSV B genome were binned according to different filtering criteria and plotted against the percentage of probes with detectable signal. Measurements reflect the average of five experiments.

No filtering

HDMCM only

Top 20% AES

Top 20% AES + HDMCM

Top 10% AES

Top 10% AES + HDMCM





es a



nal i





n th










Distribution of probe signal intensities and WKL scoresFigure 5Distribution of probe signal intensities and WKL scores. RNA isolated from a RSV-infected patient was hybridized onto the array. (a) Distribution of probe signal intensities of all 53,555 probes (red) and r-signature probes for an absent pathogen, for example, parainfluenza-1 (dotted line), show a normal distribution. The distribution of signal intensity for RSV r-signature probes are positively skewed, with higher signal intensities in the tail of the distribution. (b) Distribution frequency of WKL scores for the 35 pathogen r-signatures with the majority ranging between -5 and 3. A non-normal WKL score distribution is observed (P < 0.05 by Anderson Darling test). The presence of a pathogen is indicated by a non-normal distribution caused by outlier WKL = 17, corresponding to RSV. Excluding the RSV r-signature WKL score results in a normal distribution. From this computation, we conclude that RSV is present in the hybridized sample.

Log2 signal intensity

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16



of p











of p


s (a

ll no











RSV Parainfluenza-1 All probes except RSV

-5 0 5 10 15 20











WKL scores




Q jQ jQ j

Q j Q ja



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R93.8 Genome Biology 2007, Volume 8, Issue 5, Article R93 Wong et al.

ond part of PDA, the distribution of WKL scores is subjected

to an Anderson-Darling test for normality. If P < 0.05, the

WKL distribution is considered not normal, implying that the

pathogen with an outlying WKL score is present. Upon iden-

Table 2

Comparison of microarray and real-time PCR performance in detection of pathogen genera (HRV, pneumovirus)

Patient ID Array WKL P value PDA genus diagnosis PCR diagnosis PCR Ct value Virus copy no.

111 35915 ND ND

122 35887 20.87 2.47 × 10-29 Pneumovirus Pneumovirus 24.8 5.0 × 104

133 71180 22.33 6.93 × 10-62 Pneumovirus Pneumovirus 25.1 4.0 × 104

165 66691 16.95 3.49 × 10-4 Pneumovirus Pneumovirus 27.9 3.9 × 103

185* 66696 ND ND

254 70935 25.02 2.87 × 10-39 Pneumovirus Pneumovirus 22 5.4 × 105

261* 66697 ND ND

283* 63781 23.99 2.28 × 10-25 Pneumovirus HRV 28.3 6.1 × 104

14.07 4.66 × 10-11 HRV

312* 66701 ND Pneumovirus† 33.7 44

321* 71006 ND Pneumovirus† 31.1 340

324* 35259 20.61 3.55 × 10-94 Pneumovirus Pneumovirus 21.4 3.0 × 106

331* 66698 ND HRV 31.7 3.6 × 103

337 71192 21.73 3.49 × 10-14 Pneumovirus Pneumovirus 26.2 1.1 × 105

8.3 1.92 × 10-4 HRV HRV 29.1 3.1 × 104

355 35662 18.00 2.97 × 10-40 Pneumovirus Pneumovirus 20.3 6.7 × 106

368* 66702 ND ND

374 66695 ND Pneumovirus 34.1 500

378 70933 13.82 7.77 × 10-17 Pneumovirus Pneumovirus 23.9 5.4 × 105

393* 71189 25.41 1.15 × 10-18 HRV HRV 30.2 2.1 × 105

412 35890 19.66 2.42 × 10-49 Pneumovirus Pneumovirus 23.5 6.9 × 105

414 71025 49.91 1.18 × 10-65 Pneumovirus† Pneumovirus† 22.3 3.9 × 105

HRV 33 2.6 × 103

461 66699 ND ND

478 71027 ND Pneumovirus† 34.8 18

483* 36053 12.17 1.47 × 10-12 Pneumovirus Pneumovirus 24.8 2.9 × 105

554 70997 78.55 4.59 × 10-120 HRV HRV 23.5 1.5 × 106

573 66700 38.09 6.26 × 10-22 HRV HRV 22.2 3.6 × 106

639* 71182 9.23 7.91 × 10-6 HRV ND

699 71007 ND ND

769 73067 24.62 3.70 × 10-52 Pneumovirus Pneumovirus 25.7 2.5 × 104

818 70927 10.40 1.63 × 10-8 HRV HRV 34.2 1.2 × 103

832 73068 13.52 4.54 × 10-6 Pneumovirus Pneumovirus 28.2 3.1 × 103

40.43 1.73 × 10-36 Pneumovirus† Pneumovirus† 23.8 1.2 × 105

841 73070 22.11 6.80 × 10-50 Pneumovirus Pneumovirus 20.9 4.5 × 106

35.4 8

HRV 29.2 3.3 × 104

853* 66690 ND ND

859 71188 72.17 1.42 × 10-128 HRV HRV 24.5 2.8 × 106

892* 68359 12.43 5.77 × 10-5 HRV Pneumovirus 34 27

HRV 32.3 4.2 × 103

913 71028 40.67 1.60 × 10-50 Pneumovirus† Pneumovirus† 19.1 4.7 × 106

924* 66703 12.79 2.56 × 10-6 Pneumovirus† Pneumovirus† 31.5 250

Pneumovirus 33.7 630

*Hospitalized patients. †RSV A patient samples. ND, none detected.

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tification of a pathogen, that pathogen's WKL score is left out,

and a separate Anderson-Darling test is performed to test for

the presence of co-infecting pathogens. In this manner, the

procedure is iteratively applied until only normal distribu-

tions remain (that is, P > 0.05). The PDA algorithm is

extremely fast, capable of making a diagnosis from a hybrid-

ized microarray in less than 10 seconds.

Microarray performance on clinical specimensTo assess the clinical utility of the pathogen prediction plat-form, we analyzed 36 nasal wash specimens according to theworkflow illustrated in Figure 6. These specimens wereobtained from children under 4 years of age with lower respi-ratory tract infections (LRTI), of which 14 were hospitalizedfor severe disease and 22 with ambulatory LRTI. The clinicaldiagnosis of these patients was bronchiolitis or pneumonia.All 36 specimens had been previously analyzed for the pres-ence of hMPV, and RSV A and B using real-time PCR.Twenty-one specimens tested positive for one or moreviruses, while fifteen were PCR-negative for all three. All

specimens were analyzed by microarray in a blinded fashion(Table 2).

As the RSV A full-genome sequence has not been published,our array was not designed to specifically detect this virus.Thus, we first assessed array performance using only resultsfrom the 16 patients diagnosed with either hMPV or RSV B byPCR (Table 3). Of this cohort, the microarray correctlydetected the presence of hMPV or RSV B in 13/16 samples.This corresponds to an assay specificity of 100%, sensitivity of76%, and diagnostic accuracy of 94%. All 4 false negativesamples (patients 374, 841, 892, and 924) had Ct values>33.5, which is near the detection limit of real-time PCR, andthus perhaps beyond the range of detection by microarray.

We next assessed array performance in the group of patientsPCR-positive for RSV A (n = 7) and PCR-negative for alltested viruses (n = 15). The microarray made only two positivecalls in this group, both for RSV B. Interestingly, both RSV Bcalls corresponded to high-titre RSV A specimens by PCR(patients 414 and 913), suggesting that certain probe sets can

Schema of pathogen detection processFigure 6Schema of pathogen detection process. AD, Anderson-Darling.

Pathogen detection using microarray

In s

















n d









Calculate HD andMCM for allprobes with

respect to allgenomes

Apply AES todetermine whichregions to select

probes from

Apply probe design filters:40-60% GC, TM<90 °C, nocross-hybridization to humangenome

Bin probes intorecognition signatures

based on HD and MCMthresholds

Species-specific r-signature

Family-specific r-signature

Genus-specific r-signature

Obtain PatientSample

Amplify pathogenfrom sample byrandom primers

Hybridize cDNAonto microarray

Scan microarray,collect probe

signal intensities

Apply PDAalgorithm

Isdistribution of globalprobe signal intensity


Identify pathogen r-signature with highest

WKL score.

Remove signatureprobes of “present” pathogen.

Check for presence of co-infecting pathogens: Is

distribution of global probesignal intensity normal?



Is WKL distribution ADP<0.05?


Pathogen confirmedpresent




Pathogen notpresent


coverage anddownload



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detect the presence of related, but unspecified, viruses. Anal-ysis of the published RSV A partial genome sequence (923 bp,Genbank ID: AF516119) revealed that 7 probes on our micro-array had 100% identity to RSV A. We created an 'RSV A r-signature' comprising these 7 probes, enabling the specificdetection of RSV A by microarray in 4/7 patient samples PCR-positive for RSV A (patients 414, 832, 913, and 924). Althoughthe performance of this small r-signature was not as robust asthe other virus r-signatures (median size: 249 probes), it sug-gested that it was feasible to pursue a 'viral discovery'approach using r-signatures created to detect viruses at thefamily or genus level that were related to those species alreadyrepresented on the microarray. Specifically, we binnedprobes into family- or genus-level r-signatures by relaxingour similarity criteria (to HD ≤ 5 or MCM ≥ 25) and selectingprobes common to genome sequences within families andgenera for the picornaviridae family, paramyxoviridae family,rhinovirus genus (HRV) and pneumovirus genus (inclusive ofRSV and hMPV).

Upon re-analysis of all 36 samples, we identified the presenceof pneumovirus in 17 specimens as expected (1 false positive,patient 283), and additionally detected the presence of HRVin 9 specimens (Table 2). As HRV was a novel discovery, were-screened all 36 samples by PCR and found HRV in 11 spec-imens. All nine HRV calls by microarray were confirmed byPCR except for one. This finding was intriguing given that thegenomic diversity of the over 100 known rhinovirus serotypesmakes detection by PCR notoriously difficult [28]. As thereal-time PCR primers were capable of identifying onlyapproximately 70% of rhinovirus strains, it is possible that

the microarray correctly detected a rhinovirus strain that PCRfailed to detect. Similarly, the pneumovirus genus detected inpatient 283 could not be verified by RT-PCR, possibly owingto subtle genetic variations that prevented primer annealing.Thus, the greater genomic coverage afforded by the microar-ray might, in some cases, provide a more sensitive and accu-rate detection capability than pathogen-specific PCR.

Though the microarray identified the majority of HRV andRSV A samples using the genus-level r-signatures, it failed todetect three samples positive for HRV and three positive forRSV A by real-time PCR. These false negatives had an averageCt value >32, again suggesting a detection threshold close tothat of real-time PCR. However, that the microarray alsomade a number of accurate discoveries in the 30-35 Ct rangesuggests a considerable degree of detection variability in thetitre range above an approximately 30 Ct equivalency. Nota-bly, the microarray correctly detected the presence of co-infecting pathogens in two samples (337 and 832), demon-strating the unique potential of this microarray platform toreveal complex disease etiologies.

Alternative methods of array design and pathogen detectionThough pathogen detection by microarray is a young field, anumber of different platforms and approaches have beendescribed, each with important attributes. For example, thearray described by Wang et al. [9] is based on probes designedto recognize the most conserved viral domains, facilitatingthe detection of a taxonomic fingerprint that provides power-ful clues to viral identity with minimal probe usage. Lin et al.

Table 3

Comparison of microarray and real-time PCR performance in detecting RSV B or hMPV

Patient ID Array WKL P value PDA diagnosis PCR diagnosis PCR Ct value Virus copy no.

122 35887 20.87 2.47 × 10-29 hMPV hMPV 24.8 5.0 × 104

133 71180 22.33 6.93 × 10-62 hMPV hMPV 25.1 4.0 × 104

165 66691 16.95 3.49 × 10-4 hMPV hMPV 27.9 3.9 × 103

254 70935 25.02 2.87 × 10-39 hMPV hMPV 22 5.4 × 105

769 73067 24.62 3.70 × 10-52 hMPV hMPV 25.7 2.5 × 104

832 73068 13.52 4.54 × 10-6 hMPV hMPV 28.2 3.1 × 103

892* 68359 ND hMPV 34 27

324* 35259 20.61 3.55 × 10-94 RSV B RSV B 21.4 3.0 × 106

355 35662 18.00 2.97 × 10-40 RSV B RSV B 20.3 6.7 × 106

374 66695 ND RSV B 34.1 500

378 70933 13.82 7.77 × 10-17 RSV B RSV B 23.9 5.4 × 105

412 35890 19.66 2.42 × 10-49 RSV B RSV B 23.5 6.9 × 105

483* 36053 12.17 1.47 × 10-12 RSV B RSV B 24.8 2.9 × 105

924* 66703 ND RSV B 33.7 630

337 71192 21.73 3.49 × 10-14 RSV B RSV B 1.1 × 105

841 73070 22.66 4.21 × 10-50 RSV B RSV B 20.9 4.4 × 106

hMPV 35.4 8

*Hospitalized patients. ND, none detected.

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[8], on the other hand, described a probe-dense resequencingarray capable of detecting a smaller set of predefined patho-gens, but with higher detection specificity, including the abil-ity to discern highly related subtypes. The microarraydescribed herein represents a blend of these two concepts,integrating a probe tiling approach for substantial genomiccoverage (though with lower probe density than a resequenc-ing array), with a taxonomy-based strategy for binning probesinto pathogen recognition signatures. Thus, our analyticaloutput includes both family- and genus-level predictions (forr-signatures restricted to conserved probes) as well as spe-cies-specific predictions (for r-signatures composed of con-served and unique probes). Indeed, this capability allowed usto detect and accurately identify viruses in clinical samples(Table 2).

Central to pathogen prediction are the algorithms that weighthe microarray data against pre-defined recognitionsignatures. Unfortunately, few such algorithms exist, andonly one algorithm, E-Predict, has been reported and vali-dated [5,29,30]. E-Predict matches hybridization signatureswith predicted pathogen signatures derived from the theoret-ical free energy of hybridization for each microarray probe. Toexamine the performance of E-predict on our microarrayplatform, we analyzed a number of samples with both E-pre-dict and our PDA algorithm. When applied to our microarraydata, E-Predict performed well, with its first prediction tend-ing to be the correct one (Table S2 in Additional data file 1).However, for each specimen, a number of false positive callswere also made, which seemed to reflect species withconsiderable sequence similarity to the true infecting patho-gen (Table S2 in Additional data file 1). For example, inpatient sample 412, E-Predict detected RSV (the correct path-ogen), but also multiple species of coronavirus (which sharesome sequence similarity with RSV), yet real-time PCR usingpancoronavirus primers as well as primers specific for strainsOC43 and 229E indicated the absence of coronavirus fromthis sample (Figure S4 in Additional data file 1). These falsepositive calls can be explained by the fact that the function ofE-Predict is less geared towards identifying and distinguish-ing specific pathogen strains, and aimed more at elucidatingthe best possible candidates as supported by the availableprobes. Thus, E-Predict is particularly advantageous in situa-tions where a pathogen's sequence is not fully known [5]. Incontrast, our PDA algorithm is designed to make calls withgreater species-level resolution. A major strength of PDA is itsability to specifically identify sequence-characterized and co-infecting pathogens with low false positivity. This is aptlydemonstrated by the ability of PDA to detect specifically thepresence of Dengue 1 in the clinical sample, where 7/35viruses on the array are from the Flaviviridae family, includ-ing 4 dengue serotypes that share 70% sequence homology.The benefits of using both algorithms simultaneously fordetecting both known and novel pathogens should be furtherevaluated.

An important discovery in this study was that the composi-tion of the random primer tag has a significant impact on theefficiency of viral genome amplification, as assessed by anamplification efficiency score. The measurement of amplifi-cation efficiency allowed us to predict which probes wouldprovide the most informative recognition signatures, mark-edly improving our pathogen prediction capability. Moreo-ver, this finding allowed us to design AES-optimized primersthat increased the amplification efficiency of our samples,resulting in greater sensitivity of pathogen detection.Whether multiplex RT-PCR using a variety of AES-designedprimer tags can further increase amplification efficiency war-rants further investigation. Additionally, it is feasible thatother tag-based PCR applications, such as the generation ofDNA libraries and enrichment of RNA for resequencing, maybenefit from primer optimization using the AES algorithm.

DNA microarrays have the potential to revolutionize clinicaldiagnostics through their ability to simultaneously investi-gate thousands of potential pathogens in order to make adiagnosis. However, questions remain regarding their sensi-tivity and reliability. In this work, we investigated the myriadfactors that influence microarray performance in the contextof virus detection in clinical specimens, and describe an opti-mized platform capable of identifying individual and co-infecting viruses with high accuracy and sensitivity thatbrings microarray technology closer to the clinic. Futureimprovements will include significant reductions in microar-ray manufacturing and usage costs. Multiplex microarray for-mats and 're-usable' arrays are developing technologies thatpromise to drive down these costs. Furthermore, alternativetechnologies, such as beads [31], microfluidics [32,33] andnanotube microarrays [34], might provide advantages in bothassay cost and speed relative to traditional microarray plat-forms. Technology considerations aside, the advantages of ahighly parallel, nucleic acid-based screening approach fordetecting disease pathogens are clear. Validations in largerpatient cohorts and in diverse clinical settings will be animportant next step towards establishing the clinical role ofpathogen detection microarrays.

Materials and methodsMicroarray synthesisComplete genome sequences of 35 clinically relevant humanviruses (Table S1 in Additional data file 1) were downloadedfrom the NCBI Taxonomy Database [35] and used to generate40-mer probe sequences tiled across each genome and over-lapping at an average 8-base resolution. Seven replicates ofeach probe were synthesized at random positions on themicroarray using Nimblegen proprietary technology [13]. Forquality control purposes, 10,000 random sequence probeswith 40-60% GC content were included to assess backgroundsignal levels. Additional controls included 400 probes tohuman immune genes (positive controls) and 162 probes to a

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plant virus, PMMV (negative control). In total, 390,482probes were synthesized on the array.

Sample preparation, microarray hybridization and stainingDengue (ATCC #VR-1254) was cultured as per ATCC recom-mendations and Sin850 SARS was cultured as described [36].Clinical specimens (nasopharyngeal washes) were obtainedfrom an Indonesian pediatric population using a standard-ized WHO protocol as described [37]. The patients were allaged between 0 and 48 months, showed symptoms of LRTI,and were diagnosed with bronchiolitis or pneumonia whenthey visited the clinic between February 1999 and February2001. Of these patients, 14 were subsequently hospitalized.The samples were stored at -80°C in RNAzol (Leedo MedicalLaboratories, Inc., Friendswood, TX, USA). RNA was laterextracted from samples with RNAzol according to the manu-facturer's instructions [38,39], resuspended in RNA storagesolution (Ambion, Inc., Austin, TX, USA) and frozen at -80°Cuntil further use. A detailed protocol is provided in the sup-plemental methods in Additional data file 1. Briefly, RNA wasreverse transcribed to cDNA using tagged random primers asdescribed [9,40]. The original primer A1 was 5' GTTTC-CCAGTCACGATANNNNNNNNN; and the AES-optimizedprimer A2 was 5' GATGAGGGAAGATGGGGNNNNNNNNN.The cDNA was then amplified by random PCR, fragmented,end-labeled with biotin, hybridized onto the microarray andstained as previously described [19] with 1 exception: theaddition of 0.82 M tetramethylammonium chloride (TMAC)to Nimblegen's hybridization buffer to minimize nonspecifichybridization.

Real-time PCR for clinical samplesA 20 μl reaction mixture containing 2 μl of the purifiedpatient RNA, 5 U of MuLV reverse transcriptase, 8 U ofrecombinant RNase inhibitor, 10 μl of 2X universal PCR Mas-ter Mix with no UNG (all from Applied Biosystems, FosterCity, CA, USA) was combined with 0.9 μM primer and 0.2 μM(RSV B and hMPV), 0.3 μM (HRV) or 0.5 μM (RSV A) probe.The primers and probe sequences for hMPV were: 5'-AGCAAAGCAGAAAGTTTA TTCGTTAA-3'; 5'-ACCCCCCAC-CTCAGCATT-3'; and 5'-FAM-ATTCATGCAA GCTTATGGT-GCTGGTCAAA-TAMRA-3'. Primers and probes for RSV [41]and HRV [42] have been described. Samples underwentreverse transcription at 48°C for 30 minutes, then wereheated at 95°C for 10 minutes and amplified by 40 cycles of 15s at 95°C and 1 minute at 60°C on an ABI Prism 7900HTSequence Detection System (Applied Biosystems). Duringamplification, fluorescence emissions were monitored atevery thermal cycle. The threshold (Ct) represents the cycle atwhich significant fluorescence is first detected. Ct value wasconverted to copy number using a control plasmid of knownconcentration: RSV A, 5.06 × 109 copies had a Ct value of10.469; RSV B, 2.61 × 109 copies had a Ct value of 11.897;hMPV, 7.51 × 109 copies had a Ct value of 10.51; HRV, 1.73 ×107 copies had a Ct value of 20.20.

One-step real-time PCR for coronavirusFrozen live cultures of human coronavirus OC43 and 229Ewere purchased from ATCC (Cat #VR-1558, VR-740) for useas positive controls. RNA was extracted from these culturesusing RNA Mini Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) in accord-ance with the manufacturer's instructions. The samples wereamplified using diagnostic primer pairs for pancoronavirus,OC43 and 229E as previously described [43].

Data analysisMicroarrays were scanned at 5 μm resolution using an Axon4000b scanner and Genepix 4 software (Molecular Devices,Sunnyvale, CA, USA). Signal intensities were extracted usingNimblescan 2.1 software (NimbleGen Systems, Madison, WI,USA). Using an automated script (J George and V Vega), wecalculated the median signal intensity and standard deviationfrom the seven replicates of each probe. The probe signalintensities were sorted by genome and arranged in sequenceorder, then reformatted into CDT format for graphical view-ing of signal intensities in Java Treeview [44]. In parallel, theprobe median signal intensities were analyzed using PDA todetermine which pathogen was present, and the associatedconfidence level of prediction. The AES and PDA algorithmsare described in detail in the Results section and all algo-rithms, formulae, software and microarray data are availableon the supplemental website [25] and in Additional data file 1.

Additional data filesThe following additional data are available with the onlineversion of this paper. Additional data file 1 includes supple-mentary materials and methods, figures, tables, pathogenmicroarray data and software.Additional data file 1Supplementary materials and methods, figures, tables, pathogen microarray data and softwareAll files are available for download in PDF, JPG, GIF, TIFF, HTML or ZIP formats as indicated on the webpage [25]. Supplementary methods: sample amplification and microarray protocols (PDF); RT-PCR modeling and amplification efficiency score (AES); patho-gen detection algorithm (PDA). Supplementary figures. Figure S1: Probe design schema. Probes (40-mers) were tiled at an average 8-base resolution across each of the 35 viral genomes in the manner depicted above. Numbers represent the start and end positions of each probe. Figure S2: Choice of primer tag in random RT-PCR has significant effect on PCR efficiency. Heatmap of probe signal inten-sities for a clinical hMPV sample following random RT-PCR using original primer (a) A1 or (b) AES-optimized primer A2. Figure S3: Comparison of amplification efficiency of original primer A1 and AES-optimized primer A2. RNA from patients infected with RSV B (n = 5) or hMPV (n = 3) were reverse-transcribed and amplified using primer A1 or A2 and the percentage of r-signature probes with signal above detection threshold was determined. Figure S4: Diagnostic PCR results for RSV patient 412 show that the patient does not have a coronavirus infection. (a) PCR using pancoronavi-rus primers. Lane 1, 1 kb ladder; lane 2, blank; lane 3, OC43 coro-navirus positive control; lane 4, 229E coronavirus positive control; lane 5, RSV patient 412; lane 6, PCR primers and reagents only, as a negative control. (b) PCR using OC43 specific primers. Lane 1, 50 bp ladder; lane 2, blank; lane 3, OC43 coronavirus positive control; lane 4, RSV patient 412; lane 5, purified RSV from ATCC; lane 6, PCR negative control. (c) PCR using 229E specific primers. Lane 1, 229E coronavirus positive control; lane 2, RSV patient 412; lane 3, PCR negative control; lane 4, 1 kb ladder. Supplementary tables. Table S1: List of genomes represented on the pathogen detection microarray. Table S2: Comparison of E-Predict and PDA algo-rithms. Pathogen microarray data: data have been deposited in NCBI's Gene Expression Omnibus and are accessible through GEO accession number GSE3779 [45]. Software downloads. Amplifica-tion efficiency score software: Primerselect Readme.txt; Pathogen detection algorithm (PDA): WKL Readme.txt; WKL.cpp.Click here for file

AcknowledgementsWe thank Pauline Aw for technical assistance, Joshy George and VinsensiusVega for the median signal intensity script, Kuswandewi Mutyara and theRSV study group. This study and ethical compliance was approved by theMinistry of Health, National Institute of Health Research and DevelopmentNo. KS., April, 1997, Jakarta, Indonesia. Shirlena Soh is undertak-ing her PhD at GIS through a scholarship from the Queensland Universityof Technology, Australia. This work was supported by funding from Singa-pore's Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) and theWorld Health Organization (WHO). A*STAR and WHO had no role instudy design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or prepara-tion of the manuscript. WHO was involved in designing the clinical arm ofthe study performed in Bandung, Indonesia.

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