
New Roads.TM




ForewordThis manual contains information concerning the safe operation of yourvehicle. It is extremely important that this information is read and un-derstood before the vehicle is operated. This manual also contains aconsiderable amount of information concerning the vehicle, such as ve-hicle identification, Preventive Maintenance recommendations and a logfor your service records. Please keep this in the vehicle at all times. In-formation from other component manufacturers is supplied in separatemanuals in the Owner’s Package.

NOTE! It is important that this manual stays with the vehicle when itis sold. Important safety information must be passed on to the new cus-tomer. The service information contained in this manual gives theowner important information about maintaining the vehicle but is notintended as a substitute for the Preventive Maintenance Service Manualand must not be regarded as such.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) andVolvo Trucks North America, Inc. should be informed immediatelyif you believe that the vehicle has a defect that could cause a crash,injury or death.

Contact NHTSA by calling the Auto Safety Hotline at 1 (800) 424–9393 (or 366–0123 in the Washington, DC area) or by writing to:NHTSA, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, DC 20590.

Volvo Trucks North America, Inc.Greensboro, NC USA

Order number: PV776-20 139484

© 2000 Volvo Trucks North America, Inc., Greensboro, NC USA

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in retrieval system, or transmitted in any forms by any means,electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, withoutthe prior written permission of Volvo Trucks North America, Inc..


ContentsGeneral Information ............................. 1

Information For the Owner ................... 1General Safety Information .................. 3Modifications to Vehicle ....................... 7Exhaust and Noise Emissions ............... 8Vehicle Data ........................................ 16

Vehicle Access ...................................... 19Cab Doors and Door Lock ................. 19Cab Entry and Exit ............................. 21Hood .................................................... 26

Pre-Trip Inspection and Daily Mainte-nance ..................................................... 28

General ................................................ 28Pre-Trip Inspection Quick List ........... 29Daily Maintenance .............................. 41

Additional Safety Features ................. 46Safety Belts ......................................... 46SRS Airbag ......................................... 55Safety Equipment ................................ 62VORAD Collision Warning System ... 63

Instruments and Controls ................... 64Dash Overview .................................... 64Instrument Cluster Overview .............. 65Telltale Overview ................................ 66Graphic Display Telltale Overview .... 67Left Instrument Section ...................... 68Main Instrument Section ..................... 76Right Instrument Section .................... 83Changing Telltale Bulbs In Cluster .... 89Steering Column Switches .................. 91Left Switch Cluster ............................. 94Driving Light Switches ....................... 98Right Switch Cluster ......................... 100Pneumatic Switch Cluster ................. 104Optional Switch Cluster .................... 106

Miscellaneous Switches .................... 107

Graphic Display ................................. 108Graphic Display Overview ............... 108Graphic Display Controls ................. 109Graphic Display Telltales .................. 111Information and Stop Messages ....... 112Information Telltale ........................... 113Stop Telltale ...................................... 120Acknowledge Information and StopMessages ........................................... 124Main Menu: Set-Up Mode ............... 126Main Menu: System Diagnostic ....... 131Main Menu: Data Log Mode (VolvoEngine Only) ..................................... 146Main Menu: Password Input ............ 152Main Menu: Gauge ........................... 153Main Menu: Fuel Economy (option) 157Main Menu: Time/Distance .............. 159Main Menu: FAULTS? ..................... 164

Heating and Air Conditioning ......... 168General .............................................. 168Climate Unit Main Control Panel .... 169Cab Ventilation .................................. 177Cab Air Filter .................................... 178A/C Diagnostic Module .................... 179

Seats ..................................................... 180General .............................................. 180National Standard Seat Adjustments 181Volvo Standard Seat Adjustments .... 182National Stationary Seat ................... 183

Cab Interior ....................................... 184Interior/Reading Lights ..................... 184

Communication and Entertainment 187Antennas ............................................ 187


Stereo/Radio ...................................... 188Communication Equipment .............. 189

Fuel Economy Driving ...................... 190Fuel Economy ................................... 190

Engine Start and Operation ............. 197Starting the Engine ........................... 197Cold Weather Start and Operation ... 202Engine Operation .............................. 209Cruise Control ................................... 218Fuel Tank(s) ...................................... 220

Clutch and Transmission .................. 222Clutch ................................................ 222

Brakes ................................................. 223Brakes ................................................ 223

Electrical System ............................... 244Electrical System ............................... 244

Power Steering ................................... 256

General .............................................. 256

Axles and Wheels ............................... 258Axles .................................................. 258Wheels ............................................... 261

Fifth Wheel Instructions ................... 264Fifth Wheel General Information ..... 264Fifth Wheel ....................................... 265Fifth Wheel Slider (option) .............. 267Unlocking the Fifth Wheel ............... 268Trailer Coupling Procedures ............. 270Trailer Uncoupling Procedures ......... 275Operating the Fifth Wheel Slider ..... 280

Emergency Information .................... 282Towing Procedure ............................. 282

Service Information ........................... 287Service Assistance and Manuals ...... 287

Index .................................................... 289


Warning Label Information

IMPORTANTBefore driving this vehicle, be certain that you have read and thatyou fully understand each and every step of the driving and han-dling information in this Operator’s Manual. Be certain that youfully understand and follow all safety warnings. It is extremely im-portant that this information is read and understood before thevehicle is operated.


The following types of labels are usedthroughout this manual:

NOTE! A note defines an operating proce-dure, practice, condition, etc., which isessential to proper operation of the vehicle.


A caution label directs the operator’sattention to unsafe practices where per-sonal injury is not likely but propertydamage could occur. The caution label isin black type on a white backgroundwith a black border.


A warning label directs the operator’sattention to unsafe practices which couldresult in personal injury or severe dam-age to the vehicle. The warning label isin black type on a gray backgroundwith a black border.

A danger label directs the operator’s at-tention to unsafe practices which couldresult in serious personal injury or death.The caution label is in white type on ablack background with a black border.


General Information 1

Information For the OwnerIf there are questions on the maintenanceand performance of your vehicle, pleasediscuss them with your Volvo Truck dealer.Your authorized dealer is required to havetrained mechanics, special tools and spareparts to fully service your vehicle. Ifnecessary, your dealer will contact the man-ufacturer for any assistance.

In addition to this Operator’s Manual, theremay be additional instruction/operator’smanuals supplied by component manufac-turers. These manuals are placed in theOwner’s Package and placed in the cab. Besure to read all the manuals thoroughly be-fore operating the vehicle.

Also, various safety labels may be placedon components by the component manufac-turer. Be sure to read and follow theselabels to prevent damage to the vehicle,personal injury or even death.

Information in this manual refers to Volvocomponents and Volvo drivetrain. Informa-tion concerning non-Volvo engines and/ordrivetrains can be obtained by contactingthe respective manufacturer.

Establish a Preventive Maintenance Pro-gram with the help of your local VolvoTruck dealer. A Preventive MaintenanceProgram makes it possible to maximize theamount of time your vehicle is up and run-ning, resulting in longer component life.This makes for a safer vehicle by reducingany mechanical failures due to poor mainte-nance practices.

Various truck warranty coverage plans, con-tingent on application and weight class, areavailable. Please contact an authorizedVolvo Truck Dealer for complete details.Replacement warranty certificates for VolvoTrucks are available from Volvo dealers.

For trucks placed in service after August 1,2000 and operating in the USA andCanada, Volvo dealers can print copies ofthe Standard Truck Warranty Certificateand the Premium (Purchased) Truck Cover-age Certificate. Copies are available ineither English or Canadian French at thedealer communication system (DCS) web-site. Look in the Service/Warranty folder.

NOTE! Federal law requires manufacturersto notify owners of its products in the eventof a non-compliance to a Federal MotorVehicle Safety Standard or if a safety re-lated defect is discovered. If you are notthe original owner of this vehicle, pleasenotify us about the change in ownership atthe address below or through an authorizedVolvo Truck dealer. This is the only waywe will be able to contact you if necessary.

Volvo Trucks North America, Inc.

Att: Vehicle Registration dept.

P. O. Box 26115

Greensboro, NC 27402–6115

United States of America


2 General Information

Do Not Removethis manual from the ve-hicle. It contains important operational andsafety information that is needed by alldrivers and owners of this vehicle.

This Operator’s Manual covers VolvoVHD-series vehicles manufactured byVolvo Trucks North America, Inc. with anyof the following designations:

VHD42 VHD64 VHD84 VHD104


T=tractor, F=forward position axleB=back position axle

Explanation: The first number after themodel designation (4, 6, 8, 10 or 12) repre-sents the total number of wheels (hubs) pervehicle. The last number (2 or 4) representsthe number of wheels (hubs) that drive thevehicle.

This manual, together with manuals forspecific components, for example, Volvoengine, Cummins engine, Eaton transmis-sion, etc., contain important information foryou to be able to operate this vehiclesafely. They contain advice and instructionswhich will enable you to get the operatingeconomy and performance that you expectfrom this quality vehicle.

All information, illustrations and specifica-tions contained in this manual are basedupon the latest product information avail-able at the time of publication. If anyquestions arise concerning the current sta-tus of Federal or state laws, the appropriateFederal or state agency should be contacted.

Volvo Trucks North America, Inc. reservesthe right to make changes at any time or tochange specifications or design without no-tice and without incurring obligation.


Back position axle


Forward position axle


General Information 3

General Safety Information

Operating the VehicleEvery vehicle, including heavy duty vehi-cles, has blind spots. The size of blindspots varies from driver to driver and fromsituation to situation. As a skilled, profes-sional driver, you are in the best position toavoid accidents in turns, lane changes orother maneuvers. Volvo Trucks NorthAmerica, Inc. provides standard equipment(such as cabs, windshields, window sizesand mirrors), preferred by most owners anddrivers under most conditions and in mostapplications.

However, due to differences in the size ofdrivers, their seating positions, the way thatthey use and operate their vehicles, per-sonal preferences and other factors, nocombination of mirrors and other visibilityenhancement devices will eliminate allblind spots in every situation.

The safe operation of this vehicle is up toyou. Because of your special preferences,needs and circumstances, you may want toadd extra mirrors and/or other visibility en-hancement devices. If so, you shouldcontact an authorized Volvo Truck dealer toobtain those parts which best fit your ownpersonal needs and preferences.


All items within the cab must be securedbefore the vehicle is set in motion. Thisincludes, but is not limited to, drinks,clothes, books, televisions, etc. In theevent of a collision, loose items couldfly around inside the cab. This couldcause personal injury.

Never try to operate or work on thisvehicle while under the influence of al-cohol. Your reflexes can be affected byeven a small amount of alcohol. Drink-ing and operating this vehicle can leadto an accident, causing serious personalinjury or death.


4 General Information

Operating In Bobtail ModeTractors are equipped with a bobtail airbrake proportioning valve which automati-cally redistributes the braking force betweenfront and rear axles when not hooked up toa semitrailer (bobtail operation).

When operating in bobtail mode, the rearbrake chambers receive reduced or propor-tional brake air pressure. When the tractoris towing a trailer, the rear brake chamberswill receive full (normal) brake pressure.

NOTE! When operating bobtail, be certainthat glad hands, trailer air hoses, electricalcable and connectors are properly stowedand secure. Do not allow them to rub orchafe on other components.


When operating bobtail, the brakesystem on the vehicle reduces the possi-bility of rear wheel brake lockup, excepton full pedal application. When bobtail-ing, be certain that adequate pedalpressure is applied. There is no need toreduce pedal effort. Failure to do so mayresult in increased stopping distances.


General Information 5

Do Not OverloadThis vehicle has been designed and assem-bled for a maximum gross vehicle weightrating (GVWR) and a maximum front andrear axle weights rating (FAWR andRAWR). The actual rating for this vehiclecan be found on the label attached to thedoor frame on the driver’s side. If any ofthese three ratings is exceeded and over-loading occurs, instability, poor handling,failure of parts and accelerated wear canoccur.

Under no circumstances should the pub-lished GVWR, FAWR, and/or RAWR beexceeded. Failure to observe these pre-cautions can lead to the loss of vehiclecontrol, resulting in a crash causing seri-ous personal injury or death.

Do not exceed the load rating of thetires or the vehicle weight ratings. Over-loading may result in tire failure causingloss of vehicle control, leading to an ac-cident resulting in severe personal injuryor death.


OperatingBefore driving this vehicle, locate the in-struments and controls, and becomethoroughly familiar with their operation.After starting and when driving, alwayscheck to make sure that the instrumentreadings are normal.


6 General Information

Reporting Safety Defects

USAThe National Highway Traffic Safety Ad-ministration (NHTSA) and Volvo TrucksNorth America, Inc. should be informedimmediately if you believe that the vehiclehas a defect that could cause a crash, injuryor death.

Contact NHTSA by calling the Auto SafetyHotline at 1 (800) 424–9393 (or 366–0123in the Washington, DC area) or by writingto: NHTSA, U. S. Department of Trans-portation, Washington, DC 20590.

1 (800) 424-9393

CanadaRefer consumer complaints to Volvo TrucksCanada, Inc. or to the Transport Canada -Department of Public Complaints, Recallsand Investigations.

1 (905) 795-1555

MexicoVolvo Trucks of Mexico, S.A. de C.V.should be informed immediately if you be-lieve the vehicle has a defect that couldcause a crash, injury or death. ContactVolvo Trucks de Mexico by calling or bywriting to: Volvo Trucks de Mexico, C.V., Prol. Paseo de la Reforma 600,1er. Piso — 121, Col. Santa Fe PeñaBlanca, C.P. 01210, México, D.F.

01 (800) 90 94 900

NOTE! For a listing of other contacts forinformation or help, see page 287.


General Information 7

Modifications to Vehicle

Chassis FrameFrame side rails are heat treated. No weld-ing is permitted because structural failuremay result. Do not drill through either topor bottom flanges. A warning label is alsoattached to the frame for information.

Drilling is permitted in the frame web inaccordance with a specified hole spacingpattern. Consult a Volvo Truck dealer toobtain approved hole spacing dimensions orrefer to the Frame Rail and Cross MemberService Manual.

Frame rail and cross member nuts and boltsshould be checked periodically and tight-ened to the specified torque if necessary.



Do not weld on any part of the frame ordrill holes in the top or bottom flanges.Serious structural damage could occur.

Frame AlterationsUnder no circumstances can the frame becut and an extension piece added to in-crease the wheelbase. The only alterationallowed is wheel base shortening, wherethe only change in the frame rail is a newhole pattern drilled for the new location ofthe rear suspension.

Welding In VehicleDo not weld anywhere in or on the vehiclebefore disconnecting batteries, all electroniccontrol units (ECU) and instrument cluster.See page 249 for more information. Do notuse oxy/acetylene welding to repair cabpanels. Refer to the service manuals forspecific information.


8 General Information

Exhaust and Noise EmissionsGeneral

USAThe Federal Clean Air Act, Section 203 (a)(3), states the following concerning the re-moval of air pollution control devices ormodification of a certified engine to a non-certified configuration:

“The following acts and the causing thereofare prohibited:

(3) For any person to remove or render in-operative any device or element of designinstalled on or in a motor vehicle or motorvehicle engine in compliance with regula-tions under this part prior to its sale anddelivery to the ultimate purchaser, or for

any manufacturer or dealer knowingly toremove or render inoperative any such de-sign after sale and delivery to the ultimatepurchaser.”

Specifically, please note that no person maymake such changes prior to the sale anddelivery of the vehicle to the ultimate pur-chaser, and, in addition, no manufacturer ordealer may take such action after sale anddelivery of the vehicle to the ultimate pur-chaser. The law provides a penalty of up to$10, 000 for each violation.

CanadaThe same conditions that apply in the USAapply to Canada, with one exception. Afterthe vehicle is sold to a retail customer, thatis, the end user, the jurisdiction controllingthe emission control devices becomes theprovince in which the vehicle is licensed.No changes should be made that render anyor all of the devices inoperative.

Should the owner/operator wish to makeany changes to the emission control de-vices, check with the provincial authoritybefore making any such changes.

MexicoThe same conditions that apply in the USAapply to Mexico. Refer to the MexicanFederal Law for Emission Control whichadheres to EPA regulations. No changesshould be made that render any or all ofthe emissions control devices inoperative.

Should the owner/operator wish to makeany changes to the emission control de-vices, check with the state authority beforemaking any such changes.


General Information 9

California Emission Control Warranty Statement


The California Air Resources Board and Volvo Trucks North America , Inc. (VTNA) arepleased to explain the emission control system warranty on your vehicle. In California,new motor vehicles must be designed, built and equipped to meet the State’s stringentanti-smog standards. Volvo Trucks North America, Inc. must warrant the emission controlsystem on your vehicle for the periods of time listed listed below provided there has beenno abuse, neglect or improper maintenance of your vehicle.

Your emission control system may include parts such as carburetor or fuel injection systemand engine computer. Also included may be hoses, belts, connectors and other emission-related assemblies.

Where a warrantable condition exists, Volvo Trucks North America, Inc. will repair yourvehicle at no cost to you including diagnosis, parts and labor.


This warranty is applicable for a period of five years, 100 000 miles or 3 000 hours of op-eration, whichever first occurs. If an emission-related part of your vehicle is defective, thepart will be repaired or replaced by Volvo Trucks North America, Inc.

This is your emission control system DEFECTS WARRANTY.


As the vehicle owner, you are responsible for the performance of the required maintenancelisted in your owner’s manual. Volvo Trucks North America, Inc. recommends that you re-tain all receipts covering maintenance on your truck but Volvo Trucks North America, Inc.cannot deny warranty solely for the lack of receipts or for your failure to ensure the per-formance of all scheduled maintenance.

You are responsible for presenting your vehicle to a Volvo Trucks North America, as soon as a problem exists. The warranty repairs should be completed in a reason-able amount of time, not to exceed 30 days.

As the vehicle owner, you should also be aware that Volvo Trucks North America, Inc.may deny you warranty coverage if your vehicle or a part has failed due to abuse, neglect,improper maintenance or unapproved modifications.

If you have any questions regarding your warranty rights and responsibilities, you shouldcontact Volvo Trucks North America, Inc., Warranty Administration, (336) 393-2000 orthe California Air Resources Board at 9480 Telstar Avenue, El Monte, CA 91731.


10 General Information



1 Is designed, built and equipped so as to conform at the time of sale to all regulationsof the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the California California Air Re-sources Board applicable at the time of the manufacture; and

2 Is free from defects in material and workmanship which will cause the emission con-trol components not to function as designed for a period of use of 5 years or 100 000miles or 3 000 hours of engine operation, whichever comes first.

The 5 years/100 000 miles/3 000 hour warranty period shall begin on the date the vehicleis first delivered to the first retail purchaser or if the vehicle is placed in service as ademonstrator company vehicle prior to the sale at retail, on the date the vehicle is the firstplaced in service.

The emission control system of your new Volvo engine was designed, built and tested us-ing genuine Volvo parts, and the engine is certified as being in conformity with Federaland California emission control regulations. Accordingly, it is recommended that any re-placement parts used for maintenance, replacement or repair without invalidating thiswarranty; the cost of such services or or parts, however, will not be covered under the war-ranty except in an emergency situation. A part not being available or a repair not beingcompleted within 30 days also constitutes an emergency.

Use of replacement parts which are not of equivalent quality may impair the effectivenessof emission control systems. If other than Volvo parts are used for maintenance, ownershould obtain assurances that suck parts are warranted by their manufacturer to be equiva-lent to genuine Volvo parts. However, the use of other than Volvo replacement parts doesnot invalidate the warranty on other components, unless such parts cause damage to war-ranted parts.

Repairs and service covered by the warranty will be performed by an authorized VolvoTrucks North America, Inc. dealer at his place of business with no charge for parts or la-bor (including diagnosis) using Volvo parts for the emission control system, that requiresreplacement and is covered by the warranty and found defective. In case of an emergency,where an authorized Volvo Trucks North America, Inc. dealer is not available, repairs maybe performed at any available service establishment or by the owner, using any equivalentreplacement parts and Volvo Trucks North America, Inc. will reimburse the owner for suchrepairs (including diagnosis) not to exceed Volvo Trucks North America, Inc’s suggestedretail retail price for the warranted parts and the labor rate appropriate for the geographicalarea and the tasks performed.

Replaced parts and paid invoices must be presented to a Volvo Trucks North America, for reimbursement.


General Information 11

The emissions control parts covered by this Emission Control System Warranty are listedunder "What Is Covered by the Emissions Warranty." You are responsible for the perfor-mance of all required maintenance on your new Volvo engine, including maintenance orrepairs needed due to severe operating conditions. Volvo Trucks North America, Inc. willnot deny a warranty claim solely because you have no record of maintenance. However,Volvo Trucks North America, Inc. may deny a warranty claim if your failure to performrequired maintenance resulted in the failure of a warranted part. Receipts covering theperformance of regular maintenance should be retained in the event questions arise con-cerning maintenance. The receipts should be transferred to each subsequent owner of thevehicle with the emission warranted engine.


Volvo Trucks North America, Inc. wishes to help to assure that the Emission Control Sys-tem Warranty is properly administered. In the event that you do not receive the warrantyservice to which you believe you are entitled under the Emission Control System Warranty,you should contact Volvo Trucks North America, Inc. Warranty Administration, (336) 393-2000. The address and telephone number of each Regional Office is in your vehicleowner’s manual. If you need additional assistance or information concerning the EmissionControl System Warranty, contact: Volvo Trucks North America, Inc., Warranty Adminis-tration, (336) 393-2000.


This warranty does not cover:

1 Malfunctions in any part caused by any of the following: misuse, abuse, improperadjustments unless performed by a Volvo Trucks North America, Inc. dealer, modifi-cations, alterations, tampering, disconnection, improper or inadequate maintenance, oruse of fuels not recommended for the engine as described in the owner’s manual.

2 Damage resulting from accident, acts of nature or other events beyond the control ofVolvo Trucks North America, Inc.

3 The replacement of expendable maintenance items such as filters, hoses, belts, oil,thermostat and coolant made in connection with scheduled maintenance services oncethese parts have been replaced. Any parts replaced under warranty before the first re-quired replacement point are warranted for the remainder of the warranty period.

4 Replacement items which are not genuine Volvo parts or not authorized by VolvoTrucks North America, Inc.

5 Loss of time, inconvenience, loss of use of vehicle or engine, or commercial loss.6 Any vehicle on which the odometer or hourmeter has been disconnected or the

mileage (or hours) has been altered so the actual usage cannot be readily be deter-mined.

7 Any vehicle registered and normally operated outside the United States.


12 General Information


The following is a list of the items that are considered a part of the Emission Control Sys-tems and are covered by the Emission Warranty when installed as original equipment byVolvo Trucks North America, Inc. on vehicles which were built to conform to Environ-mental Protection Agency and California Air Resources Board regulations

IMPORTANT - This may not include expendable maintenance items. Emission relatedparts requiring scheduled maintenance are warranted until their first scheduled replacementpoint.

I. Fuel Injection System

II. Air Induction System

A. Intake Manifold

B. Turbocharge System

C. Charge Air Cooler (Intercooler)

III. Exhaust Manifold

IV. Miscellaneous Items Used in Above Systems

A. Hose, clamps, fittings and tubing

B. Pulleys, belts and idlers

C. Vacuum, temperature, and time sensitive valves and switches

D. Mounting hardware, sealing gaskets and PVC (if applicable)




NOTE! Warranty coverage is subject tochange without notice. Contact your VolvoTruck dealer for the current warrantystatement.


General Information 13

Noise EmissionsVolvo Trucks North America, Inc. warrantsto the first person who purchases this vehi-cle for purposes other than resale and toeach subsequent purchaser, that this vehicleas manufactured by Volvo Trucks NorthAmerica, Inc. was designed, built andequipped to conform, at the time it left thecontrol of Volvo Trucks North America,Inc., with all applicable U.S. EPA NoiseControl Regulations.

This warranty covers this vehicle as de-signed, built and equipped by Volvo TrucksNorth America, Inc., and is not limited toany particular part, component or system ofthe vehicle manufactured by Volvo TrucksNorth America, Inc. Defects in design, as-sembly or in any part, component or systemof the vehicle as manufactured by VolvoTrucks North America, Inc., which, at thetime it left the control of Volvo TrucksNorth America, Inc. caused noise emissionsto exceed Federal standards, are covered bythis warranty for the life of the vehicle.


14 General Information

Tampering with Noise Control SystemFederal law prohibits the following acts orthe causing thereof:

(1) The removal or rendering inoperative byany person, other than for purposes ofmaintenance, repair, or replacement, of anydevice or element of design incorporatedinto any new vehicle for the purpose ofnoise control prior to its sale or delivery tothe ultimate purchaser or while it is in use;


(2) the use of the vehicle after such deviceor element of design has been removed orrendered inoperative by any person.

Among those acts presumed to constitutetampering are the acts listed below:

Air Intake SystemRemoving or rendering inoperative the aircleaner or intake piping.

Engine Cooling FanRemoving or rendering inoperative the fanclutch.

Removing the fan shroud.

EngineRemoving or altering engine speed pro-gramming so as to allow engine speed toexceed manufacturer’s specifications.

Modifying the parameters of the EngineElectronic Control Unit.


General Information 15

Fuel SystemRemoving or altering engine speed pro-gramming so as to allow engine speed toexceed manufacturer’s specifications.

Inner Fender Shields and Cab SkirtsRemoving shields or skirts.

Cutting away parts of shields, skirts or dam-aged or loose portions of shields or skirts.


16 General Information

Vehicle DataIdentification and LabelsIt is extremely important that the correctvehicle model and serial number are givenwhenever replacement parts or service liter-ature are ordered. Using these numbers, aswell as giving the major component modeland serial numbers, will prevent delay anderrors in obtaining the correct material.Space is given on the rear inside cover ofthis manual for noting the main componentmodel and serial numbers.

The full 17–digit Vehicle IdentificationNumber (VIN) is shown on the VehicleIdentification label located in the dooropening on the driver’s side (see nextpage). The 8–digit chassis number isstamped into the right-hand frame rail un-derside and the left-hand frame rail topside,42 inches (1065 mm) back from the frontedge of the frame rail. The use of this num-ber is very helpful when ordering parts foryour vehicle.


Vehicle OrderThe Vehicle Order is a complete and de-tailed record of all data pertaining to theassembly of the vehicle. It should be filedin the Owner’s office where it will be read-ily available for reference. Any changesmade to the vehicle must become a part ofthe Vehicle Order and must comply with allapplicable Federal Motor Vehicle SafetyStandards.


General Information 17

Identification and Certification LabelsThere are two labels that are located on therear, lower face of the driver side doorframe. These should be part of the vehicleat all times.

The VIN is shown on the Vehicle Identifi-cation label. The VIN includes the vehiclemake, model series, weight class, enginemodel, where the vehicle was built and thevehicle serial number. This label alsoshows the truck model designation, majorcomponent model and serial number, cabmodel and serial number, cab and chassispaint colors, and color numbers.

On the upper part of the door frame is theCertification label showing the axle andload ratings for the vehicle as it was built.Do not exceed these ratings by overloading.

NOTE! To deter tampering with the origi-nal build information, the information onthe label will be destroyed if label isremoved. If for any reason a label is dam-aged, contact your Volvo Truck dealer for areplacement.


Noise Emission Control LabelA Noise Emission Control label is locatedin the rear of the door frame. It is theOwner’s responsibility to maintain the vehi-cle so that it conforms to EPA regulations.

Refer to page 14 for a listing on what con-stitutes tampering with the Noise EmissionsControl.


18 General Information

ComponentsThe Volvo D12 engine serial number is lo-cated on the rear, left side of the cylinderblock.

There is also a label on the engine elec-tronic control unit that shows the engineserial number.


The Volvo D7 engine serial number is lo-cated on the rear, left side of the cylinderblock.

There is also a label on the rear valve coverthat shows the engine serial number.


The Volvo rear axle model and serial num-ber is located on the right side of thetransfer gear housing on the tandem frontaxle. It is located on the left side of the dif-ferential housing on the tandem rear axleand on the right side of the single axle.



Vehicle Access 19

Cab Doors and Door LockThe cab door is unlocked with the samekey used for the ignition lock. Keys can bemade to fit only one vehicle or all the vehi-cles in a fleet of Volvos. A tool forchanging bulbs in the instrument cluster isincluded on the keychain.

The key fits in the door lock either way.Insert the key and turn it 1/4 turn counter-clockwise to unlock or clockwise to lockthe door.

NOTE! The vehicle is delivered with 2identical keys. If more keys are needed,order them through your Volvo Truck au-thorized dealer. The keys are laser cut andrequire a special machine for copying,available through the dealer. Record the keycode and keep it in a secure place. A newkey can be made if the keys are lost.

The door locks are mechanically or electri-cally operated. The lock is activated byeither the key from the outside or the doorlock handle from the inside. With mechani-cal locks, only one door can belocked/unlocked at a time. With electricallocks, both doors will be locked/unlockedby operating either the key or the innerdoor lock handle on either side.


Key code on tag of keychain

To lock either door from the inside, pushthe door lock handle forward. The handlewill stay in place, indicating the door islocked. It can be unlocked without openingthe door by moving the door lock handle tothe middle position.

No door can be locked while it is stillopen. The door must be closed for the lockto work. In the event of a power failure theelectrical lock system reverts back to a me-chanically functioning system.



20 Vehicle Access

The door has a position lock that enablesthe door to remain open in two differentpositions. An indented bar is holding thedoor at approximately 30� and in the fullyopen position at approximately 85�.

To close the door from the inside, place thehand in the handhold and pull the door in.

To lessen the chance of being thrownfrom the vehicle in case of an accident,always lock the door and wear the safetybelt while driving. Failure to do so cancause serious personal injury or death ifinvolved in an accident.



Do not shut the door by pushing on thedoor panel. Hard pushing may distortthe metal in the door panel.

To close the door from the outside, placethe hand flat against the door lock area andpush the door shut.



Vehicle Access 21

Cab Entry and ExitGeneral

To avoid personal injury due to a slipand/or fall, observe all the guidelines ex-plained in this section marked Cab Entryand Exit.

Do not stand on the steps or any otherpart of the vehicle while it is in motion.The steps and the back of cab accessdeck plates are only for entering/exitingthe vehicle and not for riding on. Failureto heed this warning can result in seri-ous personal injury or death.


Wearing shoes with soles that are dirtyor wet increases the chance of slippingand falling. Be careful when entering thecab with dirty or wet soles.


Both the operator and passenger shouldexercise caution when entering or exitingthe cab. Use the steps and grab handlesto safely get in and out of the cab.

Steps are designed to be slip resistantand to provide a stable surface forentering or exiting the cab. However, ac-cumulation of ice, dirt, lubricants, etc.on the steps can make entering or exit-ing hazardous. Always make sure thesteps are free from slippery substances.Failure to follow this guideline may re-sult in a fall that can cause seriouspersonal injury or death. W8002808


22 Vehicle Access

General Entry Guidelines

To avoid personal injury due to a slipand/or fall, observe the following guide-lines.

1 Always have three limbs (one foot andtwo hands or two feet and one hand)in contact with the vehicle at all timeswhen entering or exiting the cab or thearea behind the cab.

2 Be certain you have a firm handholdand/or stable foot position beforetransferring weight to that position. Forexample, do not start to put weight ona foot until you are certain your foot isproperly on the step and will not slipwhen you transfer your weight.

3 Do not climb on top of the frame, fueltanks or storage boxes to make trailerhook-ups.

4 If the vehicle is equipped with air fair-ings, do not use the side mountedfairing (wind deflector) brackets andbraces as steps or grab handles.

5 Be certain that the grab handles areclear of snow, mud, ice or other sub-stances that could make them slipperybefore using them. Do not use steps orgrab handles if they are slippery ordamaged.

6 Be certain that all grab handles, stepsand related parts are in good workingcondition. Any defects should be re-ported and repaired before using thegrab handles and steps.

7 Do not step on the curved surface ofthe fuel tanks. They may be slipperyfrom snow, mud, ice, water, spilledfuel or other slippery substances.

8 If a step is mounted to the top of thebattery box, be certain that the batterybox cover is properly fastened beforestepping.

9 Do not jump from the cab or from thesteps to the ground.

10 Always face the cab when entering orexiting.

11 Do not hold anything in your handswhen entering or exiting the cab or thearea behind the cab. Log books, cups,clipboards, jackets, luggage and thelike can be placed on the cab floor orrear deck plate before entering or exit-ing.

12 Be sure to disconnect the safety beltbefore exiting the cab.

13 Be sure that the safety belt is fully re-tracted and out of the way prior toentering or exiting the cab.

14 Do not put your foot on any surfacethat does not have slip resistant, self-cleaning material. If there is no stepmaterial, the surface may be slipperyand you could fall.

15 Before entering or exiting, be certainthat the soles of your shoes/boots arefree from grease, mud or any othersubstance which could make themslippery.

16 Always put the foot flat on the top ofthe step. Do not place your foot on theside or edge of the step.



Vehicle Access 23

Driver Side Entry/ExitOpen the door. Place any hand-carrieditems on the cab floor. Grasp the right grabhandle with your right hand and the leftgrab handle with your left hand. Put theright foot fully on the bottom step and pullyourself up to the opening.

Slide hands up on the handles, if necessary.Put the left foot on the top step and step up.Step into the cab with the right foot first.

To exit, reverse the process. Do not attemptto exit the cab while carrying any items inyour hands.


On vehicles without side fairings, al-ways make sure that the battery boxcover is securely fastened before step-ping up. Failure to fasten the cover maylead to personal injury.


Passenger Side Entry/ExitOpen the door. Place any hand-carrieditems on the cab floor. Grasp the left grabhandle with your left hand and the rightgrab handle with your right hand. Put theleft foot fully on the bottom step and pullyourself up to the opening.

Slide hands up on the handles, if necessary.Put the right foot on the top step and stepup.

Step into the cab with the left foot first.

To exit, reverse the process. Do not attemptto exit the cab while carrying any items inyour hands.



24 Vehicle Access

Behind the Cab EntryWhen trailer air and electrical connectionscan not be coupled from the ground, Fed-eral Regulations require commercialcarriers to provide back-of-cab access steps,grab handles and plates.

Depending on what option is chosen, grabhandles are available in many variations. Ineach case, make sure to always have threelimbs (one foot and two hands or two feetand one hand) in contact with the vehicle atall times when entering or exiting the areabehind the cab.


Wearing shoes with soles that are dirtyor wet increases the chance of slippingor falling. Be careful when entering theback-of-cab area with dirty or wet soles.


Grasp the grab handle to the left with bothhands. Put the left foot onto the bottomstep and pull yourself up. Put the right footon the top step and step onto the deck platewith the left foot.


Always perform trailer hook-ups whilestanding on the ground. Do not climbon top of fuel tanks or frame rails tohook up or disconnect trailer air linesand electrical cord. Use only the metal,slip resistant steps provided to prevent aslip and fall injury.



Vehicle Access 25

Stand on the ground when connecting theair and electrical connections to the trailer.



26 Vehicle Access

HoodThe hood is locked down by two latches,one on each side of the back end of thehood. The latches are operated by a handleon the bottom edge of the dashboard.

Pull the bottom of the handle out to releasehood. The hood will be raised about twoinches off its resting position and remainthere.

Make sure the hood can be opened fullywithout hitting anything. Stand sideways infront of the hood with feet in line with thevehicle. Place feet well apart and grasp therecessed handle in the front part of thehood. Transfer the body weight by leaningaway from the hood. Lift the hood until itis past the balance point. Release the hoodand let it complete the opening movementunaided.

Two restraint cylinders will engage duringthe last part of the opening. The cylinderswill slow and dampen the hood down to itsresting position.


Make sure that no one is in the way ofthe hood when closing. The hood couldinjure a person in the way while beinglowered.

To close the hood, stand with feet wellapart and place the hands along the frontedge of the hood. Bend the knees and letthe leg muscles do the work when lifting.

Raise the hood up to the halfway point.Carefully guide the hood down withenough speed that the hood latches lock thehood in place when it comes to its normalresting position.





Vehicle Access 27

Manual Hood OpeningIn the event of a malfunction in the hoodopening mechanism, the hood latches canbe manually operated through an openingin the wheelwell splash shield. The openingis normally covered by a plate.

To access the opening, remove the twoscrews using a T30 Torx screwdriver. Re-move the cover plate.


The hood latch can now be accessedthrough the hole. Operate the latch manu-ally by pushing the lever in towards theengine. Do the same on the other side.



28 Pre-Trip Inspection and Daily Maintenance


Before working on or inspecting a vehi-cle, set the parking brakes, place thetransmission in neutral and block thewheels. Failure to do so can result in un-expected vehicle movement and cancause serious personal injury or death.

Safety is the most important and obviousreason for doing a pre-trip inspection. Fed-eral and state laws require inspection doneby the driver. Federal and state inspectorsalso inspect commercial vehicles. An un-safe vehicle can be placed “out of service”until the driver or owner corrects thedeficiency. Owners and operators should fa-miliarize themselves with sections 49 CFR396.11 and 396.13 concerning Federal re-quirements for vehicle inspection. Certainother laws may also apply.

Section 49 CFR 396.13 states that all motorcarrier drivers must complete a written re-port at the end of each work day for eachvehicle operated, covering most of what iscovered in the pre-trip list. The reportshould list all defects or deficiencies dis-covered by the driver. Doing a pre-tripinspection prepares for the end-of-work re-port.

Starting on the next page are suggestedguidelines to be used in performing truck,tractor and trailer pre-trip inspections. De-

pending on the application of the vehiclebeing used, these guidelines should bemodified to include other necessary inspec-tion points. For example, steps and grabhandles should be checked daily on refusetrucks because the operator is getting inand out of the cab more frequently.

If any component or system does not passthis inspection, it must be corrected beforeoperating the vehicle. Whenever equipmentrequires adjustment, replacement, repair orlubrication, refer to the Service Manuals orcontact a Volvo Truck dealer for the correctprocedures, specifications and intervals.

Take your time going through the pre-tripinspection. Remember that a careful pre-tripinspection saves time by eliminating un-scheduled stops for correcting a faulty item.

The following information has beenprovided by the American Trucking Associ-ation as developed by the D.O.T. Office ofMotor Carriers (BMCS).


Pre-Trip Inspection and Daily Maintenance 29

Pre-Trip Inspection Quick List


Inspect the vehicle in a circular manner as shown in theillustration. Numbers between parentheses in the list, re-fer to pages in this manual where component functionand necessary inspection is explained in greater detail.

Approaching the Vehicle

• Check under the vehicle for oil, fuel,coolant leaks or other signs of damage.

• Check body surfaces for signs ofbreaks or damage.


• Open drain cocks on air tanks to letthe tanks drain ( page 234).

• Chock wheels on vehicle and, ifhooked up, trailer.

• Close air tank drain cocks.

• Start the engine and let the air pres-sure build up to normal ( page 224).Stop engine.

• Switch on parking lights and four-wayflashers ( page 94).

• Apply parking brakes ( page 229).

• Release the hood latches ( page 26).Raise hood.

Step 1: Left Side Of the Cab

Left Front Wheel

• Check condition of wheel rim. Espe-cially look for cracks, missinglockrings, bent or broken studs,clamps or lugs.

• Check condition of tire: properly in-flated, no serious cuts, bulges, treadwear or any signs of misalignment;valve stem not touching wheel, rim orbrake drum; valve cap in place.

• Check wheel bearing and hub: no ob-vious leaking on outside or insidewheel. Verify correct oil level in hub.

Left Front Suspension

• Check condition of spring, springhangers, shackles, U-bolts: no cracks,breaks or shifting.

• Check shock absorber condition.


30 Pre-Trip Inspection and Daily Maintenance

Step 1: Left Side Of the Cab (cont.)

Left Front Brake

• Condition of brake drum. With brakesreleased, look for a noticeable gap be-tween lining and drum (This checkcannot be made if dust covers are inplace).

• Condition of brake air hose.

• Check brake chamber mounting boltsand bracket.

• Check slack adjuster and chamberpushrod travel.

Condition of Front Axle and Steering Sys-tem, Left Side

• No loose, worn, bent, damaged ormissing parts.

Under Hood, Left Side

• Check coolant hose condition.

• Check condition of fan drive belts.

• Check engine and surrounding areasfor coolant, oil and fuel leaks.

• Check wiring harnesses for signs ofdamage.

Step 2: Front Of Cab Area

Condition of Windshield

• Check for damage and clean if dirty( page 44 ).

• Check windshield wiper arms forproper spring tension.

• Check wiper blades for any damage,“dead” rubber and securement to arm.

Lights and Reflectors

• Lower hood and inspect parking,clearance and identification lights onhood and cab. They should be clean,operating and of the proper color.

• Reflectors clean and proper color.

• Turn on headlights. High and lowbeams should be operating and lensesclean. If equipped, check daytime run-ning lights.

• Left and right front turn signal lightsclean, operating and proper color.Raise hood.


• Check that charge air cooler and radia-tor or bugscreens are clean andundamaged.

Step 3: Right Side Of Cab Area

Right Front Wheel

• Check condition of wheel rim. Espe-cially look for cracks, missinglockrings, bent or broken studs,clamps or lugs.

• Check condition of tire: properly in-flated, no serious cuts, bulges, treadwear or any signs of misalignment;valve stem not touching wheel, rim orbrake drum; valve cap in place.

• Check wheel bearing and hub: no ob-vious leaking on outside or insidewheel. Verify correct oil level in hub.


Pre-Trip Inspection and Daily Maintenance 31


Step 3: Right Side Of Cab Area (cont.)

Right Front Suspension

• Check condition of spring, springhangers, shackles, U-bolts: no cracks,breaks or shifting.

• Shock absorber condition.

Right Front Brake

• Condition of brake drum. With brakesreleased, look for a noticeable gap be-tween lining and drum (This checkcannot be made if dust covers are inplace).

• Condition of brake air hose: check forany chafing.

• Check brake chamber mounting boltsand bracket.

• Check slack adjuster and chamberpushrod travel. With brakes applied orreleased, look for conspicuously dif-ferent positions of the slack adjusters.

Condition of Front Axle and Steering Sys-tem, Right Side

• No loose, worn, bent, damaged ormissing parts.

Under Hood, Right Side

• Check condition of coolant and heaterhoses.

• Check condition of fan drive belts.

• Check engine and surrounding areasfor coolant, oil and fuel leaks.

• Check fuel separator sight glass anddrain if necessary. Check for leaks.

• Check wiring harnesses for signs ofdamage.

• Check air filter with brackets andhoses for loose connections or dam-age. Check filter gauge, if mounted onthe filter.

Step 4: Right Saddle Tank Area

Right Fuel Tank(s)

• Securely mounted and not damaged orleaking.

• Fuel lines secure and not leaking.Check that shut-off valves are open.

• Tank(s) full of fuel. Cap on and secure.


32 Pre-Trip Inspection and Daily Maintenance

Condition of Visible Components

• Rear of engine: not leaking.

• Transmission: not leaking. If equippedwith oil cooler, check for leaks or thatair-to-air cooler is not blocked.

• Check drive shaft.

• Exhaust system: secure, not leaking,not touching wires, fuel or air tubing.

• Frame and cross members: no bends,cracks or breaks.

• Air tubing and electrical wiring: se-cured against snagging and chafing.

Step 5: Right Rear Vehicle Area

Dual Wheels, One Or Two Axles

• Check condition of wheels and rims.Especially look for cracks, missinglockrings, bent or broken spacers,studs, clamps or lugs.

• Check condition of tires: properly in-flated, no serious cuts, bulges, treadwear or any signs of misalignment;valve stems not touching wheels, rimsor brake drums; valve caps in placeand no objects stuck between thewheels.

• Check that both tires are of same type,for example, not mixed radial and biastype and that their circumferences arematched.

• Check wheel bearing and hub: no obvi-ous leaking on outside or inside wheel.


• Check condition of springs (leaf orair), spring hangers, shackles and U-bolts.

• Axle alignment.


• Condition of brake drums. With brakesreleased, look for a noticeable gap be-tween lining and drum (This checkcannot be made if dust covers are inplace).

• Condition of brake hoses: check forany chafing.

• Check brake chamber mounting boltsand brackets.

• Check slack adjusters and chamberpush rod travel. With brakes applied orreleased, look for conspicuously dif-ferent positions of the slack adjusters.

• Check spring brakes.

Step 6: Rear Of Vehicle Area

Frame Area

• Frame or cross members not bent,cracked or otherwise damaged ormissing.

• Check that air tubing and electricallines are properly secured to the framewith no damage or chafing.

Lights and Reflectors

• Tail lights, brake lights and turn signallights: operating, clean and propercolor.


Pre-Trip Inspection and Daily Maintenance 33


Step 7: Coupling System Area

Fifth Wheel

• Securely mounted to the frame.

• No missing or damaged parts.

• Check that trunnion and plate areproperly lubricated ( page 265).

Sliding Fifth Wheel

• Mechanism not worn, bent, damagedor parts missing ( page 267).

• Properly lubricated.

• All locking pins present and locked inplace.

• If air operated: no air leaks.

Air Tubing and Electric Lines Visible FromThis Point

• Should be secure from dangling.

• Both air lines and electric line shouldbe free from damage, oil and grease.

Step 8: Left Saddle Tank and Left RearVehicle Wheels Area

Dual Wheels, One Or Two Axles

• Check condition of wheels and rims.Especially look for cracks, missinglockrings, bent or broken spacers,studs, clamps or lugs.

• Check condition of tires: properly in-flated, no serious cuts, bulges, treadwear or any signs of misalignment;valve stems not touching wheels, rimsor brake drums; valve caps in placeand no objects stuck between thewheels.

• Check that both tires are of same type,for example, not mixed radial and biastype and that their circumferences arematched.

• Check wheel bearing and hub: no obvi-ous leaking on outside or inside wheel.


• Check condition of springs (leaf orair), spring hangers, shackles andU-bolts, no cracks, breaks or shifting.


34 Pre-Trip Inspection and Daily Maintenance


• Condition of brake drums. With brakesreleased, look for a noticeable gap be-tween lining and drum (This checkcannot be made if dust covers are inplace).

• Condition of brake hoses: check forany chafing.

• Check brake chamber mounting boltsand brackets.

• Check slack adjusters and chamberpush rod travel. With brakes applied orreleased, look for conspicuously dif-ferent positions of the slack adjusters.

• Check spring brakes.

Condition of Visible Components

• Transmission: not leaking.

• Drive shaft: looks OK.

• Exhaust system: secure, not leaking,not touching wires, fuel or air tubing.

• Frame and cross members: no bends,cracks or breaks.

• Air tubing and electrical wiring: se-cured against snagging and chafing.

Left Fuel Tank(s)

• Securely mounted and not damaged orleaking.

• Fuel lines secure and not leaking.Check that shut-off valves are open.

• Tank(s) full of fuel. Cap on and secure.

Battery Area

• Open the battery box ( page 245). Bat-tery box securely mounted to vehicle.

• Batteries secured against movement( page 245).

• Battery cases not broken or leaking.Battery cables free from damage.

• Tops of batteries and terminals cleanand free from foreign material.

• If equipped, replace battery lid andmake sure it is securely fastened( page 245).


Pre-Trip Inspection and Daily Maintenance 35


In the Cab

• Check steps and grab handles forlooseness or breakage ( page 22).Also, clean them if there is any sub-stance that makes them slippery, whichmakes cab entry/exit hazardous.

• Start the engine. If equipped, checkthat exhaust rain cap opens when ac-celerating engine.

• Check gauges and telltale light func-tion ( page 79).

• Check function of low air warning( page 85). Check the Graphic Displayfor any fault codes ( page 108).

• Check clutch function ( page 222). Ifequipped, check for clutch brake func-tion.

• Check windshield wipers and washers( page 43) and horns, including back-up alarm, if equipped.

• Clean inside windshield, door win-dows and instruments. Clean mirrors.

• Check climate control and defroster( page 168). If equipped, check mirrorheater.

• Check condition of warning triangles,fire extinguisher and flares ( page 62).

• Adjust the seat ( page 180). Checkmirror adjustment.

• Check safety belts for function anddamage ( page 49).

• Apply service brakes. After initialdrop, pressure should hold steady, orincrease slightly, with engine at idle.

• Check steering wheel for excessivefree play.

• Check for loose items in the cab. Se-cure them if necessary.


36 Pre-Trip Inspection and Daily Maintenance

Hooking Up To Trailer

Hook-up Preparation

• Check kingpin and mounting plate ontrailer, free from wear, bends or dam-age.

• Chock trailer wheels.

Fifth Wheel Or Trailer Hitch

• No visible space between fifth wheeland trailer ( page 273).

• Locking jaws around the shank andnot the head of kingpin ( page 273).

• Release lever properly seated andsafety latch/lock engaged ( page 274).

• Check all connections to dolly ortrailer hitch and safety chains are se-cured.

• Check function of trailer air supplyvalve and trailer brakes.

Sliding Fifth Wheel

• Check that fifth wheel is not so farforward that the tractor frame willstrike the landing gear during turns.


Pre-Trip Inspection and Daily Maintenance 37


NOTE! Refer to the trailer manufacturer’smanual for specific information on thetrailer checks.

Step 9: Trailer Front Area

Air and Electrical Connections

• Glad hands properly mounted, freefrom damage and not leaking.

• Trailer cord receptacle properlymounted, free of damage; plug prop-erly seated and safety catch engagedto prevent accidental disconnect.

• Air and electrical lines properly se-cured against tangling, snagging andchafing with sufficient slack for turns.

Step 10: Right Side of Trailer Area

Landing Gear or Dolly Area

• Fully raised; no missing or damagedparts.

• Crank handle present and secured.

• If power operated, no air/hydraulicleaks.

Spare Wheel(s)

• Carrier or rack not damaged.

• Spare wheel securely mounted in rack.

• Tire and wheel condition adequate fora spare: proper size, properly inflated.

Lights and Reflectors

• Trailer side clearance lights: clean, op-erating and proper color.

• Reflectors clean and proper color.

Frame and Body

• Frame and crossmembers not bent,cracked, damaged or missing.

• Proper placarding.

• Body parts not damaged or missing.


38 Pre-Trip Inspection and Daily Maintenance

Step 11: Right Rear Trailer Wheel

Dual Wheels, One Or Two Axles

• Check condition of wheels and rims.Especially look for cracks, missinglockrings, bent or broken spacers,studs, clamps or lugs.

• Check condition of tires: properly in-flated, no serious cuts, bulges, treadwear or any signs of misalignment;valve stems not touching wheels, rimsor brake drums; valve caps in placeand no objects stuck between thewheels.

• Check that both tires are of same type,for example, not mixed radial and biastype and that their circumferences arematched.

• Check wheel bearing and hub: no obvi-ous leaking on outside or inside wheel.


• Condition of springs (leaf or air),spring hangers, shackles and U-bolts.

• Axle alignment.

• Condition of torque rod arms.

• If equipped with sliding axles, checkposition and alignment. Look for dam-aged, worn or missing parts, all lockspresent, fully in place and locked.

• Flexible air tubing not cracked, cut,crimped or otherwise damaged. Se-cured against tangling, dragging andchafing.


• Condition of brake drums. With brakesreleased, look for a noticeable gap be-

tween lining and drum (This checkcannot be made if dust covers are inplace).

• Condition of brake hoses: check forany chafing.

• Check brake chamber mounting boltsand brackets.

• Check slack adjusters and chamberpush rod travel. With brakes applied orreleased, look for conspicuously dif-ferent positions of the slack adjusters.

• Check spring brakes.

Step 12: Rear of Trailer Area

Lights and Reflectors

• Rear clearance, identification and taillights clean, operating and propercolor.

• Reflectors clean and proper color.

Cargo Securement

• Cargo properly blocked, braced, tied,chained, etc.

• Tailboard up and properly secured.End gates free from damage, properlysecured in stake pockets.

• Canvas or tarp (if required) properlylatched down to prevent water damage,tearing, billowing or blockage of eithermirrors or tail lights.

• Rear doors securely closed, latched orlocked; required security seals in place.

• Underside guard in place: not cracked,bent or broken.


Pre-Trip Inspection and Daily Maintenance 39


NOTE! Refer to the trailer manufacturer’smanual for specific information on thetrailer checks.

Step 13: Left Rear Trailer Wheels Area

Dual Wheels, One Or Two Axles

• Check condition of wheels and rims.Especially look for cracks, lockringsmissing, bent or broken spacers, studs,clamps or lugs.

• Check condition of tires: properly in-flated, no serious cuts, bulges, treadwear or any signs of misalignment;valve stems not touching wheels, rimsor brake drums; valve caps in placeand no objects stuck between thewheels.

• Check that both tires are of same type,for example, not mixed radial and biastype and that their circumferences arematched.

• Check wheel bearing and hub: no obvi-ous leaking on outside or inside wheel.


• Condition of springs (leaf or air),spring hangers, shackles and U-bolts.

• Axle alignment.

• Condition of torque rod arms.

• If equipped with sliding axles, checkposition and alignment. Look for dam-aged, worn or missing parts, all lockspresent, fully in place and locked.

• Flexible air tubing not cracked, cut,crimped or otherwise damaged. Itshould be secured against tangling,dragging and chafing.


• Condition of brake drums. With brakesreleased, look for a noticeable gap be-tween lining and drum (This checkcan not be made if dust covers are inplace).

• Condition of brake hoses: check forany chafing.

• Check brake chamber mounting boltsand brackets.

• Check slack adjusters and chamberpush rod travel. With brakes applied orreleased, look for conspicuously dif-ferent positions of the slack adjusters.

• Check spring brakes.


40 Pre-Trip Inspection and Daily Maintenance

Step 14: Left Side of Trailer Area

Landing Gear or Dolly Area

• Fully raised; no missing or damagedparts.

• Crank handle present and secured.

• If power operated, no air/hydraulicleaks.

Spare Wheel(s)

• Spare wheel securely mounted in rackwith no damage to rack.

• Tire and wheel condition adequate fora spare: proper size, properly inflated.

Lights and Reflectors

• Trailer side clearance lights: clean, op-erating and proper color.

• Reflectors clean and proper color.

Frame and Body

• Frame and crossmembers not bent,cracked, damaged or missing.

• Proper placarding.

• Body parts not damaged or missing.

Before Leaving the Parking Area

• Remove chocks from the wheels.

• Test trailer hook-up by slowly pullingwhile applying the trailer brakes withthe trailer brake hand control valve.

• Test the service brakes before leavingthe parking area.

• Test parking brakes by stopping on a20% grade and applying the parkingbrakes. The parking brakes shall holdthe combined vehicle and trailer with-out moving.


Pre-Trip Inspection and Daily Maintenance 41

Daily MaintenanceThe following should be checked daily inaddition to doing the pre-trip inspection ofthe truck or tractor and trailer.

While checking the fluid levels, visually in-spect hoses, pipes and their connections forsigns of leakage. Inspect the ground underengine, transmission and rear axle(s) forsigns of leakage.

Before working on or inspecting a vehi-cle, set the parking brakes, place thetransmission in neutral and block thewheels. Failure to do so can result in un-expected vehicle movement and cancause serious personal injury or death.

Check coolant level in the coolant tank.The level should be above the minimummark shown on the side of the tank.


Do not remove the cap to the surge tankwhile the engine and radiator are stillhot and under pressure. Scalding fluidand/or steam may be blown out underpressure if the cap is taken off too soon.

If the coolant level is low, add morecoolant to the tank so the level is above theminimum mark. Coolant should be filledthrough the cap in the middle of the tank.


Add only pre-mixed coolant made up of50% clean water and 50% antifreeze.See the “Operator’s Manual, Mainte-nance & Engine” for more detailedinformation.


Engines equipped with automatic startsystems can start automatically. Alarmsounds before automatic start. Failure toturn off ignition before working on fanor belts can result in personal injury.



42 Pre-Trip Inspection and Daily Maintenance


Keep yourself clear of all moving or hotengine parts. A hot engine can cause se-rious burns.

Check oil level in the engine with the dip-stick. The oil level should be between theminimum and maximum marks on the dip-stick. Do not overfill!

See the “Operator’s Manual, Maintenanceand Engine” for correct types of oil used inVolvo engines.


If the vehicle is equipped with an aero-dynamic bumper, do not step on or pressin between the bumper and the wheel.Breakage or damage may result.



To add oil to a D12 engine, remove oil capon the valve cover and fill through the hole.There is also a right-side oil fill.


Make sure the oil added is the sametype of oil that is in the engine. Thewrong type of oil could accelerate wearon engine if not suited for application.



Pre-Trip Inspection and Daily Maintenance 43

Check fluid level in the clutch fluid reser-voir. Fluid level should be between thelevel marks on the reservoir.

If fluid needs to be added, use brake fluid,DOT 4.


Check level in the windshield washer reser-voir. If washer fluid needs to be added, usea commercially reputable washer fluid thathas good cleaning capability and does notfreeze in cold weather.

Total reservoir capacity is 3.3 gallons(12.5 liters). An indicator will appear onthe diagnostic display when there isapproximately 1.4 gallons (5.3 liters) re-maining in the reservoir. W8000985

Check that windshield wipers and washerare working properly.

The windshield washer spray should coverthe windshield well. The wipers shouldclean the windshield in a couple of strokesand should not leave any streaks.



44 Pre-Trip Inspection and Daily Maintenance

If the windshield needs an overall cleaning,use a long handled cleaning sponge andsqueegee.

Clean the side windows in the same waywith a long handled sponge and squeegee.


Check all lights for proper function:

• Headlights

• Daytime running lights

• Parking and marker lights

• Stoplights

• Turn signals


NOTE! Make sure that all fluid levels areat their proper levels. If the fluids are not attheir proper levels, add as necessary. Referto the “Operator’s Manual, Maintenanceand Engine” for information on what typesof fluids are recommended for your Volvovehicle.


Pre-Trip Inspection and Daily Maintenance 45


When draining the air tanks, do not lookinto the area of the draining air. Dirt orsludge particles may be in the air streamthat could cause eye injury.

Empty out the air tanks daily. With the airsystem fully charged and with the engineshut off, listen for air leaks.



46 Additional Safety Features

Safety Belts


Safety belts must be properly worn at alltimes by the driver and all passengerswhile the vehicle is in motion even ifthe vehicle is equipped with a Supple-mental Restraint System (SRS or airbag). Failure to do so can result in seri-ous personal injury or death in the eventof a collision.

Fasten the safety belt before starting todrive. Trying to fasten the safety beltwhile the vehicle is moving may lead toan accident, causing serious personal in-jury or death.

Safety belt assemblies installed in this vehi-cle meet FMVSS 209, “Type 1” and “Type2” requirements. They are recommendedfor all persons weighing over 50 lb (25 kg).


A child restraint system should also be pro-vided for each child weighing 50 lb (25 kg)or less. It should meet the requirements ofFMVSS 213, “Child Restraint System.”Carefully read and follow all manufac-turer’s instructions on installation and use.Make certain the child remains in the re-straint system at all times while the vehicleis in motion. W8002741


Additional Safety Features 47

Safety belts must be worn by the driver andall passengers at all times. Before adjustingor fastening the safety belt, move the seatforward or rearward and adjust the seatheight as necessary. Sit erect and adjust theseat cushion and seat back for a comfort-able driving position. In the event of acollision, a correct driving position maxi-mizes the effectiveness of the safety belt.

There are both Federal and State laws gov-erning the use of safety belts. As lawsdiffer from state to state, make yourself fa-miliar with the current rules.


Tether straps are installed on somesuspension-type seats. Tether straps help se-cure the seat to the floor and are intendedto restrain the seat and safety belt in caseof an accident or sudden stop.

The tethers are not adjustable and do notneed any adjustment.



48 Additional Safety Features

Operating the Safety BeltTo fasten the safety belt, pull the belt outfrom the retractor and insert the latch intothe buckle. Verify proper lock of the latchby pulling on the latch.

Adjust the slack by pulling on the top partof the belt until the lower part, or the partthat crosses the lap, is snugly adjusted. Re-lease the top part and let the retractor pullthe belt in.

The lap portion of the safety belt should beworn low across the pelvic region (hipbone) and adjusted snugly. Never adjust thelap belt across the abdomen. A push buttonon the buckle is used to release the safetybelt latch by pushing in the button releaseon the buckle.


The buckle portion of the safety belt sys-tem is different depending on the seatoption chosen. The National Standard andComfort seat has a separate buckle that isattached to a floor anchor by a seat strap.This seat strap is not adjustable, and doesnot need to be adjusted.

The buckle for the Volvo seat is part of theseat frame.


If a comfort clip is used on the safety belt,always adjust the latch so that there is amaximum of 1 in. (25 mm) slack betweenthe belt and chest (about the width of twofingers). If a larger slack is allowed, the ef-fectiveness of the safety belt is decreased inthe event of a collision. Operation of theclip is described on page 54.

Make sure the safety belt is completely re-tracted and out of the way when not in use.



Additional Safety Features 49


Failure to properly inspect and maintainthe safety belts can cause serious per-sonal injury or death.

It is critical that any time a vehicle hasbeen involved in an accident, the entiresafety belt system must be replaced inthe vehicle (which also includes thesleeper bunk restraints) if they were inuse at the time of the accident. Failureto replace the safety belt system may re-sult in serious injury or death.

A damaged safety belt, whether visiblydamaged or not, could result in seriouspersonal injury in the event of an acci-dent. The safety belt systems should bereplaced at least every five years.

Do not bleach or re-dye the color web-bing because it may cause a severe lossof belt strength. This loss of strengthcould allow the safety belt to breakunder stress, thus resulting in severe per-sonal injury or death.

Check the belts, buckles, latch plates, re-tractors, anchorages, and guide loops toensure that they are working properly. Lookfor loose/damaged parts (without disassem-bling) that could keep the restraint systemfrom working properly. If the safety belt,retractor and hardware were in use during acollision, they must be replaced. The re-straint system anchorage fasteners must bereplaced if necessary. If there is any doubtabout the restraint system’s effectiveness,replace the entire safety belt assembly.


50 Additional Safety Features

The following maintenance guidelines de-tail how to inspect safety belts and tethersfor cuts, fraying, extreme or unusual wearof the webbing, etc., and damage to thebuckle, retractor, hardware or other factorswhich indicate that safety belt system re-placement is necessary.

Check the web wear at the buckle/latcharea. The webbing must be closely exam-ined to determine if there are any cuts,fraying or extreme wear in the webbing.Cuts, fraying or excessive wear would indi-cate the need for replacement of the safetybelt system.


The D-loop web guide is an area where al-most constant movement of the safety beltwebbing occurs because of the relativemovement between the seat and the cab.This constant movement forms an areawhere wear will often occur. The webbingmust be closely examined to determine ifthere are any cuts, fraying or extreme wearin the webbing. Cuts, fraying or excessivewear would indicate the need for replace-ment of the safety belt system.



Additional Safety Features 51

Check to make sure that the D-loop webguide is rotating properly. If the guide isnot rotating properly, the webbing will pullat the wrong angle through the guide, ac-celerating wear.


If equipped, check the comfort clip forcracks or possible damage. Make sure thatit works properly.

Check the buckle by inserting the latch andverifying proper operation. Determine if thelatch plate is worn or deformed. Check thebuckle and latch casing for cracks orbreakage.



52 Additional Safety Features

The retractor web storage device ismounted on the B-pillar, just behind thedoor in the cab. The retractor is the heart ofthe safety belt system and can be damagedif abused, even unintentionally. Check theretractor web storage device operation toensure that it is not locked and that it spoolsout and retracts the webbing properly.


If tethers are being used to anchor thesafety belts to the floor, make sure that theyare properly attached to the seat. Tethersmust also be inspected for web wear andproper tightness of mounting hardware.


All hardware for safety belt mountingpoints should be evaluated for corrosion.All attachment points of the system shouldbe checked for tightness of mountinghardware.

Check the web in areas exposed to ultra-violet rays from the sun or extreme dust ordirt. If the original color of the web inthese areas is extremely faded, the physicalstrength of this web may have deteriorated.If this condition exists, replace the safetybelt system.


Additional Safety Features 53

Important Facts About Safety Belts in Heavy TrucksThe high mileage associated with heavytrucks, the continual relative movement ofthe seat with the cab, the possible contactwith the vehicle seat or other parts of thecab structure, and the potential exposure ofthis safety belt to severe environmental con-ditions make it crucial to inspect the seatbelt system regularly. It is recommendedthat the system is inspected every 15 000miles (24 000 km) or more often if the ve-hicle is exposed to severe environmental orvocational conditions. Any safety belt sys-tem that shows cuts, fraying, extreme orunusual wear, significant discolorations dueto ultra-violet ray exposure, dusty-dirtyconditions, abrasion to the safety belt web-bing or damage to the buckle, latch plate,retractor, hardware or any other obviousproblem should be replaced immediately,regardless of the mileage.

Once replacement of the safety belt hasbeen determined necessary, be certain thatit is replaced only with a Volvo original re-placement safety belt. See your authorizedVolvo Truck dealer for replacement. YourVolvo safety belt system has been devel-oped and tested specifically for heavytrucks. Replace it only with the exact samedesign that the vehicle was equipped with.

If the inspection indicates that any otherpart of the safety belt system requires re-placement, the entire belt system must bereplaced. An installation guide is attachedto every replacement system, entitled“Three-Point Safety Belt InstallationGuide.” There are separate safety beltinstruction guides for suspension and sta-tionary seats. Use the proper guide for yourtype of seat and follow the instructionsvery closely. It is vitally important that allcomponents are mounted back in the samepositions as the original components thatwere removed. This will maintain the de-sign integrity of the mounting points for thesafety belt assembly.


54 Additional Safety Features

Comfort Clip OperationWhen provided, the comfort clip is locatedon the shoulder strap just below the D-ring.

When adjusting the comfort clip, the fol-lowing procedure must be followed forproper adjustment:

1 Pull out only enough webbing to allowslight pressure to the shoulder andchest. Allow no more than a 1 in.(25 mm) slack when measured be-tween the chest and the belt.

2 To activate the clip mechanism feature,lift the lever up to clamp the webbingin place.

NOTE! When the safety belt is not in use,the clip should be in the open position toallow the seat belt to retract to its properposition. Also make sure that the adjust-ment of the comfort clip does not interferewith the operation of the safety belt.


Open position

Always adjust the clip so that there is amaximum of 1 in. (25 mm) of slack be-tween the belt and chest (about two fingerswidth). If a larger slack is allowed, the ef-fectiveness of the safety belt is decreased inthe event of a collision.



Additional Safety Features 55

SRS Airbag


The SRS airbag is intended to supple-ment — not replace — the standardsafety belt. The airbag is not deployedwhen the truck is hit from behind, fromthe side or if it rolls over. For best pro-tection, sit in a normal, upright position.Always wear the safety belt.

For added safety, the vehicle may beequipped with an airbag or SRS (Supple-mental Restraint System) as a supplementto the standard three-point anchored safetybelt. The SRS is designed to reduce the riskof injury to the driver’s face and upper partof the body. Together with the safety belt,the airbag helps prevent the driver from be-ing thrown against the steering wheel,windshield or other hard surfaces in the cab.

The Volvo SRS Airbag provides increasedprotection in frontal collisions, where thevehicle collides with a fixed or heavy objectwith enough force to activate the sensorswhich then activates the airbag. Damage tothe vehicle is not always proportional towhether the SRS Airbag deploys or not.

The SRS Airbag is not designed to be acti-vated with:

• Collision from the sides• Collision from the rear• Rolling over• Head-on collisions at low speed or

against soft objects such as bushes,snow drifts, etc.


56 Additional Safety Features

SRS SystemThe inflatable airbag is folded into the cen-ter of the steering wheel. It inflates in theevent of a serious collision above a certainlevel, where the angle of impact, crashseverity, speed and nature of the object in-volved in the collision all play a part inwhether or not the airbag is activated.


The system consists of a gas generator sur-rounded by the inflatable airbag. In theevent of a sufficiently violent collision, acontrol unit activates the gas generator ig-nitor and the airbag inflates and heats up atthe same time. To cushion the impact, theairbag deflates when compressed. This alsoreleases some non-toxic smoke into thecab. The entire sequence, from inflation todeflation of the airbag, takes a few tenthsof a second.


Never attempt to drive with a deployedairbag. With the bag hanging out of thehub of the steering wheel, the truck maybe more difficult to steer. In addition,other safety systems may be damaged.Continuous exposure to the smoke anddust created during the deployment ofthe airbag can cause irritation to the skinand eyes.



Additional Safety Features 57

The SRS system is continually monitoredby the control unit. A control unit ismounted on a bracket above the enginecover which detects deceleration. The con-trol unit also contains a standby power unitwhich can supply the system with powerfor a short time, should the normal supplybe broken.

If the control unit detects a sufficiently vio-lent deceleration (collision), the system isactivated. The gas generator triggers andfills the bag with a non-toxic gas within afew hundredths of a second. During a colli-sion, after the bag has been filled, gas flowsout through two holes in the weave. Theseholes are large enough to let the airbag col-lapse slowly, gently catching the driver.


In the event of a problem in the SRS sys-tem, a telltale shows on the graphic displayin the instrument cluster. This telltale, to-gether with other telltales in the cluster,also light up when the engine is started.The telltale should go out after approxi-mately 10 seconds when the starting keyhas been turned to the drive position.

If a problem develops in the system, the�INFO telltale will come on together withthe SRS telltale.


The vehicle should be taken to an autho-rized Volvo Truck dealer immediately ifthe SRS telltale stays on or lights upwhen the vehicle is being driven.



58 Additional Safety Features

Warning LabelsThe label attached to the left hand sunvisorshows the year and month when a VolvoTruck dealer should be contacted for aspecific inspection and for a possible re-placement of the airbag. This is done toguarantee the function of the airbag afterthe stated date. Replace the label when re-placing the airbag module. Never attemptto make any adjustments to SRS compo-nents yourself.


Steering shafts and steering wheel shouldnot be removed, adjusted or replaced with-out following the proper work procedure.Failure to do so can damage the SRS sys-tem to the point where it does not work anylonger. A warning label is located on theupper steering shaft.


There is also a label on the inside of thewindshield that indicates the inclusion ofan airbag to the vehicle safety features.


When equipped with an airbag, a labelabout the correct procedure for protectingsmall children and protecting the driver isattached to the left hand, overhead storagelid or back of sunvisor.



Additional Safety Features 59

Any queries concerning the SRS systemshould be directed to a Volvo Truck dealer.There is no maintenance required for theSRS system until the date stated on thewarning label located on the left hand sun-visor.

Never attempt to repair any part of theSRS system. Any interference with thesystem may cause it to malfunction andresult in serious injury. Work on the sys-tem may only be carried out by anauthorized Volvo Truck dealer.

To allow the SRS system to work as de-signed:

• Never drive an SRS system equippedvehicle with the hands on the steeringwheel pad/airbag module.

• No objects, accessory equipment orstickers may be placed on, attached toor installed near the SRS cover in thecenter of the steering wheel.


60 Additional Safety Features

General Information

When is the airbag deployed?The airbag is only deployed during a head-on collision, where the vehicle hits a fixedor heavy object with sufficient force. TheSRS system registers both the force of thecollision and the internal forces caused bythe collision. The control unit determines ifthe collision is sufficiently violent for theairbag to be deployed.

NOTE! The SRS system is only activatedonce in a collision. If the airbag has de-ployed, the following is recommended:

• Have the vehicle towed to a VolvoTruck dealer. Even if the vehicle canbe driven after a collision, it is notrecommended to drive the truckwith the airbag deployed.

• Have an authorized Volvo Truck dealerchange the components in the SRSsystem.

• Only use original Volvo parts when re-placing the SRS system components(airbag, safety belt, etc.).

When is the airbag not deployed?Not all frontal collisions activate the SRSsystem. In a collision with a soft object (asnow drift or bush for example, or a hardor fixed object at low speed), there is noneed for the SRS system to be activated.The airbag is usually not inflated in re-sponse to side-on collisions, impacts fromthe rear or if the vehicle overturns. The ex-tent of damage to the vehicle is no measureof how well the SRS system works.


Additional Safety Features 61

Can the airbag be deployed acci-dentally?The complete SRS system is constructed sothat the airbag only inflates in particularcollision conditions. The SRS system hasits own diagnostic unit which continuouslymonitors the functioning of the system.Make a habit of checking the SRS systemtelltale light when starting and driving thevehicle.

Heart of the Volvo safety systemThe three-point anchored safety beltisthe heart of the Volvo safety system. Thebelt should be worn at all times. The SRSsystem is intended as a supplement to thethree-point anchored safety belt.


62 Additional Safety Features

Safety EquipmentSafety triangles and fire extinguishers areavailable as optional equipment. The fireextinguisher should be located by the baseof the driver seat, between the seat and thedoor.


Warning TrianglesThe warning triangles are stored in a boxthat is strapped to the back wall of the cab.



Additional Safety Features 63

VORAD Collision Warning SystemThe Eaton VORAD computerized CollisionWarning System constantly monitors vehi-cles ahead with a front end mounted radarand in a blind spot area with an optionalside mounted radar. The Collision WarningSystem warns the driver of potentially dan-gerous situations by activating visual andaudible alerts.

The Eaton VORAD Collision WarningSystem is intended solely as an aid foran alert and conscientious professionaldriver. It is not to be used or relied uponto operate the vehicle. Use this systemtogether with rear view mirrors andother instrumentation to maintain safeoperation of the vehicle. Operate a VO-RAD equipped vehicle in the same safemanner as if VORAD was not installed.The Eaton VORAD Collision WarningSystem is not a substitute for safe driv-ing procedures nor will it compensatefor any driver impairment, such asdrugs, alcohol or fatigue.The Eaton VORAD Collision WarningSystem may provide little or no warningfor some hazards like: alerts for pedes-trians, animals, oncoming vehicles andcross traffic. SmartCruise will not reactto stationary objects and it does not havethe capability to stop the vehicle.Failure to follow these instructions maylead to a crash resulting in severe per-sonal injury or death.

If your vehicle is equipped with the EatonVORAD Collision Warning System, readthe manufacturer’s Driver Reference Man-ual before taking the vehicle on the road.


64 Instruments and Controls

Dash Overview


1 Air Vents ( page 176)2 Diagnostic Test Connection3 Left Switch Cluster ( page 94)4 Headlight Switch ( page 98)5 Driving/Fog Lights - option ( page 99)6 Instrument Light Dimmer ( page 107)7 Climate Unit Control Panel ( page 168)8 Hood Latch Handle ( page 26)9 Pneumatic Switches ( page 104)10 Cigar Lighter ( page 107)

11 Ashtray12 Instrument Cluster, Left ( page 68)13 Instrument Cluster, Main ( page 76)14 Instrument Cluster, Right ( page 83)15 Trailer Hand Brake Control ( page 234)16 Tractor Parking Brake ( page 229)17 Trailer Air Supply ( page 229)18 Radio - option ( page 188)19 Optional Switches ( page 106)20 Right Switch Cluster ( page 100)

OperatingBefore driving this vehicle, locate the in-struments and controls, and becomethoroughly familiar with their operation.After starting and when driving, alwayscheck that the instrument readings arenormal.

NOTE! Availability of gauges depends onchosen options. All gauges and telltalesmay not be used in all vehicles.


Instruments and Controls 65

Instrument Cluster Overview



The cluster is available in seven differentconfigurations, with the speedometer eithergraded in mph or km/h. The cluster con-sists of three combined sections:

Left Section

The left section can include pyrometer, en-gine oil pressure gauge, engine coolanttemperature gauge, turbo boost pressuregauge and a graphic display for driverinformation. See page 68 for gauge infor-mation and page 108 for graphic displayinformation. There are telltales in the lowerpart. Please refer to page 71 for telltaleinformation.

Center Section

The center section contains tachometer,speedometer and odometer. See page 76 forgauge information. In the lower part thereis a central warning lamp and telltales fordifferent vehicle functions. Please refer topage 79 for telltale information.

Right Section

The right section can include forward andrear axle temperature gauges, fuel levelgauge, application air pressure gauge, frontand rear brake air pressure gauges. Vehicleswith rear air suspension may have an airsuspension pressure gauge. See page 83 forgauge information. There are telltales in thelower part. Please refer to page 86 for tell-tale information.


66 Instruments and Controls

Telltale Overview


1 Engine Preheat ( page 72)2 Yellow�INFO Light

( page 73)3 Red�STOP Light

( page 74)4 No Charge ( page 75)5 Left Turn ( page 80)6 Fifth Wheel Lock ( page 80)7 Wheel Differential Lock

( page 80)8 Axle Differential Lock

( page 80)9 High Beam ( page 81)10 Safety Belt ( page 81)11 Parking Brakes ( page 81)12 Tractor ABS ( page 82)

13 Trailer ABS ( page 82)14 Air Suspension Level

( page 82)15 Mirror Heater ( page 82)16 Right Turn ( page 80)17 Transmission Temperature

( page 86)18 Check Transmission

( page 86)19 Traction Control System

( page 86)20 Wait to Start (Not used)21 Transmission in Neutral

( page 86)22 Water in Fuel (Not used)


Instruments and Controls 67

Graphic Display Telltale Overview


1 Voltmeter ( page 156)2 Engine oil temperature ( page 153)3 Transmission oil temperature

( page 119)4 Preheating active ( page 72)5 Acknowledged warning ( page 124)6 Alarm clock on ( page 161)7 PTO engaged ( page 96)8 Cruise control engaged ( page 218)9 Airbag (SRS) ( page 57)

10 Coolant level ( page 120)11 Washer fluid level ( page 114)12 Engine airfilter clogged ( page 115)13 Too cold for engine brake ( page 240)14 Overheating, instrument cluster

( page 114)15 Engine preheat fault ( page 202)16 Engine oil pressure ( page 70)17 Coolant temperature ( page 69)


68 Instruments and Controls

Left Instrument Section

A Pyrometer (option) (this page)

B Engine Coolant Temperature( page 69)

C Engine Oil Pressure ( page 70)

D Turbo Boost Pressure (option)( page 71)

E Graphic Display ( page 108)

F Telltale Indicators ( page 71)


A — Pyrometer (option)An engine pyrometer system indicates theexhaust temperature, which helps the opera-tor get the best efficiency from the engine.

Variations in engine load can cause the ex-haust temperature to vary. For example,high exhaust gas temperature is the resultof prolonged engine lugging or overfueling.If the pyrometer reading shows that exhausttemperature exceeds normal, reduce fuel tothe engine until exhaust temperature is re-duced. Shift to a lower gear if the engine isoverloaded. W3003632


Instruments and Controls 69

B — Engine Coolant TemperatureThe gauge indicates engine coolant temper-ature. Normal operating temperaturereading is 165 to 205�F (75 to 95�C) forthe VOLVO engine. The temperature, undernormal driving conditions, must be belowthe red sector. The temperature range forthe coolant will vary depending on the typeof engine, load, grade, ambient air tempera-ture and operating conditions. If thetemperature remains below or exceeds thenormal temperature range, the cooling sys-tem should be checked for problems byyour Volvo Truck dealer.


The LED light in the lower right corner ofthe gauge lights up solid when coolant tem-perature is excessive. The temperature limitis dependent on the engine manufacturerelectronic program. Together with thegauge light, the red�STOP telltale willcome on and the buzzer will also sound.The engine is at risk and the engine con-troller may react by derating the enginepower. Stop at the first safe place where theproblem can be checked.

NOTE! If the coolant temperature returnsto normal shortly after exceeding the limitand no repair has been made, the warningmessages go out but there will be a faultmessage logged.




70 Instruments and Controls

C — Engine Oil PressureThe gauge indicates oil pressure by a sensordirectly connected to the engine lubricationsystem. Normal oil pressure is 30 to 70 psi(210 to 480 kPa) when the engine is at nor-mal operating temperature. At idle speed,the pressure may drop to 5 to 20 psi (35 to140 kPa). When first starting a cold engine,oil pressure may exceed 90 psi (620 kPa).

The LED light in the lower right corner ofthe gauge lights up solid when the oil pres-sure is too low. The pressure limit isdependent on the engine manufacturer elec-tronic program. When the gauge lightcomes on, the red�STOP telltale startsblinking, the buzzer sounds and the oilpressure symbol appears on the graphic dis-play. The engine is at risk and the enginecontroller may react by derating the enginepower, for example. Bring the vehicle to asafe stop where the problem can bechecked.

With very low oil pressure, the red�STOPtelltale lights up solid. The engine will shutdown within 30 seconds from when thelight came on. Pull off the road as soon aspossible without being a safety hazard.

Failure to take necessary action whenthe �STOP telltale is on, can ultimatelyresult in automatic engine shutdown andloss of power steering assist. Vehiclecrash resulting in personal injury ordeath can occur.





Instruments and Controls 71

D — Turbo Boost Pressure (option)The gauge indicates intake manifold pres-sure on the engine. The pressure isgenerated by the turbo. Boost pressureshould be the same at a given engine tem-perature, speed and load. Turbo boostpressure will vary for different engines andvehicle models. By monitoring the gauge,the operator can avoid engine problems.


F — Telltale Indicators, Left Section

1 Engine preheat telltale ( page 72)

2 Caution telltale ( page 73)

3 Stop telltale ( page 74)

4 No Charge telltale ( page 75)W3003645


72 Instruments and Controls

1 — Engine Preheat TelltaleThe amber telltale will light when the in-take manifold preheater is operating. Theheater is used for better cold starts. Opera-tion time of the heater can vary in severalsteps from 0 to 50 seconds depending oncoolant temperature and outside air temper-ature. On cold mornings, the preheater willbe on for the maximum 50 seconds. Whenthe ignition key has been turned to the pre-heat position, the preheater coils in theintake manifold are activated to warm theintake air. Once the engine is started, thepreheater may be re-engaged to assist in aquicker engine warm-up. See page 202 forinformation on using the preheater.



Instruments and Controls 73

2 — �INFO Telltale

The yellow�INFO telltale lights up to in-dicate a control system or componentmalfunction. In some cases, the enginepower may be derated (see page 114).When the telltale comes on, stop at the firstsafe place where the problem can bechecked.

When ignition is switched on, the telltalegoes out unless a defect is detected.

NOTE! On vehicles equipped with a Volvoengine, the telltale is on for 3 to 5 secondsafter the ignition key switch is turned on.

See page 113 for a listing on related mes-sages that trigger this telltale.



74 Instruments and Controls

3 — �STOP Telltale

Failure to take necessary action whenthe �STOP telltale is on, can ultimatelyresult in automatic engine shutdown andloss of power steering assist. Vehiclecrash resulting in personal injury ordeath can occur.

The�STOP telltale lights up red to alertthe operator that a severe problem has beendetected and in some cases a preventive ac-tion may be taken by the engine electronicsto protect the engine. For example: if oilpressure or coolant level drops too low, theengine will be forced to low idle and whenthe vehicle speed is zero, the engine shutsdown. Another example is: with excessivecoolant temperature, the engine will gradu-ally reduce power output to 50%. Thistelltale always activates the buzzer.

The engine may be started again after thekey is turned off and then back on. How-ever, it will only operate for 30 secondsunless the problem is resolved.


If the problem is allowed to persist, seri-ous damage to the engine may occur.Always repair the cause of the problembefore taking the vehicle into serviceagain.

The engine could be forced to low idlewithin 30 seconds from when the lightcame on. Pull off the road as soon as possi-ble without being a safety hazard.

See page 120 for a listing on related mes-sages that trigger this telltale.



Instruments and Controls 75

4 — No Charge TelltaleThe No Charge telltale lights up red whena problem exists in the charging system orwhen there is no output from the alternator,such as when the engine is not running.

The No Charge telltale lights up dimlywhen there are several volts difference be-tween the system voltage and the alternatoroutput voltage. The telltale shines brighteras the alternator output voltage drops.

For more information on the electrical sys-tem, see page 245.



76 Instruments and Controls

Main Instrument SectionG Tachometer ( this page)

H Speedometer ( page 77)

J Master Warning Telltale ( page 78)

K Warning Telltales ( page 79)


G — TachometerThe tachometer is electrically driven by asignal from the engine. Monitor thetachometer to guide correct gear shiftingand to prevent engine overspeeding whendescending steep grades. Each engine hasits ideal operating ranges for power andeconomy. Read the engine manufacturer’smanual to find out the best ranges for eachengine.


Always keep an eye on the tachometerduring downhill runs. Do not allow theengine to over-speed. Excessive engineover-speed can result in serious enginedamage.



Instruments and Controls 77

H — Speedometer and OdometerThe speedometer is driven by the vehicle’selectronic system. Recalibration of thespeedometer can be made to compensatefor tire size changes or other changes in thevehicle driveline. This is done by repro-gramming the engine or transmissionelectronic controller. Reprogramming canbe performed by your authorized VolvoTruck dealer.

The odometer is a Liquid Crystal Display(LCD) mounted in the lower speedometerface. The odometer registers up to999,999.9 miles or km. The internal elec-tronics will make distance conversionsbetween miles and km automatically.

To be able to read the current mileagewithout turning the ignition on, press anygraphic display control to activate theodometer and clock for approximately 30seconds.



78 Instruments and Controls

J — Master Warning Telltale

The Master Warning Telltale and buzzeralerts of a dangerous situation. Air pres-sure is low and the remaining air volumemay not be enough for repeated braking.The emergency brakes may engage,causing a wheel lock-up, loss of vehiclecontrol and become a hazard to follow-ing vehicles. Bring the vehicle to acontroled stop. Failure to follow theseprecautions can result in loss of brakingcontrol and serious personal injury ordeath can occur as a result of a vehicleaccident.

This will light up when either front or rearair brake system pressure drops below 60psi (410 kPa) or lower. The buzzer willalso sound when the telltale lights up.When the pressure goes above 60 psi inboth front and rear brake circuits, the tell-tale will automatically go out.

Air brake system pressure should be be-tween 90 to 135 psi (620 to 930 kPa) fornormal operation. The master warning tell-tale comes on and the buzzer sounds whenair pressure has dropped to 60 psi or lower.If the air pressure is allowed to drop below30 to 40 psi (200 to 275 kPa) in bothsystems, the parking spring brakes will au-tomatically engage and stop the vehicle.

When the master warning telltale comes onand before the parking spring brakes en-gage, stop the vehicle in a controlledmanner at an off-road location so as not tobe a hazard to other vehicles on the road.Refer to page 224 for more informationabout the brakes.



Instruments and Controls 79

K — Warning Telltales, Center Section


1 Left Turn Telltale ( page 80)

2 Fifth Wheel Lock Telltale ( page 80)

3 Wheel Diff. Lock Telltale ( page 80)

4 Interaxle Diff. Lock Telltale ( page 80)

5 High Beam Telltale ( page 81)

6 Safety Belt Telltale ( page 81)

7 Parking Brake Telltale ( page 81)

8 Anti-Lock Brake System (Tractor orTruck) Telltale ( page 82)

9 Anti-Lock Brake System (Trailer)Telltale ( page 82)

10 Air Suspension System Telltale( page 82)

11 Mirror Defroster Telltale ( page 82)

12 Right Turn Telltale ( page 80)

NOTE! All telltales may not be used in allvehicles.

The telltale strip is located below thetachometer and speedometer. A yellow cau-tion telltale indicates that there is a systemor component in the vehicle that requiresthe operator’s attention. A red warning tell-tale indicates that there is a system orcomponent that should be checked beforethe vehicle is driven any further.


80 Instruments and Controls

Left and Right Turn TelltalesThis lights up green when the turn signal isactivated and blinks in time with the out-side turn signal lamps. An audible signalalso sounds in time with the telltale. A sin-gle short beep is heard when the telltalelights up.


5th Wheel Lock TelltaleThis telltale will light up yellow when thepneumatic switch for the 5th wheel slidelock is turned on. It will stay lit until theswitch is turned to the off position again.See the 5th wheel uncoupling section onpage 280 for correct use.


Wheel and Interaxle Differential Lock TelltalesThese telltales will light up yellow whenthe pneumatic switches for either the wheelor interaxle differential lock are turned on.

For the interaxle lock, the telltale is acti-vated by the switch. For the wheel lock, aswitch in the axle turns the telltale light ononly when the lock is actually engaged. Itturns the light off only when the lock is ac-tually disengaged. See page 258 for properdifferential lock use.



Instruments and Controls 81

High Beam TelltaleAny time the high beams are activated, bythe high/low beam switch or the high beamflash switch, the telltale lights up blue. Forinformation on switching high/low beam,see page 91. W3001303

Safety Belt TelltaleThe telltale lights up red each time the ig-nition is turned on to remind the driver tofasten the safety belt. It stays lit for 10 sec-onds and then goes out automatically.

Before adjusting the safety belt, make surethe vehicle is stationary and that the seathas been adjusted as required. Do not at-tempt to adjust the safety belt or seat whilethe vehicle is in motion. For proper use ofthe safety belt, see page 48.


Parking Brake TelltaleThe telltale lights up red when the parkingbrake valve knob is pulled out. The day-time running light (DRL) function is alsodependent on the parking brake application.Any time the parking brake telltale is on,the DRL is deactivated.

Never exit your vehicle unless the park-ing brake is set. Failure to do so canresult in unexpected vehicle movementand cause personal injury or death.

For proper use of the parking brake, seepage 229.



82 Instruments and Controls

ABS Telltale, Tractor and TrailerThe telltale lights up amber if the Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) senses aproblem under the following conditions:

1 The system will go through its selftest when the ignition switch is turnedon and the telltale should continue tobe on. The light should go out whenthe vehicle speed reaches over approx-imately 7 mph (11 km/h). If thetelltale stays on at higher speed, thereis a problem with the ABS.

2 The ABS telltale lights up during driv-ing. The ABS self test has detected afault in the system.

The vehicle can still be driven with a prob-lem in the ABS. However, the ABS will notbe operating and standard air braking is ineffect. For more information, see page 236.

The trailer ABS telltale is in effect for ve-hicles manufactured after January 2000.


Air Suspension TelltaleThe telltale lights up amber when the sus-pension leveling valve is activated. As longas the switch is activated, the suspension islower than normal and the telltale is on. Forproper use of the suspension level control,see fifth wheel uncoupling on page 276.


Mirror Defroster Telltale (option)The telltale lights up amber when the mir-ror defrost switch is engaged. Heatertemperature is automatically regulated byan internal system in the mirror head.



Instruments and Controls 83

Right Instrument Section

L Forward Drive Axle Oil Temperature(option) ( this page)

M Rear Drive Axle Oil Temperature(option) ( this page)

N Fuel Level Gauge ( page 84)

O Application Air Pressure (option)( page 84)ORAir Suspension Pressure (option)( page 84)

P Front Brake System Air Pressure( page 85)

Q Rear Brake System Air Pressure( page 85)

R Warning Telltales ( page 86)


L & M — Forward & Rear Drive Axle Oil Temperature (option)

The gauges are connected to temperaturesenders installed in the axles. Normal oper-ating temperature range is up to 250�F(120�C). If average oil temperature consis-tently goes above 250�F (120�C), morefrequent oil changes are needed or an oilcooler could be installed.


A sudden increase in oil temperaturethat is not caused by a load increasemay indicate mechanical failure. Bringthe vehicle to a safe stop where theproblem can be checked. Do not operatevehicle until correcting the problem.



84 Instruments and Controls

N — Fuel Level GaugeThe gauge is connected to a sending unit inthe fuel tank. There is only one sender evenif the vehicle is equipped with dual tanks.


O — Application Air Brake Pressure (option)

Air gauges are directly connected to the airbrake system. They will indicate the brakeapplication pressure from either the front,rear or trailer circuit pressure.

The gauge will not register air pressure un-til the foot brake pedal is depressed or thetrailer hand brake is applied.


O — Air Suspension Pressure (option)

Air gauges are directly connected to the airsuspension system. It will indicate the sus-pension pressure in the air springs.

The pressure shown on the gauge is a crudeindication of the load on the rear axle(s).The gauge should not be used for trying tobalance the load between the axles.



Instruments and Controls 85

P & Q — Front and Rear Brake System Air Pressures

The system air gauges are directly con-nected to the front and rear circuit tanks.The two gauges should register equal airpressure. Air brake system pressure shouldbe between 90 to 135 psi (620 to 930 kPa)for normal operation. The pointers in thetwo gauges should register equal air pres-sure. By observing the gauge pointers, theoperator can detect a pressure drop if an airleak develops and can readily identify thecircuit affected. See page 224 for more in-formation.

There is a low-air warning switch in eachgauge. If the pressure in a brake circuit airtank drops below approximately 60 psi(420 kPa), the red indicator in the lowerright corner of the gauge will light up andthe master warning indicator and the buzzerwill simultaneously come on. If the airpressure is allowed to drop below 30 to 40psi (205 to 275 kPa) in both systems, theparking brakes will automatically engage tostop the vehicle. Refer to page 224 formore information about the brakes.

Failure to observe these precautions canresult in the loss of braking performanceand personal injury or death can occuras a result of a vehicle crash.



Master Warning Indicator


86 Instruments and Controls

R — Warning Telltales, Right Section

1 Transmission Temperature (this page)

2 Check Transmission (this page)

3 Traction Control System ( page 87)

4 Wait to Start (Not used)

5 Automatic Neutral ( page 88)

6 Water in Fuel (Not used)


Transmission Temperature TelltaleThe Transmission Temperature Telltale isfor the Allison WTEC III transmission. Theamber warning signal lights up and abuzzer sounds when the transmission tem-perature is too high.


Check Transmission TelltaleThe Check Transmission Telltale is for theAllison WTEC III transmission. The redwarning signal lights up to indicate a trans-mission problem. Depending on the severityof the problem, shifts may be restricted.



Instruments and Controls 87

Traction Control System TelltaleThe amber telltale will blink only when theTraction Control System (TCS) mud/snowmode is engaged. At all other times, theTCS system operates in the backgroundwithout indication. The system does nothave an on/off switch. See page 238 formore information.

The TCS only operates at speeds lowerthan 25 mph (40 km/h). The system detectswheel spin by comparing wheel speeds andcontrols the spin by using the brake systemto transfer power to wheels with greatertraction. Under circumstances where alldrive wheels are spinning, the system sendsa signal to the engine control unit to reducepower.


The TCS includes a TCS mud/snow switchfor turning the system off to increase wheelspin. This function may be desirable indeep snow or mud to keep the vehicle frombogging down.

To operate, press in the bottom part of theswitch. The switch stays in this positionand the TCS telltale light blinks to indicatethat the mud/snow mode is engaged. To re-turn to normal TCS operation, press thebottom part of the switch again and it willreturn to rest position.



88 Instruments and Controls

Auto Neutral TelltaleThe Auto Neutral Telltale is for the AllisonWTEC III transmission. The green indica-tor lights up when the transmission is inauto neutral. Auto neutral is activated justbefore the vehicle comes to a complete stop(less than 1.5 mph [2.5 km/h]). The gear isre-engaged shortly (1–2 seconds) after thebrake pedal is released.

Allow for the gear re-engagement when ap-plying throttle; do not increase enginespeed before the transmission has engaged.If the engine speed is too high, the trans-mission will not engage.


When operating the vehicle on normalgrades (less than 4%), a slight roll-backcan be experienced when the brakepedal is released and before the trans-mission re-engages.

NOTE! When operating on severe grades(more than 5%), the transmission has asafety feature that can be used. Before re-leasing the brake pedal, manually press the“DRIVE” key on the Allison gear selector,and the gear is re-engaged manually to as-sist in preventing roll-back.



Instruments and Controls 89

Changing Telltale Bulbs In ClusterNOTE! Before beginning to work, makesure the vehicle ignition is switched OFF.

If possible, adjust the steering columnback. Remove the two screws at the top ofthe instrument cluster and fold the clusterout and let it rest face-down against thesteering column so the bulbs are accessible.


Do not let the cluster be in theface-down position for more than maxi-mum 15 minutes. Damage to the gaugescan occur by oil running out of them,making the gauge reading inaccurate.


Do not use any tools for changing the bulbsother than the correct tool. Using a pair ofpliers could easily cause a short-circuit ifpower is on, thereby destroying the circuitboard.



90 Instruments and Controls

A bulb change tool is included with theignition keys on the keychain, or can be or-dered from your Volvo Truck dealer underpart number 1089953. Use only this tool tochange bulbs in the instrument cluster.

To remove bulb, insert tool onto the bulbassembly, rotate a 1/4 turn counterclock-wise and pull the bulb assembly out of thecluster.

Insert a new bulb into the tool and install itinto the cluster. Rotate the bulb a 1/4 turnclockwise and pull the tool off of the bulbassembly.

NOTE! The telltale area in the right part ofthe instrument does not use all spaces foractive telltales. These bulbs can be used forspare bulbs.

Lift up the instrument cluster and fasten thetwo screws at the top of the cluster.



Instruments and Controls 91

Steering Column SwitchesTurn Signal/Headlight Beam ChangeThe turn signal is activated by the lever un-der the left side of the steering wheel. Ifthe vehicle is equipped with a cruise con-trol, the controls for this are located on theturn signal lever. See page 218 for more in-formation about the cruise control.

The standard turn signal switch is not selfcancelling. It must be manually returned toneutral position after making a turn. A selfcancelling turn signal is available as an op-tion.

For lane changes, the lever does not needto be moved to a locking position. Movethe lever partway off the normal positionuntil a resistance is felt. The turn signal isnow activated and the lever will return tonormal position when it is released.

The headlight flash function is activated bypulling the turn signal lever toward thesteering wheel. The high beam will stay onuntil the lever is released.

To change between high and low beam,pull the lever all the way toward the steer-ing wheel. When a slight clicking sound isheard, release the lever.

NOTE! When switching from high to lowbeam for oncoming traffic, release the leveras soon as the beam change is made. Hold-ing the lever up makes the headlight flashfunction stay engaged.





92 Instruments and Controls

Windshield Wiper/WasherThe wiper/washer functions are operated bythe same switch. The wipers have a normaland a fast speed which are activated bymoving the lever down one or two posi-tions. To let the wipers engage for one ortwo passes, lightly depress the lever untilthe wipers start and hold it there. Thewipers return to the parking position whenthe lever is released.

The interval wiper function is engaged bymoving the lever up. The normal pro-grammed speed is one pass every 10seconds. To shorten the interval time, movethe lever to normal wipe position and thento the interval position again when the nextwiper pass is desired. In this way, the inter-val can be programmed between 1 to 10seconds between each pass.


To operate the windshield washer, pull thelever toward the steering wheel. If washerfluid needs to be added, use a commerciallyreputable washer fluid that has good clean-ing capability and does not freeze in coldweather. Total reservoir capacity is 3.3 gal-lons (12.5 liters).


An indicator will appear on the graphic dis-play and the yellow�INFO telltale lightsup when there is approximately 1.4 gallons(5.3 liters) remaining in the reservoir. A 10second activation delay allows for fluidslosh.



Instruments and Controls 93

Transmission RetarderIf the vehicle is equipped with an AllisonHD or MD transmission, the retarder leveris located in front of the highbeam andwindshield wiper/washer lever. You canmove this lever to six different positions toset the level.

The retarder on/off switch is located in thedash, in the right-most position in the aux-iliary panel. See page 243 for moreinformation.




94 Instruments and Controls

Left Switch ClusterThis switch cluster has only one switch po-sition permanently filled. Other positionsare for optional equipment. The standardswitch is for the Hazard Lights.

Other switches that can be located in thiscluster are for Back of Cab Light,Headlight Flash, Power Take Off, Head-light/Snowplow Changeover, and Fresh AirIntake.


Hazard LightsThe hazard or four-way warning circuit isactivated by pressing in the bottom part ofthe switch. The indicator light in the switchwill flash in unison with the outside lights.The hazard lights function independentlyfrom the ignition switch.

Activate this function only when the vehi-cle is stopped where it might be a dangerto other vehicles or to alert others of aproblem that changes the traffic rhythm.


Back Of Cab Light (option)Turn on the back of cab light by pressingin the bottom part of the switch. The lightwill stay on until the switch is returned tooff-position.

Back-of-cab lights are available as a flush-mounted light in the middle of the cab rearwall or as a high-mounted light on the sideof the cab. W3001355


Instruments and Controls 95

Headlight Flash Switch (option)The headlight flash switch will momentar-ily turn the headlights off when pressed.The switch will return when released, turn-ing headlights on again. This switchfunctions when either of Daytime RunningLights or low beam headlights are on.



96 Instruments and Controls

Power Take OffThere are two basic types of PTOs avail-able: engine mounted and transmissionmounted. The transmission mounted PTO isclutch dependent, which means that opera-tion can be regulated by depressing orreleasing the clutch pedal. This type ofPTO should not be in use while driving.

The engine mounted PTO is direct-mountedto the engine and is engaged with a bypassvalve operated by the switch. This type ofPTO can be in use while driving.

Transmission Mounted PTO

The vehicle should be stopped before en-gaging power take off. Engage the PTO bydepressing the clutch pedal and pressing inthe bottom part of the switch. Release theclutch pedal to start the PTO.

One or two PTOs can be run at the sametime. Applications change depending oncustomer needs and components.


Engine Mounted PTO

The engine should be running at low idleand the vehicle should be stopped or run-ning at very low speed before engagingpower take off. Engage the PTO by press-ing in the bottom part of the switch. ThePTO is now in operation and hydraulic flowcan be regulated by the engine speed.



Instruments and Controls 97

PTO Speed AdjustmentHave the PTO engaged before adjusting thespeed. For the PTO speed adjustment tofunction, the Cruise Control or idle adjustcan not be active, brake and clutch pedalsmust be released, and vehicle speed mustbe under approximately 5 mph (8 km/h).

To set engine speed:

1 Set the PTO/CC switch in the ON po-sition.

2 Use the accelerator to increase enginespeed.

3 Momentarily press the SET+ or SET-switch to set current engine speed.

To increase/decrease engine speed:

1 Press and release the SET+ or SET-toggle switch to increase/decreasespeed in increments (increment sizedepend on programmed value).

2 Press and hold the SET+ or SET- tog-gle switch to increase/decrease speed.When the switch is released, the en-gine speed sets at current speed.

To resume engine speed:

1 If the PTO function was interrupted,resume set speed by pressing thePTO/CC switch to RESUME and re-leasing.

To deactivate PTO speed function:

1 Set the PTO/CC switch to the OFF po-sition.

2 Press down the service brake pedal.

3 Depress the clutch pedal.

4 Increase vehicle speed above PTOworking range (typically 5 mph [8km/h]).



98 Instruments and Controls

Driving Light SwitchesHeadlightsThe headlight switch controls parking lightsand headlights. It is a two position rotaryswitch, turning on parking lights, cabmarker lamps and taillights in the first posi-tion and turning on headlights in thesecond position.

To change between high and low beam,pull the direction indicator lever all the waytoward the steering wheel. When a slightclicking sound is heard, release the lever.

NOTE! When switching from high to lowbeam for oncoming traffic, release the leveras soon as the beam change is made. Hold-ing the lever up makes the headlight flashfunction stay engaged.


The headlight unit consists of four sealedbeam inserts. The two outer lights are lowand high beam, and the inner lights arehigh beam only. If the headlight burns out,change the whole insert.

Daytime Running Lights (DRL) are stan-dard. They are automatically switched onwhen the parking brakes are released (igni-tion must be on) and will stay on until theparking brakes are engaged.

NOTE! Do not use DRL at night or at anytime visibility is reduced. DRL is not asubstitute for the main vehicle lights whendriving at night.



Instruments and Controls 99

Driving and Fog Lights (option)Combinations of driving and fog lights canbe mounted in standard locations in theaerodynamic bumper or from the undersideof the steel bumper. These are operated bya switch next to the headlight switch.

Fog and driving lights are wired so they areturned on only when the headlight switch ison. Fog lights are used with the parkinglights and the low beam headlights. Drivinglights are used with the high beam head-lights. Switching from low to high beamwill automatically switch from fog lights todriving lights.

Driving and fog lights should be used whendriving conditions require additional light-ing. The driving or fog lights should not beused in traffic where they might distractother drivers thereby creating a safety haz-ard.

If the fog/driving lights are added to the ve-hicle as an accessory later on, make sure thelight controls are wired as described above.



100 Instruments and Controls

Right Switch ClusterThis switch cluster can hold up to sixoptional equipment switches. Planned func-tions are Marker Interrupt, Traction Control(TCS), Exhaust or Engine Brake andHeated Mirrors.


Marker Interrupt SwitchThe switch interrupts power to the markerlights when held down. When released, itwill spring back to the ON position and re-turn power to the marker lights.


Traction Control SwitchIf the vehicle is equipped with a TractionControl System (TCS), there is a switchthat can be used for increasing wheel spin.This may be useful for decreasing thechances of getting bogged down whendriving in heavy snow, slush or muddy con-ditions. See page 238 for more information.



Instruments and Controls 101

Exhaust/Engine Brake

When operating your tractor bob-tailwithout a trailer or on slippery roads,the engine brake switch must be in the“OFF” position. Failure to follow theseinstructions can result in loss of vehiclecontrol and serious personal injury ordeath may occur.


A vehicle speed retardation device (suchas “Jake Brake,” “C-Brake,” “ExhaustBrake,” etc.) is not intended to replacethe service brake system on your vehiclenor intended to bring your vehicle to astop. A vehicle speed retardation deviceis only intended to retard the speed ofyour vehicle under certain conditions.

NOTE! It is normal for there to be a slightdelay in the application of a vehicle speedretardation device. When using a device ofthis type, be sure to think ahead and ana-lyze conditions in order to use the deviceproperly.

Failure to observe these precautions canresult in loss of vehicle control and seri-ous personal injury or death can occur.


102 Instruments and Controls

Several types of engine brakes can be in-stalled or are standard on certain engines.All are used to reduce wear on the vehiclebrake linings.

Exhaust Brake, Volvo Engine

The exhaust brake is standard equipment onthe Volvo engine. It provides braking effectto the rear wheels by trapping the exhaustin the engine. The switch for exhaust brakehas two positions: ON and OFF.

The exhaust brake is most effective at highengine speed (1 500 to 2 300 r/min). Forproper operation, see page 240.


Engine Brake, Volvo Engine — Optional

The Volvo Engine Brake (VEB) is a com-pression brake. It works together with theexhaust brake to provide two levels ofbraking power. The switch has three posi-tions: OFF, LOW and HIGH. With theswitch in position LOW, only the exhaustbrake is engaged. With the switch in posi-tion HIGH, both the exhaust brake andcompression brake are activated. For properoperation, see page 241.


Jake Brake or C–Brake — Optional

These engine brakes are similar in opera-tion and are compression brakes. Threepower levels are available by engaging 2, 4,or 6 cylinders in the braking (for CumminsM11, only two power levels are available).

The left of the two switches is the ON/OFFswitch. The right switch is for selecting theamount of braking power with positionsLOW, MED. and HIGH (for CumminsM11, only LOW and HIGH). For properoperation, see page 242.



Instruments and Controls 103

Heated Mirror Switch (option)The vehicle can be equipped with heatedmirrors. The switch turns on an electricheater element that is a part of the mirrorglass. The heater is self regulating and willkeep a steady temperature after reachingoperating temperature. Both top and bottommirrors are heated.

Turning the switch on activates a telltale inthe instrument cluster. The telltale will stayon until the switch is turned off.



104 Instruments and Controls

Pneumatic Switch ClusterThe pneumatic switch cluster can have upto four optional equipment switches. Theyregulate air flow directly to the followingequipment: Differential Lock — Wheel andInteraxle, Air Suspension Level and FifthWheel Slide.

To prevent accidental engagement, eachswitch has a latch that needs to be presseddown before the switch can be operated.


Differential Locks (option)There are differential locks available foreach driving axle (4X2 or 6X4) or betweenaxles on a 6X4. The differential lock elimi-nates one-wheel spin-out on slipperysurfaces and improves traction. Each switchhas a safety latch to prevent accidental en-gagement. When the lock is engaged, atelltale lights up in the instrument cluster.

A differential lock should only be used ona slippery surface and not when driving ongood road conditions. If a differential locktelltale is activated in the instrument clus-ter, do not make turns until the telltale hasgone out. See page 258 for information onhow to properly engage and drive with dif-ferential locks engaged.


Left: Wheel diff. lockRight: Inter-axle diff. lock




Instruments and Controls 105

Suspension Level


The vehicle must never be driven withthe air springs deflated. Damage to airsuspension parts will occur if springs arenot inflated properly.

Tractors with rear air suspension have acontrol for deflating the air springs. Use thiswhen uncoupling from trailers. See page276 for correct operation when uncoupling.

The switch has a safety latch to prevent ac-cidental engagement. Depress the latch andpress in the bottom part of the switch todeflate the air springs. A telltale in the in-strument cluster will light up when theswitch is in the “on” position.


Sliding Fifth Wheel

The release must never be operatedwhile the vehicle is operating on theroad. Fifth wheel position adjustmentmust only be done when stationary.Damage to the fifth wheel, trailer king-pin and slider may occur if not operatedproperly and may lead to an accident,causing serious personal injury or death.

Tractors with a sliding fifth wheel mount-ing have an air operated release as standardequipment. The sliding fifth wheel is usedfor distributing loads more favorably be-tween the front and rear axles to complywith varying state and provincial laws. Seepage 280 for correct operation.

Depress the latch and press in the bottompart of the switch to release the slider locks.



106 Instruments and Controls

Optional Switch ClusterThe optional switch cluster can either beused for additional switches when the otherclusters are used up or can be removed tohouse more radio equipment. The openingis a standard DIN radio slot.


Generic switches are available for auxiliaryfunctions that are installed by the customer.These should be located in the optionalswitch cluster and can be purchased fromyour local Volvo Truck dealer.


Optional switches such as an Eaton Voraddisplay, Eaton Autoshift display or AllisonTransmission Retarder can be installed, orthe optional switch panel can be removedand a radio or Volvo Road Relay can beinstalled.



Instruments and Controls 107

Miscellaneous SwitchesHorn SwitchesElectric and air horns are standard equip-ment. They are both operated from thesteering wheel. The air horn button (1) islocated in the middle of the steering wheel.If the vehicle is equipped with an airbag(SRS), the airbag module can be presseddown anywhere around the edge to engagethe air horn.

There are two buttons for the electric cityhorn (2) located on the steering wheelspokes.


Instrument Light Dimmer SwitchThe switch is a rheostat that controls theinstrument light. Instrument light isactivated by the headlight switch. Light in-tensity can be varied from off to fullbrightness by turning the rheostat clockwiseor counterclockwise.


Cigar LighterTo operate the cigar lighter, press in thecenter until it stays in. The heater elementwill heat up and pop the lighter out when itis ready for use.

The ash tray is located next to the cigarlighter.



108 Graphic Display

Graphic Display Overview


The display in the bottom left-hand cornerof the instrument cluster presents opera-tional information to the driver. The displaymenus and functions are selected with thecontrols on the right-hand side of the steer-ing wheel. Certain information will beshown automatically (e.g. warning mes-sages that need immediate attention).

The display has a large number of mainmenus and sub-menus used for selectingthe correct functions. This section describeseach function: how the display functionsare accessed with the controls on the wind-shield wiper lever and which actions arerequired by the driver when messages areautomatically shown in the display.

The information which is accessible varies,depending on whether the truck is in adriving or non-driving mode. Certain func-tions are protected by a password and arenot shown until the correct password hasbeen entered. Password protected functionsare described in Service Manual“Instrumentation, VN, from 3/99 and VHD”(see page 287 for order information).

In order to control a specific function it isimportant to know which menu you areworking in. When a function is describedin this section, the information contains themenu name. For example:

”MENU:” Set-Up Mode, Language.


Graphic Display 109

Graphic Display Controls

If the vehicle is in motion, use the dis-play controls carefully. Do not lose roadconcentration. Be familiar with operationof the controls. Shifting concentration tooperating the controls can lead to losingcontrol of the vehicle and may result inserious personal injury or death.

The controls for the graphic display are lo-cated on the windshield wiper lever on theright-hand side of the steering wheel. Thefollowing commands are available:

1 “Esc” is used to return to the previousmenu and cancel a setting/operation.

2 “Select” confirms a highlighted selec-tion of a menu or character.

3 “Up arrow” moves the cursor up. Usedwhen setting numerical values.

4 “Down arrow” moves the cursor down.Used when setting numerical values.


Selecting a Menu1 Using the up/down buttons the cursor

is moved to the particular menu,which is then highlighted. A down ar-row in the lower right-hand cornershows whether there are any moremenus available. If this is the case,you can continue to step down throughthe list (see the adjacent example).

2 Pressing SELECT confirms the choice.

3 Pressing Esc exits the chosen menu.By pressing Esc repeatedly, the cursoris moved successively back to themain menus.

Set-up mode

System diagnostic

Data log mode

Password Input �


110 Graphic Display

Changing Settings1 The up/down buttons increase or re-

duce the set values (e.g. hours andminutes in the adjacent example).

2 Pressing SELECT confirms the choice.

3 If there are several settings to changein the same menu, the cursor is movedto the next setting using the up/downbuttons (e.g. the selection betweenON, OFF and SET in the adjacent ex-ample).

4 Esc moves the highlight to the previ-ous number or selection, if there areany, otherwise the setting is cancelled.

ALARM 08:20

CLOCK 08:00


Display MenusThere are a number of main menus, eachwith sub-menus, that lists functions avail-able. There are two types of menus: Thosethat are available when the vehicle is inmotion and those that can only be accessedwhen stationary. Several non-driving sub-menus are only accessible with a password.

The password-protected menus are not cov-ered in this manual (see page 152).

While the vehicle is stationary, there are 4menus in addition to the 4 drive menus.Also, the menu TIME/DISTANCE has oneadditional function while the vehicle isstationary.

Non-Driving Mode Menus

• Set-Up Mode(see page 126)

• System Diagnostic(see page 131)

• Data Log Mode(see page 146)

• Password Input(see page 152)

Driving Mode Menus

• GAUGE(see page 153)

• FUEL ECONOMY (option)(see page 157)

• TIME/DIST(see page 159)

• FAULTS?(see page 164)


Graphic Display 111

Graphic Display Telltales


1 Voltmeter ( page 156)2 Engine oil temperature ( page 153)3 Transmission oil temperature

( page 119)4 Preheating active ( page 72)5 Acknowledged warning ( page 124)6 Alarm clock on ( page 161)7 PTO engaged ( page 96)8 Cruise control engaged ( page 218)9 Airbag (SRS) ( page 57)

10 Coolant level ( page 120)11 Washer fluid level ( page 114)12 Engine airfilter clogged ( page 115)13 Too cold for engine brake ( page 240)14 Overheating, instrument cluster

( page 114)15 Engine preheat fault ( page 202)16 Engine oil pressure ( page 70)17 Coolant temperature ( page 69)


112 Graphic Display

Information and Stop MessagesThe information and stop messages worktogether with the�INFO or�STOP tell-tales below the Graphic Display. If theengine is running, the buzzer will sound atany time the�STOP telltale comes on.

Information TelltaleNOTE! When the yellow�INFO telltalelights up, the indicated fault should bechecked at the next stop.

See page 113 for a listing of other telltalesthat are linked to the�INFO telltale.


Stop Telltale

Failure to take necessary action whenthe �STOP telltale is on, can ultimatelyresult in automatic engine shutdown andloss of power steering assist. Vehiclecrash resulting in personal injury ordeath can occur. Bring the vehicle to asafe stop where the problem can bechecked.

See page 120 for a listing of other telltalesthat are linked to the�STOP telltale.


More than one message can be active at thesame time. When a new message is acti-vated, the new one is shown instead of theold. A downward pointing arrow in theright-hand corner of the display means thatseveral messages are active.


Graphic Display 113

Information TelltaleGeneralThe yellow�INFO telltale lights up whenan abnormal status is detected by an elec-tronic control unit. A telltale or text, orboth, are shown in the display in additionto the�INFO telltale. For certain telltales,a reference value is also shown.

The telltales are described starting on page114, text messages are described starting onpage 117 and combined telltale and textmessages are described starting on page119.

Important! When this telltale lights up, theindicated fault should be checked at thenext stop.


Information messages can be put onstandby if other information needs to be ac-cessed on the display. See page 124 forinformation on how to acknowledge mes-sages and how to recall messages.


114 Graphic Display

TelltalesThe yellow�INFO lights up and a telltaleis shown in the graphic display, describingin what component the problem hasoccurred:

AirbagThe airbag (SRS) is described on page 57.


The vehicle should be taken to an autho-rized Volvo Truck dealer immediately ifthe SRS telltale stays on or lights upwhen the vehicle is being driven.


Instrument Cluster OverheatingThe symbol is shown when the temperaturebehind the instrument cluster is too high.The instrument lighting becomes weakerand the indicators on the instrument show aminimal reading. Lower the heat in thecab! When the heat is reduced, the instru-ment functions will gradually be restored.

NOTE! If the temperature is too high overa prolonged period, the instrument clustercan be damaged.


Washer Fluid LevelThe telltale lights when there is approxi-mately 1.4 US gallons (5.3 liters) of fluidremaining in the reservoir.



Graphic Display 115

Air Filter Blocked (option)When the telltale lights, the engine air filteris blocked. A blocked filter will causehigher fuel consumption and black smoke.To replace air filter, see the Operator’sManual, Maintenance and Engine.


Too Cold for Engine Brake (Volvo Engine Only)Position 2 of the engine brake should notbe switched on until the engine has becomewarm (over 110�F [45�C]). If position 2 isselected and the engine is too cold, thissymbol will be shown (however, VEB isnot activated).


Fault in PreheatingSee page 202 for more information on theVolvo engine preheater.



116 Graphic Display

Transmission Oil TemperatureThis telltale lights when the transmissionoil temperature is too high. It is shown witha text information about the temperature.See page 119 for more information. T3008831

Charging SystemThis telltale lights when there is a problemin the charging system. It is shown withtext information of the charging system sta-tus. The voltage is shown together with themessage TOO HIGH. See page 156 formore information.


Engine Oil TemperatureThis telltale lights if the engine oil temper-ature becomes too high. It is shown withthe text TOO HIGH. The engine power isderated. The temperature limit for activa-tion varies for different engines. See page153 for more information.



Graphic Display 117

TextThe yellow�INFO telltale lights up andinformation text is shown on the display.The text contains information on where thefault has occurred as well as the type offault (applies to the data link):

Factory installed equipment:





Specific data link fault:






118 Graphic Display

Data link broken:





Not factory installed equipment:

The following can be shown if equipmenthas been added by a customer and con-nected to the data link:

MID (Message IDentifier) = controller

To find more information on the data linkdiagnostic function, see page 131.



MID 142



Graphic Display 119

Telltale + TextThe yellow�INFO telltale lights up andinformation text together with a value isshown on the display. The text contains in-formation on where the fault has occurredand the value will show how much above orbelow the limit the current conditions are:

Transmission Oil TemperatureIf the transmission oil temperature becomestoo high, the�INFO telltale lights upautomatically with the text HIGH. This tell-tale and text will come on when the oiltemperature has been 210�F (100�C) orabove for 30 minutes or 250�F (120�C) orabove for 10 minutes.

NOTE! If the temperature goes over 285�F(140�C), a STOP message will be gener-ated; see page 123.




VoltmeterThe voltmeter value, including the textTOO HIGH, is automatically shown if thecharging system voltage becomes too high.

T3008832 TOO HIGH17 V



120 Graphic Display

Stop TelltaleIn the event of a serious fault, the red�STOP telltale lights up and the buzzersounds (if the engine is on). In addition tothe�STOP telltale, a symbol or text, orboth, are shown in the display. A referencevalue is also shown for certain telltales.



Coolant Level

Failure to take necessary action whenthe �STOP telltale is on, can ultimatelyresult in automatic engine shutdown andloss of power steering assist. Vehiclecrash resulting in personal injury ordeath can occur. Bring the vehicle to asafe stop where the problem can bechecked.

The telltale is shown if the coolant level istoo low. During check Pre–trip (option) atext message is shown if the level is toolow.



Graphic Display 121

Engine Oil Pressure

Failure to take necessary action whenthe �STOP telltale is on, can ultimatelyresult in automatic engine shutdown andloss of power steering assist. Vehiclecrash resulting in personal injury ordeath can occur. Bring the vehicle to asafe stop where the problem can bechecked.

This symbol is shown when the engine oilpressure is too low. The LED in the gaugelights up together with the telltale and thebuzzer also sounds. Depending on the en-gine manufacturer’s program in the ECU,the trip point may differ slightly for differ-ent engines.



Coolant Temperature

Failure to take necessary action whenthe �STOP telltale is on can ultimatelyresult in automatic engine shutdown andloss of power steering assist. Vehiclecrash resulting in personal injury ordeath can occur. Bring the vehicle to asafe stop where the problem can bechecked.

The symbol is shown when the coolanttemperature is too high.




122 Graphic Display

TextThe red�STOP telltale lights up and in-formation text flashes on the display. Thebuzzer sounds if the engine is running. Thetext includes information about where thefault has occurred:

Failure to take necessary action whenthe �STOP telltale is on, can ultimatelyresult in automatic engine shutdown andloss of power steering assist. Vehiclecrash resulting in personal injury ordeath can occur. Bring the vehicle to asafe stop where the problem can bechecked.

Specific data link fault:




Factory fitted equipment:




Not factory fitted equipment:

The following is shown if the customer hasfitted equipment which is connected to thedata link:

MID (Message IDentifier) = controller.

To find more information on the data linkdiagnostic function, see page 131.



MID 142


Graphic Display 123

Telltale + TextThe red�STOP telltale lights up and in-formation text together with a value isshown on the display. The text contains in-formation on where the fault has occurredand the value will show how much above orbelow the limit the current conditions are:

Warning, temperature transmission oil

If the temperature of the transmission oilbecomes too high, the red�STOP telltaleis shown automatically with the text TOOHIGH. This warning will come on whenthe oil temperature has been 285�F (140�C)or above for over 30 seconds.

Failure to take necessary action whenthe �STOP telltale is on, can ultimatelyresult in automatic engine shutdown andloss of power steering assist. Vehiclecrash resulting in personal injury ordeath can occur. Bring the vehicle to asafe stop where the problem can bechecked.





124 Graphic Display

Acknowledge Information and Stop Messages

By pressing Esc, the display with the faultmessage is reset and the graphic display re-turns to the same status as before the erroroccurred. An acknowledged fault messageis shown as a symbol on the right in thegraphic display window. All types of faultmessages can be acknowledged. Acknowl-edged but active messages are shown againwhen the ignition key is turned to the startposition.


Yellow�INFO telltale: The text message,yellow�INFO telltale and the symbol canbe acknowledged using Esc. This warningis acknowledged until the next time the ig-nition key is turned to the start position.

Exceptions: The message can be shownagain if the fault is de-activated and thenbecomes active again.

Example: If the engine oil temperature be-comes too high a message is activatedautomatically. The driver acknowledges thismessage using Esc. If the temperature thendrops to a normal level but then becomestoo high again the warning is activatedagain.


Red�STOP telltale: The buzzer, textmessage and the symbol can be acknowl-edged using Esc, but are active again 10seconds after pressing the button. The red�STOP telltale remains lit the whole time.



Graphic Display 125

RecallAn acknowledged fault message can be re-called, i.e. be shown on the graphic displayagain.


1 SELECT confirms the choice of themenu FAULTS? The last acknowl-edged fault message is shown. If thereis more than one message, a down ar-row is shown in the right-hand corner.

2 The up/down buttons move the cursorbetween the current messages.

If an acknowledged fault message is still ac-tive at the next occasion the ignition key isturned to the ON position this is shown asa non-acknowledged message. NO FAULTSis shown if there are no fault messages.


126 Graphic Display

Main Menu: Set-Up ModeThe menu Set-up modehas 14 sub-menuswhere 6 are not protected by passwords and8 are protected by passwords.

• Language• Mi/ �F/USgal or km/�C• Clock format• Contrast• Backlight• Night display

Password is required:(see page 152)

• Default language• Fleet limit: r/min• Fleet limit: speed• Fleet fuel target• Odometer setting• Fleet ID• Password config.

LanguageMENU: Set-up mode, Language

This setting of language applies only untilthe ignition key switch is turned off. Tochange the language permanently, a pass-word is required (see page 110).

1 To set the desired language, press SE-LECT when you are in the menuSet-up mode, Language.

2 On the graphic display up to three dif-ferent languages will now be shown.Select the desired language by movingthe cursor to the particular row. Con-firm the choice with SELECT.

Cancel settingPress Esc in order to cancel the setting.





Graphic Display 127

Miles/�F/USgal or km/�CMENU: Set-up mode, Mi/�F/USgal orkm/�C

NOTE! If miles and Fahrenheit are chosen,the fuel consumption is shown in US gal-lons. If kilometers and Celsius are chosen,the consumption is shown in liters.

1 Select the menu Set-up mode,Mi/ �F/USgal or km/�C and the fol-lowing diagram is shown on thegraphic display (with the particularsetting highlighted):

The up/down buttons move the cursorbetween the alternatives.

2 Confirm the choice with SELECT.

3 When km and �C are chosen, thefollowing is shown on the graphic dis-play (with the particular settinghighlighted):

The up/down buttons move the cursorbetween the alternatives.

4 Confirm the choice with SELECT.

Cancel settingPress Esc in order to cancel the setting.

km and �C

Mi/USgal and �F


fuel data unit

km/l l/100km


128 Graphic Display

Clock formatMENU: Set-up mode, Clock format

1 Select the menu Set-up mode, Clockformat and the following diagram isshown on the graphic display (with theparticular setting highlighted):

2 The up/down buttons move the cursorbetween the alternatives. Confirm thechoice with SELECT.AM/PM is the 12 hour display (AM =morning and PM = evening).

Cancel settingPress Esc in order to cancel the setting.


24 h

ContrastMENU: Set-up mode, Contrast

1 Select the menu Contrast and the fol-lowing diagram is shown on thegraphic display. The bar shows theparticular setting in relation tomax/min. contrast:

The up arrow increases the contrast.

The down arrow reduces the contrast.

2 Confirm the choice with SELECT.

Cancel settingPress Esc in order to cancel the setting.

Adjust contrast


Graphic Display 129

BacklightMENU: Set-up mode, Backlight

NOTE! This setting affects the displaybrightness when the headlights or parkinglights are on. When the exterior lights areoff, the brightness on the display is con-stant.

The graphic display brightness is controlledby the dimmer rheostat setting (which alsocontrols the other instrument cluster light-ing). In this menu, the display lighting canbe altered in relation to the other instru-ment cluster lighting.

1 Select the menu Backlight and thefollowing diagram is shown on thegraphic display. The bar shows theparticular setting in relation tomax/min. lighting:

the up arrow button increases thebackground lighting.

the down arrow button reduces thebackground lighting.

2 Confirm the choice with SELECT.

1 = off.

2 = parking lamps.

3 = high and low beam.

Cancel settingPress Esc in order to cancel the setting.

Adjust lighting


130 Graphic Display

Night displayMENU: Set-up mode, Night display

1 Select the menu Night display and thefollowing diagram is shown on thedisplay:

2 With the up/down buttons the settingswitches between Normal and Re-verse. With the setting Normal the textis dark and the background light. Thesetting Reverse makes the text lightand the background dark. This settingonly applies when the headlights orparking lights are on.

3 Confirm the choice with SELECT.

Cancel settingPress Esc in order to cancel the setting.

Night display




Graphic Display 131

Main Menu: System DiagnosticThe menu System diagnostic has 3 sub-menus which are not protected by apassword, and 1 sub-menu which is pro-tected by a password.

• Fault diagnostic

• Cluster self test

• Part number

Password required:(see page 152)

• Status test

Fault DiagnosticMENU: Diagnostic, Fault diagnostic

A list of the vehicle’s ECUs is shown inthe menu Fault diagnostic. Each ECU isidentified by a MID number (MessageIDentifier). In addition a menu for resettingall the fault codes is shown.

For a list of common fault codes, see page137.

• ABS Brakes, MID 136• Instrument cluster center module,

MID 140• Info Display (instrument cluster

graphic display), MID 234• SRS Airbag, MID 232• Cab controller (Vehicle ECU),

MID 144• Engine, MID 128• Non specified system• Reset all (password)


132 Graphic Display

1 The up/down buttons are used tomove the cursor in the list.

2 SELECT confirms the selection ofECU or Reset all.

3 During the time that each respectiveECU is being called, the displayshows the text:

Data transfer

in progress

please wait

4 No faults in the chosen system:

Press Esc to return to the previousmenu. No errors

5 Not responding to Non spec. system:

Press Esc to return to the previousmenu.

Non spec. syst

MID (127)

Not responding

6 If the chosen system does not respondwithin 5 seconds the following mes-sage is shown (in this example theengine has been called):


MID 128

Not responding


Graphic Display 133

Fault codes are shown1 If there is a fault code or codes the

following is shown, for example:

Line 1: Identification of ECU

Line 2: Identification of parame-ter/component

Line 3: Fault type identification

”� 1” shows how many times the fault hasbeen registered since the last resetting. Ifno information is available for how manytimes the fault code has been registered,only Active is shown (the fault remains). Oralternatively Inactive is shown (the faultwas there previously).

The arrow in the lower, right-hand corner isshown if there is more than one fault code.The up/down buttons move the cursor andthe next fault code/message is shown. Toreset codes, a password must be entered(see page 152).


Coolant temperature

Value too high

Active � 1 I �

2 If more than 20 fault codes/messagesare available for the chosen ECU the21st message will be:

To see those messages that are notshown, earlier messages must be reset(see above). The fault codes are pre-sented in text format, but the user canalso choose to have the fault codespresented numerically (if a fault codeor ECU is not recognized by the sys-tem, they will only be presented innumeric format).


Too many

error messages


134 Graphic Display

Numeric or text1 Press SELECT when there are fault

codes and the following menu isshown. Select numeric or text format(the function Reset will only be shownwhen the correct password has beenentered; see page 152):



Time stamp


2 When Text has been selected, the faultcodes are shown according to step no.1, page 133.

3 When Numeric has been selected thefault codes are shown with numbers:

MID: Identification of ECU

PID: Identification of parameter

PPID: Volvo unique identificationof parameter

SID: Identification of component

PSID: Volvo unique identificationof component

FMI: Identification of fault type

MID 128

PID 110


Active � 1 I �

”� 1” shows how many times the faultoccurred since the last resetting. Ifthere is no information available forhow many times the fault code hasbeen active, only Active is shown (thefault remains) or Inactive (the faultwas there previously).


Graphic Display 135

The arrow in the lower, right-handcorner is shown if there is more thanone fault code. The up/down buttonsmove the cursor and the next faultcode is shown. If the correct passwordhas been entered, resetting can bedone in Reset all, last in the list. Thisresetting deletes only the fault codesfor the chosen ECU.

4 If more than 20 fault codes/messagesare available for the chosen ECU, the21st message will be:

To see those messages that are notshown, earlier messages must be reset(password restricted, see page 152).

Too many

error messages


136 Graphic Display

Time stamp1 To show the time when the fault code

was set for the first and latest occasionrespectively, press SELECT when theparticular fault code is presented (doesnot apply to ABS brakes or SRSairbag). The following menu is shown:



Time stamp


2 Select Time stamp and the followingtext message is shown:

Data transfer

in progress

please wait

3 The following is shown (time stamp ispresented as the number of hours theengine has been running):

Press Esc to return to the previousmenu.





4 If the transfer should fail, the follow-ing message is shown:


No data


No data


Graphic Display 137

Common Fault Codes

MID Messages Supported (with text)



128 Engine

130 Transmission

136 ABS

140 Instrument

144 Cab Controller

232 SRS (Airbag)

Additional MID Messages (withouttext)

137 Brakes, Trailer #1

138 Brakes, Trailer #2

138 Brakes, Trailer #3

141 Trip Recorder

162 Vehicle Navigation Unit

166 Tires, Power Unit

171 Driver Information Center

172 Off-board Diagnostics #1

179 Data Logging Computer

181 Communication Unit - Satellite

191 Vehicle Location Unit

231 Communications Unit - Satel-lite/GPS/Cellular



1 Driver Airbag Ign. Loop



62 Retarder inh status

71 Idle shutdown status

84 Road speed

91 % Throttle pedal

100 Engine oil pressure

102 Boost pressure

105 Air inlet temperature

106 Air inlet pressure

108 Barometric pressure

110 Engine coolant temperature

111 Coolant level

127 Transmission oil psi

160 Main shaft speed

161 Input shaft speed

175 Engine oil temperature

177 Transmission oil temperature

190 Engine speed

191 Transm. output RPM

PSID (Proprietary Subsystem ID)



PSID 1 Retarder Brake Control SetSwitch

PSID 2 Idle Validation Switch #2

PSID 3 Idle Validation Switch #3

PSID 4 Retarder Brake Control Switch


138 Graphic Display

CommonSID code


233 Controller #2

236 Power contact device

237 Start enable solenoid

242 CC resume switch

243 CC set switch

244 CC enable switch

245 Clutch pedal switch

246 Brake pedal switch #1

247 Brake pedal switch #2

248 Proprietary data link

249 SAE J1922 data link

250 SAE J1708 data link

251 Power supply

252 Calibration module

253 Calibration memory

254 Controller #1

EngineSID code


1 Injector #1

2 Injector #2

3 Injector #3

4 Injector #4

5 Injector #5

6 Injector #6

21 Engine position sensor

22 Timing sensor

25 Ext. engine protection sig.

Transm.SID code


1 C1 solenoid valve

2 C2 solenoid valve

3 C3 solenoid valve

4 C4 solenoid valve

5 C5 solenoid valve

6 C6 solenoid valve

7 Lockup solenoid valve

16 Neutral start output

18 Shift selector #1

27 Lockup clutch PSI sw.

28 Forward range PSI sw.

29 Neutral range PSI sw.

30 Reverse range PSI sw.

VehicleNaviga-tion SID



1 Dead reckoning

2 LORAN receiver

3 Global positioning system(GPS)

4 Integrated navigation unit


Graphic Display 139

BrakeSID code


1 ABS snsr axle 1 L

2 ABS snsr axle 1 R

3 ABS snsr axle 2 L

4 ABS snsr axle 2 R

5 ABS snsr axle 3 L

6 ABS snsr axle 3 R

7 ABS valve axle 1 L

8 ABS valve axle 1 R

9 ABS valve axle 2 L

10 ABS valve axle 2 R

11 ABS valve axle 3 L

12 ABS valve axle 3 R

13 ABS rtrdr ctrl relay

14 ABS relay, diagonal 1

15 ABS relay, diagonal 2

18 ABS, dif 1 - ASR valve

19 ABS, dif 2 - ASR valve

22 Speed signal input

23 Warning light bulb

24 ASR light bulb



0 Data valid, but high

1 Data valid, but low

2 Data erratic

3 Voltage shorted high

4 Voltage shorted low

5 Current low or open C

6 Current high or short C

7 Mech syst no respons

8 Abnormal freq or PW

9 Abnormal update rate

10 Abnormal change rate

11 Failure unknown

12 Bad device

13 Out of calibration

14 Special instruction1

1 This is displayed when the airbag has storedcrash data or by the data concentrator when theengine shutdown output has been activated.


140 Graphic Display

PPID (Proprietary Parameter ID)



69 Buffered Idle Switch

70 Pedal Switches, Supply

71 Cruise Control and Retarder,Supply Switch

72 Accelerator Pedal and Retarder,Supply Sensors

73 Accelerator Control 2 and Pri-mary Tank, Supply Sensors

75 Range Inhibitor, Status Sole-noid Valve

76 Brake Lamps, Status Relay

77 Compressor, Status SolenoidValve

78 Interval Wiper, Status Relay

79 Area Inhibitor, Status SolenoidValve

86 Engine Brake Torque Percent

109 EPG3 Drive Stage Failure

121 MTE (Engine CompressorControl Output) Failure

122 VCB Engine CompressionBrake

123 EPG2 Start and Warmhold

124 EPG1 Engine Brake

125 EOL Enable Failure

195 Proprietary Diagnostic DataRequest/Clear Count

196 Proprietary DiagnosticData/Count Clear Response


Graphic Display 141

Cluster Self-TestMENU: System diagnostics, cluster self-test

Four sub-menus are available:

• Bulb test

• Gauge test

• Display test

• Buzzer test

Cancel TestPress Esc in order to cancel the test.

Bulb TestMENU: System diagnostic, Cluster self-test, Bulb test

1 Select Bulb test.

2 The telltale lamps light up for approx.5 seconds.

3 Esc cancels the test and the menuBulb test is shown again.

Changing BulbsChanging the instrument cluster’s telltalebulbs can be carried out from the rear side,without the instrument cluster needing tobe opened. See page 89 for replacementinformation.


142 Graphic Display

Gauge testMENU: System diagnostics, Cluster self-test, Gauge test

1 Select Gauge test.

2 The pointers move back and forth afew times, between the end positions.They stop at the mid-point of thegauge before the test is complete, thenreturn to zero. This is only a checkthat they can move (i.e. that the gaugefunctions).

3 Esc cancels the test and the menuGauge testis shown again.

Display testMENU: System diagnostic, Cluster self-test, Display test

1 Select Display test.

2 The display goes out, lights up, goesout. In the odometer display, all seg-ments are shown, then off, back on, offagain, and back to the normal display.

3 Esc cancels the test and the menu Dis-play test is shown again.


Graphic Display 143

Buzzer testMENU: System diagnostic, Cluster self-test, Buzzer test

1 Select Buzzer test.

2 On the display, the name of the cur-rent sound is shown at the same timeas the sound is activated. With theup/down buttons you can switch be-tween the different sounds.Three different sounds (flasher indica-tor, reminder and caution) are testedfor 10 seconds.

The caution sound is connected to the red�STOP telltale.

3 Esc cancels the test and the menuBuzzer test is shown again.


144 Graphic Display

Part numberMENU: System diagnostics, Part number

A list of the vehicle’s electronic controlunits (ECUs) is shown in the menu Partnumber. Each ECU is identified by a MIDnumber (Message IDentifier).

• ABS Brakes, MID 136• Instrument cluster center module, MID

140• Display, MID 234• SRS Airbag, MID 232• Vehicle ECU, MID 144• Engine, MID 128

1 The up/down buttons are used tomove the cursor in the list.

2 SELECT confirms the selection of anECU.

3 In the meantime, the display shows thetext:

Data transfer

in progress

please wait

4 The following text is presented:

SW: The software part numberMID 128 SW ID



Graphic Display 145

5 The up/down buttons are used tomove the cursor in the list.

HW: ECU part number



6 If there is a communication error, thefollowing is shown No data (this ex-ample shows HW ID, but same textapplies to SW ID exept that HW is re-placed by SW):


No data


146 Graphic Display

Main Menu: Data Log Mode (Volvo Engine Only)Menu Data log modehas 4 sub-menuswhere 3 are not protected by passwords and1 is protected by a password.

• Vehicle ID

• Totals

• Trip data

Password required:(see page 152)

• Reset trip data

Vehicle IDMENU: Data log mode, Vehicle ID

1 Select the menu Data log mode, Vehi-cle ID and the following text messageis shown:

Data transfer

in progress

please wait

2 The fleet ID that is shown has beenentered in the menu.

Press Esc to return to the previousmenu.

Fleet ID:


Chassis no:


3 If the transfer should fail, the follow-ing message is shown:




Graphic Display 147

TotalsMENU: Data log mode, Totals

1 Select the menu Data log mode, To-tals.

2 The menus that show Totals can bescrolled to using the up/down but-tons. Total distance

406.7 mi

NOTE! If km and �C has been selected, theconsumption is shown in liters.

Total fuel used

51.3 gal

Total enginehours

7.3 h

Total idletime0.3 h


148 Graphic Display

Total PTOhours0.5 h

Total engine revolutions

1 220 100 r

3 If the transfer should fail, the follow-ing message is shown:

Cancel operationPress Esc in order to cancel the operation.




Graphic Display 149

Trip data (Volvo engine only)MENU: Data log mode, Trip data

1 Select the menu Data log mode, Trip.

2 The information below can be scrolledto using the up/down buttons.

Trip distance

203.5 mi

NOTE! If Miles and �F has been se-lected, the consumption is shown inUS gallons.

Trip fuel

Avg. 28 l/100 km

Acc. 57.0 gal

Trip overrevs

0.8 h

Trip uneconomy rev’s

0.4 h


150 Graphic Display

NOTE! If km and �C has been se-lected, the consumption is shown inliters.

Trip fuel

uneconomy rev’s

8.5 gal

Trip average speed

67.4 km/h

Trip overspeed

0.2 h

Trip engine hours

3.0 h

Trip idle time

0.4 hNOTE! If km and �C has been se-lected, the consumption is shown inliters.

Trip idle fuel

2.5 gal

Trip PTO hours

1.3 h


Graphic Display 151

NOTE! If km and �C has been se-lected, the consumption is shown inliters.

Trip PTO fuel

20.4 gal

Trip cruise

2.5 h

4 If the transfer should fail, the follow-ing message is shown:

Cancel operationPress Esc in order to cancel the operation.




152 Graphic Display

Main Menu: Password InputCertain functions are password protectedand there are two password levels for thedisplay (it is also possible to select not toprotect functions with password, which canbe done by a Volvo Truck dealer):

1 Workshop password

2 Owner password

The two passwords give the user access toall password protected functions, with oneexception:The workshop password does not give ac-cess to the password configuration, i.e. it isnot possible to change the Owner passwordor the Workshop password with it.

The following menus are protected by pass-word:

• Default language• Fleet limit: r/min• Fleet limit: speed• Fleet fuel target• Amperemeter calibr• Fleet id• Reset (applicable for several functions)• Status test• Password config.

When the start key has been in stop posi-tion for more than 60 seconds, or if thebatteries have been disconnected, the pass-word must be entered again.

The password protected menus are de-scribed in the Service Manual“Instrumentation, VN, from 3/99 and VHD.”Order information can be found on page287.


Graphic Display 153

Main Menu: GaugeWhen the menu GAUGE has been se-lected, you switch between the varioussub-menus with the up/down buttons.




The engine oil temperature is shown as inthe diagram.

If the sensor data for Temperature, engineoil is not available, the symbol is shown aswell as the text NO DATA.

T3008830 185 F

T3008830 NODATA

Information messageYellow�INFO telltale

If the engine oil temperature becomes toohigh, an information message is shown au-tomatically with the text HIGH. At thesame time the yellow�INFO telltale un-der the display lights up. Esc acknowledgesthe info message.

T3008830 HIGH210�F



154 Graphic Display

Temperature, transmission oil (option)


The transmission oil temperature is shownas in the diagram.

NOTE! The temperature display startsshowing only at approximately 150�F(65�C).

If the sensor data for Transmission oiltemperature is not available, the symbol isshown as well as the text NO DATA.

T3008831 170 F



Information messageYellow�INFO lamp

If the temperature of the transmission oilbecomes too high, an information messageis shown automatically with the text HIGH.At the same time the yellow�INFOtelltale under the display lights up. Esc ac-knowledges the information message.

For HIGH to display with the�INFO tell-tale, the transmission oil temperature mustbe 210�F (100�C) for 30 minutes, or 250�F(120�C) for 10 minutes.


HIGH250 �F



Graphic Display 155

Stop messageRed�STOP telltaleIf the temperature of the transmission oilbecomes too high, a flashing stop messageis shown automatically with the text TOOHIGH. At the same time the red�STOPtelltale under the display lights up and thewarning signal sounds. Esc acknowledgesthe stop message.

For TOO HIGH to display with the�STOP telltale, the transmission oil tem-perature must be 285�F (140�C) for 30seconds.





156 Graphic Display


The battery/charging voltage is shown as inthe diagram. If the battery/charging voltagebecomes too low (below 9.5 V), the instru-ment cluster will lose power.

T3008832 13.1 V

Information messageYellow�INFO telltale

If the battery/charging voltage becomes toohigh, the voltmeter’s value is shown auto-matically as well as the text TOO HIGH.At the same time the yellow�INFO tell-tale under the display lights up.

T3008832 TOO HIGH17.9 V



Graphic Display 157

Main Menu: Fuel Economy (option)Menu FUEL ECONOMY has 2 sub-menus:



FUEL ECONOMY is chosen and then theup/down buttons are used in order tochange between the available sub-menus.


For setting metric or English value dis-plays, see page 126.

The following is shown on the display:

• Average trip fuel consumption (AVG):The value is presented numericallyand as an arrow above the bar. The ar-row’s position shows the value. For ashort time after resetting, the followingis shown “— — — “ instead of theaverage fuel consumption.

• Instantaneous fuel consumption(INST):The value is presented numerically aswell as in the form of a bar.

• Target trip fuel consumption (TAR-GET):The value is presented as an arrow un-der the bar. The arrow’s positionshows the value. This value is pass-word protected, see page 152.

NOTE! When idling, the bar is not shownand the fuel consumption is shown ingal/hour.

NOTE! If km and �C have been selectedthe consumption is shown in liters. In theexample above, L/100 km will then beshown instead of mpg.

AVG9.9 �




158 Graphic Display

Reset fuel economy1 Press SELECT in the menu


2 A new text message in the form of aquestion is shown:RESET FUEL DATA? Press SELECTto reset.

When the leg’s fuel consumption is reset,the average fuel consumption will also bereset.





Press the up/down buttons in the menuAVG/INST to reach the menu LEG FUEL .

The following is shown in the menu LEGFUEL on the display:

• The Leg fuel consumption (amount offuel used since the last resetting).

• Empty XXX mi (where XXX is thecalculated range using the present in-stantaneous consumption).

NOTE! If km and �C have been selected,the consumption is shown in liters. In theexample below, L will then be shown in-stead of USgal.

NOTE! Since the ”calculated range” isbased on the instantaneous consumption,the correct value is first shown shortly afterstart.





Graphic Display 159

Main Menu: Time/DistanceMenu TIME/DIST has 4 sub-menus.





NOTE! Menu TIME/DIST is availableeven when the ignition key is in the off po-sition. It is activated by keeping one of thecontrol buttons on the wiper stalk presseddown for at least 1 second. The menu re-mains active for 30 seconds after the lastdepressing of the button.

The alarm clock cannot be set while driv-ing, but the buzzer which sounds for thealarm call can be switched off, see page162.


Shows the current time. To set the time for-mat 12h or 24h, see page 128.

Setting1 To set the clock, press SELECT when

you are in the menuTIME/DISTANCE and the clockfunction will be shown.

2 Set the hours with the up/downbuttons. Confirm the choice with SE-LECT.

3 Set the first digit in the minutes withthe up/down buttons. Confirm thechoice with SELECT.


160 Graphic Display

4 Set the second digit in the minuteswith the up/down buttons. Confirm thechoice with SELECT.

5 Set the AM/PM (if the time format is12h) with the up/down buttons. Con-firm the choice with SELECT.


Cancel settingWhen setting hours, Esc cancels the settingand the time is shown according to the pre-vious setting.

Pressing Esc after setting the minutes or af-ter setting the AM/PM, moves the cursorback to the previous selection.

Ignition key in the off positionWhen the ignition key is in the OFF posi-tion, if setting the clock takes more than 30seconds between pushing the buttons, thetime which has been entered then applies.


Graphic Display 161


Setting the alarm clock:

1 To set the alarm clock, press SELECTwhen the menu ALARM CLOCK isshown in the menu TIME/DIST .

2 Move the cursor to SET using theup/down buttons. Press SELECT.

If the speed during the setting exceeds5 mph (8km/h), the function is can-celled and the graphic display returnsto the last active display in the ON po-sition.

3 Set the hours with the up/downbuttons. Confirm the choice with SE-LECT.

4 Set the first digit in the minutes withthe up/down buttons. Confirm thechoice with SELECT.

5 Set the second digit in the minuteswith the up/down buttons. Confirm thechoice with SELECT.

6 Set the AM/PM (if the format is 12h)with the up/down buttons. Confirm thechoice with SELECT.

7 Move the cursor to ON using theup/down buttons. Press SELECT. Asymbol is shown on the right in thegraphic display window’s status bar inorder to highlight that the alarm clockis activated.

8 Esc moves the highlight to the previ-ous number or selection, if there areany, otherwise the setting is cancelled.




162 Graphic Display

Ignition key in the off positionWhen the ignition key is in the OFF posi-tion, if setting the alarm clock takes morethan 30 seconds, the time which has beenentered then applies.

Switch off the alarm clockWhen the alarm clock goes off, the wordALARM flashes, the current time is shownand a warning signal sounds. The alarm isswitched off after 60 seconds or when theup, down, Esc or SELECT control button ispressed.

Activate alarm clock (without changing the time of the alarm call)

1 The cursor is moved with the up/downbuttons to ON.

2 SELECT activates the alarm clock andthe symbol is shown on the graphicdisplay.

Cancel settingPress Esc in order to cancel the setting.

ALARM 08:30 AMT3008833


De-activate the alarm clock1 The cursor is moved with the up/down

buttons to OFF.

2 SELECT switches off the alarm clockand the symbol disappears from thegraphic display.

Cancel settingPress Esc in order to cancel the setting.



Graphic Display 163


On the display in the menu TRIPMETERthe distance driven for Leg 1 and Leg 2 areshown.


#1 43.6 mi

#2 507.3 mi

Reset tripmeter1 Press SELECT in the menu TRIPME-


2 A new text message with a questionabout the resetting of the tripmeter isshown. The up/down buttons move thecursor between Leg 1 and Leg 2. Con-firm the choice with SELECT or pressEsc in order to cancel the resetting.


#1: #2:



The average speed is calculated using thedistance driven divided by the time the en-gine has been running (since the lastresetting).



55.4 mph

Reset average speed1 Press SELECT when the menu AV-

ERAGE SPEED is shown.

2 A new text message with a questionabout the resetting of the averagespeed is shown. Confirm the choicewith SELECT or press Esc in order tocancel the resetting.




164 Graphic Display

Main Menu: FAULTS?GeneralWhen a fault occurs a fault message isshown on the graphic display. There aretwo types of fault messages:

1 Information messages

2 Stop messages

The stop message is always more urgentthan information messages.

Any information and stop messages as wellas the associated symbols are shown auto-matically on the graphic display whendriving. A summary of these symbols isshown in the illustration under page 166.Under the display there are two lamps (ayellow�INFO telltale and a red�STOPtelltale) that attract the driver’s attentionwhen necessary. When the red (stop) tell-tale lights up and the engine is running, awarning signal is also activated.

Several messages may be active at the sametime. When a new message is activated thenew one is shown instead of the old one.

A down arrow in the graphic display’sright-hand corner means that more mes-sages are active.


Graphic Display 165

Information messageThe yellow�INFO telltale lights up whenan abnormal state or a risk situation is indi-cated. In addition to the telltale, a symbolor text is shown on the graphic display atthe same time. For certain symbols, a mea-surement value is also shown.

NOTE! In the event of a warning for lowair pressure no message is shown on thegraphic display, the LED in the gaugelights up instead (together with the masterwarning telltale [see page 78]).

Important! When the�INFO telltalelights up, the specified fault must bechecked at the next stop.


Stop messageIn the event of serious faults, the red�STOP telltale lights up and a warningbuzzer sounds (if the engine is running). Inaddition to the telltale, a symbol or text isshown on the graphic display at the sametime. For certain symbols, a measurementvalue is also shown.

NOTE! In the event of a warning for lowoil pressure or coolant temperature in theengine no text is shown on the display —the LED in the respective gauge lights upinstead.


When the �STOP telltale lights up thevehicle must be stopped immediately.



166 Graphic Display

Information symbolsThe yellow�INFO telltale lights up and asymbol is shown on the graphic display:

AirbagFor airbag (SRS sys-tem) information, seepage 57.


Overheating, in-strumentsThe symbol will beshown when the tem-perature in theinstrument cluster ex-ceeds 92�C (198�F).The instrument lightingbecomes weaker andthe gauges show theminimum reading.When the cab tempera-ture cools theinstrument cluster func-tions will gradually berestored.


Level, washerfluidThe symbol is shownwhen there are approx.1.4 gallons (5.3 liters)of fluid remaining inthe reservoir.


Warning, trans-mission oiltemperatureIf the temperature ofthe transmission oil be-comes too high, aninformation message isshown automaticallywith the text HIGH. Itcomes on when thetransmission oil is250�F (120�C) or overfor more than 10 min-utes, or 210�F (100�C)or over for more than30 minutes. The tem-perature is displayedalong with the symbol.


Warning, volt-meterIf the battery voltagebecomes too high thevoltmeter’s value isshown automatically aswell as the text TOOHIGH. This warning istriggered at 17 V. Thevoltage is displayedalong with the symbol.



Graphic Display 167

Warning, tem-perature engineoilIf the engine oil tem-perature becomes toohigh, a stop message isshown automaticallywith the text TOOHIGH. The engine out-put is reduced. Thetemperature limit whichactivates this warningvaries for different en-gines. This limit is setin the engine ECU.


Air filter,cloggedThe symbol is shownwhen the air filter sen-sor is restricted.


Too cold for en-gine brake(VEB) (Volvoengine only)Position 2 on theswitch must not be en-gaged before the enginehas reached operationaltemperature. If position2 is engaged and theengine is too cold, thissymbol is shown and asignal sounds when en-gine braking is carriedout (However, VEB isnot engaged).


Fault in the pre-heating



168 Heating and Air Conditioning

GeneralThree levels of the cab climate systems areavailable. They can be identified by the ap-pearance of the control panel.

The basic system is a heater and defrosterunit only. The heater unit has a rating of atleast 40 000 Btu.


The manually operated heating and air con-ditioning unit is controlled from the samepanel as the heater system, with theaddition of a switch for turning the air con-ditioning system on (button with thesnowflake symbol).


A variant of the air conditioning systemcan be added as an option. This is calledthe Automatic Temperature Control (ATC)variant. It is identified with the switchmarked aut. It allows all functions of theprevious systems, plus the ability to main-tain the temperature in the cab as set by thedriver. The desired temperature is selectedby the combination of the temperature con-trol setting and the fan speed.


The air conditioning only operates whenthe engine is running. Best performancefrom the air conditioning is achieved whenall windows and vents are closed. At alltimes, make sure the cowl fresh air intakeis free from snow, ice, leaves, etc.

NOTE! The air conditioning system is con-tinuously monitored for correct function.The monitor module has a read-out for faultcodes. See page 179 for more information.

Do not attempt to drive with the wind-shield covered by mist, fog or frost. Thevisibility is reduced which could lead toan accident causing severe personal in-jury or death. Read these instructions tobe able to hold the windshield clear atall times. Maximum heat output for fastdefrosting can only happen after the en-gine has reached operating temperature.


Heating and Air Conditioning 169

Climate Unit Main Control PanelFan Speed ControlThe fan has four speeds and can also beshut off. With the fan control in the 0 posi-tion, air still flows out of the dash vents ifthe vehicle is moving at highway speedsand if the Fresh Air Control is set for out-side air intake. If the Fresh Air Control isset for full recirculation, the fan has to beon for air to flow out the dash vents.

If equipped with air conditioning, the fan isnot controlled by the system to change fanspeed with changing temperatures. Adjustthe fan speed to the desired air flow.

Fan speed must be selected to meet eitherheating or cooling needs. For the heateronly and manual air conditioning variantsof the climate system, settings of tempera-ture and air flow must be adjusted as oftenas necessary to accommodate changingtemperatures outside and inside the cab.

The ATC system is designed to maintain aconstant temperature in the cab, which isset by the temperature control. As the sys-tem does not make automatic changes offan speed, a selection of higher or lowerfan speed to allow for more or less air flowmay have to be made to achieve the correcttemperature.



170 Heating and Air Conditioning

Air Distribution ControlThe air distribution control is used to directthe air flow to either the dash vents, floorvents or defroster vents. The lever has de-tentes in the outer and middle positions sothat it can be set without looking at thepanel.

The air flow for the three major settings aredescribed below. Any setting outside of thedetented positions will be a mix of the airflows that depends on how far from the de-tented position the lever is.


With the control in the leftmostposition, all air is directed outthrough the vents in the dash.

With the control in the middleposition, most air is directed outthrough the floor vents and thecab door window vents. A smallflow is directed out through thevents in the dash. This mix isapproximately 80/20.

With the control in the right-most position, most air isdirected out through the frontdash vents to the windshield andcab door windows. A small flowis directed out through the ventsin the dash. This mix is approx-imately 70/30.

NOTE! When the air vents on the dash areopen, some air always flow through them.To have maximum air flow to the floor orto the windshield and cab door windows,close the dash vents.


Heating and Air Conditioning 171



172 Heating and Air Conditioning

Fresh Air ControlThe top slide lever is the FreshAir/Recirculation Control. The settings canbe anywhere from full fresh air intake toonly recirculated air. Settings can be chosenanywhere in between to give the desiredflow of air. W8001468

In the leftmost position, thefresh air inlet is closed. All airis recirculated within the cab. Itcan be used to heat up or cooldown cab temperature quicklyor to close intake from letting inodors, etc. with the intake air.

In the middle position, there willbe a 20% addition of fresh airto the 80% of recirculated air.This position is well suited foruse when the air conditioning isengaged so a minimum of warmor cooled air is lost through theevacuation vents, while fresh airis still added to the cab.

In the rightmost position, thefresh air inlet is completelyopen. This is best used whenheat is required (wintertime)and when defrosting or de-icing.


Heating and Air Conditioning 173

Temperature ControlThe bottom slide lever is the TemperatureControl which operates the coolant controlvalve. In the leftmost position the flow ofcoolant is shut off by the control valve,which means no heat from the climate unit.The heat will increase the further to theright the control is moved.

The temperature control should be used asa thermostat, together with the fan speed, to“dial” in the desired temperature whenusing the air conditioning. The desired tem-perature is selected by the combination ofthe temperature control setting and the fanspeed. For the ATC version, the tempera-ture is automatically maintained to wherethe control was set. If needed, the controlcan be moved to a new setting withoutturning the ATC off.

Using the heater on days when the outsidetemperature is low but there is direct sun-light heating through the windows, the airdistribution control should be set in thecenter position (air directed to the floor)and the air vents open, and at the sametime, the temperature control should be setaround the middle position. Warm air isthen distributed so that it is warmest at thefloor and cooler air is distributed via the airvents on the dash.

When the temperature control is set in oneof the end positions, the temperature at thefloor vents and the air vents is the same.



174 Heating and Air Conditioning

A/C ControlWhen the vehicle is equipped with air con-ditioning, the control panel has a button forengaging the air conditioning compressor.This button is marked with a snowflakesymbol. When the A/C is engaged, thegreen LED light in the button is on.

When the air conditioning button ispressed, the fan speed control must be seton 1 through 4 for the air conditioning tostart. If the air conditioning button ispressed when the fan speed control is seton 0, the air conditioning will not start.

To set the air conditioning temperature, ad-just the temperature control and fan speeduntil the desired temperature/air flow hasbeen reached. If the cab temperature needsadjusting, the temperature or fan speed hasto be adjusted again until the new desiredtemperature has been reached.



Heating and Air Conditioning 175

A/C Automatic ControlWhen the vehicle is equipped with Auto-matic Temperature Control (ATC), thecontrol panel has a button, marked withaut, for engaging the electronic controlunit. When ATC is engaged, the green LEDlight in the button is on.

The ATC air conditioning works with thecoolant control valve as a “thermostat,”making automatic adjustments with inputfrom sensors for air output and for air in-side of the cab. However, the fan speedmay also have to be adjusted, increasing ordecreasing air flow, to achieve correct cabtemperature.

To use the ATC, let the system run in themanual mode until the cab temperature hasstabilized at a desirable temperature. Thenpress the aut button to engage the auto-matic control unit. To set a new desiredtemperature, simply slide the temperaturecontrol to a higher or lower setting and thesystem will maintain this new temperaturewithin the ability of the temperature control.

NOTE! Changing from manual to ATCcontrol or the other way, makes the air out-put temperature change 5 to 10 degrees. Asmall correction to the temperature controlis needed after the change has been made.



176 Heating and Air Conditioning

Air VentsA Closed

B Open

C Lateral Air Flow

D Vertical Air Flow

When heating the cab, all vents should beclosed. However, the vents on the outerparts of the dash can be used for defrostingthe cab door windows. When operating theair conditioning, all air vents should becompletely open and the air flow directedupward.



Heating and Air Conditioning 177

Cab VentilationVentilation GuidelinesIf at any time there is any doubt that ex-haust fumes are entering the cab, have thecause of the fumes determined and cor-rected as soon as possible. If the vehiclemust be driven under these conditions,drive only with all windows open.

Protect against carbon monoxide entry intothe cab. Keep the engine exhaust system,cab and cab ventilation system properlymaintained. It is recommended that the ex-haust system and cab are inspected by acompetent technician:

• At every engine oil change.

• Whenever a change is noticed in thesound of the exhaust system.

• Whenever the exhaust system, under-body or cab is damaged.

Do not breathe the engine exhaust gas. Itcontains carbon monoxide, which has nocolor or odor. Carbon monoxide is adangerous gas which can cause uncon-sciousness or death.

Diesel engine exhaust and some of itsconstituents are known to the state ofCalifornia to cause cancer, birth defectsor other reproductive harm.

To allow for proper operation of the vehicleventilation system, keep the inlet grille atthe base of the windshield clear of snow,ice, leaves and other obstructions at alltimes.

Do not park the vehicle and let the enginerun or idle for more than 10 minutes withthe ventilation system control switch in theoff position. Even with the ventilation sys-tem on, running the engine while parked orstopped for long periods of time is not rec-ommended. Entry of carbon monoxide intothe cab is possible with a poorly repaired,damaged or corroded exhaust system or cab.

Do not run the engine in confined areas,such as garages or next to a building, anymore than necessary. The area must beproperly ventilated. When the vehicle mustbe stopped with the engine running formore than a few minutes:

• Adjust the heating or cooling systemto force outside air into the cab. Dothis by setting the fan to medium orhigh speed and with the controls set inany position except for recirculation ofair inside of the cab.

• Keep the exhaust pipe area clear tohelp reduce the buildup of exhaust gasunder the vehicle.


178 Heating and Air Conditioning

Cab Air FilterAir going into the cab passes a filter lo-cated on the right, front side of the cab.Remove the filter and clean with an air gun(no more than 20 psi pressure) after 40 000miles (64 000 km), (in dusty conditions asoften as every 10 000 miles [16 000 km]).Make sure the air stream is directed fromthe inside out.

The filter should not be cleaned and reusedmore than once. Replace with a new filterafter maximum 70 000 miles (110 000 km),or earlier if driving in dusty conditions. Aclogged filter decreases the efficiency of theair conditioning system. W8002474


Heating and Air Conditioning 179

A/C Diagnostic ModuleProblem CodesThe diagnostic module has two LED lights(one green and one red) which indicate if asystem problem has been detected. If aproblem is detected, a fault code or “blink”code is activated to identify the condition.The blink codes listed on the label are:

Slow Green Normal

Fast Green Low system voltage

1 Red Blink Loss of refrigerant

2 Red Blinks Overcharge, blockage orfan failure

3 Red Blinks Open or shorted clutchor circuit

4 Red Blinks Open pressure switch orcircuit

The air conditioning system is underpressure. The possibility of an explosionis possible if serviced incorrectly. Aqualified technician should perform anyservice needed. Failure to follow thismay lead to an explosion causing severeinjury or death.



180 Seats

GeneralSeveral different seats can be used in thevehicles. If the seat installed in the vehicleis not explained in this section, look for theseat manufacturer’s manual in the Owner’sPackage.

On the driver’s side there is a standard seatand an upgrade that includes adjustable aircushions for lumbar and thigh-back sup-port, arm rests and a frame cover.

The passenger side can have the same typeof seat as on the driver’s side and also afixed seat. Each of the seats are describedon the pages that follow.

All adjustments are to be made whilethe operator is seated and the vehicle isstationary. Do not adjust the seat posi-tion while driving the vehicle. Failure tofollow this warning can result in loss ofvehicle control, which can result in seri-ous personal injury or death in the eventof a crash.

Before adjusting or fastening the seat belt,move the seat forward or rearward and ad-just the seat height as necessary. Sit erectand adjust the seat cushion and seat back toobtain a comfortable driving position.


National Standard Seat


Volvo Standard Seat


Seats 181

National Standard Seat Adjustments1 Backrest tilt: By rotating the round

handle, the backrest recline angle canbe adjusted within 12 degrees.

2 Cushion front tilt and length: Pullingthe handle up and out adjusts the tiltand length of the seat cushion.

NOTE! Support body weight withyour feet while adjusting.

3 Fore and aft movement: Press the leversideways to unlock the seat. Move seatfore or aft to a new position.

4 Ride height adjustment: Push the up-per part of the switch up to increaseride height. Push the lower part of theswitch to deflate the airbag and lowerthe ride height.

5 Lumbar support adjustment: Push theupper part of the switch to inflate thesupport for a firmer support. Push thelower part of the switch to deflate thesupport.

6 Cushion rear tilt: Rotate the lever toget different height positions.

NOTE! Support body weight withyour feet while adjusting.

7 Chugger snubber: Moving the handledown isolates the seat from the foreand aft movement of the cab.



182 Seats

Volvo Standard Seat Adjustments1 Fore and aft movement: Press the con-

trol down to unlock the seat cushion.Move seat cushion fore or aft to a newposition.

2 Cushion front tilt: Push the controldown and adjust the tilt of the seatcushion.

3 Ride height adjustment: Push or pullthe control to change ride height.

4 Lift the lever up to adjust the top partof the seat back.

5 Push the lever down to adjust thewhole backrest.

6 The lumbar support is adjusted byturning the knob clockwise for firmingand counterclockwise for slackeningthe support.

7 The angle of the armrest is adjustedwith the dial control on the undersideof the armrest.



Seats 183

National Stationary SeatFor the passenger side, there is the optionof a stationary seat. The base of the seat isa storage box that is accessed by lifting theseat cushion up. A bench seat for two pas-sengers is also available.


No Passenger Seat (option)

Using a temporary passenger seatingwithout the benefit of proper seatmounting and safety belt can, in theevent of a loss of control of the vehicle,cause serious personal injury or death.

In vehicles with no passenger seat installed.Do not let a passenger ride on temporaryseating. This is against the law and can bevery dangerous.


184 Cab Interior

Interior/Reading Lights

Front Of CabThe cab is equipped with separate and com-bined interior and reading lights in variouslocations in the cab. The front seat overheadlights can be turned on at any time usingthe switch in the fixture. By turning theswitch the other way, the light will be acti-vated by the cab door switches. Any timethe door is opened, the light will come on.


There is also a light on the inner front faceof the door that can be activated by theswitch or be set to come on when the dooropens. The lens is red so the light is used toalert oncoming traffic from the rear that thedoor is open. It is also used during nightdriving to light up the floor area withoutdistracting the operator with a glaring light.


The door switch operates all door-activatedlights. The switch is located in the rear partof the door frame.

The switch has a shut off function that canbe used if the door needs to be open andthe lights should not be on. To deactivatethe lights, grasp the stem of the switch withtwo fingers, push it in and twist clockwise.The stem stays in and the light is off.When the switch stem is pushed in and re-leased, either by hand or by the door, itwill return to the normal working position.



Cab Interior 185

Storage Compartment

Heavy objects must be stored secured tothe floor. Storage compartments are de-signed for lighter personal effects only.In the event of a collision, heavy, unse-cured objects in overhead storage cancome loose and cause severe personal in-jury or death to the driver or passengers.


All items within the cab must be securedbefore the vehicle is set in motion. Thisincludes, but is not limited to, drinks,clothes, books, tools, etc. In the event ofa collision, loose items could fly aroundinside the cab. This could cause personalinjury.


Do not overload the cab suspension.Make sure the weight distribution isequal in the cab. Total load for the cabsuspension is 800 lb (360 kg), withdriver and passenger included. Overload-ing the suspension leads to poor ride anda lowered driving comfort.

Front Overhead StorageThere are several combinations of the over-head storage compartments mounted overthe windshield. The compartments are splitin the middle and they can be combined tocover the whole width of the cab or justover the driver.

The storage compartments have a maxi-mum storage weight limit of approximately18 lb (8 kg) per section. That is, the limitcovers each compartment section, either leftor right side.



186 Cab Interior

Cup HoldersThere is also a cup holder in the middle ofthe dash. To open, press the top part of thelid in and the lid will fold out. To close,press the lid in until the latch closes.

There are also two cupholders molded intothe engine cover.



Communication and Entertainment 187


Multiband AntennaThere are antennas mounted on the top ofthe mirror brackets for wideband reception.They receive or send signals for radio, CBand telephone. Each antenna carries multi-ple wire windings that work together withmirror bracket devices to cover the needs ofmany uses.

If the antenna is damaged, replace it onlywith a multiband type antenna. A regularantenna does not have the wiring necessaryto give good reception for all uses.


Antenna Multiplexer


1 Cellular Phone Antenna Cable2 Radio Antenna Cable3 Left Side Antenna

4 CB Radio Antenna Cable5 Right Side Antenna


188 Communication and Entertainment

Communications signals that travel to andfrom the antennas go through the antennamultiplexer. Coaxial cables for the cellularphone, CB radio and radio are included inthe multiplexer system – all using the sameset of antennas.

The multiplexer is accessed through thelower dash panels. Cable routing is asshown in the illustration above. Use onlygenuine Volvo replacement parts for thismultiplexer system; standard antennas willgive unsatisfactory performance. The wind-ings in the antennas are specific to thissystem: different sections of the antenna areused for the cellular phone, radio and CB.

Stereo/RadioStereoThe radio is mounted in the right hand sideof the dash. Several models are available,from a basic unit to top of the line.

Depending on the model, there are someimportant features built into the unit. Takethe time to read the manufacturer’s manualto be able to operate the various functions,such as theft-deterrent coding.



Communication and Entertainment 189

Communication EquipmentCB RadioThere is an optional platform provided fora CB radio on top of the dash. The unit isheld in place with a strap which can ac-commodate a variety of sizes. For electricalhook-up, see page 255.

The CB Radio can also be permanentlymounted directly above the radio. When theoptional switch panel is removed, a DINstandard radio mount is available.


TelephoneThere is room on the dash for a mobiletelephone. This can be hooked up to themultiplex box.

If the vehicle is delivered with a multiplexbox, the connecting end of the telephonecoaxial cable should be located at the lowerdash cover.


Road RelayThe Road Relay is an engine communica-tion tool that allows the driver to have fuelconsumption, time and mileage readoutsand also programmed reminders for serviceintervals. The Road Relay should be per-manently mounted directly above the radio.

Collected data can be downloaded for usein a stationary computer where the data canbe collected and compared over time.



190 Fuel Economy Driving

Fuel Economy

GeneralThe absolute fuel consumption (counted inmiles per US gallon or liters per 100 kilo-meters) is determined by a large number ofcircumstances which can be related to oneof the following main areas:

1 Build specification and equipment

2 Service and maintenance

3 External environment

4 Driving habits

Due to these factors, fuel consumption canvary considerably within what is called“normal fuel consumption.” Fuel consump-tion can vary from over 10 mpg (20 L/100km) when driving empty on a nice and drysummer road to 3.5 mpg (70 L/100 km)while driving with maximum permittedGVW, with vehicle and trailer, on a hillyand slushy winter road.

Build Specification and EquipmentWhenever a vehicle is used for transporta-tion, its build specification, equipment andgross vehicle weight have a decisive effecton both fuel consumption and performance.The factors which have the greatest influ-ence on fuel consumption are primarily:driveline combination, height of trailer orsuperstructure, use of air fairings, tire type,number of wheels, gross vehicle weight,and accessories.


Fuel Economy Driving 191

Driveline CombinationEngine, transmission and final drive mustbe selected in such a way that the enginecan operate within the economic speedrange at normal driving speed. This range isdefined as where the engine makes the bestuse of the energy content of the diesel fuel.

A poorly selected rear axle ratio, which re-sults in the engine speed being constantlyabove the optimum speed, will increasefuel consumption.

Superstructure and Air FairingsThe frontal area of the vehicle andtrailer/superstructure is what pushes the airaside. The smoother the transition betweenthe aerodynamic front and cab to thetrailer/superstructure, the better the airflow.With better airflow, the engine has to pro-duce less power to push the air to the side,especially at higher speeds.

There are partial and full air fairing pack-ages available that should cover mostvehicle specifications and applications.With flatbed trailers using tarpaulins tocover the load, make sure the cover is tieddown well and presents a smooth surface.

TiresHeavy duty treaded tires increase rollingresistance considerably. For long haul,choose a smoother, ribbed type tire. Choosea lugged type tire only when the addedtraction in mud and snow is needed.

The number of wheels (axles) has a directeffect on the rolling resistance and, thereby,the fuel consumption. For volume and/orlow weight transports, the use of a 4X2 in-stead of a 6X4 should be considered.


192 Fuel Economy Driving

Gross Vehicle WeightThe gross vehicle weight of a vehicle com-bination has a large impact on the rollingresistance.

AccessoriesAs a rule, accessories such as roof rack, ad-vertising signs, bug screens, exposed airhorns, etc., have a negative effect on fuelconsumption.

Service and MaintenanceA modern heavy-duty vehicle requires reg-ular and preventive maintenance to ensurethat all its components function as theyshould. Use the recommended preventivemaintenance (PM) program that VolvoTrucks North America, Inc. has developedfor the vehicles. This ensures optimal en-ergy efficiency from all components thatare important to fuel consumption.

TiresIf the tire pressure is too low, the rollingresistance increases and, thereby, increasesthe fuel consumption. The overall economyis also affected as tire wear increasesconsiderably.

BrakesDragging brakes increase fuel consumption.They should be checked regularly. It is im-portant that the release action of the airvalves is fast and that the moving parts ofthe wheel brakes are checked for good ad-justment and operation.


Fuel Economy Driving 193

AxlesAn axle out of alignment will increaserolling resistance. Regularly check the frontwheel alignment and axles on both the trac-tor and trailer/semi-trailer. If they arecorrect, there will be less rolling resistanceand, therefore, lower fuel consumption.

A good sign of an axle or wheel out ofalignment is uneven tire wear. Check thetires often.

EngineFaulty or incorrectly adjusted engine com-ponents increase fuel consumption. The listbelow gives some typical components thatcan influence fuel consumption:

• Blocked (on the outside) charge aircooler/radiator package

• Faulty thermostats• Blocked fuel filter• Blocked air intake filter• Faulty injectors• Dirty turbo charger• Air in fuel system• Faulty fuel supply pump• Faulty fuel relief valve• Faulty fan thermostat/clutch


194 Fuel Economy Driving

External EnvironmentUnder unfavorable conditions, the externalenvironment can have a negative effect onfuel consumption. This can be broken downinto two main groups: weather and wind;and the nature of the roads. Rain, snow, icyconditions and headwinds have a large neg-ative impact on fuel economy, as do hillyroads and uneven road surfaces.

HeadwindsHeadwinds have a large negative impact onfuel consumption. With tailwinds, fuel sav-ing is only marginal.

Air TemperatureLow ambient temperature contributes to in-creased fuel consumption.

Rain, Snow and Road SurfaceA wet road surface increases rolling resis-tance and, thereby, fuel consumption. Slushwill increase consumption even more. Incertain cases, the surface structure of theroad can also have a negative effect on fuelconsumption.

GradientsA hilly road with many bends demands ahigher output from the engine. The differ-ence between flat, straight roads and hilly,winding roads can amount to as much as a50 percent increase in fuel consumption.

When choosing your route, avoid hills,rough roads and frequent stops. Every stopfrom 45 mph (70 km/h) can cost up to anextra one quart (one liter) of fuel.


Fuel Economy Driving 195

Driving HabitsThe way in which a vehicle is being drivenis the one factor which has the greatest in-fluence on fuel consumption. Correctdriving saves fuel and reduces vehicle wear.To achieve optimal running economy, thedriver should always remember to:

• Start the engine correctly (especiallyimportant in winter season)

• Maintain an even and correct speed• Keep the engine at its optimum speed

range• Use the correct uphill and downhill

driving technique.

Starting the EngineStart the engine according to the instruc-tions in the Operator’s Manual of theengine manufacturer (for a Volvo engine,see page 198). A proper start, especiallyduring the cold season, saves fuel and re-duces engine wear.

Sluggish lube oil in the engine makes coldstarting more difficult. Therefore, it is im-portant to always use engine oil with thecorrect viscosity. (For the sake of the over-all fuel economy, it is also important tohave the right viscosity of transmission andrear axle oils.)


196 Fuel Economy Driving

Avoid High Engine SpeedsHigh engine speeds mean high fuel con-sumption. Jerky driving also increases fuelconsumption when the vehicle is constantlyaccelerated and slowed down. Avoid ahigher consumption by steady, even driving.

Refer to each engine manufacturer’s opera-tor’s manual for information on theengine’s optimum operating range.

Hill Driving TechniqueUse the inertia of the vehicle to go over thecrest of a hill under reduced power. Usegravity to help with acceleration when go-ing down the hill. Build up speed beforereaching the next uphill.

High SpeedWith increasing speed comes an increasingwind resistance that negatively affects fuelconsumption.


Engine Start and Operation 197

Starting the EngineStart ProcedureNOTE! For cold weather starting, see page202.

These starting and operating proceduresshould be followed for all engines. Formore detailed information about design andfunction on a non-Volvo engine, read theOperator’s Manual from the engine manu-facturer.

NOTE! Before starting the engine, see“Instruments and Controls” (starting onpage 64) for detailed information on howthe gauges and telltales work.

Do not use ether or similar starting aidsin a Volvo or any other engine with starthelp. The Volvo engine is equipped witha preheater. Introduction of ether orother combustible material in the intakemanifold could cause a fire or explosion,resulting in severe property damage, se-vere personal injury or death.

Never operate the starter without firstplacing the transmission in neutral ordepressing the clutch pedal. Failure tofollow these instructions may result inthe unintentional movement of the vehi-cle resulting in property damage,personal injury or death.



198 Engine Start and Operation

1 Before starting the engine, perform theengine pre-trip inspection and dailymaintenance checks in “Pre-Trip In-spection and Daily Maintenance”starting on page 28.

2 Make sure the parking brakes are en-gaged.

3 Place the transmission in neutral ordepress the clutch pedal.



Do not crank the engine for morethan 30 seconds at a time; wait twominutes after each try to allow thestarter to cool. Failure to followthese instructions could causestarter damage.

NOTE! Some starters are equippedwith an optional thermostat. If over-cranking occurs, the thermostat breaksthe electrical circuit to the starter mo-tor until the motor has cooled.

Turn on the ignition with the switchkey (see page 201 for ignition switchinformation). Some telltales will lightup in a routine check that shows thatbulbs and systems are OK. The�INFO and �STOP telltales willstay on between 3 to 10 seconds.If any of the telltales stay lit, thatfunction of the vehicle may not be op-erable. Do not operate the vehicle untilthe problem is repaired.



Engine Start and Operation 199

5 Turn the key on to the start position.Release key as soon as the engine hasstarted. For the Volvo engine, the pre-heater can be engaged to help startingin cold temperatures. For switch func-tion, see page 201.



If at start-up, or thereafter, the oilpressure gauge indicates any dropin oil pressure, the engine must beshut down immediately. Failure tostop the engine may cause majorengine damage.

When the engine has started, it takes awhile to send lubricating oil to allbearings and shafts, and between pis-tons and liners. Wait for the oilpressure gauge to settle at a normallevel, then bring engine speed up grad-ually. Increase speed as it warms up.Check all gauges during warm-up.

7 During warm-up, apply load graduallyuntil the oil temperature reaches 140�F(60�C). To start a loaded vehicle, theminimum coolant temperature must beapproximately 120�F (50�C).



200 Engine Start and Operation

Stopping the EngineAllow the engine to slow down and idle for3 to 5 minutes before shutting it off. Thisallows the turbo to slow down and thecooling system to dissipate the engine heat.Switch the engine off by turning the igni-tion key to the O, or OFF, position.


Shutting off an engine immediately afterhigh speed or full load operation candamage the turbo and cause heat stressin the engine. Always let the engine idlefor 3 to 5 minutes before shutting it off.


Engine Start and Operation 201

Ignition SwitchThe ignition switch is located on the rightside of the steering column just under thesteering wheel. Standard equipment is anormal ignition switch.

A steering wheel lock is available as an op-tion. When the key is removed it actuates adetente pin that prevents the steering shaftfrom turning.

NOTE! The vehicle is delivered with 2identical keys. If more keys are needed,order them through your Volvo Truck au-thorized dealer. The keys are laser cutand require a special machine for copy-ing, available through your Volvo Truckdealer. Record the key code and keep ina secure place. A new key can be made,using the key code, if the keys are lost.


The ignition positions are:

O Off

I Radio, Accessories

II Drive

II 1/2 Preheat (Volvo engine only)

III Start

The ignition switch has a restart inhibitorlocking out the start position after one try,which means that the key must be turnedback to O before a new attempt at startingcan be made.

The key can only be removed when in theO or Off position.

For full starting instructions, see page 198.



202 Engine Start and Operation

Cold Weather Start and OperationVolvo Engine Cold StartNOTE! These cold start instructions are forVolvo engines only. For other enginemakes, see the manufacturer’s handbook.

Do not use ether or similar starting aidsin a Volvo or any other engine with starthelp. The Volvo engine is equipped witha preheater. Introduction of ether orother combustible material in the intakemanifold could cause a fire or explosion,resulting in severe property damage, se-vere personal injury or death.

NOTE! Volvo engines have a unique coldstart feature. Depending on the ambienttemperature, the engine cranks two to fourturns without injecting fuel. This providescleaner combustion at start-up and pro-motes longer engine life.

To avoid excessive exhaust smoke whenstarting a cold engine, the intake air shouldbe warmed up by using the preheater.

Turn the ignition key to the preheat posi-tion and hold momentarily to engage thepreheater. It remains engaged and will lightthe preheater telltale between 0 and 50 sec-onds, depending on the engine coolanttemperature.



Engine Start and Operation 203



Time (seconds)

Above +120�F (50�C) 0

Above +50�F (10�C) 0

Between +4�F (-15�C)and +50�F (10�C)

25 ± 2 to 50 ± 2

Below +4�F (-15�C) 50

When the engine has started, the preheatermay be re-engaged to assist in faster enginewarm-up. To re-engage, turn the key to thepreheat position and the preheater will en-gage. The starter will not engage as thestart position is locked out.

Engines Without Preheater

Engines not equipped may, depending oncoolant temperature, take longer to start. Ifthis should happen, do not release the igni-tion key until the engine has started (whilestill observing the 30 second maximumcranking time).


204 Engine Start and Operation

Ether Start

Do not use ether or similar starting aidsin a Volvo or any other engine with starthelp. The Volvo engine is equipped witha preheater. Introduction of ether orother combustible material in the intakemanifold could cause a fire or explosion,resulting in severe property damage, se-vere personal injury or death.

Do not breathe the ether fumes. Breath-ing ether fumes could result in personalinjury or death.

If using a cold start system, make sureto read and follow the manufacturer’sinstructions regarding its use, handlingand storage. Many starting fluids aresold in capsules or pressure cans andimproper usage can be dangerous, result-ing in personal injury or death.

Ether allows combustion with lower cylin-der temperatures. A hand-held spray can forinjecting ether through the engine air intakesystem will usually provide quick startingto as low as -10�F (-23�C). Below this tem-perature, a permanently installed system forinjecting a combustible vapor directly intothe intake manifold is necessary.

Only inject ether vapors when the engine iscranking. Use it sparingly! Excessive etheruse can cause piston and ring damage.



Engine Start and Operation 205

Cold Weather OperationIf the engine is in good mechanical condi-tion and the necessary preparations aretaken for cold weather operation, ordinarycold weather will not cause difficulty instarting or loss of efficiency.

Cold weather operation does requirechanges in operating practices, maintenanceprocedures, lubrication and fuel. Additionsto the vehicle, such as heated fuel filters,fuel tank heater, engine block heater, win-terfront, etc. can make winter operationeasier. Contact your Volvo Truck dealer forthe correct accessories and informationabout installation.

If satisfactory engine temperature is notmaintained, increased engine wear willresult in higher maintenance cost. Acces-sories should be designed to be easilydisconnected when switching to driving inwarmer weather so they do not affect theoperation of the engine.

For cold weather operation follow theserecommendations:

• When starting the engine in tempera-tures below 32�F (0�C), use enginelubricants of lower viscosity. See the“Operator’s Manual, Maintenance andEngine” for more information.

• When the temperature is below freez-ing, make sure the concentration ofantifreeze in the coolant is sufficient toprevent freezing. See “Operator’sManual, Maintenance and Engine” formore information.


206 Engine Start and Operation

• During cold weather, give more atten-tion to the condition of the batteries.Test them frequently to ensure suffi-cient power for starting. A deadbattery may freeze.

• Fuel cloud point is the temperature atwhich wax crystals become visible,which is generally above the pourpoint of the fuel. To keep the fuel fil-ter elements from plugging with waxcrystals, the cloud point should be nohigher than the lowest ambient temper-ature at which the engine must start.

To prevent wear and possible damage to theengine when it is cold, gradually bring it upto operating temperature before operating athigh engine speeds or full load. After start-ing and before moving the vehicle, run theengine at 800 to 1000 r/min for 3 to 5 min-utes. Operate at partial engine load until thecoolant temperature reaches 165�F (75�C).

Engine Block Heater (option)An electric engine block heater can be in-stalled for keeping the coolant hot when thevehicle is parked. The heater is mountedthrough the side of the engine block withthe heater coils in the coolant jacket. Theheater does not interfere with normal oper-ation and can be permanently installed.

The heater runs on 120 V and has an easilyaccessible plug, located under the driverside door. The plug will hook up to a nor-mal extension cable.


Engine Start and Operation 207

Oil Pan Heater (option)Oil pan heaters aid low temperature startingby improving oil flow to critical parts inthe engine. This helps prevent engine wear.They are similar to block heaters and arewired into the same plug as the enginecoolant heater.

Fuel Heater Filter (option)If running in very cold weather, a heatedfuel filter should be added. A number ofdifferent fuel heaters are available as op-tions. They are electrically heated andregulated by a thermostat. They are typi-cally built into the primary fuel filterhousing.


Fuel Tank Heater (option)An in-tank fuel heater is also available. In-tank heaters use hot engine coolant towarm the fuel. This prevents wax formationin the fuel during cold season operation.These heaters are thermostatically con-trolled and will automatically raise the fueltemperature to an optimum level.


208 Engine Start and Operation

WinterfrontVolvo Trucks North America, Inc. does notrecommend the use of winterfronts, shuttersor any other shield in front of the grille orradiator package under normal circum-stances.

Today’s electronically controlled enginesare designed to operate in cold tempera-tures without a winterfront. These devices,if not used properly, can cause higher ex-haust temperatures, power loss, excessivefan usage, failure of the charge-air-coolerand a reduction in fuel economy.

Winterfronts are properly used in the win-tertime during very cold weather withsustained temperatures below -15�F(-25�C). In these cases, coolant and inletmanifold temperatures must also be care-fully monitored and controlled.


Failure to remove the winterfront whentemperatures go above -15�F (-25�C)could cause severe damage to engine,charge-air-cooler and/or loss of fueleconomy.

If a winterfront is used, it must conform tothese specifications:

• The grille coverage should be suchthat airflow through to the charge-air-cooler is at a uniform rate over theentire area. This means that a single,small opening in the winterfront is notacceptable.

• Air passage must be distributed evenlyacross the grille and no more than85% can be covered.

Please see your local Volvo Trucks dealerfor Volvo recommended winterfronts.

NOTE! If there is engine or related dam-age that can be traced to an improperlyused winterfront, the warranty is no longervalid for those parts.


Engine Start and Operation 209

Engine OperationGeneralProper operation, driving techniques andmaintenance are key factors in obtainingthe maximum life and economy from amodern turbocharged diesel engine. Thissection has operational information aboutthe components that make up the engine.For the best operation economy, see “FuelEconomy” page 190.

When changing gears, avoid lugging toextend engine life. When the engine is op-erating at full throttle and maximumgoverned speed cannot be reached or main-tained, the engine is lugging. Whenapproaching a hill requiring more power, itis necessary to downshift the transmissionas the vehicle goes into the grade. Acceler-ating to the governed engine speed willgive additional power at approximately thesame road speed. For shifting instructions,see the transmission manufacturer’s Opera-tor’s Manual.

Always start moving the load in a gear lowenough so that the engine can be acceler-ated to the governed speed. Then shift tothe next gear as the engine decelerates. Forloaded vehicles, do not skip a gear or lugthe engine while getting up to cruisingspeed. For empty or light loads, it is per-missible to skip gears.

When operating on a level highway or atcruising speed, hold the engine speed at ap-proximately 75 to 85 percent of governedspeed (1400 to 1600 r/min for large dis-placement engines) to achieve power andeconomical fuel consumption.


210 Engine Start and Operation

The operator should understand the operat-ing characteristics of the engine the vehicleis equipped with. Modern diesel engineshave maximum torques at much lower en-gine speeds than in the past. As such, theseengines are designed to perform satisfacto-rily at a lower speed. New transmissionswith wide ratio steps between gears de-mand the use of these engines.

Excessive exhaust smoke may be due to thetype of fuel used, a restricted air cleaner, amalfunctioning fuel system or the way thevehicle is operated. Shift gears and increaseor decrease the engine speed as necessaryto obtain the engine speed/transmissiongear combination which will prevent smok-ing. Excessive smoke indicates wasted fuelwhich creates carbon deposits in the engineand turbocharger. This causes excessive en-gine wear and oil consumption. Excessivesmoke not only polutes the atmosphere butcan also cause shortened exhaust systemlife.

Engine Break-InEngines used in the VHD-series are run ondynamometers before being shipped fromthe manufacturer. In most applications, theengine can be put to work immediately, butthe operator should be extra observant ofthe operating conditions shown on thegauges during the initial 100 hours or 3000miles (5000 km).

A more frequent check of the engine com-partment for fluid leaks, fluid levels andfastener tightness is also recommended dur-ing the initial period.


Engine Start and Operation 211

Engine Shut-Down System

Failure to take the necessary precautionswhen the �INFO or �STOP telltalesare on, can ultimately result in automaticengine shut-down and the loss of powersteering. Vehicle crash can occur.

The engine shut-down system will automat-ically derate or stop the engine when oneor more of the systems listed below reachesa critical stage:

• High Coolant Temperature

• Low Oil Pressure

• Low Coolant Level

Derate and shut-down functions may be ap-plied differently, or added to, depending onthe engine manufacturer. See the engine op-erator’s manual for more information.

When the shut-down is activated, thetelltales come on and the buzzer is also ac-tivated. From that time it will take 30seconds before the engine shuts down. Inthis time period, find a safe place to pulloff of the road.

After the engine has been shut down by thesystem, the override will allow a restart ofthe engine for a period of 30 seconds. Thisis so that the vehicle may be pulled off ofthe road, if necessary. The alarm will re-main activated until repairs have been madeto correct the problem.


The operator should not continuallyoverride the system as this can cause se-rious damage to the vehicle’s engine.




212 Engine Start and Operation

Engine OverspeedThis vehicle is equipped with a diesel en-gine and should not be operated in an areawith a concentration of hydrocarbon vapors(for example gasoline or diesel fuel fumes).Be especially cautious of low-lying orclosed-in areas. The vapors may be drawninto the engine through the air intake andcause the engine to overspeed. Hot carbonand other sparks may come from the ex-haust system, and cause an explosion andfire.

If the vehicle is in an area where hydrocar-bon vapors may be present, shut the engineoff immediately if any abnormalities areexperienced. Do not leave it unattended.

The diesel engine will operate on anyfuel which enters the cylinder, whether itis from the injectors or from the air in-take system. Therefore, if any solvent isused to flush out the air cleaner element,the engine may overspeed duringstart-up. Engine damage and severeinjury and/or death from burns or explo-sion can occur.

Do not use ether or similar starting aidsin a Volvo or any other engine with starthelp. The Volvo engine is equipped witha preheater. Introduction of ether orother combustible material in the intakemanifold could cause a fire or explosion,resulting in severe property damage, se-vere personal injury or death.



Engine Start and Operation 213

IdlingAll engines in the VHD models are elec-tronically governed engines. The idle speedis pre-programmed from the manufacturer.Low idle speed is adjustable within certainlimits (for most engines between 600 to 750r/min). See page 214 for more information.

The common belief that idling a diesel en-gine causes no engine damage is wrong.Idling produces sulfuric acid, which breaksdown the oil and eats into bearings, rings,valve stems and engine surfaces.

NOTE! Avoid excessive idling. If the vehi-cle is parked for more than 5 minutes, stopthe engine. An engine can burn from 0.75to 1.5 gallons (3 to 5.5 liters) of fuel perhour while idling. During long engineidling periods, the engine coolant tempera-ture may fall below the normal operatingrange*. Incomplete combustion of fuel dur-ing the warm-up period can cause dilutionof the oil in the crankcase, formation oflacquer or gummy deposits on the valves,pistons and rings, and rapid accumulationof sludge in the engine.

*Volvo engines are equipped with awarmholding device (EPG = Exhaust Pres-sure Governor) to keep engine to normaloperating temperature to prevent incom-plete combustion, even at idle.


214 Engine Start and Operation

Low Idle AdjustmentIf the engine coolant temperature is above122�F (50�C), the vehicle is stationary (en-gine running; accelerator released; parkingbrake on) and the PTO not engaged, the en-gine low idle speed can be adjusted withthe use of the cruise control function.

1 Set the cruise control switch to theON position.

2 Depress the foot brake pedal. Hold itdown during the entire procedure.

3 Move the cruise control switch to theRESUME position and hold it therefor four seconds. Release the switch.The engine speed will drop to the de-fault low idle.

4 The idle speed is adjusted up with theSET+ switch. Each time the SET+switch is pressed momentarily, idlespeed will increase approx. 10 r/min(the speed cannot be increased abovethe maximum allowed by the enginemanufacturer).

5 The idle speed is adjusted down withthe SET- switch. Each time the SET-switch is pressed momentarily, the idlespeed will decrease approx. 10 r/min.(the speed cannot be adjusted belowthe low idle set by the engine manu-facturer). By continuously pressing theswitch, engine speed will ramp up(SET+) or down (SET-).

6 When the desired engine idle speed isreached, push and hold the SET andmove the cruise control switch to theRESUME position at the same timeand hold them in position for four sec-onds. Release the switches.

7 Release the brake pedal to set the newidle speed. If an error was made dur-ing the adjustment procedure, thedefault idle speed will be maintained.


Before setting the idle, apply the parkingbrakes and place the transmission inneutral. Failure to do so can result in un-expected vehicle movement and cancause serious personal injury or death.


Engine Start and Operation 215

Idle Shutdown TimerThe idle shutdown timer can be pro-grammed to shut the engine down after aspecific engine idling time. The programcan not be changed by the operator butrequires a special tool (Pro-Link) that con-nects to the engine electronic control unit.This is available at your Volvo Truck dealer.

The time can be set to these time intervals:

Volvo 1 to 40 minutes

Cummins 1 to 100 minutes

Detroit 2 to 100 minutes

The engine will shut down at the set timeunder the following conditions:

• Vehicle speed is 0.

• Engine is running at idle speed.

• Coolant temperature is above113�F (45�C).

• Parking brake is applied.

These are the standard choices when thevehicle is delivered. For other customeradaptation choices, contact your VolvoTruck dealer for more information.


216 Engine Start and Operation

Uphill OperationFor best performance, allow engine speedto reach the bottom of the rated torquerange before downshifting. Continue todownshift in this manner until a gear isreached that will maintain the desiredspeed. Continue to operate at the ratedtorque if the vehicle will make it to the topwithout a downshift. Begin upshifting asthe grade of the hill decreases and the en-gine begins to accelerate above 1600 r/min.Driving this way will give the best fueleconomy and performance.

NOTE! Allowing the engine to lug downto the end of maximum torque range is per-missible if the vehicle is cresting the top ofa hill. However, extended operation at en-gine speeds below the maximum torquerange (usually 1100 to 1200 r/min) willraise exhaust temperature and cylinder pres-sure. This can lead to reduced engine life.

Downhill Operation


Do not exceed engine manufacturer’srecommended maximum engine speed.Engine damage can occur. If equippedwith an engine or exhaust brake, do notexceed 2300 r/min.

On a downgrade, do not coast with theclutch pedal depressed or the transmissionin neutral. Select a gear that does not allowthe engine speed to exceed the enginemanufacturer’s maximum engine speed rec-ommendation. Use the engine or exhaustbrake and/or the service brakes to controlthe vehicle speed. A simple rule is to selectthe same gear used to go up the grade.


Engine Start and Operation 217

High Altitude OperationEngines lose power when operated at highaltitude because the air is too thin to allowburning as much fuel as at sea level. Fornaturally aspirated engines, this loss isabout 3 percent per 1000 feet (300 m) in-crease in altitude above sea level. Mostturbocharged engines are rated for higheraltitudes and will not lose as much poweras a naturally aspirated engine.

An engine will produce excessive exhaustsmoke at high altitude unless a lower gearis used. Shift gears as needed to avoid ex-cessive exhaust smoke.

Closely monitor the gauges during high al-titude operation. The thinner ambient airreduces the efficiency of the engine coolingsystem. Engine overheat or cylinder dam-age could occur if the engine is operated atfull load for extended periods at high alti-tudes in hot weather. Downshift and reducevehicle speed to reduce engine load whendriving on long grades in these conditions.This will help keep engine air intake mani-fold and coolant temperatures within safelimits.


218 Engine Start and Operation

Cruise Control

Do not use the cruise control in heavytraffic, with ice/snow on the road or dur-ing other unfavorable conditions. Thismay lead to a loss of vehicle control,causing a vehicle crash and can result inpersonal injury or death.

EngagingThe cruise control switches are located onthe turn signal lever.

To engage and set desired speed:

1 Set the cruise control switch to ON.

2 When the desired vehicle speed hasbeen reached, momentarily press inthe SET+ or SET- switch on the endof the lever.

3 If the speed needs to be increased,press the SET+ switch. The vehiclespeed will increase as long as theSET+ switch is pressed (speed will notincrease above the maximum pro-grammed speed). Release when thedesired speed has been reached.

4 If the speed needs to be decreased,press the SET- switch. The vehiclespeed will decrease as long as theSET- switch is pressed (speed will notdecrease below the minimum pro-grammed speed). Release when thedesired speed has been reached.

NOTE! The cruise control cannot be en-gaged at speeds below approximately30 mph (45 km/h) and engine speed belowapproximately 1000 r/min.



Engine Start and Operation 219

DisengagingThe cruise control is disengaged if thebrake or clutch pedal is depressed, or if thecruise control switch is set to OFF. If theignition key is turned back to the acces-sories position (R), the cruise controlsystem will automatically be disengaged.

Resuming Vehicle SpeedThe previously selected cruise speed is re-tained in the memory. When the cruisecontrol switch is pushed to the RESUMEposition, the vehicle resumes the previouslyset speed (provided vehicle speed exceedsapproximately 10 mph (15 km/h) when theswitch is pressed).

AccelerationMomentary acceleration (such as for pass-ing another vehicle) does not interruptcruise control operation. After passing, re-lease accelerator and let the vehicle slow tocruise control speed. The previously setspeed will then be maintained without hav-ing to set the switch to RESUME.


On vehicles equipped with Eaton VO-RAD SmartCruise, cruise control isdisengaged in the event the SmartCruisesystem fails to operate. You must stopthe truck, turn the ignition off and on,and activate the control twice in orderfor the cruise control to operate.

NOTE! Read the Eaton VORAD CollisionWarning System Driver Reference Manualbefore taking the vehicle out on the road.


220 Engine Start and Operation

Fuel Tank(s)Tank Cap

Do not remove the fuel tank cap near anopen flame. Diesel fuel vapors are com-bustible and can cause an explosion orfire, resulting in severe personal injuryor death.

The fuel tank caps have a pressure and athermal relief function built into the cap.These functions are designed to avoid fuelspills in the event of an accident. The pres-sure relief function of the safety ventingsystem has a crack pressure high enough toretain fuel in the tank regardless of the ori-entation of the vehicle [5 to 8 psi (35 to 55kPa)].

The thermal relief feature is large enoughto limit tank pressure to a safe level evenwhen the remaining fuel is boiling in thetank, but not so large as to dump fuel un-neccessarily. The thermal relief shouldrespond as much as possible to fuel tem-perature rather than flame temperature.

These features are also available on the op-tional lockable fuel tank cap.


Only replace the cap with a cap contain-ing the same features described above.Unneccessary fuel spills leading to in-creased fire hazard may be the result ofusing a cap without the pressure andthermal relief mechanisms.

In the case the cap is lost, it must be re-placed with a cap containing the samefeatures.




Engine Start and Operation 221

FuelingAir is always present inside the fuel tanks,entering mainly through the tank ventila-tion. With the air being heated up andcooled down, condensation is formed andwater is mixed in the fuel. To avoid con-densation when the vehicle is parked forlonger periods, fill the tanks up to 95% ofcapacity. Do not fill more than that, as thefuel needs to have room for expansion dur-ing the heat of the day.

Do not carry extra fuel containers in thecab. Fuel containers, full or empty, mayleak, explode or give added fuel to a fire.Failure to follow this precaution maylead to serious personal injury or death.

Do not smoke while fueling the vehicle.The glow from the cigarette can ignitethe diesel fuel, causing an explosion re-sulting in serious personal injury ordeath.


222 Clutch and Transmission


Before starting the engine, set the park-ing brakes and place the transmission inneutral. Failure to do so can result in un-expected vehicle movement and cancause serious personal injury and death.

Do not allow the clutch to slip excessively.This would cause excessive heat to be gen-erated and the clutch will be damaged andbring on premature failure. As soon as thevehicle is moving, remove the foot fromthe pedal for complete clutch engagement.Once the clutch is fully engaged, heat andwear does not affect it.

Do not shock load the drive line throughrapid engagement of the clutch. Extremecare should be taken when driving heavyloads up hills. Always use the lowest gearwhen starting out under adverse conditions.

When operating a vehicle equipped with aclutch brake, the clutch pedal should not bedepressed more than halfway to the floorwhile shifting, except when the vehicle isat a stop. To re-enter the low gear fromneutral or reverse, or to enter reverse gearfrom neutral or low, the clutch should bedepressed all the way to engage the clutchbrake. This stops the rotation of the trans-mission input shaft and provides an easy,quiet gear engagement.



Brakes 223

BrakesBrake Safety Information

Do not inspect or adjust parts or compo-nents in the brake system without settingthe parking brake, placing the transmis-sion in neutral and securely chocking thewheels. If the vehicle is not secured toprevent uncontrolled vehicle movement,it could roll and cause severe personalinjury or death.

Do not use replacement parts anywherein the brake system unless it conformsexactly to original specifications. A non-conforming part in your vehicle’s brakesystem could cause a malfunction, lead-ing to loss of control of the vehicleresulting in severe personal injury ordeath.

Do not ride the brakes going down steephills. The brakes could overheat and losetheir effectiveness. Always choose a lowgear before going down the grade andreduce speed to help control vehiclespeed. Losing the brakes going downhillcan lead to an accident causing seriouspersonal injury or death.

Do not operate the vehicle when there isa malfunction in the compressed air sys-tem. An air brake system with leaks orother malfunctions may prevent thebrake system from operating properly.The vehicle should not be operated untilthe system is repaired and all brake cir-cuits are working properly. Failure torepair the system can lead to loss ofcontrol of the vehicle resulting in severepersonal injury or death.

The brake system is a critical vehiclesafety system. For your safety and forthose around you, follow the recom-mended preventive maintenance checks.If any problems occur, have them inves-tigated immediately by an authorizedservice facility. Failure to properly main-tain the brake system can result incompromised brake efficiency and maylead to loss of control of the vehicle re-sulting in severe personal injury or death.

Do not drive through deep water. Thebrake system can be affected so thebraking efficiency is less or the brakespull the vehicle to the side. This couldlead to an accident leading to seriouspersonal injury or death.


224 Brakes

Do not release the parking brake or at-tempt to move the vehicle until brake airpressure in both circuits is at least 100psi (690 kPa). Failure to follow this pro-cedure may lead to uncontrolled vehiclemovement and cause severe personal in-jury or death.

Never release or drive a truck that has abrake discrepancy — no matter how mi-nor — until it has been repaired orcorrected. Failure to repair brake dis-crepancies can result in compromisedbrake efficiency and may lead to loss ofcontrol of the vehicle resulting in severepersonal injury or death.

GeneralAll Volvo vehicles are designed to meet orexceed all applicable federal brake stan-dards and regulations. They use a dualcircuit, compressed air system. It consistsof two independent brake systems that usea single set of brake controls. Each circuitis supplied by its own compressed air tank.Both air tanks receive compressed air fromthe same supply tank (wet tank) and arecharged with equal pressure. The two cir-cuits are interconnected for the parkingbrake system.

Air pressures in the two circuits are moni-tored by two pressure gauges on the rightside of the instrument cluster. The primary(rear) brake circuit gauge is marked with an“R” within a symbol and the secondary(front) brake circuit gauge is marked withan “F” within a symbol. The two pointersshould register equal or nearly equal pres-sure. By observing the gauge pointers, theoperator is forewarned in the event of apressure drop in either or both of the cir-cuits. See page 85 for more information.

Before operating the vehicle, check the airgauges which indicate air pressure. Theyshould not register less than 105 psi(725 kPa). Maximum pressure at any timeshould not exceed 150 psi (1035 kPa).



Brakes 225

Both circuits are piped into a dual brakevalve, which simultaneously applies frontand rear axle service brakes during eachbrake application. In the event of a failurein either one of the circuits, the other cir-cuit becomes the emergency circuit forapplying the brakes.


The Master Warning Telltale and buzzeralerts of a dangerous situation. Air pres-sure is low and the remaining air volumemay not be enough for repeated braking.Failure to heed this warning can resultin loss of braking control resulting in avehicle accident and injury or death.

An important feature of the brake system isthat an automatic spring brake applicationdoes not take place as a result of an air lossin only one of the two circuits. In this case,brake control remains in the foot brakevalve. In each air pressure gauge, there is awarning light connected to a low pressureswitch that comes on if air pressure goesbelow 60 psi (420 kPa). At the same time,the buzzer will sound and the main warningtelltale will come on. This pressure dropwarns the operator to make a manual emer-gency stop before an automatic emergencystop takes place.


Master Warning Telltale


226 Brakes

Brake System ControlsThe air compressor, governor, pressure reg-ulator valve and reservoirs are controldevices. Their function is to build up,maintain and control air pressure in thereservoirs. This is so that pressure is heldconstant between the minimum and maxi-mum range established for air brakeoperation.

The brake valve, quick release valve, brakechambers and slack adjusters are applica-tion devices. They distribute the airpressure and convert its energy into the me-chanical force necessary to apply or releasethe brakes.

Foot Brake ValveThe foot brake valve is directly connectedto the brake pedal. The valve gives a pro-gressive output against the pedal travel.This allows better control of the pressure inthe first half of the pedal travel. In the lasthalf of the pedal travel, the pressure outputincrease is faster.

The foot brake valve applies the servicebrakes, incorporating both the primary andsecondary air systems. The primary systemcontrols the rear brakes and the secondarysystem controls the front brakes. The footbrake valve receives air from the com-pressed air tanks. Air pressure is thendelivered to the wheel brake chambers asrequired by the amount of pressure exertedon the foot brake pedal. The brake chamberforce then applies the wheel brakes.



Brakes 227

From the operator’s viewpoint, operatingthe foot brake valve of a vehicle equippedwith air brakes differs very little from theoperation of a conventionally braked vehi-cle. Because the operation of the brakepedal requires scarcely more effort than de-pressing the average throttle pedal, airbrakes are naturally much easier to control.If the driver gives full attention to the fol-lowing suggestions, a little experience willmake him/her thoroughly familiar with theair-controlled braking of this vehicle.

Failure to observe these precautions canresult in loss of vehicle control and seri-ous personal injury or death can occur.

1 The best possible stop will be madewhen the first brake application is asfirm as the speed and road conditionpermit. Then, ease off as the speed isreduced. Never apply the brakeslightly at first and increase the pres-sure as the speed diminishes.

2 Do not fan the brake pedal. Fanninggives poor brake performance andwastes air.

3 The air brake is designed so that whenthe brake pedal is fully depressed, anemergency application results. Thisapplication should be made only in anemergency situation.


228 Brakes

4 In making a stop or a slow-down, al-low the transmission to remain in gearwith the throttle closed, disengagingthe clutch only when engine idlingspeed is reached.

5 When parking the vehicle, place thetransmission in neutral and set theparking brake before shutting downthe engine.

6 When descending a long grade, do notuse the service brakes too long or toooften. The brakes may overheat andlose their effectiveness.

7 Before descending a steep grade, thetransmission should be shifted into alower gear and the vehicle speed re-duced. Other speed retardation devicesshould also be used if available (en-gine brakes, retarders or trailer handcontrol valves).


Brakes 229

Parking Brake/Trailer Supply ValvesTrucks/Tractors may have two air controlvalves on the instrument panel:

• Trailer Supply (red octagonal knob)• System Park (yellow diamond knob)

The two air control valves are intercon-nected and interacting. The System Parkvalve supplies and controls the Trailer AirSupply valve.

The System Park valve knob (yellow)should be pushed in first, after sufficient airpressure is built up (apply foot brake to pre-vent vehicle from rolling). The Trailer AirSupply valve knob may then be pushed in.

The Trailer Air Supply valve knob and Sys-tem Park valve knob will automatically popout if the system pressure (both front andrear circuits) drops to 25 to 35 psi (170 to240 kPa). The tractor protection valve willthen close, the tractor spring brakes willapply and the trailer emergency system willbe activated.

On vehicles equipped with the standard twovalve system, the operation of one valve to-gether with the other permits the operatorto select the desired functions described be-low:

Red Valve(Trailer Air


YellowValve (Sys-tem Park)


Out Out SystemPark

In Out TrailerCharge

In In NormalRunning

Out In Bobtail




230 Brakes

Parking Brake ReleaseVHD models have engines equipped withengine electronic control units (EECU).These have two features that may impactthe brake system. One is the anti-stall de-vice in the EECU which senses torquedemand and automatically controls the en-gine to compensate and maintain speed. Ontractors equipped with parking brakes ononly one axle, the anti-stall device keepsthe engine from stalling, allowing the driverto pull away with the brakes dragging. Thismay result in overheated brakes and dam-aged wheel hubs.


Continual dragging of the brakes willcause brakes to overheat. This may leadto wheel end fire. To avoid overheating,make sure both parking brake knobs arepushed in before driving off.


If both the yellow and the red knobs arepulled out, the combined force of the twotrailer axles and the tractor drive axle issufficient to stall the engine. However, ifthe yellow knob is pulled out and the redknob is pushed in, a condition is createdwhere the trailer parking brakes are not ap-plied and only the single drive axle brakesare applied. In this condition, the vehiclecan be driven away. Therefore, it is veryimportant that the driver makes sure theyellow and the red knobs are pushed all theway in before driving the vehicle.



Brakes 231

There is also an engine shut-down devicein the EECU that shuts the engine down af-ter a pre-programmed time in order to savefuel. This is activated when the yellowparking brake knob is pulled out. There-fore, some drivers park and release theparking brakes using only the red knob tokeep the engine running. It is then easilyoverlooked that in a vehicle parked withboth the yellow and red knobs activated,only the red knob is pushed in by habit.



232 Brakes

Spring Brake For Parking

Never leave the vehicle without beingcertain the parking brakes are set or thatother precautions are taken to prevent thevehicle from rolling. Failure to do so canresult in serious personal injury or death.

The parking brake mechanism uses springpressure as a separate power medium to ap-ply the service brakes on the driving axles.The parking brake is released by the samecompressed air source used to apply theservice brakes. Since this brake is releasedby air pressure, the system must be chargedto at least 60 psi (420 kPa) before the park-ing brake may be released.

The parking brake spring tension is suffi-cient to hold a fully loaded vehicle onmaximum grades permitted on modernhighways, provided the brake drums andlinings are in good condition and the brakesare properly adjusted.


Do not use the spring parking brakes ifthe service brakes are hot, such as afterdescending a steep grade. Also, do notuse the spring parking brakes duringfreezing temperatures if the wheelbrakes are wet. To do so could damagethe brakes, if hot, or may cause them tofreeze during cold weather.

If the brakes are wet, drive the vehicle inlow gear and lightly apply the brakes toheat and dry them. Allow hot brakes tocool before using the parking spring brakes.



Brakes 233

There are several ways to determine if theparking brakes have been set. By pullingout the yellow knob:

• An audible rush of air will be heardwhen the parking brake knob is pulled.The air exhausts from the park brakevalve itself and from the spring brakechambers on the rear axle(s).

• A black ring around the base of theyellow control knob will be seen.

• The engine will stall if an attempt ismade to set the vehicle in motion.

• There will be a fluctuation in the airpressure gauge needles.

• You will not be able to pull the knobout any further.

Do not attempt in any way to disassem-ble or tamper with the spring brakechamber. The force stored in the spring,if suddenly released, can cause seriouspersonal injury or death.

Do not apply the parking brake whilethe vehicle is moving. The rear wheelsmay lock up causing loss of vehicle con-trol leading to an accident with severepersonal injury or death.


234 Brakes

Trailer Brake Hand Control

The trailer hand brake control is not aparking brake valve and must not beused as one. This brake is not designedto hold the vehicle stationary. Failure tofollow these instructions can result in theunintentional movement of the vehicleand may cause personal injury or death.

The hand control valve for the trailerbrakes engages the trailer brakes indepen-dently from the vehicle brakes. The valvecan be fully or partially engaged but in anypartial position it will be overridden by afull application of the foot brake valve.

To supply air to the trailer brakes to slowthe trailer down, pull the valve handledown. The farther the handle is pulleddown, the more air pressure is applied tothe trailer brakes. Releasing the self-returning handle releases the trailer brakes.


Air Tanks


When draining the air tanks, do not lookinto the area of the draining air. Dirt orsludge particles may be in the air streamand could cause eye injury.

Air tanks should be drained daily. Makesure the drain cocks close properly afterdraining. Empty moisture from air tanks bypulling the drain valve wire. The tanksshould be checked for condensation fluideven if an automatic drain valve is installed.



Brakes 235

The “121” Brake StandardThis manual refers occasionally to “121”brakes. Although some operators believe“121” only applies to vehicles equippedwith anti-lock devices, the “121” standardapplies to all vehicles that are capable ofon-highway operation.

The “121” is a Federal requirement alsocovering alterations or changes to parts orsystems related to the “121” standard oncethe vehicle has been placed in service. Theowner and operator should be aware that itis a violation for any repair facility to makeany part or component inoperative when itis required for “121” compliance.

Charging Air To Another VehicleThere are many methods which may beused to charge the air system of another ve-hicle. Vehicles equipped with the standardtwo-valve system (trailer supply andparking brake) must use the following pro-cedure when using the emergency trailer airline as an auxiliary air source, other than tocharge the trailer air reservoirs.

Before working on a vehicle, set theparking brakes, place the transmission inneutral, and block the wheels. Failure todo so can result in unexpected vehiclemovement and can cause serious per-sonal injury or death.

1 Connect the emergency trailer air lineto the auxiliary source.

2 Start the engine.


236 Brakes

Antilock Braking System (ABS)The vehicle has a standard brake system,equipped with an electronic speed monitor-ing and control system, Antilock BrakingSystem (ABS). ABS monitors wheel speedcontinuously but is not involved in control-ling the wheel speed unless there is anemergency. In normal braking applications,the standard air brake system is in effect.


For proper ABS operation, do notchange tire sizes. The size of the tiresinstalled during production are pro-grammed into the electronic control unit.Installing different sized tires could re-sult in a reduced brake force, leading tolonger stopping distances or accidents.

There is a sensor installed in each wheel ona monitored axle. The sensors transmit in-formation to the electronic control unit(ECU). The ECU interprets the signals andcalculates wheel speed, wheel retardationand a vehicle reference speed. If the calcu-lations indicate a wheel lock-up situation, asignal is sent from the ECU to the appropri-ate ABS modulator valve to reduce brakingpressure. During emergency braking, themodulator valve alternately reduces, in-creases or maintains air pressure in thebrake chamber to prevent wheel lock-up.


Brakes 237

During emergency or reduced-tractionstops, fully depress the foot brake pedal un-til the vehicle comes to a safe stop. DONOT PUMP the brake pedal. With thebrake pedal fully depressed, the ABS willcontrol all wheels to provide steering con-trol and a reduced braking distance.

Although the ABS improves vehicle controlduring emergency braking situations, theoperator still has the responsibility tochange driving styles depending on theexisting traffic, road and/or weather condi-tions. For example, the ABS cannot preventan accident if the driver is speeding or fol-lowing too closely on slippery surfaces.

The ABS control unit contains a self-testing program that is engaged each timethe ignition is turned on. The operator canverify the testing by listening for the ABSmodulator valves actuating twice in series.To increase the sound, hold down the footbrake pedal when the ignition is turned on.The self-test is not finished and the telltalewill stay on until the vehicle has started tomove. The wheel speed sensors are testedwhen the vehicle starts to move. If they testOK, the telltale will go out at approxi-mately 7 mph (11 km/h).


If any of the ABS telltales come on dur-ing driving or do not go out after a shorttime after turning on the ignition, takethe vehicle to a Volvo Truck dealer torepair the ABS or brake system. The ve-hicle can still be driven with a problemin the ABS system. However, ABS willnot be working and the standard brakingsystem will be in effect.



238 Brakes

Traction Control System (TCS) (option)The Traction Control System (TCS) usesthe same wheel sensors as the ABS to de-termine if one set of drive wheels isspinning much more rapidly than the wheelset on the other side. If the TCS determinesthat a wheel is spinning (with vehicle speedbelow 25 mph [40 km/h]), it operates thebrake system to apply some brake force tostop the spinning wheel(s). This puts thedrive power over to the stationary wheel(s).

If vehicle speed is above 25 mph(40 km/h), a signal is sent to the engineECU, which reduces the engine speed to beconsistent with vehicle speed. This actionhelps reduce the amount of wheel spin andgives the operator greater vehicle control.


The TCS includes a switch to turn off thefunction. When the switch is in the OFFposition, the TCS operates normally to in-crease traction if the drive wheels arespinning. When the switch is pressed once,the TCS telltale in the instrument clusterblinks continuously, indicating that the TCSis in mud/snow mode.

The mud/snow mode increases availabletraction on soft surfaces like snow, slush ormud by slightly increasing the allowablewheel spin. This prevents the wheels fromgetting bogged down. The TCS will resumenormal operation when the TCS switch ispressed again and the TCS telltale goes outor when the ignition is turned off.


Do not engage the differential lockswhile wheels are spinning. Serious dam-age to the differential will occur. Seepage 258 for more information.



Brakes 239

Vehicle Speed Retardation Devices

When operating a tractor bobtail (with-out a trailer) or on slippery roads, theengine brake switch must be in the“OFF” position. Failure to follow thisinstruction can result in loss of vehiclecontrol and serious personal injury ordeath.


A vehicle speed retardation device (suchas a “Jake-Brake,” “C-Brake,” “ExhaustBrake,” etc.) is not intended to bring thevehicle to a stop. A vehicle speed retar-dation device is only intended to retardthe vehicle speed under certain condi-tions.

NOTE! If a Volvo engine is equipped witha Volvo Engine Brake, the brake will notoperate with full power until the enginecoolant temperature has reached 110�F(45�C).

NOTE! It is normal for there to be a slightdelay in the application of a vehicle speedretardation device. When using devices ofthis type, be sure to think ahead and ana-lyze conditions in order to use the deviceproperly.

Failure to observe the above precautionscan result in loss of vehicle control andserious personal injury or death.


240 Brakes

Volvo Exhaust BrakeThe exhaust brake is standard on the VolvoD12 engine. It is used to reduce wear onthe brake linings. The exhaust brake ismost effective at high engine speeds (1500to 2300 r/min). The exhaust brake is auto-matically disengaged if the engine speeddrops to or below 1100 r/min.

The exhaust brake works by containing theexhaust gases in the exhaust manifold,thereby making the engine work against theback pressure. This provides a retardingforce on the drive wheels.

The exhaust brake is operated by a two-position switch in the right-hand switchcluster. For the exhaust brake to function,the following must be in effect:

• The switch is ON

• Accelerator and clutch pedals are fullyreleased

• Engine speed exceeds 1100 r/min

When the cruise control is engaged, the ex-haust brake automatically engages if theselected cruise speed is exceeded by ap-proximately 5 mph (8 km/h). The exhaustbrake is then disengaged when the speedhas returned to approximately 3 mph (5km/h) above selected cruise speed.

NOTE! For both exhaust and enginebrakes, use a “one gear” driving strategywhen going downhill to keep engine speedup for effective braking (for example: up-hill in 7th gear and downhill in 6th).



Brakes 241

Volvo Engine Brake (option)The Volvo Engine Brake (VEB) has ahigher braking effect than the exhaustbrake. The engine brake is most effective athigh engine speeds (1500 to 2300 r/min). Itis automatically disengaged if engine speeddrops below 1100 r/min.

The engine brake function is operated byone switch in the right hand switch cluster.It works together with the exhaust brake toprovide two levels of braking power. Theswitch has three positions: OFF, LOW andHIGH. With the switch in position LOW,only the exhaust brake is engaged. With theswitch in position HIGH, both the exhaustbrake and the compression brake are acti-vated. For the engine brake to function, thefollowing must be in effect:

• The switch is ON• Vehicle speed over 7.5 mph (12 km/h)• Engine temperature over 110�F (43�C)• Accelerator and clutch pedals are fully

released• Engine speed over 1100 r/min

When the cruise control is engaged, the en-gine brake automatically engages if theselected cruise speed is exceeded by ap-proximately 5 mph (8 km/h). The enginebrake is then disengaged when the speedhas returned to approximately 3 mph(5 km/h) above selected cruise speed.


Too Cold for Engine Brake (Volvo Engine Only)Position 2 of the engine brake should notbe switched on until the engine has becomewarm (over 110�F [45�C]). If position 2 isselected and the engine is too cold, thissymbol will be shown (however, VEB isnot activated).



242 Brakes

Jake-Brake Or C-BrakeThe Jake-Brake or C-Brake is optionalequipment for Cummins, and Detroit en-gines. These engine brakes are similar inoperation. Three power levels are availableby engaging 2, 4, or 6 cylinders when brak-ing (for Cummins M11, only two powerlevels are available).

It is operated by two switches in the righthand switch cluster. It works together withthe exhaust brake to provide two levels ofbraking power. The left switch is theON/OFF switch. The desired braking poweris selected with the right switch which hasthree positions: LOW, MED and HIGH (forCummins M11, only LOW and HIGH).

For the exhaust brake to function, the fol-lowing must be in effect:

• The switch is ON• Vehicle speed over 7.5 mph (12 km/h)• Engine temperature over 110�F (43�C)• Accelerator and clutch pedals fully re-

leased• Engine speed exceeding 1100 r/min

When the cruise control is engaged, the ex-haust brake automatically engages if theselected cruise speed is exceeded by ap-proximately 5 mph (8 km/h). The exhaustbrake is then disengaged when the speedhas returned to approximately 3 mph(5 km/h) above the selected cruise speed.

For more information, read the Jake-Brakeor C-Brake operator’s manual.



Brakes 243

Transmission RetarderThe Transmission Retarder is an optionwith Allison HD and MD transmissions. Itis activated by an on/off switch in the aux-iliary panel and is controlled by a stalkswitch mounted in front of the wiperswitch. You can set 6 different levels withthe stalk switch.

Do not use the retarder on wet or slip-pery roads. The retarder may causevehicle to slide and cause an accidentwhich could result in injury or death.

NOTE! The retarder is automaticallydisabled when the ABS (antilock brake sys-tem) is active.

NOTE! Vehicle brake lights are always onwhen transmission retarder is applied.


Apply the retarder only when engine isat closed throttle.


Observe transmission and engine tem-peratures. Select the lowest possibletransmission range in order to maximizethe cooling system capacity and retarda-tion. If overheating occurs, decrease theuse of the retarder and use servicebrakes instead. Check the retarderovertemp light.

For complete warnings and instructions, re-fer to your Allison Transmission manual.




244 Electrical System

Electrical SystemGeneral Safety Guidelines


Failure to repair a malfunction in theelectrical system can result in seriousdamage due to vehicle fire. Always let anexperienced electrical technician performrepairs. Always determine the source ofthe fault; do not just treat the symptoms.


Always wear eye protection when work-ing around batteries to prevent the riskof injury due to contact with sulfuricacid or an explosion.


Before replacing a damaged fuse, turnoff all functions for that circuit. Damageto the circuit can happen. Always re-place fuses and circuit breakers with thesame current/amperage rating. Neversubstitute a fuse with foil, wire or nails.Increasing fuse or circuit breaker ratingsor substituting a fuse with foil, wire ornails may result in electrical circuitoverheating and possibly fire.


Attempting to work on electronic com-ponents without proper equipment candamage internal parts with static elec-tricity.


Electronic circuits and components aredesigned to sense voltage differencessmaller than 1 volt. While static electric-ity is not normally dangerous to humans,it can seriously damage electronic cir-cuits and components. Circuit boardsmounted in the instrument cluster, forexample, may not fail immediately afterbeing hit with a static discharge. Rather,they may work for a while and then failfor no apparent reason. Therefore, al-ways work with proper grounding strapsand antistatic mats around electric com-ponents.


Today’s vehicles contain a high numberof electronic devices. It is very impor-tant to exercise caution when workingon a modern electrical system, chargingbatteries or jump starting the engine. Tominimize the risk of any damage to theelectronic components, follow the proce-dures below when work is being done tothe electrical system.

NOTE! Do not work on the electric systemwithout proper tools and training. Repair-work to the electrical system must be doneby trained professionals. Your Volvo Truckdealer has the right tools and trained tech-nicians.


Electrical System 245

Charging SystemAn alternator with an integrated regulator isused to supply power to the vehicle electri-cal system. The charging system voltageshould be checked periodically to preventovercharging or undercharging the batteriesand to detect any voltage drop in the wiring.


Battery BoxThe battery cover may also be a base forthe cab steps. To remove the cover, unhookthe two rubber latches and lift the cover upand out.

When installing the battery cover, makesure it is resting properly on the boxbefore fastening the latches. Faulty in-stallation may cause the cover to shiftwhen the steps are used, which may leadto a fall, causing serious personal injuryor death.

When inspecting or cleaning batteries,never smoke or expose batteries (or theareas around them) to spark or flames.The battery area may contain an explo-sive gas mixture that can ignite, causingan explosion, leading to serious personalinjury or death.



246 Electrical System

There may be three or four batteries in-stalled. Always make sure the batteries arefastened properly in the box.

When disconnecting battery terminals, al-ways disconnect the main ground terminalfirst. When reconnecting, always connectthe main ground terminal last.


Battery posts, terminals and related ac-cessories contain lead compounds,chemicals known to the state of Califor-nia to cause cancer and reproductiveharm. Wash hands after handling.


There are two styles of battery boxes avail-able. One is covered with a plastic coverand the other cover is made of chromed di-amond plated steel.




Electrical System 247

Battery Jump Starting and ChargingTo access the batteries on a vehicleequipped with side fairings, open the fair-ing access cover. On the second batteryfrom the front there are special, longerposts installed to accept jumper cables.

When jumping batteries to start an engine,it is important that the jumper cables areconnected directly from one set of batteriesin one vehicle to the other set of batteriesin the other vehicle (unless vehicle isequipped with optional Emergency StartSystem). This way the cranking current iscarried through the proper starter wiring.


Connect the jumper cables to the positive,or “hot” terminal first and ground terminallast. When disconnecting the cables, dis-connect the ground terminal first. Connectthe jumper cable clamps to the dischargedbattery first and to the booster battery last.Avoid creating sparks by making all con-nections quickly and firmly. Do not permitvehicles to touch each other when jumpstarting.

Do not attempt to jump-start a vehicleequipped with Delco Maintenance Freebatteries if the test indicator is light yel-low. Replace the battery instead.Jump-starting may cause battery to ex-plode causing skin burns from acid orserious personal injury or death.


Always wear eye protection when work-ing around batteries to prevent the riskof injury due to contact with sulfuricacid or an explosion.



248 Electrical System

Charging the BatteryHigh voltage machines that are used forwork on the vehicle can do damage to theelectrical system, especially to its electroniccomponents. Welding or quick-chargingmachines subject the wiring to excessivevoltage, which may often result in damageto electrical and electronic componentsanywhere on the vehicle.


Attempting to work on electronic com-ponents without proper equipment candamage internal parts with static elec-tricity.

Do not work on the electrical systemwithout the proper tools and training. Re-pairwork to the electrical system mustalways be done by trained professionals.Your Volvo Truck dealer has the right toolsand trained technicians.

Jump Starting the EngineIf the batteries are discharged to the pointwhere they do not have enough stored en-ergy to start the engine, they should berecharged using a low charge current, notto exceed 16 volts.

If the vehicle needs to be started immedi-ately, use starting batteries. Connect thebatteries according to the information onthe previous page.

DO NOT use battery chargers with“boosting” capability. These produce a highvoltage current that will cause damage tothe vehicle electrical and electroniccomponents.


Electrical System 249

Electronic Components


Electronic circuits and components aredesigned to sense voltage differencessmaller than 1 volt. While static electric-ity is not normally dangerous to humans,it can seriously damage electronic cir-cuits and components. Circuit boardsmounted in the instrument cluster maynot fail immediately after being hit witha static discharge. Rather, they may workfor a while and then fail for no apparentreason. Therefore, always work withproper grounding straps and antistaticmats around electronic components.



Welding on the vehicle can damage theelectrical system or components due tothe high voltage and current spikes thatnormally occur when welding. It ispreferable to avoid welding on an as-sembled vehicle. However, if anystructure on or in contact with thevehicle must be welded, follow the rec-ommendations below.


250 Electrical System


If there are other ground cables con-nected to the battery (such as engineECU, etc.), disconnect those ground ca-bles first, then remove the main batteryground cable. Electronic modules maybe damaged when additional grounds areconnected/disconnected without themain battery ground connected. Discon-nect the main battery ground last.

Before welding on the vehicle, electricalpower needs to be disconnected and somecomponents must also be disconnected:

• Disconnect both the negative (-) andpositive (+) battery cables. Disconnectthe negative cable first. Reconnect thepositive cable first.

• Disconnect engine/starter ground fromthe chassis. This connection is locatedoutside the left hand frame rail in theengine compartment.

• Disconnect the power harness and ve-hicle interface harness at the engineelectronic control unit (EECU).

• If the vehicle is equipped with systemsthat have their own ECUs (such as thevehicle ECU (VECU), ABS system,air bag or some transmission systems),disconnect each ECU at their electricalconnection.

• Disconnect the electrical connectionsat the rear of the instrument cluster.

• Reposition or shield any parts thatwould be damaged by hightemperatures.



Electrical System 251

• Attach the welder ground cable asclose to the weld area as possible (6inches or less from the place beingwelded).

• Do not connect the welder ground ca-ble to the EECU or its cooling plate.

• Welding cables should not be allowedto lay on, near or cross over any elec-trical wiring or electronic componentduring the welding procedure.

• After finishing welding and the weldedareas having cooled, inspect wiringand components for possible shorts ordamage. In the event of a short circuit,excessive current will be drawn whenthe batteries are reconnected, causingmore damage to the electrical system.


Do not weld on the engine or enginecomponents. Welding on the engine orcomponents mounted on the engine cancause serious damage to the engineECU.


252 Electrical System

Battery Protection System (option)An electronic battery monitor (“BatteryLifeguard”) may be installed in the electri-cal center. This monitor will disconnectcertain circuits if it senses that the batteryvoltage falls under a safe charging level.

Before disconnecting, the monitor willsound a loud and distinct alarm, alternatinglong and short beeps, for approximately60 seconds.

At the end of the alarm, the monitor discon-nects circuits to protect the batteries. Whenthe batteries are charged, either through thevehicle alternator or a connected batterycharger, the monitor will automatically re-store power to the disconnected circuits.

Disconnected circuits are connected to fusepositions F15 through 35. These circuits areprimarily feeding the sleeper area andheadlights.

Unless the batteries are held at an elevatedvoltage for several hours, they will only de-velop a “surface” charge. That charge willquickly go away and the relay will retrip.



Electrical System 253

Electrical Center


The electrical center is located in the mid-dle of the dash. All the relays and fuses inthe cab are collected here. The cover panelsare fastened with screws that can be turnedwith a coin. Since the function of somefuses or relays may change for the vehicleapplication, refer to the list of functions thatis attached to the underside of each panel.

All fuses and relays are accessible underthe top cover.


Fuses are standard. Reset breakers are avail-able as an option for some circuits. If a fusecontinues to melt or disconnect, the circuithas a malfunction and must be repaired.

If a breaker disconnects, the ignition ormain switch must be switched off beforethe breaker resets.


Failure to repair a malfunction in theelectrical system can result in seriousdamage due to vehicle fire.


254 Electrical System

The fuses and relays are all accessible un-der the top cover on the dash.


One type of fuse in the new electrical cen-ter are termed “mini-fuses” and require apuller tool to remove from the fuse block.The puller tool is part of the Owner’s Pack-age. To order a new puller, use part number20378326.


Mini-fuse puller tool


Electrical System 255

Power StudsOn the passenger side of the dash arepower studs for a CB hook-up. These studsare standard equipment. For a proper hook-up, use fork type connectors on the wiresor use “banana” plugs.


If stripped wire ends are used, makesure there are no wire strands that canbridge between the studs.

The red stud is the positive terminal andthe black stud is the ground terminal.Power from the studs must not exceed a10 amp draw. Before connecting any elec-trical accessory, make sure it is made for12 V operation.


The top tray is available as a CB mountwith a strap to hold different size radios se-curely in place.


12 Volt Power OutletsThere are a number of 12 V outlets thatcan be accessed in the cab. On the dash,there are cigar lighter and CB power studsas possible 12 V outlets.


256 Power Steering

GeneralThe power steering consists of an inte-grated gear and hydraulic power cylinder,and a power steering pump with fluid con-tainer. The pump, driven by the engine,provides hydraulic pressure to the powersteering. If the engine is not working, thesteering is only manual. With the powersteering not working, the effort required toturn the steering wheel is much greaterthan with power assist. If the power steer-ing assist fails, bring the vehicle to a safestop. Do not drive the vehicle until correct-ing the cause of the problem.

Do not drive the vehicle without powerassisted steering. When the power assisthas failed, the effort to turn the steeringwheel is much greater, especially insharp turns or at low speeds. This cancause an accident and lead to seriouspersonal injury or death.

While operating the vehicle, avoid ruts andobstructions which cause a binding condi-tion on the sides of the front wheels. Drivethe vehicle out of the rut, then turn thesteering wheel. If possible, avoid turningthe wheels while the vehicle is at a stand-still as this places a considerable load onthe power steering system and front axle.


Power Steering 257

Periodically check the power steering fluidreservoir and keep it filled to the properlevel with the recommended fluid. See the“Operator’s Manual, Maintenance and En-gine” for more information.

There is also a filter inside the reservoirthat needs to be changed every 12 months.


Adjustable Steering Column (option)The steering column is fixed as standard.An adjustable steering column is availableas an option. The adjustment device is op-erated by a pedal on the left side of thefloor. To make adjustments, depress thepedal and move the steering column to thedesired position and then release the pedal.

Do not try to make adjustments to thesteering wheel while the vehicle is mov-ing. Make all adjustments before startingto drive. Adjusting steering columnwhile driving could cause loss of vehiclecontrol leading to severe personal injuryor death.



258 Axles and Wheels

AxlesDifferential LocksThe drive axle(s) may be equipped withdifferential locks. The single drive axle willonly have a wheel differential lock. Withtandem drive axles, there could be bothwheel differential locks and an inter-axledifferential lock.


Never operate the vehicle with the dif-ferentials locked any longer than isnecessary as this places a great strain onthe axles and may cause rapid tire wear.

The differential lock should be used on icyor slippery surfaces. As soon as theslippery surface has been passed, the differ-ential lock should be disengaged.

Differential locks must not, under any cir-cumstances, be engaged when in awheel-spin situation. Engage the locksahead of the slippery area. If already slip-ping, stop the wheels, engage the locks andthen continue. If the differential locks areengaged when the wheels are spinning, thedifferential will be damaged and the rearaxle drive unit could possibly fail.


Axles and Wheels 259

Engaging the differential locks must alwaysbe done in the following way (see page 104for switch location):

1 Depress the clutch pedal. Wait for thedrive wheels to stop spinning

2 Engage the differential lock3 Engage a suitable gear4 Carefully release the clutch pedal

Do not drive on dry, paved surface withthe differential locks engaged. The vehi-cle will strive to maintain a straight line.Taking a curve with the differential locksengaged may cause an accident, leadingto serious personal injury or death.

Under normal traction conditions, do notengage the differential locks. If at all possi-ble, do not use the differential locks whiletaking a curve. With good traction and thedifferential locks engaged, the vehicle willbe understeered and therefore will tend todrive straight in a curve. When using lockson good traction surface, drive cautiouslyand do not exceed 25 mph (40 km/h). Dis-engage the locks as soon as possible.

When the differential locks are disengaged,the couplings may be under tension. Disen-gage the locks by returning the switch tothe OFF position. Help with the disengage-ment by briefly letting up on the acceleratorto relieve the torque on the couplings.


The telltales for the differential locks are inthe instrument cluster. See page 80 formore information on the telltales.



260 Axles and Wheels

Auxiliary Lift Axle

Before raising or lowering any of theauxiliary axles, be certain no one can betrapped by the axle movement. Failureto do so can result in a person beingtrapped between the wheel and the body,or between the wheel and the ground,resulting in serious personal injury ordeath.

Vehicles may be equipped with auxiliarylift axles. The lift mechanism operates withair pressure. To lower or raise the axle(s),press the top part of the switch in to raisethe axle and press the lower part of theswitch in to lower the axle.


Regulators for adjusting the air spring pres-sure are located on the outside of the cab,below the rear corner of the driver sidedoor. Regulators are operated by turning theknob counter clockwise for lowering pres-sure, and clockwise for increasing pressure.


Do not rely on gauges to determineaxle pressure. Weight must be verifiedon scales, and pressure in the air springsshould then be adjusted accordingly.



Axles and Wheels 261

WheelsGeneralDue to the size, equipment needed and theprocedures used to change wheels, thisshould be done through the Volvo Truckdealer. By having an expert technician per-form this procedure, personal injury andproperty damage may be avoided.

NOTE! When replacing the wheel equip-ment or tires, use the same size wheels ortires as originally manufactured. Changingthe tire or wheel size will affect brake per-formance. If changing tire size, ABS andspeedometer must be recalibrated.

Check Tightening Wheel Nuts

Failure to properly torque-tighten thewheel nuts can result in the breakage ofwheel studs and the subsequent loss ofwheels. Loss of vehicle control and seri-ous personal injury or death can occur.

Check tighten all wheel nuts after the first50 to 100 miles (80 to 160 km) and thefirst 50 to 100 miles (80 to 160 km) aftereach tire service. This applies to both sin-gle and dual wheels in connection withnormal service but should be performed atleast every six months.

This check tightening is particularly impor-tant when rims or brake drums are newlypainted. Paint can flake off from these sur-faces, causing the nuts to lose their gripand the wheel to loosen.

See the “Operator’s Manual, Maintenanceand Engine” for correct procedures ontightening the wheel nuts.



262 Axles and Wheels

Inflating TiresAlways check inflation pressures when thetires are cool, using an accurate tire pres-sure gauge. Check the pressures at regularintervals.


Never bleed the air from hot tires. In-creased tire pressure measured in a hottire is normal. Lower than recommendedpressures may cause side wall flexing re-sulting in increased tire heat. This maycause premature tire failure.


Tires and wheels must be serviced onlyby a qualified technician. Do not attemptto perform this work yourself. Inflatedtires on wheels contain compressed airand if suddenly released, do so with anexplosive force. Serious personal injuryor death can occur.

For specific information and warranty onrims and tires, contact the tire manufac-turer’s distributor. Check tires for abnormalwear. Also, check the tread depth.



Axles and Wheels 263

Wheel Bearing AdjustmentFor reliable operation and adequate servicelife, the wheel bearings must be properlyadjusted and checked during the service pe-riod. Loose wheel bearings could causepremature tire wear and possibly affect ve-hicle handling. See your Volvo Truckdealer for proper servicing.

Watch carefully for oil leaks and listen forunusual noises. These are indications ofworn bearings, bad seals or misadjustedbearings. These are problems which mustbe corrected as soon as possible.

Failure to keep wheel bearings properlyadjusted may result in accelerated tirewear, poor handling and, in extremecases, wheel separation from the hub orfrom the spindle.It is important that wheel bearings arechecked and adjusted regularly. Failureto properly maintain these bearings canultimately result in loss of vehicle con-trol and cause serious personal injury ordeath.



264 Fifth Wheel Instructions

Fifth Wheel General InformationThe standard fifth wheel is manufacturedby ASF. Other fifth wheels available as op-tions are Holland and Fontaine.

Things to think about with trailer hook-up:

• Check the load distribution betweenaxles.

• Always chock the trailer wheels.

• Grease the plate. No grease on theplate will produce heavy steering.

• Verify visually that coupling has oc-curred.

• Verify visually that plungers havelocked on slider.

• Check for slack between the 5th wheeland the trailer kingpin.

Always have all fifth wheel maintenanceand repairs done by a qualified techni-cian. An incorrect repair can cause thetrailer to separate from the tractor caus-ing an accident with serious personalinjury or death.


Fifth Wheel Instructions 265

Safety InformationFollow the instructions on the advisory la-bels attached to the various manufacturers’fifth wheels. An operator’s manual from themanufacturer is supplied with each fifthwheel and is provided in the Owner’s pack-age. W9000183

If the fifth wheel is equipped with a slidingmounting, follow the advisory labels at-tached to the component. Also, read theliterature provided by the manufacturer.


Always keep the fifth wheel plate welllubricated to prevent binding betweenthe tractor and trailer. A binding fifthwheel could cause erratic steering andloss of vehicle control that may result inserious personal injury or death.


Fifth WheelThere are three operating positions for thefifth wheel locking mechanism (ASF fifthwheel is shown):


266 Fifth Wheel Instructions

Locked — This is the position that the fifthwheel will be in with a trailer hooked up.In the locked position, the operating rod isretracted and the safety latch will freelyswing back and forth.


Lockset — This is the position the fifthwheel is in when uncoupling the trailer. Toachieve the lockset position, the operatingrod is pulled out with a slight upward mo-tion. The operating rod shoulder will catchon the plate casting. The safety latch is ro-tated toward the rear of the fifth wheel.


Open — This is the position the fifthwheel is in after the trailer is uncoupled.The jaw is open and the operating rod isnow dropped down and can be freelymoved around. The safety latch is rotatedtoward the rear of the fifth wheel. This isthe position the fifth wheel must be inwhen being coupled to a trailer.



Fifth Wheel Instructions 267

Fifth Wheel Slider (option)The fifth wheel comes standard with an airoperational slider. To remain within legalweight limits, this feature allows the driverto distribute the load easily on the axles.

The air operated slider takes the work outof adjusting the tractor for various trailerloads. The fifth wheel portion is easily ad-justed, even with a fully loaded trailerconnected.

Movement between the adjustable saddleplate and the stationary base plate rail canresult in wear, causing longitudinal, latitu-dinal and vertical slack. Field repairs canbe made to reduce this slack for additionalservice life.



268 Fifth Wheel Instructions

Unlocking the Fifth WheelAlways check out the entire fifth wheelequipment before attempting to couple to atrailer (ASF fifth wheel is shown):

• If not lubricated properly, add greaseto the top of the fifth wheel plate.

• Make sure the mounting of the fifthwheel to the frame is tight and in goodcondition.

• If using a sliding fifth wheel, makesure the slide locking plungers are in alocked position.

The following instructions are for preparingthe fifth wheel for coupling to a trailer:

Rotate the safety latch toward the rear ofthe fifth wheel.


Using a slight upward motion, pull the op-erating rod out until the operating rodshoulder is outside the fifth wheel operatingslot.



Fifth Wheel Instructions 269

When the shoulder of the operating rod isoutside of the operating slot, raise the oper-ating rod handle to its maximum upwardposition.


Release the operating rod. The upper shoul-der of the operating rod should now be incontact with the plate casting above the op-erating slot. The fifth wheel is now in thelockset position and a trailer can becoupled.



270 Fifth Wheel Instructions

Trailer Coupling ProceduresThis procedure covers vehicles with andwithout air suspension.

Failure to properly couple the tractorand trailer can result in their separation,causing death and property damage. It isimportant that the operating procedurescontained in this manual are fully under-stood and closely followed.

Using the following procedures, inspect theequipment before coupling to a trailer:

Make sure the fifth wheel is properly lubri-cated and the jaw is in the open position.



If the jaw is not in the open position,use a pry bar to rotate the jaw to theopen position. The lock is spring loaded.Keep hands away to avoid injury.

Use a pry bar to open the fifth wheel jaw,if necessary. W8001450

Make sure the plate is tilted downward tothe proper position at the rear.



Fifth Wheel Instructions 271

Make sure the mounting of the fifth wheelto the tractor frame is tight and in goodcondition.

If using a sliding fifth wheel, make sure theslide locking plungers are fully engaged.


Chock the trailer wheels. Use two chocks(both on the front and rear of the wheel) onboth sides of the trailer.


Back up close to the trailer, centering thekingpin on the throat of the fifth wheel, andSTOP.

NOTE! For tractors with air ride suspen-sion, make sure the suspension controlswitch is in the “RIDE” position (switchpushed in at the top) and the air springs areinflated.



272 Fifth Wheel Instructions

Connect the air brake lines and the electri-cal power cord. Make sure that any slack inthe lines is supported so that the brake linesdo not become entangled. Set the trailerbrakes by pulling out the Trailer Supplycontrol on the dashboard.


Check to see that the trailer is at the properheight for coupling. The leading edge ofthe trailer plate should initially contact thefifth wheel top plate surface about 8 in.(200 mm) behind the pivot point as thetractor backs under the trailer. Raise orlower the trailer landing gear as required toobtain this position.


Attempting to couple with the trailer atan improper height could result in afalse or improper couple and cause dam-age to the tractor, fifth wheel and trailer.

Back under the trailer, keeping the trailerkingpin centered in the throat of the fifthwheel. After picking up the trailer — STOP— then continue backing until the fifthwheel locks firmly on the kingpin. Stoppinghelps prevent hitting the kingpin too hard.

As an initial check, pull forward to test thecompleteness of the coupling.



Fifth Wheel Instructions 273


A direct visual check is required to en-sure proper coupling. Several types ofimproper couplings will pass the initialpull test. Sound is not reliable. Do nottake for granted that you are properlycoupled. Get out of the cab and look.


Failed trailer coupling

Make sure the trailer kingpin is in the jawslot and that the jaw is closed behind thepin. The kingpin should not overhang thefifth wheel or be caught in the greasegroove.

To verify that the kingpin is actually in thefifth wheel slot and the jaw is closed, thepin must be visually inspected from therear. Use a flashlight if necessary.


Make sure the trailer bed is resting on thetop surface of the fifth wheel plate, and thatthere is no visible gap between the fifthwheel and the trailer bed plate.

Proper pick-up and coupling to a traileris a serious matter. A trailer that be-comes disconnected while in motion isextremely dangerous to other traffic andmay result in death or severe personalinjury. To ensure a positive hook-up orcoupling, the procedures above shouldbe followed in every case.



274 Fifth Wheel Instructions

Make sure the operating rod is fully re-tracted, the safety latch is positioned abovethe handle and the latch swings freely.

If the fifth wheel is equipped with a manualsecondary lock, check to see that it is prop-erly engaged.

NOTE! If you cannot get a proper cou-pling, repeat this procedure. Do not use anyfifth wheel which fails to operate properly.


Check the kingpin to fifth wheel clearanceby moving the tractor backward and for-ward with the trailer brakes set. If theclearance appears excessive (more than1/8 in. [3 mm]), or if the jaw does not lock,the fifth wheel should be inspected by aqualified technician before proceeding.

Wind up the trailer landing gear (trailersupport) to its fully retracted position. Folddown or remove the crank handle and placeit in the crank handle holder.

Check the air brake lines and the trailerlight cord connections.

Remove the wheel chocks from the trailerwheels.

Proper pick-up and coupling to a traileris a serious matter. A trailer that be-comes disconnected while in motion isextremely dangerous to other traffic andmay result in death or severe personalinjury. To ensure a positive hook-up orcoupling, the procedures above shouldbe followed in every case.


Fifth Wheel Instructions 275

Trailer Uncoupling ProceduresFor Tractors With Air Ride Suspension:Set the system park brake on the tractor.

Set the trailer brakes by pulling out thetrailer air supply knob.


Chock the trailer wheels. Use two chocks(one on the front and one on the rear of thewheel) on both sides of the trailer.


Wind down the landing gear until it touchesthe ground and then give it a few extraturns in low gear. Do not raise the traileroff of the fifth wheel. Fold down or removethe crank handle and place it in the crankhandle holder.

NOTE! In poor ground conditions, it maybe necessary to provide a stable base forthe landing gear.


276 Fifth Wheel Instructions

Disconnect the light cord and air brakelines. Use the dummy air couplings to keepforeign material from entering the brakelines.

Unlock the fifth wheel.

NOTE! If the operating rod is too difficultto pull, back the tractor up slightly to re-lieve any kingpin load against the fifthwheel jaw.


Release the tractor park brakes and pull thetractor away from the kingpin about12 in. (300 mm) and STOP. Do not allowthe fifth wheel to leave the underside of thetrailer.


Select the “UNCOUPLE” position (pushdown the latch and press in the bottom partof the switch) on the suspension controlswitch to deflate the air springs.



Fifth Wheel Instructions 277

Wait about 30 seconds for the air springs todeflate.


With the suspension lowered, pull clear ofthe trailer and immediately select the“RIDE” position (press the top part of theswitch in) on the suspension control. Thisrestores the suspension to operating height.


The vehicle must never be driven withthe air springs deflated. Damage to airsuspension parts will occur if springs arenot inflated properly.


After the trailer is uncoupled, the fifthwheel will be in the open position. The op-erating rod will drop and can be movedaround freely.



278 Fifth Wheel Instructions

For Tractors Without Air Ride Suspension:Set the system park brake on the tractor.

Set the trailer brakes by pulling out thetrailer air supply knob.


Chock the trailer wheels. Use two chocks(both on the front and rear of the wheel) onboth sides of the trailer.


Wind down the landing gear until it touchesthe ground and then give it a few extraturns in low gear. Do not raise the traileroff of the fifth wheel. Fold down or removethe crank handle and place it in the crankhandle holder.

NOTE! In poor ground conditions, it maybe necessary to provide a stable base forthe landing gear.


Fifth Wheel Instructions 279

Disconnect the light cord and air brakelines. Use the dummy air couplings to keepforeign material from entering the brakelines.

Unlock the fifth wheel.

NOTE! If the operating rod is too difficultto pull, back the tractor up slightly to re-lieve any kingpin load against the fifthwheel jaw.


Release the tractor park brakes and slowlydrive the tractor out from under the trailer.Let the trailer slide down the fifth wheeland pickup ramps.


After the trailer is uncoupled, the fifthwheel will be in the open position. The op-erating rod will drop and can be movedaround freely.



280 Fifth Wheel Instructions

Operating the Fifth Wheel Slider


The trailer must be stopped and thetrailer brakes locked, or damage to thetractor and/or trailer may result from un-controlled sliding of the fifth wheel.

Stop the tractor and trailer in a straight lineon level ground.

Lock the trailer brakes by pulling out theTrailer Supply knob.

Release the slide locking plungers by mov-ing the switch to the “UNLOCK” position(press down the latch and push in the bot-tom part of the switch).


Check to see that both of the slide plungershave released. If the plungers do not comeout, lower the landing gear to relieve thepressure on the plungers. Lowering thelanding gear will also allow the fifth wheelto slide easier.



Fifth Wheel Instructions 281

Slowly drive the tractor forward or back-ward to position the fifth wheel.

After sliding the fifth wheel to the desiredposition, engage the slide locking plungersby moving the cab switch to the “LOCK”position (press in the top part of the switch).



Do not operate the vehicle if theplungers are not fully engaged and thetrailer landing gear is not fully retracted.Doing so may cause damage to the trac-tor, trailer and landing gear.

Visually check to see that the slideplungers are fully engaged. It may be nec-essary to leave the trailer brakes locked andto move the tractor slightly to engage theslide plungers into the rail.

Wind up the trailer landing gear to its fullyretracted position.



282 Emergency Information

Towing ProcedureGeneral


The driveshaft must be removed beforetowing the vehicle. Failure to remove thedriveshaft may result in damage to thetransmission.

Remove the drive shaft from the rear axlebefore moving the vehicle, unless it onlyneeds to be moved a small distance forsafety reasons. When the transmission isdriven from the rear wheels without the en-gine running, there is no lubrication in thetransmission.

Axle shafts must be removed if the vehicleis to be towed at speeds over 25 mph(40 km/h) or for a long distance. Openingsshould be covered to prevent loss of oil andentry of dirt and grit. Where oil-lubricatedbearings are used, openings should be thor-oughly sealed with metal discs and newgaskets before towing.


If a vehicle with air suspension is liftedby the rear frame member, there is a riskthat the air springs will separate fromthe spring plates. When towing has beencompleted, do not under any circum-stances use your hands to reposition theair springs. There is a great risk thatyour hand will be caught between springand plate causing personal injury.



Emergency Information 283


Do not tow a vehicle backwards whenequipped with roof air fairings. The fair-ings act as an air scoop and may breakoff. Failure to follow this warning maylead to personal injury and vehicle dam-age.


Vehicles with air fairings or large super-structures are tall. Make sure that thetotal height of the vehicle, when it israised up behind the wrecker, does notexceed the maximum allowed height forlocal underpasses. Failure to follow thisinstruction may lead to personal injuryand vehicle damage.

The vehicle may now be towed. It is rec-ommended that a wrecker with a lift bar isused since the service brakes will not func-tion. The system must be filled with air torelease the parking brake or follow the me-chanical spring brake caging procedures onpage 285.

NOTE! The power steering does not func-tion when towing a vehicle with a disabledengine.



284 Emergency Information

Towing Instructions


If the vehicle becomes disabled, it isvery important to tow it properly. Failureto do so can cause damage to the frameand body parts. Follow the instructionsbelow to avoid damage.

In the event that the vehicle cannot bereached to place the wrecker lift bar underthe front axle, use the tow hooks in thefront of the vehicle. The front tow hooksare used as a point at the front of the vehi-cle where the vehicle can be pulled.


When the vehicle is located properly, liftthe front and locate the lift bar under thefront axle and secure. Using the front axlefor towing minimizes the possibility fordamage to the vehicle body, frame and sus-pension.

NOTE! When the drive shaft or axle shaftsare reinstalled, make sure the nuts are tight-ened to the correct torques. Also make surethe axle shafts are installed in the propersides, with the left shaft in the left side andthe right shaft in the right side.


Emergency Information 285

Caging Spring Brake ChambersThe parking spring brake chambers may bereleased mechanically if there is no com-pressed air available.

Always start by chocking the wheels toprevent the vehicle from rolling. Chock-ing the wheels is important since youhave to work under the vehicle. Failureto do so can result in unexpected vehiclemovement and serious personal injury ordeath can occur.

In the event of brake system failure,where the spring chambers are caged, thevehicle cannot be driven. There wouldbe no means for stopping the vehicleand this could result in serious personalinjury or death. Before caging the springchambers, make the connection to a tow-ing vehicle or chock the wheels.

Remove the plastic plug in the front end ofthe chamber. Remove the screw from theholder in the side of the brake chamber. In-sert the screw into the front hole and pushin until it bottoms. Screw into the cylinderso at least 4 to 6 threads have entered.



286 Emergency Information

Install the washer and nut. Tighten the nut.This compresses the brake chamber springand releases the parking brake.

Do not attempt in any way to disassem-ble or tamper with the spring brakechamber. If the force stored on thespring is suddenly released, it can causeserious personal injury or death.



Service Information 287

Service Assistance and ManualsYour Volvo Truck dealer is trained andequipped to perform expert service on yourVolvo vehicle. Your dealer has direct accessto Volvo Trucks North America, Inc. fortechnical help, parts or service information.

There is also a direct number to Volvo Ac-tion Service (VAS), staffed 24 hours a day,if you are in need of assistance. The num-ber to the Customer Support Center is:1 (800) 528–6586 [or (800) 52–VOLVO].Also on the

VAS can offer:


If you have a breakdown,VAS can arrange for loadforwarding or equipmentrental.


Trained staff for handlingany vehicle problems.


VAS will locate the near-est service provider andguarantee payment soyou can get on the roadas soon as possible.


VAS audits service andparts billing to ensureguaranteed labor ratesand preferred partspricing for Volvo compo-nents.

There are also five regional offices that cangive information and help. They are locatedin five cities around the US:

Northeast Region - Philadelphia

Ph. (610) 695-6940Fx. (610) 993-2881

Southeast Region - Atlanta

Ph. (770) 751-3120Fx. (770) 751-3149

Midwest Region - Chicago

Ph. (630) 734-4600Fx. (630) 734-3086

Southwest Region - Dallas

Ph. (972) 404-3100Fx. (972) 404-3125

West Region - Salt Lake City

Ph. (801) 352-6301Fx. (801) 352-6350


288 Service Information

To order a single Service Manual or a Ser-vice Manual Set for your vehicle, youshould contact your authorized Volvo Truckdealer or fax a request to the Volvo TruckNorth America, Inc. publications warehouse[Fax: (336) 668–3625]. They will help youlocate the manual(s) you need.

To be able to handle the order correctly,you must give the model, year and VIN(for VIN location, see page 16).

Current prices for a Service Manual Set is$350.00 for vehicles with a Volvo engineand $300.00 for vehicles with a Cumminsor Detroit Diesel (engine manuals have tobe ordered separately from the manufac-turer). If complete wiring schematics areneeded, they can be ordered for $150.00.Billing will be done through the nearestVolvo Truck dealer.

NOTE! Prices subject to change withoutnotice. Please allow 30 days for delivery.

Name Company


CSZ (Province, Postal Code)

Vehicle Model Phone/Fax

Model Year VIN

Item 1:

Item 2:

Item 3:

Item 4:

Item 5:


Index 289


AABS Telltale . . . . . . . . . . 82Acknowledge Information and StopMessages . . . . . . . . . . 124Additional Safety Features . . . 46Air Conditioning . . . . . . . 168Air Filters, Cab . . . . . . . 178Air Suspension Gauge . . . . . 84Air Suspension Telltale . . . . . 82Air Tanks . . . . . . . . . . 234Airbag . . . . . . . . . . . . 55Alternator . . . . . . . . . . 245Antenna Multiplexer . . . . . 187Antennas . . . . . . . . . . 187Antilock Braking System (ABS) 236Auxiliary Lift Axle(s) . . . . . 260Auxiliary Switches . . . . . . 106Axles and Wheels . . . . . . 258

BBattery Jump Start . . . . . . 247Battery Protection System . . . 252Blind Spots . . . . . . . . . . 3Bobtail Operation . . . . . . . 4Brake Application Gauge . . . . 84Brake System Air Pressure Gauge 85Brake System Controls . . . . 226Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . 223Brakes, General . . . . . . . 224

CC-Brake . . . . . . . . . . . 101Cab Entry . . . . . . . . . . . 23Cab Interior . . . . . . . . . 184Caging Spring Brakes . . . . . 285Canadian Consumer Complaints . 6CB-Radio . . . . . . . . . . 189Change Bulbs In Instrument . . . 89Clutch and Transmission . . . 222Clutch Operation . . . . . . . 222Cold Weather Operation . . . . 205

Collision Warning System, VO-RAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63Comfort Clip . . . . . . . . . 54Communication and Entertainment187Coolant Temperature Gauge . . . 69Cruise Control . . . . . . . . 218

DDaily Maintenance Checks . . . 41Dash Overview . . . . . . . . 64Daytime Running Lights . . . . 98Diff. Lock Switch . . . . . . 104Diff. Lock Telltale . . . . . . . 80Differential Locks . . . . . . 258Display Menu: Data Log Mode 146Display Menu: Faults? . . . . 164Display Menu: Fuel Economy . 157Display Menu: Gauge . . . . . 153Display Menu: Password Input . 152Display Menu: Set-Up Mode . 126Display Menu: System Diagnostic 131Display Menu: Time/Distance . 159Door Locks . . . . . . . . . . 19Door Operation . . . . . . . . 20Downhill Operation . . . . . . 216Drive Axle Oil Temperature Gauge 83Driving Light Switch . . . . . . 99

EElectrical Center . . . . . . . 253Electrical Power Studs . . . . 255Electrical System . . . . . . . 244Emergency Information . . . . 282Emissions Control Compliance . . 8Engine Brake . . . . . . . . 101Engine Break-In . . . . . . . 210Engine Cold Start, Volvo . . . 202Engine Idling . . . . . . . . 213Engine Jump Start . . . . . . 248Engine Operation . . . . . . . 209Engine Overspeed . . . . . . 212


290 Index

Engine Serial Number Location,Volvo Engine . . . . . . . . . 18Engine Shut-Down System . . 211Engine Start and Operation . . 197Engine Start Procedure . . . . 197Engine Stopping . . . . . . . 200Entering Behind Cab . . . . . . 24Entering the Cab . . . . . . . . 23Ether Start . . . . . . . . . . 204Exhaust Brake . . . . . . . . 101

FFastening Safety Belt . . . . . . 48Fifth Wheel Instructions . . . . 264Fifth Wheel Lock Telltale . . . . 80Fifth Wheel Slider . . . . . . 267Fifth Wheel Slider Operation . 280Fifth Wheel Unlocking . . . . 268Fifth Wheel, General . . . . . 264Fog light Switch . . . . . . . . 99Foot Brake . . . . . . . . . 226Frame Alterations . . . . . . . 7Fuel Economy Driving . . . . 190Fuel Level Gauge . . . . . . . 84Fuel Tank Caps . . . . . . . 220Fueling . . . . . . . . . . . 221

GGauge, Air Suspension Pressure . 84Gauge, Brake Application Pressure 84Gauge, Brake System Air Pressure 85Gauge, Coolant Temperature . . . 69Gauge, Drive Axle Oil Temperature83Gauge, Fuel Level . . . . . . . 84Gauge, Oil Pressure . . . . . . 70Gauge, Pyrometer . . . . . . . 68Gauge, Turbo Boost Pressure . . 71General Information . . . . . . 1Graphic Display . . . . . . . 108Graphic Display Controls . . . 109Graphic Display Overview . . 108Graphic Display Telltales . . . 111

HHeadlight Switch . . . . . . . . 98

Heated Mirror Switch . . . . . 103Heating and Air Conditioning . 168Hi Beam Telltale . . . . . . . . 81Hi/Lo Beam Switch . . . . . . 91High Altitude Operation . . . . 217Hood Opening . . . . . . . . . 26Horns . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

IIdle Adjustment . . . . . . . 214Idle Shutdown . . . . . . . . 215Idling . . . . . . . . . . . . 213Ignition Switch . . . . . . . . 201INFO Telltale . . . . . . . . . 73Info Telltale . . . . . . . . . 113Information and Stop Messages 112Inspecting Safety Belts . . . . . 49Instrument Cluster, Left Overview 68Instrument Light Dimmer . . . 107Instruments and Controls . . . . 64Instruments, Overview . . . . . 64Interior lights . . . . . . . . 184

JJake-Brake . . . . . . . . . 101Jump Start . . . . . . . . . . 247Jump Starting Engine . . . . . 248

LLights, Daytime Running . . . . 98

MMain Instrument, Overview . . . 76Marker Interrupt Switch . . . . 100Master Warning Telltale . . . . . 78Mirror Defrost Telltale . . . . . 82

NNational Standard Seat . . . . 181No Charge Telltale . . . . . . . 75Noise Emissions . . . . . . . . 13

OOdometer . . . . . . . . . . . 77Oil Pressure Gauge . . . . . . . 70Overload . . . . . . . . . . . 5Owner Information, General . . . 1Owner’s Information Package . . 2


Index 291

PParking Brake . . . . . . . . 229Parking Brake Telltale . . . . . 81Parking Spring Brake . . . . . 232Power Outlets, 12 V . . . . . 255Power Steering . . . . . . . . 256Power Steering, General . . . . 256Power Studs . . . . . . . . . 255Pre-Trip Inspection and DailyMaintenance . . . . . . . . . . 28Preheater Telltale . . . . . . . . 72Pressure Gauge, Oil . . . . . . 70Pressure Gauge, Turbo Boost . . 71PTO Speed Adjustment . . . . . 97Pyrometer Gauge . . . . . . . . 68

RRadio . . . . . . . . . . . . 188Raise Hood . . . . . . . . . . 26Rear Axle Serial Number Loca-tions, Volvo . . . . . . . . . . 18Road Relay . . . . . . . . . 189Roadside Assistance . . . . . 287

SSafety Belt Replacement . . . . 53Safety Belt Telltale . . . . . . . 81Safety Belts . . . . . . . . . . 46Safety Defects, Reporting . . . . 6Safety Equipment . . . . . . . 62Safety Guidelines, Electrical Sys-tem . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244Safety Guidelines, Fifth Wheel . 265Safety Information, Brakes . . 223Seat, National . . . . . . . . 181Seat, Stationary . . . . . . . 183Seats . . . . . . . . . . . . 180Selling Vehicle . . . . . . . . . 1Service Assistance . . . . . . 287Service Information . . . . . . 287Service Manuals . . . . . . . 288Sliding 5th Wheel Switch . . . 105Speedometer . . . . . . . . . . 77Spring Brake Chambers, Caging 285

SRS Airbag . . . . . . . . . . 55Steering Column, Adjustable . 257Stereo . . . . . . . . . . . . 188Stop Engine Telltale . . . . . . 74Stop Telltale . . . . . . . . . 120Suspension Level Switch . . . 105Switches, Left Cluster . . . . . 94Switches, Optional . . . . . . 106Switches, Pneumatic . . . . . 104Switches, Right Cluster . . . . 100

TTachometer . . . . . . . . . . 76Tag Axle(s) . . . . . . . . . 260TCS Switch . . . . . . . . . 100TCS Telltale . . . . . . . . . . 87Telephone . . . . . . . . . . 189Telltale Bulb, Replacing . . . . . 89Telltale Overview . . . . . . . 66Telltale, 5th Wheel Lock . . . . 80Telltale, ABS . . . . . . . . . 82Telltale, Air Suspension . . . . . 82Telltale, Auto Neutral . . . . . . 88Telltale, Check Transmission . . 86Telltale, Diff. Lock . . . . . . . 80Telltale, Hi Beam . . . . . . . 81Telltale, INFO . . . . . . . . . 73Telltale, Master Warning . . . . 78Telltale, Mirror Defrost . . . . . 82Telltale, No Charge . . . . . . . 75Telltale, Parking Brake . . . . . 81Telltale, Preheater . . . . . . . 72Telltale, Safety Belt . . . . . . 81Telltale, Stop Engine . . . . . . 74Telltale, TCS . . . . . . . . . 87Telltale, Transmission Temperature 86Temperature Gauge, Coolant . . . 69Tire Inflation . . . . . . . . . 262Towing Information, General . 282Towing Procedures . . . . . . 284Traction Control System (TCS) 238Trailer Brake Hand Control . . 234Trailer Coupling Procedures . . 270


292 Index

Trailer Supply Valve . . . . . 229Trailer Uncoupling . . . . . . 275Transmission Retarder . . . . 243Turbo Boost Pressure Gauge . . . 71Turn Signal . . . . . . . . . . 91

UUphill Operation . . . . . . . 216

VVehicle Access . . . . . . . . . 19Vendor Component Information . 1Voltmeter . . . . . . . . . . 119Volvo Action Service . . . . . 287Volvo Standard Seat . . . . . 182Volvo Trucks North America Con-tacts . . . . . . . . . . . . 287

VORAD Collision Warning System63

WWarning, temperature transmissionoil . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123Welding On Frame . . . . . . . 7Welding Precautions . . . . . . 7Wheel Bearings . . . . . . . 263Wheel Nuts . . . . . . . . . 261Windshield Washer Capacity . . . 43Windshield Washers . . . . . . 92Winterfront . . . . . . . . . 208Wipers . . . . . . . . . . . . 92


If you should require breakdown assistance and

need to contact facilities for towing or repair,

the VAS support center is available 24 hours per

day, 7 days per week at A Volvo1-800-528-6586.

Customer Support Specialist will answer your

questions or arrange for the assistance you need.

If you need technical assistance, the group for

technical and parts support is available 24 hoursper day, 7 days per week at 1-877-978-6586.

This assistance is available to assist you with

solving technical issues and parts issues

regarding the Volvo Heavy Duty (VHD) model

vehicle. A trained Volvo VHD Specialist for

Technical and Parts Support will give you the

assistance you need to resolve your problem.



VHD Technical and Parts Support Group

VOLVO Action Service (VAS)

Support Center


P.O. Box 26115, Greensboro, NC 27402-6115

6490 Vipond Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5T 1W8

Volvo Trucks North America, Inc. 2000

Volvo Trucks North America, Inc.

Volvo Trucks Canada, Inc.

PV776-TSP20 139484Publication Date - 8/2000