Download - OpenESB health care opportunities

  1. 1. Healthcare Opportunities Open ESB
  2. 2. How do people share information? Open ESB Healthcare Opportunities How do people share information?
  3. 3. Open ESB Healthcare Opportunities How do people share information? The cloud
  4. 4. Do we share clinical data in the same way? Open ESB Healthcare Opportunities Do we share clinical data in the same way?
  5. 5. Open ESB Healthcare Opportunities Do we share clinical data in the same way? Controlled environment NOT controlled environment Allergies Medical Records Medication Is it just a technical challenge ? Test results
  6. 6. How do we set up Healthcare environments? Open ESB Healthcare Opportunities How do we set up Healthcare environments?
  7. 7. Isolated informationInconsistencies between clinical recordsFragmented and passive care provision Open ESB Healthcare Opportunities How do we set up Healthcare environments? Acute attention Primary care Geriatric attention Rehabilitation
  8. 8. Continuity of Care & Personalized MedicineInconsistencies are detected Open ESB Healthcare Opportunities How do we set up Healthcare environments? Acute attention Primary care Geriatric attention Rehabilitation Common repository integrationChronic Patient's Care Coordination
  9. 9. How to focus from architectural point of view? Open ESB Healthcare Opportunities How to focus from architectural point of view?
  10. 10. No standardStandards Open ESB Healthcare Opportunities How to focus from architectural point of view? Acute attention Primary care Geriatric attention Rehabilitation Peer to peer Common Domain Standard Repository Higher costs Not pluggable Centralized Lower costs Easy pluggable
  11. 11. Open ESB Healthcare Opportunities How to focus from architectural point of view? We know health information needs We have an architectural approach. Are there a toolkit implementing this standards with an interoperability driven architecture? Are there organizations working on healthcare interoperability standards?
  12. 12. Organizations working on Healthcare interoperability standards Open ESB Healthcare Opportunities Organizations working on Healthcare interoperability standards
  13. 13. Health Level Seven (HL7) Open ESB Healthcare Opportunities Organizations working on Healthcare interoperability standards Defines interoperability standards Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) For exchange, integration, sharing and retrieval Electronic health information Improve how information is shared in healthcare Defines IHE Integration Profiles Document how to use established standards Object Management Group (OMG) Service specifications for healthcare IT HSSP, RLUS Standard
  14. 14. HL7 Services Aware Interoperability Framework Open ESB Healthcare Opportunities Organizations working on Healthcare interoperability standards IHE SOA View of IHE Profiles HL7 & OMG Healthcare Services Specification Program
  15. 15. What does we expect from a toolkit to achieve interoperability challenge? Open ESB Healthcare Opportunities OpenESB, a tool to solve interoperability challenges
  16. 16. Open ESB Healthcare Opportunities OpenESB, a tool to solve interoperability challenges Standards support, HL7 v2&v3, HL7 CDA, IHE, DICOM. Implementation based on standards (WSDL, WS Profiles, BPEL, XML). Service Oriented Architecture. Easy integration with current systems. Open platform and architecture.
  17. 17. Glassfish AS, JBoss As, Standalone Open ESB Healthcare Opportunities OpenESB, a tool to solve interoperability challenges BPEL XML Service Engine Data source connectors Neatbeans IDEMonitoring Acute attention Primary care Geriatric attention Rehabilitation
  18. 18. But know we have the toolkit How we have to use it? Open ESB Healthcare Opportunities OpenESB, a tool to solve interoperability challenges
  19. 19. Enterprise Service Bus Open ESB Healthcare Opportunities OpenESB, a tool to solve interoperability challenges Data source HL7 v3 v2 Server CDA / V3 Repository Patient Manager Audit Server (IHE Audit Trail) Business Process 1 Implementation HL7 v3 v2 Builder CDA Builder Business Process 1 Implementation Data source HIS Application Event Data source Patient Database Acute attention CDA Database
  20. 20. How fully must be our domain ? ... The cloud? Open ESB Healthcare Opportunities Cloud interoperability with OpenESB
  21. 21. Open ESB Healthcare Opportunities Cloud interoperability with OpenESB Controlled environment
  22. 22. But, is there a real solution using it? ... Or, this is just a set of funny slides Open ESB Healthcare Opportunities OpenCDA a a successful case
  23. 23. Open ESB Healthcare Opportunities OpenCDA a a successful case Professional Document Sharing The Next Level of Clinical Intelligence
  24. 24. Open ESB Healthcare Opportunities OpenCDA a a successful case OpenCDA Builder OpenEMR Showcase CDA Open CDA + OpenESB OpenEMR
  25. 25. Open ESB Healthcare Opportunities OpenCDA a a successful case Asia Europe Hospital A.1 HIS, RIS, LIS CDA Builder . . . . . .Back Office Hospital B.1 Hospital B.2 Hospital A.2 Hospital A.N DICOM PACS BackOffice Back Office CDA Repositroy CDA Index CDA Index OpenESB IHE Audit HL7 BPPC MPI XACML Policies . . .
  26. 26. Document full text searchPDF documents as imageHL7 Structured Documents Open ESB Healthcare Opportunities OpenCDA a a successful case Mobile App
  27. 27. OpenESB Healthcare Opportunities More information ? Vico Open Modeling: [email protected] Pymma Consulting: [email protected] Acknowledgements To To Lhstana David (