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  • 8/16/2019 Open Mind Elementary Unit 5





    learn language for talking aboutplaces

    read descriptions of where peoplelive

    give and ask for directions toplaces in your town

    listen to a news report describinga festival in a city

    write emails giving and asking fordirections

    make suggestions to a visitor toyour town

    watch a video about an interestingfestival


    establishing priorities In what

    situations do you need to orderthings according to how importantthey are? Are you good at this?Why or why not?




     When should you check thatyou understand everything

    someone is saying? Whatare people checking inthis unit?

    READINGfor the main idea Where do you often see

     written opinions? Doyou often read people’s

    opinions? Why or why not?

  • 8/16/2019 Open Mind Elementary Unit 5


    HOW TO SAY ITExpressing opinions

    I think it’s in … becausethere is/are …

    It’s probably …

    I don’t think it’s…

    I would like to attendthe … because I like …

     A   Look at the photos. Where do you think each of these eventsis happening? Give reasons for your answers. Which of theseevents would you like to attend? Why?

    B  Work in groups. Talk about your favourite things to do andplaces to visit.

     A:   I really like London.B:   Me too! I love going to all the museums.


    A B

    UNIT 5 57Here, there and everywhere

  • 8/16/2019 Open Mind Elementary Unit 5


    GRAMMAR: there is / there are  with some, any, several, a lot of, many  A LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT  Read about the UFO festival.Answer the questions.

    Helen:‘I’m from Canada, and I’m travelling in the southwest USA. Are there

    any interesting festivals in this area this month? Is there a festival inArizona? I’m in Phoenix at the moment.’

     Jan:‘There aren’t any festivals in Arizona this month, but there is a great festival in Roswell,

    New Mexico. It’s called the UFO Festival, and it’s all about UFOs and aliens! There are a lot

    of different types of events. For example, there are several planetarium shows and there

    are some talks by astronomers and other scientists. There aren’t many tickets for these

    talks, so it’s a good idea to buy them online as soon as possible. There’s an alien costume

    competition, and there are many contestants with really crazy costumes! There’s also an

    alien parade. Believe me, there isn’t another festival like the UFO Festival!’

    1 Where is the UFO Festival?2 What types of events does the festival include?3 Are all the events in the festival free?

    B ANALYSE  Read the text in Exercise A again.

    Function Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.1 We use there is  / there are to …

    a) say that something exists. b)  indicate the location of something.2 We use words like some, any and several  to talk about …

    a) exact quantities. b) general quantities.

    Form Complete the sentences in the table with the correct form of there is / there are .Affirmative  a great festival in Roswell, New Mexico.

     an alien costume competition.

     a lot of different types of events.

     several planetarium shows.

     some talks by astronomers and other scientists.

    Negative  another festival like the UFO Festival!

     any festivals in Arizona this month.

     many tickets for these talks.

    Questions  a festival in Arizona? 

     any interesting festivals in this area this month? 

    C PRACTISE  Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

    1 There isn’t / aren’t any festivals in my country inNovember.

    2 Is / Are there any food festivals in your town?3 In Venice, there is / are a carnival in February.4 There are several / any carnivals around the

    world every year.

    5 Are there any / a dance competitions during thefestival?

    6 There is / are a lot of people in the parade.7 There isn’t a / some festival like the UFO Festival

    in my country.8 There are any / a lot of  festivals in the summer.

    D NOW YOU DO IT Work in pairs. Choose a festival in your city or country. Describe it for your partner to guess.Then switch roles.

     A: It’s in August. There are musicians. There’s a parade.B: The music festival!

    NOTICE!1 The writers use the phrases there is  / there are  /there aren’t  / are there . Do these phrases refer tothings or actions?

    2 How do we form a contraction of there is ?

    WHAT’S RIGHT? There are a lot of people.

     There is a lot of people.


  • 8/16/2019 Open Mind Elementary Unit 5


     VOCABULARY: places and attractions in a city A   25  Listen to the message about the Chinese New Year festival.Circle the places on the map that the speaker mentions.

    PRONUNCIATION: compound nouns A   26  Listen to the compound nouns (noun + noun). Underline thestressed word in each pair.

    science museum shopping centre chocolate factory art gallery

    In compound nouns, do we stress the first word or the second word?

    B  Work in pairs. Make new compound nouns for places in your city.Then practise saying the words.

    1 history museum 2  train station 3  car factory  museum station factory

    C  Work in pairs. Use compound nouns from Exercises A and B, orthink of others, and write sentences about things in your town. Practisereading your sentences.

    There are two shopping centres here. There’s a history museum and an art gallery.

     It’s time for the Chinese New Year!Come and join the celebrations.The colourful dragon parade coversthe following route this year:

      festival  and   parade 

    New YearChinese

    B  Work in pairs. Answer the questions.

    1 How many places on the map are also in your town? A: There’s a zoo.B: Yes, and there are several …

    2 How many other places in your town can you name in English? A: There are a lot of banks.B: And there’s a history museum.

    zoo fountain










    UNIT X 59UNIT 5 59Here, there and everywhere

  • 8/16/2019 Open Mind Elementary Unit 5


    READING: for the main ideaWhen you read a text, think about these questions. What is the general topic? What is the writer saying about the topic?

     A   Read these texts quickly. Choose the main topic.

    a) neighbourhoods b)  festivals c)  families

    B  Read the texts in Exercise A again. Decide whether each person has apositive or negative opinion of where they live and choose the correct option.

    Emile: positive / negative  Melissa:  positive / negative  Carlos:  positive / negative

    C  Work in pairs. Talk about your neighbourhood. Do you like it?Why or why not?

    I like my neighbourhood because it’s small and …

    LISTENING: to a news report

     A   27  Listen to the start of a news report. Choose thecorrect option to complete the sentences.

    1 Buñol is near the city of … a)  Valencia. b)  Murcia.2 La Tomatina festival happens in … a)  September. b)  August.

    B  28  Listen to the rest of the report. Choose the correctoption to complete the sentences.

    1 Mary speaks to a man from …a) Spain. b)  Britain. c)  Germany.

    2 All the people go to … to have breakfast.a) the main square b)  the park c)  their houses

    3 At eleven o’clock, everyone …a) goes home. b)  throws tomatoes. c)  eats tomatoes.

    4 The festival continues for …a) two weeks. b)  two days. c)  two hours.

    ‘I live in a quiet area in Paris. I like living there because it’svery friendly and there are several shops and cafés. The onlyproblem is that it’s a bit boring sometimes because therearen’t any clubs. There’s a good stadium, though. I often go tosports events.’

    ‘I live in Singapore, in a very busy neighbourhood. I don’t like itbecause it’s noisy and there’s lots of traffic. There’s a shoppingcentre near my house, and I go there a lot. There are also

    museums and a cinema in the area, but I don’t have time to goto them. There’s a good food festival in April, though.’

    ‘I live in a nice neighbourhood in the city of Montevideo, Uruguay.The neighbourhood is pretty small, and a lot of our neighbours aremy friends. There aren’t many big shops near here, but there aresome nice small shops. There’s also an art gallery, a cinema, anda gym. Oh, and there are a lot of great restaurants! I think it’s afantastic place to live.’

     Emi le

    Car los


    C  Give your opinion.What do you think aboutLa Tomatina festival? What do

     you think about festivals ingeneral? Give reasons.

    I think they’re fun.

    I don’t like them because there are

    always a lot of people!


  • 8/16/2019 Open Mind Elementary Unit 5


    GRAMMAR: the imperative A 29  LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT  Listen to this conversation.Then choose the correct option to complete the sentences below.

    Rick: Excuse me. Is there a cashpoint near here?Martina:  Yes, there’s one in the Union Bank. It’s on the High Street.

    Rick: How do I get there?Martina: Go straight ahead on this street for about 50 metres. Turn right at Park Street

    and go past the post office. Then turn left onto River Street and walk towardsthe main square. The bank is on the left, next to the supermarket.Don’t go into the bank. The cashpoint is outside.

    Rick: OK, right at Park Street, then left onto River Street.Martina: That’s right. Don’t worry. It’s easy to get there!Rick: Thank you very much.Martina:  You’re welcome.

    1 Rick wants to …a) get money.

    b) buy something.c) eat lunch.

    2 Martina tells him …a) the location of the bank.b) directions to get there.c) both.

    NOTICE!1 The underlined words in the

    conversation are

    a) nouns.b) verbs.

    c) adjectives.

    2 Martina uses these words to

    a) give directions.

    b) ask questions.

    c) give personal information.

    B ANALYSE  Read the conversation in Exercise A again.

    Form Read the examples in the table below and choose the correct option to

    complete the sentences. Then add one more example to each column of the table.

    Affirmative Negative

    Go straight ahead on this street.

    Turn right onto Park Street.

    Walk about 50 metres.

    Read the signs.

    Please write your name.

    Don’t go into the bank.

    Don’t worry.

    Don’t talk.

    Don’t be late!

    1 In the imperative form, there is / is not a subject before the base form of the verb.2 Negative imperatives have don’t / doesn’t before the base form of the verb.

    Function Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.We use the imperative to talk about routines / give instructions or directions.

    C PRACTISE  Put the words in order to make sentences.

    1 Street / onto / turn / left / Baker 4  at / don’t / answers / the / look

    2 to / this / song / listen 5  for / concert / tickets / buy / the / two 

    3 instructions / read / the 6  book / don’t / open / your  

    D NOW YOU DO IT Work in small groups. Take turns giving and followinginstructions.

    Go straight ahead. Turn right. No, don’t turn left; turn right. Stop.

    Walk to the door. Open the door. Don’t close it.

    Close your book. Look at me.

    UNIT X 61UNIT 5 61Here, there and everywhere

  • 8/16/2019 Open Mind Elementary Unit 5


     VOCABULARY: locations and directions


    HOW TO SAY ITAsking for and givingdirections

    Excuse me, where is the …? 

    How do I get to …? 

    Is there a … near here? 

    Turn left/right onto/at …

    B  Look at this street map. Student A, you are at themain square. Student B, you are at the art gallery. Ask eachother for directions to different places on the map.

     A: How do I get to the zoo from here? B:   Turn right onto Main Street. Take the first street on the left.

    That’s River Street. Then …




    C E




    F G

     Main Street


    main square café museum

    art gallery

    bus station



    park   R   i  v  e  r   S   t  r  e  e   t

       N  e   l  s  o  n   S   t  r  e  e   t

    Cedar Street

       P  a  r   k   A  v  e  n  u  e

       L   i  n  c  o   l  n   A  v  e  n  u  e

    Baker Street

     A   Read and match the sentences to the pictures.

    1 Take the second street on the left.2 Make a U-turn.3 It’s on Laurel Avenue.

    4 It’s next to the museum.5 Follow the signs for the zoo.6 It’s opposite the cinema.

    7 Turn left here.8 Go over the bridge.9 It’s between the bank and the school.

     10 Go straight ahead. 11 Take the first right. 12 It’s on the corner of Mason Road and Laurel Avenue.


  • 8/16/2019 Open Mind Elementary Unit 5


    SPEAKING: repeating directions to check understandingWhen you ask for directions, listen carefully and repeat the essential informationto check that you understand.

     A   30  Listen to the conversations below.Underline the information that Speaker A repeats.

    1 A:  Excuse me, how do I get to the main square?B: Take the first right, and go straight ahead. Then turn left

    onto Post Street. A: OK. First right, then left onto Post Street.B: That’s right. A: Thank you.B:  You’re welcome.

    2 A: Excuse me, is there a bank near here?B:  Yes, there’s one on Fort Street. A: Fort Street. OK. And how do I get there?

    B: Go straight ahead, and take the third left. A: Straight ahead, and take the second left.B: No, not the second left, the third left. A: Third left. OK, thanks.

    B  Work in pairs. Take turns asking fordirections to places in your town.

     A: Excuse me, how do I get from … to …? B: Take the … It’s on …

     WRITING: an email to give directions A   Read this email from a friend. What does Avril need?

    HOW TO SAY ITGiving directions

    Hi, …

    OK. Here are the directions to …

    From …

    Then …

    Don’t get lost!

    See you soon!


    Thanks for inviting me to the exhibition. I don’t know

    where the art gallery is, exactly. I need directions

    from the bus station to the gallery. How do I get


    Thanks a lot!


    To: [email protected]

    From: [email protected]

    Subject: Directions

    B  Look at the map on page 62 again. In your notebook,

    write an email to Avril giving her directions.

    UNIT X 63UNIT 5 63Here, there and everywhere

  • 8/16/2019 Open Mind Elementary Unit 5


    LifeSkillsESTABLISHING PRIORITIES• Understand the criteria.

    • List the options.

    • Order the options according to the criteria.

     A   Read the comment below from a travel website.Tick ( ✓ ) Danny’s two main criteria.

    a)  He doesn’t want to spend a lot of money. d)  He doesn’t want to visit a museum.b)  He wants to go shopping. e)  He wants to see as much as possible.c) He doesn’t have a lot of time.

    B  Work in pairs. In your notebook,make a list of the main attractions in your city. Write down as many as you

    can. Then write the cost and the time you need to visit each one.

    The website for travel inspiration





    Forum: one day in …

    Subject: Where to go? Help!

    I’m in the city for one day next week and I don’t

    know what to visit. I arrive at 7.00 in the morning

    and leave on the 8pm bus. I haven’t got muchmoney – only £40. Please give me some ideas!


      Replies: 0


    Posted on:

    03/05/14 at 09:34

    by Danny1992



    Posts: 5


    W hat ?   H ow muc h?   H ow l ong? 

    HOW TO SAY ITTalking about things to do

    How long do you need to visit …? 

    I think you need … hours.

    How much does the … cost? 

    I think it costs … dollars / pounds / euros.

    I think it’s free.


  • 8/16/2019 Open Mind Elementary Unit 5


    Self and SocietyWor an Career


    Stu y an LearningC  Work in pairs. Complete this

    Top 5 Things to Do! 

    list for Danny using your options from Exercise B. Decidewhy you think Danny should seeor do these things. Remember toconsider the amount of time andmoney he has.

    Gregg’s Chocolate Factory tour 

    Reason: It’s cheap (only £12) and interesting










    Top 5 Things To Do!

    D  Write a short response to Danny.

    E  Read your options to your classmates.Decide which ones make the best use of Danny’stime and money.

    REFLECT ... How can the skillof establishing priorities be useful to

     you in Work and Career and Study

    and Learning?

    The website for travel inspiration





    Forum: one day in …

    Re: Where to go? Help!

    Hello, Danny 1992! There are lots of great things to do in my city.

    Here are some ideas:

      Go to the . It costs about , and

     it takes about  / you need about   .

      Try to see the . I think it costs about .

      Visit the . It’s near  / next to / on the corner of  . It’s free!

    Enjoy your visit!


    Posted on:

    04/05/14 at 14:21



    Posts: 12


    UNIT 5 65Here, there and everywhere

  • 8/16/2019 Open Mind Elementary Unit 5


    Language wrap-up

    B  Look at the map in Exercise A again and complete the sentences. (6 points)

    1  You are at the bus station 1st Street. Take the second right, gothe bridge and turn left. Go straight ahead and the is in the

    park, the café.2  You are in the main square. Turn right and go straight ahead. Then take the third left.

    The is on the right the bank.

    8 – 10 correct: I can talk about places and attractions in a city and ask for and give directions.

    0 – 7 correct: Look again at the Vocabulary sections on pages 59 and 62.

    SCORE: /10

    2 GRAMMAR Read the descriptions below. Choose the correct options to complete the text. (10 points)

    In Granada, there (1) is / are a fantastic Moorish monument – the Alhambra Palace. It has(2) any / lots of  beautiful designs. The food in Granada is excellent and there (3) is / are alot of good restaurants. But (4) you don’t / don’t eat in restaurants near the Alhambra –they’re very expensive.

    Antigua is a beautiful city. There (5) is / are several pretty squares where you can have lunchor just drink coffee. If possible, (6) stay / you stay in a hotel in the main square.(7) Doesn’t / Don’t travel in taxis in Antigua. It’s small, and it’s possible to walk everywhere.

    Ko Samui is a fantastic island. There aren’t (8) some / many cars and you can relaxcompletely. The restaurants and cafes are very friendly and there is (9) a lot of  / many goodfood. Sometimes (10) there is / are traditional dances.

    8 – 10 correct: I can use there is, there are, and quantifiers to describe where I live.I can use the imperative to give directions and instructions.

    0 – 7 correct: Look again at the Grammar sections on pages 58 and 61.

    SCORE: /10

    1 VOCABULARY  A   Look at this map. Complete the place names with words from the box. (4 points)





       2  n   d    S

       t  r  e  e   t

    Park Street


      s   t     S   t  r  e  e   t

    Main Street

       4   t   h    S

       t  r  e  e   t

       3  r   d    S

       t  r  e  e   t





    parkfountain   café








  • 8/16/2019 Open Mind Elementary Unit 5


    WRITING WORKSHOP writing an email to

    give directions

     A   Read the two emails and answer the questions below.

    1 What is the purpose of the first email? The second email?2 Is the style of the emails formal or informal? How do you know?3 In your opinion, are Ruth’s directions clear or unclear? Why?

    B  Look back at the emails and complete sentences 1–3 with the correct wordsfrom the text. Choose the correct option to complete sentence 4.

    1 The two informal words the friends use for greetings are and .2 Ella asks for directions to Callum’s house with the question, .3 Ella closes her email with the word .4 To give directions, Ruth uses the

    present simple / imperative form ofthe verbs.

    C  Work in pairs. Write an emailasking your partner for directions

    from your school to his/her house.

    D  Exchange emails. Write anemail answer giving directions to your house.

    HOW ARE YOU DOING?Look back at your writing and tick the statements that are true.

     The directions are easy to understand.

     The phrases for giving directions are correct.

     The prepositions of place are correct.Now ask your partner to look at your writing and tick.

    Are the directions clear and easy to understand?


    Well done! Nearly! Think again!

    Hey Ruth,

    Callum lives on Maple Street, right? How do I get there? I need directions

    from Nelson Avenue to his house. See you at the party on Saturday!


    To: Ruth Stevens

    From: Ella Crane

    Subject: Callum’s party

    Hi Ella,

    OK, here are the directions. Go down Nelson Avenue to Main Street. Then turn

    right and go onto the motorway. Go about three miles and take the second exitonto Park Avenue. Take the first left and go under the bridge. Go straight ahead

    for about two miles then turn right onto Maple Street. Go over the bridge, and

    then go about 200 yards. Callum’s house is number 220, on the left.

    Don’t worry – call me on my mobile if you get lost! See you there.

    To: Ella Crane

    From: Ruth Stevens

    Subject: Callum’s party